Pig - Libra. Characteristics of Libra men and women in the year of the Pig (Boar)

Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
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They also say that Libras are calm people. Maybe, maybe... But I personally recommend you to go on a rampage, twist and turn, muddy the waters, weave intrigues and start adventures. Only then will you achieve maximum success. In any case, do not strive for peace, do not worry about a favorable impression, let them fear you or at least be wary of you. Let them give way, let them disperse. And then, having made your way to where you wanted, begin to do good deeds.

Marcello Mastroianni (28.9.1923). The number of seducers he played, small and not so small, swindlers, adventurers and rogues cannot be counted. Moreover, negativity does not deprive his heroes of their charm.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan (October 3, 1935). A kind man who has played many good characters. Why, then, is the creepy villain Hunchback from the cult “The meeting place cannot be changed” most remembered? In second place is again staff captain Ovechkin from the Elusive Ones. She's still a bastard. As for the enchanting performance in the film “Hello, I’m your aunt!”, his behavior there, despite the grotesqueness, is simply ideal for a vector horoscope.


The remaining six signs, to varying degrees, demonstrate the balance of the elements. In the King all possible elements are balanced, the Jester or Leader have a minimal balance of elements. The remaining three signs are in an intermediate state. But Vector must, well, simply must be unbalanced, the balance of the elements in him is completely destroyed. We are, of course, talking about the image of a person. If for some reason the image was balanced, then things are bad, the vector energy of chaos will make its way inside the person and then we must expect trouble, and Goethe’s words will begin to sound differently: “he always wants good, and always commits evil.”

Vector’s imbalance must be evident in every look, every gesture, in words, eyes, and actions. It should be like a bare live wire, like a spark-making machine. At the same time, Vector is very far from neurasthenia and other nervous diseases; his nerves are like ropes. This is not nervousness, this is some kind of eternal itch, a thirst for movement, a thirst for vanity. Someone is called into the world to establish and give birth to harmony and order, and someone (of course, this is Vector) is called to destroy excess order, giving birth to chaos. In this sense, Vector is an ideal machine for producing chaos, something like an apparatus for creating a series of random numbers.

So Vector’s main task is to worry himself and infect others with his worry. The most remarkable thing is that anxiety should be causeless, as if from nothing.

Many Vectors cannot sit still for a long time, they constantly jump up and run somewhere. Movements are convulsive, jerky or tense. There are either needles or sparks in Vector’s eyes.


Anxiety is just that, a touch, a type of vibration, the reality of an image cannot be created with this trembling. Action is needed. And actions of the worst kind.

The simplest version of the image is the role embodied temptation for the opposite sex. This is behavior in which there is not even a hint of the usual friendly good nature or ordinary indifference, but on the contrary, the thought of flirting, coquetry, advances immediately arises, and of a rather aggressive kind. Words, gestures, glances should literally pierce right through without any prior preparation.

Ordinary, balanced people know how difficult it is to maintain oneself in such an aggressive mood all the time. But Vector can play the role of a fatal seducer for many years and even decades. Surprisingly, in marriage, despite his bad reputation, Vector turns into a wonderful family man who knows very precisely how to save his family.

Another type of adventurous behavior is quarrelsomeness, scandalousness and intrigue. All these qualities have been stigmatized by humanity a long time ago, but there is no sign that they are on the decline. As for bitches and scoundrels, the demand for them is consistently high at all times. What's the matter? And the fact is that they are needed. They don't let people sleep, they wind them up, they wake them up. Moreover, we are talking about any field of activity - family, science, philosophy, politics.

How amazingly Nikita Khrushchev's career (Horse, Aries) advanced when he threw off the mask of a jester and clown under the Stalinist Politburo and began to play to the full extent of his temperament, dashingly, powerfully. “Kuzka’s mother”, “an aspen stake in the grave of imperialism”, and the famous shoe with which he knocked on the UN podium - what image maker could teach him such behavior?

Nowadays, Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Dog, Taurus) is welcome in the Duma and on television. How many times have they predicted his failure in the elections, but he still holds on. But his behavior does not fit into any framework. Boris Nemtsov (Boar, Libra) splashed juice on the screen with him. For many years, the dear Anatoly Chubais (Goat, Gemini) has been in the form of a fiend of hell. Women are not much different - in our country it is Valeria Novodvorskaya (Tiger, Taurus), in Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko (Rat, Sagittarius).

It’s hard to advise copying this behavior, but Vector should experiment with scandalous behavior.

And, of course, vocabulary. If an Aristocrat should be silent, and a Professor should speak intelligently, then Vector should expand his vocabulary limitlessly, not avoiding any garbage. No word will be superfluous. Alexander Pushkin (Goat, Gemini) was not shy in his choice of words and did not become less loved by us because of this.

Shocking– a lot of things in music, fashion, literature depend on it. And almost always these are traces of the activities of Vectors.


In every team there must be someone who goes against meaning, against logic, against any kind of order. Its purpose is twist, stir up, confuse, be an eternal source of confusion. The question is: why? And then, it’s boring and tedious, and we’ll never find the truth without such desperate opponents as Vector.

In any case, the social activity of Vectors should be no less than that of an Aristocrat, but at the same time they must fight not for the title of the whitest and fluffiest, but, on the contrary, for the title of the blackest and shaggiest. Let them compare you to devils, let them be afraid, and then you can pave your way to the top and do good.


It’s easy to guess that you can’t be lean, rational, you can’t look banal, keep silent, sit back, pretend to be like everyone else. You cannot be systematic and rational.

You cannot doubt your right to adventurism, aggressiveness and bitchiness. Any doubts or moral torment about the legitimacy of such a course of action immediately deprive Vector of his magical power.

And further. It is undesirable to go to those areas, to those places where order and harmony triumph, to places where there is no struggle. Vector cannot make a career there.


While Vector strives for the heights of his career, it is very difficult to cope with him. Sometimes it is easier to give way than to fight with him. Having reached his intended goal, Vector calms down somewhat and behaves quite adequately, protecting his own and fighting with strangers. Although subordinates almost always have to put up with the boss’s idiosyncrasy. Vector's leadership methods are not acceptable to everyone.

But in marriage with Vector, a miracle happens. While maintaining a violent temper outside marriage, inside marriage Vector becomes the so-called marriage doctor, magically comprehends the essence of his marriage and behaves in it in such a way that the marriage becomes stronger.

King | Natalia Boychenko

The pig is recognized as a symbol of generosity, insight and happiness. The sign of Libra of the Western horoscope gives a person’s character participation, gives a person attentiveness, and a craving for everything beautiful. He knows very well where it is good and where it is bad and is tormented by a feeling of guilt if it is bad that overcomes good.

A person born under the combination of two Libra-Pig signs is a reformer who is ready to change everything, from his appearance to his home interior. They like to eat “tasty” and like to try new dishes. This trait makes representatives of the two signs real chefs who prefer to improvise rather than follow a recipe.

In the house they are wonderful owners who love to receive guests and love to host various events

Their house is always bustling with companies of guests. Moreover, these should not be uninvited visitors, since representatives of this combination of signs carefully guard their privacy. In love, this is a faithful and devoted person who prefers equality in a couple. He gives his partner a lot of love and warmth and wants to receive the same from him.

Characteristics of Libra-Pig (Boar) men

The advantage of representatives born during the combination of the two signs Libra and Pig is that they know how to be diplomats and know how to competently express their thoughts. He knows how to convey to others what he needs. Success in their career awaits them precisely when they choose professions related to their ability. These are the areas of journalism, philosophy, diplomacy and the like.

From an early age, the Libra guy in the year of the Pig is interested in philosophy. His vocabulary is always dominated by smart words and phrases. Even after becoming a scientist, he builds his evidence using the sayings and thoughts of various philosophers and scientists.

By character, the Libra-Pig man is an entrepreneur. He shows enviable stubbornness and determination. These qualities help him become successful in any business.

Thanks to the intuition that the sign of Libra endowed him with, he correctly sets priorities in his life.

Outwardly, this is a person who radiates optimism. He is not characterized by despondency, depression and is rarely melancholy.

This is due to the fact that representatives of these signs prefer to act rather than waste time on useless crying. The main task is to develop the business and make a profit.

A good career awaits those who choose a social profession. This could be the best employee in the enterprise, the best consultant or social worker. Libra men in the year of the Pig receive financial stability at the moment when their career takes place.

A balanced character allows you to achieve harmony and happiness in everything. This also applies to relationships with your partner. He always tries to take into account the wishes of his other half and will support her in her endeavors.

If a Libra-Pig man falls in love, then he will seek his sympathy at all costs. Even if the girl is against it, he will find a way to win her over to his side. To do this, he uses everything: from his charm to persuasion. Moreover, it turns out so delicately that after a while the girl realizes that she has fallen in love with this man.

By character, the Libra-Pig man is an entrepreneur

As in other areas of life, in family relationships a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Pig tries to maintain his personal space. He will not interfere in matters that do not concern him personally, but he also wants the same attitude towards himself.

The only weakness that is characteristic of male representatives of the Libra-Pig signs is the desire to establish justice and balance in everything. They are harsh in their expressions and do not hesitate when they feel that there is injustice or imbalance in something. Convincing yourself that you are right and being unable to solve this often leads to stressful conditions.

Another weakness of Libra-Pig is the difficulty in building a career.

The Libra-Pig man has healthy ambitions, but the feeling of his weakness and the perception of it as a vice prevents him from turning them into reality

They are afraid to express themselves in front of others, which distances them from others.

Characteristics of Libra-Pig women

A distinctive feature of the representative of these two signs is incredible attractiveness and charm. Their image remains in the memory of others for a long time. These are women who, with ordinary facial features, are able to conquer any man only thanks to their charisma.

These individuals know how to sympathize and always rise to the occasion. They can be set as an example to others as an example of constancy and ability to achieve set goals. Even at a young age, the Libra girl, born in the year of the Pig, knows what it is worth achieving in this life. By nature, they are often calm and peaceful. Their ability to listen and understand is valued not only by men, but also by women.

Moreover, under the influence of the zodiac Libra their character seems to be woven from contradictions. At one moment they are ready to go out of their way and achieve their goal, and at another moment they demand recognition in order to feel confident.

These are women who are able to conquer any man only thanks to their charisma

In their careers, for women under the signs of Libra-Pig, it is not their position that is important, but some specific goal. They will not do anything for the sake of the career itself, but for financial stability, respect or recognition they will try better. With persistence, they will definitely achieve this. Their strong and stubborn character will allow them to achieve privileges and a high position along with an increase in rank.

At an early age, these are still fledgling girls who do not know how to build relationships. Most often, they collapse due to the inability to smooth out rough edges and caustic statements. They know how to belittle their interlocutor with a caustic remark. This trait disappears only with age, when stubbornness and the desire to rise up recede into the background before the desire to preserve love and relationships.

Once married, Libra-Pig women are completely immersed in family responsibilities. For them, this is a hearth for which it is worth reconsidering all their views

They are able to step over their self-confidence and integrity in order to preserve family ties. Women are ready to do anything for the family; they take part in all matters just to create a favorable environment for the rest of the family members.

Their big disadvantage is that they take reality too seriously. To be part of a team, you need to treat others a little more humanely and attentively. Another weak element in their character is to build relationships with others based on benefits.

Their big disadvantage is that they take reality too seriously

Love compatibility of Libra in the year of the Pig (Boar)

For many representatives of these signs, it is important to know with whom compatibility in love is most possible. According to the eastern horoscope, Libra in the year of the Pig will be suitable for those who were born in the year of the Pig, Rooster, Goat, Rabbit and Rat. Relationships can work out, but for this you will have to make every effort if you are dating those born in the year of the Monkey, Tiger, Horse or Ox.

According to the Western horoscope, the best partners for Libra are Leo, Gemini and Aquarius, and to a slightly lesser extent Libra and Sagittarius. The best qualities will appear in friendship with Aries and Pisces, despite all the dissimilarity of these signs. But it’s better to do business with Virgos.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Goat, Rooster, Pig, Rat, Cat (Rabbit)Horse, Monkey, Bull, TigerDragon, Dog, Snake
According to the Western calendar Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, AquariusVirgo, Pisces, AriesScorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of a Libra child born in the year of the Pig

Pig-Libra children outwardly produce a completely favorable feeling on those around them. In a team, they try to build contacts with others, avoiding quarrels and conflicts.

Parents should remember that such a child values ​​calm and reacts to the surrounding reality accordingly. If passions and showdowns are boiling around him, then he will fall into depression.

If the atmosphere is calm, the child will develop balanced and open to the world.

A Libra boy in the year of the Pig is quite capable of studying well, but disorganization and lack of will often become an obstacle. He can handle any situation quite well if he stops thinking about his shortcomings.

The Libra girl, born in the year of the pig, gravitates towards music and art. But to develop her talents, she needs a mentor who will become a teacher for her with a capital T.

9 November 2017, 13:33

Astute Pig-Libras have a correct worldview, believe in justice, and fiercely defend their beliefs. They try not to cross the boundaries of what is permitted: they are pleasant in communication, tactful and attentive to people. According to the combined horoscope, Libra-Pig is a sophisticated, creative personality, woven from contradictions. He has a hard time experiencing personal failures and strives to find inner balance. At the same time, he has an enviable business acumen. This person is smart, careful in his assessments, dependent on the opinions of others. Pig-Libra does not like shouting and arguing; he does his best to suppress conflict situations. Exception: questions of honor and morality. He cannot stand lies, pretense and deception, and will never put up with injustice.

Characteristics of Libra Pig

The good-natured, naive Pig, under the influence of the balanced Libra, becomes more reasonable and gains a sense of proportion. He tends to think for a long time and has a hard time making decisions. Sometimes such prudence prevents Pig-Libra from achieving success in life. He is fussy, self-critical, values ​​his reputation too much, is afraid of seeming ridiculous and ridiculous. At the same time, he is cheerful, optimistic, and loves life in all its manifestations. Strives for comfort and coziness, he has a highly developed sense of beauty. Libra-Pig is an esthete and lover of a beautiful life. He does not skimp on travel and clothes, and is considered a fashion connoisseur. He is not indifferent to good food and knows how to organize lavish feasts. Famous for its hospitality and cordiality.

The main feature of the Libra-Pig sign is the desire for internal balance. Nature endowed him with the ability to subtly sense the beauty of the world around him. He tries with all his might to create a pleasant, comfortable environment around himself. Avoids squabbles and scandals, always has a positive attitude towards change. Pig-Libra will not communicate with people he dislikes or live in uncomfortable conditions. He cannot feel completely happy if he experiences even minor difficulties. He prefers to resolve all issues peacefully, but if he is faced with blatant injustice, he will not remain silent. He is ready to turn the whole world upside down for his own peace of mind, but he also does not forget about the happiness of those around him.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig is a passionate nature, prone to self-sacrifice. He sees nothing reprehensible in his desire to make everyone around him happy. He helps everyone indiscriminately and generously gives out advice. That is why a person with this combination has such a strong desire for spontaneous actions. True, judicious Libra does not loosen its grip and stubbornly pursues its line - tact and patience come first. Usually Libra-Pigs are polite and attentive towards others, and in any situation they observe the rules of decency. They will be happy to help with advice, will try to provide support, but will not insist on their services if people do not need them. They value their privacy, but are no less respectful of others.

Libra Pig Compatibility

The secret of love compatibility with a person of this combination is quite simple - care and understanding. Libra-Pig requires increased attention, seeks warmth and participation. He will not enter into a relationship if he does not feel a response from his chosen one or chosen one. In personal relationships he is attentive and courteous, does not like haste and fuss. This is a rather passive and inert person: he relies on his partner for everything. He happily takes on the role of a follower in a relationship.

According to the family horoscope, Libra-Pig is a sensitive, sentimental partner. She values ​​her family and loves spending time with loved ones. He does not look for adventures on the side; on the contrary, he highly values ​​and loves his soul mate immensely. Pig-Libra is not just a creatively gifted person, but also an excellent business executive. He furnishes his home with love and keeps it in perfect order. He often organizes family holidays, pampers in every possible way and pleases loved ones with pleasant surprises.

Libra Pig Career

For the creatively gifted Libra-Pig, work is an opportunity to realize his talents. He will not do something he doesn’t like; he will try to find a job that suits his interests. Pig-Libra is able to turn his hobby into a profitable business: cooking, clothing and interior design, travel. This person has an amazing sense of color, boldly improvises and experiments with new images. However, he needs wise guidance, otherwise he will not be able to achieve great heights in his career.

Pig-Libra is not at all averse to taking a leadership position, although he will easily agree to less favorable conditions. He is quite satisfied with the role of a performer, the main thing is: what he loves and a decent income. Hardworking, responsible, has high communication skills. Does not conflict with work colleagues, does not seek to assert himself at their expense. Libra-Pig is always in good standing with management, but often doubts his abilities. This employee needs to be praised and encouraged as often as possible.

Balanced Libra-Pig men inspire calm; being with them is easy and reliable. Ambitious people have many talents, but spend a lot of effort on building a successful career: they are too careful and prudent. At the same time, they are stubborn enough to get their way. They will definitely take the place of a leader, even if they have to spend a huge amount of time. But they have almost no enemies or ill-wishers. In love relationships, the Libra-Pig man is quite passive and relies heavily on women. He is looking for a reliable partner who will completely dissolve in him. Behind the mask of calm lies a vulnerable nature; a man of this combination of signs painfully experiences betrayal and deception.

Friendly Libra-Pig women are equally friendly with everyone; people rarely guess their true attitude towards themselves. They do not like quarrels and scandals, they try to reconcile the warring parties. They are very smart and workaholic, they love their work and do not want to be dependent on men. They have delicate taste, they always have the best and most fashionable outfits. Libra-Pig women are bright and flirty, they like to catch the admiring glances of men. But they are looking for their one and only, with whom they can live their whole lives. This is a wonderful wife who is always interested in her husband’s affairs, and is also capable of giving valuable advice. He is especially kind to children and devotes a lot of time to their upbringing.

Character of women Pig "Boar" - Libra: They are attractive and charming personalities to many around them. They attract people with their charisma, ability to sympathize and understand others. However, their weak point is the desire to criticize others, realities and situations. At the same time, they are ready for selfless actions if they see possible benefits in them. They often become an example for many, giving them an example of constancy and the ability to achieve their goals.

These women are individualists who put their own goals above all else. They are calm and peaceful, they can always listen and understand others. However, they are not characterized by firmness and the ability to achieve their own. They often need social recognition to feel confident. In general, his entire character consists of contradictions that prevent them from achieving everything they would like.

Women Pig "Boars" - Libra in love and relationships: They do not know how to build relationships at an early age. In adulthood, many can build good relationships that do not end in breakup or disappointment. This situation is created thanks to the ability of these women to maturely express their opinions correctly and not reduce the role of the interlocutor with caustic remarks. And by incorporating stubbornness, willpower and confidence, they will be able to maintain their love for life.

Women Pig "Boars" - Libra in finance and career: A career is not an end in itself for them; they often do it for some specific purpose. And perseverance and the ability to achieve their goal to the end helps them in this. As a result, they are often well established and can receive all the privileges of a high position. Financial well-being means even more to them than a career, since it is necessary for their family and especially their beloved children.

Women Pig "Boars" - Libra in family and marriage: Family means a lot to them. For the sake of their loved ones, they are ready not only to achieve everything, but to reconsider their views. This is a significant achievement for these confident and principled women. They not only create favorable conditions for the family, but try to participate in all matters. This attitude speaks of the importance of loved ones for Pisces. Even in critical situations, he will try to maintain family relationships.

Advice to women Pig “Boar” - Libra: In order for everything in life to improve without titanic efforts, they need to relate to reality more easily. Pisces should be humane and attentive to other people so as not to feel like an outcast. You can have excellent relationships with others, not for selfish purposes, but just like that. And these relationships are an opportunity to shift some of the responsibility onto them. Give others the opportunity to guide you and feel freer.

The character of the Pig "Boar" - Libra men: The main quality of these men is the ability to express their thoughts. This is the meaning of their life. They can write and be speakers. In addition, by expressing thoughts, they expect recognition. And they try to achieve this with all their might. They often use philosophical truths to their advantage, achieving excellent results despite the fact that they themselves do not fully understand the ideas. These men are usually successful.

By nature they are purposeful and enterprising men. They know what they want and always achieve their goals. They have developed intuition, so they rarely make mistakes. Friendly, open and bright personalities, they are distinguished by a strong will. On rare occasions they can be seen sad; they are usually optimistic men. They can benefit from any business.

Men Pig "Boars" - Libra in love and relationships: Love relationships for them are the basis of life. They build relationships harmoniously and simply, basing them on mutual understanding and respect. These men seek reciprocal feelings in order to feel comfortable. They have the gift of persuasion, so it is easy for them to achieve reciprocal feelings. These men always respect their partner, his personal space, and beliefs. As a result, they are happy and prosperous.

Pig "Boar" men - Libra in finance and career: These men will be able to make a career if their activities are related to social activities. They will make good social workers, clerks and consultants. For them, a career is not synonymous with money. They try to gain recognition and satisfaction. Only in this case will they consider their career successful. These men strive for prosperity and luxury. They are usually successful financially.

Men Pig "Boars" - Libra in family and marriage: The family relationships of these men are built on mutual respect and acceptance of other people's desires. They respect their partner's personal space. The birth of children is an important moment. They live in the interests of their children, trying to give them as much as possible. For children, they are ready to make a career and achieve high goals. Family is an important aspect of life for these men, to which they will devote a lot of time and effort.

Advice to men Pig “Boar” - Libra: While accepting the opinions of other people, they should still not present their opinion as the last resort. They need to learn to listen to other people. It is worth learning to see not only the details, but also the general. This will allow them to gain a better and more complete understanding of life and to understand other people. When setting a goal, they cannot deviate from the path. Only self-confidence and their principles will help them achieve their goals.