Diet with cereals for weight loss for 7 days. Porridge diet - weight loss on healthy carbohydrates. Contraindications to the diet for porridge

In pursuit of a slim and beautiful body, you often have to sacrifice your own principles and refuse your favorite products or severely limit their number. Many people who lose weight suffer from hunger all day trying to lose weight, which in 90% of cases leads to breakdowns. Nutritionists have studied this point in detail and have developed a series of delicious, healthy, safe and effective diets.

A cereal diet for weight loss is great for people who do not gorge themselves on vegetables alone, but want to lose a few pounds without harm to their health. Cereals contain a huge amount of vitamins, improve intestinal motility, help get rid of digestive problems, normalizing metabolism. The benefits of cereals are difficult to overestimate, such a diet is not only effective, but also beneficial for the body. There are several types of permitted cereals, you need to choose the variety that you like best to taste, so that the food is a pleasure. You can combine different cereals, for example, in the morning there is oatmeal, buckwheat for lunch, and pearl barley for dinner. Most importantly, you need to prepare dietary dishes, adding only permitted foods.

Many people who want to lose weight believe that during a diet, the amount of carbohydrates must be limited and this is true. But this statement refers to harmful easily digestible carbohydrates, sugar, and cereals are very useful product... It is best to choose cereals made from whole grains to lose weight quickly, they contain more fiber, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and saturate for a long time.

Pros of a porridge diet:

  • porridge contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for normal life;
  • porridges are easy to digest, they can be combined with other products, getting tasty and varied dishes;
  • meals from cereals are hearty and cheap;
  • cereals do not contain dyes and preservatives, they are environmentally friendly and safe for the body;
  • cereal dishes are effective in cleansing the body, they remove accumulated toxins and toxins.

The cereal diet has several drawbacks, not everyone likes cereals, so such a diet may not work. In addition, with such a diet, it is forbidden to add sugar, salt and oil to the dishes.

In order to avoid the development of complications, in the presence of chronic diseases, it is possible to go on a diet only with the permission of a doctor, since changing the diet is a serious stress for the body.


  • diabetes;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • exacerbation of serious chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys;
  • allergic reactions to cereals.

How to choose a diet and cereals

Diets with cereals are long and short, they are also subdivided into mono-diets and combined ones. All of them are united by the fact that you need unprocessed cereals without adding salt, sugar and fat. You can not use ready-made cereals and cereals fast food, they contain fewer nutrients, which will negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Attention! During the period of any diet, you must drink a lot of water, at least one and a half liters per day.

The choice of cereal for the diet must be approached with special attention... You shouldn't sit on rice diet if there is a tendency to constipation, and semolina- not the best option, since it has a large energy value and will not allow you to lose weight quickly.

The best cereals for weight loss:

  • Buckwheat. The buckwheat diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly and easily without harm to the body. This cereal contains a large amount of vitamins and biologically active substances that saturates the body and heals it.
  • Oatmeal. Oatmeal contains a tremendous amount of fiber, so this dish is useful for people with constipation. Oatmeal perfectly cleanses the intestines and improves peristalsis, removes all toxins in an accelerated mode. Oatmeal is also low in calories and rich in vitamins and amino acids.
  • Rice. Rice porridge does not leave fat deposits behind, it is very useful and nutritious.
  • Millet. Millet porridge is easy to digest, but at the same time it saturates well. It contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids that humans need. It is good to arrange fasting days on such porridge.
  • Barley. Barley groats contain many vitamins and are low in calories.

All cereals are useful in their own way, therefore such a diet is considered balanced and does not harm health, especially if you use cereals with low fat and low-calorie foods... The duration of the combined diet can be no more than two weeks, and the mono-diet, no more than 5 days. That is, if the choice fell on buckwheat, you can eat only buckwheat porridge for 5 days, but on the 6th day you need to introduce other products.

How to prepare for a diet

It is necessary to start the diet with bowel cleansing, for this you will have to use a mild laxative, such as duphalac. If you have problems with stool during the diet, you should also use a laxative or do a cleansing enema. A week before the diet, it is necessary to gradually abandon fatty and fried foods so that the body can more easily endure the restructuring. After the diet, it is also necessary to gradually return to the intake of junk food, but do not abuse it, otherwise the previous weight will quickly return.

Menu for the week

Porridge is very useful for the body, as it cleanses it, saturates it with the necessary vitamins, while lowering the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and a varied diet menu for a week for weight loss on porridge will help to transfer this period easily. The general condition after the diet improves, efficiency increases and the mood rises, and most importantly, excess weight goes away.

Interesting! This diet can be used not only for weight loss, but also as a good cleansing. To do this, you need to add a small amount to the diet. butter, as well as honey and nuts, but you cannot eat salt and sugar.

The second name of this diet is 6 cereals. During this period, one of the types of cereals is used every day, and on the last day all 6 types are used at once. Salt, sugar and oil cannot be added to dishes, and you can repeat the diet in a month.

Monday is wheat day.

Tuesday is a millet day.

Wednesday is oatmeal day.

Thursday is a rice day.

Friday is a buckwheat day.

Saturday is a pearl barley day.

Sunday is the friendship of cereals.

The amount of vegetables is not limited, and a portion of porridge is 200-250 grams. But do not overeat and drink plenty of water with food, this can lead to distension of the stomach and increased hunger. It is best to drink between meals. In addition to water, you can drink coffee, tea and compotes without added sugar.

Anyone who decides to go on a cereal diet cares about how many kilograms you can lose weight with the help of cereals. The answer to this question is amazing - 3-5 kg ​​per week. Reviews from people who ate the menu above confirm the effectiveness of the diet.

To make the process of losing weight easier, and it took as much as possible, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

  • do not overeat, you need to eat right, in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • you should not drink low-calorie soda, although it does not contain calories, replacing sugar greatly increases the appetite;
  • can not be denied physical activity, but training day and night is also not worth it;
  • you cannot sit on a mono-diet for a long time, for a period of more than 5 days you need a balanced combined diet;
  • you should not endure hunger, if during the diet on porridge the feeling of satiety does not occur, then it is necessary to reconsider the diet or choose a different diet;
  • in the spring it is better to combine a cereal diet with taking multivitamins;
  • you need to eat slowly, carefully chewing each piece;
  • you should not eat in front of the TV or computer, so there is a chance to overeat;
  • you need to cook food exclusively by cooking and steaming, you cannot fry.

An integrated approach to losing weight will help make a cereal diet not only more effective, but also pleasant and beneficial for the body. Regular sports activities and a good mood will strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and the skin, sagging due to loss of fat, will quickly tighten.

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Diet "6 cereals" last years is gaining particular popularity. Because it has been scientifically proven that cereals contribute not only to weight loss, but also to remove toxic deposits, saturate the body with useful substances, improve the structure of cells, tissues and skin, restore the functionality of many internal organs, accelerate metabolism and digestion.

For example, you can learn about the benefits of pearl barley from the video provided to your attention below:

The 6 porridge diet is based on the consumption of various cereals. Moreover, you can eat only one type of porridge every day, but on the last 7th day they must be mixed together. If you use only one type of cereal, then the body is unlikely to receive all the necessary nutrients, but when we eat a new porridge every day, we get all the important components. Indeed, each type of cereal contains various elements due to which they differ and beneficial features.

Cereals can be whole grains and processed. The difference is that whole ones have a high degree of fiber content, which leads to a quick cleansing of the body. Therefore, if you are cooking porridge from oatmeal, then do not use cereals, but cook from whole cereal. Prefer unpeeled rice instead of polished rice, etc.

A nutritionist can prescribe any combination of cereals, but such a set is considered the most effective and in demand (used in strict sequence):

  • wheat groats;
  • millet porridge;
  • oatmeal;
  • boiled rice;
  • barley culture;
  • pearl barley;
  • and on the last seventh day, all six croup are combined in equal proportions.

A diet consisting of 6 cereals allows you to get rid of an average of 4 kg of excess weight. The calorie content of 100 grams of any cereal is 300-350 kcal, and in the finished form a maximum of 80.

The 6 porridge diet seems to have been created for the delight of those who do not like to play sports, since it is contraindicated. Only walking and light exercise are allowed.

Advantages diet "6 porridge":

  1. You will not have a feeling of hunger, as cereals are nutritious enough. Therefore, it is easier to maintain such a diet than any other.
  2. Saving money, because cereals are among the most affordable and inexpensive food products.
  3. You will additionally saturate the body with all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  4. Porridge is easy to digest and quickly removes harmful deposits.
  5. You will be able to achieve quick weight loss and lasting results.
  6. You do not need to engage in grueling sports.
  7. Porridge can be eaten in any form - cold, hot, liquid, crumbly, etc.
  8. Among other things, thanks to the 6 porridge diet, the intercellular fluid can be removed, which leads to the normalization of the water and salt balance.

Disadvantages of a diet:

  • the diet is categorically not suitable for those who cannot stand porridge;
  • you can't salt and sugar the porridge, but it's not very tasty.

If you are not sure if you can handle the 6-porridge diet, do an experiment. Try to sit on such food for at least 1 day. If by the evening it will be disgusting for you to even remember the meals of such food, then give up the idea of ​​following a diet of 6 cereals.

You can cook diet porridge different ways, but the most useful is the one that is made in this way:

  • on the eve of the next day, pour a glass of a certain cereal with three glasses of water;
  • put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • let it boil for about 5-6 minutes;
  • remove from the stove and wrap in a terry towel;
  • Leave the "reach" for at least 10 hours, you can at 12-13.

Before cooking porridge, be sure to rinse the groats under running water and remove the existing husks. There are types of cereals that you don't need to cook at all. For example, buckwheat, rice, millet. It is enough just to fill them with water overnight. So they retain the maximum amount of nutrients.

As already mentioned, the set of cereals can be different, but there is one main diet and another auxiliary diet, in case the first set of cereals is not suitable. Both options are quite effective and useful, so the choice is yours.

First menu

  1. The first day is wheat. Of all the types of this cereal, buy "Bulgur", it is most saturated with fiber. In no case should you buy "Kus-kus", as it does not contain sufficient quantities of the necessary substances.
  2. The second day is millet. Millet should be only of high quality and of the highest grade, without impurities. It is undesirable to use other permitted products, except for grapefruit.
  3. Day three - oatmeal. Remember, it is advisable to take cereal oatmeal. It is allowed to eat until 7 pm. You need to drink at least 500 ml of unsweetened green tea per day.
  4. Day four - rice. For the best effect, buy brown brown rice. In extreme cases, white, but not necessarily steamed.
  5. The fifth day is brown. Barley should also be of better quality. You can additionally make a cucumber-tomato salad.
  6. Day six - pearl barley. You cannot eat vegetables and fruits, drink additional drinks (tea, coffee, kefir, juice).
  7. The seventh day is combined. Boil all types of cereals that you have consumed for 6 days. In finished form, they should have a weight of 100 grams each. Divide them 6 times. That is, in the morning, eat oatmeal, then millet, etc.

Second menu

  1. Eat oatmeal on Monday.
  2. On Tuesday - buckwheat.
  3. Give preference to rice grits on Wednesday.
  4. On Thursday, it is advisable to use boiled peas or lentils.
  5. On Friday - semolina porridge on the water.
  6. Eat millet on Saturday.
  7. On Sunday, the day is combined, as in the previous menu.

It is very important to get out of any diet correctly. After all, it depends on how long the result will last. If you immediately pounce on fatty and high-calorie foods, the effect will be exactly the opposite. So, the exit should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The first 2 days you need to eat vegetable soups and vegetable proteins.
  2. In the next two days - boiled chicken meat.
  3. Day 5 and 6 should be devoted to low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. In the last 2 days, it is recommended to introduce bread, cheeses, fruits.

Like any other diet, "6 porridge" has its own contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding of a baby;
  • power sports;
  • some diseases in the acute form of the kidneys, heart, circulatory system;
  • exacerbation of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • excessively high air temperature.

Do not forget that in addition to the main contraindications, there are others, so it is better to consult with your doctor or dietitian in advance. So you protect yourself from complications and unpleasant consequences. You can find even more cereal diets here.

Read also:

Losing weight up to 6 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 600 Kcal.

If you need to lose 5-6 unnecessary pounds, and you have no more than a week for this, a weight loss technique called 6 cereals can help. According to her rules, for 7 days you will need to eat different cereals, every day - a certain cereal.

The 6 porridge diet refers to a weight loss method in which the emphasis in nutrition is on the use of complex carbohydrates and cutting back on proteins and fats. On the first diet day, you need to eat wheat porridge, on the second - millet, on the third - oatmeal, on the fourth - rice, and on the fifth and sixth days, you need to focus on barley and a mix of all the cereals you like, respectively.

In order for the 6 porridge diet to be the most effective in terms of weight loss and good for health, you should pay attention to such nuances. The groats should be poured with boiling water in the evening in a ratio of one to three. After that, bringing to a boil, boil for about 5 minutes. Then we remove the cereal, wrap it with a towel and leave to infuse for at least 10 hours. It is forbidden to add sugar, butter to porridge. It is highly desirable to give up salt as well. As a last resort, allow yourself to use a pinch of salt a day, but no more. Instead, you can sometimes pamper the cereal with the addition of soy sauce, also in small quantities.

In the morning (about 30 minutes before breakfast), it is recommended to drink a glass of boiled hot water. This will help wake up the body after a night's rest and accelerate the metabolic processes taking place in it.

Try to eat fractionally, planning your diet in such a way as to eat small meals at approximately regular intervals. There is no clear portion of cereal. Listen to your feelings. Try not to overeat, but at the same time, there is absolutely no need to torment yourself with a feeling of hunger. Don't cut your portions too much.

If you have enviable willpower, you can try to eat purely cereals. But it is quite permissible, according to the requirements of the 6 porridge diet, to diversify the diet with a small amount of berries, fruits, vegetables (preferably non-starchy type), low-fat kefir, unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice (preferably freshly squeezed). It is possible that in this way the result of the diet will be slightly less noticeable (lose 1-2 kilograms less than when eating only porridge), but the food will be more tasty, and weight loss will be as comfortable as possible.

Day 1
Breakfast: a portion of wheat porridge with the addition of your favorite berries (preferably seasonal).
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: a portion of wheat porridge and a glass apple juice.
Afternoon snack: A serving of empty cucumber and cabbage salad.
Dinner: a portion of wheat porridge with dill and parsley and a couple of small fresh tomatoes.

Day 2
Breakfast: a portion of millet porridge, which can be supplied with a small amount of kefir.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: a portion of millet porridge and cucumber-tomato salad with herbs.
Afternoon snack: 2-3 tangerines.
Dinner: a portion of millet porridge and a glass of apple juice.

Day 3
Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal and a handful of berries of your choice.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: a serving of oatmeal and a glass of citrus juice.
Afternoon snack: kefir-berry-oatmeal cocktail.
Dinner: a portion of oatmeal with herbs; A glass of tomato juice.

Day 4
Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge and 2-3 fresh cucumbers.
Snack: half an apple and 150 ml of kefir.
Lunch: a portion of rice porridge and grapefruit.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of rice porridge and cucumber-tomato salad.

Day 5
Breakfast: a portion of barley porridge and a pear.
Snack: a glass of apple juice.
Lunch: a serving of barley porridge and fresh cucumber.
Afternoon snack: half an apple and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of barley porridge and a few tablespoons of white cabbage salad and various greens.

Day 6
Breakfast: a portion of barley and a glass of kefir.
Snack: grapefruit and a few fresh pineapple rings.
Lunch: a portion of barley and cucumber-tomato salad.
Afternoon snack: 2 medium-sized baked apples.
Dinner: a portion of barley and a glass of tomato juice.

Day 7
Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal seasoned with kefir and small pieces of fresh or baked apple.
Snack: orange.
Lunch: a portion of rice with a salad of cucumbers, cabbage and greens.
Afternoon snack: a baked apple and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of buckwheat porridge and a fresh tomato or a glass of juice from this vegetable.

Advantages of the 6 porridge diet

  1. Since the favorite of this nutritional method - cereals - is quite nutritious, you do not have to face the brutal hunger that so often prevents you from completing weight loss.
  2. Helps maintain satiety and crushing meals. Usually, a person does not even have time to get particularly hungry (of course, if you do not eat too little).
  3. And the comparative short duration of the diet method, as a rule, allows you to withstand it without any particular difficulties.
  4. The 6 porridge diet is very beneficial in terms of waste. Surely, having turned to this method of losing weight for help, you will notice that not only did you not spend extra money on food, but also saved a lot.
  5. In addition, each of the cereals involved in the diet has beneficial properties. Wheat porridge contains vitamins B1, B2, rich in iron, phosphorus, beta-carotene, vegetable fat, starch. It is easily absorbed by the body, helps to naturally remove toxins and toxins, improves fat metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol levels to the correct level.
  6. Millet porridge is especially useful for digestion, musculoskeletal system, promotes regenerative processes of the skin and helps relieve puffiness.
  7. Oatmeal is an amazing source of energy. It also helps to normalize cholesterol levels, reduces stomach acidity, improves the functioning of the nervous system and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  8. Rice porridge is one of the leaders among cereals in terms of the content of complex carbohydrates, which have the ability to accumulate in the muscles and give the body strength and activity. In addition, it absorbs harmful substances that live in the body and helps to get rid of them. Also, rice is a storehouse of vitamins B, E, PP, potassium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, zinc.
  9. Barley and pearl barley are also rich in the right carbohydrates and fats, as well as dietary fiber. These cereals have a very beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, strengthen bones, improve vision and increase the body's defenses.

Disadvantages of the 6 porridge diet

  • There are few disadvantages to the 6 porridge diet. Unless such a diet is not suitable for those who are not very fond of cereals and cannot imagine life without protein products. Still, eating mostly cereals all week is not so easy, and willpower is also needed for this.
  • To assess your capabilities and understand how appropriate it is for you to follow this diet, you can try to spend a fasting day on some kind of porridge. If the day passes without any particular difficulties, the state of health will not fail, then if you wish, you can also try the 6 porridge method.

Re-dieting 6 cereals

Repeating the 6 porridge diet, no matter how easy it may be for you, is not recommended earlier than 4-5 weeks after its completion.

The most popular diet. Drops to 12 kg in 14 days. Two menu options.

An effective diet without recoil. Result 5 kg in 7 days. The lost weight will not return.

A popular diet with an active rhythm of life. The results of losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.

Highly effective diet with weight loss up to 10 kg in 10 days. Any variety of cabbage can be used.

Long-term effective diet for 13 days. The result of losing weight up to minus 8 kg.

American low-carbohydrate food system. Up to 10 kg in 14 days.

An easy diet for students and those with a sweet tooth. One chocolate bar and minus 7 kg per week.

A simple and effective diet with a minimum of restrictions. It is dropped to 7 kg in 7 days.

The standard from celebrities to keep fit. Promises 10 kg in 14 days.

Why don't French women get fat? Menu from the slimmest nation for 14 days.

Huge popularity all over the world. Menu for 7 days. Rapid weight loss.

Seasonal popular diet for 7 days on the menu. Weight loss up to 5 kg.

Which porridge is healthier - no nutritionist will say. All cereals from which cereals are made are good for health. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to use them for many diseases and for weight loss. For weight loss with the least health risk, nutritionists recommend the 6-porridge diet.

Porridge - favourite dish many. Cereals contain a huge amount of substances useful for the human body. Fiber, which is very abundant in cereals, cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, controls the intake of fats from food and promotes weight loss. In addition, cereals contain useful carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals necessary for the normal functioning of all systems and saturation of the body with energy.

Cereals are good for your health (photo:

Useful properties of cereals for weight loss:

  • at the expense of slow carbohydrates the body spends more time and energy on digesting cereals, which contributes to the burning of fat;
  • porridge has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improve digestion;
  • restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • cleanse of harmful substances;
  • saturate the body with the necessary nutrients;
  • lower cholesterol.

Weight loss occurs by increasing the amount of complex carbohydrates and reducing protein and fatty foods in the diet.

For weight loss, it is necessary to cook porridge correctly. To do this, in the evening, pour a glass of cereal (pre-washed) with three glasses of water. Then put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 6 minutes. After that, wrap the porridge in a towel and leave overnight (at least 10 hours). Buckwheat, rice and millet are just enough to pour water overnight. Porridge prepared by this method retains beneficial properties, vitamins and fiber, which in the best way cleanses the intestines from toxins.

Porridge does not need to be boiled, but steamed (photo: how-to-do.rf)

Salt, spices and sugar must not be added. Soy sauce is occasionally allowed. The porridge is thick, viscous and satisfying.

The quality of the cereal plays an important role in losing weight. For the six porridge diet to be effective, you need to choose whole grains, which are more fiber than processed. For example, it is better to cook oatmeal from whole grains, rather than flakes, and choose unpeeled rice.

The main principle is to eat the same porridge all day. The next day you need to eat porridge from other cereals. And so on for six days. On the seventh day, consume all six cereals in small portions. With such a diet, the body will receive a portion of various nutrients every day, which will not work if you eat the same porridge all week.

You can get harmony without problems if you follow the rules of the diet (photo:

The technique involves the use of dietary cereals and pure water, however, it is difficult to withstand such a regime. Therefore, it is allowed to add a few fruits and vegetables to the menu, tea without sugar, juices, kefir, fermented baked milk, other food products are prohibited. Products need to be eaten separately from each other and in small quantities, the emphasis is on the use of cereals.

Diet rules:

  • a daily portion is prepared from a glass of cereal, which must be eaten in 4-5 receptions;
  • per day, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean boiled water without gas;
  • every morning should start with a glass of water, preferably hot;
  • 30 minutes before each meal, you must drink a glass of water;
  • you cannot drink water immediately after eating, at least half an hour later;
  • porridge can only be eaten cooked in water, without salt, sugar, spices, milk;
  • it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol 3-4 days before the diet and during it;
  • on the first day of the diet and then every 2 days, it is necessary to do cleansing enemas;
  • if you are allergic to any of the cereals or do not like its taste, then the porridge can be replaced with another;
  • porridge can be eaten with every desire to have a snack, feelings of hunger must be avoided;
  • sports with a diet are contraindicated, walking and light morning warm-up are allowed.

Important! In the presence of chronic diseases, it is possible to start a diet only after the permission of the attending physician.

Every day you need to eat a certain porridge, days of the week:

  • Mon - wheat;
  • W - millet;
  • Wed - oatmeal;
  • Thu - rice;
  • Fri - barley;
  • Sat - pearl barley;
  • Sun - all cereals in 6 days.

The 6-porridge diet for weight loss lasts 7 days (photo: www.source)

This table demonstrates how you need to create a menu for the week:

Day Menu Day Menu
Mon With each feeling of hunger, eat wheat porridge in small portions, first drink a glass of water half an hour before. It is recommended to consume bulgur rather than couscous. Eat some fresh, non-starchy vegetables if desired W During the day, there are portions of 100-150 g of millet porridge. You can eat half a grapefruit for lunch
Wed On this day, the main dish is oatmeal. You need to eat it in small portions. In addition to porridge, you need to drink water, unsweetened green tea... You can have a small green apple for lunch. After 19-00 it is allowed to drink only water Th For breakfast, drink a cup of black coffee without sugar and cream. During the day, eat rice porridge in small portions (preferably from brown or unboiled rice). For dinner, instead of porridge, it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat kefir
Fri During the day, you need to eat barley porridge. In the morning, it is allowed to add a fresh cucumber and half a tomato to the porridge. Drinks allowed water and green tea without sugar Sat Eat barley porridge and drink water all day. Other products are prohibited

On Sunday, it is necessary to cook all the listed types of cereals and consume in small portions (100 g each) for 6 receptions. From drinks you can drink water, green tea and black coffee without sugar in the morning.

To consolidate the result, you must correctly complete the diet:

  • the first 2 days after the diet, you need to eat vegetable soups and egg whites;
  • for the next 2 days, it is recommended to add boiled chicken to the menu;
  • on the 5th and 6th days, you need to use low-fat cottage cheese;
  • on the 7th and 8th days add bread, fruits, cheeses.

The porridge diet refers to mono-diets. The food is monotonous and meager, so you need to adhere to it strictly for 7 days. You can repeat the diet in a month.

The benefits of the diet are clear. Cereals contain fiber and many useful substances that have a positive effect on the work of internal organs, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, normalize digestion, increase metabolism, which leads to weight loss. In addition, regular consumption of cereals helps to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Losing weight with a diet of cereals with vegetables, fruits and kefir is not so difficult if you like cereals and are not worried about the lack of salt and spices. There is no feeling of hunger and weakness from malnutrition, the duration of the diet is only a week. During these days, you can achieve real results, the weight will melt before our eyes. Another advantage of the diet is the low cost of food and ease of preparation.

The diet also has disadvantages that you need to be aware of. Porridge must be cooked without salt, sugar, milk and other additives, which makes them completely tasteless. It is quite difficult to eat fresh porridge for seven days in a row. In addition, the diet has contraindications and is not suitable for everyone.

A diet can bring, in addition to benefits and harm to the body. It is contraindicated for:

  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance);
  • individual intolerance or allergic reactions to some cereals (in this case, the cereal can be replaced with another one);
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • under 18 and over 60.

With celiac disease, this diet is contraindicated (photo:

Diet on porridge - effective method fight overweight. It is also suitable for people who just want to tighten their figure or improve their health.

Elena Plahotniuk

Certified dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. Porridge prepared for the purpose of losing weight should not be boiled. They should not be too wet and liquid. A person will achieve the greatest effect if the finished porridge is very dry. It is also worth remembering to give preference to whole grain or unpolished cereals.

30-40 minutes before a meal, you need to drink a glass of hot purified water or herbal decoction. The temperature of the liquid should be high, but not scalding. How many glasses of hot water will be drunk depends on the number of meals. During breaks, you need to drink water at room temperature in order to bring the total volume of fluid consumed to 2 liters (at least 1.5 liters). Those who have a hard time taking unsalted food can be advised to add chopped dry seaweed to the prepared porridge. It will improve the taste of fresh dietary meals... You will have to forget about sugar and butter. If you want to sweeten your porridge, use a quality sweetener or natural honey, but in small quantities. You can combine porridge with fruits (in the morning) and vegetables (in the second).

Diet "6 porridge" is allowed to follow no more than a week. It will not be as harsh as a diet on protein products and fresh vegetables, and a person will feel a feeling of fullness due to the presence of complex carbohydrates in cereals.

You can watch interesting information about cereals in the video below.

Porridge is one of the healthiest foods recommended by nutritionists. It is not for nothing that porridge is the basis of many diets and weight loss programs. Basic principles proper nutrition- do not combine porridge with complex carbohydrates and do not overeat. The 6 porridge diet became popular in 2010 and is actively practiced to this day, having acquired several interpretations.

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If you want to lose weight, use the 7 cereals diet. It is necessary to start a diet with fasting day and then eat a certain porridge during the day for seven days. The diet is quite monotonous, but effective. Every day should be cooked certain kind porridge, or cook the cereal, or steam it in the evening. Thanks to this effective, cheap and healthy diet, you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds in a week.

It is recommended to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal: this will prepare the stomach for eating, and the portion eaten will be much smaller. The use of rosehip broth, green and black tea, chicory and other drinks without sugar is allowed. You can repeat the porridge diet in a month.

On a fasting day, refuse to visit the gym. Since their combination can lead to tachycardia, hypo- and hypertension, heart failure. The best option is a fasting day on cucumbers. 1.5 kg. distribute fresh strong cucumbers for 5-6 receptions. They should be consumed without salt, sauces and spices. Add 1-2 tbsp to the menu on this day. l. bran and 2 boiled eggs.

Monday: Wheat

Wheat porridge for diet


  • water 3 cups
  • wheat groats 1 cup

Cooking method: If you are using fine grain, be sure to rinse it in warm water. If you cook porridge from large cereals, you do not need to rinse it. Pour cereals into a saucepan, fill with water, put on the stove and let it boil.
As soon as the porridge boils, remove the foam, simmer for 15 minutes. Divide the porridge into several portions and eat throughout the day.

Tuesday: millet

Millet porridge for a diet


  • water 3 cups
  • millet groats 1 cup

Cooking method: Scald a glass of cereal with boiling water, fill with three glasses cold water... Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Divide the porridge into several portions and eat throughout the day. You can season the porridge with honey before serving.

Wednesday: oat day

Oatmeal for diet


Cooking method: Oatmeal in the evening can be steamed with boiling water, or boiled porridge in water. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add oatmeal. Cook until tender, stirring constantly. When serving, the porridge can be served with fresh berries.

Thursday: rice

Rice porridge for diet


  • water 3 glass
  • rice 1 glass

Cooking method: Rinse the rice thoroughly in several waters, then pour in the indicated amount of water and cook until tender. Rinse the rice with water. Serve rice slightly warmed up in the oven or microwave with berries or fresh herbs.

Friday: brown day

Barley porridge for diet


  • water 3 cups
  • barley grits 1 cup

Cooking method: Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add barley. Cook until tender, stirring constantly for 20-25 minutes.

Saturday: pearl barley day

Barley porridge for a diet


  • pearl barley 1 cup
  • water 3 cups

Cooking method: Rinse the cereal in several waters. Then fill with water and cook until the cereals are cooked. When serving, you can add a few raisins to the porridge.

Sunday: buckwheat day

Buckwheat porridge for diet


  • water 2 cups
  • buckwheat 1 glass

Cooking method: Pour a glass of cereal in the evening with two glasses of cold boiled water. Eat during the day with honey, nuts.

Photo: yelenayemchu

Regular food can be tasty and healthy. But when human body ceases to receive flavor enhancers, the taste and charm of ordinary dishes gradually begins to reach him. Porridge is an excellent confirmation of this.

Diets on cereals for weight loss do not strain the body. The thing is that cereals are the suppliers of all vitamins and minerals necessary for a person and perfectly kill the feeling of hunger.

Why is a porridge diet so useful?

Porridge- not just food. This is a treasure house that stores vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of all organs of life. One meal of porridge per day will ensure the normal functioning of the intestines, will not allow extra pounds to appear and will get in the way of sneakily sneaking cellulite.

If you add fruits, jam or honey to the porridge, then it will be difficult to come off such a dish until the plate is empty.

The reason for losing weight on cereal diets is to rid the body of all debris and toxic substances. It is their "merit" that we are gaining extra pounds.

Diets based on whole grains help to improve the condition of nails, hair and skin. The porridge diet has no contraindications; they are also recommended for women carrying fetuses.

What is the most useful cereal for weight loss?

It is difficult to calculate the best cereal for weight loss, and it is not necessary. It is important to understand that the level of usefulness of a particular cereal directly depends on the degree of heat treatment of the product. This can be seen in the example of rice.

Wild rice will take longer to digest than peeled rice. Parboiled rice, "quick" cereals and cereals are of no benefit at all. The fact is that they contain sugar, which brings instant calories. The point is simple: the complexity of the digestibility of the cereal is of minimal benefit.

  • Millet or millet porridge. This is confirmed by the fact that the chickens are fed with millet in order to grow healthy. Millet porridge inhibits the deposition of fats and drives them out of the human body.
  • Buckwheat. The most environmentally friendly cereal. No fertilizers are needed for its growth. There are no contraindications to the use of buckwheat.
  • Wheat groats. In order to feel its benefits, you need to eat wheat cereal porridge for at least a week.
  • Semolina. Nutritionists are not very fond of semolina because of its gluten content. The bottom line is that for those who tolerate gluten calmly, semolina is a treasure, in the form of a mass of useful vitamins.
  • Oatmeal. Its benefits are known to everyone who once faced the problem of being overweight or with different kinds of diets. There is only one minus of oatmeal - high fat content. Comparing oatmeal with buckwheat, we get an indicator of 2 to 1 in favor of oatmeal.
  • Barley grits. It is useful, first of all, because it lowers blood sugar levels. Based barley grits compiled a diet for people with diabetes.
  • Barley, corn, groats, peas, rice round out this rating. The benefits of these cereals are undoubted, but still they are inferior in usefulness to the leaders of the list.

Diet 7 cereals - nutritional features

The good thing about this diet is that it is simple and low in cost. The essence of the diet is that every day new cereals are used in food. The results of the diet are at least 6-7 kilograms.

  1. The use of vegetables and fruits is allowed (excluding potatoes, bananas and grapes).
  2. Porridge is prepared as follows: overnight, pour 750 ml of boiling water over thoroughly washed cereals. Cook for five minutes. Then remove the porridge from the heat. Wrap up and move to a warm place. Salt, sugar and butter are not allowed.
  3. Every morning, after waking up, you need to drink 250 ml of filtered warm water. After half an hour, you can eat.
  4. The porridge prescribed in the diet can be combined with an additional dish.

An approximate menu for a week in the table:

Day of week Menu
Monday Breakfast: wheat porridge, stewed cabbage, devoid of any additives.

Dinner: broth made from sea fish - 250 ml.

Dinner: kefir - 250 ml.

Tuesday Breakfast: millet porridge, fresh cucumber, herbal tea - 150 ml.

Dinner: vegetable broth with green tea - 250 ml.

Dinner: curd - 50 g.

Wednesday Breakfast: oatmeal, a handful of dried fruits, green tea - 150 ml.

Dinner: fresh herbs, apple juice - 250 ml.

Dinner: low fat yogurt - 250 ml.

Thursday Breakfast: rice with stewed apples, cinnamon and lemon juice, green tea - 1550 ml.

Dinner: mixed porridge (rice + buckwheat + wheat grits + mushrooms + carrots + onions)

Dinner: low-fat kefir - 250 ml.

Friday Breakfast: barley porridge, boiled cauliflower, or broccoli.

Dinner: boiled fish - 150 g.

Dinner: cottage cheese - 50 g.

Saturday Breakfast: buckwheat, boiled beets.

Dinner: fresh cabbage and carrot salad - 150 g.

Dinner: fat-free yogurt - 250 ml.

Sunday Breakfast: a mix of all the cereals used in the week in equal parts, a large sour apple.

Dinner: baked fish, fish broth - 250 ml.

Dinner: curd - 50 g.

Diet 6 cereals - nutritional features

The rules of the system are concluded on the main rule, which does not differ much from the basic rule of the seven-porridge diet. It is allowed to eat porridge made from 200 g of cereals per day with no salt and oil.

The entire volume of ready-made porridge is divided evenly by the number of daily meals. If a state of hunger occurs, it is permissible to eat two tablespoons of porridge in the pauses between basic meals.

Basic positions of the diet:

First menu option

Day of week Menu
Monday is wheat day. Alternatively, you can take bulgur. It contains more fiber. Vegetables are acceptable, but within 350 g per day.
Tuesday - millet day. Millet should only be used highest quality... You cannot drink tea - only filtered water. After breakfast, it is permissible to eat half a grapefruit.
Wednesday is oatmeal day. Don't take cereal. Oat grains are ideal. It is allowed to drink 450 ml of green tea without sugar per day. After seven in the evening, you can only drink water.
Thursday is rice day. Recommended for eating brown rice. But, ordinary, not steamed, will do. In the morning, you can drink coffee without sugar (100 ml). For dinner, you can replace porridge with 250 ml of zero-fat kefir.
Friday is barley porridge day. Supplementing porridge for breakfast is allowed with a cucumber and tomato salad. You can drink 150 ml of green tea after each meal.
Saturday is barley day. Tea, coffee and vegetables are not allowed on this day.
Sunday - mix. Mix of cereals 100 g each all day.

Second menu option

Day of week Menu
Monday - oatmeal. Tea, sugar is prohibited.
Tuesday - buckwheat (3 times 200 g). You can cook porridge with stewed carrots. During the day, you need to drink 750 ml of kefir.
Wednesday - rice (three times 200 g). Tea (sugar excluded) - 600 ml + water.
Thursday - lentils (peas). Again 3 times 200g. Acceptable is 500 ml of milk per day and 450 ml of tea (sugar is prohibited).
Friday - semolina day (3 times 200 g). You can add a little milk to the prepared semolina porridge, with a minimum fat content. It is permissible to drink 250 ml of any juice and 450 ml of tea (sugar is prohibited).
Saturday is a millet day. (3 times 200 g) and 500 ml of milk with a minimum fat content.

Pros and cons of a porridge diet

As with any diet, the cereal diet has its pros, cons and contraindications.


  • The increased content of vitamins and minerals.
  • Excellent digestibility and good compatibility with most products.
  • A budget option.
  • Lack of dyes and preservatives in cereals.
  • Environmental friendliness and no harm to the body.
  • Effective body cleaning.


  • Not everyone loves porridge.
  • Ban on the use of oil, sugar and salt.


  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Cancer diseases. Diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys.
  • Allergy to cereals.
  • Age limits.

This type of diet has a dual effect on the body: it heals it and helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Approximate menu for the day:

For a day, you need to take two liters of plain filtered water. Exit from the diet should not be abrupt. Little by little, getting out of it, it is necessary to enter fish into the menu, then lean meat, nuts and other products.

The main effect of the diet on oatmeal consists in saturating the body with the substances the body needs, vitamins, proteins, potassium, iron and other microelements. In particular, such a diet is suitable for diabetics.

Approximate menu for a day:

It is allowed to add 50 g of honey to the porridge all day.

Flaxseed Diet

A diet recognized as one of the most effective, simple and budgetary systems for losing weight.

Sample menu for the day, option 1:

Option 2:

Before breakfast, drink 50 ml of flaxseed oil diluted with warm filtered water (200 ml).

  • Breakfast: salad (fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, with whole flaxseed dressing) - 150 g + flaxseed - 20 g.
  • Lunch: porridge (flaxseed - 40 g, steamed with boiling water).
  • Dinner: broccoli and celery broth - 350 ml.
  • Dinner: mint tea with oregano. After dinner, you need to go to a hot shower or bathroom. It is recommended to go to bed earlier.

Diet on pea porridge

This diet is well suited for those who are constantly exposed to physical activity. Contraindications - diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal problems, gout.

Porridge is prepared as follows: peas are soaked for two hours, then boiled over moderate heat for an hour, without salt and seasonings (it is permissible to add half a teaspoon of lemon fresh).

Typically for almost all diets, you need to drink 2 liters of filtered still water a day.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with half a pear and an apple. Unsweetened tea (coffee) - 200 ml.
  • Snack: orange (tangerine or grapefruit) - 1 pc.
  • Dinner: pea porridge and boiled vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: fresh apple - 250 ml.
  • Dinner: fish boiled with vegetable stew without oil.

Diet on buckwheat porridge

For a week on this diet, you can lose seven kilograms of weight. Compulsory fluid intake: from one and a half to two liters of filtered water per day. It is permissible to consume low-fat kefir 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after.

The diet of this diet is as follows:

Buckwheat porridge for this diet is cooked like this: the cereal is washed, poured with boiling water (one and a half glasses of water per glass of buckwheat), wrapped in a warm towel and stands until morning. Cooking takes place without salt, sugar and oil.

Nutrition on a buckwheat porridge diet is not standardized. The number of "approaches" is not limited, as is the volume of absorbed buckwheat. For comparison: Dukan's diet limits the amount of buckwheat porridge eaten to two hundred grams per day.

Barley diet
- low-calorie mono-diet. The number of kilograms that you can lose is 3-4 per week.

Half an hour before meals, you must drink a glass of pure spring water. In the absence of such, filtered non-carbonated water is suitable. It is necessary to exclude from the menu: confectionery and flour dishes, meat, fish, eggs, milk and alcohol. Fruits, vegetables, low fat kefir, unsweetened coffee and green tea are acceptable.

The porridge is prepared like this: water is poured into a saucepan in a ratio of 1 to 2 (part of water for two parts of cereal), brought to a boil. As soon as the porridge thickens a little, remove the saucepan from the stove, wrap it in a warm cloth for an hour. Cooking is done without salt and oil.

  • Breakfast: barley porridge - 200 g. Banana. Low fat kefir - a glass.
  • Dinner: barley porridge - 200 g. Salad (fresh vegetables) - 150 g.
  • Afternoon snack: orange - 1 pc.
  • Dinner: barley porridge - 200 g. Low fat kefir - a glass.

The diet can be reapplied no earlier than a month later.

Wheat porridge diet

This diet is good because those who decide on it do not experience a permanent feeling of hunger. There are two diet options - for a week and for five days. Contraindications - thyroid disease.

The porridge is prepared like this:

Diet on corn porridge

A slimming system with no contraindications with excellent results. In a week, you can get rid of 4 kg of excess weight.

The porridge is prepared like this: the proportion of cereals and water is 1 to 3. The cereals must be washed. Boil water, add cereals. When boiling, you can add a little salt and sugar.


The corn porridge diet is considered a "winter" option.

Diet on semolina

Semolina is prepared according to the following recipe: semolina (80 g) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) or the same amount of low-fat milk and cooked for two minutes. Sugar and salt are excluded. The porridge must be removed from the stove and wrapped in a warm cloth for a quarter of an hour.

Sample menu:

Diet on milk porridge

On the basis of milk porridge, there are a lot of weight loss systems that give results.

As a rule, the basic grains of such a diet are:

  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • wheat.

The essence of the milk porridge diet is that during the day you can eat porridge without restrictions in volume, but not overeat - an extremely easy appetite quenching.

Herculean porridge diet

An excellent diet cleansing the body from any debris, which, in parallel with cleaning, makes it possible to lose extra pounds at home.

Cooking oatmeal porridge: Boil the norm of oat flakes with boiling water for a few minutes, covering with a lid.

The diet menu on oatmeal porridge is quite simple:

Difficulties and contraindications to the porridge diet

While on a "porridge diet" such discomfort like weakness, nausea, dizziness. This is a natural reaction of the body.

It is unrealistic to cleanse the body of debris and toxic substances that have accumulated in it for years without discomfort. You need to endure this state and do without pills. In such cases, the use of mineral - vitamin complexes... If this condition persists, you must either stop the diet or go to a nutritionist for advice.

Exiting the diet

At the end of the dietary cycle, the following rules must be observed:

  • start eating ordinary foods gradually;
  • refined products are introduced into the menu in small quantities;
  • porridge, in any case, remains the prevailing food;

During the first week after the diet, the body "learns" to take regular food. And in order to maintain the achieved results, it is imperative to continue to eat properly and do not forget about acceptable physical activity.

Nutritionists and doctors recommend that all people include more cereals in their diet, as they help to normalize metabolism and saturate the body with useful components. You can use porridge not only for recovery, but also for weight loss, therefore there are several options special diets, with the help of which thousands of men and women have lost up to 15 kg of excess weight.

Cereals are a source of vitamins, minerals and other substances vital for humans. Eating them in food, we are full for a long time and do not feel the desire to snack between meals. What is the secret and why does a porridge diet help you lose weight quickly and effortlessly? The answer to this question lies in the composition of all cereals.

First of all, cereals are slow or, as they are also called "complex" carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest. Consequently, they are able to feed us for a long time and provide energy, which has time to be spent on physical and mental activity, and does not turn into fat reserves deposited on the waist and other problem areas.

Another indisputable advantage of cereals is fiber, they contain a lot of it. Fiber is called coarse dietary fiber, which our body cannot digest completely, it is they who play the role of the mildest natural purifier that helps us get rid of toxins.

Many types of cereals have not only a mild laxative effect, but also a diuretic. By including porridge in our menu, we will remove excess stagnant liquid from the body. On average, during the diets, it takes up to 2 kg of excess weight with water. Everything else is burned by reducing the calorie content of food, physical activity and restructuring metabolism.

How to eat on porridge diets

There are several options for diets consisting of cereals, but they all involve the rejection of a certain set of foods, even those that we are used to combining with cereals. It is also recommended to put a taboo on smoking and drinking alcohol, as this can negate all the health benefits of the food system.

  • fatty meat and meat products;
  • butter and other fatty dairy products;
  • jams and preserves with sugar content;
  • baked goods;
  • sweets;
  • sugar and sweetener;
  • fried, spicy and salty;
  • any carbonated and sugary drinks.

Diet for 7 days

Some diets, such as "6 porridge" are a set of several mono-diets, calculated for each separate day. During the period of their observance, there can be no question of any fruits, dairy products or other delicacies. This diet is also called "7 cereals", since it is designed specifically for a week, but on the last day you can eat either a mixture of cereals, or one of those that were on the menu of previous days. Consider the diet for each day of the week. Each porridge should be eaten strictly in the following sequence, as indicated:

Menu for the week:

  • 1st day - wheat porridge;
  • 2nd day - millet;
  • 3rd day - oatmeal;
  • 4th day - rice;
  • 5th day - barley;
  • 6th day - pearl barley;
  • 7th day - any of the above or a mixture of your choice.

The porridges that you will eat throughout the day are best cooked in the evening the next day. Pour the groats with water, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat, cover tightly and wrap in a towel. This will give the cereal to steam. There is no need to add salt, milk or anything else to it, otherwise the effect will be distorted. You can eat at any time and in any quantity.

10-day porridge diet

In this option, the diet is richer, you do not need to follow a strict scheme for the use of cereals. You yourself choose what kind of porridge you will eat, cook it according to the same recipe as in the first version.

It is allowed to add the following products to cereals:

  • fruits, excluding banana, persimmon and grapes;
  • vegetables, excluding starchy ones;
  • nuts;

Every time half an hour before meals, but not later, you need to drink half a glass of clean water without gas. You can also drink water no less than an hour after eating, this will help everyone useful substances from cereals to be completely absorbed in the body.

Almost all variations of the porridge diet are based on the use of an unlimited amount of cooked cereals. However, you need to understand that fractional meals are the most useful, divide all food into 5-6 servings (approximately 150-200 g each) and consume them throughout the day.

Monastic diet - detoxification and weight loss

An interesting option for food systems based on cereals is the Monastic diet. It was invented by Japanese American George Ozawa. He published his own book, Macrobiotics of Zen, describing the nutritional system and talking about its benefits.

The principle of the monastery diet or "diet number 7" is that proteins and fats are completely removed from the diet. For 10 days, a person eats exclusively complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals. It is during this period that the blood is completely cleansed, all toxins and toxins are removed from the body. Mixes for daily nutrition can be prepared independently according to the recipe indicated in the book, or you can buy blanks. This diet allows you to lose up to 7-8 kg and improve your body.

Which cereals are useful and which should be excluded from the menu

Many girls choose for themselves one specific type of cereal, actively lose weight on rolled oats, since it is quite nutritious, removes from the body not only toxins, but also pathogenic microbes. Its use has a positive effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa, abdominal pain and bloating disappear.

On the wheat porridge, with which you need to start the "6 porridge" diet, weight is reduced very well, since it is low in calories. Also, the use of this cereal helps to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, helps to strengthen the nervous system, has a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails, since it contains vitamin E.

The mono-diet is also very popular. corn grits, it only lasts 3 days, but it helps you lose up to 5 kg! You can add unsweetened fruits to porridge. Boil it for 15 minutes, but first fill it with water overnight. The diet will help not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse blood vessels, remove toxins from the body.

It should be noted that it will not be possible to lose weight on semolina porridge, therefore it is absolutely not suitable for diets. Semolina, on the contrary, promotes weight gain, in addition, it is best to cook it in diluted milk, and this product is prohibited by diet rules.

Rice, which is also present in almost every diet, is best to choose brown. It perfectly removes excess moisture from the body, respectively, relieves swelling. It also contains many B vitamins, useful for the nervous system and other organs.

Barley groats will be useful for those who need to improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. She is also rich useful microelements, helps to cleanse blood vessels.

Barley, which is considered one of the cheapest cereals, is not popular in Everyday life, and very much in vain. It contains B vitamins and minerals. Also, porridge is rich in vegetable proteins, and they help fight food allergies. Barley has a mild diuretic and mucolytic effect, it is useful for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

When choosing one of the cereal diets for yourself, remember that they need to be accompanied by the intake of vitamin complexes. User reviews and results show that in 7 or 10 days you can lose from 3 to 15 kg of weight, depending on the characteristics of the body. For those who do not need to lose weight, but want to cleanse the body, such food systems are also suitable. You can repeat the diet every six months, it is not prohibited even for the elderly.