List of EGE objects for admission to university. How to choose objects for the exam. Practical recommendations. Key selection criteria

The choice of specialty for applicant is often a difficult question. After all, everyone wants, for the years spent on training in the university, they did not pass the gift and became a good launch pad in life. In order for future work to bring pleasure and gave the opportunity to earn good.

So, how not to make a mistake and choose the specialty that will be a vocation for life? There are several simple tips.

It is no secret that after graduating from the university, a young specialist will need to work. Therefore, leaning towards the choice of a specialty, it is necessary to study whether there is a need for a qualified personnel of this profession on the labor market, for what earnings can be calculated by a novice specialist and what the prospects for its growth in the career ladder will be.

Council second. Profession must comply with personal preferences.

Choosing a specific specialty, should be assessed whether it will be comfortable to work in this position, whether she will bring me moral satisfaction.

Of course, if humanitarian items are better in school, it is difficult to count on the fact that the applicant will be able to perfectly pass the exam in mathematics or physics. Therefore, it is more logical to make a choice of specialty on subjects for which a high school student has time.

The passing score and the competition for various specialties can be significantly different. Therefore, before applying for documents, it is worthwhile to actually appreciate your strength and prospects for the budget or extrabudge.

If the applicant does not live in Moscow, then by choosing the appropriate specialty, he should carefully study what universities he can get it. At the same time, pay attention to how far it will be from home, whether the hostel will be provided and the most important thing - will the parents be able to provide a student in this city.

Choosing a specialty, "ways of retreat" should be provided, that is, to consider where documents can be submitted if the applicant will not pass through the competition for the desired specialty in this university.

Thus, choosing a specialty, you need to be guided not by the "Tyka" method, but to really evaluate your chances and future prospects, take into account personal preferences and provide ways to retreat. And if you study on a paid department, it is also calculated whether the money for training will be rationally spent.

Perhaps the directory of specialties will be useful.

Decide interesting to you by the specialties and choose universities for which they are profile. Make a choice in favor of state institutions, if possible. Evaluate the prospects for each educational institution. Learn the opinion of students and graduates, look at the employment statistics. Specify the admission algorithm, a list of documents, features of the educational process. Evaluate your strength, deal with desires and take into account the advice of teachers and employers. And now about everything more.

Key selection criteria

And immediately warning: you should not make a choice in favor of the educational institution only because it is within walking distance from your home, your close friends learn or work familiar. This approach rarely leads to something good. Take the basis of useful criteria, in particular:

  • The prospects for learning.
  • The quality of education.
  • Comfort students.
  • State accreditation.
  • Budget form.

Perspective Learning is measured in solving the tasks that you put before formation. Most often, this is the possibility of rapid employment in the specialty and level of wages at the start of the career. It is no secret that from some institutions employers snatch students already from 2-3 courses, and some of some do not want to take at all. Learn about the fate of most graduates - appreciate the prospects.

The quality of education Again, you can measure the popularity of students of a particular university and a specific specialty from employers. In addition, it is worth looking at their achievements in school.

Over the past five years, only two teams - St. Petersburg State University win on the International Student Olympiad for Programming. And this is the indicator not only the individual talent of the winners, but also the quality of education for this specialty in these institutions.

Level of comfort of students. It is a developed university infrastructure, in the convenience of learning, in multilateral support and opportunity not only to learn, but also develop as individuals. Ideally, the Institute must have a hostel with a sufficient number of places to stay all first-year students. Convenient location of the housings; the possibility of obtaining scholarships and grants; classes of science, creativity and sports; Trips to conferences and competitions are important performance of training.

State accreditation. Ideally, the university should be state. But when we are talking about accreditation, we consider both non-state educational institutions. Specify its availability before submitting documents. Also look for information on any scandals and incidents associated with attempts to deprive the chosen accreditation institution. If the precedents were, then the likelihood of their repetition.

Budget form. This is not only a free education, but also many other bonuses - the right to scholarships, for a hostel, for additional benefits. Moreover, state employees always have a special status for some teachers, and sometimes for employers. And let it nowhere is not spelled out - the fact takes place.

Which university to choose in Russia

First of all, the state. The facts are talking about this: government educational institutions practically do not have problems with accreditation and have large resources for conducting quality educational activities.

That is why state universities occupy the first positions in the top of the best universities of Russia. By the way, according to the results of research of the RAEX rating agency, the 5 best looks like this:

  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Mphs.
  • MEPI.
  • SPbSU.
  • MGIMO.

Many indicators, on the basis of which the rating was formed, remained classified. But it is difficult to argue with the conclusions, because the listed universities are indeed the elite of the Russian higher education system. By the way, such ratings are easy to find in an extended version and in structuring on the subjects of the Russian Federation. Find out what institutions are recognized as the best in that region where you want to learn. Use this information for correct selection.

How to choose an institution abroad

What should be interested in you first:

  • Is scholarships provided?
  • Lee is provided with housing.
  • Will the university helps with a visa.
  • Tests and exams that have to pass.
  • A set of necessary documents.

The results of the EE will be unpleasant when entering foreign institutions - only some of them seriously take into account the achievements of applicants in their homeland.

We will have to pass internal exams on the prescribed form - it is necessary to prepare. Also be prepared to pass the language test (usually IELTS or TOEFL) and provide an impressive package of documents. Preparation for admission must be started in 1-1.5 years.

How to choose a university on ege

If foreign institutions, the results of the Russian state exam are almost never taken into account, then choose a university on the scam points in Russia - the optimal solution. All educational institutions announce data on the amounts of applicants received on budget and paid places in previous sets. They cannot be considered password, however, the approximate reference points are quite real.

To select a university on exams and exemplary points, go to the official website of the Institute of Interesting Institute and see the data about last year's set. After that, you can move your hand with the stated plank. On the same algorithm you can choose a university on subjects that you plan to pass within the EGE. It is no secret that it is necessary to file a list of exams in advance. See what are required for admission to the specialties you choose and pass them.

A common mistake of many graduates is a panic fear of passing additional items. They choose 3, maximum 4, and categorically do not want to pass something else.

And it is clear that it is purposefully prepared for 5-6 subjects is extremely difficult. But why not take a maximum even without preparation? Yet 11 years of school training and were preparation, because the likelihood you can gain a decent amount. Do not limit the set of objects and suitable for the choice of specialties to a minimum.

Calculators of points and experience of past years

The network has a mass of services that allow you to choose a university on the basis of the received or potentially scored points based on the results of the USE. They have a pretty simple algorithm of work: data on the amounts of applicants received in specific universities on certain specialties are being downloaded to the database. The user introduces its amount of points, after which it can choose the university, the receipt in which will be bye.

The idea is interesting and mostly useful. You can use these calculators to gain a certain number of guidelines in the form of suitable options and understand which Institute to choose for admission. But it is not recommended to take the data for absolute truth. First, this year, applicants can "bring" completely different amounts of points. Secondly, calculators generate not all information, and you can miss important moments. Use these services, but recheck the data obtained.

1. Do not drive yourself into the frame

The exam with all its shortcomings has a lot of advantages. Key of them are an opportunity to submit documents to any university of Russia without the need to pass internal exams. Choose the maximum of educational institutions and send documents to each of them. Do not limit yourself to one institute. Do not be afraid to file applications for elite universities - there is nothing impossible for a person with intelligence.

2. Take the maximum objects within the EGE

Take as many objects as you can. At the same time, you will definitely concentrate on the preparation for the key and give yourself a vacation before the main exams - you can not donate them in non-stop mode. But if it is possible to pass some items additionally - give them even without preparation. Do not take money for testing, and you are absolutely risking.

3. Choose state universities

State institutions are largely better non-state. And if there are exceptions, they confirm the rule. State educational institutions in Russia do not have problems with accreditation and the level of education here is almost always higher.

4. Check the information

On the sites of many higher educational institutions, incorrect information is presented, in particular about the list of entrance tests. Feel free to call the reception commissions and clarify information. Otherwise, their error can be your problem.

5. Find out the fate of graduates

Find information on what percentage of students of the selected University works in the specialty. Communicate with graduates in social networks, find them groups and communities. Information from the first mouth is always the most useful.


How to choose a university for receipt? Analyze the ratings, specify the information about the entrance tests and give the maximum items within the EGE to ensure yourself the widest possible choice. Communicate with graduates of past years, learn information for applicants on educational sites. Do not limit yourself to the universities of your region - you can submit documents to any Institute in Russia, using the results of a single state exam.

Evgenia Melnikova

Info-Profi portal editor, teacher with 16 year old practicing tutor.

Studying radiophysics in vge

The choice of university is a confusing and long lesson. Tips of friends are not always objective, but you need to form your own opinion. Consider 5 sites that will help you choose a university in your area and learn about the quality of education in a specific educational institution.

Do correct

How to use. This is the official service of the Ministry of Education, which will help choose a university. To find a list of suitable educational institutions:

1. Indicate the level of education: undergraduate, magistracy, graduate school

2. Select the form of training and specialty

3. Specify the regions and cities in which we would like to learn

4. Specify the exam that you are going to pass

As a result, you get a list of universities that are suitable for the specified parameters. Now you can compare specific educational institutions in 13 parameters. Pay attention to the following:

👌🏻 Form: State or Not State

👌🏻 Availability of the military department

👌🏻 Delay from the army

👌🏻 Availability of a hostel

👌🏻 Share of Employment Graduates

👌🏻 average salary

National research, support and federal will be greater funding from the state. In such a university there should be good equipment and renovated audiences. The middle score of the EGE among the received talks about the demand of the university. But this score is given for the entire university, therefore, look for additional information on the desired faculty, the service does not provide it.

When decide on the university, go to his personal page on the site. There will be detailed information: groups in social networks, phones and all directions of training.


👉🏻 Comfortable website, iOS and Android applications

👉🏻 Detailed set of parameters for forming a list of universities


👉🏻 Little information about specific universities

If you did not have enough information to choose a university, go to Rating Rainx. Here you can not find the necessary educational institution, as the list includes only 100 positions.

How to use. Before you the usual list as the points descending. Compare separate universities on criteria will not work. For convenience, you can use the search browser on the page, for this press Ctrl + F.

There are separate lists on employment, quality of education and research activities. But there are not 100 universities, but 20.


👉🏻 Detailed analysis of 100 universities


👉🏻 uncomfortable site, it is impossible to compare the necessary universities on criteria

Employment monitoring portal graduates

The Ministry of Education, together with the tax and Pension Fund, monitors employed graduates. All data are open and can be viewed on the site.

How to use. On the site you can see the data on regions and specific universities. Take data on universities.

1. At the very top, choose the year for which the data is displayed. Now the last - 2015 year. These are the most recent data, because the compilers are waiting for a year after the release of students, and then process data. You can read more about the monitoring system on the main page of the portal.

3. Look at the specialty code. If the code 03/03/03, then it is undergraduate, and if 03.04.03, then the magistracy. The second two digits correspond to the degree of training. Masters above wages, but graduates will be significantly less.

Compare indicators in a specialty with another university directly on the site will not work. We advise you to write out data in Notepad or Excel to make it convenient to compare.

On the university page there is a "Profile" tab, where you will find a brief summary of the educational institution, and "geography", where the map of Russia is presented with the number of graduates in different regions.


👉🏻 There are detailed data on all universities and specialties.

👉🏻 Objective information, supported by real data from tax and PFRF


👉🏻 It is impossible to compare one specialty in different universities

👉🏻 The service takes into account only employment by profession. If you have completed the physical faculty and went to work by a programmer, you will not be taken into account in the share of employed

SUPERJOB service rating for students

How to use. Three ratings are available on the site for different areas: technical, economic and legal. Classic universities can be in any of these lists or immediately in several. It depends on which graduates get the most salary


👉🏻 Not very transparent evaluation criteria. It is not clear how big graduate sample

👉🏻 Only three areas of activity in which compilers analyze the data

👉🏻 You can not compare specific universities, you need to write data

Monitoring the effectiveness of universities

Monitoring is conducted by the Ministry of Education. The site is more oriented on specialists in the field of education than applicants, because the data here is written in a complex language. It is more difficult to deal with it than with the services above.

How to use. Monitoring results are sorted by regions. On the Region page you will see general statistics and data on the science of every university. Total criteria eight, each complex evaluation system and many parameters. It is very similar to the method of drawing up RAEX ratings.

1. Select the desired region from the list.

2. Indicate all universities and the distribution of students in different areas of science. For example, if you want to study in the field of art and culture, look at what university most of the places for this specialty. Start learning a list of universities from this school.

3. After hitting the university page, you will see five sections.

In the first The section lists general information.

In second Presented just those eight indicators that you spoke above. For each of them, the threshold is set, which the university should exceed.

Pay attention to the indicators of educational activities, employment and payroll PPS (faculty). The latter is important, because the teacher with a good salary does not need to work on the side and it gives more time learning.

In third The section presents all the parameters for which eight main indicators are evaluated. If there is no desire to understand this amount of information - look at the graphics. At each of them, your university is compared with universities in the region and with universities around the country. Find the parameters for which the university remains worse than others. Bad, if the university has weak financing and bad percentage of employment.

3. In the section "The role of the organization in training for the region" you will find information on the distribution of specialists in the region. The most important is the fourth column of the table. There is a percentage of jobs in the specialties that closes the university.

If you see 75% there, it means 3/4 of all specialists in this area prepares the selected university. It is good because there will be many companies near the university and basic departments will be opened.


👉🏻 Exhaustive amount of data

👉🏻 Results for each criterion is on the site and, unlike ratings, you can see them


👉🏻 Criteria are described very difficult, you need a lot of time to figure out

👉🏻 No comparison of specific universities in one or more criteria

On the budget in 2018 - the test is still. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this issue, it is on the websites of universities and other official sources. To help you figure out, we have collected all the data in one article. You have a step-by-step instruction that will help appreciate your chances of free training.

In Russia, the state pays about 50% of seats in universities

Step 1. Learning how much free places

Each national university is obliged to allocate places on a budget basis. The number of places on the free separation depends on the popularity of the faculty and specialty. And get the budgetary education is possible not only in Moscow universities. Some of the free seats reaches 1.5-2 thousand. For example, in Belgorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, Kirov, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

Step 2. We understand the terms

Consider the concepts without which it is difficult to assess your chances of receipt:

  • the minimum threshold of the scam points;
  • minimum number of points for admission;
  • passing point in universities.

What is a threshold point?

To get a certificate, you need to dial a certain number of points for each subject. This is how it was in 2017:

  • russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics - 27 points;
  • social science - 42 points;
  • informatics - 40 points;
  • foreign language - 22 points.

For example, you have chosen a foreign language for the exam, then you need to score 36 points in the Russian language, 27 in mathematics and 22 in a foreign language - only 85 points. In the theory, this is enough to submit documents to the university. But in practice, this is very small to enter the free department.

What is a minimum score?

Each university establishes its own minimum number of EGE points for admission. Many technical schools are not ready to accept those who scored less than 50 points in mathematics. Humanitarian - put forward increased requirements for languages.

What is the passing score

The passing point depends on how applicants were enrolled with the results of the USE last year. The result of the last lucky one is especially important, which with a minimum number of points entered the budget.

Example. There were 200 people who wanted to do, and there were 50 budget places. The student's score with the smallest result is the passage. For example, with 150 points, despite the fact that the other score was higher.

Middle score exam in 2017 - 68.2

Step 3. Select the university by passing point

If you can estimate what score will receive on the exam, then it's time to pick up a suitable university. By the way, trial exams help to assess their chances.

All universities with free places, they are also called budgetary institutions of higher education, for convenience we divide into three categories:

  • the most sought-after, or top;
  • medium;
  • unpopular.

Usually, top universities put forward increased requirements, and the rest reduce the bar to attract the incoming. Let's see the passing points of universities of all three categories in 2017.

If your average score above 85: Passing points in demand universities

Output. For admission to top universities, the average score of the EG should be higher than 80-85. Get into the number of such excellent students difficult, agree? If you are not sure about good results, consider educational institutions with less strict requirements.

If your middle score from 65 to 80 points: passing points in medium universities

Output. With the middle score of the EGE 65-80 in 2017, it was possible to enroll in budget, and leading regional universities.

If your average score of 55-65 points: passing points in unpopular universities

Output. If you score less than 65 points, do not panic. Passing points to many regional universities are below this plank. And to get a good higher education today, you can not only in the capitals.

Step 4. We appreciate your chances by the number of points

280-300 points - The best universities of the country, any specialty.

200-250 points - Popular universities, specialty: linguistics, foreign language, jurisprudence, economics, management, healthcare, mathematics, physics.

200 points- Middle universities, specialty: informatics and computing equipment, pedagogy, chemistry and biotechnology, automation and control, electrical engineering, energy. Or leading regional universities, any specialty.

150-200 points - Middle universities, specialty: geology, ecology, vehicles, rural and fisheries. Or unpopular universities, any specialty.

Less than 150 points - Unpopular universities, some specialty.

Sometimes, even with a high score, you can not get into the cherished twenty, and with low by a happy chance - to enter the desired university. The main thing is to use all chances and do not forget about replacement options.

The choice of profession is responsible, because it defines the future life of a person. The beginning of the career path is laid in the learning process. Therefore, success in the labor market depends on the choice of specialty. To enroll on an interesting direction of learning, you need to pass the exam on subjects that are needed at the qualifying stage.

Features of choice

Why do you need to choose a subject for the state examiner? Mathematics and Russian are mandatory for delivery throughout the country. All other items are chosen by schoolchildren on their own. At the same time, for admission at certain directions of learning, it is necessary to take profile disciplines.

To basic reasons, motivating a deliberate decision on which exams of the exam will give up to schoolchildren, the following should be attributed.

  • Preparation for exams requires large labor. Changing the decision on the choice of the subject in recent weeks before the exam threatens the fact that the result will be low.
  • Items can differ significantly between undergraduate profiles even within one direction. For example, the university management may offer programs for state and municipal management and regions. Entrance exams, respectively, will be different.
  • Remember the operational item that was required for admission to the educational program is impossible.
  • If we give the most popular combinations of objects on a single state exam, you can submit applications for income not only in different universities, but also on various directions. If the schoolboy adds to the obligatory subjects to add physics, it can both come on "air navigation", and to "instrument-making" and "biotechnology".
  • Choosing in advance discipline for the USE, the student can define those where its knowledge is better. If he additionally do, you can count on a higher score and a beautiful certificate.

What to study before choosing objects?

Before choosing disciplines on the USE, a large array of information should be studied:

  • university training programs;
  • introductory tests and conditions for admission to specific training profiles;
  • the prestige and prospects of the profession, which you want to get a schoolboy (there are statistics of the most sought-after specialties in a few years);
  • demand in the labor market on representatives of the chosen profession;
  • the level of remuneration, which is usually suggested by those who received the appropriate education.

The study of this data will allow you to understand what exams should be alleged for delivery.

How to determine for yourself a specialty on the courts of state exams?

It happens that the exams of the exam are handed over, but for some reason the schoolboy has changed his mind to enter the previously selected university or direction. This may be connected even with reorganization or liquidation of an educational institution in the region or city. In this position you need to quickly determine what you can do. Conditions for admission to universities determine the following features:

  • submission of an application to the university of another region under the same conditions;
  • changes in profile and direction of learning;
  • graduates of past years can pass exams during the reception campaign;
  • to enroll in the university to the direction that is less interesting and then carry out the transition to another educational program. Most of the first courses items are the same among different educational institutions. The student will have to pass a few items to catch up with fellow students.

Knowing, to which direction is Chado, parents can help him with the definition of a specialty.

Additional means for self-determination

Choosing a future specialty is not easy. Schoolboy is difficult to deal with the inner sensations, to understand who he wants to become. Therefore, the following tools can help him:

  • tests for professional orientation;
  • tests for self-determination;
  • trainings that allow you to understand our goals and desires in the future;
  • tests for the level of abilities in different fields;
  • professions ratings;
  • excursions to future work places to imbued with the atmosphere in which to work.

Parents should take an active part in the definition of a list of objects, according to which their child will be ege. After all, they know their strengths and weaknesses well, can help in an in-depth study of the subject. The schoolboy must take exams taken into account when entering an interesting learning program, even if the number of points on them is expected lower than other disciplines.

If there is no motivation to gain knowledge, then the success will not succeed when building a career. When a schoolboy knows that he should be "excellent" to take exams that it will help him to act in a prestigious university, he wants to do more. Self-development will allow him to achieve other intended goals in the future.