Lyceum 1547 Children's Open University. Trainings on simulators

55.662222 , 37.776944

Full title: State educational institution Lyceum No. 1547 Of the South-Eastern District Education Department of the Moscow City Education Department. The Lyceum was opened in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government.

Lyceum has state accreditation and a state license for the right to conduct educational activities. State charter educational institution Lyceum No. 1547 is registered by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 146 in Moscow.

Lyceum No. 1547 prepares graduates for further education in the following areas:

  • Physics and mathematics ( The colloquial name of the lyceum: " Lyceum at MEPhI" ),
  • Socio-economic.

Lyceum enrollment

Lyceum No. 1547, like other lyceums at MEPhI (Lyceum No. 1511, Lyceum No. 1523), accepts students in Moscow and the Moscow region in the 10th physics and mathematics classes on the basis of competitive selection from among those who have successfully passed exams in mathematics, physics and the Russian language ...

In addition, the lyceum additionally accepts students in the 8th physics and mathematics classes. Applications are accepted in April, and entrance examinations in mathematics, physics and Russian are held in May.

Physical education without exemptions

For the program "Physical education without exemptions":

  • The specialists of the departments of Functional Recovery and Physical Rehabilitation of the Moscow Institute of General Education (head of the department - Bubnovsky S.M.) and outpatient pediatrics of the Russian State Medical University (head of the department - Rumyantsev A.G. - professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, MD,) were a program for secondary schools "Physical education without exemptions" has been developed.
  • Program in addition to traditional lessons physical education offers the use of special simulators of narrow-local and multifunctional action in order to restore and maintain muscle constant within the normal range and is focused on correcting the health of each student using the kinesitherapy method.
  • Includes individual, differentiated and integrated approaches, efficiency control is carried out according to the "Know yourself and improve" diaries. The training program should be aimed at increasing strength endurance, restoring the elasticity of myofascial structures, and each muscle should have its own program, and this is possible only with the use of strength simulators operating in decompression and anti-gravity modes, subject to individually selected exercises.

The advantages of simulators:

  • elimination of vertical load on the spine and joints;
  • lack of intra-articular friction during exercise;
  • selective focus of muscle with an accurate dosage of weights.

Trainings on simulators

(The program "physical education without exemptions" was canceled by S. M. Bubnovsky)
Objectives of the program "Physical education without exemptions".

  • development of strength endurance as the basis for optimizing adaptation processes and increasing health reserves;
  • reaching the normative level of physical fitness and maintaining the volume of physical activity;
  • restoration of muscle constant and the creation of a "muscle corset" for the student, the formation and consolidation of the skill of correct posture;
  • improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • the formation of moral and volitional qualities and the removal of "inferiority complexes" in schoolchildren freed from lessons physical education.

Guideline in the construction of physical education lessons at school:

  • To prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of schoolchildren, the physical education program should be aimed at using strength, aerobic and stretching exercises using the kinesitherapy method in order to achieve the desired cumulative effect.
  • The joint work of physical education teachers and kinesitherapy specialists will significantly improve the health of schoolchildren.

For students on the program "Physical education without exemptions". Each student has a special diary. Diary content:

  • Schedule of physical education lessons.
  • Morning gymnastics complex (homework).
  • Standards of weights of weights when performing exercises on simulators.
  • Self-control.
  • Functional test results.
  • Final self-assessment.

Body check:

  • Current measurements in dynamics are systematically carried out during the academic year.
  • Myofascial-topographic diagnostics is carried out, anthropometric data, concomitant diseases, previous injuries or operations, etc. are indicated.
  • The data of the diary is necessary for drawing up a correctional and preventive lesson program, taking into account all the characteristics of each student individually.


  • This section allows the student to get to know himself in practice, recording subjective and objective indicators of his effective practical work.
  • The student learns to actively observe his body and assess his condition, analyze his achievements. This fosters a new stereotype on self-control, introspection.
  • This control helps the physical education teacher and the kinesitherapist to regulate the individual size and intensity of the load during the exercise.

Working with universities

Cooperation with MEPhI

Areas of joint activity:

  • Educational:
    • Teaching special and profile disciplines by the staff and faculty of MEPhI;
    • Using the educational base of MEPhI (laboratory of the departments general chemistry and general physics);
    • Using the resources of the scientific library MEPhI. Scientific direction:
      • participation of lyceum students in joint scientific and practical conferences and scientific sessions of MEPhI;
      • management design work lyceum students;
      • supervising the Lyceum Scientific Society; profile practice for 10th grade (according to a special plan).
  • Publishing:
    • organizing and conducting preparatory courses for those entering the lyceum;
    • organization and conduct of preparatory courses for applicants to MEPhI;
    • publication of joint methodological developments on special topics.
  • Methodical:
    • providing methodological assistance to teachers of the Lyceum.

University activities for the development of Lyceum No. 1547:

  1. Recruiting the staff of teachers of the Lyceum with university teachers in the disciplines of physics and mathematics.
  2. Providing lyceum curricula and teaching materials in the disciplines of physics, mathematics and the humanities.
  3. Providing lyceum teaching aids in the disciplines of physics and mathematics.
  4. Development of a project for the development of laboratories for physics and chemistry.
  5. Development of a project for the use of computer classes in the study of disciplines in physics and mathematics.
  6. Providing the lyceum with complete information and advertising materials on the areas of training of university specialists.
  7. Allocation of university departments in charge of disciplines of physics and mathematics.
  8. Replenishment of the staff of teachers of the Lyceum with university teachers in the disciplines of physics and mathematics.

1501, 1303 and 1574 lyceums - what is special, good or not so much in each of them

Very strong C programming. All teachers are teachers or graduates of Moscow State University, MEPhI. I have a boy in 1547 in the 7th grade. It's hard for me to judge, because this lyceum does not suit him, but in general, in my opinion, everything is not bad at all. hum.cycle + biology is more than good ...

Gymnasium Schools in Lublino-Bratislavskaya

in the lyceum 1547 pi MEPhI, physics and mathematics. Lyceum at the Higher School of Economics. Schools - Gymnasiums in Lublino-Bratislavskaya. University activities for the development of Lyceum No. 1547 In the 8th grade, examinations are assessed at MEPhI, that's for sure, and mythical teachers write all the exams for the Lyceum.

admission to the school-lyceum MEPhI, Baumanka

admission to the school-lyceum MEPhI, Baumanka. Study, school. Teenagers. Education and relationship with adolescent children, admission to the school-lyceum MEPhI, Baumanka. My daughter is in the 7th grade, this year we want to try to enter the lyceum at ...

lyceum 1524 and gymnasium 1562 named. Borovik

The gymnasium is within walking distance, the lyceum will move to Pechatniki from the new academic year, that is, it will be necessary to take two metro stops. But the lyceum with a mathematical profile is more suitable for a daughter. Both scold on the Internet educational institutions, but you have to study somewhere.

Gifted Children Survey

Andrey studies at the Lyceum at MEPhI. There was also an option for a lyceum at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, but chose which is closer. Lyceum 1547, on Belorechenskaya. 15-20 minutes walk or minibus from us.

is it really possible now to get into the profile 9th

We live in Zhulebino, my son studies at the Lyceum 1547 at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, in Maryino, rides two minibuses through Kuzminki, the road takes an average of an hour. The lyceum is good, you can call there, maybe they will take it.

Schools at MEPhI

Schools at MEPhI. Physics and mathematics lyceums № 1511,1523, 1547 and school №978. The opinion of those who studied or are studying in these schools is very interesting. How is the preparation for admission there?

House 47, building 1.

Site Directions

Physics and mathematics, socio-economic, chemical and biological, information and mathematical

Full title: State budgetary educational institution Lyceum No. 1547 Of the South-Eastern District Education Department of the Moscow City Education Department. The Lyceum was opened in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government.

The lyceum has state accreditation and a state license for the right to conduct educational activities. The charter of the state educational institution of the Lyceum No. 1547 is registered by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 146 in Moscow.

Lyceum No. 1547 prepares graduates for further education in the following areas:

  • Physics and mathematics
  • Socio-economic.

Since 2015, two directions have been added:

  • Chemical and biological;
  • Information technology.

Lyceum enrollment

Lyceum No. 1547, like other lyceums at MEPhI (Lyceum No. 1511, Lyceum No. 1523), accepts students in the 5-10th physics and mathematics classes in Moscow and the Moscow region on the basis of competitive selection from among those who have successfully passed exams in mathematics, physics and Russian language.

In addition, the lyceum additionally accepts students in the 8th physics and mathematics classes. Applications are accepted in April, and entrance examinations in mathematics, physics and Russian are held in May.

Working with universities

Cooperation with MEPhI

  • Educational:
    • Teaching special and profile disciplines by the staff and faculty of MEPhI;
    • Using the educational base of MEPhI (laboratory of the departments of general chemistry and general physics);
    • Using the resources of the scientific library MEPhI. Scientific direction:
      • participation of lyceum students in joint scientific and practical conferences and scientific sessions of MEPhI;
      • project management of lyceum students;
      • supervising the Lyceum Scientific Society; profile practice for 10th grade (according to a special plan).
  • Publishing:
    • organization and conduct of preparatory courses for applicants to the lyceum;
    • organization and conduct of preparatory courses for applicants to MEPhI;
    • publication of joint methodological developments on special topics.
  • Methodical:
    • providing methodological assistance to teachers of the Lyceum.

University activities for the development of Lyceum No. 1547:

  1. Recruiting the staff of teachers of the Lyceum with university teachers in the disciplines of physics and mathematics.
  2. Providing the Lyceum with curricula and teaching materials in the disciplines of physics, mathematics and the humanities.
  3. Providing the Lyceum with teaching aids in the disciplines of physics and mathematics.
  4. Development of a project for the development of laboratories for physics and chemistry.
  5. Development of a project for the use of computer classes in the study of disciplines in physics and mathematics.
  6. Providing the lyceum with complete information and advertising materials on the areas of training of university specialists.
  7. Allocation of university departments in charge of disciplines of physics and mathematics.
  8. Replenishment of the staff of teachers of the Lyceum with university teachers in the disciplines of physics and mathematics.

International Independent Ecological and Political University (MNEPU Academy) (MNEPU)

Areas of joint activity:

  • Educational:
    • involvement of specialists in teaching elective courses;
    • participation in scientific and practical conferences of junior students of the Faculty of Ecology;
    • participation in student debates.
  • Educational:
    • participation of high school students in the lecture hall "Ecology and Life".
  • Methodical:
    • participation of teachers in the scientific and methodological school;
    • completing the library on ecology;
    • attracting students to participate in the "Elections" project.
  • Career guidance:
    • attending "Open Doors Days".


  • Academic direction of joint activities:
    • organization of specialized economic and legal classes;
    • teaching of special and profile disciplines by the staff and the teaching staff of RGIIS;
    • use of the educational base of RGIIS.
  • Career guidance:
    • participation in "Open Doors Days".

see also

  • MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".
  • MNEPU - International Independent Ecological and Political University (MNEPU Academy)

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  • Victoria Molodtsova.... Teachers' newspaper (February 24, 2009). Retrieved October 7, 2011.
  • ... Teacher's newspaper. Retrieved October 7, 2011.
  • - "Uchitelskaya Gazeta"
  • - "Uchitelskaya Gazeta"
  • - "Uchitelskaya Gazeta"
  • - "Uchitelskaya Gazeta"

Excerpt from Lyceum No. 1547

A mental wound resulting from the rupture of the spiritual body, just like a physical wound, oddly enough it seems, after a deep wound has healed and seems to come together at its edges, a mental wound, like a physical wound, heals only from the inside by the bulging force of life.
Natasha's wound healed in the same way. She thought her life was over. But suddenly love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - was still alive in her. Love woke up and life woke up.
During the last days of Prince Andrei, Natasha was tied to Princess Marya. The new misfortune brought them closer together. Princess Marya postponed her departure and for the last three weeks, like a sick child, looked after Natasha. The last weeks Natasha spent in her mother's room had strained her physical strength.
Once Princess Marya, in the middle of the day, noticing that Natasha was trembling in a feverish chill, took her to her place and put her in her bed. Natasha went to bed, but when Princess Marya, lowering her sides, wanted to go out, Natasha called her over to her.
- I don't want to sleep. Marie, sit with me.
- You are tired - try to sleep.
- No no. Why did you take me away? She will ask.
“She’s much better. She spoke so well today, ”said Princess Marya.
Natasha lay in bed and in the semi-darkness of the room examined the face of Princess Marya.
“Does she look like him? - thought Natasha. - Yes, it is similar and not similar. But she is special, alien, completely new, unknown. And she loves me. What's on her mind? Everything is good. But how? What does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she's beautiful. "
“Masha,” she said, timidly drawing her hand to her. - Masha, do not think that I am bad. Not? Masha, my dear. I love you so much. Let's be completely, completely friends.
And Natasha, embracing, began to kiss the hands and face of Princess Marya. Princess Marya was ashamed and rejoiced at this expression of Natasha's feelings.
From that day on, that passionate and tender friendship that exists only between women was established between Princess Marya and Natasha. They kissed incessantly, spoke tender words to each other, and spent most of their time together. If one went out, the other was restless and rushed to join her. The two of them felt a greater harmony with each other than separately, each with itself. A feeling stronger than friendship was established between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent for hours; sometimes, already lying in bed, they began to talk and talked until morning. They spoke for the most part about the distant past. Princess Marya talked about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dreams; and Natasha, who had previously turned away from this life, devotion, obedience, from the poetry of Christian self-sacrifice, with a calm lack of understanding, now, feeling herself bound by love with Princess Marya, fell in love with Princess Marya's past and understood the side of life that was previously incomprehensible to her. She did not think to apply humility and self-denial to her life, because she was used to looking for other joys, but she understood and fell in love with this previously incomprehensible virtue in another. For Princess Marya, who listened to stories about Natasha's childhood and first youth, the previously incomprehensible side of life, faith in life, in the pleasures of life, was also revealed.
They never spoke about him in exactly the same way, so as not to break with words, as it seemed to them, the height of the feeling that was in them, and this silence about him did something that little by little, not believing it, they forgot him.
Natasha lost weight, turned pale and became so physically weak that everyone was constantly talking about her health, and it was pleasant to her. But sometimes she unexpectedly found not only the fear of death, but the fear of illness, weakness, loss of beauty, and involuntarily she sometimes carefully examined her bare hand, marveling at her thinness, or looked in the morning in the mirror at her stretched out, pathetic, as it seemed to her , face. It seemed to her that it should be so, and at the same time she became scared and sad.
Once she soon went upstairs and was heavily out of breath. Immediately, involuntarily, she thought of a thing below and from there ran upstairs again, trying her strength and observing herself.
Another time she called Dunyasha, and her voice rattled. She called it again, in spite of the fact that she heard her footsteps, - she called in that chesty voice with which she was singing, and listened to him.
She did not know this, she would not have believed, but under the seemingly impenetrable layer of silt that covered her soul, thin, tender young needles of grass were already breaking through, which should have taken root and so cover the grief that had crushed her life with their life shoots that it would soon be invisible and not noticeable. The wound was healing from the inside. At the end of January, Princess Marya left for Moscow, and the count insisted that Natasha go with her in order to consult with the doctors.

After the clash at Vyazma, where Kutuzov could not restrain his troops from the desire to overturn, cut off, etc., the further movement of the fleeing French and the Russians who fled after them, to Krasnoye, took place without battles. The flight was so fast that the Russian army that fled after the French could not keep up with them, that the horses in the cavalry and artillery were becoming, and that information about the movement of the French was always incorrect.
The people of the Russian army were so exhausted by this continuous movement of forty versts a day that they could not move faster.
To understand the degree of exhaustion of the Russian army, one only needs to clearly understand the meaning of the fact that, having lost no more than five thousand people wounded and killed during the entire movement from Tarutin, without losing hundreds of people prisoners, the Russian army, which left Tarutin in the number of one hundred thousand, came to Red in the number of fifty thousand.
The rapid movement of the Russians behind the French acted on the Russian army as destructively as the flight of the French. The only difference was that the Russian army moved arbitrarily, without the threat of death, which hung over the French army, and that the backward sick people of the French remained in the hands of the enemy, the backward Russians remained at home. The main reason for the decrease in Napoleon's army was the speed of movement, and an undoubted proof of this is the corresponding decrease in Russian troops.