Social benefits. List of preferential categories of Russian citizens How benefits are established for certain categories of citizens

The state establishes various support measures for socially vulnerable categories of citizens, which can be provided either in cash or in kind.

Support measures can also be considered the exemption of certain categories from mandatory payments (taxes, fees, duties), or the provision of preferences in the provision of state or municipal services (for example, priority admission).

What it is

Social benefits are security benefits of property specificity provided to individual social services. categories of citizens, in order to compensate for their expenses for housing, housing and communal services, fuel, transport costs, prosthetics, etc., carried out at the federal or regional level by the Pension Fund, social authorities. protection of the population and other departments.

The legislative framework

Legal regulation of the conditions, terms, place and procedure for the provision of social benefits is carried out:

Details of the legislative act

What issues does it regulate?

178-FZ of July 17, 1999 “On State...” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 178) Who has the right to receive state assistance in the form of a set of social services. services, who - in the form of cash payment, appointment procedure, grounds for refusal, etc.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1235 of October 15. 1992 “On the provision of...” Types of benefits for minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places where detention was carried out during the 2nd World War
159-FZ dated December 21. 1996 “On additional…” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 159) Benefits for orphans and children left without parental care, their rights to education, property, medical care, etc.
5-FZ dated January 9. 1997 “On providing...” Benefits for Social Heroes Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of Labor Glory
175-FZ dated November 26. 1998 “About social...” Preferences for victims of radiation due to the 1957 Mayak accident
Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 2123-1 of December 27. 1991 “On the spread...” The resolution establishes the extension of the provisions of Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1 of May 15, 1991 “On Social...” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 1244-1) to persons who carry out activities in special risk units
5-FZ dated January 12. 1995 “About Veterans” Benefits for veterans of labor, combat, military service, etc.
181-FZ dated November 24. 1995 “About social...” Features of social security for disabled people of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories
Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1 of January 15. 1993 “On the status...” Benefits for Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory
Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1 Social measures support for citizens affected by the Chernobyl accident
2-FZ dated January 10. 2002 “About social...” Social guarantees for persons affected by radiation at the Semipalatinsk test site


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According to the form of submission:

  • in kind (providing medicines, food, clothing, shoes, etc.);
  • in monetary terms (money is paid in a certain amount).

By frequency:

  • one-time payments;
  • monthly payments;
  • payments at a different frequency.

By level:

  • federal benefits;
  • regional;
  • local.

General classification of social benefits:

  • pensions and various bonuses to them (for northern work experience, for living in northern regions, for the number of disabled dependent family members, etc.):
    • insurance;
    • accumulative;
    • social;
    • on state pension provision.
  • housing benefits:
    • provision of apartments from state or municipal ownership under a social tenancy agreement or ownership (for example, to military personnel after 20 years of service - see Article 15 of Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998 “On the status of..." (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 76)) ;
    • improvement of living conditions if the standard area per person does not meet regional standards;
    • benefits for paying utility bills (usually 50%);
    • mortgage lending with state support for young families, teachers, doctors, etc.
  • medical:
    • purchase of prostheses and orthoses using budget funds;
    • vouchers to sanatoriums 1 or 2 times a year;
    • provision of free medicines in accordance with Government Decree No. 890 of July 30, 1994 “On State...”.
  • tax:
    • exemption from paying state fees when filing claims in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure or the CAS of the Russian Federation (see Article 333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
    • exemption from payment of land or property tax (Articles 395 and 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
    • social deductions (Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  • travel cards (discounts on travel costs).

Federal and regional

Federal benefits are regulated by the relevant Federal Law (see list above) and are paid from the federal budget.

Regional benefits are regulated by local acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are financed from the regional budget.

Who is entitled to

Social support from the state can be received by:

  • WWII participants, their families;
  • disabled people, disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood;
  • veterans of labor, military service, members of their families;
  • unemployed;
  • low-income citizens living alone, low-income families;
  • civil servants;
  • donors;
  • home front workers;
  • mothers and fathers of many children;
  • pensioners;
  • rehabilitated politically repressed;
  • children of a single mother, children whose both parents are unknown, etc.

Which ones are provided?

Here is a list of benefits provided in certain situations.

For the loss of a breadwinner

Children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters who have not reached 18 years of age, or have reached it but are studying in an educational organization of higher professional education, have the right to:

  • insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner (Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On insurance...");
  • social and according to state education (Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001 “On State ...”).

Also, family members of a deceased serviceman or employee of other law enforcement agencies can apply for a pension if the death of the breadwinner occurred during the period of service or within 3 months after dismissal from it (RF Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 “On pensions...” ( hereinafter referred to as Law No. 4468-1)).

In addition, dependents may qualify for:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • free issuance of medications according to doctor’s prescriptions for up to 3 years;
  • 2 meals a day in the school canteen, etc.

For military veterans

Social support for military veterans:

  • exemption from paying state fees when filing property and non-property claims in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, magistrates' courts and courts of general jurisdiction;
  • prosthetic and orthopedic services;
  • compensation for funeral services;
  • pension provision, payment of benefits;
  • obtaining and maintaining housing;
  • payment of part of the cost of utilities;
  • preferential supply of medications in accordance with Resolution No. 710 of July 17, 1995 “On the procedure...”.

For children

The types of benefits depend on the category of the child.

Thus, disabled children can claim:

  • state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (clause 9, article 6.1. Federal Law No. 178);
  • disability pension in the amount of 12,082.06 rubles monthly.

And, for example, orphans are given free housing upon reaching 18 years of age (clause 2, part 1, article 8 of Federal Law No. 159).

In Moscow

The types of benefits in Moscow depend on the category of the applicant.

Here is just a partial list of benefits:

  • parking permits for disabled people;
  • subsidies for housing and communal services;
  • monthly compensation for large families for telephone use;
  • one-time benefit to a young family in connection with the birth of a child;
  • free sanatorium and resort vouchers for home front workers, rehabilitated persons, labor veterans, etc.

At your place of stay in Moscow

“Moscow” benefits can be used by citizens who have a place of residence in Moscow, that is, permanent registration.

Military pensioners

Military retirees may qualify for:

  • housing under social contract hiring or ownership immediately after dismissal from service (Article 15 of Federal Law No. 76);
  • pension according to Law No. 4468-1;
  • tax benefits, in particular, the value of gifts in the amount of up to 10 thousand rubles is not subject to personal income tax (clause 32 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Who pays

Depending on the type of benefit, the applicant needs to contact:

  • territorial body of social protection of the population.

Registration procedure

Using the example of state social assistance from the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Chapter 3 of Federal Law No. 178):

  • determining whether the applicant belongs to the required category (Article 7 of Federal Law No. 178);
  • submitting an application to the social security authority or the MFC (Part 2 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 178), containing information about income, property, etc.;
  • verification of information based on a commission survey;
  • after 10 days - notification is sent by the social security authority about the assignment of assistance or refusal.

What documents are needed

To confirm rights to benefits, the following documentation is submitted to the relevant authority:

  • passport;

Another change is related to the opportunity for pensioners who have reached 70-80 years of age to apply for a benefit to compensate for the costs of paying capitol. repair. To receive the benefit you need:

  • the pensioner lacks other sources of income besides the pension;
  • the pensioner must live in an apartment alone, without any relatives.

So, social benefits can be federal or regional. It depends on the type of benefit where you should apply - to social security, the Pension Fund or another agency. As a rule, social support is provided at the place of registration.

Preferential categories of citizens are quite diverse. However, not all people in Russia enjoy the benefits they are entitled to, and most often they simply do not know about their availability. Others do not always have time to visit all authorities and obtain the necessary information.

Nowadays there are not many people who use their privileges under the law. To receive benefits from the state, you only need to collect a set of documents and submit them to the government agencies that deal with this issue.

List of preferential categories of citizens and required documents

The list of categories of citizens entitled to benefits is as follows. Firstly, this right is granted to all disabled people who participated in the Great Patriotic War or other large-scale hostilities. The document that must be provided in order to participate in certain events is a certificate of a disabled person with the right to benefits.

Secondly, a separate group consists of people who took part in the Great Patriotic War, but at the same time received disability not due to participation in hostilities, but due to general illnesses or injuries due to work. Other factors are taken into account, but people who become disabled due to illegal actions are excluded. The document confirming the right to receive benefits is the certificate of a war participant.

Thirdly, military personnel during the Great Patriotic War also receive benefits, and those who were retired or in the reserve, who fought or were temporarily suspended (at the same time, were in headquarters or other institutions related to the army) are also taken into account. The document is also a certificate of participation in hostilities.

People who served in internal affairs bodies or ensured state security during the Great Patriotic War are required to receive benefits. The documents will be the same. Moreover, participation in hostilities is counted towards length of service in order to retire.

The category of citizens who worked at enterprises and various military facilities and departments during wartime is necessarily taken into account. The category of persons who were part of the partisan battalions that opposed the Nazis is highlighted.

A separate group consists of people who worked in Leningrad enterprises during the siege and were awarded a medal with a mark for the defense of the city. Another group is formed by persons awarded the badge of a resident of Leningrad during the siege, while they are recognized as disabled due to general illnesses, injuries due to work reasons or due to other factors, with the exception of unlawful actions.

The list is also supplemented by persons who are disabled, and in their family there is a deceased wartime disabled person. The parents of a person who died in war also have the right to help from the state. The same applies to members of families in which a military man died after being captured. State assistance should be received by people who currently live in Russia, but during the war years were minors and were in ghettos, concentration camps, etc.

The right to subsidies are people who became disabled due to participation in hostilities in Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Vietnam, Syria, Angola, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Laos, Lebanon, Chechnya (including the North Caucasus ). If a soldier dies in an armed conflict while performing his tasks, then his family also receives government assistance.

A separate group consists of citizens of the country who suffered radiation sickness and other illnesses due to radiation after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This also applies to those who participated in eliminating the consequences of this disaster. The military personnel who were involved in this work also receive benefits.

Citizens who were evacuated from the radiation area or left this area voluntarily should receive assistance from the state. This also applies to those who were exposed to radiation due to the accident in 1957 at the Mayak plant, as well as due to the discharge of harmful substances into the Techa River.

Large families also receive assistance from the state. Veterans of labor, military and public service are included in the list of those who receive benefits.

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What benefits can you get from the state?

A benefit is an advantage provided to certain individuals.

Now there is a list of benefits that help improve the living conditions of citizens:

  1. Obtaining housing is intended for families with a large number of children and single mothers. The benefit is provided to pensioners, military personnel, rehabilitated people, and veterans.
  2. Payment of utility services. This option is intended for people of certain professions working in villages. The same applies to those who suffered during the Chernobyl accident, military personnel, veterans, disabled people and rehabilitated people.
  3. Lending. This benefit is provided to judges, prosecutors, police officers, rehabilitated persons, displaced persons, large families and victims of the Chernobyl accident.

A subsidy is understood as payments that are provided from the budget at the local or state level, from special funds. There are several types of subsidies:

  1. Free. Such a payment is made once for a specific purpose, and the funds are non-refundable.
  2. Target. The funds provided can only be used to achieve a specific goal.
  3. Share. This option is considered co-financing, and requirements must be met.

They also provide benefits such as payments. For example, they are carried out at the birth of a baby, to care for him, to care for the disabled and the military. Payment amounts change every year.

There are also payments that are state compensation for various harms - damage or violation of human rights. Pensions are also provided. They are paid under certain conditions, for example, due to disability, loss of a breadwinner in the family, as well as to citizens of a certain age who have already stopped working. There are special discounts that are intended for people undergoing training and families with a large number of children, disabled people, veterans, people who eliminated the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

In institutions where training is carried out in accordance with government programs, meals are provided once a day;

  • children living in low-income families are given the opportunity to receive free food twice a day;
  • provision of educational literature at the expense of budget funds;
  • government students receive free lunches;
  • at Health Schools, students receive hot meals three times a day;
  • in the case of full-time studies in government or other accredited institutions, it applies 50% reduction in cost movement by urban transport, as well as railway transport in suburban directions in the period from 01.09 to 15.06;
  • when receiving full-time education in government institutions or other educational organizations, schoolchildren and students can free to attend zoo, and get a discount in museums, recreation parks, when visiting various cultural events held by the Government of the capital.
  • Benefits for large families

    The benefits themselves imply the existence of special advantages or the provision of partial exemption from those common to all citizens:

    • rules;
    • responsibilities.

    Benefits serve as a tool designed to ensure the fulfillment of a number of state functions that are of paramount importance. In particular, they are a means of ensuring social equality. We are talking about privileges here:

    • women;
    • minors;
    • disabled people;
    • with many children.

    They are also provided to citizens as an incentive for their services to the country and state:

    • families of fallen soldiers;
    • participants in military conflicts;
    • employees of some organizations.

    They also give in the form of compensation for difficult working conditions for the benefit of the state:

    • railway workers;
    • miners;
    • military personnel;
    • persons affected by radiation.

    Benefits can also be an incentive for citizens, for example, it makes it easier for young people to combine education and work.

    Privileges of this kind are provided on the basis of the current legislation of both the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, and in addition:

    • government regulations;
    • presidential decrees;
    • instructions and other local regulations.

    Preferential categories of citizens

    In reality, there are a lot of beneficiaries in the Russian Federation. However, the main problem is that many citizens are not even aware of their rights. As is known, preferences are provided in the country in most cases on an application basis, and people, not being aware of their own capabilities, do not consider it advisable to contact government agencies.

    Also, to a large extent, benefits differ in different regions of the country. Thus, it is important to understand all the nuances and, based on accurate knowledge, defend your rights.

    Thus, the federal lists of beneficiaries contain the following categories:

    • disabled children and adults classified in different groups;
    • citizens of retirement age;
    • large families;
    • military personnel;
    • all children under 3 years of age;
    • people in need;
    • young families;
    • unemployed;
    • veterans of labor and the Great Patriotic War;
    • blood donors.

    Among other things, certain benefits are also received by:

    • disabled;
    • dependents who have lost their breadwinners;
    • widows and children of fallen soldiers;
    • pregnant women.


    The protection of socially vulnerable groups of the population lies at the core of the activities of the Russian state. And the country's authorities are quite actively helping them. Caring for young children is very much a priority. In particular, they have the right to use public transport free of charge if they do not require a separate seat. This means:

    • train (up to 5 years);
    • bus (up to 7);
    • airplane (up to 2);

    At the same time, children of school age are given the opportunity to buy travel documents at a discount if they have the appropriate ID with them.

    In addition, parents of children under 3 years of age are given the right, along with other preferential categories, to purchase medicines under special conditions.

    Moreover, some of them, included in the List of Medicines approved by the government, are issued completely free of charge.

    The state pays pensions to disabled children. To receive it, you must write an application to the social security service at your place of residence and submit documents confirming your status.


    This category of the population is also provided by the authorities with a number of benefits. We are talking about labor and WWII veterans. At the same time, the list of privileges is determined not only at the federal level, but also at the regional level. Thus, in order to find out exactly what benefits are provided, you need to make inquiries in your region.

    In general, veterans can count on:

    • provision of medicines;
    • production of free prostheses (except dentures);
    • extraordinary care in medical institutions;
    • medical care at the expense of the budget;
    • pension supplements;
    • tax deductions;
    • exemption from property and transport fiscal fees (depending on the region);
    • purchasing medicines at reduced prices;
    • discounts on payment for utility services (50 percent);
    • extraordinary installation of a landline telephone;
    • sanatorium-resort treatment at a budget expense.

    Relatives of a veteran have the right to receive monetary compensation for their funeral.

    At the same time, persons belonging to this group and receiving the title of Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation may also demand free land plots or separate housing from the authorities.

    Large families

    For this category, the state has provided a number of measures aimed at support. They are given various types of payments, and in some cases they are even given the opportunity to improve their living conditions.

    Currently, in most regions of the Russian Federation, a family with more than three children who have not yet reached adulthood is considered to have many children. Moreover, they can be either native or adopted. It should be noted that such families have almost the same benefits as the previously mentioned veterans.

    In particular, the state provides large families with the right to:

    • receiving payments until children turn 16;
    • issuance of a number of medicines free of charge;
    • registration in kindergartens without waiting lists and using them without money;
    • feeding children at school at the expense of the state budget;
    • provision by the state of school and sports uniforms;
    • provision of things necessary for study;
    • free housing;
    • allocation of a plot of land;
    • benefits issued by the first of September;
    • tickets to museums (once a month).

    Don't forget about maternity capital. Among other things, such families are also entitled to tax deductions.

    Disabled people

    Individual benefits are also provided to disabled people. Their list largely depends on the assigned group. In particular, persons who have reached the age of majority have the opportunity to study at universities at the expense of the state. At the same time, they are often given a scholarship higher than average.

    Disabled people are required to receive pensions. If necessary, representatives of this category are also provided completely free of charge:

    • treatment;
    • medicines;
    • prostheses;
    • devices needed for rehabilitation.

    Moreover, they can, at their discretion, receive compensation after paying for the above services or items.

    Working disabled people must also be provided with suitable conditions. They cannot be assigned to night shifts, and overtime hours are assigned only with their consent. At the same time, they are working on a reduced schedule.

    Disabled people, like the above categories, have the right to receive housing or land for free.


    Citizens who have retired also belong to beneficiaries. In general, the list of privileges for them looks like this:

    • payment of pensions, even if the citizen continues to work;
    • free travel on public transport;
    • discounts on train tickets;
    • sometimes they are also allowed to pay less for utilities;
    • elderly people can book tickets for commuter trains (in Moscow 10 days in advance);
    • they are exempt from housing tax and transport tax;
    • installation of a landline telephone;
    • receiving medications from a list compiled by the government.

    Pensioners who served in the Russian army are also paid extra for their length of service. Widows of military personnel receive payments, even if they have not reached the legal age.