Small carved dragon age figurine. Dragon Age gifts: to whom to give what gifts. What to give Leliana

The passages of the quests are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and find out something unnecessary would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.

Sequence of events:

Ostagar and Korcari Wilds

After arriving in Ostagar and meeting with King Cailan, Duncan speaks of the need to go through the ritual of Initiation into the Gray Wardens. But first, you should find Alistair, another Gray Warden, in the northeastern part of the camp, and return with him to Duncan's bonfire. While exploring Ostagar and searching for Alistair, you can additionally:

  • take two side quests- The Hungry Deserter and the Mabari Wolfhound,
  • talk to the pacified magician, codex: The Tranquil,
  • get an audience with Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir, codex: King Maric Theirin,
  • talk with the leader of the Ash warriors near the kennel, codex: The Legend of Luthias Dwarfson,
  • follow the elf messenger Pick, who brought orders to the warriors of Ash, catch him at Loghain's tent, lie that you have an order and, if your influence is enough, convince him to give you Ser Garlen's Sword,
  • chat with Wynne,
  • bargain with the quartermaster (first backpack),
  • meet two other initiates - Daveth and Sir Jory.

To carry out the ritual of Initiation, three vials with the blood of the creatures of darkness are needed, so you, in the company of Alistair, Davet and Jori, go to the Wild Lands of Korcari to get them. At the same time, you can take on several side quests there. Vials of blood will be found on the bodies of defeated Genlocks and Harlocks. As soon as you get the bottles and figure out the hiding place Gray Wardens(see below), you can return to Ostagar. The initiation will take place in the destroyed temple, at the site of your first meeting with Alistair. You need to drink the blood of the creatures of darkness, as a result, your hero will be the only survivor of the three initiates, Davet and Jori’s things will be added to your inventory.

Note: After returning to Ostagar, you can buy a second backpack from the quartermaster and open the mages' chest (if you have the deserter's key), because... the pacified magician moves away from the chest.

In addition to the vials with the blood of the creatures of darkness, Duncan asks to find ancient treaties in the Korcari Wilds regarding obligations to support the Gray Wardens, in order to be able to refresh someone’s memory. According to Duncan, the papers lie in a magically sealed chest at the site of the destroyed Gray Guardians outpost. These ruins are located behind a bridge with traps and an ambush of creatures of darkness. However, the chest is already empty by the time you arrive. The disappearance of the treaties is explained by the sudden appearance of Morrigan, who invites you to take a walk to the hut of her mother, Flemeth, who took these papers for safekeeping, since the protective seal on the chest had long since decayed. After receiving the contracts from the hands of Flemeth, you can return to Ostagar.

Duncan invites you to attend a meeting between King Cailan on the tactics of the upcoming battle. The plan is quite simple - the king and the Gray Guardians lure the creatures of darkness into an attack, and Teyrn Loghain strikes from the flank at the decisive moment. At the council, your role is determined - you and Alistair at this decisive moment must light a fire on the tower of Ishal, which, in fact, will be a signal for Loghain.

Note: Pay attention to the speech of the magician Uldred, in addition, this is the last time you can complete side quests in Ostagar.

The quest begins with a run to the tower along a bridge that is under fire - be careful, the flaming debris can knock you off your feet. Near the gate you will be met by a guard who will tell you that the tower has been captured by the creatures of darkness, who got inside through the recently discovered deep tunnels (you can hear about them from the same guard even before the Initiation), and they are swarming around the tower. Depending on who your character is, certain temporary party members will be added:

  • if a magician, then a tower guard and a soldier will join,
  • if a noble person (i.e., has a companion dog), then one circle magician will join,
  • in other cases, a tower guard and a circle mage.

Ishala Tower - first floor. There is a mud trap (tripwire) at the entrance, in addition, the Genlock emissary will start a fire, so you should not launch a frontal attack, it will be easier to shoot at least some of the enemies from afar with arrows and magic. Next follow two rooms filled with creatures of darkness, regardless of the door you choose, genlocks and harlocks from another room will come running to the sounds of battle.

Ishala Tower - second floor. Again, ambushes by Genlocks and Harlocks. Again, don’t go head-on - you can bypass the largest ambush through the left room and make your task easier with the help of ballistas.

Ishala Tower - third floor. There are possible allies here - three mabari war dogs locked in cages. You can free them and go through this level with them.

Ishala Tower - top floor. There is only one enemy, but it is an ogre and it is not easy to kill. The most effective strategy for fighting ogres is based on the use of ranged spells, at least such as paralysis and weakness from the school of entropy (they are wielded by a temporarily attached magician). Therefore, it is worth taking the magician under direct control, and giving the rest the role of tanks. On the ogre's body there is a yew shield Havard's Aegis.

Having defeated the ogre, you finally light the signal fire, but Tairn Loghain unexpectedly orders Lady Cauthrien to sound a retreat. King Cailan, Duncan and the entire army die under the onslaught of superior enemy forces. New crowds of creatures of darkness burst into the tower of Ishal, your hero and Alistair will certainly experience the same thing, but Flemeth intervenes in the events, turning into a giant bird, she carries both of them out of the tower...


After a miraculous rescue from the tower of Ishal, your hero and Alistair near Flemeth’s hut decide to gather an army to fight the Blight - from dwarves, elves, magicians, Earl Eamon’s people and others. Flemeth orders Morrigan to join the Gray Wardens, she reluctantly agrees and suggests that they first look into a small settlement to the north, Lothering, to find out news and replenish supplies. Beyond Lothering lies the Imperial Road - a road that runs through the whole of Ferelden, it can lead anywhere you want: to Redcliffe, the Brecilian Forest, the tower of the Circle of Mages or the dwarven city of Orzammar.

The world map becomes available, but for the first time you can only travel to Lothering or the camp. Lothering's choice causes a video of a meeting in Denerim to be shown, where Bann Teagan Guerrin, the younger brother of Earl Eamon, publicly reproaches Loghain, who declared himself regent under Queen Anora (his daughter), for an unreasonable retreat from the battlefield.

If your hero is not a person of noble origin (i.e., you don’t have your own dog yet) and the Mabari Wolfhound quest is completed, then on the way to Lothering you will meet a dog fighting the creatures of darkness, after the battle the dog will join your party.

Upon arrival in Lothering, you will stumble upon bandits, from a conversation with their leader you can find out that Loghain accused the Gray Guardians of treason. The inhabitants of Lothering will confirm this, and several refugees wanting to get money for the heads of the Gray Wardens will even set up an ambush outside the northern gate.

Since the local bann has taken all his soldiers away and left Lothering unprotected, everyone in the settlement is doomedly waiting for the attack of the creatures of darkness (you should complete more side quests while staying here). North of Lothering there is access to the Imperial Road, where you will meet two dwarf traders, Bodahn Feddic and his son Sandal, attacked by creatures of darkness. Help them out and they will join you in the camp, also if you ask Bodan about the reward, he will pay gold. Next, your path lies to the camp, and from there you can begin any of the four Pestilence subquests (note that upon completion of any of them, Lothering will be ruined).

Note: There are two companions you can find in Lothering - Leliana and Stan.

Broken Circle

During this quest, you can join the party with Wynne, the best healer in the game, and receive many bonuses to various attributes.

Back in Lothering, you will hear that something is wrong in the Tower, and on the pier of Lake Calenhad you will find the templar Carroll, who does not want to let anyone in there. He will have to be persuaded or intimidated, in addition, you can use the help of Morrigan, Stan or Leliana (by selecting the topic “Maybe we can come up with something?”).

In the Tower, you learn from knight-commander Gregor (Greagoir) that the situation is out of the control of the templars, the door to the first floor is closed, and behind it there are a mix of magicians, templars and possessed. Gregor has already sent a messenger to Denerim in order to obtain the Right of Destruction and there is no question of help in the fight against the Blight. Of course, you can try to figure out what is going on inside the Tower, but the door will be locked behind you, and Gregor will believe that everything is in order only if the First Sorcerer Irving himself tells him so. That is, there will be no way back until the quest is completed.

Circle Tower - first floor. In the students' rooms you will meet Wynn and several magicians protecting children from the demon. After killing the demon, a conversation will take place, as a result of which you can team up with Wynn or force her to fight with you. Regardless of your choice, the protective barrier on the way to the second floor will be removed. You can also start two side quests here - Guardian of the Limit and the Science of Summoning.

Circle Tower - second floor. At the entrance to the rooms of the senior magicians, you will see the pacified storekeeper Owain, who will report that a certain magician Niall took from him the Litany of Adralla, which does not allow blood magicians to control the mind. There will be demons, the living dead and blood mages everywhere. For fun, you will meet the magician Godwin, hiding in one of the closets; you can kill him or send him back to the closet.

Along the way, don't miss gifts for companions - a Water-Stained Portrait, The Rose of Orlais, a Silver Chain, a Chantry Amulet and, of course, a Black Grimoire in Irving's office for Morrigan, with which the quest will begin Flemeth's Real Grimoire, and there is also a Small Painted Box (quest Friends of Red Jenny). In addition, by activating the overturned statue in the hall, you can summon the Revenant (quest The Black Vials).

Circle Tower - third floor. This floor is also filled with enemies: undead, demons, enchanted templars, and Arcane Horror. Here you can activate four statues for the Guardian of the Limit quest and find important notes (Five pages, four magicians). Gifts for companions: Small Gold Bar and White Runestone.

Circle Tower - fourth floor. Meetings with a demon who has bewitched a templar (and you can avoid a fight by allowing the demon to evaporate along with the victim) and a group of enchanted templars led by a blood mage (in both cases, you should initially deal with the magicians). Gift: Blonde in the sun, vintage (Sun Blonde Vint-1). Next, you will inevitably be stopped by the demon of idleness and will inevitably fall into the Shadow.

The nightmare will have to take place in a certain sequence (with slight variations). There are illuminated containers everywhere (in the form of cauldrons, weapon racks, etc.) that contain essences that constantly increase the character's attributes, so you should not pass by them.

Weishaupt- here you need to defeat the false Duncan and get out of your own nightmare.

The Raw Fade- talk to Niall, who also fell into the clutches of the demon of idleness, and learn from him about the system of islands in this section of the Shadow, controlled by various demons. Along these islands you can get to the central one with the main demon, but you see that it is not possible to move around them in your usual appearance everywhere. Then step into the shadow portal and take on the form of a mouse, intervening in the battle between the mouse and the demon (skills: stealth). You will then be able to enter small mouse holes.

Darkspawn Invasion- help the Templar Spirit in battle and get the guise of a spirit (skills: Winter's Grasp, Crushing Prison, Regeneration). Doors for spirits are now available to you, but opening heavy doors and you are not yet able to penetrate the fiery barriers.

*In Ostagar you can chat with the imprisoned deserter (you can find him near the place where you first meet Jory (a Gray Warden recruit with a two-handed sword)). By asking him about the reasons why he is there, you can find out that he has the key to the magicians' chest in Ostagar. After fulfilling his request, you will receive this key. The chest is guarded by a pacified one, but after initiation into the Gray Guardians, he will move away from the chest and you can use the key and get several useful things.
*In the Korcari Wilds follow the location to the right. First, you will stumble upon Rigby's corpse, then you will find a camp of the creatures of darkness. In the camp you can find a note about Hasindian signs. On Rigby's body, as far as I remember, you can find a note about a thief between two statues. If you, after helping the wounded soldier, move to the left, you will find ruins near which wolves are fighting with the creatures of darkness. In the ruins will lie the body of a man who will have a note about the location of the cache. In general, one cache is located in the eastern camp of the creatures of darkness, where you can learn about the Hasindian signs, and the road to the second cache leads along the stones through the swamp, which lie along the columns-remnants of the ancient empire. They can be found if, before meeting the garlock emissary on the bridge, you go in the opposite direction along the swamp, keeping to the northern shore.
*In the Korcari Wilds Several Hasindian signs can be found. If you find them all (if you find one sign, new ones may appear, and in those places where you have already passed), then a mark will appear on the map indicating the Hasindian cache (after the bridge where you meet with the emissary of the creatures of darkness, you can turn right and find yourself in a lowland - a fallen tree is a hiding place).
*In the Korcari Wilds After killing the Genlock emissary, you can loot the person’s corpse and pick up a pinch of ashes and a note. Go left and climb up a small hill where there is a pile of stones. Pour the ashes there and thereby summon the spirit. Kill him and take the loot.
*Guide items are needed so that your mabari marks them, thereby increasing their fighting qualities in a given territory.
*In the Tower of Mages There are a lot of hiding places and puzzles.
Firstly, these are summoning rituals. In the library, examine the table littered with books and start the quest. You will need to activate the items in this library in a specific sequence. The sequence order for the first 3 summoning circles will be written in your code diary. use TAB to find the required items. During the second summoning, the robber will appear and disappear. Subsequently, the circle of magicians will give you the task of killing this robber spirit, as he will attack traveling merchants. A fourth summoning circle will appear in the next library room. To activate it, you will need to use the sequences for all 3 previous circles in a row. The circle will summon a certain person, who will then disappear very quickly. There are rumors that if you manage to steal it, a new entry will be added to the code.
Secondly, you may find a note indicating a hiding place (something about a big spot). The cache is located under the bed in one of the students' rooms.
Third, You can collect notes that form the quest "Guardian of the Reach". It is necessary to use the statues in a certain sequence on the 3rd floor in the recreation hall and in the hall with the Pacified One, who is babbling something about awkward situation, having collided with one of the demons. The sequence is indicated in the code diary. Please note that with the correct sequence, NO animation is played, so if your character just walked up to the statue, but nothing happened, do not hesitate to repeat the “use” command, because in fact the statue is already activated. After activating the 4th statue in the room with the subdued, go to the first floor, where you met with Winn and try to open the basement. thereby you will summon a powerful spirit that will need to be killed.
*Being in the Shadow and having access to all 4 forms, do not forget to explore all locations again. Bonuses to characteristics are never superfluous.
*If the enemy is strong and you cannot kill him head-on, try the following tactics: Move your characters in different directions and give them long-range weapons. The enemy will rush towards one of the 4 characters. Then take control of this character and start running away from the enemy in such a way that he cannot hit you. At this time, the remaining characters will pick at the opponent.
For example:
1) (spoiler) When I killed Flemeth, I took the fattest tank and sent him straight to the dragon, sent the rest around the corner of the hut so that the dragon’s AoE attacks would not reach these party members and they could shoot the poor old lady with impunity (put all 4 of them in range It won’t work, because Flemeth will start constantly shooting fire AoE balls and no healing will survive this). The release tank should stick to Flemeth's side (between the front and back paws), since he will be hit by tail blows from behind and claw blows from the front. Flemeth will constantly move and the tank must also change its position so as not to receive powerful blows to the forehead. Damage to the tank in this case is inevitable, but this tactic minimizes this damage to a significant extent.
2) In the battle with the dragon guarding the entrance to the urn with Andraste’s ashes, it would be best to place the characters at the 4 corners of the world far enough apart from each other so that the dragon, turning to one companion, does not bludgeon the other with its tail. As a result, all 4 companions use a ranged attack against the dragon, and when it switches to a certain member of the squad, you begin to move further away from the dragon in a receding arc, avoiding blows and fiery breath.
3) When you free the queen from Howe Castle, your way to the exit will be blocked by a crowd of guards led by a hellishly powerful boss woman. However, it is quite possible to destroy this entire crowd if you have the necessary abilities. So, while going through this quest in the party I had: Alistair (shield and sword; templar and knight), Liliana (archer; bard and ranger), Morrigan (dd/disable/healer; werewolf and spiritual healer), GG(dd; combat magician and spiritual healer). The key to solving the problem for me was Morrigan's ability - Sleep. So, what exactly is the tactic: After a short conversation, the battle begins and Morrigan immediately throws Sleep in such a way as to affect all opponents in the room. Naturally, this most likely will not affect the boss. This is what we need. As soon as Morrigan has released a spell that flies to the target, you lead your characters out of the room. This must be done as quickly as possible, as the boss will immediately run to attack. Running out of the room, direct your heroes along the corridor to the opposite door, where there is a large hall and two tables. As soon as the boss runs out of the room with the soldiers, close the door with some character so that the others, when they wake up, do not reach out to you for the boss. For this, it is best to use a tracker animal, such as a bear. Having run into the room, place your heroes in the corners, so that the two most fragile heroes are on the left corners of the door, and the thickest ones are on the right. The fact is that on the left you can run between the table and the wall, running away from the boss, but on the right you cannot. The boss runs into the room, the animal closes the door and the characters begin to hit the boss with ranged attacks, and the animal (ideally) runs around the room from the boss, trying not to get hit. When the boss is killed, return to the room with the soldiers, using sleep again. While your opponents are sleeping, prepare the most hellish large-scale long-casting spells so that your opponents wake up in hell. The magician standing in the center was killed with a cheat spell “clash of mana”, the rest burned/melted/scattered into pieces/went crazy and were killed against the wall.
The game was played in a nightmare, so I can vouch for the effectiveness of the tactics.

Present V Dragon Age: Origins serve as an excellent tool for establishing, improving and strengthening relationships with companions. A good relationship - this is a guarantee to keep your companion in the squad and get a frank conversation from him. Conversations not only help you get to know your companions better, but also provide an opportunity if the main character’s class allows this and the companion has the necessary knowledge. Having achieved a trusting relationship, you can count on closer, more loving relationships. Gifts should be given taking into account the character and interests of the companion in the main camp, switching between companions directly from the inventory using the arrows and dragging the icons, which will save time on forming a squad and changing locations. Find gifts can be sold from merchants, as well as in the process of completing tasks. A positive reaction to a gift significantly increases. By giving all the gifts, you can achieve a significant improvement in relationships and trust. If the level of relationship has reached the maximum level, there is no need to give gifts. It would be wiser to save them in case of a sudden deterioration in relations, so that there is always the opportunity to quickly return everything to its place.

Gifts change approval from +1 to +10 according to the following rules:

  • Base bonus: +5.
  • If your companion likes the gift: +5.
  • For each previously given gift: -1.
  • If negative at the time of delivery: half the bonus value.
  • Minimum bonus: +1.

Companion Gift Locations in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Gifts for Alistair:
    • Small carved figurine- a box on the road at the exit from Lothering, where Bodan Feddik is first encountered.
    • Onyx demon figurine- at the tombstone in East Brecilian.
    • Cup of Dedication- Ostagar, behind the site where the initiation into the Gray Wardens took place (add-on “Return to Ostagar”).
    • White Rune Stone- possessed from the hall with the pacified tower of the Circle of Magi on the third floor.
    • Black Rune Stone- chest, the first large crossroads hall in the taiga of the Edukan house.
    • Stone dragon figurine- chest, southernmost room on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle.
    • Stone figurine of a warrior- a pile of dragon waste, the fourth hall from the entrance to the sectarian caves behind the village of Shelter.
    • Alistair's Mother's Amulet- table, central room from the main entrance to Redcliffe Castle.
    • Duncan's Shield- a secret vault of the Gray Wardens inside a trading warehouse behind the Curiosities of Thedas store in Denerim. Riordan tells how to get inside in Earl Eamon's room before, if you show him the Gray Warden documents found during the liberation of Queen Anora from the estate of Earl Denerim.
  • Gifts for Stan:
    • Portrait of a girl with geese
    • Still life in a silver frame- chest, storage on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle (the manager has the key, who attacks while clearing the castle from the undead in the next room from the central hall with Tegan and Isolde on the lower floor).
    • Totem- chest, central part of Caridin's Crossing in the Deep Roads.
    • Stan's sword- chest, Dwin's house in Redcliffe after starting Stan's personal mission.
    • Wet Portrait- burnt corpse, second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Portrait of a Rebel Queen
  • Gifts for Zevran:
    • Small silver bar- chest, church in the village of Shelter.
    • Medium Silver Bar- chest, room with Caridin in the Anvil of the Void location.
    • Antivan leather boots
    • Small gold bar- the body of an enchanted templar, third floor of the tower of the Circle of Mages.
    • Dalish Deerskin Gloves- Western Brecilian, after fighting a large shadow in an abandoned camp behind the Great Oak.
    • Medium gold bar- a bunch of treasures, a room before going down to the basement in the estate of Earl Denerim in the inner part.
  • Gifts for Oghren:
    • Garbolg Rural Reserve- give a command to the dog on the stairs when you first enter Lothering.
    • Golden braid. 4:90 PE- a box to the left of the stone bridge, from the side of the church, in Lothering.
    • El- Barlin, Dane's Hideout Tavern in Lothering. Lloyd's Tavern in Redcliffe.
    • Wilhelm's special beer- barrel, distillery in Wilhelm’s cellar in the village of Honnlit (addition “Stone Captive”).
    • Blonde in the sun, vintage- chest, first room from the entrance on the fourth floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Jug of the king of the backyard
    • White cut- sarcophagus, lower level of the ruins, in the side room from the hall in East Brecilian.
    • Mead from a Hasindian bag- dusty scrolls, the second western rooms of the sectarians in the destroyed temple behind the village of Refuge.
  • Gifts for Wynne:
    • Wine- innkeeper from the Spoiled Princess tavern on the shores of Lake Calenhad.
    • The search for a true prophet- chest, Guardian rooms in the Diamond Halls of Orzammar.
    • Gerrins from Ferelden. Genealogy- bookshelf, in the first room from the entrance to the top floor of Redcliffe Castle.
    • Secrets of Dragon Blood- bookshelves, the first western room at the entrance to the ruined temple behind the village of Refuge.
    • Exquisite Scroll- sarcophagus, lower level of the ruins, where the spirit boy calls his mother.
    • Rose of Orlais- a pile of books, second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Tattered notebook- does the dog find it?
  • Gifts for Leliana:
    • Steel symbol of Andraste- chest, Genitivi's brother's house in Denerim.
    • Nag- an idle dwarf from the Dusty City in Orzammar after talking with the naga beater Wrangler Bemor in the city's common halls. During the first conversation with the beater, Leliana should be in the party.
    • Grace of Andraste- West Brecilian, left path from the entrance to the location.
    • Bronze symbol of Andraste- locked box, left wing of Lothering Church.
    • Golden symbol of Andraste- Legnar, Orzammar Commons.
    • Blue satin shoes, Silver Sword of Mercy- Old Tegrin, random encounter on the global map, location “Calm Path”.
    • Amulet of the Church- the corpse of a soldier, a room with an overturned statue on the second floor of the tower of the Circle of Mages.
    • Etched silver symbol- Ruk from the Ortan teig.
  • Gifts for Morrigan:
    • Silver brooch- Varathorn, Dalish elf camp in the Brecilian Forest.
    • Gold rope necklace- Barlin. Dane's Hideout Tavern in Lothering. Bodan Feddik in the main camp.
    • Silver medallion- dragon treasure, upper level of elven ruins in East Brecilian.
    • Medallion- chest, village shop in the village of Uzhisheche.
    • Gold Demon Pendant- unlucky adventurer, testing room in front of the urn with Andraste's ashes.
    • Golden mirror, Golden amulet
    • Silver chain- dressing table, second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Black Grimoire- chest, room of the First Sorcerer Irving on the second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Grimoire of Flemeth- chest in Flemeth's hut, after studying the Black Grimoire and completing .
  • Gifts for Sheila (Shale):
    • Magnificent topaz- Farin, pass in the Frosty Mountains.
    • Magnificent malachite- quartermaster from the Circle of Mages on Lake Calenhad.
    • Magnificent sapphire- Legnar, Orzammar Commons.
    • Magnificent ruby- the ogre leader at the exit from the taiga of the house of Kadash (the “Stone Captive” add-on), or Alarith’s Shop in the elf age of Denerim.
    • Magnificent emerald- Figor, Figor's Merchandise store in the Commons of Orzammar.
    • Magnificent amethyst- Alimar, Alimar's Market shop in the Dusty City of Orzammar.
    • Magnificent Jade- Honnlit, Wilhelm's Cellar, dusty ghost.
    • Magnificent diamond- Garin, Orzammar Commons.
    • Magnificent Garnet
  • Gifts for fighting dog mabari (Mabari War Dog):
    • Beef bone- room with dragons on the fourth floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Ox bone- Western Brecilian, in the stones next to the ancient tombstone.
    • Lamb bone- chest, dog enclosures on the lower floor of Redcliffe Castle.
    • Veal bone- chest, slums in the elfinage, entrance from the backyard.
    • Found Pie- Outskirts of the Brecilian forest, give the command to the dog to the left of Elora, near the pens with the galls.
    • Tangled ball of yarn- Western Brecilian, standing under a fallen tree in front of a waterfall, give the command to the dog.
  • Gifts for Loghain Mac Tir:
    • Ancient map of the Empire- subdued from the Curiosities of Thedas store in the Denerim Trade Quarter.
    • Map of modern Ferelden- Alarit's shop in the elfinage after the battle with the slave trader Caladrius.
    • Anderfels Map- a secret vault of the Gray Wardens inside a trading warehouse behind the Curiosities of Thedas store in Denerim. Riordan tells how to get inside in Earl Eamon’s room before the Assembly of Lands, if you show him the Gray Warden documents found during the liberation of Queen Anora from the estate of Earl Denerim.
    • Map of occupied Ferelden- chest, top floor of Redcliffe Castle before the performance in Denerim on


Alistair is a gray guard who recently joined the Order of Guardians. He is the son of the late King Maric, brother of Cailan, as he admits when visiting Redcliffe. From childhood he was raised by Earl Eamon. He was given to the church, where he trained as a templar, although he did not like it.

Before taking the oath of office to the church, he was called by Duncan, to whom he was imbued with deep gratitude and friendliness. Alistair went to Ostagar, where he met the main character or heroine. He is an obligatory companion. During the Assembly of the Lands, he can become king, replaced by Loghain, or even executed. Can proclaim the heroine as his queen. The following gifts exist for Alistair: Amulet of Alistair's mother. Located in Redcliffe Castle, on the first floor. Black rune. Located in the Educan taiga. Duncan's Shield. Found at the armor stand in the market warehouse in the Denerim market. You can get there only after talking with Riordan. Onyx figurine of a demon. Found in a pile of bones in eastern Brecilian. Wooden small figurine. Found in a box in Lothering. Stone dragon figurine. Located on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle. Statuette of a stone warrior. A pile of rubbish under the destroyed temple of Andraste. White rune. Located on the third floor of the Circle of Mages.


Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth, a witch from the wild lands. He is a renegade and a werewolf. Has wild habits and routines. At the behest of Flemeth, he becomes the protagonist’s companion. Before the final battle, he proposes to perform a blood ritual, thanks to which main character will survive after fighting the Archdemon. After the battle he disappears. In the official Witch Hunt add-on, it is possible to find Morrigan in order to talk to her, either kill her, or leave with her, or say goodbye forever. Gifts for Morrigan: The book “Black Grimoire”. Found in the Circle of Mages, in the rooms of the senior magicians, in Irving's office. The book "Grimoire of Flemeth". It can only be obtained after the quest “The Real Grimoire of Flemeth”. Found in a chest in Flemeth's hut. Golden amulet. Can be purchased from a merchant named Garin, in the community halls, in Orzamar. Gold demon pendant. On the corpse in the hall with Andraste's ashes. Golden mirror. You can also buy from Garin. Gold rope necklace. Can be purchased from Bodan Feddik. Medallion. Can be found in a locked chest in the village store in the Vault. Silver brooch. You can buy it in the Dalish camp from Master Varathorn. Silver chain. She can be found in the rooms of the senior mages in the Circle of Mages. Silver medallion. Found in Dragon Treasures in Elven Ruins.


Mabari is a fighting dog. If the protagonist is a noble person, then the dog is on the team from the very beginning. In other cases, the dog can be cured and tamed by a dog groomer in Ostagar. In this case, the dog will join your party on the way to Lothering. The last chance to take in a mabari is given in the add-on to the main campaign “Return to Ostagar”. The player comes up with a nickname for the dog himself. Gifts for a dog have no practical meaning, since the dog’s attitude towards you is equal to yours at the beginning of the game. But if you find a bone somewhere, you can give it to the dog.


Leliana is a woman who was once a bard in Orlais. But her mentor Marjolaine betrayed her. After this, Leliana went to Lothering Church as a novice. She left the church because she saw a message from the Creator to help the Gray Wardens fight the pestilence. The urn of Andraste will attack the hero in the quest if the hero chooses the side of the sectarians and desecrates the ashes with dragon blood. An add-on, Leliana's Song, was also created, which tells the story of Leliana before joining the Gray Wardens. Gifts to Leliana: Andraste's Grace Flower. Radcliffe village (near the factory), western Brecilian (near the tree and waterfall), city elf quarters (near the Venadel tree). Blue satin boots. From a merchant in Orzammar (from Tegrin). Bronze symbol of Andraste. In Lothering Chapel (locked chest). Amulet of the Chapel. Can be found in the corpse of a templar in the Circle of Mages. Engraved silver symbol. In the Ortana taiga (Orzammar). Golden symbol of Andraste. Legnar's shop in Orzammar. Noog. After the quest in the dusty city. Silver sword of mercy. You can also buy from Tegrin. Steel symbol of mercy. Chest in Genitiva's brother's house.


Stan is a member of the Qunari race. Arrived on a reconnaissance mission with his squad in Ferelden. His squad was defeated during an attack by the creatures of darkness, and he himself barely survived. He was picked up by a family of peasants. But when he woke up and discovered that he did not have his sword, he killed his saviors in a state of passion. For this, the mistress of the church put him in a cage. The player has the choice to either take a stan to the team or leave him in the cage. Gifts for Stan: Portrait of a Rebellious Queen. It can be purchased from a gnome merchant in the Calm Path location during a random encounter. Portrait of a girl with geese. Can be purchased from the gnome merchant Farin in the Frosty Mountains. Still life in a silver frame. Chest on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle. Stan's sword. It can be obtained during the quest Sword of Beresad. Totem. He can be found at Caridin's Crossroads. in the chest. A wet portrait. The portrait can be found in the rooms of the senior magicians (in the Circle Tower) on a charred corpse.


Wynn is a sorceress-healer from the Circle of Mages. Helped during the battle with the creatures of darkness near Ostagar. If the hero comes to the defense of the magicians, then Winn will join him, but if not, he will attack the Gray Guardian. If the hero keeps his promise and saves the Circle of Mages, then Wynn refuses to become the First Sorcerer in the future and goes to travel with the player. If the player desecrates the urn of ashes, Wynn will attack the player. If Winn was not in the party at that moment, then when the player returns to the camp, Winn will refuse to be the player’s companion and will leave the party. Gifts for Winn: Wine. Can be purchased from many tavern owners. Orlais rose. She can be found in the rooms of the Elder Mages. Unusual scroll. Can be found on the lower level of the Elven Ruins in a sarcophagus. The book "The Search for the True Prophet." Keepers in Orzammar, in a locked chest. Old notebook. Can bring mabari regardless of time and place. Book "Genealogy of Ferelden". Found on the bookshelf at Redcliffe Castle. Book "About Dragon's Blood". Found in a destroyed tower on a bookshelf.


Zevran is a Dalish elf on his mother's side. Was sold as a child to the Antivan Ravens guild. Earl Howe hired Zevran to kill the protagonist. But Zevran fails the task and offers his services to the main character. The Gray Guardian can kill Zevran, either release him or accept him into the team. If Zevran's relationship level with you is too low, then Zevran will betray you when he meets ex-friend Taliesen. Gifts for Zevran: Dalish's Gloves. Can be found in western Brecilian, in a chest. Antivan leather boots. You can buy it in a store in the village of Ubeishche. Small silver bar. Can be found in the chapel, in the same Vault. Small gold bar. Found in the templars' rooms, in the Circle of Mages. Small silver bar. Found in the Anvil of the Void and in the mansion of Earl Denerim.


Oghren is a dwarf from the warrior caste. During the tests, he killed another warrior because of the departure of his wife Branka. After this incident, Oghren was forbidden to carry weapons, and this is a huge shame for a dwarf from the warrior caste. From that day on, everyone began to despise Ogren and he began to drink a lot in the tavern. Joins before the mission "Anvil of the Void". Gifts for Ogren: El. Can be purchased from the following merchants: Barlin (Lothering), Lloyd (Redcliffe), Rook (Ortana Teig), Bartender (tavern in Denerim). Bottle of "Golden Spit 4-90". You can find it in Lothering (in a box). A real white drink. Found on the lower level of the elven ruins (in the sarcophagus). "Solar drink" You can find it in the templars' rooms in the Circle of Mages. Garlbolg's drink. Can bring mabari regardless of time and place. Bottle of King Alley. Located in the community halls of Orzamara. Mead Liqueur. Found in a destroyed tower, in decayed scrolls.

Tairn Loghain Mac Tir

Teyrn Logain Mac Tir - Teyrn Gwaren, advisor to K. Kaylan and his father-in-law. He was a commoner, but for his military services he became famous and received the title of teyrn. Betrayed King Cailan during the Battle of Ostagar. Declared himself regent under Queen Anora. During the Assembly of the Lands, he can be killed, or accepted into the ranks of the Gray Wardens at the cost of parting with Alistair. Gifts for Loghain: Ancient map of the Empire. Sold in the Wonders of Thedas store (Denerim). Map of occupied Ferelden. Located in Redcliffe Castle (guest room). Map of Ferelden. Sold in the Alarita store (elfinage). Map of Enderfil. Sold by Denerim merchant Gorim. Map of Thedas. Located at Radcliffe Castle.


Sheila is a dwarf woman turned golem. It remained inactive for 30 years. Hates people and birds. Loves to destroy everything. You can take her into your team after completing the mission from the “Stone Captive” add-on. Gifts for Sheila include amazing stones. They can be found in the following places: Alimar's shop (dusty town), Orzammar's community halls, "Wonders of Thedas", the village where the golem was found (house cellars), Circle of Mages, Alarit's shop (elvenage), at Farin (Frost Mountains).