The nuances of successful deposits with gifts. What are the interests of both parties

). Opening this kind of investment is beneficial for the lender organizations. But the investor does not remain deceived. He is offered various presents, among which may be jewelry, household appliances, or, for example, expensive and delicious chocolate. However, there is no need to rush. Indeed, in order to make a really successful investment at a favorable interest rate, you need to thoroughly study such a share.

Profitable deposits in Moscow banks 2018

It is hard enough to find the most profitable deposits in Moscow banks. People rush to make a deposit on seemingly tempting conditions, but in the end they are left with nothing. The fact is that some banks hold lotteries under the guise of investments with guaranteed prizes. Such events end, as a rule, without awards (prizes go to people who are completely innocent of the action). It is important to thoroughly study the terms of the contract, what the client should receive in case of investment.

Successful investment with gifts where to make

Investments with gifts are now popular in Moscow banks. For a timely deposit, the organization is ready to pamper the client with a variety of gifts. But where can you make the most successful contribution? There is a list of highly trusted banks that periodically hold promotions with prizes. In such companies, you should not worry that you will be deceived, or even worse - you will lose the amount of the deposit.

For example Antalbank regularly organizes interesting draws. Prizes are usually not very expensive: small household appliances, communications. But the high investment rate makes this bank popular among Moscow residents.
KRK Bank donates a camera when you open an investment for a year.
Bank Sofrino offers jewelry, or coffee.

Some organizations have taken a more creative approach to gifts. So UBRD gives books when making an investment, and the Bank for Project Financing provided unlimited Internet for the term of the deposit.

In turn, the flagship of Moscow banks, Sberbank, with a certain amount of investment, opens up clients access to a multicurrency deposit.

Deposits with promotions and gifts

Banks of St. Petersburg also hold promotions with prizes for a certain type of deposits. Unlike Moscow, here you can get really valuable things, in every sense of the word. For example, customers in Plus Bank could place an extremely successful deposit with gifts as part of the Gold Rush campaign. With a deposit of 500 thousand rubles or more, the client received a real gold bar, as well as a branded pen.

Gifts can be provided not only to individuals. VTB, for example, within the framework of the Profitable Partnership campaign together with VTB, provided legal entities with up to two months of free service under the Small Business tariff plan.

Gift card when opening a deposit

Some banks provide a plastic card as a gift when opening a deposit. Cards can be completely different: debit, credit, overdraft, simple, gold, platinum, as well as instant cards and others.

Bank Avangard provides its customers with a plastic card as a gift when opening any deposit. International cards VISA Classic and MasterCard are issued when funds are deposited for a period of 3 months or more. If the investor has an amount of 30 thous. Or more. rub. or 1 thousand currency, then the organization gives him a gift gold card - VISA or MasterCard.

Raiffeisenbank has a "Premium" deposit, the service package of which includes up to 10 premium cards. There is no charge for servicing cards of this tariff. In order to receive gold cards from this bank, you need to invest from 100 thousand rubles. into his deposits.

A free plastic card is tied to the savings account of Alfa-Bank, with which you can get quick access to the Alfa-Bank network. Among the available list, there are contactless MasterCard and VISA. Under certain conditions, payment for the maintenance of the card is not charged.

Contribution catch your luck with a gift

At the beginning of January 2016, Russian Capital launched the Catch Your Luck deposit. The attachment can only be opened in national currency for 181 or 395 calendar days. The minimum contribution amount is 100 thousand rubles.

Overview. In which bank to open a deposit with gifts in 2020 - an overview of proposals. Requirements for a depositor and answers to frequently asked questions.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

Investment is an investment in low-risk assets. Anyone can open an account in their own name, where they can constantly put free funds.

For registration, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

What you need to know

Before opening an account in your own name, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and theses of the financial market.

Investors often have no idea about the main characteristics of a financial product, as well as the terms of purchase. And they draw up a deliberately unprofitable offer. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with the basic concepts.


In case of liquidation, reorganization of a financial company, the funds are returned in the specified amount.

If the amount exceeds, then it burns out. Therefore, experts recommend storing large amounts in different credit institutions.

The deposit rate is income, which is expressed as a percentage over an annual period. It is the interest that is calculated and added to the investment amount.

And the higher the cost, the more the bank's motivation for clients. But the less additional functionality for the client.

Every adult citizen has the right to open a deposit:

The yield on ruble deposits is always slightly higher than on others. This is due to the correlation of other currencies.

To protect your income, it is best to invest in a multicurrency product. Then the decrease in the income of one currency will be offset by the growth of the other.

The product is issued in a quick mode both at the lender's office and remotely independently by the client. In the latter case, you must have access to your personal account.

It is issued if the presented bank already has a banking product. Often, processed products have a higher yield than deposits issued at a branch.

What are the interests of both parties

The volume of lending is pledged by banking institutions for a certain amount. The calculation is based on average statistics, comparing assets and liabilities. As soon as the ruble becomes volatile, liabilities go away.

And the banking institution is in trouble. For the investor, the profitability is obvious - getting the maximum profit if the conditions are met.

That is, if the depositor has invested in a specific one, then he will receive the agreed interest accrued on savings.

The profitability of the presentation for the investor is also obvious - he receives a gift and at the same time gives his savings at a high rate of return. This is a double benefit.

If we talk about the profitability of a presentation to a bank, then we can identify a tendency for an increase in the number of attracted depositors.

That is, the expense for a gift is practically reduced to zero, since attracting free funds overlaps expense transactions and allows you to get income from investing in credit products.

Legal Aspects

  • stipulates the concepts of contribution, design and rules of attraction;
  • Federal Law of December 23, 2003 On Deposit Insurance.

The main details of such a program today

There are quite a few proposals for opening deposits on the financial market. Each credit institution tries to stand out from others and offers optimal conditions for attracting.

In the struggle for depositors, many lenders offer gifts at a number of home appliance stores. That is, for opening a deposit, a person can receive a TV, iPhone or iPad.

How to get a present

There are several rules when receiving a presentation:

Many citizens do not believe in presentations from financial institutions. The banking organization issues loans at 20% per annum, and investments take up no more than 9% of the expense. Accordingly, the company can afford to give a present.

A gift for a depositor is an excellent tool for manipulation and attracting new customers. And for the depositor, the product is the constancy of his own savings.

A person can receive a bonus for opening a product only with a special promo code. Additionally, an interest rate is also charged on the deposit, which is either added to the main savings.

To receive a gift you need:

  • save the code from the banking institution and send it via SMS;
  • visit a branch of a financial institution with a passport on the day of the promotion;
  • open a deposit;
  • receive a gift. In some cases, it is possible to deliver a gift free of charge to any address of residence on the territory of the subject;
  • a citizen can independently choose a gift from the presented ones.

When opening a deposit, the depositor must familiarize himself with all the details of the program:

  • a product without capitalization, but with the possibility of replenishment or;
  • interest is accrued every month to a separate account;
  • interest in each institution is individual;
  • without automatic renewal.

Design methods

You can make a deposit within the framework of the campaign both in person at the branch of a financial institution, and remotely via the Internet.

Upon opening, the choice of a gift for the participant will be available. As a rule, the representative of the organization independently proposes to choose a present, based on the requirements of the investor.

Often such deposits do not imply additional replenishment or opening in foreign currency. And to receive a gift, you need to pay the minimum amount for a year without the condition of partial spending.

For registration at the department, you will need to provide a passport and write.

If this is a remote registration, then you need:

  • go to the official resource of the company and enter your username and password;
  • go to the products tab with promotions;
  • familiarize yourself with the tariffs and;
  • fill out the submitted application and confirm the action with the SMS code;
  • transfer funds to the deposit account.

List of banks in Moscow with gifts on deposit

Each person who opens a deposit in the institutions listed below can receive a guaranteed prize.

Name Interest rate, % Conditions
Antalbank 9 With a deposit of 1,000 rubles or more, he gives away household appliances
Agropromkedit 9,5 Kitchen apron
Express loan Individually Free use of a safe deposit box for two months
Plus Bank Individually With a deposit of 500,000 rubles or more, a real gold bar and a branded pen
VTB Individually For two months of complimentary Small Business service
Credit-Moscow 11 For a deposit of at least 250 thousand rubles, the lender provides a monetary incentive in the amount of 2,000 rubles
Smolensk 11 Beach towel. You can also apply for the raffle of two motorcycles
10 Aypad with a deposit term of at least two years

In which financial and credit institution, for a deposit in rubles, a card is issued as a gift

Also, within the framework of the promotion, you can apply for a free bank card to manage your account.

Such conditions are offered by the following credit institutions:

Name Interest rate, % Conditions
Opening Individually Instant card with free service
Vanguard Individually Free plastic card Visa or Mastercard. issued when placing funds for a period of three months. If the amount is from 30,000, then the company gives a gold card
Individually It allows you to use 10 premium cards, for which there is no charge for servicing. But to get it you need to invest 100,000 rubles
Alfa Bank Individually Link to network access, no service charges

Investor requirements

Any adult citizen can open a deposit. As such, there are no requirements for the depositor.

In some financial institutions, there is also a restriction on citizenship. But most often an investment is accepted from any citizen, and it does not matter whether he is a resident of the country or not.

Required documents

You must have your passport with you. According to the law, it is impossible to arrange a financial product without it.
No other documents are required to open.

However, some financial institutions with large deposit amounts require confirmation of these funds.


Despite such a wide range of financial offers, many borrowers are thinking about investing, but do not risk taking action.

After all, there are many different scammers on the financial market. And investing with a present scares many.

Isn't this a deception

In the banking structure, there are indeed products that imply the issuance of a presentation for opening a deposit.

Indeed, in an age of high competition, credit institutions are trying to attract as many clients as possible to invest free funds.

After all, their asset is formed on the basis of the amount of attracted money. And accordingly, the lender's profit is formed.

Only various actions carried out in the form of a lottery can act as a deception. That is, some organizers promise draws for apartments, summer cottages, cars.

In fact, there is a hidden auction, where information about the winner is not even disclosed. How true the process is - no one knows.

How profitable are they?

Despite providing a presentation, many citizens do not believe in the benefits of such products. A bank deposit is a reliable way to keep your savings without unnecessary risks. This product allows you to protect your funds from inflation and increase somewhat.

But for the profitability of the investment, the following rules must be observed:

A person should know exactly when he will need savings. If the funds are withdrawn early, the depositor's income will be minimal. It is better to determine the deadline in advance and select an offer in accordance with these requirements.
Determine the type of deposit The depositor's income will depend on the availability of additional functionality, such as replenishment and partial spending. If you exclude them, then the amount of profit will be maximum
You cannot put money in one currency Any fluctuation in the financial market and citizens will be left without profit. And it may even lose part of the savings. Therefore, it is worth stopping either on the national currency or on a multicurrency deposit.

When opening a deposit, a client can become the owner of household appliances, communication equipment, household goods, sweet gifts and many other pleasant little things.

But do not give preference to any bank in pursuit of a free trinket. First you need get all possible information about the bank's reliability and the conditions for receiving gifts.

Different banks offer a wide variety of gifts when investing in them, the minimum deposit amounts and interest rates also differ.

Bank Sofrino

For a contribution of 100 thousand rubles or more, he gives his clients a gold jewelry. With a deposit of 400 thousand rubles or more - an electric grill.

KRK Bank

The bank offers a multicooker, camera or blender.

A deposit with an iPad gift along with a 10% rate for 2 years of the deposit.

The bank will take your investments, starting from 1 thousand rubles at 8.9% per annum, and will give you a kettle.

J&T Bank

The bank will book a hotel room for its depositors if the client makes a deposit of 1 million rubles.

Also, many other banking organizations, in addition to the interest on your deposit, will give you books, bank cards, aprons, beach towels, cash bonuses, coffee and even gold bars (from Plus Bank for a deposit of 500 thousand rubles).

Gifts are provided not only to individuals, but also to legal entities. For example, VTB Bank offered two months of free service at the Small Business tariff.

How to get a gift for a successful contribution?

If you have decided on the bank for making an investment and have read all the terms of the agreement, you need to take the following steps to receive gifts:

  • Receive a personal promo code from the bank. All subsequent actions are performed only if it is available;
  • Send your code by SMS to the specified number;
  • Go to the bank - the organizer of the action, taking with you your passport, promo code and money for investment;
  • Open Successful contribution. Give your code number to the bank officer;
  • Choose a gift: from household appliances to goods for children;
  • Receive a gift. It can be delivered free of charge to the location of your choice within the region covered by the organization's activities.

The main characteristics of the "Successful Deposit"

  • The program operates on the basis of an agreement between the bank and the organizer of the action. Bank employees are instructed on the basic conditions and form a report form;
  • The organizer of the action advertises the bank on its page. Here is the generation of promo codes for clients;
  • When you open a deposit, information about the amount of the investment and the code number goes to the organizer, and the client is awarded points. The cost of the gift is determined depending on their quantity. The larger the amount of the deposit, the more expensive the present;
  • Customers choose a gift for themselves from the list provided, based on the amount of bonuses;
  • The bank pays for the service to the organizer of the action according to the agreement.

Deposit details with bonuses

  • deposit without capitalization;
  • it is possible to replenish and withdraw part of the investment;
  • interest is charged monthly to a separate account;
  • the rate is from 11% per annum;
  • there is no possibility of automatic renewal of the deposit.

How to avoid becoming deceived?

  1. Will the bank really give you an iPhone, iPad, DSLR or washing machine for your investment? Yes, you can really become the owner of any of the above, if such a product can be obtained on the terms of a particular bank. The bank is able to present you with an expensive gift. After all, he receives your investment, giving 12% per annum, but gaining from 20 to 40% on the loan of your funds. Thus, the bank receives the same deposit amount or even 2-3 times more;
  2. Do not expect to receive a car, a voucher to a foreign resort or an apartment as a gift for your investment. If a bank arranges a lottery among its depositors, and 1 or 2 people can become the winner, this is outright cheating. The prize may be received by a person close to the banking organization, but not you;
  3. Check with the bank employee what is the minimum deposit amount to receive a gift. Perhaps you are going to invest a smaller amount, in which case you will not see the presentation;
  4. If the cost of your presentation exceeds 4 thousand rubles (non-taxable minimum), then you will have to pay tax in the amount of 35% of the cost of the product. Therefore, it is a stretch to call a phone or expensive household appliances a free gift;
  5. It is worth noting that the following may be stipulated in the terms of banking promotions: in case of early closing of the deposit, the client will have to refund the full value of the gift received;
  6. Finally, do not forget that promotions with free gifts in most cases suit small financial organizations in the fight for customers. Trust your investments only to banks that have been proven and have positively proven themselves in the financial space.

It is always pleasant to receive gifts. Of course, you can wait long and hard for a long-awaited surprise from loved ones and relatives, looking forward to a significant day in life (birthday, anniversary ...) or count down the days of the calendar for the next major holiday: New Year, Valentine's Day, etc.

Or you can arrange a holiday for yourself on any day and any convenient time, and get two or even several gifts at once.

Believe it or not, you don't have to personally go to a store or, for example, to a travel agency. You just need to place a profitable deposit in one of the Russian banks.

Yes, many financial institutions of our country already today offer their clients a whole rainbow of various gifts and surprises. From gifts with things, additional bonuses in the form of increased rates to cash payments, free premium cards and other valuable services (for example, a safe deposit box).

Our experts have carefully selected the best examples of deposits with gifts for the summer of 2014 from Russian credit institutions. It is them that we offer for your consideration in this material.


Contribution (s) for which the action is valid

interest rate on the bank's deposit (s)

Effective interest rate

Promotions, bonuses, gifts



from 4.20% to 12.40%

1.5% bonus for online service

from 2.05% to 10.60%

"Bonus + 1.5%" for depositors, Super Bonus

from 7.60% to 10.10%

action "Wave of gifts!" (gift of choice)

from 4.90% to 11.40%

VISA Classic as a gift, + 0.5% to the bet, Bonus for Like

commemorative coin "Saratov region", denomination of 10 rubles (only for residents of Saratov)

from 10.30% to 10.70%

fans, electric kettles, multicooker, TVs

from 10.40% to 10.70%

a vase for a contribution

at the client's choice: a bag of sugar (5 kg) or a folding umbrella

from 1.90% to 10.00%

multicooker, action "Safe boxes 1 month - 1 ruble", bank account as a gift

from 10.00% to 10.50%

"Hot Summer" promotion with the drawing of 10 vouchers and 1000 other prizes

Additional interest bonuses on the deposit, as a gift to the client, are also offered in the software. Thus, the depositor receives "Bonus + 1.5%" when opening a deposit on weekdays. And on weekends, the bank's client is given as much as 2% in addition to the nominal interest rate on the deposit.

The term for placing a deposit is from 91-1095 days. The deposit allows partial withdrawal of only accrued and capitalized interest, replenishment. The depositor is also provided with a free Internet bank, free servicing of a debit bank card. Interest capitalization monthly.

A whole wave of gifts are promised at the opening. For a deposit with a maximum interest rate of 10.10%, when placing funds in the amount of less than 300 thousand rubles. and for a period of at least 366 days, the bank offers a choice for Moscow residents: excursions around Moscow, a SEA OF DISCOUNTS privilege card of the Allo, Tsentralnaya company, an exchange certificate for payment of a kitchen in the amount of 60 thousand rubles from FOREMA-KUKHNI, a card that entitles you to a premium discount when purchasing products from the Caudal Wine House, as well as a visit to 7 free thematic tastings.

For clients in Kaliningrad: a gift certificate “Orange Fitness”, an exchange certificate in the amount of 4 thousand rubles from the “Wheel Atelier” store.

In St. Petersburg: a card that entitles you to a premium discount when purchasing products from the Caudal Wine House.

It is worth mentioning that the deposit operates within the framework of a charitable program, under the terms of which 0.2% per annum of the amount of the deposit is transferred from the amount of accrued interest to the Russian Union of Veterans LLC.

In addition, the bank has a corporate bonus program. In particular, for employees of companies - corporate clients of the bank. An employee of such companies can place in the bank one or more term deposits from among those valid at the time of placement, while: in Russian rubles, the deposit rate increases by 0.30% per annum; in foreign currency, the rate on the deposit is increased by 0.15% per annum.

In the deposit, it offers an increase in the rate (+ 0.5%) not only when opening a deposit, additional benefits are given even for simple “likes” and summer “Football Days”.

So, for residents of Moscow, the bank offers a bonus "Like" to the deposit rate "Online" - 0.2% per annum for opening a deposit through the page or group of Russian Mortgage Bank in social networks on Facebook, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Another + 0.5% to the rate when placing the initial amount in the deposit by interbank transfer in one or more payments. And + 0.3% to the rates on deposits "Profitable Online" and "Online Maximum" from 10:00 on July 4 to 18:00 on July 14 according to the "Football Days" promotion.

The Football Days bonus and the interbank transfer bonus are summed up!

Moreover, for all Online Bonus depositors, the credit institution gives a VISA Classic bank card with free annual service.

All numismatists, and simply lovers of beautiful commemorative coins, Saratov are ready to pamper them with gifts. from this credit institution offers not only a high interest rate of 10.25%, quarterly capitalization of interest, but also when opening or re-registering a deposit "Progressive +" in the amount of 50 thousand rubles or more, a gift - a commemorative coin "Saratov Region".

Gifts for everyday comfort and coziness are offered by the bank. Under the terms of the "Deposit + treasure" promotion, when you open a deposit: from 100,000 to 250,000 rubles or from 3,000 to 8,000 US dollars / euro - you will receive a fan. From 250,000 to 500,000 rubles or from 8,000 to 15,000 US dollars / euro - an electric kettle.

From 500,000 to 700,000 rubles or from 15,000 to 20,000 US dollars / euro - a multicooker. And from 700,000 rubles or from 20,000 US dollars / euro - a TV set.

The beautiful vase will be presented at the opening with a nominal interest rate of 10.70%.

A gift (vase) is given to a client who has opened it from 01.07 to 31.07.14. deposit "Jubilee" in the amount of at least 100,000 (50,000) rubles or the equivalent in US dollars / euros at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the day the funds were deposited.

To make your life sweeter - by choosing from June 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014, a 5 kg bag of sugar as a gift, or to get a stylish weather protector by choosing a convenient folding umbrella as a gift, they are offered at the opening of the replenished one. Interest capitalization monthly. Replenishment from 50 thousand rubles.

For the summer period we have three promotional presentations for our clients.

Firstly, the "Deposit + gift" promotion is available. According to its terms, the bank gives a gift to an individual who has made a deposit “Maximum income” or “Social” in one of the offices of JSCB “VPB” (CJSC), which is valid in the bank during the period of the promotion on the following conditions: in the amount of at least 300,000 rubles or the equivalent in foreign currency for a period of 181 days - a multicooker.

Secondly, from July 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014, the action "Safe boxes 1 month - 1 ruble" is valid in the bank. The cost of renting an individual bank safe during the promotion period for a period of 1 month (30 calendar days) is only 1 ruble!

Thirdly, from July 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014 inclusive in all branches and offices of the bank, with the exception of the operational office of JSCB VPB (CJSC) Vladimir, Lenina Prospect, a client - a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur receives the right to open settlement account in rubles and / or an account in foreign currency without the bank charging a commission for opening an account, in accordance with the current rates of the commission fee of JSCB "VPB" (CJSC) for settlement and cash services for legal entities of JSCB "VPB" (CJSC).

"Hot summer" with pleasant and useful gifts is also arranged in. For example, upon opening before July 31, the client gets the opportunity to participate in the drawing of 10 vouchers and 1000 other prizes. Among them: cash certificates for a tourist trip in the amount of 50 thousand rubles; beach towels, magnets, bandanas.

With the arrival of spring, everything around comes to life. Nature pleases with warm days, and banks - with special offers on deposits. But it's worth hurrying up, since such deposits are seasonal in nature. The most profitable ruble deposits this spring are in our review.

With the arrival of spring, many banks have updated their deposit lines. Seasonal offers have appeared, which attract depositors not only with spring names - "Primrose", "Vesnovey", "Snowdrop" - but also with higher rates. However, most of the offers are seasonal in nature, and you should hurry up to take advantage of them.

For those looking for maximum profitability , the "Primrose" deposit in the First Republican Bank will do. The rate on it is 11% per annum in rubles, when placing funds from 150 thousand rubles for a period of 1 year. Interest is paid at the end of the deposit term, to a bank card account or an on-demand account. Interest capitalization is not provided. There is no deposit or partial withdrawal. Early termination - on preferential terms. Up to 180 days - at a rate of 0.1%, from 181 days - at a deposit rate (11%). If the depositor has not claimed the amount of the deposit after the expiration of the term specified in the agreement, then the agreement is considered extended on the terms of the deposit "On demand" with the opening of a corresponding account for accounting funds. You can open a deposit from March 1 to March 9.

The minimum amount required to open - 5 thousand rubles - on the deposit “Seasons. Spring ”in Must-Bank. When placing funds from 5 thousand rubles for a period of 1 year, the depositor receives a yield of 10.5% per annum in rubles. Interest payment - monthly, to the current account or bank card account. VISA bank card as a gift to every depositor. Interest capitalization is not. Replenishment is possible: the minimum amount is 3 thousand rubles, and no later than 30 days before the date of return of the deposit. Partial withdrawal is not provided. Early termination - on preferential terms. If the money was in the deposit for up to 60 days - at the demand rate, 61-90 days - at the rate of 1%, 91-180 days - 3%, 181-545 days - 5%. You can open a deposit from March 3 to May 31, 2014.

Present provided for the "Vesna" deposit in the First Czech-Russian Bank. When placing funds from 1 million rubles for a period of 1 year at a rate of 10.45% per annum in rubles, the depositor receives a guaranteed gift - a plaid or umbrella-cane. For the deposit - a differentiated scale of rates (6.45-10.45% per annum in rubles), depending on the term (91-1101 days) and the amount (from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles). Interest payment - at the end of the term, to the current account. Capitalization is not provided. Replenishment is possible, but provided that the minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles, and no later than 30 days before the date of return of the deposit. Partial withdrawal is not provided. Early termination - on favorable terms, depending on the term and amount, the rates will range from 7.9 to 10% per annum. You can open a deposit from February 1 to June 30, 2014.

For those who plan to place funds for a short period , the "Snowdrop" deposit in C Bank will do. When placing funds from 100 thousand rubles for a period of 6 months, you receive a yield of 10.37% per annum in rubles. It is possible to place funds for a shorter period, but the rate will also be lower. For a period from 31 to 90 days - 6.45% per annum in rubles, 91-180 days - 10.32%. Interest payment - monthly, to the current account or bank card account. Capitalization is not provided. Replenishment is possible, but with restrictions: the minimum amount is 5 thousand rubles, and no later than 30 days before the date of return of the deposit. Partial withdrawals are possible, but the minimum balance must be at least 100 thousand rubles. Early termination - on preferential terms, interest is charged for the actual period of stay of funds in the deposit in the amount of 1/5 of the interest rate on the deposit. And within the framework of the "Loyal customer" campaign (period from March 1 to March 31, 2014), the rate may be increased by 0.75%. You can open a deposit from March 1 to May 31, 2014.

For those who are looking for a deposit with interest capitalization , the "Spring" deposit in Milbank will do. The rate is 10.6%, the term is from 365 to 547 days, the minimum amount for opening a deposit is 300 thousand rubles. Interest payment - at the end of the term, capitalization - monthly. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds are not provided. Early termination of the deposit agreement - at the demand rate. You can open a deposit in the period from February 18 to March 18, 2014. Interest capitalization is also provided for deposits "Soulful Spring" in Rosavtobank and on "Spring mood" in Dil-Bank.

Table 1. "The most profitable deposits of spring"

Bank, deposit

Max. bid

Min. sum


First Republican Bank, ""

150 thousand rubles

300 thousand rubles

5 thousand rubles

30 thousand rubles

First Czech-Russian Bank, ""

1 million rubles

1 million rubles