Registration of the title page of industrial practice. How to prepare a cover page of a practice report

"They meet by their clothes ..." - this phrase is more useful than ever when it comes to how to arrange title page practice report. Of course, someone will answer that they are "seeing off according to their minds," but the final grade for the report on the practice depended, depends and will always depend on the correct placement of the necessary information on the title.

What does the title page look like? What are the GOST standards for its design? What sample of the title page of the practice report can you really focus on without fear, as they say, to get into a puddle?

The first thing to do in order to understand the issue of the correct design of the title is to take a template from your department and create your own title page based on the example of a university. Any serious and prestigious university publishes the Regulation on the passage of internship by students, in which the title page form will be a mandatory application. Most often, such documents are publicly available on the website of your university.

What pitfalls can there be? Check for yourself, the template that you were given, is it suitable for a report on any type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, pre-graduation). There is a possibility, albeit small, that the titles different types practices may vary slightly.

The second answer to the question "How to draw up a title page for a report on educational / industrial / pre-diploma practice?" can be a recommendation to study GOST. Of course, this path is the most difficult, but it is normatively correct.

Now the title pages are written in accordance with the current GOST 7.32-2001 "System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules ".

The main requirement for a cover page is to reflect all of the output of your practice report. But since you are not creating a coursework or thesis, then the following information will be enough:

  • name of the ministry,
  • name of the university, technical school,
  • the name of the department, faculty,
  • type of work - report on educational / introductory / industrial / pre-diploma practice,
  • the name of the organization where the student practiced,
  • terms of the internship,
  • group, initials and surname of the student,
  • position, all regalia (position, academic degree and title), initials and surname of the head of the practice from the university,
  • position, all regalia, initials and surname of the head of the practice from the enterprise,
  • city ​​and year of writing the practice report.

Type of work - REPORT - issued capital letters without quotes, and on the next line lowercase letters- on educational / introductory / production / pre-diploma practice.

Sometimes there is space on the title page to record the mark for this report.

If the leader's regalia are printed in several lines, then line spacing should be selected 1.

The GOST does not regulate the type and size of the font (accepted: Times New Roman, type of work and theme - size 16, bold, other data - size 14, normal).

The title page is not numbered, but counts towards the page count of the entire practice report.

Federal Agency for Education GOU VPO "Ural State Technical

University - UPI "Department ________________________________

Evaluation of work _______________

Manager from USTU-UPI


The topic of the assignment for practice, briefly reflecting the main content of the assignment Report on industrial practice

Head from the enterprise ___________________ Full name of the head

Student _________________________ Full name of the student

Group P–

Yekaterinburg 2006


Report formatting requirements

The report on industrial practice is an educational document performed by a student according to the curriculum at the intermediate stage of training at the university.

The report is text document, which must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements established by GOST 2.105-79, GOST 2.106-68 and the enterprise standard USTU-UPI 1-96 " General requirements and the rules for the design of diploma and course projects (works) ".

In the report, the student must give a brief description of the enterprise and the department where he underwent practice, in a concise and clear form, competently state the ideas and essence of the work done, justify the choice and direction of research, project development, give the results of theoretical calculations and experimental research, draw specific conclusions and show the areas of application of the results of work.

When writing a report, the student is obliged to provide links to the author and the source from which he borrows material or individual results. In the text of the report, spelling and syntax errors and misspellings, careless design of figures, tables, diagrams are inadmissible.

A manufacturing practice report should contain the following structural parts:

    title page (see Appendix 3),

    practice assignment,


    the main part,


    bibliographic list,


In general, the report should reflect the student's ability to concisely, logically and reasonably present the material, and its design should comply with the ESKD requirements.


Students' practices are carried out in accordance with the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (SES VPO). They are an integral part of the educational process and provide for the consolidation of the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training and acquisition of skills. independent work mainly through the independent solution of real production and management problems. Practices are an important step in teaching students, are provided for by the curriculum and are mandatory. The content of practice at different courses is interdependent on the common goal of training specialists. In this regard, all types of practices are united by a cross-cutting program.

The purpose of the end-to-end program is to ensure continuity between individual types of practice and a reasonable sequence of obtaining and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities in the specialty 220201 - Management and Informatics in Technical Systems.

The end-to-end program has been drawn up on the basis of a number of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

The types of practices of students of higher educational institutions studying in basic educational programs are: educational, industrial and pre-diploma.

The timing and content of each type of practice is determined by the approved curricula and programs.

In the current curriculum types of practice, its terms and volumes for students of the radio engineering faculty of USTU - UPI are given below.

Practice type


Educational (computing)

Aug. Sept

The first production

Second production

July August


February March

The duration of the working day of students during the internship is for students aged 16 to 18 no more than 36 hours a week, for students aged 18 and over - no more than 40 hours a week.



General goals of the practice:

    familiarization of students with production processes;

    the acquisition of practical skills by students in solving specific engineering problems.

In addition to general goals, each type of practice is characterized by specific goals and objectives.

2.1 Goals and objectives industrial practice

2.1.1 Objectives of the internship

Consolidation and expansion of students' practical knowledge, obtained by them in the process of studying special disciplines.

Familiarization of students:

    with the general production process of the enterprise;

    with the main equipment of the enterprise;

    with the organization technological processes in departments;

    with mechanization and automation of production processes;

    with a system for ensuring and controlling the quality of products;

    with design processes, design and technological development of automation tools, with design automation systems (CAD);

    with the basics of labor legislation, labor protection.

The study:

    safety regulations, fire protection and occupational hygiene;

    the production process of a technical product, software product, information system, etc .;

    organization of a standardization service at the enterprise in order to carry out practical work;

    labor organization systems at the enterprise, planning of production activities of departments;

When you go through an introductory, industrial, or pre-diploma practice, the main task is to correctly design the report. At the same time, the main attention during the check is directed, first of all, to the title page. It is a kind of cover for the work itself, it allows you to make a first impression about it, which, as you understand, is very important. That is why mistakes cannot be made in its design, everything must be verified and competently. The title of the report on practice in accordance with GOST 2016 should be drawn up, in accordance with the requirements below.

How to fill out the title of the report on practice in accordance with GOST 2016

As mentioned above, the title page is considered a kind of calling card of the entire work. It is with the poet that the assessment will subsequently depend on how you arrange it. In terms of writing, the requirements for it are standard, as is the case with the rest of the work - A4 sheet, TimesNewRoman font size 14. At the same time, in terms of font size, there may be some nuances, it all depends on the internal requirements of the university. But what is really important is the correct arrangement of all data in the correct sequence. The presence of periods at the end of lines is also unacceptable, punctuation marks are not put here.

Key Elements of a Practice Report Cover Page

The title cap of the report is similar to that provided for other widows of work. All its lines are aligned in the center, the first is the name of the ministry (in this case, education and science). Below there is a mention of the name of the university, both of these lines are typed in capital letters... The faculty is listed below, and the next line is the department, by the standard register.

The central part contains as much information as possible about the work itself. With center alignment, the word "report" is written, below - in practice, indicating its type. For example: "on industrial (scientific, introductory, pre-diploma) practice." The next line contains the full name of the place of internship. Below information is placed right-aligned. First, it is written "Completed: student of the group (name)", below - the surname and initials. Then the head of the practice from the university is indicated, below - the head of the practice from the enterprise. At the very bottom there is information about the year and city of the work.

When performing this type of work, it is important to take into account the fact that the title of the report on practice in accordance with GOST 2016 is a unified version. Each university may have its own nuances in terms of requirements, and this moment must certainly be taken into account. Another important condition is correct use all data on educational institution, the place of the internship, information about the leaders of the internship. By the way, the title page must be certified not only by the seal of the university, but also by the seal of the enterprise.

Assistance in the preparation of the practice report

If you are completely unable to bring your educational work to mind, then our specialized resource will always help you. Qualified specialists who are able to competently draw up a report work here. They will reveal the topic of the work and attach information about the enterprise, the work you have done, make up a practice diary. Also, our authors know for sure the rules for the design of educational work, regulated by the education system, since they themselves are highly qualified teachers with solid work experience. At the same time, the cost of their services is quite democratic, affordable for an ordinary student.