How to make hard goat cheese. Homemade cheese. Processed cottage cheese cheese: step by step cooking recipe

Add cottage cheese to milk at room temperature, mix. If the cottage cheese is in large lumps, then knead them with a spoon.

Meanwhile, place the butter in a frying pan and melt it over low heat.

Pour the egg mixture into the butter, mix everything quickly with a spoon. Fire must be kept to a minimum. Then put cottage cheese in the pan, mix.

Place the mixture in any suitable form, lightly greased with butter, smooth and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. After that, already well-thickened cheese is placed in the refrigerator, covering the dishes with a film. Leave the cheese to ripen for at least a day, although it will be ready in 2-3 hours. But, the longer the cheese matures, the harder it becomes.

Remove the cheese from the mold and you can cut. The cheese cuts well. Cheese can be stored in cling film in the refrigerator.

Easy to prepare and very tasty homemade hard cheese made from cottage cheese and milk, serve at the table.

Bon Appetit!

Cottage cheese made from goat's milk has many useful vitamins and minerals. It is easily absorbed by the body and is processed by almost 100%. In addition, such a product is less allergenic in comparison with cow's.

Cheesecakes, dumplings, casseroles, desserts and many other dishes are prepared on the basis of goat cottage cheese. Today I propose to get hard cheese at home. It will be very simple to do this, the main thing is to stock up on the right products. In this regard, I was very lucky, because everything I needed was delivered directly from the village where my parents live. Therefore, I was completely sure of the quality of milk, cottage cheese and eggs.

Homemade goat cheese cheese is very tasty and tender. In addition, you can taste it on the same day, but the longer it stays in the refrigerator, the denser and harder it will become.

So, let's begin!

Let's prepare the products according to the list for the recipe.

In a suitable pan, pour goat's milk at room temperature and add cottage cheese. Mix and send to the stove.

On low heat, boil the milk-curd mixture for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until the whey separates.

Then we throw the cottage cheese into a colander, covered with several layers of gauze. I recommend saving the resulting whey, you can cook excellent pancakes with it.

In a separate bowl, combine the egg, salt (0.5 tsp) and baking soda. Mix thoroughly. The amount of salt can be increased to 1 teaspoon, but then the finished product will turn out to be slightly salty.

In the meantime, melt a piece of butter in a frying pan or heavy bottomed saucepan.

Add the egg mixture and stir vigorously.

Then immediately add curd. On minimum heat, constantly stirring and rubbing the lumps with a wooden spatula, boil the mass for about 5-7 minutes.

After that, a homogeneous, viscous mixture is transferred to a food container. For this case, plastic or silicone is perfect. Only using the first option, the container will need to be lubricated with a thin layer of butter. Leave the container with cheese at room temperature until completely cooled, after which we move it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

That's all, delicious homemade goat cheese cheese, we can serve it on the table. We carefully take it out of the mold, cut it into portioned pieces and call everyone for a tasting.

And, of course, do not forget about a cup of fragrant herbal tea.

Bon Appetit!

This cheese tastes like cream cheese. To make cheese from cottage cheese, we need:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 120 g butter
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Take a large saucepan, pour milk, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Add cottage cheese to boiled milk and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes over low heat until the whey separates.

Lay clean gauze in two layers, soak well in water and cover with a colander. Pour the resulting curd mass there. After the glass of the serum, tightly tie the gauze and hang it over the sink so that the remnants flow down.

Mix the softened butter with the yolks. Add salt and soda and mix well.

Mix the dried curd mass with whipped butter and yolks. You can add spices to taste.

Let's make a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Let's put a smaller pan with the resulting mass. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the homemade cheese becomes viscous and begins to melt.

Then transfer to a colander or mold greased with butter. Press down on top and put in the fridge. After 2-3 hours, remove the homemade cheese from the mold, cut and serve.

boiled cheese

It turns out very tasty cream cheese with spicy.

To make cheese for 1 kg of cottage cheese we need:

  • 75 g butter;
  • 200 g cream or homemade sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, cumin to taste.

Leave the cottage cheese in a closed saucepan in a warm place. After 3-4 days, it will be covered with mold, giving it a characteristic aftertaste.

Grind cottage cheese with mold with a meat grinder, mix with cream, salt and cumin. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the curd mass. Cook, stirring, until a homogeneous melted mass is obtained.

Add the beaten egg at the end of cooking, stir well and heat, not bringing to a boil.

Transfer to a mold greased with butter, press down with a press and put in the refrigerator. Like homemade cheese, boiled cheese will be ready in a few hours.

The hardness of the cheese depends on the time spent under pressure. Excess liquid must be drained as it forms.

Sulguni cheese

Snow-white suluguni is made from buffalo milk. You can also make cheese from full-fat cow's milk, then it will turn out with a yellowish tint.

To make Suluguni cheese weighing 1 kg, we need:

  • 10.2 liters of milk;
  • 1 g of pepsin for sourdough (sold in a pharmacy or on the market);
  • 1 dessert spoon of wine vinegar.

For making sourdough take 200 ml of milk at room temperature, add wine vinegar and dilute pepsin in the resulting liquid.

Strain 10 liters of milk through gauze or a fine sieve and heat it in an aluminum pan (or cauldron) to a temperature of 30 degrees. Add sourdough and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Then we put the pan with milk on a slow fire and collect the curdled mass with clean hands against the wall of the vessel. It usually takes 5 minutes for all the cheese to curdle.

To make the cheese young we take out the lumps in a prepared colander with gauze. As in the recipe for homemade cottage cheese cheese, we squeeze out the whey. The resulting homemade cheese is already ready to eat.

If you crumble the cheese and leave it warm, you get delicious stretchy filling for khachapuri, cheese puffs or any other baked goods.

To make suluguni cheese, leave the resulting young cheese to ferment in unsalted whey for several hours in warmth. Then check for readiness: dip a thin piece of cheese into hot water, hold for 1-2 minutes. If the strip of cheese stretches slightly, then it is ready for further processing. Cheese should not tear.

Cut the prepared cheese into strips 2 cm thick. Dip the cheese into hot water (80-90 degrees). On low heat, stirring in one direction with a wooden spatula, melt the suluguni cheese. When it melts completely, we take out the mass, glue it into a lump and give it the shape of a head. Suluguni is ready to use.

For storage, lightly sprinkle the cheese with salt and stack on top of each other.

Suluguni cheese can be fried in a pan in breadcrumbs and an egg, added to hot cereals or made sandwiches for breakfast.

Bon Appetit!

Making cheese at home from milk and cottage cheese

When I had a household, I often made homemade delicious cheese from milk and cottage cheese for myself. Cooking cheese at home is very simple, the main thing is that the products are of high quality. The recipe for making homemade cheese can be changed, when cooking cheese, add cumin seeds, dried aromatic herbs (for example, Provence or Italian), sun-dried tomatoes, dried bell peppers (paprika) or just chopped dill, parsley and cilantro.

For the recipe for homemade cottage cheese cheese, we need

  • Cottage cheese - 2 kg
  • Cow's milk (you can cook homemade cheese from goat's milk) - 2 liters
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Tea soda - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - to taste


  1. I put 2 kg of cottage cheese in a saucepan, poured 2 liters of milk. I put it on fire. While stirring lightly (mostly only along the bottom, the cottage cheese can stick), so that the mass warms up evenly, bring the milk with cottage cheese to a hot state. Once you see whey forming, it's all done. Cottage cheese becomes like soft plasticine. Strongly this curd bun does not need to be broken. In time, it takes 7-10 minutes, no more.

2. Then you need to separate the whey from the resulting cheese mass, I usually throw it on cheesecloth, you need to try so that, if possible, all the liquid escapes and the curd mass is almost dry, without whey. Then, in a cauldron, where you will cook homemade cheese, lay the resulting mass, there are 200 g of softened butter, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. soda and salt. Salt, of course, to your taste, someone likes salty cheese, someone lightly salted.

Mix all the ingredients for homemade cheese in a cauldron or other vessel with a thick bottom (not enameled) and put on fire.

3. Making cheese at home requires constant monitoring, so you can’t move away from it, as the cheese may burn during cooking. Stirring constantly, cook the cheese over medium heat, the curd mass will begin to melt and stretch, it takes about 5-7 minutes to boil the homemade cheese. I have a wooden spoon with which I constantly interfere with the cheese mass. You will be able to determine when the cheese is ready. It will be sticky and sticky. You can determine the readiness of cheese by mouth: try it, if it sticks to your teeth, then everything is ready! Another sign of cheese readiness is that it begins to lag behind the walls of the dishes in which it is cooked.

4. Then pour the hot homemade cheese into any container (cup or container) to shape it. It is necessary to handle the cauldron with care, as the cheese mass is very capricious. Cover warm homemade cheese with cling film on top so that the crust does not wind.

5. I got homemade cream cheese, it is not quite hard, because it has a high fat content, but it keeps its shape and can be cut with a knife.

To get a harder cheese, with a low fat content, you can reduce the amount of butter, put it in 100-150 g. But you can’t spoil the porridge with butter, so my homemade cheese turned out delicious too, here it is in the photo:

Of course, maybe not the same as store-bought, but environmentally friendly and you know that everything in your homemade cheese is natural, from a cow, fresh and there is no palm oil, without dyes and preservatives. Initially, in the preparation of my homemade cheese, I used 3 liters of milk per 1 kg of cottage cheese, then I tried to reduce the amount of milk. I didn’t notice a difference in the quality of homemade cheese, so I began to add enough milk so that it only covered the cottage cheese.

  1. The remaining whey from making homemade cheese from milk and cottage cheese can be used when baking pancakes or put yeast dough on it for bread or buns, or cook okroshka on whey in the summer.
  2. I would like to highlight separately: the store often sells not cottage cheese, but a CURD PRODUCT, which in its composition is not cottage cheese at all, cheese will not work out of such not real cottage cheese, it is better to buy real farm cottage cheese with milk and get a good result and the taste of homemade cheese! Ultra-pasteurized and sterilized milk from boxes should not be used.

Sincerely, Valentina Gorbacheva

Products that can be made at home include homemade cheese. Homemade cheese will delight you with a great fresh taste, and will compare favorably with the cheese we are used to. So be sure to cook this dairy treat.

Homemade cheese - features

To begin with, a few features of the preparation of this product.

In general, the taste of cheese is a purely individual matter. Someone likes soft cheese, which has a delicate taste and texture of dense cottage cheese with a milky flavor, someone, on the contrary, likes hard spicy cheese.

Here are some homemade cheese recipes.

homemade cheese melted (recipe)

To make homemade cheese you will need

Homemade melted cheese recipe

  1. Pour the milk into an aluminum pan and add the cottage cheese. Mix well.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, without bringing to a boil and stirring constantly, separate the whey from the curd.
  3. Prepare a bowl, cover it with gauze, on which put the cooked mass.
  4. Tie the gauze tightly enough and hang it up so that the whey is completely separated. The cottage cheese should turn out to be as dry as possible, for this you can use a press.
  5. If you use homemade cottage cheese from village milk to make cheese, then such preparatory procedures that ennoble the taste of cottage cheese are not necessary.
  6. Rub cottage cheese with eggs, sugar, salt, soda and spices. Take an aluminum saucepan, melt the butter and put the curd mixture into it.
  7. Put the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, melt the mass so that it becomes homogeneous. Attention, the mass should not boil!
  8. Pour the mass into the mold and cool.

This homemade cheese can be eaten immediately. It is suitable for those who are on a diet, because. contains few calories. If desired, you can add sour cream to it. Chilled cheese has the best taste. Remember that you need to store it for no more than one week in the refrigerator.

Homemade cheese (recipe)

For cooking you will need

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 2 yolks or 1 egg
  • 100-150 g butter
  • 2-3 tsp soda
  • 1 incomplete tsp salt

homemade cheese recipe

Bon Appetit!

Homemade cheese.

First way

Homemade cheese is best prepared from freshly boiled cottage cheese in the usual way.

Folded freshly boiled cottage cheese is passed with salt twice through a meat grinder and left for 5 days in a dry room. The yellowed cottage cheese is mixed again, transferred to a greased pan and boiled over low heat, stirring until a homogeneous liquid mass is formed. The resulting mass is poured into small saucepans. After it hardens and hardens, the cheese is ready to eat.

Homemade cheese. Second way

To prepare 1 kg of cheese, take 1.2 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, 2.5 tablespoons of butter or ghee, 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of fine salt. The thrown cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve. All prepared cottage cheese is laid in the dishes. Half of the required amount of soda is evenly scattered over the surface of the curd, and then they begin to slowly heat up, continuously stirring with a wooden spatula. If whey appears on the surface of the curd and near the walls of the dishes during heating, the dishes are covered with a lid and removed from heat for 10-15 minutes, after which the settled whey is removed. If the whey cannot be separated, then the rest of the soda is added to the curd and the mixture continues to be heated. After the cheese mass has melted and thickened somewhat, melted butter is added. Table salt, and if desired, cumin, anise, dill, put 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking. The finished cheese mass should be a stretching homogeneous mass. After cooking, the cheese mass is immediately poured into a dish greased with oil and taken out to a cold room. Before removing the chilled cheese from the dishes, the latter is immersed for a few seconds in hot water.

Cheese 3% fat homemade.

Homemade cheese recipe (up to 3%). Low calorie cottage cheese.

How to make cheese at home? For losing weight, this is one of the most pressing issues. And not only for losing weight, but also for daily proper nutrition, homemade low-calorie cheese is a tasty and healthy product.

Of course, 5% fat cheese can also be bought at the store. For example, shops sell Polar cheese with 5% fat content. But, firstly, it gets boring to eat the same cheese all the time, secondly, not all stores sell low-fat cheese, and, thirdly, store-bought cheese is much more expensive than homemade.

Making cheese from fat-free cottage cheese at home is very simple. I make low-fat cheese all the time.

To prepare homemade cheese, you need only 30-40 minutes of time and products:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 1 kg
  • milk (0%) - 1 cup
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 2/3 teaspoon
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • butter - just a little, just for lubrication
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon (optional)

The method of making homemade cheese is simple:

1) Put the cottage cheese in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in the milk.

Not every cottage cheese produces high-quality homemade cheese. Having tried several types of cottage cheese, I settled on fat-free Lithuanian cottage cheese (0%). You can take other fat-free cottage cheese grains, for example, loose - it is much cheaper. But for the first time, I still advise you to take low-fat Lithuanian cottage cheese - homemade cheese turns out to be hard and tasty from it.

I take 3 packs of cottage cheese 300 grams each. This cottage cheese has a heterogeneous structure. You should not take soft cottage cheese. It makes a paste-like mass, and not hard homemade cheese. The taste of homemade cheese depends on the cottage cheese from which it is made.

2) Put the pan with cottage cheese and milk on a small fire.
Stir occasionally. You will see how the cottage cheese dissolves in milk.

After 10-15 minutes, there will be one liquid and a few grains of cottage cheese in the pan. After boiling, cook for 8-10 minutes.

3) Throw the hot mass into a colander.

4) In a saucepan in which the cottage cheese was boiled, put butter, curdled cottage cheese, salt, soda and beat in an egg. Mix. Put the pan on a small fire and cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring constantly. When the mass becomes viscous, like plasticine, the homemade cheese is ready.

5) In advance, grease a deep mold for homemade cheese with olive oil. Quickly pour hot homemade cheese into a mold. Homemade cheese quickly cools and hardens, taking the desired shape. Very tasty and hot homemade cheese.

6) The fat content of the cheese is not more than 5%.

You can show imagination: divide the hot mass into two parts. Make one part like regular cheese, and add finely chopped greens to the second part of the mass.

You can drink coffee with homemade cheese (instead of cookies), you can make a sandwich from a lettuce leaf and a piece of cheese, you can make a roll by wrapping a piece of homemade cheese in Beijing cabbage, you can put it in a salad.

And your homemade cheese will always have a new taste.

If you have the opportunity and desire, then cook cheese from cottage cheese yourself. He is the most reliable. When making it, you definitely will not add preservatives, palm oil, or dilute the milk base. We present to your attention simple cheese recipes and secrets for its preparation.

traditional recipe

The traditional recipe below does not require literal execution. If you want a creamy product that resembles cottage cheese, leave it on the whey drip tray for just 8 hours.

You will need:

  • 9% cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • fresh milk - 1 l;
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • optional cumin - 1 pinch;
  • baking soda - ½ part of a teaspoon;
  • add salt to your liking.

It takes 30 minutes to make the cheese plus 12 hours in the fridge. The finished product, per 100 grams, contains 195 kcal.

How to make cottage cheese cheese at home:

We prepare hard cheese from cottage cheese and milk in our own kitchen

A slow cooker will help you cook cheese quickly and easily, if there is no appliance, cook it in a regular saucepan on the stove.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of quality milk;
  • 1 kg of homemade cottage cheese;
  • fresh eggs - 3 pieces;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • 15 grams of salt.

Active cooking time: 35 minutes. The output will be about 1 kg, each serving contains 189 kcal.

Step 1. Pour milk into the bowl of the appliance, turn on the “porridge” mode, cook for 15 minutes.

Step 2. Grind cottage cheese with a fork, put it in a bowl with milk and mix. Turn on the “warming up” program for 15 minutes. The mass will be ready when whey separates from milk.

Step 3. Pour the contents of the bowl onto several layers of cheesecloth (or cloth). Tie up the bag and hang it up so that all the liquid is glass. This process sometimes takes two hours. If you want to get a harder cheese, then it must drain for at least 24 hours.

Step 4. Rub the butter with eggs (it is better to get them out of the refrigerator in advance so that they are warm).

Step 5. Combine the cottage cheese with the pounded mass, put it in the bowl of the device, add salt, mix thoroughly.

Step 6. Set the “multi-cook” mode to 80 degrees for 10 minutes. Do not close the lid, stir constantly. The output will be a viscous and homogeneous mass.

Step 7. Cover the selected form with cooking paper, grease it with a piece of butter.

Step 8. Put cheese in this form, grease with butter and cover with a sheet of parchment.

Step 9. Put the load on top. It can be any cereal in the package.

Step 10. Cooled cheese, put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Cream cheese recipe at home from cottage cheese

Any processed cheese should have a stretchy consistency. That is, when we take it with a knife, it should slightly reach for it. The homemade processed product consists of cream cheese, butter, milk and melting salt.

Required set of products:

  • 0.5 kg of high-quality cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 40-50 grams of butter;
  • 2 pinches of soda;
  • 3 pinches of salt (or to taste)
  • optionally use cumin seeds.

Active cooking time: 25 minutes, 100 grams contains 190 kcal.


Step 1. You will need a pot with a thick bottom. Put cottage cheese in it, add baking soda and grind thoroughly;

Step 2. Pour milk into the pan and stir well.

Step 3. Put the container on a minimum fire, cook, stirring constantly.

Step 4. When the mass begins to reach for a spoon while stirring, add butter and salt. Continue cooking, stirring all the time.

Step 5. While hot, pour the mass into molds, cool a little on the table. Put in the refrigerator for the whole night.

How to make goat cheese in your own kitchen

Any cheese can be made independently. We share with you a simple recipe for making goat cheese.

You will need the ingredients:

  • 4 liters of high-quality goat milk;
  • 60 ml of whey or kefir;
  • 10 grams of table salt.

It will take 4 hours to cook. 100 g serving contains 169 kcal.


Step 1. It is necessary to make cottage cheese from goat's milk. To do this, heat the milk over medium heat, to about 35 degrees.

Step 2. For starter, add whey or kefir, mix.

Step 3. Close the pan tightly with a lid. Maintain the fire so that the temperature of the milk is at 35 degrees. It will take 60 minutes to ferment milk.

Step 4. Leave to roll for another 60 minutes, closing the container with a lid. Maintain the temperature of goat's milk, up to approximately 35 degrees. This thermal regime contributes to the coagulation of milk and the formation of cheese mass.

Step 5. Once the curd is formed, cut it into small cubes. Place them back in the pot.

Step 6. Mix cubes every five minutes. Cooking time will be from 30 to 60 minutes. The temperature must be maintained at the same level.

Step 7. Drain the whey, add the eggs. Leave a little whey to prepare the brine.

Step 8. Transfer the cheese mass into prepared forms. Fill them all the way to the top.

Step 9. To wash the cheese, prepare a brine. To do this, dissolve 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of salt in warm whey. It should be stored only in the refrigerator, used to wash the crust.

Step 10. Keep the product in molds for a day. Place a container under them to drain the whey. During the entire aging period, the cheese must be turned over twice so that the piece is even.

Step 11 Remove the cheese from the molds and start salting. Sprinkle each head of cheese with salt, one teaspoon per head. Salt should cover the entire surface of the cheese. If salt is not enough, just increase the amount.

Step 12. Place the product on a stand so that excess serum can drain. For about a day. During this period of time, turn the cheese 1 to 2 times. When the head of cheese is dry to the touch, put it in the refrigerator to age.

Making Adyghe cheese at home

Real Adyghe cheese is made only from fresh milk and sour whey. This type of cheese goes well with any greens, they are stuffed with pies, pasties, dumplings.

You will need:

  • 3.5 liters of milk;
  • 0.5 liters of acid whey;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

Active cooking time will be 1 hour + 6 hours in the refrigerator. The output will be 10 servings, each with 250 kcal.

How to cook:

Step 1. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat to a low boil.

Step 2. As soon as foam begins to form on the surface of the milk, you must immediately pour in the whey. Stir while cooking until flakes appear.

Step 3. Warm up until the liquid becomes transparent in color, with a slight greenish tint.

Step 4. When the whey is well removed from the milk, transfer the curd mass to a colander.

Step 5. Without waiting for the cheese mass to cool. Slightly crushing, form a neat ball out of it. Leave in a colander until all the whey has drained.

Step 6. Salt the cheese ball on all sides. Place in refrigerator for 6 hours until completely cool.

How to cook fat-free cheese at home from cottage cheese

Make more cheese from cottage cheese at home. This is not only an interesting activity, it will save you a lot of money. Homemade fat-free cheese will turn out cheaper than bought in a store. In addition, you are guaranteed to receive a product without starch and preservatives.

Required products:

  • for the manufacture of cottage cheese milk - 1 liter;
  • half a glass of kefir.

Time required for cooking: 20 minutes + passive time for exposure, calorie content per 100 g of product will be 145 kcal.


Step 1. Pour the milk into a heavy bottomed saucepan. Put on a small fire until boiling.

Step 2. Pour kefir into boiled milk. Stir constantly until the liquid separates into curd and whey.

Step 3. The resulting cottage cheese must be put in cheesecloth and squeezed properly.

Step 4. Put the curd mass under the press. Enough to withstand 8 hours.

  1. Use raw milk to make cheese. A dairy product bought in a store has been pasteurized at the factory, and pasteurization, in turn, destroys the bacteria contained in raw milk;
  2. If it is not possible to buy real raw milk, take regular pasteurized milk and add kefir to it as a sour starter. The fermented milk product will help to partially restore the biological diversity lost during pasteurization;
  3. The salt helps remove moisture from the curd. As a result, we get a hard cheese, which, thanks to salt, is also better stored;
  4. It is better to replace ordinary gauze with a dense cloth. You can use a pillowcase;
  5. Homemade cottage cheese can be spread on bread, served with fresh vegetables, used for filling.

Your suffering from the lack of quality cheese like mozzarella or camembert will end if you make homemade cheese from cottage cheese. It just seems that the process of making cheese is long and laborious. It will actually take about 30 minutes to cook and one night to mature.

In the morning you will have high-quality homemade cheese on your table. You just need to prepare for the process - buy good cottage cheese and find homemade raw milk.

The recipe for homemade cottage cheese is also in the next video.

Olga Dekker

Hello, my dear readers!

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

I'll tell you the truth: I really love real cheese, not only for its taste, but also for the fact that it is very satisfying and healthy.

I often advise women to eat it. Especially for those who want to be slim, vigorous and stay young longer :)

True, I recently found out this ... Already, goosebumps are still running down my back ... :(

Are you aware that many cheese makers are crooks?

What do stores mostly sell harmful cheese fakes? Don't believe?..

I just watched this show and thought: how to be? What to do? At least become a cheese maker! ..

And what? Let's become! I have a great recipe for cottage cheese cheese at home. Even two recipes! Look at the photo. What a beauty, right?

One cheese will be a bit like Dutch, and the second will be tender, melted.

You will be surprised how easy it is to make delicious and healthy homemade cheese from cottage cheese…

I propose so. Let's listen to Cher's inspiring song - Believe first and then get right down to business! :)

The recipe for homemade cottage cheese cheese is so simple that you can make it at least every day!

Following my recipe with a photo, you will see that it is not difficult to cook cheese)

We will need:


Energy value per 100 gr - 161 kcal;

  • Proteins - 8.7 g;
  • Fat - 12.52 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.23 g;

In Russian stores below 17% fat cannot be found!!! And here it turns out only - 12%. Just like in Europe :)

Such a wonderful cheese is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also for pizza - because it melts perfectly in the oven. Well, and, of course, it is very good in salads - for example, in.

I am sure that hand-made cottage cheese cheese will become a favorite delicacy on your table :)

Shall we take a musical break?

Let's listen to the charming Bonnie Tyler - "Total Eclipse of the Heart", and then I will surprise you ...

Processed cheese can also be easily made at home. Does your beloved family deserve the very best products?

So make the most healthy and delicious processed cheese in the world!


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Fructose - ½ spoon
  • Salt - 1 tsp. a spoon
  • Soda - ¼ spoon

Unlike the previous recipe, this time we will not bring the products to a boil. It is very important! Otherwise, the cheese will not be soft.


1. Mix milk and cottage cheese in a saucepan and put on fire - medium, so that the mixture warms up, but cannot boil. While stirring, wait until the milk protein separates from the whey.

2. Throw the cheese mass into a sieve or into a gauze bag - you need to get rid of excess liquid.

3. Add an egg, salt and fructose to the cottage cheese. Mix them thoroughly, or better, beat them with a mixer.

4. Then, in fact, we will begin to make melted cheese from cottage cheese. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the curd mass there and begin to interfere, preventing boiling.

5. After the mixture becomes viscous and homogeneous, put it in a mold and leave to cool. Soon the cheese will be eaten. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours so that it acquires a better consistency.

With homemade melted cheese, pasta, cheese sauce and even a simple sandwich will become incredibly tender!

And what a tasty and healthy product is obtained on the basis of homemade processed cheese ... Mmmm ... Be sure to try it :)

Calorie content and BJU per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 123 kcal;
  • Proteins - 9.11 g;
  • Fat - 8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.76 g.

I think that such a low-calorie product is quite suitable for diet food :)

And especially the processed cheese is loved by children!

And if store-bought cheese is full of thickeners, preservatives and other hazards, then you will be completely calm about the quality of a product made by yourself. :)

Do not forbid your children to eat processed cheese - cook this delicacy for them yourself!

Cheese ... or not cheese? .. The whole bitter truth about fakes and deceit!

I think that it is not at all difficult to refuse many harmful store products in favor of similar homemade ones. Cheese is the same story.

Be sure to watch this show and write your opinion in the comments. I'm very interested, really.

For health, youth and beauty

Do not buy "fake cheese" in stores. Boil the cheese yourself a few times. You will feel the difference! Especially since it's really easy :)

Just practice more often and follow my advice:

1. If you do not want to eat eggs, you can try to do without them. The high quality of milk and cottage cheese is much more important.

2. The heavier the press, the harder the cheese will be; the longer the exposure time, the richer, sharper the taste.

3. Goat milk gives a delicate creamy taste.

4. You can add chopped mushrooms, paprika, cumin, dill, cilantro, nuts to the cheese mixture ...

5. The shelf life of such a product without preservatives, of course, is small - about a week. And it is better to store it not in a bag, but in paper or a cotton napkin.

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Just watch a documentary video about fakes and cheating customers. Added it to the bottom of this page.

P.S. Eat like a gourmet and at the same time become slimmer, lighter and more mobile!

P. P. S. Proper cheeses are rich in vitamins, trace elements, amino acids.

But even the best of them cannot give everything so that we look great and feel great. But a competent experienced expert can! :)

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