All about Tunisia for tourists. Tips for a tourist in Tunisia. Useful information about Tunisia


Fortunately, in recent years more and more Russians have been traveling to Tunisia - to the snow-white beaches of the finest sand, to the azure sea, flowering gardens, but it is a pity that travelers do not know everything about the cultural, natural and historical diversity of this country.

Tunisia is a unique country in which the ancient centuries-old traditions and the modern social way of life, borrowed from Europe, organically and unusually merged together. Tunisia keeps the real treasures of the historical past. The natural diversity of Tunisia will make the most skeptical tourists admire. Fresh lakes and mountains covered with forests, huge rocks rising above the sea and endless dunes and dunes, lush flower beds, thickets of jasmine and roses, fields of poppies and daisies, endless groves of almonds and olives, southern oases of thousands and thousands of date palms...

The most important tourist capital of Tunisia is its 1,300 km of beaches and the climate, which makes bathing possible almost all year round. But not only this attracts tourists to Tunisia. The Bardo Museum, the largest archaeological museum in the world, has one of the richest collections of Roman mosaics, the mosque in Kairouan is the oldest in North Africa, the palm trees in the oases near Chott el-Jerida give excellent dates, and on the island of Djerba there is the most important shrine of North African Jews - the synagon La Griba.

The diversity of nature matches the diversity of culture: the charm of the Mediterranean coral coast, the steep mountains of the High Tel, endless steppes and plateaus, green oases - and all this in one small country.

All those who tried to seize certain coastal territories of the Mediterranean Sea for 3000 years tried their hand in Tunisia: the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Norman Arabs, Turks and French destroyed and built in Tunisia. But only a few have left their mark on the country: Rome, which created agriculture, Baghdad, which converted the country to Islam and brought Arab culture, Istanbul, which gave shine to the architecture of Tunisia thanks to the skill of its architects, and Paris, which brought the French language and the European system of education. Influence of the East and The West has found fertile ground in Tunisia: the modern culture and social structure of the country are the result of their harmonious combination.

The people of Tunisia are distinguished by their tolerance - a virtue that, it seems, their western neighbor, Algeria, shaken by crises, has completely lost.

Conflicts in Tunisia are resolved peacefully - just as on November 7, 1987, President Habib Bourguiba was peacefully removed from power when his vice-president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali declared the gray-haired dictator to have fallen into senile dementia and took the reins of power in your hands. The Tunisians, with their characteristic sense of humor, called this bloodless coup the "jasmine revolution." Jasmine flowers are the national symbol of Tunisia. Tunisian women use his bouquets as decoration.

There are 1000 millimes (M) in the Tunisian dinar (TD). The fluctuation of its rate is minimal: 1 TD=1$. All major hotels and many gift shops accept credit cards. Payment is also accepted in eurocheques: banks and exchange offices also accept travelers checks.
It is better to rent a safe (case) at the hotel, which will cost about 5 TD per week. Wardrobe trunks are small safe chambers located in a special room, usually behind the porter (you will have one key and the other at the porter). You can store currency, jewelry, tickets and documents in the case. The penalty for losing the key is 50 - 100 TD. 4-5 star hotels have their own small safes. The hotel clerk will always explain how to use it.

Climate and tourism seasons
The temperate maritime climate with rare rains makes the east coast of Tunisia and the island of Djerba a place for almost year-round swimming. Due to the low humidity, the heat in Tunisia is relatively easy to bear. Even in the winter months between November and March, the average air temperature here rarely drops below +18 ° C, although at this time of the year the cold sea attracts only especially hardened people. Tabarka and northern Tunisia are climatically similar to the southern European Mediterranean coast. In winter, it can be uncomfortable here and it rains for a long time. The peak season is from June to November. In the central steppes and in the south of Tunisia, the temperature in summer exceeds +40 ° C, which only especially “heat-resistant” people are able to withstand. The ideal seasons for traveling inland, as well as for expeditions to the Sahara, are spring and autumn, with moderately hot days and cold nights. In the desert, temperatures can drop below freezing during this time of the night, and so travelers are advised to bring warm clothing and a good sleeping bag.

Customs regulations
In addition to tobacco products and alcohol intended for personal consumption, a tourist can bring into the country 100 cigars or 400 cigarettes, 2 liters of alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 25% or 1 liter of stronger drinks, as well as gifts worth up to 25 TD. Photo and film equipment is not subject to customs duty on more expensive technical equipment, such as personal computers, when entering the country, a note is made in the passport. A fine is imposed for the transport or possession of weapons, radio equipment, drugs or pornographic products. Tourists who have bought “antiquities” (coins, oil lamps) may encounter difficulties when leaving the country. Most products of Tunisian artisans are not subject to customs duty. Carpets are subject to VAT.

The protection of nature in Tunisia is exemplary. In the 70s. Numerous reserves were organized in which favorable conditions were created for endangered species of animals and plants. Most of them require special permission to visit.

Public is the reserve on Lake Ishkel southwest of Bizerte - the last refuge of Tunisian water buffaloes. Tens of thousands of migratory birds rest here in spring and autumn. On the islets of Zembra and Zembretta, located opposite Cape Bon, there is a national reserve where monk seals live. In the mountains of Jebel Chambi in the center of Tunisia, a population of rare maned sheep has been preserved.

Such as the North Tunisian mountainous country of Krumiri, with slopes densely overgrown with pines and cork oaks, in prehistoric times was the whole of Tunisia. Today the area is a famous hunting ground with many wild boars, foxes and jackals. Colonies of white and pink flamingos live in coves and wet salt marshes along the east coast, scouring the shallow waters for food with their curved beaks. In coastal waters, dolphins can often be seen frolicking. The fauna in the south of the country is even more exotic. Gazelles and hyenas are rarely seen by travelers, but jerboas, eared chanterelles (fennec foxes) and, finally, dromedaries admiring their adaptability to the hostile world around them, they will surely meet. Various types of snakes and scorpions, including dangerous horned vipers and fat-tailed scorpions, avoid humans. They become aggressive only when they are disturbed in their habitats - under stones or near water.

The vegetation of the Mediterranean coast of Tunisia delights with its beauty and diversity. Hibiscus, wild rose, multi-colored bougainvilleas and the symbol of the country - jasmine bloom in the gardens and climb the walls of houses. And in the summer, poppies bloom in the steppes.

The most popular souvenirs are ceramics (sale centers - Nabeul and the island of Djerba) and carpets (sale center - Kairouan, although a good selection of carpets is also available in Tunisia and on the island of Djerba). In the markets of Hammamet, Sousse and Houmt Souk, goods are often offered at high prices. Fine Berber silver jewelry can be found in the markets of Tozeur, Douz and Tatawin. In the north, many places offer coral jewelry, which, unfortunately, is not always authentic. In addition, you can buy jeans from well-known companies, shirts, leather goods: bags, jackets, jackets, shoes that meet international standards at affordable prices. Onyx products are especially good. Be sure to buy a souvenir - "Rose of the Sahara". Bargain! You are in Africa. And if the trader names a price, say, 100 dinars, this means that somewhere around 20 - 30 dinars you will agree. The list of souvenirs can be completed with henna, as well as saffron.

As is customary in most countries, cafe and restaurant staff expect tips of up to 15% of the bill. Almost every employee wants to be rewarded for his services or assistance, so the tourist should always have change money ready. Tips should only be paid if you receive good service. One-time tips range from 300 - 500 millimeters to 1 dinar. Bus driver after the tour - 1 dinar. And the waiter, who served you for a whole week in the hotel restaurant, at parting - 5 dinars. The maid can be left 1 dinar per day.

Beaches and pools
Tunisia, which has earned its name as an earthly paradise, offers bathers approximately 1,200 km of fine sand beaches, always bathed in sunshine, lined with immaculately built and equipped hotels that are truly exclusive. leading to the beach.

Tunisia is a paradise for all kinds of water sports, water skiing, sailing, swimming in the pool or in the sea, scuba diving, etc.

There are no private closed beaches in Tunisia. All of them are available. But each hotel has its own "zone", for the cleanliness of which he is responsible. Access to the beach is free, sun loungers are usually also free. Paid (approx. $ 1) on some beaches are plastic sunbeds with mattresses. By the pools there is always a hotel employee who, at your request, will bring a free sun lounger and umbrella.

Do not take money and valuables to the beach. Only change to buy drinks. Don't buy fruit on the beach. They are expensive here and can be poorly washed. If you want to have a drink and a snack, then the bars on the beaches are at your service. Do not exchange currency on the beach. When leaving the beach, collect all the garbage in a bag and take it to the nearest trash bin.

Your safety while swimming is guaranteed in the area of ​​water marked with buoys. Lifeguards are always on duty here. If you swam far from the coast, then the current, imperceptible at low tide, can take you far into the open sea. Remember also that behind the buoys you can be attacked by a sea bike, surf, catamaran or boat. There are no marine fish dangerous to humans, snakes off the coast of Tunisia are not found.

The sun
Try to be in the shade from 11 am to 4 pm. The sun is deceptive, it can "roast" your skin in 15 - 20 minutes, even when behind the clouds. Sunbathe gradually, in the morning and in the afternoon. We recommend using a variety of sunscreens.


There are no special requirements for clothing in Tunisia. However, blouses or dresses that expose the upper body (shorts and short skirts or see-through dresses) should not be worn in places where Muslims appear. When visiting mosques, shoulders and forearms must be covered: sometimes you can get a headscarf for this purpose at the entrance. In the synagogue of LaGriba on the island of Djerba, visitors must cover their heads (shawls and kippas for men are at the entrance).

It is forbidden to photograph bridges, ministries, police posts and military camps. If the ban is violated, the film will be confiscated. You should be especially careful near the presidential palace in the Tunisian suburb of Carthage. Photographing people is allowed only with their consent. In no case should you take pictures of those praying. Taking photographs in museums and excavation sites is only possible with a special permit at the entrance. The cost of permission to shoot with one device is from 1 to 3 TD.

A tourist, of course, should visit a Turkish bath - a hammam. In these baths, in some cases there are separate male and female sections, in other cases, men and women wash at different times (men mostly before dinner, women - after). Soaps and pools should never be entered naked: they are entered either draped in sheets or in a bathing suit.

Food and drink
The basis of Tunisian cuisine is harissa, a more or less spicy paste made from red pepper and olive oil. Seasoned with parsley, garlic or cumin, it is served with almost all dishes. With white bread and olives, it excites the appetite well.

Appetizers: mechouia - a salad of fried peppers and tomatoes, with tuna or sardines, eggs, olives and capers with olive oil. Brik (brik) - thin, almost transparent, pancakes stuffed with tuna or crab with parsley, capers and black pepper. Ozhzha is a gourmet vegetable stew: a raw egg is added to this steam-wrapped mass right before serving.

Meat and fish dishes differ from similar dishes in Southern Europe primarily in garnish and seasonings. So, it can be lamb with lemon juice and mint, fish in garlic sauce, chicken with lots of harissa. An excellent side dish is rice seasoned with pine nuts.

Couscous - Tunisian national dish, is a steamed semolina porridge with meat and a very spicy and fatty sauce with vegetables. Couscous can be made with lamb, shellfish, fish, chicken, or even vegetarian - no meat. Good couscous is the pinnacle of "gastronomic exploration" of a country, especially if, as is customary in Tunisia, couscous is eaten from a shared dish.

Sweets: Tunisian sweets - such as honey baklava and a variety of cakes smelling of orange flowers, with almonds, pistachios, dates or honey - are not for those who care about their figure. It is better to finish the meal with a glass of mint tea with pine nuts or coffee with cardamom.

Drinks: in the country of oranges and grapes, juice freshly squeezed in front of you is offered on the street at every corner. Everywhere is also offered mineral water from Tunisian sources - Safia (Safia), Ain Oktor (Ain Oktor) and Ain Garsi (Ain Garcie).

Despite the fact that alcohol is prohibited by Islam, in most restaurants you can get a very pleasant taste of Celtia brand beer. White Muscat from Cape Bon (Muscat de Kelibia) is easy to drink. Above all praise and subtle Sidi Saad. Pot-bellied bottles of this wine are only available in first-class restaurants. You should also try buhu, a local gin made from figs. There is nothing more refreshing than strong mint tea. In the south of Tunisia, it is worth trying palm milk.

Narghile is the privilege of men who, meeting in cafes, suck their pipes with pleasure and philosophize, talking about the fleeting life. Women here, including tourists, unwanted guests. As a consolation, we can report that the ladies can try narguile in coffee houses and Moorish cafes, where visitors squat on carpets or mats. Such cafes are available both in the hotel zone and in urban areas open to tourists.

It is difficult to recommend restaurants in small, non-tourist villages. When traveling to the interior of the country, you must either be satisfied with very simple food, or take a lunch pack with you. There are many reasonably priced restaurants in the tourist areas (between 15 and 20 TD for lunch). Expensive temples of fine taste or a little-known good restaurant with reasonable prices can hardly be found anywhere except in the capital.

You can, of course, be lazy and mess around in Tunisia, but with the variety of outdoor activities that are possible here, this would be an unforgivable waste of time. A favorite sport on the coast is horseback riding: romantic horseback rides along the deserted many kilometers of the sea, along the picturesque paths winding between gardens and olive plantations.

Coral reefs off the coast between Tabarka and Bizerte are popular among diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. At present, these reefs are almost undeveloped, and the sea is very clean and rich in fish. You can rent equipment from the Yacht Club located in the harbor of Tabarka.

Nature lovers can take part in hiking trips of varying difficulty to the reserves on Lake Ishkel or the Jebel-Shambi mountains.

In Tozeur is the base of the Tunisian Society of Aeronautics, which organizes flights over the desert and salt marshes in a balloon. This is one of the strongest impressions for a traveler. The town of Douz, on the east side of the Chott el-Jerid salt marsh, is the starting point for excursions into the desert by dromedaries. Anyone who has outstanding patience and a strong back can go on a multi-day walk into the depths of the dune sea.

Arid Tunisia has now received the opportunity to engage in "green sports". Golf courses are available in Tabarka, Hammamet and Sousse.

Most of the hotels are low buildings, decorated with domes and turrets, which organically fit into the surrounding landscape. There are also similar hotels in the oases of Tozeur and Duza, but at the same time many luxury hotels, authentic desert palaces, have been built there.

The long-term French presence has left its mark on the life and habits of the local population, as well as on the level of service. Perhaps this is the only country in the East where the "stars" of the hotel fully comply with the highest, and primarily French, standards. Moreover, if you live in a three-star hotel not by the sea, but 5-10 minutes. walk from it, then most likely the owner, on his own initiative, compensates for this "inconvenience" by the fact that the room will have air conditioning, a bar, and other pleasures of relaxing in an expensive hotel. Another feature of local hotels: almost all of them, regardless of the number of stars, have 2 - 3 or even 4 pools! And finally, a special story about hotel lobbies. Only in Tunisia do they, even in the most modest hotel, amaze the tourist with the wealth of marble and gold.

The shelters for tourists in the southern part of Tunisia are picturesque: the former inns of the medina, residential caves and storage fortresses were converted into simple hotels for a short rest after the next stage of the journey, and in the camp near Ksar Gilan, tourists spend the night in black woolen tents of Tunisian nomads.

Youth hostels are available in all major cities. Until now, there are few campsites that are open not only during the high season. Their equipment and service leave a lot to be desired. Price - from 4 to 5TD per day.

Purchase of carpets
In Tunisia, Kairouan is known as the "city of carpets": shops offer the widest selection of a wide variety of carpets from all over the country. True, only “kairouan” is produced here - a knotted carpet, which first appeared in Tunisia in the 19th century. influenced by Turkish methods of carpet weaving.

Today, with the assistance of ONAT (National Bureau of Tunisian Craftsmen), thousands of women are employed in the production of knotted carpets. per dm2). The patterns on the carpets, following the old oriental patterns, are made up of medallions and images of climbing plants.

Traditional "kilim" is made on the machine. There are many types and forms of kilim carpets: all of them are richly decorated with patterns in the traditions of the Berber tribes. The most famous of them is the "mergum", which is woven in Gabes; the mergum pattern is an ornament of small triangles, rhombuses and lines. Farther west, in Jerid, the geometric ornament is replaced by a figured one: stylized gazelles and camels, brooches and “five”, or “Hand of Fatima” buckles (almost always on a red background). The only traditional Tunisian knotted carpet is the "gtifa", a narrow and very long carpet, which is laid on the floor or on the ground in wealthy nomadic houses or households. With the change in the life of the nomads and their transition to a settled way of life, the art of making these carpets is more and more forgotten.

Carpets are certified by ONAT and are assigned a market price. Kairouan carpets are categorized according to the density of the knots.

A price tag affixed to the inside of the carpet should only be considered ONAT's when it has a corresponding seal. Instead of genuine labels, unscrupulous sellers often use fake labels with a higher price.

The price can be negotiated, of course, not in the case when the price requested by the seller is 100% higher than the estimated final price. With a certain skill and a promise to pay in cash, it is quite possible to achieve a discount of up to 20%. When paying with a credit card, merchants usually give a minimal discount.

Carpet shops often offer to send goods to Europe. When buying, you should carefully ensure that all data on the purchased carpet are included in the contract of sale. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises upon arrival home, you must definitely write down the registration number according to the ONAT registry. Usually carpets are packed in front of the client and sealed.

If you started reading this article, it means that sooner or later you will get to Tunisia and your interest will be generously rewarded. You will bring a lot of impressions, do not even hesitate! But to make them only positive, we have collected various tips for you that will help make your stay in Tunisia easy and comfortable, without any unpleasant surprises. We offer you a kind of checklist for the country of Tunisia - what a tourist needs to know who goes to this Mediterranean coast for a vacation. Refer back to this checklist when you start packing your bags.

Tunisia is a secular country, but with strong religious traditions. Therefore, along with shorts and tank tops, be sure to take things that cover your shoulders and knees. Especially if you want to see the most beautiful Muslim mosques from the inside. They will help you out on excursions - they will save you from sunburn. By the way, don't forget to bring sunscreen.

If you do not want to bother with a visa to Tunisia, buy a tour to Tunisia - with a tourist voucher you can visit the country without a visa.

When exchanging currency (at a hotel or bank), ask for a check for an exchange - it will come in handy before you fly out of Tunisia, when you want to change dinars for currency. Without a check, money for an exchange will not be accepted from you. And it is forbidden to take paper dinars out of the country.

Yes, Tunisia is originally a Muslim country, but you can sunbathe topless there too. The country has a category of hotels 16+, where holidays with small children are not allowed. If this is what you need, check with the manager about such hotels when you select a tour to Tunisia.

If you don't like haggling, buy souvenirs in shops with fixed prices - there they are without cheating by 4-5 times.

To move around the resort, take a taxi - quickly and affordable. Check with your hotel administrator in advance how much it will cost to get to your destination. And then check the price with the taxi driver - if he overestimates it and refuses to lower it, say that you will call another taxi driver. This should help. By the way, carefully check the change - cunning Arabs can slip Russian coins similar to them along with dinars. And they are much smaller than the face value.

A taxi in Tunisia is better than a bus, if only because buses can be 30-40 minutes late. This is normal for Tunisia. And in general, they are not late anywhere in the country, the pace of life in Tunisia, even by the standards of Belarus, is very measured, calm and relaxed. Therefore, our next advice to you: relax in Tunisia!

Alcohol in Tunisia is sold in duty free and in just a few state-owned stores, which close quite early in the summer, mostly around 20.00. Alcohol in hotels under the all-inclusive program is offered local - wine, beer, spirits. They are usually of so-so quality. Therefore, plan your alcohol purchases in advance if alcohol is a mandatory part of your holiday. And, yes - drinking alcohol on the street, in the open, entails a problem with law enforcement officers. By the way, it is difficult to find alcohol in the country on Friday - this is a prayer day, so alcohol is not sold in stores and is not served in most restaurants and cafes.

When choosing souvenirs, pay attention to olive oil and cosmetics based on it, jewelry, spices, wine and leather goods - all these things are done in Tunisia with really high quality.

The safety of tourists in Tunisia is ensured by checkpoints at the entrance to the tourist areas of resorts, patrol cars on highways, frames with metal detectors in large supermarkets and important attractions. But do not be afraid of all these measures, patrols on the beaches, the military with machine guns - in fact, this is a common practice in the country. Moreover, it has been adopted since 2011, since the jasmine revolution, and has been left for the benefit of tourists. So once again our advice to tourists in Tunisia - relax, you will be taken care of.

By the way, photographing those same law enforcement officers - the military with machine guns, patrolmen, and at the same time government buildings and the presidential palace, is prohibited in Tunisia. You will at least be detained and asked to erase the pictures. Checked.

Tunisia is a small state in North Africa, most of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is desert. It cannot be said that the country is recognized as one of the most popular destinations for tourism, but it is actively striving to take a leading position.

The capital of Tunisia bears the same name. The official currency here is the dinar. There are no problems with exchange operations, since in the country, especially in resort regions, each hotel is equipped with bank currency exchange offices.

Tunisia is a leader in the production and global sales of figs, citrus fruits and olive oil.

Among the tourists who prefer holidays in this region, the vast majority are Russian-speaking citizens, French and Germans. Why is it worth visiting Tunisia and is it worth it, we tried to figure it out and set out in the article "".

Climatic conditions

The climate of the country is quite favorable for a beach holiday. In summer, hot weather is typical for this region and the climatic zone, when the thermometer rises to +33 .. + 35 degrees, but you can’t tell from the sensations, since dry air makes it easy to endure the heat of the African continent. In winter, the temperature is much lower and, for example, in the coldest month of the year - January - in the southern part of the country, the maximum temperature usually does not exceed +20 .. + 22 degrees.

The holiday season here is the time from the second half of May to the end of October.

The average water temperature of the Mediterranean Sea in Tunisia off the coast of Sousse

How to get there

There is a direct regular air service from Moscow to Tunisia. Approximately 4 - 4.5 hours after boarding the plane, you will find yourself at the Carthage airport, which is located in the capital of Tunisia.

During the tourist season, additional charter flights are organized from Moscow and other major cities of the country, which will take vacationers not only to the capital, but also immediately to some resorts (Monastir, Enfida).

It is possible to fly with a transfer in Rome (Alitalia aircraft) or Istanbul (Turkish Airlines), but it is worth considering such an adventure, as be prepared for the fact that your flight time will increase by at least a few hours.

Since December 2014, Russian citizens have the right to visit Tunisia without a visa.



It is one of the largest cities in the country and is located at a distance of 65 kilometers from the capital. Recently, this city tends to visit an increasing number of Russians. Initially, the resort region was opened precisely as a treatment area, since the area is famous for the presence of thermal springs, and there are many thalassotherapy centers in the city. Translated from Arabic, the name of the resort means "a place for swimming."


Monastir is located 162 kilometers from the capital and is considered one of the most popular holiday destinations. All this is due to the fact that the international airport is located here. It is better to come here for a quiet beach holiday, for sightseeing and beauty, as well as for those who want to get acquainted with the history of the state.


Sousse closes the top three largest cities in the state, is famous for its excellent modern hotels with excellent service, as well as good and comfortable beach areas. Thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts often come here, people who are attracted by nightlife and wild entertainment.


The city is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. Since it is quite young and is still developing in the direction of tourism, couples with children, as well as those who prefer peace and tranquility to the night rhythm of life, can comfortably relax here.


Djerba is a separate island located off the coast of Tunisia. It has a comfortable climate, which can be enjoyed all year round. This is a famous resort for a beach holiday, where there are white sands, clear blue sea, a riot of greenery and colors around.

Almost everything that a vacationer may need can be purchased on site in small retail shops, but remember that in the city similar goods will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

Tunisia is a secular state in Africa on the Mediterranean coast, which has a wonderful mild climate, white sand beaches, the ruins of the great Carthage and healing thalassotherapy just 4 hours from Moscow.

So, entry to Tunisia:
Russian citizens do not need a visa to Tunisia. At the entrance to the country, it is enough to present a passport that is valid for at least 3 months on the date of entry.

Tunisia has a very mild climate. The air in Tunisia is dry, so doctors recommend this country to visit even for asthmatics. Tunisia is a year-round resort, but it has 2 seasons: the beach season - from May to October and the season for relaxation with thalassotherapy courses. During the beach season, many planes fly to Tunisia. Almost every tour operator puts charter programs in Tunisia. From October to May, Tunisia can be reached on regular flights with 1 change in third countries.
The hottest months are July and August, the temperature here reaches + 35 degrees, the sea temperature is about +27 degrees. Since the climate in Tunisia is dry, the heat is tolerated quite easily. The coldest months are January and February, the daily air temperature is not higher than +15 degrees.
During the warmest months, jellyfish appear in the sea off the coast of Tunisia. But, firstly, they do not appear everywhere and for a short time, and secondly, the burns of these jellyfish are rather weak and pass quickly. Off the coast of the island of Djerba, there are never jellyfish.

The time difference with Moscow is: minus 2 hours.
Flight time from Moscow to Enfidha or Monastir is 4 hours.

Passport control:
On approaching Tunisia, special immigration cards are handed out on the plane. They can also be found at counters in the arrivals hall. The card must be filled out with basic information: full name, dates of arrival and departure, hotel name. At passport control, the border guard will take one part of the card and put the other part in your passport. It must be kept and returned when leaving the country.

Airport tax:
In July 2015, the Tunisian authorities abolished the €15 (30 dinars) duty on leaving the country. There are currently no fees.

Money and currency of Tunisia:
The monetary unit of the country is the Dinar (TND), in 1 dinar there are 1000 millimeters. Rate (January 2017): 1 TND = 25.95 RUB (1 USD = 2 TND, 1 EUR = 2.3 TND).
You can exchange currency at the hotel reception, at bank branches, at the post office and at the exchange offices that have appeared recently. The course is about the same everywhere. Both dollars and euros are equally readily accepted for exchange. When exchanging currency, you must take a receipt: this will allow you to exchange dinars back for dollars or euros at the airport before departure (but not more than 3,000 TND, and only paper bills), provided that the total amount of receipts is not less than 300 TND. Duty free at the airport does not accept dinars for payment.
ATMs are located everywhere: always at bank branches, as well as in large stores and some hotels.
You can withdraw money from an ATM only in local currency - neither dollars nor euros are issued.

Customs regulations in Tunisia:
Professional video cameras are subject to declaration (cameras and accessories do not need to be specified). Alcohol with a strength of up to 25 ° can be carried up to 2 liters, drinks stronger than 25 ° - up to 1 liter, and cigarettes - no more than 20 packs.
It is forbidden to import and export the national currency of Tunisia, some animals, strong drugs, pornography, drugs, weapons and explosives, antiques. It is forbidden to import walkie-talkies and metal detectors. To export carpets and jewelry from the country, you must present at the customs the check received in the store when buying them.

Security in Tunisia:
The Tunisian government is doing everything necessary to ensure the safety of tourists in the resorts of the country:
- Strengthened security measures in tourist places;
- mandatory presence of security guards in hotels;
- trained dogs as part of the guard, trained to detect weapons and explosives;
- patrolling the coastline of the water area;
- equipping security guards with electronic means (metal detectors, inspection cameras, portable radio stations, etc.);
- Inspection of premises and open areas before and after the events;
- organization of protection of special facilities (elevators, air conditioning systems, etc.)
- organizing a double check of the personal data of tourists when checking into a hotel;
- a strict ban on the stay of unauthorized persons on the territory of hotels;
- duty of security officers in crowded places;
- round-the-clock security control at tourist sites and beaches, installation of video surveillance and the use of protective structures.
- organization of security in crowded places (shopping facilities, restaurants, historical sites, etc.)

Bathing in Tunisia:
There is no such warm and gentle Mediterranean Sea anywhere else! You can swim and enjoy the expanses of water endlessly. 99.9% of the beaches in Tunisia are sandy and the entrance to the sea is comfortable, gentle and sandy. Jellyfish season in the warmest period from about mid-July to mid-August. Jellyfish do not sting very much, burn marks disappear quickly and jellyfish do not stay near a particular beach for long. In the area of ​​the island of Djerba, there are never jellyfish.

Photographing in Tunisia:
Not everything can be photographed in Tunisia. For example, it is forbidden to film military camps, police posts, ministry buildings, bridges and the national flag. A violator of these rules can even be arrested - that's why a vacation in Tunisia is dangerous for lovers of unauthorized filming. By the way, the media with photos will be confiscated forever.
In addition, you should be careful to shoot local residents. Before you capture a colorful character on the street, be sure to ask his consent. As for women and praying people, they should not be filmed under any circumstances.

Mains voltage in Tunisia:
Hotels already have 220 V sockets, no adapters are needed.

Tipping in Tunisia:
Tipping in Tunisia is not required, but most tourists still leave rewards in restaurants, taxis and hotels. In cafes and restaurants, the tip is the standard 10% of the bill. Tunisia is also often called the "country of the 1st dinar". And cleaners, and porters, and drivers ... But this is purely your desire. It is also customary to leave a reward for tourist guides - in this case, its size is from 3 to 5 dinars from each member of the group.

Clothing in Tunisia:
Traditionally, modest closed clothing is welcomed in Muslim countries. Therefore, in order not to think about whether it is dangerous or not to leave the territory of the hotel during your vacation in Tunisia, you should dress in such a way as not to shock the Tunisians. To a greater extent, this applies to women who should not wear short shorts, T-shirts and sundresses with bare shoulders.

Transport in Tunisia:
The most convenient type of personal transport is an ordinary yellow taxi. Payment by the meter (it is worth making sure that the driver turns it on, and also remember that it shows millimes, which are 1000 in one dinar). When negotiating a fixed price with the driver, it is important to immediately agree on the cost for the car. The cost of landing is 430 millimeters, 1 km will cost a little less than a dinar. More than 4 people are not transported by taxi, even if they are children. The night rate is valid from 21:00 to 5:00, it is 50% more expensive. By the way, the meter in this case immediately switches on to the night rate, and the driver’s assurances that “this is the daily price, you need to add half more” must be decisively suppressed.
"Luage", 8-seat white minibuses with a yellow or blue stripe on board (cruise within the city) or with a red one (intercity) depart as they fill up and are quite cheap: 1-2 TND within the city and 4-6 TND between cities.

Water and food, alcohol and smoking in Tunisia:
As in many countries, the consumption of alcohol on the streets and in other public places in Tunisia is prohibited. This rule should be taken especially seriously during Ramadan, when Muslims abstain from eating and smoking from dawn to dusk. To avoid misunderstanding from the local population, it is better to eat, drink and smoke only within the tourist area.
Tap water in Tunisia is safe, but in order not to risk it, it is better to use purified bottled water, which can be purchased at any supermarket or shop.

Internet in Tunisia:
Free Wi-Fi is available in all hotels, in the reception area and lobby bar. Generally, internet speed is good. Some 5 * hotels have several Internet access zones. Internet in the rooms is usually for an additional fee.

Excursions in Tunisia

Since the situation in the country is still tense, it is better to refrain from independent trips to sights and excursions with dubious guides. To ensure that your holiday in Tunisia is safe, visit only those excursions that your tour operator organizes or your travel agent advises.

Sahara (El Jem - Matmata - Chott - El Jerid - Tozeur - Kairouan):
The trip to the Sahara will leave the most vivid impression of Tunisia. The excursion route captures almost two-thirds of the country and is designed in such a way that in 2 days you have time to get to know the central and southern parts of Tunisia.

Cities, towns, endless olive plantations, steppes, semi-deserts and deserts, salt lakes, mountains, oases - the landscape is changing very quickly and is striking in its diversity.
On comfortable buses you will go to the south of the country.

On the first day you will visit the city of El-Jem, where the greatest Colosseum of the Roman era is located, built by the ancient Romans in the ll century AD and accommodating 35,000 spectators. You will see the arena where gladiators fought with terrible predators, go down to the dungeon where the slaves were waiting for their fate.

The next stopping point is the village of Matmata troglodytes, where, in artificially dug deep pits with underground rooms and doors, there are dwellings of the indigenous population of North Africa - the Berbers. These "dugouts" protect from the heat in summer and from the cold in winter, and therefore are the most comfortable option for life. Fans of the famous Star Wars saga by George Lucas will be interested in visiting the filming location of the cult film and seeing the scenery of Anakin Skywalker's homeland - the planet Tatooine, the road to which will run along the famous route of the Paris-Dakar rally.

Next, you will go to the city of Douz - “Gate of the Sahara”. It is here that the classic desert begins with dunes, fine white sand, with picturesque palm trees, where you can spend the sunset on a camel caravan. Here you will be provided with dinner and overnight at the hotel.

On the second day, you will drive through the famous giant salt lake Chott el Jerid, where you will meet the first rays of the sun of the new day. The final stage of the tour will be a visit to the city of Kairouan, the fourth holy place in the Muslim world after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.

Sousse - Port El Kantaoui (half day):
Visit to the old part of Sousse, as well as free time to relax in Port El Kantaoui.

Tunisia - Carthage - Sidi Bou Said (full day):
It is impossible to visit a country without visiting its capitals. On this trip, you will be able to get acquainted with modern Tunisia, walk along the main street with the most elite shops, feel the spirit of the old Medina, feel the atmosphere of the oriental market, get involved in an exciting game with Arab merchants, which will be rewarded with souvenirs in memory of the country. And also touch the history of the famous Carthage. You will find yourself in the glorious Punic era and see how time has frozen in the Roman ruins.

The highlight of the tour is a visit to the town of Sidi Bou Said, nestled on Mount El Manar, from where a magnificent panorama of the Gulf of Tunis opens. This city is rightfully considered the most beautiful in Tunisia, the city of artists, romantics and lovers. Here you will have the opportunity to walk along the small streets and see white houses with blue windows and doors in the Arab-Andalusian style.

Walk on the "pirate" boat:
Scenic boat trip with time for swimming. BBQ lunch is also provided. The tour is provided in the morning.

Laser show "Medina Al-Zahra" (evening):
The introductory part of the tour is a small folklore show, during which, among other things, you will be shown the oldest, dating back to the Phoenicians, way of baking classic Tunisian bread - tabunas. The tour continues with a classic Tunisian dinner where you can taste traditional cuisine. Table red wine and mineral water are served with dinner. Dinner is accompanied by a folklore show on stage. As part of the show, a show of national costumes from various regions of Tunisia, a theatrical performance of a traditional marriage ceremony, etc.

Next, an amazing open-air laser show awaits you. The show is accompanied by voice-over text, including in Russian. Before you, as in a fairy tale, the amazing history of the country will float from the time when the Phoenicians founded here the greatest colony of antiquity - Carthage, to the time of the famous Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage (the longest wars in the history of mankind) ... And further: everything about the Spanish kings, barbarian pirates, Turkish sultans - up to the present liberated and independent Tunisia.

Cape Bon (half day):
Cape Bon Peninsula is a real Tunisian Garden: vineyards, citrus groves and green fields are scattered everywhere. 120 km from Sicily, a stunning view of the islands, inhabited by monk seals, opens up. Choosing a trip to Cap Bon, you will visit the bright and brilliant Hammamet, visit the small town of El Khauria - from its caves a stone was brought to the construction of Carthage itself. Fans of archeology will love the ancient city of Kerkuan, and lovers of original ceramics will definitely like Nabeul, which has been famous for its pottery since Roman times.

Another decoration of the cape is the Kelibia resort - quiet and calm, it is famous for its white Muscat wines. However, in order to taste dozens of varieties of wine, you will still have time - in the afternoon you will go to the small village of Grombalia. Rose and red, white and even gray - here you will be offered wines for every taste, because Grombalia is a real wine-making center of Tunisia. Grombalia will be the final stage of your trip to Cape Bon - a beautiful piece of paradise, spread out among the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Phrygia Park - Zulu Show (half day):
Phrygia is considered one of the largest zoos in northern Africa, located between Sousse and Hammamet on an area of ​​36 hectares, where you can see more than 50 species of animals that live in large open enclosures, visit the dolphinarium, and also just take a break from a long walk, sit in a cozy cafe and buy folk art products in the souvenir shop.

The Zulus are representatives of the tribe of Central Africa, who will give you an incredible show that includes incendiary dances to the accompaniment of original musical instruments, a great mood and the opportunity to take part in the program yourself.

Phrygia Park (half day):
This exciting tour is for those who want to get acquainted with the fauna of Africa, admire the graceful antelopes, hear the roar of a lion, observe the habits of cunning monkeys, cheetahs, long-necked giraffes, funny big-eared chanterelles, take pictures with ostriches.

The zoo is located in the village of Bufisha. More than 50 species of animals live on the territory of 36 hectares. And the fur seal show will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults!

Dugga (full day):
This tour is a real find for those who are interested in the history of Tunisia during the Roman Empire. Dougga is the best preserved city of that era, built on a hill at a height of 600 meters and representing an impressive architectural ensemble: the arch of Alexander the North, the forum with the temple of Saturn, the sanctuary of Juno Celeste, the well-preserved portico of the Capitoline temple, the Punic mausoleum.

You will also visit the Andalusian city of Zaguan, where at the foot of a high green mountain (1295 m), which gave the name of the town, there is the famous Temple of Water. There are still partially preserved aqueducts (70 km long), which supplied Great Carthage with water.

General information that applies to almost all hotels in Tunisia:
- Communication language - French, Arabic, English, German, there are many hotels oriented to Russian tourists.
- Check-in at 15:00, check-out at 12:00. As a rule, on the spot you can agree on an early check-in or a late check-out.
- Meals on the "All Inclusive" or "Ultra All Inclusive" system - very varied, with an abundance of seafood and meat, vegetables and fruits. Alcohol of local production. All imported alcohol for an additional fee. The Ultra All Inclusive concept means that some of the bars in the hotel are open 24/7.
- Sea view room means a room facing the sea. The view can be frontal, side, or generally only a piece of the sea is visible. In Tunisian hotels there are no gradations of sea views.
- The mini-bar, as a rule, is not replenished, it acts as a refrigerator.
- Swimming pools are open strictly until 19:00.
- Animation - French, English and Russian. There are hotels with different concepts - from the complete lack of animation to very active animation teams (up to 30 people) for children and adults.
- Miniclubs and pools/playgrounds for children are present in 90% of hotels. Many hotels have water slides.
- Wi-Fi - free, available in all hotels, in the reception area and lobby bar. Generally, internet speed is good. Some 5 * hotels have several Internet access zones. Internet in the rooms is usually for an additional fee.

Thalasso or Spas? What is the difference?
Thalassotherapy is a complex of wellness procedures using sea water, seaweed and sea mud. Sea water is extracted at a distance of 500-700 m from the shore from a depth of 12 meters. Sea water in the pool should be heated to a temperature of +33 degrees, only in this way the maximum result of healing is achieved. Mandatory attributes of the thalassocenter:
- the presence of a swimming pool with sea water,
- seaweed and mud,
- massage rooms
- the presence of a hammam and sauna,
- rest zone.
Many thalasso centers in Tunisia are also equipped with salt rooms.

If you want to:
- strengthen the immune system,
- take an anti-cellulite course,
- calm the nervous system
- improve skin condition,
- eliminate insomnia,
- solve the problem with diseases of the joints, etc.,
then you need to go to Tunisia and visit a good thalasso center.

Everything you need to know about Tunisia tourists

The country, perhaps, is only slowly moving towards its peak of popularity. Not everyone is aware that the attractiveness of Tunisia for tourists is judged by one of the best thalassotherapy technologies in Tunisia, so popular in the country especially among tourists. But the lack of modern hotel complexes in Tunisia slows down the potential tourist flow.

General information about the country for tourists:

  • Official name
    Tunisian Republic;

  • Capital
    the city of Tunisia;

  • Territory
    163,610 km²;

  • Official language
    Arab. The French language is very popular;

  • Population
    98% are Muslims, the rest are Catholics. Most of the locals consider themselves Arabs.

All about the geographical location of Tunisia

For many tourists, information about the location of Tunisia is unknown: it remains a mystery where Tunisia is located and what corner of the world it occupies. All that can be said about the geographical position of Tunisia is that the country is part of North Africa.

The northern and eastern sides of the state are washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Tourists who are going on vacation should know this so that upon arrival in the country the question does not arise: what is the sea in Tunisia?

On the western side, Tunisia borders on Algeria. In the southeast it has a border with Libya. Almost the entire coast of Tunisia with a length of 1200 km is a gulf, the largest of which are Gabes and Hammamet.

Not everyone knows that two islets - Djerba and Kerkenna - are the property of Tunisia.

The main part of the territory of Tunisia is desert. Approximately a third of the country is the spurs of the Atlas Mountains, a small part of the territory is occupied by savannahs.
The highest point in Tunisia, Jebel Chambi, reaches a height of only 1544 m, and the lowest point in Tunisia, Chott el Garsa, is 17 m below sea level.

Political system

Tunisia is a unitary state, a presidential republic.
All issues are decided by the head of state - the president, who is elected for a term of 5 years. The legislature is the House of Representatives (unicameral parliament) with 182 seats.

Everything you need to know about the climate in Tunisia

For tourists, the most important information about the climate in Tunisia is not that the Mediterranean climate prevails in the country, but that even in the hottest months of the holiday season in Tunisia (July and August), high temperatures (+ 33ºC-35ºС) are quite favorably tolerated from due to high levels of air dryness.
Almost all tourists who want to enjoy their holidays in Tunisia do not hide their delight regarding the long swimming season, which lasts from the second half of May to the end of October (sometimes the water remains warm even in early November).

Everything you need to know about the visa to Tunisia

The most important information for tourists regarding the issue of a visa to Tunisia - Tunisia for citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is a visa-free country!
BUT!!! Such a country is only for those who fly to Tunisia on a ticket purchased through a travel agency.

Everything related to the terms of stay on a "tourist visa":

  • the period of stay for those wishing to learn as much as possible about Tunisia is no more than 1 month;
  • a travel voucher is required;
  • The passport must be valid for six months after returning from the country.

For tourists traveling independently around the country, or traveling there for a period exceeding 30 days, you need to take care of the timely issuance of a visa to Tunisia.

Everything you need to know about currency exchange in Tunisia

Currency in Tunisia - Tunisian dinar TND (1 TND = 1000 millimes)

Currency exchange points for tourists in Tunisia can be found almost everywhere: at hotel receptions, banks, airports, post offices and large shopping centers. As a rule, all of them are located within walking distance from hotels. The exchange rate may differ in different exchangers, but the difference is a penny. In Tunisia, exchange offices are equally happy with both dollars and euros.

Everything you need to know about transport in Tunisia

  1. Taxi
  2. In the settlements of Tunisia and the resort areas of the country, you can see a yellow taxi. Payment is by meter. Be sure to make sure that after landing it is turned on. The counter displays millimeters (1000 millimeters = 1 dinar). There is a flat landing fee of 430 millimeters. Next comes the payment for 1 km, which is slightly less than 1 dinar. Taxi prices double at night. The night rate is valid from 21:00 to 5:00;
  3. Rent a Car
  4. All tourists who have reached the age of 21 and have a driving experience of more than 1 year have the right to rent a car. You can arrange car rental in Tunisia at rental points in almost all resort areas of the country, on the territory of hotels or right at the airport! For tourists, the cost of car rental per day is 80TND.

Tourist safety in Tunisia

For a safe stay in the country, you only need to follow basic security measures:

  • Check the change - count the local currency right at the cash desk, often sellers try to deceive naive tourists;
  • As in any other country, valuables, documents and money should be closed in a safe for the period of your absence in the room;
  • It is highly discouraged to walk around the capital of Tunisia in shorts and with bare shoulders;
  • You can not photograph people in military uniform, the presidential palace and military facilities;
  • It is undesirable to drink water from the tap.

The beaches of Tunisia

  1. Youthful and never ceasing Sousse;
  2. Diverse and multinational Hammamet;
  3. The owner of the most snow-white coasts of the country - Mahdia;
  4. Respectable and cultural-historical Monastir;
  5. The warmest and most visited island of Djerba;
  6. Ideal for business meetings Gammarth;
  7. Secluded and unhurried Nabeul.

Difference in time

The time difference between Tunisia and Moscow is 2 hours in winter (in favor of Moscow) and 3 hours in summer.