How to make a wish for the new year. How to make a wish for the new year so that it comes true easily and effortlessly. What desires can you make

"Be careful with your desires - they tend to come true," said Mikhail Bulgakov. Everyone has dreams for the sake of which you can move mountains. People believe that if you make a wish for the New Year, it will certainly come true. The main thing is to voice it correctly.

How to voice a dream on New Year's Eve

The pledge is the correct wording. Follow the recommendations:

  • make a guess in the present tense, not in the past. “I want me to be happy” is a bad option;
  • do not use "not", negation, the phrase "at any cost, blood from the nose";
  • do not order higher powers;
  • add the phrase "I do it quickly and easily", "it benefits my family." So protect yourself from negative consequences;
  • be clear about your dream;
  • do not demand the impossible;
  • do not wish harm, loss to other people;
  • do not use the phrase "at least". For example: "Just a little money." Make a tiny profit, the higher powers of humility will not appreciate;
  • do not use names in requests (for example: I want to marry Peter. The wording will not work).

What to think for the New Year?

A traditional holiday from December 31 to January 1, Old Style New Year, is a great time to make your wishes come true. Here are the most suitable wishes that will definitely come true:

  • meet a soul mate;
  • create a strong family;
  • build relationships with relatives;
  • go on a pleasant journey;
  • see loved ones more often;
  • become healthier;
  • see friends more often;
  • successfully complete the project;
  • make repairs the way you want;
  • learn new things;
  • make the right purchase;
  • do what you love.

A common opinion is that you should dress brightly for the New Year. The more red details in the outfit, the more likely the Universe will notice you and give you blessings next year.

Ways to make wishes for the New Year

Classic version with champagne

This option is known to many. Make a guess while the chimes strike. The dream can be simply whispered into a glass of champagne and drunk during this period. Another option is to write on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass and drink. If you do not drink alcohol, you can throw ashes into a glass with juice, a drink, or plain water.

An important condition: before you drink a glass with desire, you need to clink glasses with each of those present in the room and wish everyone happiness in the coming year.

Making Your Dream Come True at Dinner

While preparing the holiday meals, mentally describe the dream. Choose something associated with her. For example: a new apartment - safety, children - the joy of fatherhood / motherhood.

Next, select the symbol associated with the dream. Let's say: a coin, a heart. One of the dishes must be made in the form of this symbol. This can be a small cookie and eat it whole.

During New Year's Eve, think about the first association you choose and be sure to eat the meal you cooked.

Ritual with a postcard

We write our wishes to people in postcards. You can also give it to yourself. Choose any in the store or do it yourself. Write a capacious and beautiful wish.

Hide the card under the tree and on January 1, remove it from there. Wear as a talisman. Throughout the year, she will attract what you wished for yourself.

Wish card

It is very easy to make such a talisman that attracts good luck and fulfills wishes. The card can be large, small, of any shape, schematic, in the form of an applique - as convenient, you are limited only by your imagination.

You need to place desires on the map and draw a path that will connect them. There must be a beginning and an end on the map. At the start, write "January", at the finish line "December".

Forest round dance

The ritual is suitable if several people agree to conduct it. It is held on New Year's Eve. or a few days before. The more friends and relatives you gather, the better. Bring decorations, tree decorations, firecrackers, and sparklers.

Go to the forest or planting, find the tallest, most beautiful spruce. Dress her up, enter round dances around, light sparklers and shoot firecrackers. While you dance, think about the dream and about its realization.

Magic craft

The task is to glue, fold an animal or bird from colored paper and cardboard. The method is suitable not only for adults but also for children. When the craft is ready, attach it to the tree or under it.

After January 1, the decoration can be removed. It is now a talisman. Whisper your wishes to him and he will fulfill them. You can guess one at a time. Wait until the first is completed before making the second.

Letter to Santa Claus

The way everyone knows from childhood is to write a letter to Grandfather Frost. Many people still consider the method to be effective. There are several versions of how to behave with a written letter:

  • burn and scatter the ashes in the wind on New Year's Eve;
  • on the same night, put it under the pillow and sleep on it;
  • carry with you constantly as a talisman;
  • really send to Veliky Ustyug (in the hope that Santa Claus will read this letter).

A simple way to make a wish for the New Year

The ritual must be performed while the chimes are striking. At this time, go to the window or balcony, open the shutters and voice your desire out loud. The universe will hear and fulfill it.

Important: you cannot tell others about what you will think of. Otherwise, the desire will not be fulfilled.

Bottle method

There are several options for the ceremony. The main thing is to arm yourself with an empty champagne bottle that remained after the festive table. Think about your dream, breathe air into the bottle and close it.

The second option is to write a wish on a piece of paper and throw it into the bottle. It is corked up and left until next year in a secret place. With the onset of January 1, you will need to get rid of the bottle.

Ritual with leaves

The method is suitable for those who have a lot of desires. You need to prepare 12 notes. On each write a wish. Turn the leaves over, stir. On the blank side, write the name of the month. Hide the notes in a hat, a bag.

In the morning, get it with any one at random. Find out which dream will come true and in which month.

If a dream is associated with material goods

  1. On December 31, open all doors and windows in the house (you can use the vents). Tell poverty to leave home. Clean up and close the windows. Repeat the process on January 1. This time, say that you are attracting wealth to your home.
  2. On the eve of the New Year's holiday, go to a deserted place, light a small fire and throw a thing into it that reminds of financial failures. Say that you drive away poverty and attract wealth.
  3. It is believed that higher powers love specifics. On New Year's Eve, put a piece of paper under your pillow, on which the amount and the purpose for which you will spend it will be written. An important condition: this night you need to sleep on this bed.

Tree of wishes

When people first began to decorate the Christmas tree, not only paper decorations were used as toys, but also tangerines, cookies, and sweets. This has a magical background. You need to decorate the tree with goodies to fill the house with everything you need.

Important clarification:
on New Year's Eve, each family member needs to take something off the tree and eat it. Each piece has its own interpretation:

  • sweets - wealth;
  • cookies - a strong relationship;
  • tangerines - happiness;
  • apples - good health;
  • lollipops - sudden surprises, joy.

Simple, effective ways will help make your most cherished dream come true on New Year's Eve. But remember, higher powers are supportive of those who achieve their goals. Therefore, there is no need to stay idle and wait until everything happens by itself. Make an effort to get things done.

Nothing rules our heart more than belief in miracles. Even the most inveterate skeptics transform on New Year's Eve.

Someone rustles a bill in their pocket, trying to catch a wave of financial well-being, someone stirring paper ash in a glass, and someone kisses a stranger, just not to be left alone. Adults for a moment turn into real children, because they believe that New Year's Eve is special, it will definitely bring success and fulfillment of desires! And even if there are no Snow Maidens, and the costume of Santa Claus has not converged at the waist for a long time, the universe is multifaceted, it fulfills not only children's dreams.

How to make a wish for the New Year to come true? We have collected for you the 7 most simple and effective waysthat will not leave anyone indifferent. But first, let's clarify the rules for formulating goals so that they will definitely please you in the coming year.

How to formulate desire correctly?

When you speak to yourself or write a desire on a piece of paper, use the present tense form: not “I want”, but “I received” or “I already have”.
Speak about a dream in an affirmative form, without any “not” particles: instead of “I don’t want to be alone anymore” or “I don’t want to get sick” it is better to use a positive form in the key “I am desired and loved”, “my body is healthy”.
Thinking about the cherished desire, concentrate not on the visual picture, but on the emotions of owning your dream. Want to new house? Do not imagine it to the smallest detail, it is better to draw in your imagination yourself inside this house, feel with your skin that it is yours, that you are happy in it.
Your desire should only concern you, you cannot tie your dreams to the actions and actions of other people. What depends on you, and not your friends or bosses, will come true. You have no power to influence the will and feelings of outsiders.

So, 7 amazing ways to make a wish for the New Year

1. Red envelope

If you like to drive personal diary, you have good literary inclinations, the right way achieve the desired goals in the new year - write yourself a letter of wishes for the future. To do this, half an hour before the start of the holiday, try to be alone with a pen and a sheet. Answer the questions: how do you see yourself in the new year, how you look, what you do, who is around you, how do you feel? Describe everything in as much detail as possible, then put it in a red envelope, hide it in your pocket and drink champagne with everyone! Red color helps to attract the energy of good luck, and everything written will definitely come true if your intentions were serious.

2. Surprise boxes

Sincere generosity towards others always returns a hundredfold! The more we give, the more we get in the end - these are the laws of the universe. This method of making wishes is based on this principle. So, prepare 12 boxes of surprises in advance. You can put anything inside - sweets, nuts, Christmas balls, handkerchiefs and even perfume, it all depends on your financial condition. When the chimes strike 12 times, go outside and hand out boxes to the first people you meet with wishes for happiness in the new year. Just don't forget to think about your desire! Very soon the world will respond with the same generosity, the main thing is to do everything with a pure heart.

3. Ashes in champagne

To help your dream come true, prepare thin strips of paper, a pen, and light a candle in advance. When there is a minute left before the New Year, and everyone around will keep a second-by-second report, quickly write a wish, so that later you can burn a leaf and drink with sparkling champagne. This method is phenomenally true and works flawlessly, the main thing is to clearly formulate the goal and be prepared for unforeseen consequences. After all, sometimes desires come true in a completely different way than we drew for ourselves.

4. Drawing collage

For lovers of the visual component, a suitable method to make a wish for the New Year is to draw a picture of a dream with your own hands or to make a collage of wishes from photographs. So, an hour before the festive chimes strike, hand out a piece of paper to everyone, lay out paints and pencils, and then start visualizing your dream on paper. At this moment, think only about desire and emotions about its accomplishment. Roll up the finished drawing with a tube, wrap it with satin ribbon and hang it on a pine branch. At 12 o'clock, drink to your wish, it will definitely come true!

5.12 grapes

Grapes at all times and in all cultures have been a symbol of fertility, health and wealth. That is why in Italy they decided to combine the myth of its divine origin with the celebration of the New Year. In order for the goal to take on material embodiment, with each stroke of the clock, you need to have time to eat a grape, thinking about your desire. Sparkling wine will consolidate the magic effect of an ancient ritual, the universe will surely hear you.

6. Magic toy

For this ritual, it is best to do christmas toy do it yourself to put your energy into the festive decoration. It can be a snowflake, a painted pine cone, a cotton wool snowman, or even an old Christmas ball, remade in a new manner. Hide the note with your wish inside or next to the toy, then hang the decoration back on the tree. On the night of January 1, repeat the wish to yourself again - and it will definitely come true!

7. Romantic kiss

This method of making wishes is perfect for lovers or couples who celebrate a holiday with friends and have one wish for two. For example, giving birth to a child, buying a house, or taking a romantic trip. So, with the onset of the festive countdown, the light turns off in the room, the lovers need to have time to find each other in order to merge in a kiss. If they succeed, they will succeed!

Don't be afraid to dream, don't be afraid to fight - and even the most incredible goals will find you in the new year. The universe is abundant, and therefore on your side. Have patience, think positively, and don't be afraid to give. Holiday greetings!

The wishes made for the New Year come true. Fact! You just need to know how to ask the higher powers for help. Here are some recommendations on how to make a wish for the New Year to make it come true.

Ashes in champagne!

  1. This is a way of making a guess new year wishes considered the most effective.
  2. Take a small piece of paper and write your wish on it.
  3. Burn the leaf in a candle flame, and pour the ashes into your champagne.
  4. Drink champagne with ash.

It may seem that everything is very simple. But actually it is not. Because it is necessary to have time to write a wish, burn a leaf and drink champagne under the chimes.

Therefore, do not forget to prepare a lighted candle, pencil and sheet of paper in advance. Otherwise, you will not have time. But you can't write a desire in advance. This must be done strictly under the chime of the clock.

One of 12

  • After midnight, take 12 small sheets of paper and write one wish on each.
  • Roll up the leaves and place them under your pillow.
  • In the morning, blindly pull one of the pieces of paper from under the pillow and read what is written on it. This will be the desire that has every chance of being the first to come true in the new year.
  • Also seems quite simple? Again, this is not the case.

For the method to work, you must go to bed strictly until 3 am. After this time, the magic of New Year's Eve will dissipate, and the leaves with desires under the pillow will no longer have any meaning.

Bags of good

This method is suitable for those who want to improve their financial situation in the coming year.

I must say right away that this recommendation, how to make a wish for the new year correctly, is rather complicated. The catch is that you may not dare to approach strangers with gifts. And if you do, they won't accept them.

Therefore, this method works better in rural areas, where, after going out on New Year's Eve, it is easy to find friends. And also in sanatoriums, rest homes, etc. In megacities, it will be more difficult to implement this recommendation. However, it's worth trying.

  1. Take small bags, the number of which should be equal to the last two numbers in the new year, that is, for 2018 you need to take 18 bags.
  2. In each put some kind of "good", for example, candy or fruit.
  3. As soon as the Chimes strike midnight, go out with your bags and present them to the first people you meet with sincere wishes for them wealth in the new year.


This method is not very effective. But it is fun and perfect for large families with children and groups of young people.

  1. As soon as the clock starts striking, jump.
  2. Try to jump as high as possible, and in a jump pronounce a wish, which should be short (practically fit into a jump).
  3. In total, you need to make 12 wishes for each of the strikes of the clock.

12 grapes

  1. Place a plate of grapes on the table.
  2. Just before the Chimes fight, make a wish.
  3. Then, with each beat of the clock, eat a grape while thinking about your dream.

To make your wish come true, you need to manage to make sure that you eat each grape strictly at the moment the clock strikes. Careful - don't choke. Practice ahead of time.

Dream drawing

  1. Immediately after the New Year, take a piece of paper and draw what you are dreaming of.
  2. Roll the printed sheet into a tube and secure with tape, preferably red.
  3. Hang the scroll on the tree.
  4. On Christmas night, remove and hide somewhere in a secluded place.
  5. Keep until the moment when the conceived is fulfilled. When this happens, get the treasure from the vault and circle the one that is painted in red.
  6. Tie back with ribbon and set back.
  7. Keep either until next year, or until you have a new (necessarily extremely strong) desire. When this happens, burn your drawing in a candle flame and scatter the ashes.

Desire for a snack

Try to eat your New Years dream. To do this, prepare a dish that will symbolize this dream.

This method works best for fulfilling travel wishes. So if you dream of going to any country, find a recipe for its national dish and bring it to life.

Put the dish on the New Year's table and be sure to eat it completely at night. It is important. Therefore, carefully calculate the portion of the food. It should not remain on the plate.

Gifts to yourself

There is a whole group of methods on how to make a wish for the new year correctly, which are associated with presenting a variety of objects to themselves.

The most popular ones are as follows.

greeting card:
  • buy a postcard that shows what you want (it doesn't have to be New Year's);
  • write a wish to yourself so that what you dream about will come true;
  • mail it to yourself;
  • keep until the desire is fulfilled, or longer.

Attention! Only real postcards work, not their electronic versions.

Favorite bouquet:
  • buy a bouquet of your favorite flowers;
  • at 23.00, fill the glass with the drink that you most want to taste at the time of the New Year (this does not have to be champagne);
  • pluck three petals from the flowers and tell them about your desire;
  • place them in a glass and place it under the tree;
  • drink at the time of the chimes, thinking about your desire (you don't have to swallow the petals).
Cherished letter:
  • 30-60 minutes before the New Year, write a letter to yourself with a wish for what you want and a detailed plan for achieving this;
  • put the letter in an envelope of the same color as the New Year, for example, for 2018 it should be yellow;
  • hide the letter in your pocket;
  • under the chimes, squeeze the letter in your hand and think about your desire;
  • after the end of the striking clock, hide the envelope in a safe hiding place.

Desired crafts

This is another group of methods that help make wishes for the New Year that will surely come true.

  • make a figurine of an animal or bird out of paper;
  • tell her about your dream and hang it on the tree;
  • after the holidays, do not throw it away, but put it in a prominent place.
Secret box:
  • make a small box with your own hands (you can glue it out of cardboard);
  • write a wish on a piece of paper and put it in a box;
  • hang it on the tree;
  • at 23.55, remove the box from the tree with your left hand and hold it until the clock stops striking, thinking at this time about your dream and saying to yourself “the desire is secret, but it will become real”;
  • after the end of the Chimes fight, burn the wish sheet, and return the box to the tree.

Pay attention to the fact that when describing this method, it is sometimes indicated that a leaf with a desire should be thrown out of the window. Do not do this under any circumstances. It can catch the eye of another person. Therefore, first burn the leaf, and then spread its ashes.

Dream in a toy:
  • take your favorite Christmas tree toy and put a piece of paper with a written desire in it;
  • hang the toy on the tree as high as possible;
  • during new year holidays go to the tree, touch the toy with a dream, thinking about what you desire.
Chinese lantern:
  • at New Year's midnight, go outside and light a flashlight;
  • release him into the sky and, without taking your eyes off him, make a wish.
  • Today, Chinese lanterns can be purchased in the store, but your wish will come true sooner if you create it yourself.

How can you not make wishes?

The basic rule is this: the Universe (higher powers, God, the subtle world) should be asked to help you, and not demand it from them. Therefore, there is no need to shout out desires. It is better to say them to yourself. And not yell at the whole street.

Shouting at higher powers is wrong. They don't owe you anything. You cannot demand anything from them. Just ask politely.

In addition, excessively loud making of wishes, accompanied by squeals, firecrackers, etc., can cause displeasure of other people. Indeed, despite the fact that on New Year's street, there are many sick, elderly, lonely people in the world who are not up to this holiday.

In addition to the fact that disturbing them is not ethical, it is also dangerous from an esoteric point of view. After all, those people whom you interfere with often send curses at you. And it is not known whose request from the Universe will be more significant for it: yours or that of the person whom you disturbed.

What desires can you make?

Keep in mind that only the right wish for the New Year can come true.

Right is realistic. When making a wish, you must understand how it can be fulfilled. You have to be clear about what kind of efforts you should take to make your dream come true. And these efforts should be within your reach.

So if you want to improve your financial situation, then expect an increase in income 2-3-4 times. But not 100 times. It is highly unlikely that an unrealistic wish will come true. And you will only waste the magic of New Year's Eve on him.

Adults and children are looking forward to the New Year's Eve. This is not surprising, because at this time you can make a wish, and there is every chance that it will come true. The main thing is to know how to do it. How to make a wish for the new year correctly, so that it definitely comes true, is described below.

  • They ask for something only for themselves. The desire should not even concern close people, so that there is no disagreement with their dreams.
  • One thinks of desire as an accomplished fact. They do not say: "I want to buy an apartment," but they say the following: "I bought an apartment."
  • All desires are written down in a notebook. You can fix whatever you want without limiting yourself. New Year's Eve happens only once a year, so you can take advantage of this opportunity to the maximum.
  • Fixing desires on paper, they think over everything for the little things. If they dream of a new car, they think about the brand, color, interior and other details.
  • Making wishes, they say words of gratitude to the Universe. You can say the following: "Thank you, Universe, for a new apartment."
  • Denial is excluded, otherwise dreams will not come true. They do not say: "I have no financial problems," but they say: "My financial condition has improved."
  • You really need to want your desire to come true. If a dream comes from the heart, there is every chance that it will come true.
  • You cannot make a wish that will harm people. The universe will not fulfill it. In addition, such a desire can turn against the one who makes it.
  • It is not advisable to ask for money. It is better to immediately guess what you want to spend them on. For example: “I bought a dacha”.

Ways to make a wish

There are several ways to make a wish for the New Year so that it will definitely come true.

With the symbol of the new year

For the ceremony, they take a leaf on which they draw the muzzle of a pig. The paper is placed in the center of the table. After that, this piglet is introduced and how he will help the petitioner all year round. After that, they say the following words: "I always have success and luck in everything."

The drawing is folded and put into a bag or purse. The main thing is that the talisman always accompanies the applicant. In this case, luck will accompany the whole year.

With champagne

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • a glass of champagne;
  • small leaf;
  • pencil;
  • matches or a lit candle.

When the chimes begin their report, they write their dream on a piece of paper. After that, the leaf is set on fire, and the ashes are thrown into the champagne. The drink is drunk until the last strike of the chimes.

With a scarf and candles

This ceremony will help you find your love, if this has not happened yet. It is held before New Year's Eve. For the ritual take:

  • yellow shawl or scarf - 1 pc .;
  • candles - 7 pcs.

Throw a scarf or shawl over the shoulders and sit at the table. One candle is placed in the center and other candles are placed around it. The candle in the center is the person who conducts the ritual, the candles around are the other half and close people. For the love of the chosen one or the chosen one, I light a candle on the right side.

The palms are placed over the flame so that it is warm, but not hot. At this time, you need to think about your loved one and imagine him, and also think how nice it would be if he was there. After that, the candle is extinguished and left until the dream comes true.

Eight oranges

For such a ritual, 8 oranges are purchased on New Year's Eve. Without going into the house, the fruits are thrown over the threshold so that they scatter in different directions. When the last orange gets into the house, they congratulate themselves on the fulfillment of their dreams and wish all the best.

After that, the fruits are collected in a wicker basket. Starting from January 1, oranges are distributed to loved ones 1 per day. The last fruit is consumed independently. After that, you can count on the wish that you make will come true.

Rite of passage for money

To carry out the ritual, you will need a new denomination of 100 rubles. On the money they make the following inscription: "There is money, and there is always an opportunity to earn it." After that, the bill is placed in a wallet. Other money will be attracted to her and the wallet will never be empty.


Such a fruit will help girls who want to get pregnant but cannot conceive a child. To make the wish come true, the tangerine is peeled and eaten along with the bones under the chimes. The dream will come true only if at least one bone comes across and it is used.


For such a ritual, seedless grapes are taken. 5 minutes before the chimes, 12 berries are counted to themselves. With the chiming clock, they begin to eat grapes. A wish is made for each berry. The last thing is eaten at 12 chimes.

The video tells how to make wishes for the New Year correctly.


  1. The wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true if you make them right.
  2. Dreams are recorded on paper, imagining that they have already come true.
  3. A wish is made with the help of champagne to the chimes.
  4. Oranges will help make dreams come true.
  5. A ceremony with a 100 ruble bill will help attract money and will not let your wallet empty all year round.
  6. Mandarin, with a bone, eaten during the chimes, will help girls to become pregnant in the coming year.
  7. To fulfill desires, seedless grapes are eaten under the chimes.

New Year is a time of real miracles, but in order for what you want to come true, it turns out, it is important to think it right. A real miracle does not tolerate inaccuracies and ambiguities, so here are a few simple tipshow to wish for yourself what will certainly come true in the coming year. For example, an important nuance is not to use the past or future tense: "I want me to be healthy." To which the Universe replies: “You were really healthy,” and no fulfillment takes place. Also, in no case should you use negative or too critical statements: "I want a car / apartment / trip to the sea at any cost." Think - is it really at any cost? Even the welfare of your loved ones? Moreover, never wish bad other people - rest assured, everything will return to you.

Formulate what you want in the present tense as an example: "I am grateful for my health, and it is getting better and better every day." Have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly you want, without abstractions, ambiguities and common phrases like "Everything will be fine." Do not use an orderly tone, even in relation to yourself ("must"), and do not make promises ("I will"). And most importantly - imbued yourself with your desire with all your soul, be sure that all the prerequisites for its fulfillment are there, it remains only to materialize them into reality.

A few words about the "technical" features of making wishes. There can be a dozen or more such methods. Here is some of them:

Record the chiming clock with champagne. At the time when the chimes strike, you need to quickly write your wishes (think over them in advance and formulate them correctly in order to be in time). Set the paper on fire, throw the remnants of the ashes into the glass, and then drink everything to the bottom. Do not forget to clink glasses with your family before this and wish everyone happiness in the New Year.

When preparing for the New Year's feast, come up with a symbol of your wish, for example, prepare a national dish of the country you want to go to, make a salad in the shape of a heart, at home or in a car, buy a drink prepared in a coveted country. Make a wish in a whisper. You need to eat it or drink it at the New Year's table without a trace, it is very good if your relatives, friends and loved ones help you, then the energy of desire will only intensify.

During the chiming clock, stand on a chair, make wishes and imagine yourself as realistically as possible where they have already come true, at the moment of the last blow, jump from the chair into a new life, where all dreams have come true.

Write a letter to Santa Claus. Put your message in a beautiful envelope, glue it and leave it under the tree for all the holidays, remember and repeat your wishes every day. When you remove the tree, put the envelope with the letter in a secluded place. And for the next New Year, take it out, print it out and check what has come true. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Buy the most beautiful postcardthat you like. It is better if the image on it symbolizes your dream. Write wishes to yourself on it. Then feel free to mail it to yourself. Keep this card as a lucky talisman all year round.

Go to the forest, it is better to do this one or several days before the New Year, or on the eve of the old New Year. Invite friends, relatives, children with you. Bring some Christmas tree decorations, rain, sparklers, firecrackers with you. You can grab champagne and crystal glasses. Dress up the most beautiful Christmas tree in the forest and lead a round dance, burn sparklers, shoot firecrackers, drink champagne. Think about your dreams, send them to the Universe during such a fun and amicable pastime.

Make a craft of some animal or bird out of paper, tell her everything in a whisper cherished dreamsand then place on the tree. Let her be there all the holidays, carrying the energy of your wishes. After removing the tree, place the craft in a prominent place. Catching your eye, it will remind you of your dreams and motivate you to take action.

At the minute when the chimes strike, open a window, a window or go out onto the balcony and voice your dreams. The special energy of the holiday, your mood, faith and the power of intention will contribute to their quick implementation.

If the champagne has already been drunk, you need to roll up the sheets with a description of what you want and place them in an empty champagne bottle. Seal the top with wax or plasticine, leave until next year in a secret place.

For those who have a huge number of desires: we take 12 pieces of paper and write down our requests on them. In total, there are twelve desires. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, take out one piece of paper. What is written on it will be 100 percent fulfilled in the coming year.