Why do you dream about Foam in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see Foam? “Why do you dream of foam in a dream? If you see Foam in a dream, what does it mean?

Dreamed foam can tell a lot to an experienced dream decipherer. And those who are little familiar with dream symbolism should turn to dream books for help; they will help decipher what this dream is about. But before you begin to interpret the dream, be sure to clarify what kind of foam you saw in the dream and where it was located.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller, in his dream interpreter, assures that seeing foam in a dream is a sign of disappointment due to one’s defeats. But even knowing that Fate is not preparing anything good for you, still remember what exactly you dreamed of.

If you dreamed of alcohol foaming in a bottle, then this indicates that all the troubles are due to bad habits. Get rid of them and you will be able to correct the situation.

But seeing a lot of foam in your hair in a dream is a harbinger of unpleasant conversations and gossip addressed to you. It’s especially bad if it was dirty – it won’t be easy to justify yourself. Another head in foam is a sign of stupid ideas and vain hopes.

Soap foam as a symbol of cleansing

If you dreamed of a bathtub full of soap suds, this means that now is the best time to correct the mistakes of the past. Do you see that the soap suds are blue? If you focus on your goal, you will successfully cope with all difficulties and be able to make your dreams come true, says Miss Hasse’s dream book.

Why do you dream about a plot in which you are sitting in a bathtub filled with solid foam? You are wasting your time because you are acting thoughtlessly. But if, nevertheless, in the bathroom there is water with aromatic foam that lies on your body, on your face, on your head - in a word, everywhere - then this means that you have taken to bringing your ideas to life too quickly. First, think through all your steps, the dream book advises.

Sea foam is a sign of change

Being naked in sea foam in a dream is a sign that you will take a fresh look at some events taking place in your life, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies. Especially if sea water with foam covered you entirely in the dream.

Did you happen to swim in a foamy sea in a dream? Pay attention to whether the water was clean. Seeing waves with white clean foam is a sign of pleasant changes and sudden joy. And if you dreamed that the foamy sea was seething with white ridges, which in reality turned out to be smelly, then this means that someone will spoil your mood with rash speeches and actions, Longo’s dream book upsets.

Milk foam, or Listen to yourself

The White Magician's Dream Book will help you understand why you dream of milk with foam. Try to remember that if in a dream you drank it with pleasure, then in reality you have a chance to achieve success in your chosen field or with the person you like.

Did frothy milk disgust you? You shouldn’t even try to do something that you don’t like - nothing good will come of it, the dream book assures.

And if in a dream you whipped a milkshake, then this is a harbinger that you are in vain “muddying the waters” around some event, it is not worth it.

“Foamy” troubles: From idle talk to victory

A dream plot in which you see foam coming out of your mouth should alert you, as it foreshadows problems due to your own incontinence and talkativeness. And if foamy discharge from your mouth in a dream is not yours, then this is a good sign, because such a vision means that someone will spill the beans on your opponent’s secrets.

Another version of the development of events, explained by the Chinese dream book, what he dreams about, has the following description. If you dreamed that saliva foaming from toothpaste is flowing out of your mouth, then you can prepare for victory, but if it is foaming soap that you hold in your mouth for some reason, then you should not promise anything to anyone.

Other “beaters”

Also, interpreters can easily tell you why you dream of foam formed in any other way. So she was:

  • in a glass of champagne - to a festive mood: the joy will be short-lived, but bright;
  • for shaving - you have thoroughly prepared for battle - go for it;
  • from powder in the washing machine - you are fussing too much, stop;
  • beer - the time for relaxation has passed, to change for the better you need to act.

Dreams do not come to us by chance. They are harbingers of certain events, and also warn of possible danger. For example, if you dreamed of foam, you should definitely look into your dream book. Foam in night dreams has many different interpretations.

To get the most accurate explanation of the dream, you need to take into account what kind of foam you saw, what you did with it, what feelings it evoked in you. You may remember other details that should not be ignored either.

Let's look into the future

Vivid impressions, interesting events - this is what dreams of foam on or another non-alcoholic drink mean. And the higher it was, the richer your near future will be.

Seeing foam as a symptom of an epileptic seizure means feeling anxious. In addition, people with an unbalanced psyche have such dreams. Psychologists advise to take a break from worries and take time to relax.

Now that you know what foam means in dreams, it will not be difficult for you to determine what awaits you in the near future. You will also be able to better understand yourself and those around you. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Pena?

Foam - “To prove with foam at the mouth” (very persistently, emotionally), “foam of an epileptic seizure” - a sign of mental illness. Foam – Foam in a dream is a symbol of disappointment due to the defeat you have experienced. Foam - Deception, vanity. Foam - The sea foam you dreamed of symbolizes the tenderness of relationships, romantic love, which will soon visit you and bring a sea of ​​previously unknown emotions into your life.

Seeing foam means that excessive pride will lead you to hardship and loss of friends. You dreamed of Foam - you saw foam in a dream - in a confrontation with enemies you will be defeated; you will feel depressed for a long time; the humiliation you experience will remain a thorn in your heart for a long time.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Foam in a dream?

Foam - Seeing foam in a dream means disappointment due to the experience of your defeats. Foam - Seeing in a dream - instability in love; to beat - not to tell the truth. Foam – Soapy minor hassles associated with treatment, clinics, pharmacies. There are minor injuries and cuts. When cooking in broth, unexpected minor troubles arise from your own mistakes. On beer, punch for a feast, a friendly feast. Blow away above all petty worries, and you will be free of troubles.

Foam (bubbles) – In a dream, they are an indication of the influence of aggressive, “boiling”, negative energy. You dreamed of Foam - Going out into the street naked in soap foam - a well-started business will end in complete failure. Imagine the touch of soft, white foam. It concerns not only you, but also your loved one.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

What does it mean to see Pen in a dream?

Foam - for a romantic date, traveling with a loved one, concluding a happy marriage. If you are dreaming of a date or a romantic trip, imagine the seashore during a storm, when foamy waves rush ashore.

Imagine that you are sitting on the shore, breathing fresh sea air, hearing the sound of the surf and watching the water foam, now advancing and then retreating from the shore. If you want your passion to grow into a happy marriage, imagine a luxurious bath with fragrant foam in which you immerse yourself. Warm water and pleasant aromas help you relax and unwind; you blissfully lie in the airy foam for as long as you want.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Pena mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, what does it mean to dream about someone shaving and being covered in thick foam - to problems with the skin.

If in the summer you dreamed of foam from the surf collecting on the seashore, you will experience dramatic changes in your life - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream of foam - for bravado? In the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is meant.

In winter, why do you dream of foam - a romantic trip awaits you with your loved one.

Collection of dream books

Why does Foam dream in a dream according to 23 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Foam” symbol from 23 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If foam covers her hair like a wedding veil in a dream- this means that she will prefer sensual pleasures to the detriment of spiritual improvement and will make those who are unable to indulge her ambition suffer.

Freud's Dream Book

Sea foam that you dreamed about- symbolizes the tenderness of relationships, romantic love, which will soon visit you and bring a sea of ​​previously unknown emotions into your life.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Foam - are an indication in a dream of the influence of aggressive, “boiling”, negative energy.

Ukrainian dream book

Foam is delusion, vanity.

French dream book

Seeing foam in a dream- means that excessive pride will lead you to hardship and loss of friends.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Foam according to the dream book?

Soap foam - minor hassles associated with treatment, clinics, pharmacies. There are minor injuries and cuts.

When boiling, in broth- unexpected minor troubles from your own mistakes.

On beer, punch- to a feast, a friendly feast.

To blow away - you are above all petty worries, and troubles will pass you by.

Video: Why do you dream about Foam?

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Did you dream about Foam, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Foam in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I asked my late father to tell me in a dream whether I should get acquainted with this man or not. And I had a dream from Thursday to Friday - my father was standing in the hallway, silent, looking at me and soapy, not muddy water flowing from him.

    I dreamed that my mother was getting ready to go milk the cow, and was in a hurry so as not to be late, and I saw that there was a large aluminum tub of milk in the room, I took the milk in a mug, I saw that it was fresh, thick and foaming.
    What could this mean?

    I sleep, curled up in a lingonberry-colored pebble (dressed in the jacket I’m wearing now) on bluish-green waves with white foam. I wake up not far from the shore and think that I need to get out of the water, otherwise I’ll swim past the pier. The pier is white, with breakwaters and stairs leading up to the palace (also white). If I swim further behind the pier, there are dark gray-brown cobblestones, small hills, mountains. Quite gloomy. After the last breakwater I approach the pier and climb up the stairs. Light.

    I'm standing on the river bank. After the rain it is full. But it gradually becomes shallower, returning to its normal state. The waters of the river flooded the fields. In the distance I see foam gathering. She's dirty. And then I walk on the water and use a stick to disperse the foam. My aunt helps me

    I dream that I live with my mother with my daughter and ex-boyfriend. I got up in the morning, went to wash my hair, there was a lot of foam and soap and it didn’t wash off well, but I washed it off anyway. And also, as if because of this, I was late for work, but he tells me not to worry, everything is fine.

    In my dream, I saw foam coming from the mouth of my loved one... It was late in the evening when I began a romantic relationship with my close friend. I went into the store, he stayed waiting outside, called me in a great mood, really looking forward to my return. I received a message from a close friend that one ill-wisher (my fan) found out about our relationship... for some reason at 8. When I left the store the street was empty. Unexpectedly, my lover appeared with a bottle of vodka in his hand, he decided to drink it in one gulp from the neck of the bottle... I began to shout at him and pushed him. He was offended, but did not make a sound. He began to foam profusely at the mouth. The foam had a yellowish tint.

    In a large, bright room with a large window without curtains, through which the street is visible, there are beds covered with light blankets. There are showers between the beds. I stand there, lathering myself with plenty of foam. I think I’ll turn on the water and wash off the foam, but I think I’ll wet the bed, then some people appear, and I still turn on the shower.

    The action is supposedly at work.
    I had to do a certain amount of work, at the request of management, and I agreed to this. But the boss began to be rude and joke, and I, in turn, sharply refused to carry out the assignment, arguing that this was not part of my duties.
    Then some minor fuss.
    Next, considering that my duties for the day were completed, I began to wash the floor; there was very white, fluffy foam in the bucket. The boss tried to take the mop away from me and wash the floor herself. But I defended my right to clean.

    I'm going for a ride on the river with my son and daughter, we were enthusiastically playing in the boat and ended up in the sea, where there was a lot of foam, the son took it in his hands, suddenly the 2-year-old daughter falls from the boat into the sea, but stays on the water as if she knows how to swim, and I smile and help her get into the boat. We are again sailing from the sea to our river home

    I am walking with my sister through the forest, along the path down to the pond. I think this is a lake. The water is either cloudy or matte, but not dirty. The godmother and uncle are standing nearby. My sister is afraid to go down to the water and I show that it’s not scary. In front of me are natural stone steps and 3 concrete slabs that form a bridge on pillars. I step on them, the water is clear and ankle-deep, I don’t feel cold, it’s warm. Suddenly one of the slabs begins to wobble and then, in order not to fall through, I begin to swim in the water, which gradually turns into white foam. I felt fear during the fall, because I don’t really know how to swim, but my sister is the opposite. As a result, next to me in the foam is a child, a boy.

    I stood at the foot of the hill, it was a place that was well known to me, but in the dream there was some water there (although usually there is none there), I was sure that it was the sea, and the general landscape changed twice, and I know both places. One motive, I am standing in front of a ravine that is filled with water, and also the water, contrary to physics, is located so that the water surface (moving from the ravine to the mountain) is at an angle. And then I was covered in water, the water was not dirty, but there was a lot of sea foam.

    I leave the room and go outside. Everything around is white. It looks like snow. I walk on this white, there is more and more of it. I walk in a little more than waist-deep and realize that I’m not cold, and it’s not snow, but foam. The feeling of sleep is rather pleasant. And I woke up

    The sea...maybe even the ocean is calm! little surf and a lot of white foam. I didn’t even immediately realize that this foam looked like salt... I walked along the edge of the water in it. pale yellow sand and black black people! those who are not aggressive sometimes smile with a snow-white smile.. they unload a ship with drinking water.. it stands near the shore and I walk between the shore and this ship. my soul is calm.

    My mother and I are in a hotel in some city in a luxury room. Morning, I wake up and want to take a bath and swim in the pool, but for some reason in our room I soap myself and my whole body is covered in foam. I put on a luxurious robe over the foam and look at myself in the mirror and there I see myself young and beautiful, I especially like my hair, black, lush, wavy, beautiful and long. At this time, the mother is treating some woman (during her life she was a folk healer, she died, more than a year has passed). I left the room and went to look for a bathtub with a pool, but for some reason I couldn’t find it, I went into some room, but it turned out to be a shared shower, so I left this room and went on to look for a pool with a bathtub. Then I entered a room with a luxurious door and I think I ended up in a swimming pool, but this room turned out to be something else, in the large room there were a lot of clothes hung on hangers, mostly men’s clothes (jackets, coats, etc.) like in a store. There is an elderly woman in this room and I asked him where the swimming pool with the bathtub of the luxury room is, and she replies that I went the wrong way, I should have turned right when leaving the room, but I turned left, so she advised me to turn back and said the pool is further away from our room. I left the room and ran to the back and looked at the long corridor and I ran along it, passed my room, and there the door was open and I saw my mother, she was treating that woman, and then I ran through many rooms, but I didn’t find the pool. Then I came to my senses and saw that I was running into the field to the west, I looked around, and behind me there was a large beautiful sanatorium and I thought that I was running from here. I see a familiar place and find myself running across a field, along the road near my home village. And I thought why I was running across the field, the pool should be in the sanatorium and decided to turn back to the sanatorium. I run back to the sanatorium and meet people I know who live in my home village. I’m ashamed, so I covered my face so they wouldn’t find out, because I think I’m in foam and a robe. Then I woke up

    In a dream, I was swimming in clear water in the sea, then on the other side I saw foam being released into the water, I wanted to swim there but it didn’t work out, then I threw one of the inflatable balls and it exploded on a disabled person sitting in a wheelchair, the wheelchair flew away but was caught by a man flying in a balloon

    I dreamed that I was diagnosed with an incurable disease and was advised to go to church, and I was upset and walked along the river, and people were swimming in this river. The river was dark and muddy and there was foam on top of the river, there was a lot of it. I didn’t go into this river.

    Hello! I saw in a dream that I was driving a car and white foam from the sea was beating next to the car, and then I looked around and next to the sea there was a beautiful pink bed with a canopy. What does it mean?

    We were driving in a car with my girlfriends, me in the back seat, some guy on the left (I didn’t see his face), my girlfriend on the right. in the front seat the driver was a guy (I didn’t see his face either), and in the passenger seat was my sister and her friend. I have an aluminum bowl with water and some foam at my feet. And I sat with my feet in this bowl. The water is clean, cold or hot, I don’t remember, but I didn’t stick my legs out there... Why this dream?

    Hello. I dreamed of a camp that I had never been to. But I was the center of attention and communicated well with the counselor. We joked with her. Then everyone quickly walked in a circle on the sand. But I always couldn’t put my foot in the sneaker and I constantly fell through the sand. It was a little wet. Then I saw a lot of foam in the sea. soap suds. there was a lot of it. It enveloped everything. Its end was not visible. sweet dream. kind.