Borodino bread: a recipe for making it at home. Borodino bread - benefits and harms What are the benefits of Borodino black bread

Until now, Borodino bread is one of the most popular food products in Russia and the former Soviet republics. Regular consumption of Borodino bread helps normalize digestive processes. However, like any other food, bread can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm.

Composition of Borodino bread

The recipe for Borodino bread was approved back in the 30s of the twentieth century. But even today the composition of this bread has remained virtually unchanged. The composition of Borodino bread, in addition to rye and peeled, also includes second-grade wheat flour. To make the dough, sourdough is used, which modern manufacturers are increasingly replacing with yeast. Salt, sugar, molasses and malt are added to the bread.

Traditional Borodino bread has rectangular shape. The top of the bread can be sprinkled with spices such as coriander, cumin or anise. The bread crumb is dark brown with a pleasant spicy aroma and sweet and sour taste.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Due to the fact that Borodino bread contains yeast, it should not be eaten by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as enterocolitis, atrophy of the intestinal mucosa, or simply increased acidity. Too frequent consumption of Borodino bread by such patients can lead to exacerbation.

In addition, lovers of Borodino bread with stomach or intestinal diseases run the risk of bloating, since its ingredients contribute to increased gas formation.

It is clear that Borodino bread is strictly contraindicated for people who have suffered any kind of illness in the recent past. surgical operations on the digestive organs.

Obesity and diabetes

Since Borodino bread contains sugar, it should not be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. For such patients, it is better to replace bread with products designed specifically for diabetics.

Despite the fact that Borodino bread is not very high in calories (100 grams of bread contains a little more than 200 kilocalories), it is still not a dietary product. That is why this bread, like other flour products, is not recommended for people prone to obesity.

Pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant and lactating women should also reduce the dose of Borodino bread in their diet. For expectant mothers, the amount of bread consumed per day should not exceed 250 grams. This is due to the fact that the components of this product, as mentioned above, can cause digestive problems, which pregnant women usually already have enough of.

For the same reason, nursing mothers should not overuse Borodino bread. Doctors advise such women to gradually increase the amount of flour in their menu.

What are the benefits of Borodino bread?

The benefits of Borodino bread have been known since ancient times; it was always on the royal table and on the table of ordinary peasants. This is a truly Russian product and is considered one of the most popular types of bread in the diet of modern Russians. It is distinguished by an amazing and exceptional taste and aroma. In today’s article I will tell you why such bread is useful, how to choose it correctly in the store, and also how to preserve it.

The true history of the creation of Borodino bread is little known, so there are several versions. According to one of them, the recipe for this product was invented by nuns convent, based on the site of the Battle of Borodino.

Modern bakers use the recipe for the production of this bread, developed back in 1933.

About the benefits of Borodino bread

The composition of Borodino bread, proven over the years, is incredibly simple and reliable. It includes rye baking flour and second grade wheat flour. To give the bread an amazing aroma and taste, master bakers add coriander to it and sprinkle coriander or cumin on top.

In addition, such bread cannot be baked without rye malt, sugar, molasses and table salt. Another important ingredient in the production of this bread is compressed yeast, although it can also be baked with a yeast-free base.

The nutritional value of 100 g of this product is as follows. The calorie content of “Borodinsky” bread is 210 kcal, the content of carbohydrates is 41.5 g, protein is 6.9 g, dietary fiber is 7.6 g. The bread is also rich in B vitamins.

It has been proven that vitamin B1 or thiamine, which is abundant in Borodino bread, improves the functioning of our nervous system, forming a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which transmits signals to nerve cells.

The lack of this vitamin in the body contributes to the development of such serious and shocking diseases as damage to the brain and optic nerve.

The champions in vitamin B1 content per 100 g of product are:

  1. “Borodinsky” bread – 189 mcg;
  2. “Riga” bread – 110 mcg;
  3. White bread – 45 mcg.

How to choose healthy “Borodinsky” bread

  1. Firstly, according to GOST, the standard weight of this product is 0.400 kg.
  2. Always choose bread on the shelves with an exceptionally smooth surface and without any signs of deformation or sagging.
  3. A loaf of Borodino bread has a shiny crust and should not be burnt.
  4. If you find lumps in the bread crumb, know that this is a hidden sign of a violation of the production technology.
  5. The recipe for baking such bread products includes sprinkling the top with coriander or caraway seeds.

How to store Borodino bread

  1. To preserve the good taste of the bread, it is better if you wrap it in a linen or canvas towel immediately after purchase and can be stored in this form at room temperature.
  2. Many years of experience have established that for any bread wrapped in clean white paper or plain fabric, the staling process lasts much longer and its beneficial properties persist for up to 5 days.
  3. Always store “Borodinsky” bread separately from its white counterpart, since storage together promotes the formation and rapid growth of potato sticks. If there is only one bread bin, then you can put white and black bread in different paper bags.
  4. You can store “Borodinsky” bread in freezer, having previously cut it into pieces.
  5. Such a little thing as being next to an apple, peeled potatoes or a pinch of salt will help keep the bread fresh, just don’t forget to periodically change them for fresh ones.
  6. It is a proven fact that it is best to use a wooden bread bin for storing bread products, since wood is a good antiseptic and, moreover, it has a membrane effect, i.e. takes away excess moisture and prevents the product from drying out.
  7. Although now bread bins made from other modern materials are considered the most environmentally friendly, the bread stored in them is much worse than in those made of wood. Therefore, it is recommended to put wooden planks in such bread bins.

Interesting details about Borodino bread

In the city of Desnogorsk Smolensk region in connection with the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory in Patriotic War In 1812, a monument to Borodino bread was erected with the name “Bread of Our Memory.” According to one legend, the recipe for this bread was invented by Margarita Tuchkova, the widow of General Tuchkov, in memory of her husband who died at the Battle of Borodino.

Bread has been a proven and indispensable product of our diet for centuries. In turbulent and difficult times, he saved us more than once from imminent hunger. “Borodinsky” bread, created by our ancestors, to this day is distinguished by its excellent taste and useful qualities. The benefits of such bread have been scientifically proven and any refusal to eat it can affect your health.

When buying bread, always take it in moderation so as not to throw away spoiled bread later. When stored properly, bread retains its unique taste and beneficial properties for several days.

From this article you learned about the benefits of Borodino bread, how to choose it and how to store it, but whether to include it in your diet or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Thanks to the unique taste qualities Borodino bread is known all over the world, but is especially loved in Russia and Ukraine.

Borodino bread belongs to the custard varieties rye bread and is baked without preservatives or flavor enhancers. It contains a mixture of rye wallpaper flour (80%) and wheat flour second grade (20%), as well as red rye malt, sugar, molasses, yeast, salt and spices (cumin or coriander).

It is unknown who first came up with the recipe for the famous black bread. Some sources claim that the composition, close to modern, and baking techniques were known to the nuns of the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery. The widow of General Tuchkov, in memory of her husband, who died near Borodino, built a church near the battlefield, at which a monastery was later opened. The nuns baked black “funeral” bread with caraway seeds and malt.

According to another version, it was created by the composer and chemist Borodin under the impression of a trip to Italy and acquaintance with the products of local bakers. Opponents of this version argue that this is impossible, because In Italy they don't bake rye bread. But that's not true. Rye bread varieties in Italy, of course, are not as widespread as in Russia, but, nevertheless, in one of the regions of South Tyrol, Trentino-Alto Adige, rye loaves with cumin and flatbreads made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour with spices are baked .

In Valle d'Aosta they also bake rye bread with the addition of wheat flour, and the famous bread from Altamura (province of Bari), although it contains only wheat flour durum varieties, but it contains malt. Borodin might have been fascinated by the idea of ​​using Italian baking traditions in Russian conditions. If this is so, then the experiment was a success and became one of the achievements of the famous musician and scientist.

An interesting fact is that the name “Borodinsky” is not mentioned in any publication devoted to bread until the thirties of the last century. Most likely, it appeared during the creation of the modern recipe.

The official history of Borodino bread begins in 1933, when the Moscow Bakery Trust developed a single standard based on several similar recipes. Difficult technological process requires well-equipped production, and for a long time aromatic bread remained the prerogative of Muscovites, but with the development of the baking industry it appeared in other cities


What is the secret of the unusual, sweet-spicy taste and appetizing aroma of Borodino bread? Unlike simple rye varieties, the dough is prepared using tea leaves and spices. The brew is rye malt mixed with flour and brewed with boiling water. The process lasts several hours and is the most complex and responsible technological operation, on which the quality of the finished product directly depends.

Before brewing, spices (cumin or coriander) are added to the malt, which actively release aromatic substances under the influence of high temperature. In addition, spices enhance the fermentation of the dough, promoting its loosening. The dough is prepared using a sponge or straight method using a thick, high-acidity leaven provided by lactic acid bacteria. By classical technology yeast is not introduced, but GOST allows its use.

Pleasant sour-milk notes of sourdough, mixed with the aroma of spices and the specific smell of malt, create an original bouquet, characteristic only of Borodino bread. Its taste is enhanced by the presence of sugar, an essential ingredient in the recipe.

The laboriousness and length of the dough preparation process explains the gradual disappearance of real Borodino bread baked in the traditional way from store shelves. Modern bakers are trying to replace conventional leavening and brewing with various artificial mixtures, which negatively affects the consumer qualities of bread.

How to choose and store Borodino bread

Borodino bread is produced in the form of molded or hearth-shaped products. The top crust should be shiny, sprinkled with coriander or cumin (sometimes anise), not burnt, without breaks, up to 4 mm thick. The crumb is baked, not sticky, elastic, evenly porous, without inclusions or unmixed parts.

Bread stays fresh for several days thanks to choux pastry, but it cannot be stored in a plastic bag or together with white bread. Best kept in a bread box, wrapped in a linen towel. Those who prefer homemade Borodino bread successfully bake it according to old recipes in a bread maker. Fragrant slices are good for first courses, meat and vegetables, as a base for sandwiches or as savory croutons.

Composition and beneficial properties

Compared to white bread, Borodinsky bread has less calories, and the content of some useful substances higher. Thus, it contains four times more thiamine (vitamin B1), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. There are also other B vitamins, as well as PP, A, B; essential microelements - iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium; essential amino acids, proteins, enzymes, fiber.

Fiber fiber, like a brush, cleanses the intestines, freeing the body from waste and toxins. All the ingredients included in the bread increase its usefulness. Malt is rich in microelements, molasses, in addition to a large set of vitamins, contains healthy unrefined sugar, and spices help remove uric acid. Eating Borodino bread prevents constipation, dysbacteriosis, atherosclerosis, gout, cancer and many other diseases.

Harm and contraindications

High acidity of bread is a contraindication for high acidity of gastric juice and ulcerative formations in the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of sugar makes it undesirable for diabetics; due to the presence of gluten (a protein contained in cereals), it is contraindicated for those suffering from celiac enteropathy; coarse dietary fiber is harmful for enterocolitis.

Borodino bread is one of the most popular varieties of Russian bread. In the 1920s - 1930s, this type of bread was produced only in Moscow. That’s why Muscovites love him so much.

One version of the origin of Borodino says that this bread was first made in the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery, which, in turn, is based on the place where the Battle of Borodino once took place.There is another version of the origin of Borodino bread. According to this version, Borodino bread was invented by the famous Russian composer and chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. According to legend, the scientist got the idea to create Borodino bread after a trip to Italy with a group of fellow chemists. However, this version is rejected by historians, since rye does not grow in southern countries. Therefore, rye bread is supplied from Russia to many foreign countries where Russian emigrants live.

The legend of Borodino bread:
There was a battle on the Borodino field,
Buckshot screeches like a knife hitting glass,
And the French are an easy target
Our convoy with flour and fodder arrived.

Either a crazy cannonball, or a mine,
Either a shell hit the van with flour,
And then came a van with cinnamon, cumin,
And the explosion mixed the flour and caraway seeds.

Well, do we need to feed the soldiers something?
It's no good throwing food away!
After all, with cumin, that flour is not poisonous...
So they began to bake Borodinsky.
And they say that even Kutuzov himself,
Or maybe Bagration himself,
They praised the accuracy of those French
What was so successfully slammed into the van.
And so, from a century that has become epic,
Bread has come to us, which is familiar to everyone.
It’s so good that there was a van with caraway seeds,
Not with beans or garlic!

What are the benefits of Borodino bread?
Borodino bread is popular not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries and in many foreign countries. It is this bread that foreigners associate with Russian cuisine and the culture of our country.
The popularity of Borodino bread is also explained by high beneficial properties of bread. Borodino bread is made from wholemeal flour, so it contains a huge number of ballast substances. These substances are not absorbed into the intestinal walls, but serve as a cleanser for the intestine, helping to enhance intestinal motility.
Particular attention should be paid to the main ingredient of Borodino bread - rye flour, which has pronounced dietary properties. It also helps improve digestion, is rich in fiber that is beneficial for the human body, as well as a high content of minerals and vitamins PP, E, B1, B2, and B6.
Very healthy B vitamins, which Borodino bread is rich in, correspond to the level of vitamin content in meat and are distinguished by a high content in comparison with other types of bread. Rye flour is very rich in bran, which is very beneficial for people suffering from constipation.
Molasses, which is part of bread, is rich in vitamins and unrefined sugar, which is much healthier than refined sugar. Also an integral ingredient of custard bread is malt, which also contains a large amount useful microelements, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, iodine and manganese. The high content of amino acids stimulates protein metabolism and easy absorption of polysaccharides - glucose, fructose, maltose.
The beneficial substances of Borodino bread help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth noting that malt is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega −3 and Omega-6, which contribute to the activation of many metabolic processes in the human body.
Cumin and coriander used in Borodino bread help remove harmful uric acid from the human body. This type of bread also prevents the appearance of sagging wrinkles and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

However, Borodino bread has its contraindications. It is advisable not to eat this type of bread for people with high acidity of gastric juice. People with diabetes should consume Borodino bread only with a doctor's permission.
This bread is recommended for people with increased blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, people suffering from constipation. Borodino bread is very useful for people with diabetes, for whom eating wheat bread is generally prohibited. This bread does not harm the figure at all, which is why it is so loved and in demand by people who are overweight. Many women also use Borodino bread as a natural cosmetic for hair and facial skin.


  • Malt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Coriander (ground) - 2.5 tsp.
  • Yeast (fast-acting, dry) - 2.5 tsp.
  • Water (warm, 30 degrees) - 420 ml
  • Wheat flour - 400 g
  • Rye flour - 100 g
  • Honey - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar (apple) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Bake in a bread machine: program "Borodino bread" or "Gluten-free bread".

Borodino bread has been present on store shelves and on the tables of people in the CIS countries for decades, and is loved by many for its unique aroma and taste of cumin. These delicious-smelling buns first appeared on Soviet shelves in 1933.

It is not clear who first came up with the idea of ​​making it with spices. The most plausible version is that, approximately classic recipe nuns from the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery, built by the general’s widow Margarita Tuchkova, baked black bread. Having lost her husband in the memorable Battle of Borodino, the woman founded a church not far from the place of his death, which then turned into a temple. Having become abbess, Tuchkova, together with other nuns, made special, funeral bread in memory of her husband and others dead soldiers. According to the second, less popular theory, the chemist and composer Borodin brought the recipe with caraway seeds from his numerous trips to Italy. One way or another, this type of bread has become a highlight on many people’s tables.

Classic Borodinsky is baked from and, molasses, rye malt,. An interesting fact is that of the total amount of flour, only 15% is rye, the rest is wheat. But even this amount is enough to give the future loaf the color, taste and aroma of black.

According to the original GOST, the dough is made choux, thanks to which the bread remains fresh for a couple of days, the main thing is not to store it together with white bread or in a plastic bag. Borodinsky's crust is always well baked, without cracks, and has a thickness of 4-5 mm. Its upper part is shiny and sprinkled with coriander or cumin. The crumb is porous and not sticky. Bread can be produced in the form of both hearth and molded products.

Beneficial features

It has long been believed that black bread is healthier for the body than white bread. What caused this opinion, and is it justified? Definitely yes. Borodino bread contains large quantities of many elements necessary for health - for example, vitamin PP affects the metabolic process in living cells; Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) affects the functioning of the nervous system and those parts of it that are associated with the digestive system. A lack of vitamin B1 will definitely affect the body in the form of constipation, so it is extremely important for people suffering from this scourge to use Borodinsky to normalize intestinal function.

In addition to vitamins, bread contains:

  • (157 mg);
  • (3.9 mg);
  • (406 mg);
  • (235 mg).

And also connections and useful ones. For comparison, daily norm for the human body the average is: potassium 250 mg, iron 10-15 mg, phosphorus 800 mg. That is, most of the necessary nutrients can be obtained from just one loaf of Borodinsky!

Don't forget about. Due to it, peristalsis in the intestines improves (that is, the movement of food through it accelerates), and also cleanses of toxins and eliminates toxins. It is worth remembering that you need to eat foods wisely and not get carried away, so as not to cause negative consequences. Those who have a problem with the acidity of gastric juice and the presence of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract should not be more careful with bread. It is not recommended to consume too much Borodinsky. Diabetics and those suffering from stomach colic should not overuse bread.

Dietary properties of the product

Borodino bread is of interest to everyone who watches their diet and controls their weight. I am glad that this type of bread is recommended by nutritionists for weight loss. One bread weighing 300 grams (standard weight of a loaf) accounts for 207 kcal, where about 163 kcal comes from, 27 kcal comes from proteins, and 17 kcal comes from. But do not forget that the usual white bread calorie content is not much higher - about 260 kcal. But many still prefer Borodinsky because it contains more fiber.

Food preparation recipes

Borodino bread is easy to prepare at home - fortunately, there are good and understandable recipes.

Recipe for Borodino bread in a bread machine

Borodino bread in a bread machine is prepared from the following ingredients: 360 ml, 2 tbsp. l. , 100 g wheat flour, 450 g rye flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar from, 2 tsp. dry yeast, 2 tbsp. l. oil (vegetable), 1.5 tsp. , 4 tablespoons of rye malt, coriander grains or caraway seeds to taste.

We set the rye bread baking mode on the bread machine. Pour the malt into a separate bowl, pour boiling water over it, stir and let it brew for 7-8 minutes. Pour yeast, pre-sifted flour of both types, salt into the bowl of a bread machine, add honey (preferably in liquid form). In the end any vegetable oil, you can use both unrefined and vinegar. Add malt to the resulting mixture and add water. It is advisable to pour in the liquid not all at once, but gradually, focusing on the consistency of the dough. If the dough wraps around the spatula, everything is done correctly. During cooking, it is better not to look every minute so as not to disrupt the operation of the bread machine. When Borodinsky is ready, take it out and place it on a towel or wire rack to cool slightly.

Borodino bread with fresh yeast

Homemade Borodino bread according to this recipe is prepared using the following ingredients: 300 grams of rye flour, 1 teaspoon of table salt, 170 grams of wheat flour (you can take either grade 1 or 2), 1 tbsp. l. honey, 15 grams of fresh yeast, 1 tablespoon of oil (vegetable), 400 ml. water, 2 tbsp. spoons of rye malt, 1 tbsp. l. cumin and coriander. The required oven temperature is 180°C.

IN deep bowl pour out the malt, pour in 150 ml of boiling water, leave to cool to room temperature. In another container, dilute honey and yeast in 150 ml of hot water, mix and place in a warm place to allow the yeast to ferment. If everything is done correctly, bubbles will appear above the starter.

Two types of flour will need to be sifted into a container, add salt. Make a hole in the middle into which to pour the starter and malt, the remaining water and vegetable oil. Knead the dough until smooth, then let it sit in a warm place for 1.5 hours. The dough will increase greatly in volume. Before baking, divide the dough between the molds. Before putting it in the oven, sprinkle some coriander on top of the dough and press it in a little. Leave the dough for another 30-40 minutes, preheat the oven. Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C. Once cooked, remove the bread to a wire rack or towel and let cool. You should wait a couple more hours before slicing into the flavorful loaf.

Bread with nuts and raisins

The third recipe can be called a variation of the classic Borodino recipe. To prepare such bread, you need to take 400 g of flour, always premium wheat, 150 g each, finely chopped, and 10 grams of fresh yeast, 100 grams of rye flour, 10 grams of salt and 350 mg of water.

The flour is sifted and mixed with salt, the yeast from the briquette is added to the flour mixture and rubbed with your hands. Add water and knead the dough with a spoon, as it will simply be inconvenient to use your hands. Add raisins and nuts to the dough, knead until smooth and elastic, adding flour if necessary. Transfer the dough to a bowl and let it sit warm, but no more than 1 hour. After time has passed, pour the dough into the molds and leave in them for another hour. Bake first for 10 minutes at 220°, and then for another 20 minutes at 200°C. Place the finished bread on a towel or wire rack and let cool.

Olive oil . Dip pieces of Borodino bread into the resulting mixture and place on a baking sheet. Bake until crispy in the oven at 200°C.

A good option for a feast is sandwiches with smoked fish. To prepare it, it is better to take a hot smoked one, from which all the bones have been removed. Place soft cottage cheese and fish into a blender and grind until smooth. Pour into a bowl, add herbs and green onions, spread on bread - ready!

Fragrant and tasty Borodino bread, so familiar to us since childhood, is not only good for the body, but also serves as an excellent basis for light or hearty snacks.