FAQ Dragon Age: Origins - Companions. Walkthrough of romantic lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon age origins romantic relationships

Dragon Age: Origins - FAQ: Companions

The game Dragon Age: Origins is party role-playing game. This means that other characters and companions will travel with you past your hero. These characters will be located in the Hero's camp and you can always take them with you. Often they are not inferior in strength to the Hero, and some are even superior. The game has such an indicator as the reputation of a companion. What does it mean? If your reputation is high, your companion character will receive a bonus to any attribute. Opportunities for receiving quests from companions and romantic relationships will also open up. If your reputation with your companion is low, then he will treat you with contempt, and if the reputation indicator reaches a critical point, the companion may leave the Hero.
So how can we prevent this from happening? Very simple. Give your companions due attention. Complete their quests, give gifts. Each companion requires a “special” approach. In addition, your code will often include helpful information, which will help you win the appreciation of your companion.
There are a total of 10 different companions in Dragon Age: Origins that you can enlist to help you. Brief information on each of them will be published in this topic.

1. Alistair

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Templar
Location: After arriving at the Ostagar fortress, Duncan will personally advise you to find Alistair. It is located near the magicians' tent. We find him and talk. After this, Alistair is your companion.
Note: Alistair cannot be kicked out before the quest "Gathering of the Lands". Moreover, he will not leave your Hero even if his attitude towards you drops to -100.
Personal quest: Alistair's personal quest is related to his sister Goldanna. To take on the quest, you need to ask Alistair when he turns to the Hero, saying that he has something to tell. Goldanna is located in Denerim, in a house near Master Wade's forge. In order to enter her house you will need Alistair himself. We go into the house and listen to the dialogue between Alistair and Goldanna.

Important: During this easy quest you will have the opportunity toughen up Alistair. This moment can seriously affect his future behavior. To toughen up Alistair, after a conversation takes place between him and Goldanna, tell him that “Everyone cares only about himself.”
If you toughen up Alistair and leave Loghain alive at the meeting of the lands, Alistair will leave the Hero's party and express a desire to marry Anora and become the heir to the throne. The toughening also affects the ending of the Hero-girl, who had an affair with Alistair. If Alistair did not give the throne to Anora, but himself expressed a desire to become king, then only a Hero-girl of noble birth (backstory for the Couslands) could persuade him to marry, thus becoming a queen. If you toughen up Alistair, he will marry your heroine of any origin.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Alistair is only possible for a female Hero. To start a romantic relationship, simply ask Alistair about his life as a templar. Express your admiration for him. If his gratitude level increases, then when meeting in the camp, Alistair will give your Heroine a flower. This will be a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship.
Present: Special gifts for Alistair are his mother's amulet and Duncan's shield. Amulin is in Earl Redcliffe's desk. The shield can be obtained from the Gray Wardens' secret warehouse. Riordan will tell you about him if you bring him his documents. Also, Alistair will not be averse to receiving rune stones and various figurines from you.
Moment of crisis: Alistair will leave the Hero only if you spare Loghain at the Land Meeting.

2. Morrigan

Class: Mage
Specialization: Werewolf
Location: The first time you meet a young sorceress is in the Korcari Wilds. After completing the story quest "Tower of Isshala", the Hero will be able to enlist her support.
Personal quest: As soon as you get to the tower of magicians, Morrigan will ask the Hero to find a dark grimoire in this tower. After you give her the book, talk to her again. She will ask you to kill her mother Flemeth and bring back the old witch's book.
Romantic relationship: A romance with Morrigan is only available to a male Hero. To start a romance, just raise her attitude towards you high enough.
Present: A special gift for dear Morrigan could be a mirror, similar to the one her mother broke when Morrigan was still very young. The mirror can be purchased from a merchant in the Orzamar Fortress. Morrigan also loves jewelry.
Moment of crisis: Morrigan will not leave you without your team, no matter how angry she is with you. However, she can still be kicked out.

3. Leliana

Class: Robber
Specialization: Bard
Location: You will meet Leliana in a tavern in Lothering. After Loghain's soldiers begin to pester the hero in the tavern, Leliana will intercede on your behalf. After that, she will become your companion.
Personal quest: The personal quest will be related to Leliana Marjoline's boss. First, ask Leliana about the reason for her appearance in Lothering. During questioning, she admits that she used to be a bard and worked for bandits. After this, when traveling quickly between locations with Leliana, the Hero will be attacked by a squad of assassins. Having defeated their commander-in-chief, he will tell you that he was hired by Marjoline to kill Leliana.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Leliana is available to both the male and female Hero. To start the novel as a Female Hero, you need to raise Leliana's approval level to +50. The male hero will have a slightly more difficult time. There are only two moments available here when you can start a romance.

  • Talk to Leliana about her life in the monastery and express your admiration for her beauty. Say that all the novices in the monastery pale in comparison with her
  • After completing the quest with Marjolaine, talk to Leliana at the camp. Ask her how she feels after what happened. Next, say that you understand what she is talking about. And then say that people change over time. If at the end of the dialogue Leliana noticed that you look like Marjoline, then this will be the beginning of your romantic relationship.
Important: During Leliana's personal quest, you will have the opportunity toughen up Leliana. This will not particularly affect the game, but will only give you the opportunity to persuade Leliana into a love triangle with Isabella, who is located in the Pearl (Denerim) brothel. A quadrangle is also possible if you persuade Zevran. Also, if the ashes of Andraste are desecrated, Leliana will not leave the Hero if you toughened her up.
If you decide to toughen up Leliana, then after completing her personal quest, talk to her in the camp and tell her that Marjolaine is right in many ways. Killing others is part of Leliana's character.
Present: Special gifts for Leliana are “Andraste flowers”. Also, when talking with the naga catcher in Orzamar, Leliana will ask the Hero to buy her a naga. Leliana will be grateful to you if you give her various symbols/amulets of Andraste and other church items.
Moment of crisis: Leliana will leave the Hero's group if during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes" the Hero desecrated Andraste's ashes. If at the time of desecration the urn with Leliana’s ashes was not nearby, then she will still find out about it in the hero’s camp. But with the proper skill and a high level of gratitude, she can be persuaded to stay. If you toughened up Leliana during her personal quest, then she will not abandon the Hero even if he desecrates the urn in front of her eyes.

4. Stan

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Stan is locked in a cage in the city of Lothering. Talk to him and offer to free him. Next, head to the church and persuade/force the Reverend Mother to let him go.
Note: If you leave Lothering, the village will soon be destroyed by the Darkness. Thus, you will lose the opportunity to get Stan as a companion.
Personal quest: Stan's personal Qunari quest is related to his sword, called the Sword of Beresaad. To receive the quest, ask the silent Qunari about his life. Raise his attitude high enough and he will tell you about his sword and ask you to return it.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Stan won't mind if you give him various totems. Stan also knows a lot about painting. That's why give him paintings more often.
Moment of crisis: Stan will try to seize leadership of the Hero's squad if you take him to the village of "Refuge" during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes". Just defeat him alone, suppressing his rebellion. If Stan treats you warmly enough, you can persuade him not to attack.

5. Zevran

Class: Robber
Specialization: Murderer
Location: There is no need to look for Zevran, he will find you himself.) As you progress through the story, Loghain will hire him to kill you. At a random meeting on the world map, Zevran will ambush the Hero. After defeating the elf, decide what to do with him. Kill, or take as companions.
Personal quest: Zevran does not have a personal quest. But if you have enlisted his support, then after receiving the quest “Save the Queen”, in Denerim, while quickly traveling around the city, you will be attacked by his friend Talsen. Defeat him and decide what to do next for Zevran.
Romantic relationship: To start a romantic relationship, simply chat with the elf. If you raise his gratitude level a little, he himself will invite the Hero... to go into the tent with him.) If you want romance, then refuse him. At the same time, Zevran will report that he will now be even more persistent. And when the mark of his gratitude reaches 75, Zevran confesses his love to you.

Present: Special gifts for Zevran are Dalish gloves, which can be found in a chest in the Bressilian forest, as well as Antian boots. The boots can be found in the village of Vault.
Moment of crisis: When you are attacked by Taliesen in the Denerim quarters, Zevran may leave the Hero and join the assassin if his attitude towards you is very negative. If Zevran treats you warmly, he will help you deal with Taliesen. After this, you will have to decide what to do with the elf, drive him away, or continue traveling with him.

6. Wynn

Class: Mage
Specialization: Spiritual healer
Location: Wynn can be found in the Mage Circle Tower. Agree to help her deal with Uldred and go to the end of the tower. After this, Winn will become your full-fledged companion.
Personal quest: Wynn's personal quest is related to her student. First, ask Wynn about her past. As soon as her approval rating exceeds 24, when quickly traveling around the map, you will be attacked twice by the creatures of darkness. The first time, Winn will lose consciousness, but will quickly come to his senses. After this event, ask her at the camp. She will tell you about a certain spirit and her former teaching, whom she offended. She will ask you to find her student and offer him condolences. Aneirin, that is the name of Wynn's student, is located in the eastern part of the Bressilian forest, not far from the mad hermit.
Note: With the second attack of the Spawn of Darkness, Wynn will unlock a new ability, Spirit Vessel.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Winn loves wine, various scrolls and magical books.
Moment of crisis: Wynn will attack you if you agree with the templar Kalen in the circle tower and decide to exterminate all the magicians. Wynn will also betray you if during the quest “Urn of Sacred Ashes” the hero desecrates the urn. If you became a blood mage and admitted this to Wynn, then she will leave you (if Wynn took the blood mage specialization, she will not leave the Hero).

7. Oghren

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Berserker
Location: During the story quest "Perfect" you will be sent to explore deep paths in search of the perfect Branca. When you enter the trails, Ogren will greet you and offer his help.
Note: You won't be able to talk to Oghren until you complete the quest "Perfect".
Personal quest: As soon as Ogren begins to trust you, he will ask you to find his former girlfriend Felsi, who lives in the Spoiled Princess tavern on Lake Calenhad. When talking to Felsi, Ogren will ask you to help him gain the favor of the gnome. And here you can either help Ogren by telling him that he is a great and strong warrior, or make fun of him. Ultimately, Felsi and Ogren will either make up or vice versa. Ogren’s further disposition towards you will depend on this.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: What do gnomes love most? That's right, el. So if you treat him with a glass of ale/beer, he will be only too happy.
Moment of crisis: If your relationship with Ogren drops to -100, the dwarf will decide to leave you. In this case, you can either persuade him to stay, or defeat him in a fair fight, or let him go.

8. Dog

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: There are two ways to enlist the support of a quadruple dog. When playing as a noble person, you will have a dog initially. If you choose a different story, you will have to complete the quest of the huntsman from the Ostagar fortress. Bring him a special flower from the wilds of Korkari. After this, when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering, the dog will come running to you.
Personal quest: Dig a hole in China) Just kidding. Bobik has no personal quest.
Romantic relationship: Impossible. Your relationship with Bobby is always +100.
Present: The dog can be given a special bone that increases its abilities.
Moment of crisis: Best friend a person doesn’t know what betrayal is.) The dog’s attitude towards you will always be +100.

9. Loghain mac Tir

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Knight
Location: Loghain will join you during the quest "Gathering of the Lands". During this quest you can either kill him or pardon him.
Note: Having pardoned Loghain, Alistair will leave you.
Personal quest: No.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Loghain will be grateful if you give him various topographic maps. You can also give Loghain gold/silver bars.
Moment of crisis: Loghain can be killed at a land meeting. He himself will never leave the company of the hero, no matter how angry he is with you.

10. Sheila

Notes: Companion Sheila is available only after installing the DLC - "Stone Prisoner". Sheila also has various unique abilities that are unavailable to anyone else. Sheila has no equipment. The only thing that can be done is to insert special crystals into the golem. The first type of crystals affects the damage dealt, the second type affects armor.

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Go to merchant Felix. His convoy will be marked on the map of the empire. Next, buy a golem control rod from him. After this, go to the village of Khonlit marked on the map. There you will have to kill the hordes of the Spawn of Darkness. Sheila will stand in the center of the village. But she will be motionless. To bring her to her senses, explore the basements of the village. There you will meet the same Spawn of Darkness, as well as a resident who will agree to help you revive the golem (telling Right words to revive) if you save his daughter.

Personal quest: Sheila's personal quest "Memory of the Stone". It becomes available during the quest "Perfect". At the end of this quest you will meet Karidin. Mighty golem. If Sheila is in your company, she herself will ask him about the place of her birth/creation. He will tell her about the ruins of Kadash, located on the deep paths.
If you didn’t take the golem with you, then just talk to her in the camp after completing the quest “Perfect”. Agree to help her find the place where she was created. Go to Orzamar and go down to the deep paths in any of the Thags. After Sheila appears, she will speak to the Hero and the mark of Teiga Kadash will appear on the map. Go there and explore the ruins. there you will meet the Spawn of Darkness. At the end you will have a fight with the mighty Ogre. Deal with him. Next, Sheila will begin to read the notes on the stone saw. That's it, the quest is over.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Sheila loves gems.
Moment of crisis: If you took Branca's side and went against Karidian during the quest "Perfect", Sheila will try to stop you.

Everyone has probably already become familiar with the fact that in games as a couple, dialogue options can arise that can lead to romantic/love relationships/lines with other characters. The game was no exception! Here you can now flirt and raise the level of a certain “availability”. This guide/walkthrough was written to make it easier for you to complete the love story for a certain hero and achieve success.

In order for your new relationship to start successfully, you need to first consider whether there are opportunities for flirting. If there is, then you need to gradually increase your rating, simultaneously opening the path to a more serious relationship, which in turn gives something more.

In addition, your main character will be able to complete the task of the Inner Circle - this includes tasks/quests/missions of your party members/comrades-in-arms. In addition, you need to consider your gender and race, since not all characters may be available to you when choosing your race and gender.


Only a man can have an affair with her, but of absolutely any race! As with the others, you just need to lay the foundation in the relationship - a little flirting. To increase the pace of the relationship, perform appropriate tasks with her direct participation.

In addition, you can ask Varric to do one useful service, or rather write a new edition of Swords and Shields, which will serve as part of the task (a gift for Cassandra). In addition, at one point she will tell you in Skyhold that your relationship cannot lead to anything, but do not despair and continue to put pressure on her. Soon she will still come to meet you.

Remember that if you have a relationship with Cassandra, then you will not be able to form relationships with other characters. To start a relationship with another character, you will first have to break up with Cassandra and then just start a new romance.


Only an elf girl can have an affair with Solas. Once you get a little rating from Solas, when you arrive at Skyhold, just kiss him. Shortly after this point, he will ask you to release his spirit without any killing during the battle. If you do this, then you will increase your rating, if not, then the romance will end there.

If you managed to do everything successfully, then you and Solas will begin a serious relationship. But for the final stage of the novel you will have to complete the task.


Only a girl of any race can hook up with her. There is a slight exception with this character. There is a chance that Qunari will be able to have an affair with her - the chance is much greater than people and dwarves.

If you have any connections with other heroes, then you will have to end the relationship with the others and switch to her. Once you complete all the specified tasks, then you will have to make sure that all topics are closed, after which you will reach the final moment.


Absolutely any girl can hook up with him. This character is quite simple and straightforward in relationships that relate to flirting. You will be able to express all your feelings to him after you destroy the Shelter, but he will tell you that now is not the best time. best time for this. In order for him to finally succumb to you, you must first complete all the tasks that concern him and at the same time increase his rating. Soon he will call you to the territory of the Storm Coast as a task for a gift.

After completing his own line, he will leave the Skyhold fortress, but the task will be completed. You will either send him to the Gray Wardens, or ask him to choose his own path. If he remains in the Inquisition, then you can reach the end in your relationship with him.

Iron Bull

This character will be available to absolutely everyone. You just need to flirt with him and in the end, you and he will end up in your chambers and have the opportunity to make love. After that, he will discuss some “rules” with you.

He will ask you to get a medallion that is made from a dragon's tooth. Here you will have to find the dragon, then kill it and make a medallion from the extracted resources.


A man of any race can hook up with Dorian. You can lay the foundation in a relationship only if you do it storyline. After that, all you have to do is talk to him about your interest in him and start playing tricks.

Soon Leliana will call you and talk about one task. You will have to leave Poncard alive, otherwise your relationship with Dorian will go nowhere. After you complete the task, talk to him in Skyhold and then he will invite you to go to your chambers for the final moment. If you break up with him, there will be no negative aspects to it.


To start a relationship with Cullen, you need to be an elf girl or a human. If you want to hook up with him, you will first have to cut off all the existing ones. And remember that you cannot discuss Lyrium with him; because of him, all relationships are broken. You can't do this even in the middle of a relationship.


The only character who has no restrictions! The most liberal girl when it comes to matters of romance. To start building a relationship with her, you just need to talk to her in Skyhold and start flirting a little. Move forward with your relationship until Leliana asks you who you are interested in. After this, you can finally begin your romance with Josephine.

With whom to build and how to develop romantic relationships?

There are several love lines available in the game. The opportunity to begin a romantic relationship with companions appears with a sufficient level of affection and respect. Compliments, flirting, intimate conversations with companions in a common camp, where the entire squad gathers between missions, and correctly structured dialogues work wonders. For the time being, you can stay with several partners at once, but there will definitely come a time when you have to choose. Go to new level relationship occurs most often after the completion of personal tasks of companions-lovers. True, there are exceptions: with due diligence, rapprochement occurs many times faster, and there is enough goodwill to move straight from kissing to business, without performing personal tasks. If you lose interest, you can break up with your companion and turn your attention to other potential partners. The breakdown of a relationship leads to a decrease in trust, which can be restored through actions or gifts. Resume previously broken love relationship This is impossible, companions take issues of loyalty very seriously and do not forgive stabs in the back.

Companions available for relationships in the game:

Female: Alistair (First Knight achievement).
Male: Morrigan (Achievement "The Witch Without Mind").
Both genders: Leliana (achievement "Wine, Ballad, Woman"), Zevran (achievement "Careless Lover").

For love relationships with all companions in the game, the achievement “The Rake” is awarded (all completions are taken into account). You can get it already during the second playthrough, if love lines with all possible partners were started and completed both times. To do this, games are played by characters of different genders. Morrigan is considered the most compliant in Dragon Age: Origins; points of contact are found very quickly with her. Zevran left not far from her; his line of work in Antiva taught him to be very flexible in matters of love (the end justifies the means). It will take a little longer to tinker with Alistair and Leliana, but they will eventually end up in bed opposite the fire.

Alistair Therin

Alistair– romantic interest for a female Guardian. He doesn't take relationships as something easy. There are many ways to romance him through dialogue. Give him compliments, tell him that you like him, in general, everything except ridicule of him will help to win him over. If you offer him a relationship to a sufficient level of approval, he may reject it due to his inexperience, saying that he cannot take such things so easily. Continuing to offer beyond this point will result in loss of approval. If you continue to earn friendship points, he will invite the heroine to his tent. He likes to be loved and desired, and sometimes responds with a hint of thriftiness, but he does not like to be laughed at over intimacy.
Note: Even if you have high approval and if he is hardened, you will have to complete one of the main quests before asking him to spend the night with the heroine.
A clear sign that Alistair is interested in the Guardian as a woman will be a gift - a rose. You can accept it or not. If Alistair has high approval and high approval from Zevran or Leliana (adoration or love), the next time he talks to him, Alistair will force him to choose between them.

If Alistair becomes king, the relationship will end unless the Guardian is of noble birth and Alistair is toughened up. Even if he is hardened, the relationship will end if the Guardian spares Loghain or chooses the wrong dialogue lines after the Landsmeet. Select the line "No one can force a king to do anything he doesn't want to do" to convince Alistair to continue the relationship. However, even if Alistair broke up with the Guardian, he retains tender feelings for her, although he tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the Guardian and other party members.

Note: A noble girl must use persuasion to marry Alistair when he chooses between her and Anora at the Landsmeet, although she does not need to be in a relationship with him or even have high approval. With Alistair toughened up, this option becomes available if the Guardian refused Riordan's offer to make Loghain Gray Warden; if the Guardian supported this idea, then the toughened Alistair becomes king and executes Loghain, this will cancel the dialogue where he will have to choose between Alistair and Anora and will give the opportunity to choose to rule with him.

If the Guardian did not agree to Morrigan’s proposal and took Alistair to battle with the Archdemon, then he will sacrifice himself even if he broke up with the Guardian on his own initiative.

If the Guardian Girl slept with Alistair, toughening him up during his personal quest, and his approval is high enough, he may agree to be third with Isabela on the ship.

During the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC, if you look at the codex page about Leliana, you will find a mention of her being Alistair's lover. (Actually, if there is a romance with Alistair, and Leliana is a friend of the Guardian (somewhere around 45-50), then there may be a dialogue between Leliana and the Guardian that begins with Leliana saying “I think Alistair is crazy about you.” With a certain answer, Leliana openly states to the Guardian that if the Guardian had not made an attempt to improve relations with Alistair, then Leliana would have done this.) However, there are no hints of this in Dragon Age: Origins, even if the Guardian is not in the novel with them.

If Alistair's approval reaches a high point, Wynn will bring up the subject, saying that she does not approve of such a relationship and she does not want Alistair to suffer. He will also try to give a fascinating lecture on the topic “Where do children come from.”

Zevran Arannay

Master of Seduction(according to his own statement), Zevran will openly flirt with the Guardian, and with some other companions too, even if just as a joke. He is not too picky and clearly lowers his demands, which makes it easier to start a romance with the Guardian, regardless of gender. Almost immediately after joining the team, he shows sympathy for the Guardian, and he can reciprocate.

Getting into Zevran's location is quite simple. He loves playful hints and inquiries about his adventures, and as long as the Guardian accepts his sexual past for granted, the romance will continue. He can be asked to keep the Guardian company in the tent even at the “Interest” level, to which he will gladly agree. After this, Zevran explains that he does not hold the character back, and it is his choice whether their night will be an isolated incident or the connection will continue. Conversely, if Zevran has high approval and the Guardian has not yet offered to sleep with him, he will offer his company for the night. If you then ask Zevran about love, this will lead to a loss of influence, however, if you tell him that it was just for one night, this will lead to a significantly greater loss and the end of the relationship. The best option is to say "I'm fine with that." Zevran is as faithful in relationships as other partners, although he recklessly flirts with other characters.

Regardless of the level of approval, Zevran's attitude will not change to "love" until the Landsmeet is convened. The group will encounter (and kill) Zevran's old friend, Taliesen, and Zevran will gain respite from the Ravens' pursuit.

In gratitude, he offers the Guardian his earring upon his return to camp. After this, the elf will refuse to go to the tent. If you refuse the first offer of an earring, then during a conversation on a personal topic (when the elf admits that he is confused by his feelings), Zevran can offer it again as a “token of... mmm... sympathy.” Moreover, you can get the elf to make suggestions in this conversation by choosing certain lines. However, if you accept the earring only a second time, it will not appear in your inventory, this is a bug. If the Guardian responds that “the proposal is too much,” the relationship will end.

Leliana is a possible romantic interest for both male and female Guardians. The Guardian's first opportunity to kiss her occurs when her approval reaches Adoration (71 or higher) and she initiates a camp conversation that begins with “I like the night at camp. The night always looks more peaceful, I think. Safer" . However, she will not be interested in the tent and will only sleep with the Guardian if she is in love with him/her. She will not fall in love with the Guardian until her personal quest is completed and her approval reaches 91 or higher. To increase her approval, talk a lot, listen to what she tells you, be supportive, avoid criticism when she talks about the Creator, give meaningful gifts, do good deeds while she is in the group, and avoid evil acts (or at least not take her to the group when you do them).

Note: sometimes the romance doesn't start even with 100% approval. The nature of this phenomenon is unknown.

Note: this happens due to a bug if the relationship with her develops too quickly due to gifts. The personal quest also becomes unavailable.

Note: the personal quest was completed, but the relationship did not develop.
In order for the quest to become available, you will have to part with Leliana, but after completing the quest, the romance can be resumed and even completed, for this you need to choose the right lines in the conversation about Marjolaine.

If for some reason you missed the opportunity to start a romance, another attempt will appear after completing the quest with Marjolaine. Ask her how she feels after the whole experience, agree that you know what she means after her answer, and in the subsequent conversation, say that people change over time. If Leliana eventually notices that you remind her of Marjolaine, you are on the right track.
If for some reason you did not talk to Leliana about her past and reached +100 relationship with her, thereby losing the opportunity to complete her personal quest, it is possible to artificially set the conditions for the trigger to go off. To do this, you need to turn on the console and enter runscript zz_addapproval 9 -30() and then talk to Leliana in the camp, the desired replica will appear in the list, as well as the opportunity to complete Leliana’s quest. Then her attitude can be restored again through the console or with gifts.

If you play as a male Guardian and decide to arrange a grand end for yourself by planning to marry Anora, but at the same time keep Leliana “to yourself,” then simply do not talk to her until the epilogue and coronation. If you talk to her before this, she will say that she respects Anora too much and will refuse to stay with the Guardian. And in a conversation just before the coronation, she will say that life is already too short, and will remain the mistress of the Gray Guardian. Don't forget to tighten it up.

Note: Sometimes, regardless of the relationship with Leliana, if her approval is high enough, a romance will begin without the Guardian noticing. This causes current love interests to question the Guardian's relationship with Leliana and vice versa.


Let's move on to the most delicious! - Morrigan!

Morrigan is perhaps the hardest character to please when compared to other romantic interests for a male Guardian. However, she is the easiest to sleep with after just reaching 51 approval points. She will enjoy most of the random gifts found early in the game, but will disapprove of almost all of the Guardian's good deeds.

To successfully romance Morrigan, the player must either do some bad deeds or do good deeds while Morrigan is not in the party, as a negative outcome will be more common than a decrease in Leliana, Alistair, and Wynn's approval. When engaging in conversation with her, it is important to remember that Morrigan values ​​strength more than anything else. To get her approval, you will have to agree with her philosophy of “survival of the fittest” once. She despises everything related to love and compassion. If the Guardian is pursuing romance with both her and any other companion (Zevran or Leliana), she will start a conversation with the Guardian and force her to choose. This will end the romance with the rejected companion and lower their approval slightly, although Leliana and/or Zevran can give the Guardian an ultimatum in the same way that Morrigan does. Morrigan eventually gives the Guardian a unique ring during his affair with her. The ring is a connection between two people.

After completing the quest "Flemeth's Grimoire", she will begin to fear her love for him, which will trigger a dialogue about love if her approval is high enough. There is a possibility of her approval dropping during a conversation or a breakup until the right lines are chosen.

At the end of the game, the epilogue will read that “then came the night when he was sure that she was thinking about him... somewhere. She felt regret and sadness. But the ring didn’t say anything else.” There is no happy epilogue with Morrigan. She will leave the group immediately after the final battle, regardless of her approval. However, the romance can be continued and ended happily depending on your choices in Origins and the conversation during the Witch Hunt DLC. As a result, Morrigan and the Guardian kiss and pass through Eluvian together.

Note: Entering into an affair with Morrigan will trigger a "motherly conversation" with Wynn, in which she will advise you to leave her. If you refuse to end your romance with Morrigan, then after the relationship with Morrigan is listed as "love", Wynn will apologize.

If the Guardian slept with Morrigan in the camp and refused her proposal at Redcliffe Castle, the epilogue will say that she is expecting a child, although the ritual was not performed. This is not a bug, but also a variant of the Morrigan epilogue. This is a hint that she unexpectedly became pregnant until the day before the final battle.

If the Guardian broke up with Morrigan when she asks for it, at the gates of Denerim she will call the Guardian "my love" (even if she is just friends) and the epilogue will write about regret and sadness (even if the Guardian began another romance). It's strange that even if the ring is destroyed, you still get an epilogue about the ring.


If desired, Morrigan's +100 approval can be obtained almost immediately after her appearance in the squad - in Lothering. The method is guaranteed to work when playing as a MAG (patch 1.05 and any earlier), with one point in the influence skill and a starting strength indicator. (theoretically possible with other classes, but a low strength indicator is required)
We arrive in Lothering, pass the robbers, go to Stan's cage. We talk to him and find out about the reverend mother. We exclude ALL companions from the group, except Morrigan. We go to the church, there we find the Reverend Mother (straight and to the right). We tell her about the Qunari in the cage, and use INTERMINATION, demanding to give up the key or life. Morrigan rejoices, she loves threats to the priests (+4), and the Reverend Mother refuses to give up the key (unsuccessful intimidation will only happen if the strength indicator is low enough, otherwise she will give up the key). After unsuccessful intimidation, this conversation can be repeated again and again, each time receiving Morrigan's approval (the method also works on the Steam version).
In Orzammar, the merchant Garin has a special gift for Morrigan that gives approval (+20) - a Golden Mirror. It cannot be given to other companions. If you give Morrigan a mirror after breaking up with her, you can have an affair with both her and Leliana at the same time.

Everyone knows that role-playing games from Bioware have one interesting feature - you can, through various manipulations, achieve romance with one or another character and even get to the so-called adult content like love lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Below we will briefly describe which character you can start a relationship with and what approximately you need to do for this.


Peculiarities: she is fanatical about religion, so reproaches for this should be avoided. Teasing remarks and jabs are best. You will need to wait quite a bit before this character agrees to a romantic relationship. Naturally, nothing will happen if you do not complete the romantic task with flowers and romance.


Preferences: Exclusively men.

Previously, there were no such precedents, but now we see the first magician in the game with a completely unconventional orientation. Questionable entertainment, but if you really want to have fun, then there is this option to choose from.

Make jokes, emphasize his courage, complete the side quest and get what you wanted.


A stern Gray Warden who can be found in the Hinterlands and accepted into the team. By the way, you can flirt almost immediately, and thus lure him to you, to the Inquisition.

The character is very trusting and easily has nice conversations with ladies who have not paid attention to him for a long time.


Preferences: Women only.

Another character who received an exclusively gay character. She has a great sense of humor, but inappropriate behavior and an extremely strange style.

You can start by telling her that you like her and then continue chatting with her from time to time in the Vault Tavern. The more you communicate with her, the more character will open on the other side.

Preferences - All genders and races;

This is a skilled warrior and spy who, for the sake of a good cause, is ready for any experiments. By starting a romance with him, you will learn that intimacy for the Qunari is something simply necessary purely for physical needs, rather than for feelings.

For him to show interest in you, you will have to persist for a very long time and try to appeal to something vaguely similar to romance.


Preferences - Exclusively elves.

This character is only interested in representatives of his own family. Moreover, to win the heart of a Shadow specialist you will need to put in a lot of effort.

To achieve success, support him and be interested in his preferences, support free magicians and lay flowers on Dalish shrines.


Preferences - Exclusively elves or human women.

A character with whom it will be quite easy to flirt - you yourself will not understand how at some point a romantic relationship will begin between the characters.


Preferences - All genders and races.

There are quite a few options for flirting with her, so starting a relationship will be quite easy. The character has a playful nature and with the help of a sharp mind and diplomacy you can achieve quite good results.

You will not be able to have romantic relationships with other companions and non-companions for one reason or another.