Dragon Age Quests in Orzammar. Dragon Age: Origins - Orzammar Void Anvil. Deep Paths

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Main plot
As soon as we approach the gate to Orzammar at the pass, we will immediately witness how Tairn Loghain’s henchmen are trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let them into the city. The funny thing is that the gatekeeper, having barely heard that we are gray guard, will immediately let us inside. Loghain's ambassador will not like this and he will get into a fight, you can kill him, for which you will receive verbal gratitude from the gatekeeper.
Life is even more fun inside Orzammar. We have only just crossed the threshold of their city, and representatives of two groups fighting for power have already managed to organize a bloody massacre right before our eyes. Having asked the first gnome we came across about what was happening here, we received practical advice: find out everything from Sergeant Major Bandelor in the council room.

Search for Chief Bandelor
Having run usefully through the communal halls (the part of the city where commoners live), we go to the nobility quarter (diamond halls) straight to the council building. There we will witness a brief debate between the deshirs (dwarf representatives of the nobility), after which we will be able to talk with Sergeant Major Bandelor.
He will tell you that the gnomes have no time for pestilence now, because... The king of Orzammar recently died, and only the ruler of the dwarven kingdom can fulfill the agreements of the gray guards. This warm place is claimed by: Prince Belen, the youngest son of the late king, and Lord Harrowmont, the latter’s cousin.
You can support any of them, because for us it is only important that the new elected king gives troops to confront the pestilence.

Quests for Belen
Vartag Gavorn
This is the representative of Prince Belen. He will meet you in the hallway of the council building immediately after talking with Bandelor and will tell you that in order to get an audience with Belen, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

The Prince's Respect: First Task
We need to deliver two notes: one to Lord Helmy (in the Tavern Tavern in the Common Halls), the other to Lady Days (outside in the Diamond Halls). The essence of the matter is to expose Harrowmont as a swindler (he allegedly promised one mansion to two nobles at once). We go to Helmy, after reading the note he will immediately refuse to support Harrowmont. With Lady Days it will be a little more difficult. She will say that her father is engaged in such matters, but now he is on the deep paths in the Edukan taiga. We go there, find the old man and help him fight off the invasion of deep hunters. After the battle, we give Dace the papers and return to Gavorn in the council room. Now we can meet with Belen.

Quests for Harrowmont
Dulin Foringer
This is Lord Harrowmont's representative. He will meet you on the street immediately after talking with Bandelor and will tell you that in order to get an audience with Harrowmont, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

Lord's trust. First task.
We need to enter the testing arena as a Harrowmont fighter. At the same time, you need to find out why the lord’s best fighters refused to perform: Baizil and Guidon. We go to the arena and first talk with Bayzil. He will tell us one short love story, in the end of which it turns out that he is being blackmailed with certain letters. Behind the blackmail is the gladiator Miaji and her twin brother Lucian (they can be found here in the fighters’ training rooms). We open Miaji's chest with the help of Leliana and steal the letters, after which we give them to Bayzil. Now he will fight in the arena.
Let's go to Guidon. Here the situation is simpler: from the conversation it turns out that he was misinformed that supposedly Lord Harrowmont, after tests in the arena, would renounce his claims to the throne. And if so, then Guidon has no reason to shed his own or someone else’s blood. We convince him that he was vilely deceived and force him to return to duty. Now you can go to the manager and start participating in battles. Having won all of them, return to Dulin Foringer (at the Innkeepers' Tavern) with a report on the test you completed.

Lord's trust. Second task or Respect of the Prince: second task. Jarvia's Lair
We have received the right of audience with Harrowmont (Belen). The lord (prince) will say that he agrees to fulfill the terms of the agreements of the gray guards if we bring him to the throne. We have no choice, so we take the second task. We have to deal with a gang of a certain Jarvia, who controls the dusty city and regularly attacks citizens of community halls. We go to the dusty city and ask the beggar Nadezhda about Jarvia for a donation. She will tell us about the original keys that open the door to the gang's lair. Unfortunately, she won't have the key itself. It doesn’t matter, we go to the abandoned house nearby and deal with a handful of bandits. We take the key from their leader. Now another door has become active in the dusty city. We open it with the key and go in search of Jarvia. She will be in the depths of the caves. Having dealt with her, return to Harrowmont (Belen). He will have one last task for you.

Betrayal from within
Additional quest. You can get it if you fought in the arena for Harrowmont, and then returned to Gavorn and again offered your services, under the pretext that Harrowmont now trusts you and you can spy on him without hindrance. Having learned that Harrowmont sent you to kill Jarvia, Gavorn will give you papers indicating the connection of one of the lord's relatives with the charter. These papers will need to be placed in Jarvia's chest in her hideout after dealing with her. Once you do this you will be able to turn in quests for both Harrowmont and Gavorn. In addition, both contenders for the throne will give you a task to search for Branka (read the description below).

Perfect, Perfection itself And Void Anvil
We have to go into the deep paths in search of the perfect Branca in order to convince her to vote for Harrowmont (for Belen) in the council. 2 years ago, she took her entire clan and went in search of the legendary anvil of the void. According to legend, it was invented by another perfect one - the blacksmith Karidin, and with its help it was possible to create golems. Let's go searching.
At the very entrance to the deep paths, Ogren, Branka’s husband, will join us. And although he is a drunkard who constantly stares at the beautiful Morrigan, he can help in the search for his wife, since he knows the deep paths well and is excellent with two-handed weapons. First, we have to find the Ortan tag. There we will find Branka's diary (for it we will have to fight with the spider queen), from which we learn that she went to the Dead Ditch - an area that is the border between the kingdom of the gnomes and the shelters of the creatures of darkness. Only the most desperate dwarves from the dead legion fight in this area. By the end of the passage of this location, it turns out that many gnomes died and became creatures of darkness, and one of them became a uterus (the creature that gives birth to all this abomination). We kill the queen, after which the path opens to us in the last location of the deep paths - the Anvil of the Void. As soon as we get into it, Branka comes out to meet us. She is alive and well, but... completely crazy. Having blocked the entrance so that we don’t run back, she wants to avoid the traps in the corridors leading to the anvil at our expense. There is no choice, so we agree. There will be three dangerous rooms in total. In the first one, you will need to turn off the gas by pulling 4 levers on the walls, and also kill the gradually reviving golems. In the second, you will need to disarm 2 floor traps with blades (Leliana does an excellent job with this) and get rid of several more golems. In the third room the test will be more serious. A strange setup will generate the souls of gnomes (very strong ones, by the way). This will go on forever if you don't do the following. As soon as you kill one of the souls, immediately click on the anvil (there are only 4 of them) that begins to glow. Then a fireball will shoot out of it, causing damage to the installation itself. About 6-7 such shots and the battle will be won. Now we go to the anvil hall. There we will meet Karidin himself in the guise of an iron golem. He will tell us about the second side of the coin of creating an army of golems on an anvil. It turns out that in order to breathe life into a stone, you need to take life from a living creature. Many dwarves were killed at one time to fill the army of golems to protect Orzammar. Caridin will ask us to destroy the anvil and free him from the thousand-year burden of responsibility. At this moment, the weak-willed Branka will come running and suggest that we not destroy the anvil, saying that this is the key to victory over the creatures of darkness. The choice is ours. Personally, I ultimately chose Caridin’s side and killed Branca. After the battle, Caridin forges a crown for the future king of Orzamar and commits suicide.
Note: if you choose Branka's side, the battle will be a little more difficult, because... Caridin is almost immune to magic, and hits much harder than Branka. In this case, Branka will forge the crown for the king of Orzammar, and in the final battle golems will fight for you, not ordinary gnomes.

Returning to Orzammar, at the next meeting of the council, we ourselves will name the future king and give him the crown forged by the Perfect One. If you choose Lord Harrowmont, Belen will start a fight right in the council chamber. We send him to a meeting with the stone, after which we speak with Harrowmont. He rewards you with a staff, fulfills his promise and begins to gather troops to fight the Pestilence.
Note: if you crown Belen, the first thing he will do is execute Harrowmont, then give you his brother’s hammer and send troops to fight the Blight.
In any case, Orzammar's support will be received.

Minor quests
Mother's Hope
Filda, a woman from the common halls, asked to find her son Rook, who disappeared 5 years ago in the deep paths. And although it’s almost incredible, the guy survived. You will find him in the Ortan tag according to the plot of the game. Whether you tell Filda the truth about Rook’s fate or not is up to you; it will not affect the completion of the quest or the reward.

Song of the Deep Paths
You need to put in a good word for Brother Burkem with the Chronicler of the Chronicles. A gnome priest wants to open Andraste's church in Orzammar, but this goes against the 2000-year-old canons of the gnome religion. So, let's go to the diamond halls and the house of the guardians. With his persuasion skill up to 3, he can be persuaded that opening a church will benefit the untouchables by providing them with medicine and work. You can also simply scare the great chronicler that soon an army of people will come and forcibly convert all the gnomes to their faith. One way or another, he will give Brother Burkem permission to open the church.

Unprecedented scientist
In the community halls you will meet the girl Dagna, the daughter of the gunsmith Janar. She is very interested in magic and although she has no ability for it, she still wants to study the theory in the tower on Lake Calenhad. We agree to help her. We go to the tower of magicians and talk with Irving (naturally after saving the circle from the possessed). He will be very happy about this desire for magic from a dwarf child and will give the owl his consent. Then it's up to you. You can persuade Dagna to stay to help her parents in the forge, or you can convey Irving’s words to her, after which she will leave Orzammar. One way or another, the quest will close.

Precious metals
The bandit Rogek in the dusty city will offer you a deal. You can, of course, be rude to him and kill him, but if your conviction level is up to level 3, or even better, level 4, then you still need to make a deal. So, we buy lyrium from him for 40 gold (don’t be afraid to lose such huge money, you will get 1.5 times more in the end). By the way, initially lyrium is sold for 50 gold, but we know how to convince.
Now we go to the tower of magicians to see Godwin (this is the eccentric who, during the invasion of the possessed, was holed up in a closet on the second floor). We sell him lyrium. He offers 50 gold, naturally we do not agree to this and again use eloquence. If you have a level 3 persuasion skill, then you will receive 60 gold for lyrium, if 4, then 75. After the deal, do not be lazy to ask Godwin about the details of why he needs so much Lyrium. They will open up quite interesting details on the topic of relations between magicians and templars. We blackmail Godwin, threatening to tell everything to the chief templar Gregor, as a result of which we receive a ransom for silence of 8 gold. Now we return to Orzammar to Rogek and receive money for working as an intermediary. Initially, you agreed on 20 gold, but the dwarf will want to deceive you and offer only 10. We turn on persuasion or intimidation and get the promised money. Total: -40+60 (75)+8+20=48(63) gold in the black.
Note: The quest can only be taken if you have 50 gold in your wallet.

Zerlinda's grief
A poor woman from the dusty city of Zerlinda, after donating 5 silvers, will tell you her story. Her child is untouchable and her parents set a condition for her: either she gets rid of the child, and then she is left in the caste, or she is expelled along with her offspring. She chose the second option and is now forced to eat slop. We agree to help. You can try to convince her father, who drinks at the Tavern Tavern (this will require persuasion skill 3), or you can tell Zerlinda about life on the surface. In the first case, she will return home with the child, in the second, she will go to the surface with him. One way or another, the quest will be completed.

Lost records
In the archives of the chroniclers we will meet a girl named Orta, she is looking for records about the homeland of her ancestors - the Ortan teiga. We agree to help, especially since we still have to find this tag in the plot of the game. The documents will be in a chest in the middle of the desired location. Returning to Orzammar, give them to Ortha, then meet her in the council chamber to receive your reward.

Thief in the academic house
The chronicler's assistant will complain to you that a daring thief from among the untouchables has stolen an ancient book. We agree to help. We go to the dusty city and a little further from Rogek there will be a gnome similar to the description given to us by the chronicler's assistant (bald with a tattoo all over his face). We interrogate him, rip open his belly and find... no, not a stolen book, but evidence that will lead us to it - a receipt from the arena. Let's go to the testing arena. The gnome we need will be in the left wing. I don’t remember his name, but by the mark on the map you will understand that it is him. After a short conversation, the buyer of stolen goods will get into a fight. In vain. We take the book from his corpse. Now you have 2 options: you can sell the book yourself to the gnome Jorthrin, standing nearby with the deceased, or you can honestly return it to the chroniclers. For returning the book to the chroniclers, you will receive nothing but gratitude, and you will receive several gold pieces from the gnome.

Lost Naga
There will be a naga beater standing near the entrance to the diamond halls. Talk to him, he will tell you that all his animals have fled and his business is closed. In order for him to get back into business, he needs to catch at least one naga. The nearest animal stands two steps away from the beater. We catch it and give it to him. Now he will buy all the captured nagas from us for a small amount of silver.

Glorious overlander
Traveling along the deep paths, you will find parts of a broken ancient elven sword:
Ephesus - at the crossroads of Karidina
pommel - in the Ortan teig
blade - in dead ditches
Having collected all three parts, the resting place of the owner of this sword will be revealed to you. It is located in the caves of the Ortan teig. You may have already been there in advance. It's no big deal, just go back to the sarcophagus and put all three parts of the sword in it. The weapon will become whole again and will serve you in the fight against enemies. The blade is quite powerful, with three sockets, so I highly recommend completing this quest.

In pieces!
While exploring the caves of the Karidina intersection, you will come across 3 bags with the remains of some kind of creature. Having collected all the bags, go to the Ortan teig location. There you will see an altar. Reunite all remains. The creature will come to life. Then you have two options: kill her again or demand a reward for saving her. The second option is preferable, because firstly, the creature is very strong and it is not so easy to kill it, and secondly, for killing you, alas, you will not receive anything except experience (the demon’s body cannot be searched). So take 25 gold as a reward and go get drunk at the nearest pub.

Wanderers' treasure
Traveling along the deep paths, you will find records of certain wanderers. Having collected all the records, you will find out the place where the treasure lies. Just find it by the mark that appears on the map at the Karidina intersection.

Dead Castle
As you travel through the Dead Moats location, you will find parts of the armor of the legion of the dead. Once you have collected all the pieces, you will learn the location of the unmarked grave. Just find it using the mark that appears on the map. In the grave you will find the emblem of the caste of the dead, with which you can give the Legion of the Dead a noble position (to do this, just read the right book in the guardian's house).

Golem records
As will become known from the plot, golems were either volunteer gnomes, criminals, or untouchables. So in the main hall of the Anvil of the Void location you will find a stone slab with a list of the names of all these unfortunate gnomes. Copy it onto a piece of paper and take it to the chroniclers in Orzammar. The chief chronicler will promise us an artifact as a reward.
Note: I had a bug here, they didn’t give me the artifact. However, the quest will be completed in any case.

Key to the city
Another task that becomes active only after you collect all the necessary records. In the city, look for information about the internal foundations and customs of Orzammar. When you have all of them, an entry will appear in your diary stating that you now know the location of the council members’ hiding place. We go to the council room, there will be a giant box in the left wing, we search it and take away a ring in the shape of a key with very, very strong parameters.

Outlandish means
In the royal palace you will find a sick dwarf woman. If you ask the doctor (he stands next to her bed) if we can help with anything, he will give a prescription and ask us to hurry up. The recipe will appear from your companion who knows the art of the herbalist (for example Morrigan):
you will need 4 elven roots, 2 concentration reagents, 2 life stones and one flask. We make a potion and give it to the patient. That's the whole quest.
Note: To complete the quest you need the maximum level of herbalist art.

Jammer's stash
Traveling through Jarvia's lair, you will find 3 chests (Kanka, Pike and Jammer himself), which seem to contain valuable items (rings, amulets, etc.). but when you try to pick them up, you will receive damage, and the trinkets themselves will not appear in your inventory. To avoid taking damage and injury from traps, take the cheapest item from each chest. As soon as you open the last chest, the location of Jammer's real treasure will be marked on the map. Go there and receive a reward for your efforts.

Encased in stone
Taken after reading the inscriptions on the throne of Orzammar in the palace (Diamond Halls). You need to switch to single mode and place your companions correctly: take one out of the hall and place it on the square in front of the entrance to the throne room. Two more need to be placed on such small arrows in the hall itself (they are located on the left on the floor near the wall with a window behind which lava flows). The latter approaches the throne and presses the "eye". The dragon comes running. We unite the party again and kill him, after which we take a good two-handed sword from the corpse.
Note: This quest can only be completed before choosing the Dwarf King, after which the throne stops lighting up and the task cannot be taken.

The quest begins after the Battle of Ostagar. To defeat the Archdemon, we need allies. We have in our hands the ancient treaty of the Gray Wardens, providing us with allies. One of which is the dwarves of Orzammar. The teig itself (the Dwarven name of a city or settlement) is located in the Frosty Mountains, let's go there.

Even before entering the territory of the gnomes, we are met by assassins sent by Loghain (this is easy to guess from the greeting). Among them there are two crossbowmen and one magician. Having dealt with them, we enter the territory of the gnomes. Near the entrance to Orzammar we see Loghain’s people (too many people of the self-proclaimed regent in one territory, right?) arguing with a guard. You can come up and take part in the argument. If you have developed influence, you can intimidate them. Then the people of Loghain will choke with rage, but they will leave, and we will be allowed into Orzammar.

Entering the Common Halls, we see two contenders for the throne of Orzammar arguing (the previous king died without leaving a successor). Briefly about the candidates:

  1. Prince Belen Educan. Quite a progressive reformer - he advocates active trade with landmen, the abolition of the caste system and the right of those deprived of caste to join the army. True, he does not shy away from rather harsh methods.
  2. Lord Piral Harrowmont. A gentle ruler, where Belen uses pressure or forceful methods, Harrowmont makes concessions. True, the lord is very entrenched in traditions: he is categorically against trade with the overlanders, and flatly refuses to recognize equal rights for the untouchables with the rest.

Below there will be a line of passage for Prince Belen (who played for Harrowmont can always add this line in the comments or article).

  1. The Prince's Favor. First task.

To get an audience with Belen, you need to prove your loyalty (or at least neutrality). To do this, you need to convince the two houses that have gathered to vote for Harrowmont not to vote for him.

Belen's assistant, Vartag Gavorn, gives us promissory notes that say that Harrowmont promised the same plot to two houses at once (oh, he's a scoundrel! Just don't ask where Vartag got these papers). The first quest character is located there - in the Diamond Quarters. Lady Days, looking at the papers, will agree that they are of local origin. However, she herself cannot cancel the voice; for this she needs the head of the house, which is located on the deep paths in the Edukan taiga. He will have to be rescued from the deep hunters. After two waves are repelled, he will look at the bills (just don't tell him who gave them) and say that he will not vote for Harrowmont. After this, he will invite you to return with him to the Diamond District. The second potential voice - Lord Helmy - is located in the common rooms of the Taverns. After looking at the papers, he will say that now he will have to terminate the contract and vote for Belen.

We return with a report to Vartag Gavorn and go for an audience with Belen.

2. Favor of the Prince: second task.

Belen tells us that the stability of Orzammar is being undermined by the Charter, a criminal group of casteless dwarves, and must be eliminated. Overall not very difficult, except for fights with Charter killers.

You can get into the Charter's lair by finding the key. To do this, you need to ask Alimar or Nadezhda about the lair. When we enter the distant house, we will find the Charter detachment there. The fight will end after the leader is beaten. He will give us the key. We insert it into the castle and find ourselves in the dungeons of the Charter. Then you just need to kill all the inhabitants there (though there are a lot of them there). Then we return to the Diamond Quarter to Belen.

3. Anvil of the Void.

For a qualitative advantage, Belen needs to get the vote of the Perfect One. The last of the Perfects was Branka, who left on the expedition two years ago. On the way to the Paths, we meet a colorful character - the always drunk berserker dwarf Ogren, and he says that he knows where Branka has gone. The quest can be divided into 4 parts.

  • Crossroads Caridina. It is better if there is an Ogren in the squad, it will be easier to find the right road. After traveling through the tunnels, before one of the turns, our new friend will say that the exit is to the right.
  • Teig Ortan. The main danger is spiders. About halfway along the path we will meet spirits and several golems. At the end there is a fight with the queen of the corrupted spiders. She drops a good ax (if you don't have a better weapon) and gloves with bonuses to the forces of nature. Near the battle site is Branka's diary.
  • Dead Moats. The main danger is the creatures of darkness. Towards the end of the location we meet Hespite - the mistress (apparently, no husband from Ogren) of Branka. She will tell about Branka's betrayal and run away. In one of the halls lies the key to the main crypt. There's a boss fight waiting there with the queen. Beware of the tentacles. It is best to set up your tactics in advance so that archers do not rush into close combat. After the victory, Hespite will reappear and, after a short monologue, commit suicide.
  • Anvil of the Void. Chain of traps. At the beginning of the location we meet Branka. True, over these two years she has gone crazy, and is now obsessed with the idea of ​​taking possession of the Anvil of the Void. Having overcome all the traps, we find another Perfect One - Caridin, the inventor of the anvil, turned into a golem. He will tell us about the cost of creating golems - they were created from living gnomes. At the climax, Branka appears and says that the golems need to be recreated again. You'll have to choose between two Perfect Ones. If you choose Branka and Sheila is in the squad, the latter will attack. Also in this case you will have to fight with Caridin. Otherwise - with Branca.

In any case, we receive a crown forged by the Perfect One. Branka can be convinced to destroy the Anvil. After this, you can return to Orzammar, where voting is already in full swing. Regardless of who was helped, we can choose a new king. If you choose Harrowmont, Belen will attack.

Tunneling Thief x6 Warrior Rank 1, 2
Revenant x1 Daemon Rank 4 Quest battle Black vessels.
Dragon x1 The Dragon Rank 4 Quest battle Locked in stone.
Vartag x1 Warrior Rank 3 Battle, if on quest Firestarter crown Harrowmont.
Royal Guard x4 Warrior Rank 2
Ambassador Gainley x1 Robber Rank 3 Quest battle Trial of the Ravens.
Bodyguard x5 Warrior Rank 2
Bodyguard x2 Robber Rank 2

After completing the quest The Prince's Favor: First Mission In the Orzammar royal palace, Prince Belen orders the murder of the head of the criminal Charter, Jarvia. Jarvia is located in the secret Charter Vault (transition from Dust City). Finding this shelter is the goal of the quest Jarvia's Refuge.

1750 XP for completing the quest.

Along with the order to kill Jarvia, Prince Belen or Lord Harrowmont give the order to find the Charter Vault, where Jarvia is hiding. You need to ask Rogek or Nadezhda about the shelter in Dusty City, get the key from the leader of the thugs in the mini-location House in Dusty City and enter the shelter through Suspicious door in Dusty City.


After the murder of Jarvia, Prince Belen or Lord Harrowmont give instructions to find Perfect Branka in the deep paths (transition from the Commons) so that she can elect a king. Regular squad member Oghren will join the squad in the Commons.

Branka is located in the Anvil of the Void location (you need to go through Caridin's Crossroads, Teig Ortan, Dead Ditches). Perfect Branca or Perfect Caridin will give the crown, after which you can crown one of the two contenders yourself. The quest will end after the coronation.

permanent member of the Ogren squad.

At the same time as the order to find the Perfect Branca, Prince Belen or Lord Harrowmont give the order to find the Anvil of the Void. It is located in the location of the same name on the deep paths (you need to go through the Caridin Crossroads, Teig Ortan, Dead Ditches).

In the conflict between Perfect Branca and Caridin, you can support either side. If the anvil is preserved, golems will take part in the final battle of the game; if destroyed, battle gnomes will take part.

[If you oppose Caridin in the presence of Sheila's golem (DLC Stone prisoner), she will leave the squad forever.]

amulet Caridin cell And Shield of Caridin, if you support Branca;
mace Vanguard And Branca's Shield, if you support Caridin.

The quest is only available when playing as a noble male dwarf, if the hero had intimacy with Mardi in the prologue. In the Diamond Halls, Mardi talks about the birth of his son. At the first opportunity, you need to agree with the pretender to the throne about assigning the child to the reigning house and inform Mardi about this. After the coronation, you need to talk to Mardi again. [Possible bug - in the codex the quest will be marked as completed, but not completed.]

100 XP for completing the quest.

In the Orzammar Royal Palace, Vidron asks to cook Antidote for Dwarven Kingslayer and gives the appropriate recipe. To prepare the antidote you need 4 elven roots, 2 life stones, 1 flask, 2 concentrating reagents. Everything you need can be bought at Figor's shop (transition from the Community Halls).

150 XP for completing the quest.

In the Orzammar Royal Palace, you need to touch the throne (this gives the quest), put three characters on the pressure plates in the throne room and in the hall in front of it, and touch the throne again. Then defeat the dragon. [After the coronation, the quest may not be available.]

two-handed sword Ageless for completing the quest.

It is necessary to destroy six vessels and the Revenants associated with them. The vessels are located in the Tower of Mages (rooms of senior magicians), in Denerim (random meeting on the outskirts of the city), in Orzammar (royal palace and Caridin crossroads), in the Brecilian ruins (lower level and lair of werewolves).

shield Dead coat of arms from a revenant in Denerim.

A quest for those interested from R. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to collect twelve love letters. Letter Locations: Dalish Camp, Brecilian Ruins (top level), Orzammar (Charter's Hideout and Royal Palace), Lake Calenhad (tavern), Mage's Tower (senior mages' quarters), Denerim (Earl Eamon's estate, The Pearl, Smithy), village Redcliffe (mill), Redcliffe Castle (cellar), Village of Refuge (house).

125 XP and 6 gold coins for completing the quest.

If you talk to Master Ignacio in the Denerim Trade Quarter, he will later invite you through a messenger to a meeting at the Bitten Nobleman tavern and offer a number of tasks.

2. Kill the Kadan-Fe mercenaries. A new location, Kadan-Fe Shelter, will appear on the world map.

3. Kill Ambassador Heinley. The ambassador and security guard are located in the Royal Palace of Orzammar, in the rooms of Prince Trian.

4. Kill Captain Chase. A new location, Ransom Place, will appear on the Denerim map.

After completing the quest, merchant Cesar will have an additional assortment at the Denerim market. If you kill Master Ignacio after completing the quest, trading with Cesar will become impossible.

Crossbow with improved grip And Rough Gut Gauntlets for the first three tasks;
gloves Finders of Red Jenny for completing the quest.

Finding the Anvil of the Void is one of the main quests, which consists of several parts. You have to go to Orzammar, and from there straight to the Deep Roads - the home of the Spawn of Darkness, of which there will be more than enough there.

You should immediately warn before completing the quest Anvil of the Void in Dragon Age: Origins, it would be best to take the ingredients with you, as well as a good-level herbalist and ready-made poultices - you shouldn’t pack at random, because the journey to the trails will be very long and there will be no shops there, except perhaps for a gnome who has gone crazy, but he has You won't be selling anything of value.

You can get into the zone only after you pass the Dead Ditches location, at the end of which you will meet one of the most powerful bosses of the game - the Uterus. (on our portal you can familiarize yourself with that)

This stage can also be considered the completion of the Perfect quest, in which you needed to find Ogren’s wife, Branka, who also reached the Anvil and is blocking the entrance to the cave as soon as you get into it. Here you definitely won’t have any options to go back

You will also be given the choice of gathering a group, however, in any case, Ogren will go with you.

During development further developments you will need to support either Branka or Caridin and two results come from this:

  • Support Branka and Caridin will die, and at the end when the final battle takes place, in addition to the gnomes, golems will also join you. For this you will receive the Pragmatist achievement;
  • Support Caridin and Branca will die and he himself will commit suicide. Only dwarves will participate in the final battle and you will get an achievement called Liberator;

If Branka dies, Ogren will not leave the group and will not condemn you for a certain sequence of actions.

Supported Branca (approval):

  • Ogren - up to +11 if you give in to him after persuasion;
  • Zevran +4;
  • Morrigan +7;
  • Lelliana -10;
  • Alistair -10;
  • Wynn -15;
  • Sheila - leaves the group so it is better not to take her and then talk to her in the camp after the task;

Supported Caridin (approval):

  • Winn +7;
  • Lelliana +4;
  • Alistair +4;
  • Zevran -5 - if persuaded then -1;
  • Morrigan -3 - if persuaded then -1;
  • Ogren is -10, but there is a nuance here - wait until Caridin offers to take the reward and let Ogren choose, then approval will be +7 (after the new king has already taken the throne).

If you took the side of Karidin and Sheila is with you, then after finishing the quest you will receive a personal task after talking with her. She is a downloadable character that came with the Stone Captive add-on - you can find out about her and other add-ons in the article. After reading the article you will find out that the game is on the main storyline is far from over. With this, the passage of the Anvil of the Void quest in Dragon Age: Origins will be completed.

Naga Beater Bemor stands in the Commons near the entrance to the Diamond District. He will complain that all his nagas have fled throughout the city, and now he will have to close the case. Offer him your help, and he will tell you that even one naga will be enough for him to improve matters.

As soon as you agree to capture him, nagas will appear in different nooks and crannies around the city. Catch one and take it to Bemor. He will pay you 12 silvers and the task will be completed. However, you can catch and bring him the rest of the nagas to get the same 12 silver, only he pays not per piece, but immediately per batch, so it’s more profitable to take them one by one, rather than in bulk.

Animals can be found in the following places:

  • At the checkpoint to the Deep Roads;
  • Near the Figora store;
  • On the bridge before the entrance to the Orzammar Trials;
  • In the alley behind the Janara store;
  • Near Brother Berkel.

After you take five of them to Bemor, he will say that you have caught all the nagas in Thedas and you can’t get anything else from him.

Note 1: a bug may occur when Bemor says that there are still uncaught nagas.
Note 2: If you give Leliana a tame naga in the Commons, you can catch it and hand it over to Bemor.

Mother's Hope

In the Community Halls near Janara's workshop you will find the gnome Filda, praying to her ancestors to help her find her son Ruk, who was lost on the Deep Paths. Offer her your help.

You can find Ruka in the Ortan taiga. He will start running away from you, follow him to his camp, where he lives, feeding on the flesh of the creatures of darkness. You can kill Rook, or you can convince or intimidate him so that you can talk and trade with him (he has several good things for sale, as well as a couple of gifts for party members). If you decide to spare him, he will tell you why he fled to the Deep Roads and ask you not to tell his mother about his fate.

If you agree to lie to Filda about being dead, Wynn will approve.

If Zevran is in the group, then after finishing the conversation with Rook, he will offer to kill him and you will have to do it. If you still want to avoid this, end the conversation through the trade window.

If Stan is in the party, he will not allow Filda to lie about the fate of her son and will tell her the truth.


As a reward for completing the task, you can receive experience, money or the Shield of the Hand (small shield, steel, defense: 1.50, protection from projectiles: 2.25, +10% to spirit resistance, +4 to attack).

If Rook is still alive and you lied to Filda about his death, you will receive experience and a shield. If you killed him but lied about it, you will only gain experience.

If you killed him and tell her the truth, she will curse you and, again, you will only gain experience. If you decide not to look for him and tell Filda that you looked but didn't find anything, she will give you money.

If you kill Rook, there is an opportunity to receive experience, gold and a shield as a reward. To do this, select the option "I doubt you want to hear this" and then lie to her about how he died heroically for a long time back.

Note: If you talked to Rook before you received the quest, you can still complete it if you return to Orzammar, talk to Filda, and then talk to Rook again. However, this must be done before entering the Anvil of the Void location - after the coronation, Field will disappear.

Unprecedented scientist

If you agree to talk to the mages, Wynn and Leliana will approve.

If you tell Janar about his daughter's request before she joins the Circle, he will ask you to talk her out of it. Alternatively, return and convince her to stay in Orzammar.

If you decide to convey her request to the magicians, then first you need to finish story mission"Broken Circle" Whether they will agree to accept Dagna to study in the Circle depends on whose side you took: the magicians or the templars. Knight-Captain Gregor will be against her studying in the Circle, and First Sorcerer Irving, on the contrary, will say that it will be an interesting experience.

Return to Dagna and tell her about the Circle's decision. If you say that they don’t want to accept her or that the Circle has been destroyed, she will go there herself, without permission. If you tell her that she is expected at the Circle, she will thank you and reward you with a large potion of lyrium or a dweomer rune.

Note: if Dagna goes to the Circle, Janar will be very unhappy with this and will stop trading with you. If you don’t want to lose your merchant, don’t talk to him about your daughter.

Outlandish means

In the southwest room of the royal palace, the herbalist Vidron is trying to cure his patient Lady Broadens, who was poisoned by an exotic poison. To help him, you need to bring an antidote made from rare and expensive ingredients:

  • Elven root – 4;
  • Stone of life – 2;
  • Concentrating reagent – ​​2;
  • Flask - 1.

To prepare an antidote, a character or party member must have the maximum level of herbalism skill. Create a potion and give it to the patient. You will receive experience as a reward.

Lost records

The gnome Orta is looking for some records of House Ortan to prove that she comes from this house. Teig Ortan was lost during the last Blight, and there are virtually no records of him left. However, Orta's mother's family believed that they were descended from the youngest daughter of the house, Kelana Ortan, who was studying in Orzammar at the time the thaig was lost.

You can receive the task either personally from Orta, who you will find in the halls of the Guardians, or by taking papers from a chest in the Ortan thaiga, not far from the place where you meet Ruk. Return these papers to Orta so that she can show them to the Council with a demand that her family be restored to title and inheritance.

To complete the task, talk to her again in the Council chambers. You can ask for more money to get 5 gold, you can ask her to vote for one of the candidates, or you can ask for nothing in return after gaining experience.

In any case, if you leave Orzammar and then return there again, Orta will give you 10 gold.