Animal amulets. Animal amulet according to zodiac sign. Animal talismans and their meaning. Talismans for the element of Water. Various cultures and totem

Even when our ancestors lived in a tribe, they believed that everyone had their own helper animal, which they just had to find and then turn to in difficult times. That is why they made things with a totem animal and wore them on their chests. Animals in accordance with the palace in the Svarozh circle.

Now astrology has proven that you can recognize your animal by its zodiac sign. After painstaking work, they managed to calculate their own patron for each representative. We will tell you about which constellation which totem is suitable for and in our article.

Capricorn was born under Saturn, element - Earth. Capricorns are practical and purposeful, so a black cat is their faithful companion and protector. Like Capricorn, the cat protects its possessions from evil eyes and small pests. And Capricorns themselves have some kind of mystical connection with the black cat, since they always get along well.

You can get yourself a cat - this will be ideal, since a pet is the strongest possible protector. But if there is no desire or opportunity, then you should buy a pendant, get a tattoo, or at least put a figurine in your room.

There is another amulet for the representative of this constellation - the turtle. The clumsy and slow animal nevertheless carries within itself great vitality (since they live for hundreds of years) and have limitless wisdom. The description suits Capricorn perfectly to his lifestyle. In addition, a figurine of a turtle in Japan is considered a symbol of prosperity and suits everyone, so placing a figurine or hanging a picture will be very useful.

It is clear that a goat will also be a good totem - it increases vital energy.

You can't have a baby goat as a pet, but a figurine, image or pendant won't hurt.


Despite the name, Aquarians are airy, so they constantly want freedom and change. The best amulet for Aquarius is something with wings. They help you feel inner peace and motivation to do great things.

A good amulet with wings for representatives of this constellation are figurines of birds or angels. Even an airplane will do if you are choosing a protective item for a teenager or little boy. A live bird will also work very powerfully for Aquarius representatives.


Pisces are incredibly creative. Their element gives them the opportunity to branch out, try many things, float back and forth, try different styles and invent something of their own. But at the same time, fish often go with the flow, adapt to circumstances, and therefore they do not always succeed in what is important.

Of course, for Pisces, the best amulet is fish. You can choose a necklace, a figurine, or even an aquarium with live fish. They calm you down, give you the opportunity to escape and live in some other world, and this is exactly what this sign needs.


Aries is pure fire - vain but optimistic, stubborn and driven but impulsive. They are not without a sense of humor and charm, which allows them to enjoy resounding success with the opposite sex.

But Aries, as bright personalities, still do not stop looking for magical help from outside, so quite often you can hear from them: “So what animal is my talisman?” There is nothing simpler - the name itself contains a hint. This, of course, can be not only a ram or a sheep, but also any horned animal, for example, a goat or a deer. They will also serve faithfully, especially if you place them in areas where you feel weak or need help - at work, at home, etc.


Taurus is associated with the element of Earth. He always achieves what he set out to do, solves all the difficulties that confront him, because he is very hardworking. It is pleasant to communicate with him, as he has a good sense of humor, a calmness that attracts people, and friendliness that lies behind a wide, pleasant smile.

The disadvantage is short temper. If something out of the ordinary happens, Taurus will go crazy, become a real bull in a bullfight and will not say hello to anyone who gets in his way.

The animal mascot is, of course, a bull. You can wear it as a chest decoration. It not only looks good and original, but also helps you achieve your goals and protects you from bad thoughts and evil eyes.

And also animal mascots for Taurus - an eagle owl or an owl. But they work rather for peace of mind and harmony in the family.


They belong to the element of Air. These people are usually very optimistic, creative, with incredible intuition and great optimism and vital energy. At the same time, they are vulnerable and touchy, capable of great sincerity in love and really need their feelings to be answered. That is why they are good psychologists.

The talisman for the sign of Gemini is, first of all, a wise raven. It develops excellent intuition, promotes the development of memory and thinking abilities.

You should contact him for help if:

  • nerves to the limit;
  • I don’t want to decide anything;
  • concentration is urgently needed;
  • faith in your abilities is necessary;
  • I urgently need some sign from above that would explain the situation and suggest the right way out.

In such a situation, the raven may even develop supernatural abilities and reveal your magical side.

For Gemini, it motivates to work, clears the brain of sad thoughts, inspires hope and gives inner peace and the feeling that your purpose on earth has not yet been fulfilled. The Elephant influences Gemini like a cup of delicious coffee and a pleasant conversation.


Cancer's element is Water. This is a subtle and sensitive person with amazing psychic abilities. He feels people subtly and knows how to keep secrets. He knows how to figure out others, but he himself is very secretive.

If you are asking which animal is your astrological assistant, pay attention to funny hamsters and rabbits. Another excellent choice would be cats, elephants and other totems that are characterized by caring for others and their offspring.

The most important thing is not to choose anything dull and too calm - no turtles, crayfish, or fish.

a lion

The Noble Leo carries the symbol of fire and sun. Leos are strong and noble people; they prefer to solve their problems alone, do not trust many people and often close themselves off from their families.

According to the horoscope, as in the wild, Leo is the king of animals, formidable and powerful, cruel even to those closest to him. A peace-loving ladybug will help pacify his character. Wear it as a decoration, keychain, or place a figurine, and notice how sharp character traits smooth out.

For Leos, especially females, this cannot be overstated. By buying yourself a pendant or brooch, you can reduce the repulsive power and increase sexuality.


Virgo is an earth sign. She is hardworking and practical. Adheres to the rules and laws, creates a family of convenience. He is very worried about his health and often runs to hospitals. Her decisions are clearly thought out, she waits for a reaction from those she helps, she is not talkative and keeps her plans secret.

A talisman for Virgo should be light and weightless - a grasshopper or a swallow. You can have them as pets or purchase a talisman for Virgo in the form of a figurine of these totems. Living in a house where a swallow has built a nest is the best thing one can wish for this sign, because he will be constantly protected.

In addition, gaining wisdom in difficult moments will help, which will be simply invaluable for the hypochondriac Virgo. It will give the owner the opportunity to look at what is happening from the true side, be it health or a difficult situation.


Libra belongs to the air element. They appreciate beauty, constantly preen themselves, and therefore love to receive compliments. They are a little unsure of themselves, but always remain calm. They have a good sense of humor, which often helps resolve conflicts.

For the zodiac signs Libra, the totem is the Peacock, who also loves to admire himself. You can put a feather in your room or buy a bright painting with this bird of paradise. A fox or dolphin will also protect Libra from adversity.


“Water” Scorpio is the most mysterious sign. Possessing the strongest intuition, but at the same time they are vulnerable, and therefore almost always attack first, regardless of whether there is a real danger or not. With such emotional behavior they often hurt loved ones.

Good pets for those born under this constellation will be snakes, beetles, scorpions and spiders.

They are also intimidating, but if you behave carefully with them, they can even become loyal protectors.

But this is not the only option for totems. Including you can choose:

  • The bear as a talisman will develop internal potential. By choosing, for example, you will be able to use it to learn how to overcome difficulties, as well as protect yourself from the evil eye.
  • The bird will improve family relationships and open the heart to love and harmony.
  • Gazelle will energize and motivate.
  • The wolf will help you understand what you need to do next in life.
  • The shark will give you strength in overcoming difficulties. For the best effect, choose for Scorpio to conquer your weaknesses. But you shouldn’t be particularly zealous with wearing it, since having strong energy, it will begin to emphasize some of the aggressiveness characteristic of the sign.

You can get yourself all these figures and periodically turn to each of them with a specific problem.


Sagittarius relates to fire. He is ambitious, impulsive, makes spontaneous decisions and often regrets it later. But nevertheless, Sagittarius is famous for its generosity, ambition, and love of love - no one can take away these positive qualities. All astrologers agree that Sagittarius behave like the king of beasts - lions. They love to manage their pride in the same way, but they do not always think about the decision and often destroy their relatives.

It is very interesting that Leo is not a very good talisman by date of birth for Sagittarius. Good fit - Partridge. It balances character, gives love, peace and harmony to the family. If you want wealth, then buy a wooden figurine of a deer (just under no circumstances have antlers!). If you are going on a trip, then take with you an image of wandering birds - a goose or an eagle.


But not only the right animal can become your assistant. Pay attention to the definition of plant and. By collecting all the talismans together you can achieve greater results than individually.

Human life is closely connected with the animal world. Not every person suspects that he may have his own animal talisman, which will protect and protect him with its incredible animal energy. The symbolism of an animal, its body part, or the animal itself can be used as a talisman. If your mascot is a cat, then it is enough to have one at home. But if it’s a snake, then you can get jewelry with a snake’s tooth. For the same purpose, you can carry a bird feather or a hare's foot with you.


There have always been legends about the gracefulness of this animal. People have admired the antelope since ancient times. Her figurine can become a wonderful talisman.

Girls who are involved in dancing, ballet, choreography or just the stage will find it useful to have such a talisman. He will give his owner plasticity and grace, he will tell you how to express your feelings with one gesture and slay anyone on the spot.

The shark has always struck fear into even the bravest and bravest. There are many legends and tales about her. In ancient times, it was endowed with special strength and incredible properties, often compared to sea monsters. Many peoples worshiped her and even made sacrifices; her image was considered a talisman and a good sign.

The shark talisman will always help in difficult times and give courage and self-confidence. A shark figurine can be carried in your pocket, or as a pendant, keychain, brooch - if you hold such an item in your hand, it will charge you with energy and optimism. But it is important not to succumb to the strong influence of this talisman, otherwise you can become too aggressive and unpredictable.

In most countries, this bird symbolizes new life: as you know, it is the stork that brings babies into the house. Our ancestors believed that the souls of unborn children live in a mysterious place where there are many lakes and swamps, and only a stork can penetrate this mysterious world and take the soul of a child with it.

This bird has always been considered the guardian of family happiness. Her images and figurines can often be found in houses and apartments - these are amulets against evil and misfortune. Any household detail that depicts a stork can become a talisman; you can make embroidery or appliqué on clothing, or hang a small stork toy on your keychain.


This bird has always been especially revered by sailors - it was believed that it brings them good luck and protects ships from wrecks.

Every sailor who set off on a long voyage always had a wooden figurine of an albatross with him. And today, when going on vacation or a sea cruise, it would not be superfluous to take with you a drawing or figurine of this bird.

The squirrel is an unusually nimble and cute creature. Many peoples endowed this animal with magical properties. Any thing with the image of a squirrel will always help bring order to your personal life, keep your family together and will always suggest the right decision.

In addition, such a talisman will definitely bring good luck in exams or tests. Since the squirrel is one of the most thrifty and economic animals. The squirrel talisman has long been given to loved ones as a gift to wish them wealth. But, most often, squirrel talismans were purchased and kept with them in order to quickly receive money and not spend it for a long time.

You can learn more about talismans associated with squirrels

For most peoples, this insect has symbolized beauty and frivolity for a long time. Women who wanted to attract the attention of men always used the image of a butterfly in their wardrobe or wore jewelry with its image. A geisha's kimono was most often embroidered with ornaments, in which butterflies were an obligatory element.

It was believed that the impeccable beauty of the butterfly is short-lived, because this insect is born from a flower and lives only for one day. When choosing this insect as a talisman, you must take into account that a butterfly will always help in matters of the heart, but it is best to use it during non-working hours, because it only distracts you from serious matters and activities, forcing you to think only about entertainment and relaxation.


Our ancestors believed that this insect lives in heaven and only descends to earth for a short time to convey the will of God to people.

Many peoples believed that it should not be killed under any circumstances, because the gods themselves feed on the milk of this insect. It is believed that the more black dots on the back of a ladybug, the stronger its magical properties. Therefore, it is important to choose the right talisman with the image of this insect: pay attention to the number of dark spots.

If there is only one, then any new endeavor will be crowned with success; two spots will help you find inner harmony and self-confidence; three - the owner of the talisman will learn to make only the right decisions; four - the amulet will be a reliable protection against robbers and will always bring good luck on the road; five - promises that the ability for creative and successful work will increase; a talisman with six spots will always help in studies; and seven promises good luck and success in absolutely all matters and relationships, because it is a divine number.

This animal has long symbolized hard work, independence and willpower.

A talisman with the image of a beaver will always help you cope with any work, solve even the most difficult problems and cope with a sudden problem. This animal will help you tune in to a certain mood - it will add self-confidence and determination.

This is the largest representative of lizards. Because of its size and menacing appearance, the monitor lizard has always been considered a symbol of strong protection and stability.

Therefore, a talisman with the image of a monitor lizard will help protect you from enemies and attacks, and in addition, guarantee victory in any confrontation.

In Asian and African countries this animal is revered as sacred. Without it, life in the desert is simply impossible - all travel and movement over sand and stones is possible only with its help. Merchants and traders have always transported their goods to distant countries only on camels.

Therefore, it is not surprising that to this day this animal is called the “ship of the desert.” The camel is very hardy and calm; it can go without water and food for a long time. And its dense fur protects against the bite of poisonous snakes. The equanimity and endurance of a camel will definitely affect the person who chooses such a talisman. It is not customary to make carpets from camel wool - in Asia it is believed that walking on this wool is sinful. But a rope, belt or whip made from it always protected travelers.

In ancient times and now, animals are a common talisman. Some believe that the properties of such an animal will pass on to them, others revere it as a personal sacred protector in life. Animal figurines become home decorations; they are always a pleasure to give and receive as gifts. Earrings, pendants, rings with animals are an original accessory that also helps in business. All that remains is to find out which one to choose in order to benefit. There are many approaches. In different cultures and philosophies, the animal talisman is determined in different ways: using complex calculations by date of birth or by zodiac sign. The latter will be discussed in the article.

Every person is influenced by the date of his birth, determining his character and destiny. Each zodiac sign has its own patrons. These are trees, grass, stones and animals. They will influence a person’s energy, protect them at the right moment in life, and suggest the right decisions. Information may vary from source to source. Listen to your intuition. If you don’t like the animal indicated in the horoscope, then you should not wear its image. It won't do you any good.

Capricorn December 21 - January 19

Saturn patronizes these people. They are focused, stubborn and practical. Suitable for them:

  1. . Many are afraid of it, remembering stories about witches and devils who inhabit the body of this animal. Signs that predict failure are also associated with it. This does not apply to Capricorns. A black cat living nearby will become a protector who will ward off negativity. The house will be protected from lightning, fires and robbers. It is best to get a live cat, but if this is not possible, then a figurine will do.
  2. . She is similar to Capricorns themselves: unhurried, does not tolerate fuss and haste. But purposeful. Slowly, despite the difficulties, she moves towards her goal. Likewise, neither the opinions of others nor difficulties will stop Capricorns on the path to their goal. This turtle is a sign of a prosperous family life and prosperity.
  3. Goat. This symbol will enhance the traits of the sign, adding self-confidence. It will allow you to achieve instant results in your business.

Aquarius January 20 - February 17

Calm and kind, but sometimes impetuous and often opposed to public opinion. Aquarians are curious, and are often illogical in their words, actions and deeds. With its judgments and actions, this sign can discourage and confuse.

The zodiac sign corresponds to:

  1. Wings. This role can be performed by angels, airplanes or birds. This is a reflection of the nature of Aquarius - daydreaming. This makes them seem frivolous and strange. This causes Aquarius to get into trouble in society. Such a talisman will curb your imagination, but will allow you to remain emotionally free.
  2. Goat. Unlike, this symbol will give Aquarius the missing qualities: self-confidence and energy. The best defender will be a figurine bought for yourself.

Pisces February 18 - March 19

This sign is calm, somewhat indifferent people who cannot be upset by anything.

Suitable for Pisces zodiac sign:

  1. Fishes. This talisman is the best. They are calm, peaceful, silent, do not tolerate fuss and resemble the person himself born under this zodiac sign. Fish will fill you with energy, heal you from stress and depression, and cleanse you from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.
  2. Turtle. Another leisurely animal that looks like its owner. Turtles give their owners health.

Aries March 20 - April 19

This representative of the zodiac is selfish and narcissistic. The thoughts and feelings of others worry him little. They don’t cheat or dodge, they don’t come up with excuses or justifications for themselves. From the first minutes they take the lead in everything.

Talismans of the Aries sign:

  1. Ram, sheep. Such a talisman will stabilize your inner world and help you make the right decision. Helps create a strong family.
  2. Deer. Helps you cope with negativity. The patronage of this animal will give a surge of strength, both physical and emotional.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Calm and silent people, unhurried in their movements and speeches. Such people are respectable and balanced. They love a home in which they patiently accumulate wealth.

Patronize the sign:

  1. Bull, cow. This representative of the animal world reveals hidden possibilities. Helps you quickly achieve your goals. Enhances calm.
  2. Owl, . Such birds will protect the owner from negativity sent by other people. This bird will bring good luck and happiness to Taurus.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Changeable and fickle. They like to change their place of residence, environment and work. Geminis have a sharp mind, a sense of humor, tact and dexterity. But they are impatient and not persistent.

  1. Black Raven. This magical prophetic bird. In twins, it will reveal intuition and intellectual capabilities. It is worth turning to this talisman in cases of emotional turmoil or psychological instability. The bird will help remove all negativity, even if it is of magical origin.
  2. . This sign of hard work will help such people complete their projects. Elephants will give you self-confidence and point you in the right direction at a crossroads in life. Many people like to create collections from .

Cancer June 21 - July 22

People with changeable moods and dispositions. Cancers are homely. They treat home and family with love. One of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. He may get sick from strong worries.

  1. Hamsters, rabbits. Such cute creatures will help cope with depression, which cancer is susceptible to. They fill life with optimism and help you quickly gather strength.
  2. Squirrels, . The parental instinct is highly developed. They love children and take care of them with pleasure. This trait is enhanced by exposure to cats and squirrels.

Leo July 23 - August 22

This sign loves to be the center of attention. They are domineering and subject to other people's opinions. Leos are strong and do not rely on other people's help. But they themselves will gladly fulfill any request.

  1. Ladybug. Leos are the kings of animals, they rule over all other signs of the zodiac, they love when they are obeyed. Ladybug pacifies such frequent manifestations of rudeness, cruelty and aggression, adding softness.
  2. A lion. The talisman will help in business and career.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

They are adorable, soft and discreet. Virgos are smart and sarcastic, with a calm, balanced character.

  1. Grasshopper. It will help attract love, success, prosperity, and improve health.
  2. Martin. Close to a virgin in character. The talisman will help you cope with misfortunes and give you optimism.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Their character is unbalanced. The good mood is replaced by irritability and nervousness. Libras are constantly in search of harmony. Honest and unprincipled people in any matter. They find it difficult to make decisions and doubt everything for a long time.

  1. Goose. A talisman with the image of a goose or a goose feather will give Libra confidence and help him make a decision.
  2. Pigeon. Animal capable h protect from negativity, give strength.
  3. Donkey. Gives its owner intuition.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Self-confident people who do not take into account other people's assessments. Scorpios are strong, with an independent character, often merciless. Brave people who can withstand many adversities.

  1. Snakes, bugs, spiders. Next to them, Scorpio representatives will feel calmer and develop intuition.
  2. Bear. Reveals inner potential and helps achieve high goals. The protection of the bear is similar to the protection of the gods.
  3. Quail. Gives family well-being and love.
  4. Gazelle. A fast animal will share its energy. Which Scorpios lack.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

These are witty, sociable, resourceful people, but diplomacy is alien to them. Responsive, always ready to help.

  1. Partridge. Will attract love, make family life prosperous.
  2. Deer. It will help you get rich and achieve public recognition.

Animal mascots for everyone

It is not necessary to choose an animal only by zodiac sign. You may not like it or be suitable. To do this, we will give the meanings of the most common images of animals that are found as amulets.

  1. Bear. A symbol of strength and power. This talisman will also ward off trouble. Especially suitable for those whose work involves risk.
  2. Bug. In many cultures it is a sign of wealth. An amulet in the form of a beetle will protect against evil.
  3. Dolphin. Will help in the fight against the water element. Will provide assistance to those who are afraid of water or whose occupation is associated with it.
  4. Pigeon. M ir and love.
  5. Wolf. Is the personification of dexterity and independence. Meanwhile, insidious and greedy people should not use such an amulet, it will strengthen negative qualities.
  6. Butterfly. Associated with attractiveness. Also suitable for single women who are looking for a partner. But you should be careful. A butterfly can bring frivolity and frivolity.
  7. Shark. Will give the owner of energy and determination.

How to use an animal talisman

There are no clear rules for use. If possible, it is better to have a living representative. This will become the most powerful talisman. You can also use animal parts: fangs or feathers. Any images will do. The choice must be based on taste, common sense and intuition.

If you want to give an amulet, it is better to either find out in advance about your favorite animal, or give a collectible.

Handmade talismans absorb the energy of the owner. Figures can be carved from wood. It is better to take wood corresponding to the zodiac sign to enhance the effect. You can embroider the image on clothes, make a brooch from polymer clay or beads, and decorate it with feathers of a totem bird. If you give free rein to your imagination, you will get a strong amulet.

There are often recommendations for applying a tattoo with an animal mascot. At the same time, you should understand that the energy of the talisman will remain for life, even if the tattoo is removed. If an animal talisman enhances bad qualities, then it is better to limit yourself to a figurine, otherwise it can ruin your whole life.

The ancient Slavs treated animals with great respect and reverence. They considered animals to be the link between man and powerful nature. Many centuries have passed since then, but even today you can increasingly see people wearing amulets with images of animals. What do they mean, and how are they believed to help their owner?

The Slavs had many sacred animals. People believed that amulets with images of animals endow their owners with their best qualities - dexterity, strength, ingenuity, fertility. In pagan times, it was believed that any part of a sacred animal had the same properties as the animal itself. That is why there were many amulets in the form of bones, fangs, scraps of wool, horns, and paws. They decorated clothes, including.

Wolf paw or fang

The wolf was an ambiguous totem among the ancient Slavs. Its meaning and interpretation varied depending on the situation. On the one hand, this animal symbolized deceit and cruelty. On the other hand, independence and justice. The Slavs associated the wolf with the underworld and was considered a conductor of dead souls. Our ancestors believed that it was in the body of a wolf that relatives who had passed on to another world could appear to them.

Wolf amulets impart cunning, courage and help to gain respect in their environment, protect against anger and meanness. The wolf is a symbol of devoted love, a reflection of monogamous people who, like the prototype, are either alone or with one partner for life.

Cow horns and skin

The cow represented fertility, abundance and prosperity. The idol of this animal was the “nursing mother for all Slavs.” Precipitation was compared to cow's milk, the month symbolized by horns.

Charms with cow symbols are more common among women. After all, they are the continuers of the family. Women wear such amulets when they are planning a child and want to create a strong family. The fertility symbolized by the cow is believed to help infertile couples have children.

Bird amulets

Several types of Slavic amulets are associated with images of birds - roosters, ducks, geese, chickens, owls. The ancients believed that birds were messengers of heaven. It was believed that they were able to drive away troubles and illnesses from their owners, show the right path and help make decisions.

The rooster was held in high esteem as a symbol of the sun and fire. He won the popularity and respect of the Slavs with his ability to notify everyone at dawn about the coming of a new day. It was believed that the crow of a cock drives away evil spirits, and a new day begins with the blessing of the solar gods. Chicken and duck were a symbol of fertility and prosperity. A crow's foot scared away evil spirits and helped those who set out on a long journey find the right path. The owl, a symbol of wisdom and justice, endowed its owner with insight and the ability to make the right decisions.

Bear paw or claw

The bear is the owner of the pagan forest, a strong, powerful and noble beast. It was believed that it protects against all manifestations of evil. In many homes, a bear's paw was kept as a talisman. The Slavs believed that it would protect against people with dark thoughts, diseases and troubles. Our ancestors endowed the bear with wisdom and enormous knowledge in all areas; oaths were often sealed in his name. If a hunter violated such an oath, he would die in the forest. A bear's claw was a sign of strength and respect from others, brought good luck and protected from danger.

Fox paw and tail

The fox is a unique embodiment of the female image in Slavic mythology, one of the most popular heroes of all fairy tales and beliefs. Fox for cunning, ingenuity and resourcefulness, the ability to easily find a way out of difficult situations. It was believed that where the fox was, there would be successful deception and deceit.

Charms with the image of a fox helped their owners resolve controversial issues in their favor, avoid responsibility or shift the blame to others.

Deer horns

The deer personified purity, nobility and openness of thoughts. Among the Slavs, this animal was the patron saint of family and marriage. It is not for nothing that to this day you can see embroidered images of deer on wedding towels and towels.

The deer was considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and prosperity. The Slavs imagined it with huge branched horns - hence the tradition of hanging them above the entrance to the home. People believed that the horns would scare away evil and help them win the goodwill of higher powers. They occupied a special place among them.


The horse was one of the most revered animals. Ancient people believed that these animals were the closest to the gods, and that the sun moved because it was rotated by a chariot drawn by three horses.

The horse was valued for its endurance, patience and ability to endure difficulties and hardships. The Slavs had many iconic symbols associated with the image of horses. White and golden horses are a reflection of goodness, prosperity and wealth. Blacks are harbingers of betrayal, deception and misfortune. A wild, unbridled horse is the personification of the most natural elements; to pacify such a horse is to subjugate Mother Nature and take from her some of her boundless abilities. The symbol depicting a rider on a horse is also multifaceted - here courage and dedication are intertwined with self-confidence and bravado. The horse was often depicted on.

In almost every house one could see attributes of a horse cart - horseshoes, bells, skulls. They were considered the strongest amulets, protecting from troubles and evil people and charging for success, wealth and prosperity.

Today they are of great interest. They can tell a lot about both the belief system and their owners.

By the date of birth of any person you can tell a lot about his character, future destiny, and even choose effective talismans. Natural stones and minerals, metals and trees that differ in their effects are suitable for certain zodiac signs. But animal mascots occupy a special place in this area.

Depending on which of the twelve zodiac signs you belong to, various animals will be able to protect you and make your life easier, since they will be mentally suitable for you.

Animal mascot meaning

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of animals in our lives. Even in the modern world, our smaller brothers always remain close to us, and in ancient times the life of the entire people as a whole often depended on them.

Many tribes had a sacred beast, the killing of which, even unintentionally, was punishable in the most severe way: execution. Such animals include, for example, a cat, which was worshiped by people in Ancient Egypt, or a cow, whose cult was deified in India.

Other nationalities believed that their family descended from a certain animal, which means it is no longer just a smaller member of the family, but an ancestor who deserves the greatest honor. Similar examples include, for example, the cult of the monkey in China.

Also, humanity has long noticed that for certain people, specific types of animals are more suitable than others: they are able to store and protect a person, both on the physical and spiritual levels.

Such animal talismans can share life energy and even heal people.

To determine which animal will become your talisman and amulet for life, you should turn to your date of birth: it is according to the signs of the zodiac that such gradation occurs.

How to use such a talisman

If you have already determined which animal is your amulet, then you may be faced with the question of how exactly to bring its power into your life. After all, if your amulet is, for example, a cat or a rabbit, then you can easily get such an animal at home. By caring for him, you will strengthen your connection and constantly be under his protection.

But what if your mascot is, for example, a snake or a bear? It is unlikely that an ordinary modern resident of a metropolis will have the opportunity to provide such an animal with everything necessary for life so that it is constantly nearby. In this case, you will need to purchase or make your own stylized image or figurine of your mascot. It can be anything: decoration with an image, interior detail or embroidery on clothing.

In addition, it is sometimes possible to acquire part of the animal itself: for example, its tooth or claw. Of course, it should be remembered that harming the animal itself is unacceptable.

Animal mascots for earth signs

Zodiac signs associated with earth include Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. People born under this zodiac sign are very persistent and pragmatic. For them, the most important thing in life and in everyday life is order and clarity; in chaos and creative disorder, they experience almost physical suffering.

They receive the greatest surge of strength and calm when they are busy working with the earth: this can even be caring for indoor plants or just a walk in a small forest or park.

Animals, which are a talisman for them, are also tied to the earth, this allows them to create the greatest connection between man and beast.

Animal amulets for Taurus include:

  • Owl. This sacred bird will provide any person born under the sign of Taurus with great wisdom and patience. In addition, it will effectively replenish your internal reserves, concentrating energy and space on yourself. You should not have an owl at home; you will hardly be able to provide this bird with proper care, but having an owl figurine is a must for every Taurus. It is best if it is made of natural onyx, or made from improvised materials with your own hands.
  • Golden Taurus. Such a symbol must be present in the life of every Taurus: this is the bull that will give financial stability and abundance in the home.
  • Cow. This animal is able to make the family life of Taurus complete and harmonious.

Owl Cow Golden Taurus

Virgos are best suited for:

  • Grasshopper. This small insect can give Virgos almost everything: love, prosperity and protection. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to have a live grasshopper at home, so buy a figurine of it made of yellow jasper.
  • Pig. This gentle and kind animal will give the Virgo well-being and satiety for the rest of her life.
  • Siskins and swallows. Small, harmless singing birds are the perfect match for Virgos in character. Such feathered creatures will remove all unnecessary suffering and maintain a good mood in Virgos, regardless of the external situation.

Pig Martin Grasshopper

If you are a Capricorn by date of birth, then it is best for you to have:

  • Black cat. This strong and dexterous animal will bring good luck and luck to any Capricorn in all endeavors. Even if you cannot have such a cat at home, do not pass by it on the street: feed and pet it, the cat will definitely thank you.
  • Goat. This small pet will bring health for people born under the corresponding zodiac sign. Of course, having a goat in an apartment simply won’t work, but having a figurine of one, preferably made of green malachite, is a must.

Black cat Goat

Animal mascots for fire signs

The fire zodiac signs include Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These zodiac signs are very active and like to act immediately, without much prior thought. They strive, first of all, for family comfort and warmth; this is the primary goal in their life, which pulls everyone else along with it.

In addition, these zodiac signs are very strong internally and this attracts other people who flock like moths to the light of these signs.

Animals that will store and improve fiery people are also distinguished by their ebullient energy and special grace, such as deer.

Aries should pay special attention to the following animals:

  • Deer. This powerful and beautiful forest animal will reliably protect all Aries from any negativity and provide them with additional strength. If you get a chance to get yourself a piece of deer antler, be sure to take advantage of it. Such a talisman will be your best assistant in all your endeavors.
  • Sheep and ram. Warm and quiet domestic sheep and rams will be the best helpers for Aries in their main goal: creating a strong family and a large hearth. It is very good if you place a picture depicting these animals in your home, for example, above your bed.

Sheep Deer

If you are a Sagittarius by date of birth, then you should ask the following animals for help:

  • Deer. This horned graceful beast, like Aries, can provide protection for Sagittarius. You can decorate your home interior with any image of a deer, and also, for example, put its photo on your mobile phone screen.
  • Partridge. This mother hen symbolizes all those family values ​​that any Sagittarius needs so much. These are the ones she will give to everyone born under this sign. In addition, the partridge is capable of endowing its owner with rich creative internal energy, which will help to effectively and quickly achieve their goals. You can carry her stylized image with you in the form of a keychain or decorate the walls of your apartment with a suitable picture.

Deer Partridge

For Leo, the following animals will become animal talismans:

  • A lion. The king of beasts carries within himself powerful strength and energy, which he will willingly share with his owner. Also, this solar beast will be able to bring with it vigorous activity and warmth, which can warm many around Leo himself. The image of the king of beasts is best transferred to the image of a believably made figurine, but always of a large size.
  • Eagle. This bird also takes the place of a king, but of the celestial world. He concentrates the highest power in himself, which he extends to Leo. In addition, he is able to improve personal relationships and provide Leo with a reliable family life. As a talisman, you can carry an eagle feather with you.
  • Ladybug. This completely harmless insect, which is simply not capable of harming anyone, compensates for Leo’s hot temper and balances his hot-tempered character. That is why Leos are advised to carry with them a small figurine or picture depicting a ladybug.

a lion a lion Eagle feather Ladybug Ladybug

Animal mascots for air signs

Air signs include the zodiac signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These signs are distinguished by high intelligence and generosity towards other people. They value comfort very much and strive to provide it not only for themselves, but also for their family. However, representatives of the air element get along very tensely with new people, showing great distrust of them when meeting them. They are very rational and like to weigh their every step so as not to make any mistakes.

Also, people born under these signs often have vigorous energy and a desire to travel and learn new things.

It is for this reason that the animal mascots of air signs are mainly birds.

Such animal amulets for Aquarius include:

  • Pigeon. This free bird is able to provide any Aquarius with the energy that is required to carry out the vigorous activity characteristic of this sign. Also, such a bird provides Aquarius with successful travels and protects him from various troubles along the way. There are many of these birds living in cities. Aquarius should show special care and concern for them.
  • Goat. This pet, which has great integrity, brings good luck into the life of any Aquarius. Therefore, be sure to get a figurine of such a beast.

Goat Pigeon

For people whose date of birth falls under the sign of Gemini, the talismans will be:

  • Crow. This cunning bird, possessing extraordinary intelligence, will support Gemini’s desire to understand the world. In addition, the raven is able to strengthen intuition and develop magical abilities in an individual. It’s very good if you hang a homemade talisman made from crow feathers at home.
  • Elephant. This majestic beast will give Gemini peace and strength, both physical and spiritual. Be sure to place his portrait in your house.

Elephant Crow Feather

If you are Libra, then your assistants will be:

  • Goose. Such a poultry will give Libra more confidence and calm, which they will need in many situations. It is worth carrying a large goose feather with you.
  • Pigeon. Just like Aquarius, it will add a little strength to Libra and protect from any negativity.
  • Donkey. Despite its apparent stupidity, this animal has high intuition and will willingly share it with its owner. To attract his power to their aid, Libra should have a stylized figurine of him at home.

Donkey Donkey Quill Feather Dove

Animal mascots for water signs

Water signs, which include Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios, are considered the most introverted signs of the zodiac. They are characterized by a certain coldness and detachment; among these signs there are almost no overly sociable people. But people born under these zodiac signs are distinguished by a high creative streak and a special worldview.

These zodiac signs are quite stable in their habits and decisions, and are also somewhat overly touchy.

For Cancers, the talismans are:

  • Crayfish, lobsters and crabs. These freshwater inhabitants will help Cancers protect themselves from troubles along the way and will give them much-needed activity and additional fortitude. Try to organize a small aquarium in your home where these arthropods will live.
  • Hamsters, rabbits. Small, cute, fluffy rodents will give Cancers balance and tranquility.


For people under the sign of Pisces, the talismans will be:

  • Fishes. By keeping ornamental fish in your home aquarium, you can always communicate directly with them. Such talismans will give you good luck in any of your endeavors.
  • Turtles. Turtles will bring calm and orderliness into your home. In addition, they can give you health if you keep them as pets.

The following animals are suitable for Scorpios:

  • Gazelle. A light and fast gazelle will give Scorpios exactly what they lack: ebullient energy and success in their endeavors. It is best if you have an amulet with a piece of gazelle horn.
  • Quail. This bird will ensure family well-being and relieve Scorpios from chronic diseases.

Gazelle Gazelle Quail Quail