What do you have borscht with - beets or beets? The word beet: emphasis. Correct stress in the word beet Letter E in Russian speech

Hello! Please answer: does the noun BEET have a plural in the nominative case? (Example: There were beets growing in the field or There were beets growing in the field, There were beets on the plate or There were beets on the plate.) Or only in the genitive? A few beets?

Plural form h. (beets, beets...), but it is rarely used. Correctly: beets are on the plate(somewhat), but beets growing in the field(as an agricultural crop).

Question No. 278347
Please help, good people!
Use nouns in the genitive singular or plural form and add stress. If the noun is in the Nominative singular case, then you need to put it in the Genitive singular case, but if the noun is given in the Nominative plural form, then you need to put it in the Genitive plural case.

Cue, pond, syllables, lines, goulash, goose, coal, courage, footage, trellis, Kyrgyz, Chuvash, Armenians, Mordvins, Bashkirs, mangers, rakes, pokers, tomatoes, apricots, tangerines, eggplants, kilograms, socks, boots, stockings, boots, cakes, scarves, shoes, Christian, heretic, confessor, beets, branches, localities, regions, boards, donya, sheets, statements

Russian help desk response

Good afternoon. I apologize about this question, it has already been asked here 100 times, but I was recently told that beets, instead of beets, have been a literary norm for 50 years and are acceptable, especially in oral speech. I am very surprised. Is it true? The same applies to “in Ukraine”/“In Ukraine”. It’s very difficult for me to force myself to relearn and say “In Ukraine” and is it necessary?

Russian help desk response

In Russian language dictionaries, only the variant is still recognized as normative beet .

Literary norm - in Ukraine. There are no changes here either.

Question No. 270927
4. Put emphasis in the words below in accordance with the norms of the literary language, using a spelling dictionary. Indicate options, if any. Note which options are allowed in the Russian literary language and which are not recommended.
August, arrest, scam, barge, pamper, supper, exorbitant prices, stamp, hyphen, absolutely, heretic, conspiracy, loan, from ancient times, catalogue, rubber, kilometer, masterfully, medicines, millimeter, thinking, provision, facilitate, inform, parterre, funeral, at the funeral, rust, concentration, beets, orphans, case, cottage cheese, strengthening, aggravate, draw, excursion, holy fool.
Agent, spoiled, bombard, bureaucracy, gross, high, hospital, arrangement, clog, conspiracy, spark, jam, iconography, tool, spark, quarter, flint, kitchen, obituary, oil pipeline, facilitate, simultaneous, partly, force, acquisition, mold, shorthand, customs, flanker, cement, hundredweight, petition, sorrel.
Mark, march, mask, standardize, seal, pave, delegate, conduct, inform, block, aerate, dose, nationalize, export, reward.
Taken - taken, busy - busy, calling - calling - calling, started - started - started.
Tongue (circle) - tongue (sausage), bald (blade) - bald (cut).

Thank you very much in advance

Russian help desk response

Electronic dictionaries posted on our portal will help you complete this task (use the “Word check” line).

Question No. 266115
Is it an error to use the singular in a verb before the associated homogeneous clauses follow?

Example: “At the dacha, potatoes, beets and cucumbers grew.”

Russian help desk response

This is not a mistake - rather a stylistic flaw.

Tell me, please, is it possible to call potatoes, beets, and carrots “vegetables”?
Or are they still “root vegetables” and nothing more? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Vegetables are any garden fruits (edible parts of plants), as well as greens. Potatoes, beets and carrots are vegetables.

Question No. 258767
Good afternoon, tell me how many options for stress and where they are placed correctly in the following words: bartender, intercessor, agreement, funds, quarter, production, thinking, otherwise, complex, owners, calls,
roasting, orphans, beets, carding, started, belt, boring. Thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

You can use the "Word Check" window.

where will the accents be:
Armor (on a tank), armor (on a ticket), asymmetry, means, agreement, quarter,
sorrel, beets, oil pipeline, cooking, spoiled, modern,
youth, deepen, rust.

Russian help desk response

Stress can be checked in our electronic dictionaries (Word Check window).

Question No. 238901
How to correctly place the emphasis in the word “located”, is it acceptable to use “beets” instead of “beets”, or is this colloquialism?

Russian help desk response

Possible: located, located. Unacceptable.

Question No. 235796
Good afternoon Thank you very much! After registering in your wonderful directory, I realized how convenient it is and how great it helps in my work. I have a question again. Please tell me how to pronounce it correctly - “beets” or “beets”. I could be wrong, but at school, it seems, we were taught that saying and writing “beets” is a gross mistake. But my colleague says that the word “beets” is a mistake. Professionals, help! :)) How to pronounce this word correctly?

Russian help desk response

We also invite you to use our wonderful electronic dictionaries (Word Check window, type _beetroot_).
Help me put the emphasis on these words: beets, marketing, calls, provision, genesis, cottage cheese. Sorry that it’s a lot, but it’s impossible without you!!!

Russian help desk response

Use the window http://dic.gramota.ru/search.php?word=%F1%E2%E5%EA%EB%E0&lop=x&gorb=x&efr=x&ag=x&zar=x&ab=x&sin=x&lv=x&pe=x&az=x ["Word check"].

The article describes how to correctly say beets or beets. The reader will also learn which syllable should be emphasized correctly when using this word.

Very often doubts arise about how to pronounce this or that word, which syllable should be emphasized correctly. After all, you don’t want to look stupid in the company of competent people. Let's find out how to correctly say the word: beet or beetroot, and put the emphasis on the first or second syllable. More details below.

How to say correctly: beets or beets, with emphasis on which syllable?

According to the orthoepic standards of the Russian language, the first syllable in this word is stressed. Despite the fact that very often in everyday life this vegetable is used incorrectly, instead of the letter “e” they say “e” and the second syllable is pronounced with stress.

In words of adjectives or words with the same root, the stress can fall not only on the root, but also on the suffix.


  • beetroot (stress falls on the second syllable, letter: “o”)
  • beetroot (emphasis on “and” - third syllable)
  • beet grower (accent on the last syllable - “o”)

IMPORTANT: In related words, stress can often move to other syllables of the word.

See examples of phrases and sentences:

  1. This summer's beets were unusually large and juicy.
  2. In order to lose weight, you need to eat more vegetables; beets are often the main product of various dishes.
  3. Scientists say that beets contain almost all useful substances for the human body.
  4. Delicious Ukrainian borsch always turns out if it contains beets.
  5. When Mikhail was angry, his face became as red as a beet.

Declension by case of the word beet with accent: table

Below, look at the table of word declension by case in singular and plural.

After the above information, you will now pronounce the word correctly and put emphasis on it.

Video: Correct stress in the word beet: dictionary data

The whole problem of this situation may have arisen due to the fact that the spelling of the letter E in Russian is optional in most cases (except for words where its replacement with E may entail a change in the meaning of the word or sentence). This is the only such situation for all our thirty-three letters of the alphabet. Why not make it mandatory?

The answer to this question can be seen on any modern computer keyboard (which, by the way, copies the layout of the keys on a typewriter). For touch typing, its location is extremely inconvenient. Or maybe it’s a matter of saving ink when printing? One way or another, the name of one of the most widespread root crops - beets - is under attack.

Correct stress in the word "beets"

Beetroot is one of the most important agricultural crops. Modern selection offers us vegetable beets (Chard), table beets, fodder beets, and sugar beets. Its importance is especially great in Europe. In countries where sugar cane cannot grow, the production of such a product can hardly be overestimated. This vegetable is used both for livestock feed and for human consumption. Without it, the alcohol industry will not be able to produce alcohols for both technical and food purposes.

So which syllable should be emphasized in “beet”? Let us turn to existing dictionaries to clarify this issue. The answer is clear: stress is possible only on the first syllable. It is correct to use this word with the letter E. Although its spelling is not necessary, its pronunciation is the only correct one. Derivatives formed from the word “beet” retain the stress on the second syllable. So, it’s correct to say beet juice, beet juice.

In what cases is an alternative accent in “beetroot” possible?

Putting the stress on the last syllable in the word “beet” is possible solely as a literary device to demonstrate vernacular language. There are no other options in any dictionary. In order not to be branded as an uneducated person, it is unforgivable to allow such relaxation in one’s own speech. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme - you shouldn’t rush to correct your interlocutor in an ordinary conversation if he made such a mistake, if he doesn’t ask you for advice. You can gently point out the inaccuracy or remain silent. After all, rudeness is in no way justified by your erudition.

How does the accent fall in the word “beetroot”?

In this case, the emphasis falls on the suffix (“beetroot”). The fact is that this adjective does not come from the word “beet”, but from the noun “beetroot”. It denotes specific varieties of this root crop - sugar-bearing ones, used for the production of raw sugar. Therefore, the emphasis here is placed differently. Thus, derivatives from this noun will have stress on the third syllable: beet molasses, beet pulp, etc.

The further fate of the letter E in beets

We must take into account the fact that language is not a ossified instrument. It is in constant change, adapting to modern realities and emerging speech traditions. Now coffee can be either neuter or masculine, in the word yogurt the stress can be placed on both the first and second syllable, and even instead of contract, the form of contract can be used. Perhaps the same fate awaits the “beets”. The emphasis depends on the popularity of a particular form of pronunciation. If an option that is currently considered incorrect becomes popular with more people, then a revision may be possible. But until this happens, and the Ministry of Education has not approved the double-correct form, you should still be guided by the existing rules.