You can bring it from Belarus. Souvenirs from Belarus. Smoked “Belovezhsky” cheese

Tourists from neighboring countries have too many stereotypes about Belarus. As a rule, from our country they promise to bring “a kilogram of potatoes, a magnet with a bison and a linen shirt” as a gift. Let's try to dispel these myths: there is much more authentic and interesting in blue-eyed than it might seem.

What tourists bring from Belarus: national souvenirs

Ethno bag. Ecological trend is fashionable today. As a rule, such bags are made from exclusively natural materials and decorated with national ornaments.

How many: This pleasure is relatively inexpensive - from 20 to 50 Belarusian rubles.

Ceramic mugs. Let such a souvenir be banal, but truly authentic. On such a mug there may be an image of old Minsk, Nesvizh Castle or Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

How many: The price of such a mug is about 20 rubles, you can buy it in almost any souvenir shop.

Felt boots or mittens. An ideal gift for girls. Moreover, such things in Belarus are of really excellent quality. We recommend buying felt boots or mittens not in standard department stores, but from Belarusian designers - this way you will become the owner of a truly unique item.

How many: the price will start from 30 rubles.

What to buy in Minsk: edible gifts

Sweets. It is traditionally accepted that Belarusian confectionery products are distinguished by their natural composition. This is true, which means that tourists should definitely look, for example, at the Kommunarka brand store on Pobediteley Avenue. In general, domestic confectionery can be found in any supermarket in the country. We definitely recommend buying “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Grillage in Chocolate” and “Alenka” chocolates.

How many: the prices will pleasantly surprise you: for a kilogram of good sweets they will charge you from 8 rubles.

Dairy products. If you have the opportunity to get home as quickly as possible, then you can buy milk. Be sure to buy glazed cheese curds: they clearly differ in quality from products, for example, from Russian factories. Also grab a couple of jars of condensed milk from Rogachev. It is really tasty, if not the best in the entire post-Soviet space.

How many:
prices from 50 kopecks.

Meat products. Belarusian sausages actually contain meat! Buy a couple of sticks of smoked or raw smoked sausage, try Belarusian “Doctorskaya” and ham.

How many: the price range is quite wide, but within reason (from 8 rubles).

Honey. It is almost impossible to purchase natural honey, for example, in Russia. In Belarus, this product is at the highest level. True, there is some practical advice: under no circumstances buy honey in hypermarkets. Most of these stores sell cheap analogues. It is best to buy honey at local markets: for example, in Komarovka. If you travel by car, do not be lazy to stop in Belarusian villages, where you can buy honey from local residents.

How many: the cost of one liter is from 15 rubles.

What souvenirs are brought from Minsk: textiles

Elema coat. If earlier older ladies were interested in this brand, now Elema produces a line of truly stylish models that young girls will appreciate. The main bonus here is the price. A stylish coat made of natural wool will cost an average of 300 rubles. While for an analogue of Western brands you will have to pay at least five times more.

How many: a coat will cost from 200 rubles. We recommend that you go not to department stores, but to the brand’s brand stores (the choice there is much larger, and you will always find the right size).

Lingerie from “Milavitsa” or “SERGE”. The move is quite banal, but a trip to Belarus is really an excellent reason to buy inexpensive and high-quality underwear. Why not take advantage of this opportunity? The latest collection of manufacturers can be seen on the official websites of the brands.

How many: prices for underwear start from 8 rubles.

What is worth trying and taking with you: national alcohol

Moonshine. There are literally several places in the country where this colorful drink is produced absolutely legally. Moreover, you can not only try it, but also buy it with you. Moonshine is produced and sold in the Dudutki and Dukorsky Maentak complexes. By the way, these places themselves will be very interesting for tourists.

How many: from 2 rubles per 50 grams.

Sbiten. It is unlikely that you will find high-quality sbiten in Lithuania, Ukraine or Russia. But Belarus is just the place where it’s worth trying. By the way, the recipe for this drink is centuries old. As for the composition, it contains only natural herbal teas, thanks to which sbiten acquires that unique taste. True, finding it in Minsk will not be so easy.

How many: from 5 rubles per 0.5 liter.

Krambambula. Another domestic product that will be very interesting to tourists. Let us note right away: the tincture is very strong, because it contains vodka, honey and spices. You can try it in the Belarusian cuisine restaurants “Talaka”, “Kamyanitsa” and “Kukhmistr”.

How many: from 3 rubles per 50 grams.

Advice! IN Lately Belarusian beer producers have reached a very decent level. They can compete quite well with well-known global manufacturers. You can, of course, grab a bottle on the supermarket shelf, but it’s best to try the foamy drink on tap. Pay attention to the best beer pubs in Minsk.

Note to girls: Belarusian cosmetics

Products of Belita-Vitex. Tubes of this cosmetics are simply swept off the shelves by tourists from different countries. There are two indisputable advantages here - a symbolic price and decent quality. As for perfume from Belarus, it is not at the highest level, we do not recommend purchasing it.

How many: from 2 rubles.

Belarusian department stores and shopping centers where you can find a huge amount of the above products:

What gift would you bring to your friends from Belarus? Share in the comments!

Photo: according to Yandex and Google requests

The hospitality of Belarusians invariably pleases people who come to relax in the “blue-eyed land.” Colorful National cuisine, an abundance of souvenir shops scattered throughout the capital Minsk and small towns, a lot of “snacks” and original alcohol - all this makes you think of filling your half-empty suitcase with gifts for family and friends.

An additional bonus for Muscovites is the virtual absence of a border between Belarus and the Russian Federation. We will tell you about the most interesting Belarusian souvenirs and help you choose a good gift, look into beauty salons and grocery departments, dress in linen shirts and put on good “Belvest” boots. Forward!

Variety of Belarusian souvenir products

Muscovites have many stereotypes regarding Belarus. We invariably associate this region with combines, potatoes and the mustachioed Old Man. Someone has heard about “Milavitsa” women’s underwear and the famous linen shirts. Travelers who are passing through Belarus have time to buy a figurine of a bison or a magnet with the Red Church. Meanwhile, the souvenir products offered by Belarusians are very diverse and deserve close attention.

For reference: the “bulbashi” themselves call their country Belarus and are often offended by “Belarus”. This is worth considering when communicating on the streets.

When planning to bring home a Belarusian gift, decide on the tastes and needs of the recipient. In Belarus they sell trinkets for almost everyone. So, what souvenirs can you bring from Belarus?

Conventionally, souvenir products from this country can be divided into several categories:

  • textiles and knitwear;
  • folk crafts;
  • sweets, meat and dairy products;
  • alcohol;
  • leather goods and footwear;
  • cosmetics.

All this splendor falls on the unprepared mind right on train station and adjacent underground passages. Most of the souvenir shops are concentrated in the center of Minsk. Here is a list of the most interesting stores:

  • “ManualExclusive” (Surganova, 57B);
  • “Slavutasts” (Bogdanovicha, 21);
  • “Gifts” (Nemiga, 8);
  • TSUM (you need to take the metro to “Yakub Kolos Square”);
  • “Belarus” (station “Partizanskaya”, Zhilunovicha, 4);
  • “Vitebsky” supermarket (Zamkovaya, 19);
  • “Colors of the Holiday” (Pobediteley Avenue, 65);
  • “Shop of spiritual gifts” (Independence Avenue, 54).

Belarusians pay a special place to food in their culture.

Five best gift ideas

We found out that Minsk and other cities have a wide variety of souvenir products. We'll talk about textiles, alcohol and boots a little later. Now you will find a list of the five most interesting souvenirs, which can be brought from Belarus as a gift.

What else can you bring as a souvenir? It is impossible to imagine a review of small gifts without magnets, lighters, pens, caps and similar products. Similar goods can be found on every corner in Minsk - in underground passages, hypermarkets, small souvenir shops and state supermarkets. The price picture looks like this:

  • “Yanka Kupala” badge – 75,000 Belarusian rubles;
  • Mug “Bison” - 250 thousand;
  • Soap “Belarus” - 90 thousand;
  • Scarf “Belarus” - 230;
  • Lighter – 30;
  • Cap – 130-140;
  • Shopping bag – 50-60;
  • Magnets – 30-40;
  • Mittens – 170-180;
  • T-shirt – 140-150;
  • Scarf – 200-220.

In the fall of 2015, the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the Russian ruble was 273:1. You can make further calculations yourself.

Charka and shkvarka - edible Belarusian gifts

Belarusians pay a special place to food in their culture. They have a unique national cuisine, the dishes of which can be tasted in restaurants scattered throughout Minsk. You will probably want to take some of the edible gifts with you.

Tinctures, meads and horseradish – where the Slavic soul can roam

Let's move on to the most “male” section of our article. Belarusians know a lot about alcohol. In addition to numerous tinctures, you should try balms, beer, branded moonshine, sbiten and krambambula.

  • "Bulbash". Recognized authority in the field of strong alcoholic beverages. Be sure to try the “Linden with Honey” liqueur, “Bulbash Khlebnaya” rye vodka, wheat, spring and cedar liqueurs. The cost starts from 60-70 thousand “proteins”.
  • "Belovezhskaya Pushcha". This bitters comes in different types - with the aroma of dill, cumin, ginger, oakberry and wild herbs.
  • Moonshine. There are manufacturers in the Republic of Belarus who legally produce moonshine and sell it as souvenirs. Try to get “tsukrovka” (beet moonshine), nutcracker, horseradish or the famous mead. The latter does not have a significant strength and vaguely resembles beer. It is better to buy moonshine in Dudutki or Avtyuki - excursions go there from Minsk.
  • Sbiten. Together with mead, this drink has been pleasing lovers of quality alcohol for centuries. The drink contains herbal infusions that give it an original taste and medicinal properties. The cost of sbiten is not much higher than that of good beer.
  • Crambambula. This is a strong tincture consisting of vodka, spices and honey. Healing properties has krambambula with propolis, which can be purchased for 140 thousand “proteins”.

The most elite souvenir is the Slutsk belt.

What can you bring as a gift - Belarusian textiles

Textile products of Belarus are widely known outside the country. The leading brands for the production of underwear are the companies Milavitsa, SERGE, Svitanok, Elema and Kalinka.

Taking a look at the Stolitsa and Na Nemiga shopping centers, you can find linen, scarves, towels, designer trousers and shirts, napkins, tablecloths and ethnic bags. Many items are notable for their national embroidery. Pleasure, however, cannot be called cheap. A linen tablecloth costs about one and a half million Belarusian rubles, a blanket - about a million, a set of linen towels - about 200-300 thousand.

Milavitsa lingerie is considered quite expensive. Prices range from 100 to 500 thousand “proteins”. An average set of Serge bed linen will take one and a half million rubles out of your pocket. A set of underwear from the same manufacturer starts at 10 euros.

The Slutsk belt is traditionally considered the most elite souvenir from Belarus. This is national Belarusian pride, which is not a shame to present as a gift to a business partner. The real secret of the Slutsk belts has long been lost; copies are now being made. Some products cost 60-70 million, their weight reaches half a kilo, and their length is 3.5 meters. You can also order a shorter sample, the price will be proportionally reduced. A two-meter silver belt can actually be bought for 20 million.

The Republic of Belarus is a country with a unique national culture and traditions.

Recently, tourism has been actively developing here., and not only because of the priority of this industry for the country’s economy, but also because hospitality has always distinguished Belarusians and has been their calling card.

It is the warm, friendly atmosphere, cordiality, as well as high-quality service and affordable prices that attract thousands of travelers here.

Every time many tourists going home face the problem of finding gifts and souvenirs for friends and relatives.

What products should I bring from Belarus? What should a tourist buy in Minsk? We have compiled a small shopping list to help you with this task.


What products should you bring from Belarus? The highest demand is, of course, for dairy products.

But these products are perishable, and you can hardly bring them as a gift. But with hard cheeses and sausages are another matter. What products should you bring from Minsk?

Remain favorites cheeses from the Shchuchin Creamery and Slutsk Cheese Factory.

What kind of sausage should I bring from Belarus? Delicious sausages of various varieties - Borisov meat processing plant.

Canned food products are also good: stewed meat, pates, rice, buckwheat and pearl barley porridge with pork and beef from various Belarusian producers.

And of course, we can’t forget about sweets! How could we live without them? What to buy in Belarus for dessert?

Condensed milk produced by Rogachev, the products of the confectionery factories “Krasny Pishchevik”, “Slodych”, “Kommunarka” will make you return to your distant Soviet childhood.

During the time of the most delicious Alenka chocolate, the most delicate marshmallows and sweet sea stones, with which we so often filled our trouser pockets when going out into the yard to visit the children.

Brand new

Belarusian factories “8 March”, “Kupalinka”, “Svitanok” sew underwear for children and adults. A "Brest knitwear", "Kalinka"— specialize in sewing outerwear.

Products from shoe factories "Belvest" and "Marko", which have gained popularity in Russia, are also highly valued on the market.

In terms of quality, they are in no way inferior to European brands, and are pleasing to the eye at a low price.

Flax is produced in Belarus. Clothing made from this natural material cools in the heat, absorbs well, and warms in winter.

There is no limit to the variety of linen products: blouses, shirts, towels, tablecloths, bed linen and much more.

Be healthy!

Prices for medicines will pleasantly surprise you; they are 2-3 times lower than Russian ones. Thanks to strict control over the production process, the quality of medicines is very high.

However, do not forget that across the border, without providing licenses and permits, you can transport medicines only for personal use.


What alcoholic drinks can you buy in Belarus? The range of this product is huge and includes tinctures, balms, vodka, moonshine, krambambula and much more.

There are a variety of tinctures and balms: with herbs, berries, fruits, birch buds. The most famous “Zubrovka”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, “Polesie”.

What vodka should I bring from Belarus? You will appreciate the quality of vodka “Kryshtal Belovezhskaya” and “Present”, as well as new items that have gained great popularity among tourists, "Bulbash".

Moonshine has long been considered the national Belarusian drink. It is allowed to cook and sell it only in a few places: the Dudutki museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies, the Belarusian ethnographic museum village XIX century", Belorussian national park"Belovezhskaya Pushcha" and the ski complex "Logoisk".

This particular moonshine has undergone expert quality testing and is not harmful to health.

Well and the legendary “Krambambulya” will appeal to absolutely everyone. Included in this alcoholic drink, which can be drunk both cold and hot, includes vodka infused with honey and various spices.

Cosmetics and perfumes

What cosmetics should I bring from Belarus? Young people will especially like it high-quality and inexpensive cosmetics from Belarusian brands “Markell”, “Belita-Vitex” and “Belkosmex”.

What can I say, even Europeans buy it, valuing it for its environmental friendliness and safety.

A the products of the Belarusian-French company Dilis-Cosmetic will delight you. Long-lasting, seductive aromas of perfumes and fragrances, hair, face and body care products.

You will undoubtedly want to purchase these products not only for your family, but also for your loved ones.


Our shopping list will not be complete without souvenirs. What souvenirs should I bring from Belarus?

Bring the Slutsk belt. It will make a unique gift. The secret of making a belt has long been lost; only copies are made, the most expensive of which are woven from gold, silver and silk threads.

In the city of Dribin you can find modern models of felt boots, which are made by hand and decorated with bright embroidery and patterns.

Products made from straw, wood, and ceramics will bring beauty and warmth to any home, a zest to the interior: various panels, original animal figurines, amulets, flowers, hats, bast shoes, boxes, watches, vases—you can’t count them all.

For family and friends

To a woman

What to bring from Minsk as a gift to beautiful ladies? We have already mentioned cosmetics and clothing, but we have not yet touched upon such an item of any woman’s wardrobe as underwear.

For more than half a century, the Belarusian company Milavitsa has been creating and producing underwear. for women from many countries around the world. The variety of models and colors will not leave anyone indifferent.

It is absolutely certain that a set of such lingerie will be the best gift for any woman.

Original bags, belts, glasses cases and other accessories from Galantea will add zest to any image, making it unique.

Don't forget about grandmothers. On the shelves of their display cabinets they will look amazing services and dishes from the Dobrush porcelain factory, wine glasses and glasses from the Borisov crystal factory, glass products from the Neman plant.

Straw decorations, chocolate, furniture and household items made of wicker will also turn out to be a lucky gift for woman.

To a man

What should men bring from Belarus? We have already noted that the quality and variety of alcohol produced in the republic will please even the most demanding connoisseur.

An original gift could be one of the Belarusian balms in an unusually shaped clay bottle.

A more exclusive gift for any member of the stronger sex would be a bottle of such a drink in a leather case or bag.

Don't forget that Belarusian knitwear products includes not only women's, but also men's models.

Shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, underwear - all this can be purchased at almost any clothing market or in branded stores.

Here you will also find various accessories, ties, business suits and shoes.

To kid

What should kids buy in Belarus? The ideal gift would be sweets. Amazing milk chocolate, cookies, candies and waffles with a variety of fillings, bars, caramel will certainly please your sweet tooth.

Set of Bi-Ba-Bo dolls for the theater will allow you to stage any children's fairy tale and interest the naughty fidget.

The presence of a wide range of goods for children in the markets of Belarus is associated with work BelKukla enterprises. Your little princess will be delighted to have an original doll in a national costume.

Traveling around Belarus will leave the warmest memories in your soul.. We assure you that when you leave, you will definitely want to take a piece of this country with you and bring something to your loved ones.

We really hope you will use our simple recommendations, and they will help make your holiday calmer and your loved ones a little happier.

What to bring from Belarus? What souvenirs can be found only here and nowhere else in the world? What is unique and rich about this hospitable country in the center of Europe?

Since ancient times, Belarus has been famous for linen fabrics, symbolic towels, unique products made of straw, clay and wood, felt boots and sheepskin hats.

Taste of Belarus – natural dairy and meat products, made from potatoes, aromatic and healthy bread, herbal, sweets made from apples and healing cranberries.

Let your trip around Belarus leave not only vivid impressions, but also be remembered by souvenirs made with soul!

Natural Belarusian flax

Flax has been cultivated on Belarusian soil since ancient times. They wove cloth from the fiber and sewed clothes, created beautiful household items, and made toys for children. From the seeds they baked bread and made delicious jelly. It’s not for nothing that blue flax flowers adorn the modern.

Linen is an amazing material: the fabric can be both rough (bath towels) and delicate (airy dresses), but at the same time it is environmentally friendly and healthy.

Belarusian souvenirs: linen clothes, bed linen, tablecloths with embroidery and exquisite decor, napkins, towels, potholders, bags, wallets
National exclusive:

    Linen amulets dolls

. In the XVIII – XIX centuries. At the manufactory in Slutsk, belts from silk, gold and silver threads were woven by hand using the most complex technology. Two masters could produce no more than 6 belts during the year. So expensive and unusually beautiful accessories worn by magnates and wealthy nobles.

Today real Slutsk belts- a rarity, and most of the works of national decorative and applied art are in museums and private collections around the world. But in Belarus it has been revived unique technology production of Slutsk belts.

Guests of the country can purchase souvenirs stylized as the famous Slutsk belts. Moreover, at the enterprise in the city of Slutsk, production has been revived, as close as possible to ancient, authentic technology. Elite class belts are woven from gold and silk threads; in a more democratic version, linen, cotton, wool, and lurex are used.

golden straw

Belarusians fell in love with straw for its beauty and warmth, because with skillful processing it turns into extraordinary works of art. For folk rituals, wreaths were woven from straw, sheaves were knitted, and figurines were made. IN late XVIIIearly XIX centuries In Belarusian Polesie they created the famous royal gates - wicker straw iconostases, common only in our country. Perhaps nowhere else in the world is there such diversity in the use of this unusual material that gives the energy of the sun.

Belarusian souvenirs: wicker figurines of animals and birds, flowers, hats and bast shoes, dolls and amulets, boxes and chests, jewelry, paintings and panels. Wooden souvenirs with straw inlay: boxes and snuff boxes, chess, watches, Easter eggs, toys.
National exclusive:
Straw "spider"


Since ancient times, in different regions of Belarus there have been original ceramics centers. The craftsmen had their own tricks in the form and methods of sculpting products, painting and glaze composition. Belarusian housewives knew that milk does not sour longer in ceramic dishes, and it is especially tasty in clay pots. Belarusians also made musical instruments from clay.

Souvenirs: figurines of animals and birds (bison, beaver, stork, lark), whistles, bells, candlesticks (in the form of), plaques and magnets, ceramic dishes
Belarusian exclusive:
Clay toys Mozyr bears

Wooden souvenirs

In Belarus, the land of forests, wood was the most common material for construction and creativity - wood carving, cooperage. They made furniture from it, cut out dishes, and made beautiful decorative items.

Souvenirs: wooden dishes, boxes, figurines of people, animals (the wooden owner of the bison is especially impressive) and birds, carved furniture

Souvenirs made from vines

Hundreds of years ago in Belarus, walls and fences were made from wicker, cradles for children, baskets for berries and mushrooms were woven. And today masters continue the traditions of their ancestors. They use different types vines with special properties and colors, master intricate techniques and patterns.

Souvenirs: baskets, bread bins, trays, dishes, panels, flower pots, bast shoes. In Belarus you can buy beautiful handmade wicker furniture.

Felt boots and hats

Felting hats and felt boots made of sheep wool is an ancient craft of Belarusians, because in the bitter winter frosts these things were simply irreplaceable. In the vicinity of the town of Dribin, which has been famous for felting since the 18th century, the secrets of their ancestors are still preserved today. Belarus is preparing to include the traditions of Dribino shapovalism and the special language in which the masters spoke among themselves.

Souvenirs: felt boots, hats
Belarusian exclusive:
Dribino boots

Crystal and glass

More than a hundred years ago, factories appeared in Belarus where they began to produce glass and crystal products. Belarusian glassblowers have become famous for their delicate artistic taste and excellent quality of their work. The most famous enterprises are the Neman glass factory and the Borisov crystal factory.

Souvenirs: crystal and glassware (glasses, wine glasses, decanters), vases for flowers and fruits, candlesticks, paperweights, boxes, original souvenirs (figurines of animals and birds, Easter eggs, fruits), stained glass windows

Belarusian candies and sweets

For more than a hundred years, the oldest confectionery enterprise “Krasny Pishevik” has been producing delicious and healthy marshmallows, marshmallows, and marmalade, the recipes of which contain only natural fruits and berries. Residents of many countries around the world appreciated the candies and chocolate of Belarusian factories and Spartak.

Souvenirs: marshmallows, marmalade, chocolate, candies (in addition to traditional ones, there are exclusive recipes with gifts of Belarusian nature - cranberries, blueberries, black currants, rowan), syrups and jams from wild berries

In ancient times, Belarusians drank intoxicating drinks made with honey; in the 14th century, moonshine (“garelka”) appeared; since the 15th century, beer has been brewed in Belarusian “breweries.” In the 19th century, large factories began to open, the traditions of which are now being developed by enterprises in the alcohol industry.

The world has appreciated the original tinctures made according to ancient recipes with extracts of medicinal plants (bison herb), balms with a rich composition of valuable ingredients (herbs and tree buds, berry fruit drinks, spices, natural honey).

Souvenirs: vodka, tinctures, balms in souvenir decoration (glass and clay bottles, canvas and leather bags)

The Republic of Belarus is no longer just about potatoes, straw baskets and wooden spoons. It’s even a shame that these associative stereotypes are still in use. Yes, all of the above has not gone away and is even actively purchased by tourists. But you can bring much more interesting, high-quality and modern things from Belarus. Delicious natural products, high-class linen and cosmetics, even furniture - and this is not all that the fraternal country will surprise. And the prices are so low! You can be envious, honestly!

There is no need to change money in advance before traveling to Belarus - you will do this on the spot. Go to any bank branch or official exchange office (they are at the train station, at hotels and even in many shops) - the rate is the same everywhere, there is no commission. You can also exchange Ukrainian hryvnias and Polish zlotys for Belarusian rubles, as well as dollars or euros. Russians, of course, should not lose money on double conversion.

Don’t be afraid to exchange a large amount: you won’t lose anything if you exchange it back. It is better not to go to private traders with foreign exchange transactions - it is not only unreasonable, but also prohibited by law. Cashless payments in Belarus are possible almost everywhere. Perhaps in small stalls or markets this will be difficult. Well, you can see the current exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the Russian ruble in our currency converter.

Don’t be offended if in the text we call Belarus Belarus – that’s how it is in Russia. If you yourself are confused, remember: in Russia you can calmly say “Belarus”, but when traveling – only “Belarus”, so as not to upset the local residents.

So, what can you bring from Belarus?

You should look for stores of European brands in large shopping centers like Galeria, Dana Mall or Green City. There are things from “luxury” manufacturers in the “Castle” shopping center. In Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel and other cities of the country, you can go shopping either in malls (they are usually always located in the city center) or in stores of specific brands.


The Belarusian company Milavitsa is well known throughout Eastern Europe. This is the largest manufacturer of lingerie of the highest quality. Of course, it is most profitable to buy it in Belarus - prices are lower. There are stores all over the country. In almost every big city at least one works.

In Minsk, “Milavitsa” underwear can be bought in shopping centers Dana Mall, Green City, “Castle”, “Tivali”, “MOMO”, “Hippo”, “Stolitsa”, “Globo” and others. The brand store in Vitebsk is located in the TriO shopping center, in Grodno in the Korona and OldCity shopping centers, in Gomel in the Hippo shopping center. There are several other retail stores in each of these cities.

The brands “Lady Leda” and Helena are also popular in Belarus. Don’t be afraid to take goods from lesser-known manufacturers - local linen is almost always of excellent quality.

Buying underwear in Belarus is so profitable that many people bring it to Russia to sell.

Tights and socks

The most famous Belarusian manufacturer of hosiery products is “Conte”. There are a lot of branded stores throughout the country. Tights, socks, underwear - all this is not too expensive in Russia, but in the manufacturer’s homeland it is even more profitable. The products will be of interest not only to girls or women, but also to men.

In general, there are many stores throughout Belarus where you can buy good tights, socks and underwear (men's and women's). Numerous tourist reviews about purchases once again confirm this. Prices from local producers are always reasonable. That is why many people bring these goods from Belarus to Russia for sale. We advise you to buy at least something for yourself - the quality is really excellent.


The Belarusian flax of the Orsha Flax Mill is no less famous than local potatoes. So it’s definitely worth bringing it from Minsk, Grodno, Vitebsk, Gomel, Brest (or wherever you went there?). Women can see dresses, skirts or blouses, men – trousers and shirts. The quality is excellent, prices are relatively low.

We advise housewives to bring home linen tablecloths, napkins, bed linen and other things for the home from Belarus. Buy linen robes or bath towels as a gift to your loved ones. All this is usually decorated with embroidery and looks really cool.


A modern and more budget-friendly alternative to linen is Belarusian knitwear. The quality is decent, and the prices are much lower than in Russia. You can buy knitwear in almost every shopping center in Belarus - reviews of such shopping are always positive.

Items with embroidery are especially popular. And if you don’t want to buy more expensive linen embroidered shirts, buy knitted embroidered shirts - they look very decent.


Here the Belwest and Marko factories stand out from the rest. They are also popular in Russia, but prices in Belarus are, of course, lower. Take a look at the Mattioli or Galantea brand stores. It is profitable to buy shoes, bags, wallets and other leather accessories in Belarus. Well, their quality is known throughout Eastern Europe.


If you come from the USSR, then you probably remember the famous Luch watch. They were made in the same place as Zarya and Vympel. The plant almost stopped working for some time, but now cooperates with the Swiss and Japanese. Today in almost every major shopping center in Belarus you can buy this useful and truly stylish accessory. Prices for watches start from 800 Russian rubles. There are men's and women's collections, as well as watches for children - anyone can bring a gift from Belarus.


Just a few years ago, buying cars in Belarus was very profitable. European models came to the country under a simplified taxation system, which made prices even more pleasant for the buyer. Well, bringing a car from Belarus to Russia, due to the simplified border crossing, was a simple matter.

In 2014, the situation changed. We won’t go into political and economic details, but now it is more profitable to buy some models in the Russian Federation rather than in Belarus. And yet the issue of transporting cars is still relevant.

It makes sense to buy cars in Belarus, if only because in Minsk you can find equipment that is not available in Russia. And all the foreign cars there are originally assembled (we assemble them using European technologies, but not in Europe). In short, it’s definitely worth bringing a car from Belarus if there is such a need.

The largest automobile markets in the country are Malinovka and Zhdanovichi. We advise you to check with sellers in advance about customs clearance and Euro-5 certificates.

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Cosmetics and medicines

For “cosmetic” shopping, you can visit shopping centers, supermarkets or specialty stores. You can find popular products even in small towns and rural shops. The best prices and wide range, of course, are in brand stores.

Belarusian cosmetics

Belarusian cosmetics are very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Poland. This is understandable: a large selection of care and decorative products, excellent quality, low prices - who wouldn’t like that?

Buying cosmetics in Belarus is much more profitable than in other countries. Shampoo - for 50-60 Russian rubles, cream - for 80-100, mascara - for 150-200, BB cream - for 120-150... It feels like time has been rewinded back 10 years; These prices seem so incredible.

The most popular cosmetics manufacturers in Belarus:

  • Belita Vitex;
  • Belita Young;
  • LuxVisage;
  • Relouis;
  • Liv Delano;
  • BelKosmex;
  • Markell;
  • BelorDesign;
  • Modum.

Many of them produce real hits and have received recognition from famous beauty bloggers and magazines. Manufacturers' lines are growing, quality remains the same, and prices remain almost unchanged.

That’s why in Belarus it’s definitely worth going to cosmetics stores and picking up gifts for all your girlfriends, mothers, sisters, aunts and colleagues. By the way, many manufacturers also have men's lines.


It is not profitable to buy imported medicines in Belarus. But local preparations are worthy of attention. The Belfarmprom holding supplies medicines from Belarus and Russia, but in its own country, of course, it sells them cheaper (in our country they are also subject to tax). So if you are looking for something specific, you can easily find the drug in almost any government pharmacy.


If you go to Minsk, you should definitely check out one of the Kirmash shopping centers. You can buy absolutely everything there: from small souvenirs to clothes and even furniture.

Folk art

Even magnets in Belarus are most often not ordinary, but beautiful wooden ones. The choice is huge. And not some trinkets, but really useful things.

  1. Tree. The choice of wooden souvenirs in Belarus is quite large. Local craftsmen are especially good at carving. Bring home dishes or boxes - these are things that will last forever. Don’t forget to buy your child (or yourself) a bison figurine. In Belarus they will be happy to tell you why this particular animal is so popular among artisans.
  2. Ceramics. You can bring pottery masterpieces as gifts to friends or simply buy them for yourself as a souvenir of your trip. Take dishes, a vase or an interesting clay figurine - all this is inexpensive even in the most “tourist” places. Prices for small souvenirs start from about 4 Belarusian rubles.
  3. Straw. In Belarus, women's jewelry, baskets, dolls and various home accessories are woven from straw. The stores traditionally have a large selection of such souvenirs. And prices for them start from 3 Belarusian rubles.


Belarusian furniture is well known in Russia for its quality and relatively low prices. That is why it is so actively sold in our country. If you want to buy something specific, it will be more profitable to bring it from Belarus yourself (if, of course, transport allows it). Some factories can arrange delivery to the Russian Federation, so ask and find out. Even in this situation, the purchase most often turns out to be profitable.


Bring a linen toy for a child from Belarus. Natural materials combined with high quality and cute design - this is the formula for their popularity. There are dolls in national costumes, cute bunnies, kittens and other animals. Many toys are made by hand, but the factory versions are no worse.

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Food and drink

There are many inexpensive and incredibly tasty products in Belarus. The milk and sweets alone are worth it! For grocery shopping, go to supermarkets or markets.


Go to branded sweets stores in Belarus - your eyes will run wild from the assortment of goodies. Large selection of products in regular supermarkets. Prices are about the same low everywhere.

We are willing to bet that at least once in your life you have tried (or at least seen) candies and chocolates “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Beloved Alenka”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”. All this is the product of the famous Belarusian factory “Kommunarka”. They also have other chocolate goodies, jelly beans, lollipops and wafers. There are branded stores in almost every major city in Belarus; in Minsk there are as many as 9 of them. Go to any one, buy by the kilo and take it to everyone as gifts.

If you are one of those who often remember the taste of Soviet sweets, you should definitely buy them in Belarus. The products of the factories “Ivkon”, “Ideal”, “Spartak” are still popular (remember “Strela”, “Gifts of Polesya”, “Grillage in Chocolate”?). Bring a sweet gift for your child from Belarus and give candy to all your friends with a sweet tooth - you don’t have to worry about the taste and quality.

It is also worth bringing the famous Spartak waffles or Bobruisk halva and marshmallows from Belarus. There are also delicious marshmallows, gingerbreads, and marmalade. Don't forget about cranberries in powdered sugar - this is a natural, healthy treat. Russians even buy condensed milk in Belarus not just in one, but in five to ten cans at once - it’s so natural and tasty, and it’s also worth a spoonful. In a word, take everything that seems attractive - it’s hard to make a mistake here.

Minsk sometimes hosts honey fairs. If you go to small settlements, you can easily buy natural honey from the local residents. Sometimes the product can be found in farm produce stalls. The prices are a little higher there. But in general, a liter of honey in Belarus can be bought for only 20-25 local rubles (depending on the variety).

Cheese and milk

In Belarus you can easily buy the best varieties of European cheeses, which are currently prohibited in Russia. You won’t take much home (the limit is 3 kg of animal products per person), but you can take some. Pay attention to Belarusian varieties of cheese (especially smoked ones!). There is no fault with the quality, and the taste too – very worthy products.

In Belarus, natural dairy products are generally very tasty. If possible, be sure to try fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, and milk. If you're not far away, buy something to take with you to treat your loved ones. Of course, cheese will carry the road best. You can buy dairy products in regular supermarkets.


Again, you can buy a “sanction” if you miss jamon and prosciutto. We would advise you to look into the company stores of the companies “Inco-Food”, “Borisov Meat Processing Plant”, “Slutsky” or look for local products in supermarkets. Belarusian smoked meats and meatloaf- pure delight. What do you think about the idea of ​​buying dry-cured duck sausage? Gourmets will appreciate it!

Remember about customs restrictions and buy products only in original packaging - otherwise they won’t let you through at the border.


If you are traveling by car or train, take kvass on the way back from Belarus. Not simple, but with birch sap. This drink is considered healing and perfectly quenches thirst. If possible, bring it as a gift to your loved ones - it will be a very nice present.


Connoisseurs of strong alcohol can buy krupnik, a herbal honey tincture. Many people bring it from Belarus as a medicine for the cold season. No less popular is krambambula, a strong, spicy alcohol. All this is produced by many Belarusian companies.

The No. 1 brand of Belarus is “Bulbash” (by the way, their most popular alcohol is called “No. 1”). They have excellent tinctures: cranberry, linden with chalk, pepper, birch buds and others. The goods of Belovezhskaya Pushcha are also in great demand. Tourists often buy “Minsky Kryshtal Lux”. Balms “Black Knight”, “Belarusian”, “Old Slavonic” and others are also popular.

Many men are happy to receive such souvenirs from Belarus, and women also like some tinctures. You can buy alcohol in Kryshtal stores or supermarkets, and souvenir options can be found in Belarusian goods stores and tourist shops.


Cigarettes in Belarus are 2 or even 3 times cheaper than Russian ones. If you are a heavy smoker, you can stock up on a block or two during your trip. Just remember about customs restrictions (duty-free import into the Russian Federation of no more than 200 cigarettes). Now they are fighting this strictly, illegal procurement in all seriousness.

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We hope you find our shopping tips in Belarusian cities useful. We wish you pleasant and profitable shopping! Anything to add? Write in the comments!