Why do Japanese people have big eyes? Why do the Japanese draw such big eyes on anime characters. Anime - Symbolic System

Many owners of European appearance often joke that "all Asians look the same!". Is it true? Let's try to understand how the Chinese differ from the Japanese. A list of all the most striking features and differences especially for you in our article!

Ethnic information

If we compare China and Japan, it is easy to see that the first, mainland, state occupies a large area and boasts a rich multinational composition of the indigenous population. At the same time, many Chinese peoples have their own characteristics of appearance. Representatives of some of them are not at all like the Chinese, as they are represented by Russians and Europeans. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the average phenotype and some kind of standard. After all, among the representatives of the small there are people similar to the Tajiks, and similar to the Mongols.

It would seem that things should be much easier in Japan, an island state occupying a small area. But this is not entirely true, modern Japanese can differ significantly from each other in appearance. The reason for this is the immigration to the Land of the Rising Sun of residents from neighboring states. So how do the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance? If you look closely, there are still some differences.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul!

According to Europeans, the most striking sign of the Asian type of appearance is narrow. In the Chinese, this feature is most pronounced. The eyes of the Japanese are larger, often they are convex. The Chinese are more likely than the Japanese to have a single eyelid. This feature is also found among the inhabitants of Japan, but much less frequently. Very often, the eyebrows of the Chinese have a raised outer edge. For this reason, the eyes visually appear even narrower. It is worth noting that the hair and eyes of representatives of both nations are almost always dark shades.

But there is one sign that helps to understand that the hair of the people of China is tougher and more naughty. The Japanese, on the other hand, have softer and silkier hair.

Characteristic facial features

An inexplicable fact - the bones of the Japanese are thinner than those of the Chinese. For this reason, the physique itself is usually more fragile, and the figure is somewhat more elegant. At the same time, the head of the Japanese is larger than that of the Chinese. Residents of Japan have a more elongated oval face. A characteristic feature is a protruding nose, while among the Chinese it is often flattened. The faces of the Chinese are broader, with emphasized cheekbones, sometimes with large cheeks.

The inhabitants of China are noticeably distinguished from the Japanese by darker skin, often it has a yellowish tint. In Japan, a whitened face is considered the highest chic. At the same time, the skin of the locals is quite light in itself.

What is the visual difference between a Chinese and a Japanese? A popular joke is that the people of Japan are like fish. The Chinese are often compared to kittens. Perhaps this comparison is rather abstract, but many agree with it.

Makeup secrets and beauty concepts

The concepts of beauty and aesthetics of the Japanese and Chinese differ markedly. In China, many women devote too little time to taking care of themselves and their own appearance. In many provinces of this country, for example, you can see a lady in pajamas or home clothes on the street. The appearance of Chinese men can also often be described with reference to a lack of desire for neatness.

The Japanese, on the contrary, are too sensitive to personal hygiene and cleanliness in principle. You will never see a representative of this nation in a public place with unwashed hair or dirty nails. Japanese women like to emphasize the whiteness of the face, choosing the lightest tonal means.

Women in China are much more likely than in Japan to dye their hair in unnatural colors. Another feature of Chinese women is the use of special stickers and glue to create a "European" double eyelid. When it comes to make-up, the natural and modest version is the most popular in Japan. In China, women of fashion often choose bright shades of lipsticks and eye shadows.

The physique of the Japanese and Chinese

It is believed that the average Japanese is taller than the Chinese, up to 10 centimeters. The indigenous people of Japan are distinguished by a more proportional physique. There are very few overweight people in the Land of the Rising Sun. As for the Chinese, by nature they are often of short or medium height and are distinguished by a thin physique. However, in recent years, more and more cases of obesity have been reported in China.

Most Chinese women can boast of very beautiful and slender legs. But the Japanese have problems with this. What is curious, despite the natural curvature of the legs, many residents of Japan are happy to wear leggings and high stockings.

Style of clothes

What is the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese in appearance? Residents of Japan often wear clothes from world famous European brands. At the same time, they look elegant and attractive in it. But in China, cheap clothes are more popular. The Chinese choose fake branded items, often combining colors and textures of fabrics in the most unimaginable way. There are also “fashionistas” in China - more often they are young girls and women. Most of all they love clothes and accessories with an abundance of sequins, rhinestones and beads. The fair sex from Japan does not dress in this way.

The appearance of the Japanese is often characterized as modest and elegant. In this country, only a few of the locals wear clothes made of fabric with large patterns or bright prints, while in China such things are quite popular. Tracksuits are quite popular among Chinese men. Many choose them as everyday wear. In Japan, it is customary to have separate clothes for each occasion and activity. It is unlikely that you will ever see a Japanese in a tracksuit somewhere outside the fitness center.

Behavior and propriety

The Japanese and Chinese have differences even in the manner of communication. Residents of Japan speak clearly and quite quietly. Their culture provides for an abundance of subtle polite gestures. Expressing their respect, the representatives of this nation nod approvingly (a symbolic bow). If you observe the communication of a group of Japanese from the side, you can be amazed at their politeness and calmness. In Japan, in principle, it is not customary to raise your voice in a public place and interrupt the interlocutor.

The Chinese communicate quite differently. It is believed that this nation is one of the noisiest among all Asians. Chinese people are quite impulsive. During a conversation, they can shout loudly, actively gesticulate, waving their arms. And it's better not to tell them that it's indecent. The eyes of the Chinese will express surprise at such a statement, but, most likely, their owner will not even understand his mistake. After all, in this country all the inhabitants communicate emotionally.

Language and other features

You can distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese by listening to the speech. To the ear, Japanese is perceived as quite rigid, with an abundance of consonants, while in Chinese vowels are much more common. Another interesting feature of the Japanese language is monotony, it practically does not use intonation and stress.

China and Japan have different traditions and customs, and the mentality of the inhabitants of these countries also differs significantly. The Chinese are more pragmatic, while the Japanese, on the contrary, are distinguished by their craving for contemplation and philosophy. You can trace these features in all spheres of life.

In Japan, traditionally, special attention is paid to beauty and rituals. Even a simple meal in this country comes down to admiring the design of the dish. The Chinese, on the other hand, are not so fastidious, very often they seek to satisfy physical needs first of all. The eyes of the Japanese are able to see the beauty in small things, it is for this reason that the representatives of this nation strive for perfection in all its manifestations. The Chinese, on the other hand, prefer to think less about aesthetics and higher matters.

It is clear that people living in South Asia have a significant similarity, which makes it difficult for people to distinguish between people from different nationalities. Koreans, Chinese and Japanese have similar physical and behavioral characteristics, unlike people from other countries. The similarity between Chinese and Japanese is so deep that one can refer to a Japanese as a Chinese citizen and vice versa. However, despite the large number of similarities, there are a significant number of differences between Chinese and Japanese faces.

Description of Japanese faces

The Japanese face has its own significant properties, different from the faces of the Chinese or other people living in Asia. Some of the properties of the Japanese face include longer and broader faces, a pale face, especially for people living in the cold areas of northern Japan, and large, downward-pointing eyes.

Description of Chinese faces

It is easy to spot a Chinese person simply by the look of his or her eyes, especially for those people who constantly interact with the Chinese people. One of their distinctive facial features is that they have a round face with smaller eyes that point down.

1) The complexion of the Chinese and Japanese

One of the main differences between Japanese and Chinese is their complexion. Although most of them seem to have a similar white or red complexion, the Japanese living in northern Japan have a pale complexion. In addition, the Aomoni and Hokkoido minority tribes have pale skin on their faces, which is largely due to northern Japan's climatic conditions, which are cold throughout the year. On the other hand, the Chinese have a mixed complexion due to the differences in the tribes from the Han Dynasty and the marriage between these tribes. However, the majority of the Chinese population has a white complexion.

2) Face shape for Chinese and Japanese faces

The shape of the face is another distinctive aspect that people who study the differences between the two nationalities must understand. The Japanese have a longer and broader face, which makes them appear as if they have a large head. Interestingly, their faces do not appear to be regular in shape, but are usually described as being longer and broader, making them look broader. It is not the same for the Chinese people. The Chinese have a round face, which makes them easy to spot, especially when they are in other countries. Most Chinese people have a certain shape on their faces that almost looks like a perfect circle.

3) Angle of eyes on Chinese and Japanese faces

Although the Japanese and Chinese have fewer eyes that seem to be the same for all Asian tribes, there is some contrast between Chinese and Japanese eyes that any person who pays closer attention can easily detect. If you have a closer look, it's clear that the Japanese usually have "worm-shaped eyes" with an almond-shaped, hooded, parallel eye shape. In addition, their eyes appear to be slightly large and directed downwards. On the other hand, the Chinese have eyes with a focal area above the eyelids and below the eyes. What's more, their eyes are medium to smaller in size and are usually angled down.

4) Facial Expression of Chinese and Japanese Faces

Facial expression refers to the emotional aspect that is expressed through the face after a person is confronted with something that either comes out, annoys or surprises among other aspects. When Japanese people are exposed to such conditions, they tend to display a scowl caused by their large eyes. On the other hand, Chinese people have a pronounced facial expression that shows as if they are smiling when they are subjected to an emotional aspect that is either surprising, aroused, or annoying among others. This means that it is difficult to explain whether a Chinese person is annoying, happy, or even surprised.

5) Prominent feature on Chinese and Japanese faces

Their main features in the face of the Japanese are their eyes. This is because they are large and easy for anyone to see. In addition, they have a longer and broader face, which gives a bigger look to the eyes, making them one of the prominent facial features. On the other hand, the Chinese have a round and small face, which makes their eyes less visible.

6) Makeup

Japanese and Chinese women use makeup on their faces, which can be used as a factor in distinguishing between two similar nationalities. Japanese women use neutral makeup styles, which means it's hard to tell if they've put makeup on their face. The Chinese use a smoky eye and red lipstick and can easily be identified among the different tribes from Asia.

The difference between Chinese and Japanese faces

Summary of Chinese and Japanese faces

  • Understanding the differences between the faces of the Japanese and Chinese peoples is an important aspect, since a person will be able to easily distinguish between these two nationalities.
  • Tour guides and the hospitality industry need to understand the various aspects of the face of the Japanese and Chinese people so that they can use the appropriate language to communicate with them during travel travel and entertainment joints.
  • In addition, interacting with people who use their native language makes them feel valued and develop a sense of belonging to a new environment.

If you have never watched Japanese anime in your life, then “ohayo”, “itadakimas” and “nani-i-i ?!” for you only empty sets of sounds. According to some reports, as of 2016, more than 12,000 cartoons and anime series were produced in the world, but I suspect that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

The main feature of anime characters is huge half-faced eyes. But why in this way and not otherwise? What is the secret of big eyes?

There are several interesting theories, serious and not so. Let's get to know them.

1. Anime - symbolic system

This means that the eyes are a kind of matrix of the hero and can tell a lot about his character.

So, friendly and positive characters have big, shiny and full of life eyes.

In negative characters, they are narrowed, sometimes closed or shaded with bangs. Often they are drawn like the eyes of a snake or a bird of prey.

The cunning and emphatically polite characters have fox eyes - all the time closed, as if in a smile.

Neutral characters can have fairly large eyes, but with small pupils. And if the hero’s soul is taken away or his will is magically deprived, his eyes will completely dim, lose their glare and become lifeless.

Children's eyes are often drawn huge, senile ones - small with a pupil-point.

Glasses of various shapes and sizes are a must for wise men and evil geniuses, otaku guys and humble chans. This accessory is worn by a quarter of the most famous anime characters, for example, Alucard from the Hellsing anime.

2. It all started with Astroboy

Astroboy - the hero of Osamu Tezuka's 1952 manga - became the first anime character with big eyes, before that the animators did not accentuate them. Tezuka borrowed this feature from Disney, and it stuck.

Astro Boy has created an unprecedented buzz, and even after 60 years, the trappings of the manga and anime series are still popular in Japan and abroad. In addition, the robot boy became one of the national symbols of Japan, and his story marked the beginning of "fur" - a subgenre of anime about huge humanoid machines. "Transformers" and "Evangelion" are from this series.

Big eyes with wide pupils - it's just beautiful. Remember how much affection small children and cats cause. On the other hand, cynical doctors may hint at swollen eyes with thyroid disease. Don't ruin the romance, gentlemen!

4. The Japanese are jealous

Perhaps the most common theory. It's simple: the Japanese have narrow eyes - they envy us and complex - come off in anime to the fullest. Do not hit with slippers, but in my opinion, there is some truth in this. How else to explain the rampant beauty trend for make-up that enlarges the eyes among Japanese, Korean and Chinese women?

Do you watch anime? Which theory seems to you the most viable? Share your opinion with us, and also check out the work of the Russian artist who.

When Europeans encounter representatives of the Mongoloid race, they involuntarily exclaim: “Yes, they all look the same!” Chinese, Japanese, Koreans - they all seem similar to us, but this is only at first glance. Let's say right away: it is not easy to distinguish them without practice. Even one Asian is not so easy to determine the national identity of another. Let's try to figure it out...

Mongoloid race

How to visually distinguish its representatives


  • The Chinese nation consists of 56 different nationalities, and some of them are not at all like the Chinese in our view. It is not easy to create a generalized portrait of a Chinese, but there are still some common features. The faces of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are more rounded, and the cheekbones are the widest. The Chinese, compared to the Japanese and Koreans, have the darkest skin, so they do not like to sunbathe.

    The Chinese are the most impulsive and restless among these Asian peoples. They usually talk loudly and may spit on the ground in a public place. The Chinese approach the choice of clothing much more democratically than the same Japanese.

  • Japanese

  • It is believed that Japanese faces elongated and oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. Chinese noses may be wider at the bridge, while Japanese ones will simply be larger. It is also believed that the Japanese have larger heads.

    Japanese women often use pale white makeup and use active whitening products. It is believed that the Japanese and Japanese women are the whitest among Asians. The Japanese are extremely reserved and delicate, so in Japan, even in public places, it is always very quiet. Interestingly, Japanese women are recognized as the most slender women in the world.

  • Koreans

  • Korean faces are flatter, with high, square cheekbones. Koreans tend to have single eyelids rather than double eyelids. Koreans are noticeably larger and taller than the Japanese and Chinese. The Korean language is considered melodious and is replete with vowel sounds. However, the speech of the people of Korea is distinguished by expression and many accompanying gestures.

    For South Koreans, beauty plays an extremely important role. They are sure that a woman's success, her chances of a good marriage and a well-paid job directly depend on how she looks. According to the data, there is one procedure for changing the appearance of five women in Seoul. So if the beauty of an Asian representative seems too perfect for you, then most likely it is a Korean.

    Many girls go under the plastic surgeon's knife to look like actress Kim Tae Hee. Her appearance is considered ideal. It got to the point where all 20 Miss Korea 2013 finalists look like twins.

  • In the 18th century, the Japanese captain Daikokuya Kodai spent 10 years in Russia against his will. It happened like this: in 1783, a merchant ship under the control of Kodai got into a storm and lost control, and only after seven months of wandering in the Pacific Ocean, the ship was washed up on one of the Aleutian Islands. The crew lived for four years among the natives and Russian industrialists. The Japanese spent another year in Kamchatka, and then the local authorities sent them to Irkutsk and, finally, to St. Petersburg - to submit a request to return to their homeland.

    In November 1793, Captain Kodai and his colleague Isokichi were interrogated, and Katsuragawa Hoshu, who was present at the reception, compiled a protocol document “A record of the reception by the shogun of those who were wrecked.” Then, based on the protocol and Dutch literature, he prepared a work of 11 chapters - "A summary of what he heard in the northern regions." It became the first written evidence of the Japanese about Russia. Since Japan followed a policy of isolation from the outside world, the records were considered secret and kept in government offices. Hoshu's work was found only at the beginning of the 20th century, and published in 1937.

    Here are some excerpts from Katsuragawa Hoshu's book:

    1. There are 31 letters in the Russian alphabet, all letters have a sound, but do not have a meaning. Put together, several letters form one word, and only then does the meaning appear.

    2. In Russia, the production of five cereals is very small, so all salaries are paid in cash.

    3. Churches are much higher than the houses of ordinary people and are built in such a way that they gradually narrow upwards. The roofs are round, like an inverted pot, and in the center they put a cross covered with brass. The main building of the temple and the bell tower are the same. There are many round holes for pigeons around the roof.

    4. Russians have blue eyes, very large noses, and brown hair. Russian hair grows from the day of birth, so it is very thin and soft. Both noble and common people shave their beards, only among the peasants you can meet people with beards.

    5. The inhabitants of Siberia have black hair and eyes. The men generally dress like the Dutch.

    6. The women all dress in German fashion. Women with ruddy faces are considered beautiful among them.

    7. Throughout the country in the summer go to bed from 8 to 10 pm, and get up from 3 hours 30 minutes to 5 hours 30 minutes in the morning. In winter, they go to bed from 9 to 11 o'clock in the evening, and get up from 12 o'clock to 2 hours 40 minutes in the afternoon. This is because the day at this time is very short and the night is very long.

    8. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, and not only there, but throughout the country, the old Russian language is not used, but often mixed with French and German. Etiquette is completely based on French rules.

    9. Since the country is located close to the north, it is very cold everywhere. Usually snow falls from the end of September and lies until April-May.

    10. It is especially cold in Yakutsk and St. Petersburg, because they are located closer to the north. Often there is such a frost that ears and noses fall off, and sometimes even arms and legs are left without.

    11. In summer, there is no particular heat, even in unlined cloth clothes it usually does not get hot. In such a cold country, of course, five grains do not grow. Sow only buckwheat, tobacco, cucumbers, watermelons, beans, radishes, carrots, turnips and lettuce. Rice is brought from Turkey, so rice is very expensive there.

    12. Officials attach a flower woven from silk to their hats: the military - a white flower, civilians - a black one.

    13. Both men and women, after they do their hair, sprinkle it with powder, and the hair becomes like gray. People of the lower classes use potato powder for this.

    14. Both men and women ride horses, but women, sitting in the saddle, bend one leg and put it on top of the saddle, and hang the other. However, lower-class women ride in the same way as men, mounted on horseback.

    15. Babies lie in hanging boxes, where a cloth mattress stuffed with bird down is laid out. When the baby cries, the box is shaken.

    16. For everyone - both noble and simple - one husband has one wife, they do not give birth to concubines.

    17. Foreigners are allowed to marry Russians, but for this they must accept the Russian faith and change their first and last name. Otherwise, marriage is not allowed.

    18. When a child is born, all relatives come to inquire about his health and bring money. A richer person is chosen from relatives and acquaintances, and he, as the betrothed father, gives the newborn a name.

    19. Medicine is not divided into therapy and surgery: one person deals with the treatment of eye, dental, female and children's diseases. In addition, there are pharmacists who are called apothecaries and run pharmacies.

    20. In the capital, Negroes are always kept in the families of officials and the rich, sometimes three or four people, and sometimes seven or eight. It also happens that black men and women are brought in so that they have children. Their faces are as black as black lacquer, their noses are wide, their lips are everted and very red, only the soles of their feet are white.

    21. About five versts from Petersburg there is a large island, where foreign merchant ships constantly flock to. This explains that, although almost nothing is produced in Russia, everything is completely satisfied with the products of other countries.

    22. The author translates the Russian words “vodka”, “wine”, “beer” in his dictionary in a descriptive way: his vodka is “good sake”, wine is “bad sake”, beer is “muddy sake”.

    23. The order of meals on ordinary days is as follows: first they eat ham with bread, then chicken soup, after it beef, then fish broth, after which round dough balls filled with milk.

    This is followed by a roast goose, and at the end they eat thin porridge. Finally, sweets are served, then they wash their hands, rinse their mouths, drink coffee, smoke and get up from the table. After dinner, both noble and common people lie down to sleep for an hour.

    24. A lot of sugar and butter are added to the dishes. Before cooking, fish and poultry are stuffed with grapes, white plums, oranges covered with sugar, as well as rice or cereals.

    25. For ordinary people, lunch consists of one dish - meat or fish with bread. Radish is eaten raw, sprinkled with salt. Utensils consist of pewter or wooden bowls, and spoons are made of copper or wood. Beef is an everyday food both at the top and bottom.

    26. Women's roles in theaters are performed by real women, as a result of which sometimes there are cases of debauchery in the theater.

    27. There are three brothels in St. Petersburg and three on Vasilyevsky Island. In addition, there are also secret lairs of individual prostitutes in various places. The rules there are very strict, and if such an illegal prostitute is found, then not only her, but also her guest is punished.

    28. In Russia, neither the New Year nor the five seasonal holidays are celebrated at all, and the birthday of the Empress is considered a joyful holiday, celebrated throughout the country by both noble and ordinary people. The birthdays of the heir to the throne and the grandchildren of the Empress are celebrated in the same way.

    29. In Russia, many pets are castrated. Thanks to this, they grow fat well and the color of their coat becomes more beautiful.

    30. Petersburg is the new capital of Russia, it was built in the highest degree beautifully. The houses are all brick, four or five stories high. The dwellings of ordinary residents do not differ much from the houses of government officials.

    31. Russians are tall, large, with a correct posture, they are distinguished by a respectful and peaceful character, but at the same time they are brave, decisive and stop at nothing. They do not like idleness and idleness.

    The article is illustrated with frames from the 1992 Russian-Japanese film "Dreams of Russia" - a film adaptation of Yasushi Inoue's novel about the adventures of Japanese sailors led by Daikokuya Kodai.