Form and content in research work. Requirements for writing research papers "I am a researcher


Petrogradskiy district


Pupil (s) 9 -... grade

(Full Name)

(full name of the research topic without abbreviations)

(name of the subject on which the work is done)

Laboratory ________________

Saint Petersburg


Sample of content design research work

Introduction ................................................. ..... 3

Chapter! The state of the Russian economy at the end of the 19th century 5

Conclusions for chapter 1 ...................................... 11

Chapter! Reforming the Russian economy at the turn of the Х1Х-ХХв 12

2.1. S.Yu. Witte and his concept of restructuring the Russian economy 12

2.2 Problems of sources of accumulation ......... 19

2.3.Mechanisms of industrialization ......... 24

2.4 Results and Consequences of Industrialization 29

Conclusions for Chapter 2 ............................................ 33

Conclusion ................................................ 34

List of used literature ..... 35

Applications ............................................... 36


An example of registration of the introduction of research work Introduction

Topic: The choice of the topic of the research work “The Great Industrialization of S.Yu. Witte and the modern Russia»Directly related to the declared subject school course: The history of the Fatherland, as well as education, which I intend to receive in the future.

Relevance: At the end of this century, Russia is forced to solve a complex of complex economic problems facing a country undergoing a process of renewal and reform. Increasingly, the question arises of the possibility of using the experience that was accumulated in the country in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, primarily associated with the activities of S.Yu. Witte. The relevance of the topic also lies in the fact that many of the components of the "Witte system" fit very harmoniously into the list of tasks facing Russia in modern conditions.

Literature review: When studying this problem, a number of sources devoted to S.Yu. Witte and his industrial reform were considered. Some were used in the writing of the work. Among them, one should note the studies by I. Bobovich "Economic history of Russia (1861 - 1914)" and T. Timoshina "Economic history of Russia", which contain data on the state of the Russian economy at the end of the 19th century.

Target: Based on the selection, systematization and generalization of available sources, analyze the prerequisites, tasks and mechanisms of the industrial reform of S.Yu. Witte, determine its impact on the fate of Russia, identify elements of historical experience that are acceptable for modern Russia.

Analyze the economic situation in Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Study the mechanisms of industrialization, determine its results and consequences.

Identify the possibility of using the historical experience of Russia in modern conditions.

Working methods: Conducting educational and research activities related to the selection and analysis of historical sources, generalization, systematization and analysis of the collected material.


Rules for the design of the list of used literature

1. All sources are listed in alphabetical order according to the first
the letter of the author's surname, in the absence of the author - by the first letter of the title
books, articles, material. For instance:

0 Volgin V.P. The development of social thought in France in the 18th century. - M., 1977.-

185s. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Adopted in December 1948) - M.: Yurizdat.

1991.-83s." Milden V.I. Russian idea at the end of the 20th century // Problems of Philosophy

1996, p. 28-31. (example of article description from ". magazine)

2. Books must be described in accordance with their bibliographic characteristics.
the characteristic given on the second page.

Problems of the development of light industry in England in the 19th century / V. G. Lebedev, V. K. Poltorigin, A. G. Grzhgorzhevsky, V. I. Kulin. - M .: Mysl, 1977.-271s.

6. The description of a multivolume edition can be compiled for all multivolume
new edition as a whole or on a separate volume:

a V.A. Sukhomlinsky Works: in 3 volumes - M .: Pedagogy, 1980. - V.2. - 383p. v Tolstoy A.K. Collected works: in 4 volumes - M .: Pravda, 1980.1. Sources from the INTERNET information system are included in the end of the list according to the wording of their addresses.


Approximate form performances at the conference "Steps to Science XXI century "

Dear members of the scientific council!

Dear guests and participants of the conference!

Your attention is invited to an essay on the topic:

_ (the full title of the topic is given)

Work on a chosen topic is relevant due to _

______ (the relevance of the topic from the introduction is given)

The problem raised in the work interested me

_ (reason for personal interest in the topic)

The purpose of this work is

______________________ (full work slot formulation)

The following are the main facts and materials of the work that are most interesting for the listeners and useful for arguing conclusions. The material is presented in any form, but in compliance with the logic of the study.

Based on the research conducted, the following chapters can be made
conclusions: (presentation of the essence of the main conclusions from the conclusion of the work.

Pay attention to the consistency of the conclusions with the set goal) Thank you for attention!

5-7 minutes (up to 10 minutes) are allotted for a speech at the conference, which approximately corresponds to 1.5-2 one-sided printed sheets of A4 text. The text of the speech (theses of the research) is performed on a computer according to the same rules as the work itself.





In modern pedagogy, methods that ensure the process of assimilation of knowledge are reoriented to new effective methods works that ensure the intellectual development of the child's personality. One such method is the project or research method.

Research work is aimed at developing the thinking skills of schoolchildren - the ability to analyze, compare, combine, generalize and draw conclusions; the ability to use the techniques of scientific research, even if in the most elementary form.

As a result of research work, the practical orientation of knowledge is enhanced, the intellectual development of students takes place and the quality of knowledge increases.

The student's research work allows one to judge the level of the student's development, which include identifying problems and tasks, finding a rational approach in choosing research methods, the ability to analyze scientific literature and abstracting, the ability to plan work, analyze its results, summarize, draw conclusions , clearly state your thoughts, reasonably prove your position.

Vakhterov said that "educated is not the one who knows a lot, but the one who wants to know a lot and knows how to get this knowledge."




The quality of the student's work is determined not only by the relevance of the problem under consideration, the theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained, but also by the logic of the presentation of the material, the literacy of the formulated provisions and, of course, the structure (composition).

Structure research work:

  1. Title page.
  2. Annotation.
  3. Table of contents (content).
  4. Introduction.
  5. Research part.
  6. Conclusion.
  7. Bibliography (literature).
  8. Applications.

Work starts with title page ... On the title page, in the center of the upper margin, the municipal district is indicated to which the educational institution, the name of the educational institution (in full), the name of the conference, the subject on which the work is being done. In the upper part of the middle field, in the center, the title of the work is written without quotation marks. In the upper part of the lower field on the right, the last name, first name, patronymic of the student, educational institution, class is indicated; surname, name, patronymic, manager's qualifications. In the center of the bottom margin of the title page, the city is written, then the year of the work without quotation marks

The volume of work is 10 - 20 pages of printed text.

The title page is the first page of the work, it is not numbered.

After the title page is located annotation.

The abstract must be at least 20 lines long. It contains the most important information about the work, in particular, including the following information: the purpose of the work, methods and techniques that were used in the work, the data obtained and conclusions. The abstract should not include acknowledgments and job descriptions. The abstract is printed on one page in the following order: standard heading, then in the middle the word "ANNOTATION", below the text of the annotation

After annotation is located table of contents.

The table of contents is printed on the page in the following order: the standard heading, then the word "CONTENTS", below the text of the table of contents, in which, in the form of a visual diagram, all the headings of the work are listed with an indication of the pages and in a certain subordination, stepwise: the headings of the same heading levels are located one under the other ( titles of chapters, titles of paragraphs) and are executed in the same font. The headings of smaller sections and subsections are shifted to the right by a few characters. Sign § not put, each heading has its own number and the number of the one to which it is subordinated... Words in headings are not transferred to another line, a full stop is not put at the end of the heading - an abstraction is made from the last word to the indicated page number from which this heading begins (the no. Sign is not put).

In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the problem is indicated, the object, subject, goal, hypothesis and research objectives are formulated, the methods used and the research base, the number of participants in the experiment are indicated, the theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained is noted, the structure of the work is indicated.

In the introduction it is necessary to show relevance the selected research topic, the need to resolve the identified problems caused by the state modern science, the peculiarities of the social environment, the needs of society and the developing personality.

It is necessary to show the applied nature of the research results, the main areas of their application in the educational process. These provisions will be practical significance of the study.

After the introduction is located research part... The first page of the research part begins with a standard heading, then in the middle of the word "RESEARCH PART", below the text of the work.

The quality of the research largely depends on the logic of the presentation of the material. The content of each paragraph reflects the solution to a particular problem posed in the study. Logical transitions are also made between chapters.

The research results obtained can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams. Survey protocols, answer forms, questionnaire texts are placed in attachments.

V conclusion the theoretical provisions (conclusions) and the achieved practical results, formulated in the course of the analysis of scientific literature, are consistently presented, which should be a meaningful response to the tasks set in the study and confirm the main provisions of the hypothesis. Only in this case can we say with confidence that the goal of the work has been achieved.

In the text of the conclusion, it is advisable to use, for example, such affirmative statements: “During the study, it was revealed”, “were formulated”, “were made”, “ practical advice for ... ", etc.

In conclusion, it is important to indicate the possibility of applied use of the results obtained in the work, to note possible prospects for further deepening the topic.

After the conclusion is placed bibliographic list used literature. Sources are written under numbers in alphabetical order with a full indication of the bibliographic description.

Auxiliary materials that can clutter up the text of the main part are placed in annexes... These can be texts of questionnaires, questionnaires, protocols (interviews, surveys), copies of report sheets, tables and figures.

Each application starts with a new sheet. In the upper right corner, the word "APPENDIX" is written and its number is put (without the number sign), if there is more than one application.

Applications should be referenced in the main text of the work, for example: “(see Appendix I ) "Or" Results of the analysis of student questionnaires (see. Appendix I ) let us talk about ... ".


Text research paper should be printed by computer at one and a half intervals on one side of a standard sheet of white single-sided A4 paper. Font used Times New Roman , size 12. The size of the right margin is 10 mm, the remaining margins are 20 mm each, on the left there is room for binding (20 mm).

Footnotes are printed in the same font, but in a smaller size (10th), on the page to which they relate. Footnotes are separated from the main text by a solid short line, the numbering starts from the beginning on each page.

All text pages are numbered from the title page in the center of the top margin; the number is not indicated on the title page.

Each structural part works (abstract, content, introduction, chapters of the main part, bibliography, appendices) begin on a new page.

Chapters are numbered in Roman or Arabic numerals, chapter titles are in bold capital letters(size 14), paragraph titles - also in bold in capital letters, but in smaller size (12) are written with an interval after the title of the chapter. All headings are aligned "in the center", no period is put at the end of the heading. Underlining and hyphenation of words in headings are not allowed.

The indentation is 8 - 12 mm (5 characters).

Common abbreviations ... Generally accepted abbreviations are allowed in the text: that is - i.e.., and so on - and etc.., etc - etc., other - and dr... (in all these cases, abbreviations can only be at the end of the sentence), and others - etc.., look - cm., century - v., century - c.v., year - G., years - yy... Abbreviation of words is not allowed as (since) and so-called (so-called).

Writing numerals ... Unambiguous quantitative numerals are written in words, ambiguous ones - in numbers, for example: “ no more than seven ways". Any quantitative numeral is written in numbers if units of measurement are given in an abbreviated form, for example: 5 cm, 23 kg... When listing homogeneous quantities, the unit of measurement is placed after the last number: 5, 8 and 15 km.

Cardinal numbers written in digits do not have case endings if they are accompanied by nouns, for example: no more than 7 options(but not 7).

Ordinal numerals are written with words: first, ninth, twenty-second... Ordinals do not have case endings if they are written in Roman numerals: XXI century, II option or in Arabic numerals and stand after the noun: in chapter 2, in fig. 5.

Ordinal numbers preceding nouns and written in Arabic numerals have case endings: 8th experience... When listing several ordinal numbers, the case ending is put only once: results of 8th and 9th experiments.

Quotes and links design ... The quality of research work is an indicator of the student's ability to analyze theoretical and empirical material, the ability to work with text. When performing research work, a student undoubtedly relies on the results of the work of scientists, works of print. In order to confirm their own views, quotations are provided in the text.

Citations must be complete, without arbitrary abbreviations. If the quote is given with abbreviations, then instead of missing words, an ellipsis is put (at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle, at the end). At the same time, distortion of the text and thoughts of the author is not allowed. Each quote is accompanied by links to the original source.

The main ways to include quotes in the text

1. Direct citation. The text of the quotation is enclosed in quotation marks and is given verbatim. Punctuation marks are placed as in a regular sentence with direct speech. A full stop is not put after the quotation marks, but the serial number of the cited source (in accordance with the serial number in the list of references given at the end of the work, but without the number sign) and the page are indicated in parentheses.

A quote begins with a lowercase ("small") letter if it is entered in the middle of a sentence and the first words are omitted. The link to the author is drawn up as in the first case.

If a quote is part of a sentence, regardless of how it began in a literary source, it is also written with a lowercase letter. The link to the author is given in the way indicated above.

2. Indirect citation(retelling the thoughts of other authors in your own words) it is necessary to be extremely precise in the presentation of the analyzed position and to provide links to a literary source. At the end of the sentence, a full stop is not put; a reference to the bibliographic number is given in parentheses (without the number sign and page indication).

It is not allowed to include in the text quotes without references to the author.

Subscript styling

In cases where links to a literary source are needed in the course of reading the material, and it is impossible to place them inside the text, subscript links are used. A footnote is placed where the meaning of another author's thought ends. The footnote runs on the same page as the explanation for it.

If the text is cited not by the original source, but by another edition, then the link begins with the words “Quoted. on:…".


Table decoration. When systematizing theoretical and experimental material, the accumulated information can be presented in the form of tables. Each table is numbered and has a title. The word "Table" and its serial number (without the number sign) are placed above the upper right corner of the table (alignment "on the right edge"). The name of the table (subject heading) is written on the next line lowercase letters bold type (size 12) without a dot at the end. The thematic heading makes it possible to navigate the material presented in the table without reading the text, so it should be concise and meaningful. All tables in the text should be referenced.

If the table cannot be placed on one page, then it can be transferred to the next, on which in the upper right corner above the table is written: "Continuation of table 5" or "End of table 5", if the table on this page ends. In this case, instead of the text of the head, only the numbers of the vertical columns written in Arabic numerals are transferred to the next page.

If the width of the table is much greater than its height, then you can move it to separate page and orient the sheet in landscape format. In this case, the text of the paragraph will be "broken". It is advisable that the proposal was completed to the end, and the link to the table (indicating the page) was as close to it as possible.

The design of the illustrated material. If it becomes necessary to show the dynamics of the process under study or to demonstrate the relationship of any of its characteristics, then instead of tables, it is advisable to use graphs and diagrams (illustrated material)

All presented in the text illustrations have end-to-end numbering(tables and illustrations are numbered separately), references to graphs and diagrams in the text are required, for example: (see fig.).

The caption caption includes the following elements:

  1. abbreviation of the word "drawing" - "Fig.";
  2. the serial number of the illustration without a sign No. is written in Arabic numerals;
  3. subject heading;
  4. explanation: numbers or letters designate elements of the illustration and give their comments.

Schedule should contain coordinate axes, a scale with scales and a numerical grid. Symbols are indicated along the coordinate axes, they should not go beyond the boundaries of the graph, arrows are placed at the ends of the coordinate axes. The graph contains a minimum of labels. They can be replaced by letters (numbers), the meaning of which is explained in the caption below.

Diagrams more often use linear, bar (histograms) and sector.

Linear ones are similar to graphs: points are connected by line segments, forming a polyline. In bar charts, data are depicted as rectangles of equal width, the height of which is proportional to the severity of a particular parameter. Plot diagrams are executed in the form of a circle divided into parts (sectors), the areas of which are proportional to the values ​​of the investigated quantities. All diagrams contain text labels (names of the studied parameters, quantitative indicators, etc.)

Scheme used to depict the structure of a phenomenon, process, object. This illustration is done without a certain scale, but all requirements are imposed on it as to the illustrated material. In the text, links are given to the diagram (see Fig. 5).


The volume of the literature used makes it possible to judge the depth of the study and analysis of the research problem. When performing research work, it is necessary to analyze at least 5 sources (with a mandatory reference to them in the text), information about which - a bibliographic list - is located after the conclusion. This list should contain a bibliographic description of the materials used in the work.

The bibliographic description is made directly from the source. For research work, the alphabetical method of grouping literary sources is used, that is, writing in alphabetical order of authors and titles. Foreign sources are placed in accordance with the Latin alphabet after the list of literature in Russian


The typewritten text must be carefully proofread; no more than five corrections are allowed on one page (but not in headings), which are made by hand in black ink.


Job protection should be simple and clear. During the defense, the relevance of the selected research topic and the need to resolve the identified contradictions must be substantiated. When illuminating the experimental part of the work, it is necessary to note the goals of the experiment, the conditions for its implementation and the results obtained. The participant should note the applied nature of the work and provide a direction for further research.

The jury takes into account the following parameters:

  • · relevance of the problem under consideration;
  • · originality and independence of the research;
  • · the degree of validity of the theoretical provisions of the study and their experimental confirmation, the validity of the conclusions;
  • · the logic of the presentation of the material, a clear consistency of the structure of the work;
  • · presentation style and quality of work presentation;
  • · the most significant research results, their theoretical and practical significance;
  • · review of the supervisor.


The text of the student's speech should be calculated for no more than 10 minutes. The student must carefully rehearse the presentation, learn to freely operate with theoretical, practical and illustrative material, and also fit into the allotted time - no more than 10 minutes.

The quality of the research work is judged by the content of the speech, so its text should be well thought out.

Little time is allotted for the performance, therefore, in order to save it, cumbersome phrases should be avoided. Complex sentences should be replaced with simple, spatial reasoning, comparisons should not be.

Simultaneously with the text of the speech, visual (illustrative) material (graphs, diagrams, tables) is being prepared, a variant of their demonstration is being thought out: on paper, using multimedia, etc.

The speech begins with the address “Dear Chairman of the Jury! Dear members of the jury! Dear teachers, students! " Then follows the report, which can be conditionally divided into three parts: introductory, main and final.

At the beginning of the presentation, the relevance of the selected research topic and the need to resolve the identified contradictions should be substantiated. Then the object, subject, goal and objectives of the study are formulated.

The main part of the report presents the results of the study. When illuminating the experimental part of the work, it is necessary to note the goals of the experiment, the conditions for its implementation and the results obtained. The speech must be accompanied by a demonstration of tables, diagrams, graphs and other illustrative material.

In the final part of the speech, the main results are outlined, conclusions are formulated, and the fulfillment of the assigned tasks is noted. It is also necessary to note the applied nature of the work and provide a direction for further research.


Defense of scientific research works is carried out at the Lyceum Festival of Sciences "Edge of Life" in sections. The defense may be attended not only by members of the jury, but also by teachers who are not supervisors of the work, students of other classes.

The protection procedure is as follows:

  1. Student presentation with a report on their work.
  2. Questions on the topic and content of the research work. Anyone present can ask questions, but after the jury members have done so.
  3. The student's answers to the questions posed.
  4. Closed meeting of the jury members to discuss the results of the defense.

When determining the final results of the festival, the quality of the student's defense, the level of his theoretical and practical training, the content and design of the work correspond to all the requirements, the review of the scientific supervisor is taken into account.

Requirements for writing research papers


The volume of student research work usually ranges from 5 to 25 pages. The following requirements are imposed on a text executed on a computer:

Font size 12-14, Times New Roman, normal;

The spacing between lines is 1.5-2;

The size of the margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm (when changing the size of the margins, it must be borne in mind that the right and left, as well as the top and bottom margins must add up to 40 mm).


Title page;



Main part;




Introduction - the relevance of the selected topic is briefly substantiated, goals and objectives are formulated in accordance with the designated problem, the object and subject of research, the selected research methods are indicated, the practical significance of the result obtained, the characteristics of the sources for writing the work are indicated.

Main part - detailed description research methods and techniques, information about the scope of the research, the results obtained are presented and the author's own views on this or that problematic issue are reflected. The content of the main part corresponds to the topic of the work and fully reveals it.

Conclusion - the main conclusions of the author (analysis of the solution of the assigned tasks and the objectives of the study), substantiation of the significance of the results obtained (independence, novelty, originality, their practical or theoretical significance); further perspectives of work on the problem.

TITLE PAGE (A4 format) is the first page of the manuscript and is drawn up according to certain rules. The upper field contains the full name of the educational institution, separated from the rest of the title page by a solid line. The research topic is indicated in the middle field. Moreover, it is not enclosed in quotation marks and the word "subject" itself is not written. The type of work and subject, such as research work or project, is indicated below. Even lower, closer to the right edge of the title page, the surname, name and patronymic of the student, class, group are indicated. After these data, the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the work manager, as well as the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the consultant (if any) are indicated. The bottom field indicates the city and the year of work (without the word "year"). The choice of the size and type of font for the title page is not critical.

PAGINATION placed at the top center. Page numbering begins with the title page, which is assigned the number 1, but it is not placed on the page. Further, the entire subsequent volume of work, including the bibliographic list and appendices, are numbered in order up to last page... The main text of the work is numbered in Arabic numerals, pages of illustrations - in Roman numerals.


REVIEW - this is a characteristic of the work, which is written by an independent specialist who has become familiar with this work. Mandatory sections of the review:

Relevance or novelty;

Positive distinctive aspects of work;

Disadvantages and comments on the work (mandatory section !!!);

Relevance or novelty - It describes why the topic is interesting. A similar section is present in the structure of the introduction to the thesis. Its meaning is the same. It remains only to carefully re-read and write in your own words.

Assessment of the content of the work ... It is usually written here: “The content of the work corresponds to the goals and objectives thesis»And further describes its structure and approximate content - in the 1st chapter, in the 2nd, in the 3rd. Usually this information is also present in the introduction (usually at the end).

When described practical significance - it is written: “ this work has great practical importance for the investigated enterprise and, in short, what it is.

Disadvantages and notes on work . It is required. The writing of this section should be approached most responsibly, since there should be a drawback, but it should be insignificant and not spoil the overall impression of the written review and of the work as a whole.


All work is done on standard A4 pages of white paper (dimensions: horizontal - 210 mm, vertical - 297 mm). The text is printed in a bright font (font size - 12 pt) with one and a half line spacing on one side of the sheet. The size of the margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm (when changing the size of the margins, it must be borne in mind that the right and left, as well as the top and bottom margins must add up to 40 mm). All typewritten and drawing material should be well readable. The text is printed on one side of the page; footnotes and notes are printed on the same page to which they refer (1-spaced, in smaller print than the text).


Title page;


Research plan;

Scientific article (job description);




These parts of the work are performed on separate sheets and fastened together.

TITLE PAGE is the first page of a research paper and contains the following attributes:

Names of the conference and work, country and locality;

Information about scientific supervisors (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and title, position, place of work).

Abbreviations are not allowed, the title of the work is drawn up without the words "topic" and is not enclosed in quotation marks.

PAGINATION is made in the upper right corner. Page numbering begins with the title page, which is assigned the number 1, but it is not placed on the page. Further, the entire subsequent volume of work, including the bibliographic list and appendices, are numbered in order up to the last page. The main text of the work is numbered in Arabic numerals, pages of illustrations - in Roman numerals.

CONTENTS / CONTENTS - this is the second page of the work. Here all the headings of the sections of the text are given sequentially and the pages from which these sections begin are indicated. In the table of contents / table of contents, all titles of chapters and sections should be given in the same sequence and in the same form as in the text of the work ... Each new section starts on a new page.

ANNOTATION It has standard header : on the first page of each part, the title of the work is first printed, then in the middle of the names of the authors, the region, city (village) is indicated below, educational institution, school number, class / course. Then in the middle the word "Abstract", below the text of the annotation. Abbreviations not allowed

annotation - it a brief description of the content of the work.
The abstract contains answers to the questions: "What is the object of research? What is being investigated? What is the research method? What is the range of variable parameters? What has been found out or established? What is the novelty of the work?"

How long is the annotation?
Typically characters, including spaces.

The abstract should not include list of references, acknowledgments and descriptions of the work performed by the supervisor.

Research plan , no more than four standard pages, is printed in the order: standard header , then in the middle of the word "Research Plan", below the text.

Research plan should contain the following sections: problem or question to be investigated, hypothesis; detailed description of the method; bibliography (at least three main works related to the subject of research).

RESEARCH ARTICLE. (WORK DESCRIPTION) The first page of the article first prints standard header , followed by the text of the article. A scientific article (job description) accompanied by illustrations (drawings, graphs, tables, photographs) is a description of research (creative) work. The layout of data in the form of tables is one of the most effective means their preparation for comparison and evaluation. The main purpose of compiling a table is to concisely present and organize the data. Accordingly, any significant (10 points or more) enumeration is better represented precisely in the form of a table. There should not be more than 1-2 tables (and enumerations) on one page, tables cannot be placed in a row, one after another, without text separating them. Those tables that are large are transferred to the application.

The volume of the text of the article, including formulas and references, should not exceed 10 standard pages. All abbreviations in the text of the article must be deciphered.

CONCLUSION. The main task of the conclusion is to show that the goal set for the work has been achieved, that is, the main result has actually been obtained. The main result should be correlated with the stated goal of the research work. The main result of the work should be clearly formulated. In the conclusion, interesting consequences from the results of the work are also given, the areas of their application and other important conclusions are indicated.

The volume of the conclusion is 1-2 pages.

LITERATURE. The list of references is being completed. It reflects only the literature that the author studied and used directly in the process of educational and research work. Availability of work is important recent years publications and articles from scientific journals.

APPENDIX are auxiliary or additional materials. These include:

Various provisions, instructions, copies of documents;

Schemes, graphs, diagrams, tables that are inappropriate to place in the text, since they are of an applied or illustrative nature (or exceed the volume of 0.5 pages);

Forms of surveys, tests and systematized material on them;

Illustrative material, including examples that are referenced in the text, etc.

Appendices are designed as a continuation of the main material on the following pages. With a large volume of applications, they are formatted as independent block, on the front side of which the heading "Appendices" is given. Each application must start with a new sheet.

For applications, no more than 10 additional standard pages can be allocated.

All annexes are numbered (no number sign) and must have thematic titles. The text of the work should contain a link to each application.

LINKS inside the text are given in square brackets, where the number of the source according to the list of references and, if necessary, pages are indicated, for example: "and they consider ..."; “At present, as M. Cheremisina notes,…”. When referring to several works (of one or several authors), the numbers of these works are indicated in brackets: "A number of authors believe that ...".

When quoting individual statements, different points of view, memoirs, recordings of conversations, etc., it is necessary to correctly and accurately draw up footnotes to the source (recording of memoirs, a book, an article, etc.) with an indication of the publication page. In this case, it is necessary to indicate where this primary source is stored (museum, state or personal archive with an indication of the fund and other output data).