Preparing Beshbarmak in Kazakh - a recipe for cooking with a photo. Besbarmak from lamb in Kazakh - a step-by-step recipe with photos, how to cook a national dish of Kazakh cuisine Cooking recipe for Beshbarmak in Kazakh

The dish of the pubmak, which in Russia for some reason is called Beshbarmak, came to us from the endless steppes. "Bad" means 5, and "Parmack" is a finger. Five, not table appliances, ate ancient nomads is a dish - from here and it turned out such a name. But outside of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, many not only do not know how to prepare Beshbarmak, but even the names did not hear such a name. But the dish is very tasty. It can not be called "on the ambulance": while male workers grazed herd, women painstakingly smeared the dough and cooked meat. So that the husband finds the road to the rim of Yurts by smell.

Products for Beshbarmaka

Traditionally, this dish is prepared from three types of meat: lambs, beef and horse meat, but since there are many of the horses, many are considered inhuman, and the Russians have a somewhat biased attitude, it is allowed to cook beef beef. kilogram. For the broth of this, perhaps enough. Still a couple of laurel leaves and several pepper peas. But for the test you will need two eggs, flour (no less than 600 g), two bulbs and greens.

Cook broth

begins with cooking meat. It is separated, wash, poured with cold water and put on a large fire. As soon as the Kazan boils, reduce gas and remove the foam. Beef is boiled for a long time - three hours, but the process can not be allowed on samonek. It should be regularly removed by a spoon "noise" so that the broth is not muddy, and amber. Some hostesses are not held in order not to put in the middle of cooking ordinary vegetables for soup, as well as various spices. But if you want to know how to cook Beshbarmak old traditional way, do not need to do this. Only meat da dough should be felt in the dish and nothing else.

Preparation of dough

Besbarmak dough is sold in Kazakhstan in a dried form. The difference between semi-finished product and self-rolled noodles is immeasurable. So if you wish you thoroughly know how to cook Beshbarmak, taper the sleeves, seek through the sieve in a bowl of 300-400 g of flour and start working. If you already have a broth, cool down its small amount (glass). In the flour, we take two eggs and knead, gradually adding broth (if there is no, cold water). The dough should turn out to be cool, so add flour if necessary.

After you are pretty confused the foundation, wrap it in the food film and leave to stand half an hour. Tabletop densely sprinkle with flour and start to roll a piece of dough with an apple (the rest is waiting for its o'clock in the film). When you get a subtle layer, you need to cut it into small rhombus. We decorate them on a free tabletop, sprinkled with flour, and let me dry within an hour. Alternatively, noodles can be dried in the oven at 60 ° C and an open door in 20 minutes.

The final stage

Fix the broth, meat disassembled into small pieces. Two lows with shining by half rings, one of them fry until soft, and the second put on 2 minutes with a glass of broth. Catching the noise onions, and add more to the saucepan of another 4 baulon and some water. Cook in this fluid dough about 8 minutes, after which we shift it to the roasted bow. In the center of a large flat dish, lay meat, on the sides we are putting noodles, all this is pouring onions in broth and sprinkle with greens. If you know how to cook beshbarmak, you need to take into account how to serve it. They eat this dish by drinking broth from the pile. Hands or forks - your business.

This is a number one dish in Kazakh cuisine. Without it, not a single celebration and feast in Kazakhstan. Many guests and tourists are wondering why the Kazakhs consume as much meat, because it leads to excess weight, because the meat is often eating not lean, plus problems with cholesterol.

I would like to note that the meat was the main diet of nomads, due to the fact that the nomads led a nomadic lifestyle. Imagine that you need to distill countless herds and other livestock in winter, and winter in the nomadic steppe lasted for 5-6 months.

Therefore, without meat it was impossible. With this product, this people survived and defended themselves. Now the consumption of the amount of meat is certainly decreased, because Kazakhs lead a settling lifestyle today and have long been representatives of the culture of urbanization. But the tradition, every year cutting the cattle (horse) remained so far. This is a special process of nomadov.

Below we will talk about the recipe of the main national dish of the Kazakhs - beshbarmak. But before dedication to the secrets of the formulation. I would like to say that the process of choosing meat for Beshbarmaka, it is also a great art.

It is necessary to choose a horse that stood on fattening, that is, the meat should be fat and not old. When buying a horse, you should not pay attention to the color of the pulp and fat. The pulp should be light red, and white fat, in no case is not a yellowish tint. From such meat you can cook a delicious beshbarmak.

Talking about Beshbarmak and the process of his cooking, I want to immediately say about the time you need to spend on cooking. So, the cooking process lasts more than 3 hours. Therefore, this dish is calculated at the time interval before the arrival of guests.

Each family has a sufficiently accomplished pan, at least 20 liters for cooking this dish. Whatever urbanization has come and the Kazakhs have long been like this year, the value and love of Beshbarmak remained at the same level.

No ultra-modern dish is able to replace Beshbarmak. Now about the meaning of the word "Beshbarmak" (Badmak) with Kazakh translates as 5 fingers, this dish is eating hands only. As in Uzbekistan, truly pilaf eat hands, and Beshbarmak eat only with his hands, this is a national peculiarity.

Now the recipe of this dish and some nuances in preparation. Basically, Beshbarmak is preparing only from horseback, but there are also varieties of this dish with another meat view.
For example, a horse, beef and lamb. This is already the imaging of the XX century and astrology.

In the pot of cold water, the meat of the horse lies, when the salt is boiling 2 tablespoons, looking at the amount of meat. Well, the meat is approximately calculated, 500 grams per person. Kaza is preparing from the filament of the fatty meat, the meat is cut off from the rib, but it is not completely separated, it is necessary that it literally hung. Kaza are in advance solid, pepper and add can some cloves of garlic.

Wrap in gauze or food film and give to lie down a few hours, and preferably a day. The map is the thick intestine of the horse, it is washed carefully so that when cooking there is no specific smell, for this you need to observe the temperature balance of water, contrasting. Then the map is turned inside out and picked in greasy meat, in which salt, pepper, garlic, onion added.

The card is boiled separately, otherwise the broth will acquire an unpleasant specific smell. Pantry, it is a strip of oily cutting, cuts on it are sinful and pepper. Justing is the traditional part of the horse, simply putting the fillet part of the carcass. It may weigh from 1 to 6 kilograms. Chwyk (horse sausage) It is advisable to cook separately.

When the champer is boiled, after boiling, it is necessary to pierce the skin of the sausage so that it does not burst, boil around after boiling 2-2.5 hours. Jailing, blinding, kaza, the liver is boiled in one pan. Broth turns out to be welded.

After the meat is welded, it is necessary to strain it and cook juice (dough) in this broth. The dough is made as follows, the flour of the highest grade is added eggs 2 pieces and water with salt, everything is mixed and a little should lie down. After the dough is rolled in the form of circles.

Special chic is when the circles are obtained by large and the correct shape of the circle. They should be rolled in an hour, two to two to the feast, so that they could dry. Then they are boiled 20 minutes in broth.

Tuzdyk (sauce) is preparing to Beshbarmaka, it consists of a bow, which is filled with broth, still spices are added. It is boiled and then added to the dough so that it does not stick.

You can additionally boil potatoes. Beshbarmak is folded as follows, a slightly broth is poured on a round large dish (tobacco), then the dough, on the juicy laying the meat, and the Tuzdyk is watered on top. If you boiled potatoes, then lay it on the edges of the dish. Bon Appetit.

All who have been in Kazakhstan, tried this dish, because the Kazakhs are a very hospitable people.

Besbarmak Recipe

The name Beshbarmak is literally translated as "five fingers". Traditionally, it is prepared from lamb, beef or horse. See detailed recipes with photos.

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The name Beshbarmak is literally translated as "five fingers". It happened from the way to eat this dish - it is eaten by hand. People from the nomadic tribes (namely they came up with Beshbarmak) could not eat otherwise. Now, of course, we eat this dish using cutlery.

Traditionally, it is prepared from lamb, beef or horse. Sometimes the poultry meat is used, such as turkey or chicken. Today I want to present a few recipes for this dish. Let's see together, how to make a bishbarmak at home correctly.

Kitchen tools:

Cookbarmaka Cooking Recipe in Kazakh

Required ingredients

How to choose ingredients

  • The main ingredient of this dish is lamb. For cooking it is best to choose a shovel, neck or sneaker. And specifically for Beshbarmak, it is recommended to take meat on the bone. The main thing is that it is the meat of a young animal.
  • It is quite simple to choose if you choose a fresh (not frozen) product on the market. Meat should have a light shade and white elastic fat. If the meat is loose, and the fat has a yellowish tint, then it is the meat of an old sheep. Pay attention to the smell of meat.
  • An unpleasant smell may mean either what the meat is not freight, or what is the meat of a non-recorded animal. Such meat is not suitable.

If you choose frozen meat, see how it is packaged. Packaging should look neat. It must be labeled, that is, accurate product information. When the meat is packaged, how much it should be stored. Contacts of the enterprise, which was packed by this product should also be indicated.

  • I recommend buying the meat of the domestic manufacturer. In our country, animals are also fed by biodevices, but less often use antibiotics and other harmful impurities.
  • Flour for this dish take the highest grade.
  • Eggs take the chicken medium size. You can take turkey or quail eggs, only by weight they must correspond to two chicken.

  1. Drunk meat

    - Young lamb - 1300 g.
  2. First you need to rinse the lamb well, then you need to cut it with quite large pieces. Next, put meat into a saucepan and pour cold water. When water boils, it is necessary to remove the foam, which is always formed when cooking meat.
  3. If this is not done, the broth will be muddy and ugly. After you remove the foam, you need to drop fire and cook meat about three hours on slow fire. It should be soft and easily separated from the bone.
  4. Add vegetables

    - Onion - 5 pcs.
    - Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
    - Carrot - 1 pc.

    - Salt - to taste.
    - Black pepper (polka dot) - to taste.

  5. When the meat boils about one and a half hours, add purple into broth, but whole vegetables (onions, carrots). Then salute, add pepper and bay leaf. It will give the dish saturated fragrance.
  6. Preparing dough

    - Wheat flour - 2 glasses.
    - Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

    - Water (for test) - 200 ml.
    - Salt - to taste.

  7. While the broth is boiled, it's time to prepare the dough. Sketch the flour, sweat the eggs, measure 200 ml of water and take a pinch of salt. Now mix all the ingredients and knead the dough.

    Did you know? In the process of the knead, you may notice that the dough is a bit thick or, on the contrary, is fat than need. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to accurately calculate the amount of products. Moreover, the glass is a relative measure, every hostess it can be of different volumes. Therefore, add flour or water as needed so that the dough is soft and elastic, but enough tight. It should be similar to dough for dumplings or dumplings.

  8. Finished dough wrap in a transparent nutritional film and leave for 15 minutes. It is necessary so that the dough does not rush when the rolling.

  9. You can roll out the dough with one layer, but it will not be very convenient. Better divide the dough into two or three parts and roll them out. Then cut the dough on small diamonds. Sprinkle them with flour and set aside so that they dried a little.
  10. Cook Luk
    - Onion - 5 pcs.
    - Easy pepper - to taste.

  11. Ready meat get out of the broth and finely rotten with your hands. We fold meat into a separate bowl. We take out all the vegetables and spices that cooked in the broth. So that the broth looked appetizer, it can be strain. Divide it into two parts. One part should be put the prepared dough and sprinkle with fragrant pepper. Onions Cut rings and fry.
  12. Cook Rhombiki
    In the second half of the broth, add some water and cook the diamonds in it about 15 minutes.
  13. Cress the dish
  14. The main secret of this dish is the correct feed. It is necessary to put boiled diamonds on a wide and flat plate. Then lay onion and meat topped on top. From above can be sprinkled with chopped greens. Broth is served in a separate deep bowl.

Did you know? Many oriental dishes are sharp and spicy. If you also like spices, add seasonings to the broth to your taste. I will tell you what herbs are best combined with lamb. This is a chamber, ginger, soul man, Rosemary, Major, Parsley and Saffron.

Video cement

I suggest watch a video, how to cook a delicious beshbarmak. In this recipe, two types of meat are combined, it is lamb and beef.

Beshbarmak from chicken

Time for preparing: 4 hours.
Number of portions: 5.
Kitchen tools: Rolling, chopping board, frying pan, knife, saucepan.

Required ingredients

  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Spices - to taste.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 3/4 cup.
  • Flour - 2 glasses.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.

Sequence of cooking

Video cement

See how a beshbarmak with chicken is preparing.

All Central Asian countries know how to cook beshbarmak. This dish is preparing for holidays, large portions, in Kazan on open fire. Prepare a real delicious Beshbarmak easily, some special skills do not need, cooking products are not necessary and they are quite accessible. The only thing that needs and is important for cooking is time and inspiration. Without this, the perfect Beshbarmak will never work.

The most "right" is the Beshbarmak from lamb. Also traditional can be considered both Beshbarmak from Conina, so be prepared by Beshbarmak in Kazakhstan. In addition, when cooking, Beshebarmak is allowed to use beef, less often chicken, duck. Besbarmak from pork is not traditional for known reasons.

So how to cook beshbarmak. For cooking, Beshbarmak choose only fresh meat, not old and not ice cream. Carefully washed meat lay in a saucepan, poured with water and boil at least 2-3 hours, removing the foam. In the process of cooking in the pan add all the vegetables, roots and spices in the recipe. When the meat is welded, it is taken out of the pan, separated from the bones and disassemble or cut into the pieces with a knife. The broth is filtering, and all the vegetables, root and spices, which was cooked in it, emit.

The second component of Beshbarmaka - noodles, however, it is not like noodles at all, it is rather thin klochki in the form of diamonds or squares. The noodle dough is prepared on wheat flour, eggs and salts. Flour must be preheated a couple of times to saturate it with oxygen. After that, eggs are added to the flour, salt and knead the tight and tight dough. Water in the dough does not follow. The finished test gives 10 minutes to relax, and after it is finely rolled and cut into diamonds, the width of which ranges from 1.5 to 7 cm. Rhombica from the dough is lowered into a boiling slightly salted water and boil 2-3 minutes after the pop-up, and then fold on the colander.

When the noodle is ready, time to prepare the third component - onion. Do not be surprised, it also needs to be prepared, because it's not just onions, but onions for beshbarmaka. Peeled onions should be cut into thin half rings and put into a deep bowl. Then, slowly and gently pour the boiling broth in it, in which the meat was boiled, and leave for 5 minutes so that the bow was crayled, gave bitterness and was impregnated with broth.

Now you know how to cook Beshbarmak, it's small - learn to serve it correctly. To do this, you need to put noodles on a large dish, on it - pieces of meat, there is a bowl of a bowl and a separate container with a hot broth, which is added finely chopped greens (the Kazakhs call such a Tuzdyk broth, it is very welded, satiate and unusually delicious) .

Knowing all the subtleties and tricks of cooking this dish, you will not make it difficult to prepare it. Remember, the main thing is time and inspiration, and our recipes will help you otherwise.

Traditional Besbarmak in Kazakh

1.3 kg of lamb,
5 bulbs,
1 carrot (optional),
2 stack. flour
2 eggs,
5-6 black pepper peas
2 laurel leafs (can be replaced by a twig of the chasty),
Greens, salt and spices - to taste.

Wash meat thoroughly, put it with large pieces, put in a saucepan, fill with cold water and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam, cover the saucepan with a lid and cook the meat for 3 hours. For 1-1.5 before the end of the cooking, add carrots to the broth, a whole bulb, black pepper peas, bay leaf and salt.
For the preparation of the dough, mix in the bowl of sifted flour, eggs, salt, a little cooled broth and knead the steep dough. Wrap it in the food film and let go of 15 minutes. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour, divide the dough into several parts, each part roll into a thin layer and cut it into it with small diamonds. Slightly sprinkle the resulting rhobics flour and leave on the table for 30 minutes so that they dried a little. Get ready meat from the pan, let him cool and separate your hands into small pieces. Broth straightened, removing everything from it that was cooked in it. The leaky broth is divided into 2 parts. In one piece add chopped greens. The second part of the broth is filled with chopped onions, add fragrant pepper, bring to a boil, boil 2 minutes, and then remove the noise onions from the broth. Add a bit of water into the second part, bring the broth to a boil again, salt the rhombus in the taste, drop the rhombus from the dough to the boiling liquid, after having threw out the excess flour, and boil them 7-8 minutes, then get noise. Put on the plate layers of diamonds, from above - meat and onions, in a separate container, serve a broth with greens.

Besbarmak from Konina

1.5 kg of horse
3 bulbs,
3 stack. flour
2 eggs,
2 laurel sheets,
Salt, black ground pepper, greens - to taste.

Wash meat, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers meat. When water boils, remove the foam, reduce the fire and boil 3 hours. About 30 minutes before the end of the cooking, add salt, pepper, 1 whole purified bulb and bay leaf. Pour 1 cup of broth from the pan and cool it out. Then dissolve a pinch of salt in it, mix with eggs and flour and knead the steep dough. Send the finished dough for 30 minutes to the refrigerator. When the time comes out, get the dough, roll it out with a thin layer on the covered surface of the table surface and cut into squares or diamonds. Let them dry a little. Cut the onion by half rings, stick, salt and fill with hot broth, close the lid and leave for 10 minutes. Get ready meat from the broth, cool down and cut down with thin plates, and in the boiling broth, drop the sliced \u200b\u200bdough and boil 6-8 minutes. Serve with greens.

Besbarmak in Tatar

600 g calf breasts
500 g potatoes,
3 bulbs,
1 carrot,
100 g of fresh greenery,
3 stack. flour
1 tbsp. water,
1 egg,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
Salt and spices - to taste.

Rinse the meat thoroughly, lay out in a saucepan and pour 2 liters of water. When water boils, remove the foam and add a large carrot into the pan and one bully, a little spout. Leave cooking on slow fire for 3 hours. While the meat is boiled, cook noodles. Spice an egg in a bowl, add a glass of water, a spoonful of oil and sweep carefully. Suck and start to plug gradually flour. Check the tight elastic dough. Cover it with a towel and leave for 30 minutes. When the time comes out, divide the dough into several parts, take one of them and roll in a thin layer 2-3 mm wide. Cut the dough on the rhombus with a side of 5-6 cm, do the same with the rest of the test. Ready meat get out of the broth and divide into pieces. Onions Cut on thin rings, put it in a colander and down to a minute to boiling broth, then put it in a plate, and lower the potatoes peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bon 3-4 parts and boil it until readiness. Putting potatoes put into a wide dish, get half of the broth into a separate container, and in the remaining broth you weld your noodles. Serve with greens.

Besbarmak from pork

1 kg pork,
500 g noodles,
3 bulbs,
1 bunch of parsley,
1 bunch of dill,
1 Celery root,
1 tsp. dried fennel
2 laurel leafs,
1 g of pink pepper,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
Salt to taste.

Place the meat into a saucepan with cold water and bring to a boil, removing the foam, add salt, bay leaf, celery root, pink pepper peas and fennel and boil until readiness. Get ready meat from broth and cut into slices, strain the broth to remove the spices. In the leaky broth, dare noodles. Onions Cut half rings and fry on the vegetable oil, then pour the glio of the broth to it and extinguish 10 minutes, add spices to taste. Place your noodles on the flat dish, on it meat, pour onion sauce and sprinkle with chopped greens.

Besbarmak from duck or goose

1.5 kg of duck meat,
2 stack. flour
2 eggs,
½ stack. chilled broth
2 bulbs,
1 bay leaf,
Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Fold the cut duck into the pan, fill with water about two fingers above meat, salt and put cooking. Their flour, eggs and broth knead the steep dough, add salt to taste. Divide the dough into several parts, roll out each of them into thin pieces, let them dry, then cut into diamonds or squares. Fold into a separate saucepan sliced \u200b\u200bonions, sprinkle with black ground pepper and add a bay leaf. Then pour onion with hot broth and leave it. When duck meat is welded, remove it from the broth, divide into pieces, and in the boiling broth, weld the rhombic from the dough for 5-7 minutes. Serve, sprinkling with greens.

Beshbarmak from chicken

1 chicken,
3 bulbs,
3 carrots,
Pepper - to taste.
For dough:
500 g flour,
200 g of water
3 eggs,

1 tsp. Salt.

Boil the chicken in a large saucepan for 2-3 hours, add salt, spices to taste. In deep tank, pour water, lean the eggs, add flour, salt, vegetable oil and knead the steep dough. Give him a little time to stand at room temperature so that it approached. In the pan, heals the vegetable oil, add the onions sliced \u200b\u200brings, squeezed with carrots and stirring, fry vegetables until readiness. Finished chicken get out of the broth and separate the meat from the bones. Then, from the test, take off the large pieces and knead them in the pellets, each of which roll the rolling pin to the thickness of 2-3 mm. After that, lower the cakes in boiling broth and boil 5-7 minutes. Serve Beshbarmak on a table in three separate dishes: with chicken, vegetables and dough. Put vegetable and meat stuffing on the cake, turn it with a converter and eat yourself with your hands.

Jewish Beshbarmak

4 kg of lamb
1.5 kg of conine sausages,
700 g of flour,
2 eggs,
2 bulbs,
3 sweet peppers
400 ml of water,
5 potatoes,
Greens, salt and pepper - to taste.

Put the meat and sausage into the saucepan, pour with water, salt and cook for 2 hours, removing the foam. Meanwhile, prepare the dough. Dissolve in 400 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. Salt. Squake in a separate bowl of flour, leak 2 eggs and, gradually adding salted water, knead the steep dough. Cover the dough with a film and let him stand 30 minutes. When the time comes out, post the dough, sprinkle it with flour and roll in a layer with a thickness of 2 mm. Mix the resulting layer on the roller and right on it. Make long cuts with a knife to get noodles. For the preparation of the podliva, cut the onions by half rings, pepper straw, greenery grind. Boil in the leaky broth where meat and sausage were cooked, potatoes, then boil the chopped vegetables in the same broth for 3-4 minutes by adding seasoning or spices to taste. At the end, add noodles and boil it until readiness. When applying on the table first put noodles on the plate, then sliced \u200b\u200bmeat and sausage, top of vegetables and potatoes.

Beshbarmak in Multivarka

1.5 kg of any meat,
5 potatoes,
2 bulbs.
For noodles:
300 g of flour,
2 eggs,
1 stack. water,
1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2-3 chopping of black ground pepper,
⅔ Art. Salt.

Take any meat, wash it and cut into pieces. Then lay out in the multicooker's bowl, pour into the water to the floss with meat and turn on the cooking program for a couple for 1-2 minutes. When water boils, drain the first broth and rinse the meat. To put it on the bowl of the Multivarka again and this time will pour 2 cm with water above the meat level. Set the quenching mode depending on the meat variety: beef - for 3 hours, pork and poultry - for 2 hours. From the indicated ingredients, knead the tight dough, wrap it into the film and send to the fridge for 20 minutes. Then remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide into several parts and roll out each piece in a thin layer, which cut the diamonds or squares with the sides of about 5x5 cm and leave on the table to trim. Cut into 4 parts purified potatoes and add it to meat about 50 minutes until the end of the extinguishing time of meat. Together with potatoes, send salt and pepper to the bowl. Fold off the chips onions into the container and fill it with its upper bold of the broth. Cover the lid and retain on the side. Ready meat and potatoes are removed from the broth. Reinstall the program "Cooking for a pair" for 20-30 minutes, in small parts, weld the sliced \u200b\u200bdough and lay it on the dish. Put the meat over the test, pour onions with broth, sprinkle with chopped greens. Boulevard serve to the table in a separate dish.

Is it not really great to discover new, amazing dishes? Tell your friends how to cook beshbarmak and compete in its cooking. Believe me, the losers in this culinary competition will not be, because each prepared Beshbarmak is beautiful and unique, as the song invented his people.

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin