Application form for the target direction. How to get a targeted referral to a university. What documents are needed for correspondence admission


The procedure for admission to higher educational institutions in 2017 is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (as amended on July 29, 2016) "On approval of the educational programs higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs. "

Important changes were made to it by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 29, 2016 No. 921, which are applied when admitting to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs starting from the 2017/18 academic year.

Who can go to university?

According to these documents, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation admit citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, foreign citizens and stateless persons living on its territory, as well as compatriots from neighboring countries. These citizens have the right to receive, on a competitive basis, a free higher professional education in state higher educational institutions, if education of this level is obtained for the first time.

What do you need to enter a university?

To enter the university, you need the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • A document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • 6 photographs 3x4 cm in size (black and white or color photo on matte paper, taken in 2015);
  • Applicants with special rights for admission to higher education institutions established by law Russian Federation, provide at their discretion the original or a photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in the form 086-U or 026-U
  • from young men a military ID or certificate of registration.

Document on secondary general or special education (certificate - for school graduates; certificate of learning outcomes - for those who decided to interrupt their studies at a technical school / college and receive higher education; a diploma with an attachment (grade sheet) and its copy - when documents are submitted to the university after college).

Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam Issued after passing the unified state examination in the subjects chosen by the applicant, indicating the points received. (in the commission of several universities, copies are handed over, the original is submitted to the university where the actual admission was made).

In addition to a medical certificate in the form 026-U or 086-U, in some universities, in certain specialties, an additional medical examination is provided.

The required list of specialties, for admission to which this certificate is required, is given on the official website of the selected higher educational institution.

Persons with disabilities, in addition to the above documents, must submit: the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission; a certificate on the establishment of disability, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise. Disabled children of I and II groups provide the original and a photocopy of the certificate of disability and the conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at the university, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.

What documents are required for correspondence admission?

Similar documents are submitted to the correspondence department. In case of obtaining a second and subsequent higher education, instead of a document on obtaining secondary education, a diploma of higher education is provided with an extract attached to it.

What are the features and benefits of distance learning?

The advantages of this form of training include the following:

  • curricula are individual (some of the core subjects can be completed according to an in-depth program);
  • lower entrance score;
  • after the first successful session there is an opportunity to transfer to the full-time department;
  • you can provide for yourself and your family at the same time by working;
  • the ability to attend lectures remotely;
  • fee on correspondence departmentusually lower;
  • you can comprehend science at absolutely any age
  • communication with new people united by common goals.

Foreign citizens submit, together with the originals of documents, their translations into Russian. A foreign citizen submits to the admissions office of a Russian university:

  • application in Russian;
  • originals and duly certified copies of the education certificate;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • certification document;
  • a copy of the entry visa if a foreigner entered the Russian Federation through it;
  • 6 pieces of photos 4x6;
  • for foreign citizens with Russian nationality - documents confirming nationality.

How to get a targeted referral to a university?

The target direction to study at a university is a feature of obtaining higher education, in which the tuition is paid for by a state budgetary or commercial organization. After graduation, according to the agreement on targeted learning, the graduate is obliged to work at the enterprise or in the organization that gave him target directiontime specified by the contract (usually 3 years). In case of non-fulfillment of the contract on the part of the student or graduate, the latter undertakes to return the money spent on his training to the organization.

Target students, like everyone else, pass the EGE and participate in the competition, but with special advantages.

To get the target direction you need:

  • choose a specialty and place of study;
  • apply to the institution, to the enterprise that issues targeted referrals to this university.
  • submit an application to the municipal government.

Sample application for a targeted direction in a university

The application must indicate the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).

The direction (specialty) code must correspond to the 2017 direction (specialty) code.

In the information about the parents, it is necessary to indicate in full the surname, name, patronymic of the parents with whom the child lives, their place of work (full name of the organization and position).

A copy of the child's passport is not certified.

The characteristic from the school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

How to write an application for admission to a university?

Usually, the application forms are provided by the selected university (admission committee), it can be downloaded on the website of the selected university. The application contains a request to enroll the applicant in a specific direction, specialty, faculty, department, indicating personal and contact information.

Sample application for admission to the university

(On the example of the Russian state pedagogical university them. A.I. Herzen)

What are the deadlines for accepting documents and enrolling applicants?

In 2017, for full-time and part-time forms of study, the deadline for accepting documents is no later than June 20. The deadline for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation is not earlier than July 7, and from applicants based on the results of other entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently - not earlier than July 10.

For extramural form training deadlines for submission of documents are not established, it all depends on the decision of the management of each specific university

The deadline for the completion of the admissions tests conducted by the organization independently, the completion of the acceptance of documents from applicants without passing the specified admissions tests is July 26.

Profile and additional exams for applicants to universities in 2017

In addition to changes in the deadlines for submitting documents, in 2017, profile and additional exams for applicants were introduced.

Universities have introduced separate specialized subjects into the test. The Ministry of Education adopted such an innovation, and already in 2017 new rules and requirements affected 64 specialties, which include not only creative, but also medical areas. Future teachers and philologists will also have to take additional disciplines.

Additional exams are conducted in the form of the usual passing of individual disciplines, but they can also consist of interviews conducted individually with each applicant. Universities have the right to independently decide what form the test will look like and change it annually.

Features of admission to a university

Admission to the University! Enrollment, submission of documents, etc.

Algorithm of admission

Life after the exam: admission and admissions committee

When preparing to enter universities, it is customary to consider different options and, as they say, prepare for the worst, hoping for the best. Therefore, future applicants do not interfere with knowing that, in addition to budgetary and commercial, there is an option for admission to some specialties in the so-called "target direction".

The peculiarity of the target recruitment is that the applicant comes to the university not only with the USE marks, but also with a referral from a particular enterprise and department. Due to the fact that an enterprise or department undertakes to pay for its training or allocate funds from the budget for its training, the applicant does not participate in the general competition, and the entrance tests pass through a special competition (but not out of competition, as many mistakenly believe). In case of successful passing of the tests, he is enrolled in the chosen faculty, studies there, and after graduation he goes to work at the enterprise that vouched for him. The obligations of the enterprise to the student, the student to the enterprise, as well as the enterprise to the university are formalized in a tripartite agreement. At the same time, we consider it necessary to note that target admission to Russian universities is divided into two types: target recruitment according to the quota of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (for government departments) and targeted contract training (for those who come with a referral from businesses). And although the term "target set" legally refers only to the first type, in everyday life it is expanded.

The system of target recruitment is fraught with a lot of features that applicants who dream of enrolling in the target direction must know.

Who's on the lists?

The lists of those for whom the enterprise will apply at the university include applicants who are in some way already familiar with this enterprise. It turns out that you have to be acquaintances from school. So it is - the managers of enterprises "look after" their future personnel precisely at the stage when they are in school. What are the ways to "watch" there? For example, all kinds of competitions held by the company among the students of the region. Or meetings with schoolchildren at the enterprise. Or thematic Olympiads, organized or sponsored by the enterprise. Leaders observe: who has a burning eye, who expresses interest, who shows himself from the best side - he has every chance of getting into the coveted list of applicants to be sent. For example, the TATNEFT enterprise has been selecting potential personnel in this way for several decades and sending them to study at oil universities in Russia.

Even in "target groups" applicants usually fall, whose parents have been working at the enterprise for many years, have authority. Children often choose the profession of parents, and in such cases the management of the enterprise meets them halfway.

There are also great chances for those who have specialized secondary education and are already working at the enterprise. Usually, the leadership of the university supports their desire to continue their studies and get higher education, and gives the coveted direction.

Admission and training

The fact that an applicant is on the target list does not at all mean that he will be admitted to a university without a competition. According to the rules, the competition in this case must be at least 1.2 people per seat. Of course, this is not such a serious test as the general competition, but nevertheless, according to the USE estimates, the strongest applicants are selected.

There is one nuance here - according to the contract, a student who enrolled in targeted training must study satisfactorily. And this, accordingly, requires the ability and knowledge of the school base. Therefore, competition in the target set is necessary.


There is only one employment option for those who studied in the targeted direction, for whose studies the company paid or for whose studies funds were allocated from the regional budget, only one - to return and work out the due date (which is spelled out in the contract) where he was sent from. This is, on the one hand, a plus, on the other, a minus. Why?

The situation may be as follows: the student studied at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduation from which you can find a decent job in the capital, and the direction was given by the administration, for example, of the Irkutsk region. He is supposed to return to the Irkutsk region.

Another situation: a student studied under a targeted contract in one city, but got married during her studies at the university. She is also supposed to return and work out the due date, even if the family does not plan to move.

It is clear that life situations develop in different ways, and it is impossible to assume what awaits a person in the next five years. Therefore, in a tripartite contract, which is signed with the applicant, it is indicated that in case of violation of the terms of the contract, he undertakes to return the amount spent on his training to the company, and in some cases a fine is added to the amount. However, each situation is considered separately, and in some situations there are even legal loopholes (for example, pregnancy of a graduate or the state of health of a graduate). As a rule, graduates who disagree with their fate turn to lawyers specializing in such cases. Practice shows that someone manages to "skip" from employment, while someone, for example, has to report to the prosecutor's office.

Nuances of targeted reception

Speaking about target admission, it is difficult to generalize information, since each university, each enterprise makes its own adjustments to the contracts, but let's say about some features of target admission.
1. Target recruitment, as a rule, goes to industry universities (energy, oil and gas, communications, light industry, etc.).
2. The order for the enrollment of "target students" appears before the order for the enrollment of other students. This is a plus for those applicants who did not pass the target recruitment - there is still time to submit documents on a general basis.
3. In 2011, the target set for quotas from the Ministry of Education and Science was no more than 20% of the total budget placesallocated at the university, while in 2010 the share was higher - 25%. In 2012, according to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, the target admission will be reduced by another five percent and will be 15%.
4. With regard to the CPC (target contract training), the university has the right, in agreement with the founder, to establish a higher proportion of applicants.

When preparing for admission to a university, all options must be considered. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The prospective applicant should know that in addition to commercial and budgetary, there is another option for admission - the target direction.

Target direction for training - what is it

The target direction is the so-called official request of the interested employer or the state, addressed to the university. In this request, the university is asked to provide several places for the study of students of certain specialties. The target direction is issued individually, for one specialty and only in one university. A student, in turn, who has received a free education, undertakes to work in a certain organization or for the benefit of the state for a certain amount of time (about 5 years).

Obtaining a targeted referral for training

You need to worry about submitting documents in advance - in the last grade. The person responsible for the vocational guidance of graduates, the director or the class teacher can help in solving this issue, you can act independently.

  • A prospective student must decide on a specialty that interests him and choose a suitable university.
  • After that, you need to start looking for an enterprise that is ready to pay for your studies. You must take the petition from his management. In most cases, the decisive factor is the place where the parents work: the company tries to meet the needs of conscientious workers and pays for their child's education. If the future applicant has difficulties with choosing an enterprise, then you can contact the local administration. They always have contacts of organizations that cooperate on employment and training issues with the district or city leadership.
  • Submit an application to the local administration, where indicate the direction in which you want to study. If you were able to independently choose an organization that agreed to pay for the training and took an application there, attach it to the application.

How to get a targeted referral for training - required documents

An application is submitted to the local administration to obtain a targeted referral, which indicates: a general education institution, a class in which the child is now studying. The university and the desired specialty are indicated. It will not be superfluous to attach a description of the student, written by the school director, as well as a petition from an organization that is interested in this specialist.

When submitting documents to educational institution in the target area, the applicant provides the original of the certificate, the results of the exam and other required documents. Only in this case, his application will be considered. Simultaneous admission on a general basis and in a targeted direction is practiced, but not particularly encouraged.

Pros and cons of the target area for training


  • training on a budgetary basis;
  • 100% employment after graduation from a higher education institution;
  • providing places for all internships in government agencies;
  • the possibility of obtaining a scholarship;
  • support and assistance from the organization in training (collection of materials for scientific articles and term papers).


Whatever plans you have and wherever you study, after completing your studies, you will have to go to work in the city in which you received a referral. If a student studies at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduating from which he can be offered a decent job in the capital. However, if the direction for training was issued by the administration of the Irkutsk region, then he must return to the Irkutsk region.

Also, no one guarantees you a high-paying job. You can get into an organization where you are obliged to work out training with low wages and lack of career growth.

Please note that with targeted training, you cannot change the specialty. This is possible only with a close relationship of specialties. You will need to talk seriously with the donor organization and provide guarantees of a good study.

Try to use any educational opportunities. If you are a dedicated and responsible person, then you will be noticed in the organization. You will have the opportunity to make a good career and get a decent salary.

Going to a university is a real chance to get higher education for free.

If we analyze the current situation, then most likely it will be to issue a similar document in such industries as education, medicine and agriculture, since it is in them that there is a noticeable staff deficit. Therefore, getting a targeted referral to a university of any of these profiles is an opportunity for an applicant to enter. In the future, the state gets good specialists in the right direction.

There are many advantages of this method of admission.

Firstly, applicants will not need to withstand a tough competition, as when entering the general stream. Therefore, many of them strive to get a targeted direction in a medical university, which is very difficult to become a student.

Secondly, the problem of employment after graduation will be resolved. This is very important nowadays.

But be sure to keep in mind that such training is usually carried out at the expense of the organization or enterprise. Therefore, if the target direction to the university is received, the student graduated and received a diploma, he must work in the structure for three years, but not less. Such an educational strategy makes an invaluable contribution to the development of problematic areas in terms of personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on how to get a targeted referral to a university.

But such active actions must be carried out as early as possible. An application about the desire to study in the direction of the municipality must be written no later than winter. It is mandatory to attach to this document the application of the school where the child studied, as well as the organization that will allocate funds for the education of the future student.

All applications for the next academic year are collected in the local administration. Then she sends this data to the universities that cooperate with her on the program. Universities, however, determine the number of such places, relying on their capabilities and the estimated total number of applicants.

A targeted referral to a university will be provided for a single specialty in a specific educational institution. It is necessary to attach a target agreement to the application for admission. It is concluded between the Customer (the enterprise to which the student will return after receiving the diploma), the Contractor (the university that will train the specialist) and the applicant.

This document must be read very carefully as it is not always educational institutions want to teach a target student absolutely free. Or there are some nuances with the payment of scholarships and other things. Therefore, to begin with, it is very good to study the contract and sign only the option that suits you.

The university is obliged to give confirmation of the availability of target places before starting work. admissions committee... Moreover, information should be provided on the number of target places for each specialty or direction.

In the future, there will be a competition for each place, but only among target groups.

This issue has its own subtleties. The fact is that every university
independently sets the minimum that will be required for the competition. So, in one institution it can be two people per place, and in another - one and a half.

In recent years, there has been a steady decline in target places. The main reason for this is that this situation will only get worse over the next five years.