Lose weight properly eat rice at home. Rice diet: reviews and results of those who have lost weight, menus for the week. Types of weight loss techniques on the product

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


According to doctors, long-term weight loss is good to start with cleansing the body, which should not last longer than a week, and a rice diet for weight loss and getting rid of toxins is ready to help with this. Buckwheat is the most popular among cereals for body shaping, but rice gives the most powerful cleaning. What varieties of it should be used in nutrition and which of the weight loss systems on it is the most effective?

The benefits of rice for weight loss

The composition of this representative of cereals, like other cereals, is primarily famous for complex (or slow) carbohydrates, whose share is almost 80%. They help the body quickly and for a long time to be satiated, so losing weight on rice is not the most hungry method, although it cannot be compared with protein products in terms of nutritional value. An additional plus of this type of carbohydrates in the absence of provoking surges in sugar, because the glycemic index of rice ranges from 55 to 65 units (determined by the variety), which is appreciated not only for weight loss, but also in the diet of diabetics.

The positive aspects of including rice in the diet of losing weight are:

  • The property of this cereal to remove water, which provides quick withdrawal of excess weight, although this has nothing to do with fat burning.
  • Gluten free (strong allergen).
  • A mild effect on the digestive tract, coupled with the property of soothing and enveloping the mucous membrane, lead to a minimum number of side effects from losing weight using rice dishes.

How to lose weight on rice

Even without drawing up a complex schedule of a strict diet, you can lose weight if you choose the right variety of this cereal, because not all of them have the same effect, pick up the right combinations and recipes. Additionally, you will have to keep in mind that while losing weight, rice is not eaten in the evening, and the addition of fatty foods (butter, butter sauce, etc.) to it increases the "weight" of food, while reducing its value in terms of weight loss and leveling all the beneficial qualities of rice ...

What rice can you eat on a diet

If you are going to lose weight, and the selected system is not designed for a daily drop of a couple of kilograms, but for a longer one, it is better to refuse white rice. Due to active resurfacing, it loses most of its vitamins and brings almost no benefit to the body. Such cereals are also digested faster, so you will feel the return of hunger earlier. The only plus of the white variety is not the highest calorie content: in this parameter, brown (brown) is the leader - ideal rice for weight loss, because:

  • coarse shell expels slags better;
  • the glycemic index of the brown variety is lower;
  • antioxidant properties are higher than other types of rice.

In addition to the brown variety, it makes sense for a diet or long-term soft weight loss to look after:

  • Black - may be called wild. An annual cereal growing in swamps and attracting a low calorie content (101 kcal per 100 g). Fiber here contains more than other species, cleansing the intestines with it is more active. Minus - cooked for 40 minutes.
  • Red is also not polished, therefore it retains useful substances, provides the body with fiber, and has a low GI.

What you can eat rice with on a diet

In terms of the number of calories, this product, excluding the wild variety, like other cereals, is "heavy", so experts immediately advise people aiming at losing weight not to combine cold cuts and rice groats in one plate. You can add fish and seafood. They supplement this cereal with vegetables (excluding potatoes), apples, even mix it with dried fruits and nuts if you cook porridge for breakfast. You can season with soy sauce, olive oil and even natural yogurt (for desserts). The virtue of rice is neutrality, so dishes with it can have any taste.

Rice Diet

The number of open source weight loss ideas with this product is overwhelming. It is proposed to combine rice groats with vegetable juices (tomato is especially popular), apples, kefir, or eat it alone. You can also find the alternation of a protein diet with a daily diet of rice porridge. The versatility of this cereal made it possible to create several dozen methods of losing weight based on it, the choice of which is carried out with an eye to the state of health and the desired effect.


Each version of the rice diet for weight loss sets its own conditions and has individual characteristics, but they converge on several points:

  • Drink clean non-carbonated water (mineral water can be used), otherwise any food system for 7 days or more will harm the body.
  • Be sure to use dried apricots if you have to "sit" on rice for more than 3 days, so as not to provoke leaching of potassium.
  • Forget about alcohol.
  • Eat small meals.
  • You can season dishes with garlic, dill, turmeric.

How to cook rice for a diet

There are 2 schemes that doctors advise to be guided by everyone who is mastering the rice diet or trying to lose weight with this product on the right diet. The most useful, but not the most delicious result looks like this:

  1. Rinse the groats, ensuring the purity of the flowing water.
  2. Pour into a cup, pour boiled cold (!) Water.
  3. After 10 hours (prepared mainly at night), the product can be eaten.

Less useful, but allowed even on strict diets, is the classic preparation of boiled or steamed cereals, which it is also advisable to soak first in order to get rid of starch. Here, doctors emphasize only that the product is prepared without salt, otherwise an attempt to get rid of intercellular fluid will be ineffective.

Rice diet for weight loss for 7 days

A week of such nutrition and you will lose 5 kg - such promises are given by the creators of this weight loss system. It is difficult because the diet is hungry, but gives a good impetus to cleansing the body: there are a lot of vegetables on the menu. According to the principles of this rice diet for weight loss, you need to eat 200 g of boiled cereals every morning, to which you can arbitrarily add:

  • a spoonful of 10% sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • Apple;
  • pear;
  • a spoonful of raisins.

For lunch and dinner, you take the main product, only for each of the meals - 150 g. The supplement must again be selected from the list:

  • boiled cabbage;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • grated raw carrots;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • a tomato;
  • a large bunch of greens.

Rice diet 5 volumes

The key rule of this weight loss system is to eat not boiled, but raw rice, which must be prepared before bedtime. So the cleansing of the body will be as pronounced as possible. You will eat rice groats in the morning, and then you can cook soups (light broth, you can use chicken breast), vegetable salads, steamed fish, so that weight loss is active. The duration of the nutrition program is 2 weeks.

The principle of preparing the main dish:

  1. Put 5 glass containers (jars up to half a liter), pour 2 tbsp into each. l. washed rice groats.
  2. First, pour a glass of cold water, cover with a lid.
  3. The next day, rinse the groats from it, pour over again and do the same for the 2nd container.
  4. On the day when rice grains are soaked in the 5th container, you need to eat them from the 1st one.

Japanese rice diet

According to this scheme, a person can get rid of 10 kg if he is overweight in almost 2 weeks. However, the system is difficult, because in the morning you will have to eat raw rice, pre-soaked for several days. Persons weighing less than 65 kg are advised to prepare 2 tablespoons for themselves, and with a greater weight - 3 tablespoons. The washed rice groats are poured with a glass of water (cold!) And for 4 days, every morning, they are washed again and soaked.

The Japanese rice diet program is designed for 13 days:

  • In the morning, eat the entire portion of the soaked cereal without drinking tea / coffee with it and without adding third-party products.
  • After 3 hours, snack on fruit (excluding banana).
  • For dinner and lunch, cook according to healthy food recipes.

Apple rice diet

This weight loss option looks relatively balanced, although nutrition is scarce. This rice diet for weight loss can only be followed for 3 days, during which there is a chance of losing 3 kg. It is allowed to repeat it in a month. It looks like this:

  1. Prepare porridge in the morning (4 glasses of water are used for 250 g of dry product). For breakfast, take 1/3 of the finished dish and wash it down with freshly squeezed juice from green apples (200 ml).
  2. Snack on a baked apple, which can be sprinkled with cinnamon.
  3. For lunch, take half of the remaining porridge, drink again with the same amount of juice.
  4. After 2 hours, have a snack with a fresh apple.
  5. Dinner is similar to lunch.

Hard rice diet

In a day, you can shake the body and the digestive system, and lose 1-1.5 kg as a bonus if you spend a classic rice fasting day. This is the toughest weight loss plan because the diet is limited to a single product. For this reason, any physical and mental activity becomes inaccessible to you, but the cleansing of the body is noticeable immediately. The scheme is simple:

  1. Drink a spoonful of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach.
  2. After an hour, eat 100 g of boiled rice (the variety is not important).
  3. Eat the same portion throughout the day with an interval of 3 hours. You can have your last meal at 20:00.

Kefir-rice diet

The 9-day slimming system helps you lose belly volume well. there is an active effect on digestion, but it is not always well perceived by the body because of its rigidity. The diet is poor, the main products are white rice groats and low-fat kefir. The power scheme is as follows:

  1. Days 1 to 3, you need to eat 100 g of boiled rice cereal per meal (there will be 5 of them). Cooking is carried out with a lot of water to make it almost like a porridge with a slimy consistency. All drinks are prohibited.
  2. Days from 4 to 6 eat kefir - a liter is allocated for a day. In case of severe dizziness, a spoonful of honey in the morning is allowed.
  3. The last 3 days the diet becomes "richer": the same 1 liter of kefir along with porridge (a glass of dry product) for every day.

Pros and cons

There are a lot of positive qualities in this method of losing weight: in addition to a general improvement in the work of the intestines and changes in the quality of the body, a person receives:

  • quick weight loss due to fluid loss;
  • beneficial effects on joints;
  • loss of slags;
  • ease of transition to a healthy diet.

However, long-term (more than a week) weight loss on rice diets is fraught with:

  • washing out potassium and vitamin D;
  • exacerbation of stomach problems;
  • lowering sugar levels;
  • decreased performance.


The active use of rice dishes provokes constipation, so this type of weight loss is prohibited in case of gastrointestinal diseases. You should not resort to it in case of potassium deficiency, too obvious fluctuations in insulin, pregnancy. Particularly rigid systems, involving a strong cut in the diet, require caution in persons with liver disease and active inflammatory processes.

It will help you to reduce volumes and lose weight in just a week. Is this diet suitable for everyone? What foods should not be consumed with a rice diet? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the article.

general information

Rice diet for a week is suitable for those who wish to cleanse their body of excess fluid and accumulated toxins. She has a lot of advantages. First, rice completely covers the daily intake of carbohydrates. Secondly, with this diet, you will not feel hungry.

What is the result of the rice diet? 10 kg per week can be lost by those who have a lot of excess weight. The main rule is to use it raw or We will tell you about what products it can be supplemented with a little later. The best results in terms of weight loss have shown It should be untreated, with a shell. Such grains retain the maximum amount of vitamins, microelements and plant fibers.

Super Rice Diet: What You Can Eat

What should be considered when drawing up a menu? Rice is the main, but not the only product. It is best to use a brown variety. Its calorie content in 100 grams is only 109 kcal.

For successful weight loss and elimination of toxins from the body, it is necessary to observe a drinking regime - 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. This can be herbal or green tea (no sweeteners), plain water, or apple juice diluted with water. Constipation is possible with insufficient water intake.

The rice diet allows for the use of a minimum amount of salt. It is added to food before consumption. To avoid health problems, you should take vitamin and mineral complexes containing potassium. This element ensures the normal functioning of the heart.

There are several options for rice diets. Each of them provides its own list of permitted products. The best result is achieved by a rigid rice diet (10 kg per week). But few girls can stand a diet of only rice. However, it can be varied with two or three green apples.

Prohibited foods

Do you know who is the main enemy of a slender figure? Fast food, of course. hamburgers and pizzas all contain huge amounts of carbohydrates and cholesterol. Therefore, for the duration of the diet, fast food should be forgotten.

Avoid foods such as:

  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • bread and rolls;
  • canned food;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • coffee.

Rice Diet Options

Choosing a particular diet, you need to take into account your weight and health. It is good if you consult a doctor in advance. Willpower also plays an important role in this matter. Not every girl can last a week on one rice or fruit. Below are the options for a rice diet. Perhaps one of them is right for you.

Rigid Rice Diet

Need to urgently lose weight for an important event or the beginning of the beach season? Then the rice diet is for you. 10 kg per week will go away forever. You need willpower and strict adherence to the diet. In fact, this is a mono diet, because the only product in it is brown rice. The daily rate is one glass. We divide this amount into two or three steps. If you can't handle your hunger in any way, then you can eat a couple of apples during the day. With such a strict diet, physical activity is contraindicated.

"5 volumes"

The rules for this diet are simple. We put five glasses on the table. Pour two tablespoons of brown rice into each of them and pour in two hundred milliliters of water. It can be warm, but not hot. We change the water in the glasses for four days. And on the fifth day we do the following. We drain the liquid from the first glass, and eat the rice without boiling. What's next? We fill this glass with rice and water. Set aside. In the morning of the next day, drain the water from the second glass, eat the rice from it. We hope that you understand the further scheme.

For maximum effect, eat swollen rice on an empty stomach. Then you can eat as usual. This is about healthy food, not smoked meats, pickles and fast food. The duration of the "5 volumes" diet is 14 days. During this time, you will receive a visible result.

Light diet

This is a gentle option. It provides for such a daily set of products: 500 g of rice, 200 g of fish or meat, some green vegetables. There is a certain cooking technology. Rice is poured with apple juice diluted with water for several hours. Then the liquid is drained from it and boiled, adding fish (meat) and chopped vegetables. The finished dish is divided into 2-3 receptions. You can eat between them.But make sure that their number does not exceed 500 g.


A tough mono diet requires incredible willpower, but it guarantees excellent results. In just 3 days, you will get rid of 3-4 kg. More intense weight loss will begin on the fifth day. Doctors do not recommend sticking to a mono diet for more than 7 days. Otherwise, health problems cannot be avoided.

Now another option is a light rice diet. She does not promise to lose 10 kg per week, but it helps to get rid of toxins and edema. No hunger! Adhering to this diet for 10 days, you will lose 4-5 kg. Agree that this is a good result.

Rice diet for weight loss: reviews

What do the girls say? Did they manage to lose weight thanks to the rice diet? To understand this, it is enough to read the reviews. Most of the young ladies were satisfied with the results. On average, they managed to lose 7-8 kg per week of a rigid mono-diet. Other girls prefer food. Therefore, their results look slower - 2-3 kg in 7 days.

Negative reviews are also received, but in a minimal amount. In them, the ladies complain about the monotonous diet. Some of them lacked the willpower to get the desired results.


You have learned about the features and options of the rice diet. Its pros and cons were also highlighted in the article. Whether this diet is suitable or not is up to you.

Do you dream of being slim like a Japanese woman? The main secret of their ideal figure is proper nutrition. Their diet is based on fresh fish and rice groats. On the basis of rice, a lot of nutrition systems have been compiled that are popular with women. Rice diet for weight loss and detoxification will help you lose 10 kg. for a week and cleanse the body of toxins.

The rice cleansing technique dates back to 1939. It was used to combat obesity, hypertension, diabetes. The slimming effect is achieved by reducing the consumption of salt and sugar, which allows you to reduce body fat. The diet will help you get rid of 10-18 kilograms per month.

Is it possible to lose weight on rice

As you know, rice groats are a fairly nutritious product. Despite this, many women are successful with this nutritional system. Is it possible to eat rice for those who want to lose weight? The low-calorie content of cereals is associated with its low glycemic index: unrefined grains - 50, peeled - 70.

Also, the rice nutrition program provides for a complete rejection of salt. This is exactly how active weight loss occurs. Getting out of the rice diet will be very stressful for your body. But the effectiveness of the technique is impressive. In just a week, you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

Diet benefits

The nutritional system combines microelements and vitamins that are useful and necessary for the body, which provide safe weight loss. Rice grits contain the following minerals:

  • starch - has an enveloping effect, which is especially useful for the functioning of the stomach;
  • potassium - is responsible for the work of the heart;
  • calcium - strengthens bones;
  • iron - saturates the cells of the body with oxygen;
  • iodine - ensures the normal functioning of the endocrine glands.

Also in the composition you can select vitamins that improve vision, strengthen immunity and promote digestion.

During the diet, salt and excess fluid are excreted. As a result, blood pressure and metabolic processes are normalized, which leads to weight loss. You can achieve noticeable success by sticking to the rice fasting day menu.

Nutritionists do not know of a more effective weight loss system than the rice diet. 10 kg. in a week is a very real and achievable result for every woman.

Nutrition principles

The diet does not raise doubts about its effectiveness, however, for the desired indicators, you need to follow some dietary rules:

  • The basis of the method of losing weight is unleavened rice and green tea without sugar.
  • You need to eat every 2 hours, the portion weight is about 200 g.
  • Start your day with a serving of cooked rice.
  • In rice weight loss, a drinking regimen plays an important role. Drink liquids only an hour after a meal to allow the rice to digest on its own. Also, keep an eye on the amount you drink, ideally it is recommended to drink 1.5 liters a day, as rice can cause constipation.
  • The porridge recipe should not contain spices, salt and black pepper, otherwise the liquid will not be excreted from the body.
  • If you are a lover of sauces and other dressings, then for the duration of the diet you need to give them up. The only exception can be vegetable oil.
  • As you know, rice has a strengthening property. To reduce its such quality, add finely chopped herbs or a couple of dried fruits to the prepared dish.
  • An assistant in rice weight loss will be pumpkin, millet, apples and dried fruits. They are rich in potassium, which promotes the elimination of salts.
  • Exit from the diet should be as gentle as possible, so vegetable dishes are allowed in the evening.

Disadvantages and contraindications

  • The disadvantages include the complexity of the dietary period for the body. Eating rice porridge alone is quite difficult.
  • Compliance with any mono-diet should not exceed a maximum of 2 weeks (ideally less), since a healthy diet should be balanced and varied.
  • The rice diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with unstable blood sugar levels, and gastrointestinal problems.
  • People who are prone to constipation and hemorrhoids should try this menu very carefully.

Before using such a nutritional system for weight loss, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Varieties of power systems

Nutritionists distinguish diets based on their duration:

  • fasting day;
  • rice diet for 3 days;
  • diet for the week;
  • diet 9 days.

The result of your weight loss depends on the chosen duration. On average, in a couple of days it leaves 1 kilogram.

Fasting day

Despite this name, the power system is designed for 1-2 days of use. During this period, you should eat 250 g of rice a day, the volume is indicated in dry form. After cooking, there is a lot of rice porridge, this is the meaning of a non-starving diet. In addition to porridge, you can eat apples and drink green tea.

A diet on rice and green tea is quite effective: in just a couple of days, excess fluid will be released from the body, and you will lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight.

An approximate fasting day menu looks like this:

For snacks, you can drink apple juice or eat a sliced ​​apple. Low-carbohydrate diet implies the obligatory use of clean water up to 2 liters. per day.

Option for 3 days

A 3-day rice diet may well be classified as a mono-diet. Rice groats are good for the body, but they do not contain vitamins A and C, which are needed for normal human life. That is why, you cannot stick to a mono-diet for more than three days.

Also try an effective diet for weight loss and detoxification with rice and tomato juice. Its essence is simple: a day you need to eat a glass of boiled rice and drink 3 glasses of juice. The tomato diet will help cleanse the body and save you 2 extra pounds.

Sample menu

Breakfast Rice seasoned with grated apple and lemon zest - 200 g.
Dinner Vegetable broth - 300 ml., Vegetable salad - 150 g., Rice porridge - 150 g., A mug of unsweetened green tea.
Dinner Vegetable broth - 200 ml., Boiled rice with stewed carrots - 200 g.
Breakfast Rice - 150 g, sour cream 20% - 1 tbsp. l., orange.
Dinner Light vegetable soup - 200 ml, rice porridge - 150 g, a glass of apple juice.
Dinner Steamed vegetables - 200 g, boiled rice - 100 g.
Breakfast Boiled rice - 150 g, grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetable broth - 200 ml, rice porridge with mushrooms - 150 g, fresh cucumber salad - 100 g, a glass of orange juice.
Dinner Rice - 150 g, boiled broccoli - 150 g, a mug of unsweetened tea.

A dietary program in three days will save you 3-4 extra pounds. By the way, the third day of nutrition can be considered a way out of the mono-diet, so it is allowed to introduce vegetables, salad dressing.

Also, nutritionists advise to follow a diet on rice and tomato juice for three days. It is recommended not to have snacks and lunches. If you feel an overwhelming feeling of hunger, eat a slice of apple or orange and wash it down with tea.

Weekly weight loss

Rice diet for weight loss for 7 days promises to save you 4 kilograms of excess weight. The diet is quite varied compared to a three-day mono diet.

Often losing weight ask the question: what kind of rice can you eat during a diet? Nutritionists answer that white and brown rice is suitable for weight loss, which also gives noticeable results and has properties that are beneficial to the body. In addition, cereals are nutritious foods, which allows you to completely restrict meat and fish during the weight loss process.

Menu for the week

This option offers the following menu:

Breakfast Rice seasoned with lemon juice - ½ cup, an apple, a mug of unsweetened tea.
Dinner Rice with vegetables - 150 g.
Dinner Rice porridge with stewed carrots - 150 g.
Breakfast Boiled rice - 100 g, pear.
Dinner Cucumber salad - 150 g, rice - 100 g, apple.
Dinner A handful of walnut kernels, boiled cabbage with rice - 200 g, a glass of yogurt.
Breakfast Rice porridge - 50 g, apple, orange juice.
Dinner Rice, cucumber and fried mushroom salad - 150 g.
Dinner Boiled rice with stewed carrots - 200 g.
Breakfast Rice with raisins - 100 g, pear, a glass of kefir.
Dinner Boiled rice with zucchini stew - 250 g.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp. l., lettuce.
Breakfast Rice with lemon dressing - 150 g, apple, green tea.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, tomato.
Dinner Boiled rice - 150 g, walnut kernels.
Breakfast Rice - 100 g, a glass of skim milk, orange.
Dinner Boiled rice - 150 g, salad of radishes and carrots - 50 g.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, sour cream 20% - 1 tbsp. l.
Breakfast Rice - 50 g, an apple, a glass of natural yogurt.
Dinner Boiled rice - 150 g, cucumber salad - 100 g.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, lettuce leaves.

A seven-day low-carb diet completely eliminates canned food and soda, as these foods increase appetite. Drink only purified, still water.

Lose weight in 9 days

A unique diet for weight loss - rice, chicken, vegetables - will save you 14 kilograms of excess weight in 9 days! Nutrition, designed for nine days, is quite strict and requires a certain endurance, but the result is impressive. The positive aspect of the diet is that chicken meat is allowed. From the fourth day, chicken replaces rice grits. A chicken without skin and fat is being prepared in a double boiler.

  • Day 1-3. We eat boiled rice for 3 days without spices and salt.
  • Day 4-6. We eat chicken dishes, chicken is also allowed.
  • Day 7-9. We eat boiled, baked or raw vegetables.

Adhering to the selected menu, you need to observe the water regime. Drink 2 liters. liquids a day one hour after meals.

On day 9, there is a gradual exit from the diet, fruits can be included in the menu. The diet - rice, chicken, apples - has collected numerous reviews of those who have lost weight, which noted its effectiveness.

Brown rice for weight loss

Nutritionists are often faced with the question: is a brown rice diet possible? Of course, this type of cereal can be eaten on a diet, but only in the absence of contraindications to this monosystem:

  • cardiac pathology;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • constipation.

By analogy with white cereal, brown rice can be consumed for 3.7 and 9 days. You can make a healthy and low-calorie dish using a multicooker or rice cooker. Those who have lost weight note that the results obtained from a diet on white and brown rice are practically similar to each other.

There is no answer to the question of which rice is best used for weight loss purposes. Boil a glass of your favorite cereal, get in a positive attitude and start your weight loss program.

Rice Diet Anna

Rice Diet Rankings

Effectiveness of the diet


Variety of products

Lose weight by 1-3 kg in 3-5 days

Lose weight by 4-6 kg in 1 week

Lose weight by 7-10 kg in 8-14 days

Total: Depending on the type of rice diet you choose, you can lose 3-7 kg. The result and the speed of its achievement depends on the type of diet, there are fast but strict types of rice diet, and there are more gentle ones.

2 You can try

Rice diet User ratings User ratings : 3.7 (4 votes)

The whole secret to the effectiveness of this diet is that rice is an extremely healthy grain. In many countries of East Asia, rice is the basis of all nutrition, and what is remarkable, these peoples are distinguished by excellent health, harmony and longevity.

Due to the fact that rice has a high energy value and contains many minerals and vitamins, the body does not experience severe stress during this diet, a person can easily cope with hunger, lose weight and at the same time also get healthier. As a rule, the accumulation of fat and the acquisition of extra pounds is the result of slagging of the intestines, poor functioning of the digestive system and a slow metabolism.

Rice, just does the cleansing work, since this product acts as a sorbent that removes toxins and toxins, "removes" excess water, cleanses the walls of the small intestine and has a beneficial effect on all internal organs. The rice diet is used to cleanse the body, not only to lose weight.

Following all the recommendations of the rice diet, they achieve excellent results and, depending on its duration, lose from 3 to 6-7 kg of weight! Importantly, throughout the diet, you can feel vigorous and energetic, because this cereal is a source of amino acids and B vitamins.

Everyone has heard that potassium is so necessary for stimulating the heart muscle, and calcium is involved in strengthening bone tissue and is responsible for the health of our hair, nails and teeth, magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Rice is abundant in these and other essential nutrients for good health. This cereal goes well with any vegetables, meat and fish, which makes it possible to compose a variety of not boring menus and at the same time minimize the calorie content of dishes.

How to choose cereals for a rice diet?

Ordinary, familiar white rice is not very suitable, because it is a refined product, in which there is practically nothing useful left. For diet, it is best to use brown or brown brown rice, since the most useful nutrients are stored in its shell, which will remain available even after cooking.

Features of the rice diet

The basis of the rice diet speaks for itself - every day we eat rice prepared in different ways. For the diet to be of maximum benefit, you must have a list of prohibited and allowed foods on hand when making recipes.

Healthy foods:

  • raw vegetables;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • vegetable broth;
  • seafood;
  • fruits and dried fruits (except for bananas and grapes)
  • dressing - olive oil;
  • green tea;
  • still or pure filtered mineral water;
  • combine with potassium-carrying agents - raisins, pumpkin, melon, legumes, avocado, millet porridge.


  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • fat meat;
  • pickles and canned food;
  • hot spices, ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • bread;
  • potatoes;
  • milk;
  • coffee, black tea, alcohol.

As mentioned above, rice has pronounced absorbent properties, therefore, the body is cleared of salts when the cereals are soaked before use and when cooked, they are not salted.

Rice Diet Options

To start from words to deeds, we suggest studying and choosing the most suitable diet for yourself based on this cereal. There are several options, but the choice is always yours. We recommend starting with simpler diets that do not last more than three days so that the body can adapt and get used to eating rice. Having overcome the lower steps, you can climb higher.

For weight loss, you can choose stricter and longer diets, and for health improvement and elimination of toxins, it is enough to give preference to fasting days, which are held once a week.

Rice fasting day

Boil the soaked and washed rice and eat every two hours, 150 grams (of the finished product). Between meals, drink still mineral water and green tea, 250 ml each.

If you arrange such unloading every week, then the result will soon be noticeable - the state of health will improve, the extra pounds will slowly but surely disappear. In the end, you will achieve lasting results.

Diet "5 volumes"

The "Five Volumes" diet is aimed at losing weight and improving the body, as it draws out all excess salts. During this diet, it is advisable to take additional vitamins with useful minerals, as with "garbage" and toxins, rice can take away useful substances.

Five cans are taken, every day two tablespoons of rice are poured into one of them, pour 200 ml of pure water. We change the water every day and add the next jar. On the fifth day, we start taking it - in the morning, rice is eaten, respectively, soaked for 4 days. The procedure is repeated in such a way that prepared rice is eaten every morning on an empty stomach. After taking rice, do not eat or drink anything for two hours so that it can do all the necessary work.

The duration of such a diet is two weeks. At this time, limit yourself from all prohibited foods, allow rice to remove unnecessary salts that retain water from the body.

Rice diet for 3 days

A tougher but more effective diet lasts only three days. It is used when there is a need to quickly lose weight. All three days they eat for lunch, breakfast and dinner a portion of boiled rice of 100 grams, which alternate with boiled vegetables - only about 400 grams.

If you feel that you cannot withstand such rigidity, the menu can be diversified with vegetable broths, salads from raw vegetables and herbs, adding a small amount of olive oil, grapefruit and orange.

Rice diet "Two courses"

The basis of this diet is rice and seafood, which includes boiled or steamed fish. Without mixing, a plate of rice and a plate of seafood seasoned with lemon and herbs are eaten at regular intervals throughout the day.

The two dishes are not mixed, but taken separately!

Diet "A glass of rice"

We warn you right away that this diet belongs to a strict diet and should not be carried out for more than 3 days with an interval of at least 10 days. The result is quick, but the main difficulty is to keep it as long as possible.

A glass of rice is boiled and is a daily diet, it can be stretched out for the whole day, or it can be eaten in one sitting. In order not to break down, the feeling of hunger can be soothed by two or three green apples. During this diet, you should not engage in physical activity and it is best to retire and spend this time in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Diet "A glass of rice" requires exposure, so weigh the pros and cons, so as not to break down, it may still be better to choose a long, but more gentle diet.

Rice diet for 7 days

In this diet, the proverb is appropriate: "The quieter you go, the further you will be." To achieve the goal - to lose weight and improve your health, as well as to consolidate the achieved result for a long time, a diet for seven days is just what you need.

A menu is made for every day, which includes rice, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Boiled rice - 100 gr., Seasoned with lemon juice and zest
Green tea or rosehip infusion
Vegetable salad - 150 gr.
Vegetable broth
Rice seasoned with olive oil and herbs
Herbal tea
Rice with stewed zucchini and carrots - 200 gr.
Mint tea
Tuesday Rice with orange zest and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream
1 large orange
Vegetable soup and a serving of rice
Rosehip decoction
Boiled rice with broccoli cabbage - 200 gr.
Herbal tea
Wednesday Fruit salad consisting of pear, orange, kiwi
Rice porridge is liquid, sprinkled with cinnamon.
Vegetable broth
Radish with lettuce with olive oil
Boiled rice - 100 gr. Green tea
Rice casserole with low-fat sour cream and honey
Mint tea
Thursday Rice with raisins
1 apple
Green tea
Boiled fish
Rice seasoned with herbs - 100 gr. Tea
Rice stewed with vegetables and seasoned with olive oil
Soothing tea
Friday Boiled rice with almond flakes, two walnuts
Herbal tea
Rice casserole in vegetable broth with fried mushrooms. Mushrooms are cooked in olive oil with the addition of low-fat sour cream. Everything is sprinkled with fresh herbs
Green tea
Vegetable broth with rice, grated parsley or celery root
Ginger tea with honey
Saturday 1 pear
4 walnuts
Liquid rice porridge with dates
Vegetable broth
Steamed vegetables
Rice seasoned with olive oil - 100 gr.
Boiled fish with rice and vegetables
Herbal tea with honey
Sunday Boiled rice with the addition of figs, dates and nuts
Green tea with honey
Serving salad of a variety of vegetables, with the addition of olive oil
Vegetable bean broth with rice
Rice with green olives and stewed zucchini, seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
Herbal tea

This diet can include a variety of snacks in the form of fruits, sunflower seeds. At this time, in addition to tea, they drink still mineral water up to 2 liters a day. If you add more approved foods, then you can sit on such a diet for more than seven days.
You can download the full menu to print it below. The file is provided in pdf format so that if necessary, you can save and read it on your smartphone or tablet.

Indications and contraindications for the rice diet

The rice diet is recommended for people who suffer from edema, as rice removes excess fluid. With minor bowel disorders, such a diet helps to quickly normalize metabolism and bring the body back to normal.

Salt-free rice diet will help get rid of pain in the joints and spine, its usefulness in this direction has already been proven by experience.

Since this is a mono-diet, it is not suitable for everyone - even such a healthy grain cannot fully meet all the needs of the body.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not take risks and it is better to choose more nutritious food for themselves.

People who suffer from constipation and have chronic diseases of the intestinal tract, before consult a doctor!

Rice diet for people over 40

It is no secret that with age, the metabolism in the body slows down and a person, with the same diet, easily gains weight, which leads to obesity of internal organs and the acquisition of extra pounds. In order to prevent the development of various diseases inherent in this period, the entire diet should be reviewed. A salt-free rice diet is just what you need, as it cleans blood vessels and removes toxins. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated and well-being returns.

As a basis, you can take the seven-day diet given above, adding low-fat kefir and yogurt to it, better than your own preparation. Steamed poultry meat is added to lunch. It should be remembered - salt is completely excluded!

As you can see, the rice diet is effective for fighting excess weight and for improving the health of the whole body. Photos of people who have achieved amazing results, sitting on such a diet is evidence of this.

The main thing is not to forget that during the diet it is necessary to drink more pure, non-carbonated water, but not immediately after a meal, but somewhere, after an hour or two. And during the diet, it is advisable to take vitamin complexes so as not to harm the body.

The rice diet is considered one of the best options for detoxification and fast weight loss. The medicinal properties of rice and centuries of experience in therapy with this product indicate that such a nutritional system is effective.

The excellent composition of rice groats makes it possible to consume only this product for 3-14 days without a pronounced deficiency of microelements necessary for the body. In addition to chemical components that have a beneficial effect on overall health, rice is recognized as an excellent sorbent. It absorbs toxins, salts and toxic substances and removes them naturally. That is why it is prescribed for people with food poisoning.


The basic principles of a rice diet are:

  • Of all the meals, breakfast is considered the most important - the many options for preparing this cereal will not feel monotonous.
  • Drink regular water in large quantities, but long before and after meals, so that it does not affect the concentration of gastric juice, slowing down the process of digestion. It must be remembered that rice has bonding properties, so a large amount of liquid is needed to prevent constipation.
  • It is best to refuse salt completely for maximum effect, from store-bought sauces too. It is allowed to use very little vegetable oil as a dressing.
  • It is best to combine this cereal with apples, raisins, dried apricots, pumpkin.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of the rice mono-diet are the beneficial effects on the body of the cereal itself:

  • Calcium in the composition of the grains improves the condition of nails and hair.
  • Potassium has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Phosphorus is good for bones.
  • Iodine is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Iron and zinc strengthen overall immunity.
  • Fiber improves the digestion process.

In addition to all this, the rice diet cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, and also helps the stomach to shrink due to small portions.

This way of losing weight will harm people with chronic diseases, as well as everyone who follows a diet for a long time. In addition, it is important to remember that weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluid from the body, so in most cases it returns as soon as the water balance is restored.

Types of diets for cleansing and losing weight

Several types of diets are distinguished depending on the length of the menu and the diet.

For 3 days

This short-term version of the rice mono diet will allow you to lose up to three kilograms.

During each day, it is allowed to eat three times and the menu looks something like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First Rice porridge, which can be prepared in several ways:

Cover with water in the evening


For a couple

You can season with citrus zest or green apple puree

Decoction of vegetables, rice porridge with vegetable oil and herbs, raw vegetables Vegetable broth, rice porridge, raw or steamed carrots
Second Rice porridge with any kind of greens, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, any citrus Vegetable soup, rice porridge with herbs and vegetable oil. Steamed broccoli, courgette, green peas and rice.
The third Rice porridge flavored with cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract, any citrus. Green vegetable soup, rice porridge with boiled mushrooms and cucumbers. Steamed broccoli, green peas and rice, a glass of vegetable broth.

During these three days you can drink water, green tea, red tea, very little juice of any citrus, better diluted with water.

For 7 days

For a week of rice mono-ration, you can build up to five kilograms. It is highly recommended to follow all dietary rules and make sure there are no contraindications.

The menu for this option also provides three meals a day, which look like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First A 50-gram serving of rice porridge, seasoned with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a large apple. A 150-gram portion of rice porridge, seasoned with herbs and a small amount (teaspoon) of olive oil. A 150-gram serving of cooked rice, steamed medium carrots. Can be grated and added to porridge in the middle of cooking.
Second A 50-gram portion of rice porridge seasoned with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream, any citrus A 150-gram portion of rice porridge, any steamed green vegetables. The same as the first day.
The third A 50 gram portion of rice porridge, large pear. In 100 grams of rice porridge, add one medium cucumber and 50 grams of porcini mushrooms fried in a small amount of olive oil. A portion of rice in the size of 150 grams, 2 tablespoons of boiled white cabbage, 20 grams of walnut kernels.
Fourth A 50-gram portion of rice porridge, you can add a glass of milk, a large green apple during the cooking process. A 150-gram serving of rice porridge, a salad of one medium raw carrot and a couple of radishes. As on the third day, but without nuts.
Fifth A 50-gram portion of rice porridge, half a glass of steamed raisins, a glass of any non-fat fermented milk drink. A 150-gram portion of rice porridge, baked zucchini, lettuce. A portion of rice porridge in the size of 150 grams, greens in any quantity, 20 grams of walnuts.
Sixth A 50-gram portion of rice porridge, large sweet pear salad and 30 grams of walnut kernels. A portion of rice porridge in the size of 150 grams, steamed zucchini, greens in unlimited quantities. A 150-gram serving of rice porridge, seasoned with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream and a large pear.
Seventh A 50-gram portion of rice porridge and a large apple. A portion of rice porridge in the size of 150 grams, a couple of medium tomatoes, any greens in unlimited quantities. A 100 gram portion of rice porridge and steamed zucchini.

For 2 week

Following a mono-rice diet for 14 days can help you lose 6 to 10 kilograms. It is important to follow the general rules and guidelines for this diet and to ensure that there are no potential health risks.

Its menu coincides with the seven-day options, in the second week it needs to be repeated and expanded with citrus juices in the morning.

5 volumes

One of the more popular options for the rice diet is 5 cups or 5 volumes. It allows you to get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms in two weeks. Suitable for everyone who is not too lazy to accompany the preparation of food with an unusual ritual.

You need to take 5 containers with a capacity of 200 ml. more is possible, but 200 ml is the required amount. Sign each of them with numbers from 1 to 5. On the first day, you need to put two tablespoons of rice groats in a glass and pour plain clean water to the brim. On the second day, change the water in this glass and do the same procedure with the second glass, and so on. You can eat the contents of the first in the morning on the fifth day without additional heat treatments, that is, the cereal is settled for 4 days.

The rest of the diet is allowed to be left as usual, but for greater effect it is better to adjust it towards proper nutrition.

Geisha diet

It is no secret that rice is the most commonly consumed crop in Eastern countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that geisha have their own secrets to maintain a beautiful appearance with this product. One of them is a geisha diet, designed for 5 days and allowing you to lose weight by 5-7 kg and cleanse the body. Suitable for all who are not afraid of difficulties like Japanese hardy women.

Interesting. By the way, there is no reliable confirmation that it is the Japanese masters who are the authors of this diet. But the oriental flavor of the diet and the beautiful appearance of Japan's women contribute to its spread among the masses.

For five days of the geisha diet, it is allowed to drink green leaf tea and cow's milk, and eat rice, preferably unpolished and not white. The approximate diet for each day looks like this:

Morning - 2 cups of milk tea without sweeteners.

Lunch - a 200-gram portion of brown rice porridge and a glass of milk.

Evening - a cup of green tea with milk and a 200 gram portion of rice porridge.

With chicken and vegetables

Among all rice diets, this option is considered the most gentle and healthy. You can observe it from 7 days to 14 and during this time you can actually lose from 3 to 7 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Rice, green vegetables and fruits, tomato juice, apples and citruses are allowed for consumption.

There are several options for implementing the diet: you can combine permitted foods daily or alternate rice days with vegetable and fruit days.

An example of a mixed diet:

Breakfast - rice porridge with lemon zest and green apple.

Lunch - steamed rice with vegetables and a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner - a small 50-gram portion of rice porridge, boiled chicken breast and fresh cucumber.

Honey and rice diet

This meal option is allowed for 5, maximum 7 days. During this time, it takes up to five kilograms.

You should choose unprocessed rice in an industrial environment: black, red, brown or simply unpolished. Alternating these varieties every day works well.

During the day, it is allowed to consume half a kilogram of porridge from the selected cereal in three meals. Each serving should be sweetened with a tablespoon of liquid honey; acacia or buckwheat is ideal. It is important to remember about drinking plenty of water, unsweetened green tea. In the context of this diet, a drink made from warm water, honey and lemon juice is just right.

The duration of this type of diet should not exceed 7 days, during which time you can lose 3-4 kilograms. Nutritionists do not recommend sticking to a menu based on buckwheat and rice cereals if the goal is to lose five kilograms or more. But this option is good for starting long-term weight loss with the help of a proper balanced diet as a metabolic shake-up. For the same purpose, they use the buckwheat-rice menu, when you need to "finish off" a few kilograms in a short time.

This diet will appeal to everyone who has a hard time on protein diets due to a lack of carbohydrates.

Permitted products for consumption: buckwheat and rice cereals, lemons, tea, apples, herbs, chicken meat.

This power system can be implemented in several ways:

  • Alternate rice days with buckwheat. To do this, a glass of cereal is poured in the evening with warm water in a ratio of one to two and consumed in three doses throughout the day.
  • Mix boiled buckwheat porridge with rice in equal proportions and eat half a kilogram of this mixture per day.
  • The most rational option is to create a balanced menu with basic buckwheat and rice products.

A balanced diet option for the buckwheat-rice diet:

Breakfast - a couple of green apples or any citrus fruits, green tea without sugar in any quantity.

Lunch - buckwheat-rice / buckwheat / rice porridge with vegetables or herbs.

Dinner - a couple of tablespoons of mixed / buckwheat / rice porridge with green vegetables and chicken breasts.


Rice and apples are a perfect match and have a beneficial effect on digestion. The use of these two products for 3-5 days contributes to emergency weight loss of up to three kilograms.

The menu of this food system consists of green apples and rice, preferably unpeeled. In small quantities (30 grams per day), it is allowed to add raisins and walnuts.

You can implement the diet in many ways of cooking permitted products: casseroles, puddings, cereals, baked apples, steamed rice.

An approximate daily menu looks like this:

Morning - rice porridge with raisins and nuts.

Lunch - two large baked apples, three tablespoons of rice porridge.

Dinner - rice porridge with herbs, green fresh apple.

The classic kefir-rice diet lasts 9 days and is good for people after food intoxication. Well, of course, during this time you can lose weight decently - on average, up to five kilograms.

The diet is divided into three parts, three days each, each of which has its own diet:

  1. The first part - all three meals are made up of rice spread. For its preparation, cereals and water are taken in a ratio of one to four. Any drinks other than water are prohibited.
  2. The second part is only low-fat kefir in the amount of 8 glasses daily.
  3. The third part is a more or less balanced menu and has several options for implementation:
  • Breakfast - apples, lunch - rice porridge, dinner - kefir.
  • Breakfast - a 200-gram portion of rice porridge, dinner - kefir, between these meals - four large baked apples.
  • Boil a glass of raw rice groats in three glasses of water, divide the finished dish into three parts and eat during the day with a glass of kefir.
  • Alternate mono-days - rice and kefir.

During pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is often accompanied by swelling. Therefore, rice, which removes fluid from the body, can be very useful. Unloading mono days are recommended for pregnant women, during which you can eat rice porridge and apples. Such changes in the diet must be strictly coordinated with the doctor.

With joint disease

Nutritional systems based on rice groats often have a healing effect and are prescribed by doctors for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

With osteochondrosis

Eating more than the body needs, the amount of minerals is one of the main causes of osteochondrosis. The most common of these is common table salt. The absorbent capacity of rice groats will come to the rescue of people with such problems.

It is recommended to arrange fasting rice days without salt - within a few months the symptoms of the disease will significantly weaken, and the patient's condition will improve. For maximum effect, it is necessary to give up the use of salt and junk food for a long time, and make rice groats an obligatory part of the daily menu.

The fasting day's diet consists of three liters of ordinary water and half a kilogram of rice porridge.

With arthritis

For arthritis, rice therapy is practiced in almost every case. The ability to remove toxins, toxins and salts has an excellent effect on the restoration of joints and cleansing the whole body. In addition, the weight lost during the period of the rice diet lightens the load on them.

It is recommended to choose brown unpolished rice and eat it on an empty stomach. A certain preparation of this product for a health-improving diet is also required: rice must be soaked like the procedure of the "five volumes" system, but in this case it is considered mandatory to cook it. Before meals, be sure to drink up to half a liter of water, and absolutely nothing to season rice porridge. The next meal after breakfast is allowed no earlier than 4 hours later.

You can continue therapy for a month.

With gout

Rice diet is prescribed for gout to remove salts from the joints. The effect will be the better, the longer the cereals are soaked in water before use. Therefore, you need to prepare for treatment according to the "Five Volumes" system and have breakfast with cooked rice after five days of soaking.

You can practice such a morning meal for a long time, having previously agreed with your doctor.


Like any food system for weight loss, based on a single product, the rice diet has a number of contraindications:

  1. Chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Constipation and rectal obstruction.
  3. Unstable blood sugar.
  4. Pregnancy (excluding fasting days) and lactation.

Observing any of the proposed diets, you need to listen to your body and, if general weakness, nausea or dizziness occurs, stop losing weight in this way.

Prohibited foods

The diet will not bring results if you use the following foods along with rice cereals:

  • Food waste in the form of chips, crackers and similar snacks, as well as store-bought ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces.
  • Pastries and white bread.
  • Confectionery and sugar.
  • Salt. For this food system, the amount contained in the products themselves is sufficient.
  • Alcohol, coffee.
  • All foods that are not included in the list of permitted types of diet.

Nutritionists' opinions

The fact that rice is considered a healthy grain is beyond any doubt from any of the experts. In the diet of wholesome food, this product takes pride of place.

Fiber, minerals necessary for the body, absorbing properties, good taste and cheapness are just the main benefits of rice.

Nutritionists and doctors have a positive attitude towards fasting days on rice porridge, if indicated.

Mono-diets that last more than three days are not recommended by medical professionals or nutritionists. In addition to the fact that the body does not receive all the necessary vitamins, such nutrition is difficult to endure psychologically.