Snack rolls on a festive table. Fryshots. Geneva meat roll

It can be pancakes from flour or puree, chopped strips of vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants, slices of pita, bacon, ham, omelet, cabbage or salad leaves, leaf waffles ... lay out or smeared on the reservoir stuffing and form a tube. If necessary, make a skewer or tie a green onion arrow. Further, the dish can be served on the table with cold, heat the oven or fry in a pan in oil.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes:

Recipes of rolls with filling are distinguished by an arbitrary set of components - no strict dosages of products, accurate ratios, the main thing is that the compatibility of the ingredients is to taste. Cooking requirements Slight: Snack format - Compact size of the finished product for one or two bite. And a beautiful appearance, which is easy to achieve if the design is tightly kept. To do this, wrap the inside not only crumbly, but also liquid or melting filling. Many failed there were such dishes in the form of rolls, like cabbage rolls, spree, springs, stuffed crab sticks, stuffed pancakes, waffle tubes in a grain, mini-shawarm ....

A familiar to many cold snacks from boiled vegetables and herring - "fur coat" or "Herring under a fur coat", demonstrate in the new forming. The multi-layer billet is folded with the roll and the filling / herring turns out inside, and the dish itself becomes a clearer configuration. Possessing working skills with rolls, the process will not seem complex. Yes, and newcomers, showing a little diligence, they will cope with a recipe without problems!

On the table, in addition to meat snacks and snacks from fish should be vegetable. Stuffed eggplants with a pesto sauce from a walnut with dill and parmesan with garlic make their note of piquancy and diversity on your festive table. Such an eggplant snack is well combined with meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Help and nice to everyone appetite!

Sometimes the moments are coming that I want something unusual. I offer my own recipe for making rolls with filling. Among the wide variety of snacks, routines have a special place. A delicious dish that will necessarily have success in the guests and please the family. There are recipes for making rolls for every taste, they are able to satisfy any requests, given that combinations with filling can be varied .. a very unusual snack. Incredibly fragrant, gentle and air rolls with stuffing perfectly complement your menu. This is very tasty! Moreover, methods for feeding this dish can be different: you can lay out the rolls on the dish and cut into the whole circles - and so they look great and cause a non-promotion appetite.

In the season of zucchini snacks and all sorts of dishes appear almost every table. But sometimes I want to surprise something. In this case, I recommend to cook a snack from Zucchini with chicken - a beautiful appearance of a finished dish, a simple cooking process. In addition, this snack is sufficiently satisfying. The whole secret is in stuffing: it is fragrant, with a bright taste.

I saw this recipe in one culinary transmission. All the required ingredients were in my refrigerator, and I immediately decided to repeat it. Quickly, simple, beautiful, and most importantly, tasty. You can serve hot and cold, like a snack to the main dish. Pleasant snacks!

Many people often visited the thought: what to cook so tasty and unusual, and preferably from inexpensive products?! Cooking stuffed skins pleasantly diversified your daily menu. You can stuff them with any stuffing, but this recipe will show how to stuff chicken skins noodles. The versatility of this dish is that it is suitable for both breakfast and dinner and dinner.

Guests on the threshold and something must be done to cook to pay time to friends and eat something delicious. I prepared a lavash with salmon and chicken fillet. One pita, I put the light side outside, and the other dark. Thus, I got two rolls of different colors. It turned out quickly, and most importantly delicious.

Eggplant came to us from South Asia, and found a place in our kitchen. The masses of the owners come up with all new and new dishes from this wonderful vegetable. Delicious and not expensive, found a lot of fans among the population of all countries. Each family has a feast with a mass of dishes and guests. We all try to be more economical, based on the fact that prices are literally growing on yeast. I offer you a dish, in a summer season which will not cost more than $ 2, while perfectly diversified your menu, and find your fans.

Rolls from the pita with various fillings have recently become more and more popular. Many culinary sites offer dozens of stuff options, experiments with cutting, feeding method, and so on. Rolls from the pita can be supplied as in the raw form (if the stuffing is ready), or bake in the oven if mince or fish are used as the filling. I offer my version of the filling for roll rolls - crab sticks, eggs and melted cheese. In my family, this snack recipe was given another name - "Guests on the threshold". And all because rolls from the pawwash with crab sticks and eggs are prepared very quickly, just, with the taste of always interesting, original and unusual. I always have a packaging of crab sticks in the freezer, well, and eggs and melted routines are not a problem at all!

Simple, satisfying dish. Prepared quickly, from affordable ingredients. We will have to be done for the daily table, and for the festive. Variations on the paw of a paw of a lava. A huge amount. Stuffing makes meat and fish, and vegetables. I want to offer you an option from crab sticks, cheese and eggs.

Snacks from red fish are always very successful complement our festive table. And tasty, and beautiful. And in general, the presence of sturgeon in the menu immediately makes the event more solemnly. But I, like many mistresses, do sandwiches at the very last moment. This in turn leads to the fact that I am nervous, guests are already on the threshold, and I'm still in fish. The dish, which I want you to demonstrate good in the way that you can prepare it in advance, and before serving, will only remain cut. Yes, and places in the refrigerator takes a little bit, which is also relevant when you are preparing a couple of dozen dishes. And considering that the roll is preparing at all, then it will fit well for receiving undefeasy guests.

In the zucchini season, you can experiment with this ingredient every day - marinate, cook salads and snacks, bake, fry, stew ... And you can also cook a beautiful snack - a gentle roll with mushrooms and cheese filling. True, tempting? The cooking process, I confess, not quite simple, but believe me, the final result is worth it!

Lavash rolls with vegetable filling - very simple, but an interesting dish. It can be done, both just for snack and file to a festive table. The combination of colors - red and green, always looks very impressive and appetizing. Cheese will give the rolls gentle creamy taste and complement the vegetables. Cooking rolls will take a maximum of twenty minutes, which is just wonderful for those who do not like to be in the kitchen.

For the holidays, every hostess seeks not only to cook something special, but it is still beautiful all this to put on the table. Among the appetles are very popular with all sorts of rolls and rolls. Such dishes are convenient and enjoyed guests success. Snack rolls can be a real decoration of the table. There are quite a lot of recipes for such dishes. It is about them that we want to talk in our article.

Chicken roll in the oven in foil

One of the most sought-after appetizers is a chicken roll. It turns out very tasty. Some mistresses prepare such a dish in return sausage. Of course, cooking takes for some time, but the result will certainly please you. You can make such rolls with different fillings, getting something new every time. As you probably guessed, the basis for making a dish is chicken. Next, the rolls are stuffed with mushrooms, cheese, eggs, add spices and other components. The meat of chicken is perfectly combined with many products, so you can safely experiment and invent new, your own combinations.

Festive eaterle rolls are an excellent option for celebrations. By the way, the home snack fully claims the role of dietary, since it does not contain harmful fats and all sorts of additives.

Baking a whole chicken, you probably noticed that it is perfectly combined with dried fruits and seasonings. We offer to prepare a wonderful snack roll with the addition of Kuragi, which will give a spicy dish.


  • several chicken breasts,
  • salt,
  • a mixture of peppers
  • kuraga (120 g).

For cooking, it is more convenient to purchase chicken breasts. This will make it easier for the task to ferment the chicken, remove the bones and skirt. Rinse fillet, we dry with napkins and turn it into the food film. Next, each piece is moving on the board and disable with a kitchen hammer. Food film helps to avoid spray appearance in the process of chopping. But you can do without it.

The prepared fillet lay out, laying pieces of jack (or shoulder) with each other. Next, pepper and salt meat. We lay out the uniform layer of crushed dried by a uniform layer (it is necessary to pre-fervent in hot water). Now you can gently twist meat into the roll. The workpiece certainly wind threads are cooled. This is done so that in the process of cooking it does not reveal. Next prepare fillets in several ways. You can send a chicken roll in the oven in Foil. And you can bake the meat simply in the form. The finished snack roll must cool, after which it is necessary to remove the threads. Next, cut the meat with medallions and apply on the table.

Chicken roll with garlic and herbs

The recipes of the rolls are invented quite a lot. By changing the filling, you can cook something new and interesting every time.

Garlic is a wonderful addition of any meat dish. We offer to make a roll with herbs and garlic.


  • garlic head
  • chicken fillet,
  • mixture of Italian herbs
  • ground pepper,
  • salt.

The chicken fillet is rinsed well and dry with the help of napkins. Next, each piece is cut across that the layer thickness is not more than 1.5 centimeters. Each piece is slightly repelled by a hammer.

Garlic shred to any convenient way. Next, we take the food foil, lay it on the surface of the table and the pectorist laying on it pieces of meat. We add pepper, salt and sprinkle with fragrant herbs. And to top it up with a homogeneous layer laying a crushed garlic. Next, we turn the fillet into the roll, leading one edge intoward. The finished product is wrapped in foil and ship in the oven. At a temperature of 190 degrees, the roll is prepared for about 35 minutes. You can deploy a dish after cooling. Cut it with pieces and apply on the table.

Roll with mushrooms

Mushroom rolls are very in demand. And prepare them in many different ways. In this recipe, mushrooms are used as a chicken roll filling. The combination of chicken with mushrooms is a classic option that always enjoys success in the guests.


  • fillet (1.4 kg),
  • champignons (0.6 kg),
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • solid cheese (170 g).

We rinse fillet, we dry and cut into layers with a thickness of no more than one centimeter. Next, each piece carefully chop on the blackboard with the help of a hammer. For the roll is very convenient to use champignons. Cut the mushrooms with slices, and onion by half rings, after which they fry them together in the pan. Do not forget to add some pepper and salt. The resulting mass is laying out into the center of each piece of fillet, and on top of the mass sprinkled with crushed cheese. Next twist rolls, fastening them with threads. We spread them into a blurred form for baking and send it into the oven. The dish is preparing just over 30 minutes. After cooling, the rolls are released from threads and cut into medallions.

Mushroom snack from potato dough

A potato roll with mushrooms is delicious.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • egg,
  • two potatoes,
  • flour (230 g), salt.

For filling:

  • mushrooms (330 g),
  • cheese (65 g),
  • cream or sour cream (120 g),
  • flour (2 art. l.),
  • pepper,
  • salt,
  • egg.

To prepare the test, we will need potatoes. I boil the purified tuber to readiness and let them cool. In the meantime, fry mushrooms with onions. For filling, you can take forest mushrooms or champignons. Fry them before evaporation of the fluid, after which we introduce sour cream or cream and add several spoons of flour, slightly salt and pepper. Fry a lot of minutes to thickening. After the stuffing is slightly cool, add chopped solid cheese into it.

Potatoes rub on the grater. Add an egg and flour to it, after which we knead the dough. It should turn out sufficiently dense and at the same time do not stick to the hands. The amount of flour can be different, it all depends on the size of potatoes.

Dough roll in the form of a rectangular layer. I spread the stuffing on it, evenly distributing it on the surface. We fold the roll, shift it to the parchment for baking and send it into the oven. Before baking, you can lubricate its surface with an egg. The finished snack potato roll is cut into pieces and feed to the table with sour cream.

"Tiger" roll

"Tiger" snack roll with red fish is an excellent option for a festive feast.


  • red fish (salted, 280 g),
  • mayonnaise (80 g),
  • butter creamy (90 g),
  • olives (120 g),
  • four eggs,
  • flour (2 art. l.),
  • starch (2 art. l.),
  • greens,
  • salt,
  • ground pepper.

We mix flour, starch, eggs, salt, pepper and mayonnaise in the containers. We mix the dough. Part of it put it in separate dishes and mix it with chopped greenery. We drag the battle with the paper, lay the dough without greens on it. Next, we carefully lay out the second part of the test (with greens). Cut olives and lay them on top. Bake the blank for about 7-8 minutes in the oven.

Next, shift it on the table. Lubricate its surface with oil, pour crushed cheese and lay out fish fillet. We spray from the top of the lemon juice. If you wish, you can put the caviar, then in the context of the snack will be even more beautiful. Twist the roll and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving a snack "Tiger" roll with red fish, cut into portion pieces.

Roots from Lavasha

Dummy rolls from Lavash - an indispensable dish for a festive table. Lavash is an excellent basis on the basis of which you can prepare a lot of options. Changing the fillings, every time you can present a new snack. Lavash is very convenient to use. First, it is not necessary to bake it, and secondly, fresh dough is the best addition to any dish. In addition, Lavash is perfectly combined with any products.

The easiest option of the filling is cheese with greens. The simplicity of preparation of such a snack is in no way reflected on the taste.


  • lavash leaf,
  • bunch of greens
  • cheese (you can use Suluguni, 130 g),
  • ham (80 g),
  • vegetable oil,
  • one yolk
  • garlic.

To prepare snacks, you can use completely any cheese: solid, soft, cheese and suluguni. Depending on this, the taste quality of the finished dishes will also change.

Finely cut the greens, and Suluguni rub on the grater. We mix them in the dishes, add chopped garlic. We declare a lavash leaf on the working surface and fill on it. Next, cut the ham with thin pieces, put it on top of cheese. Now neatly fold the roll and send it into a lubricated mold. We bang a snack in the oven. Before cooking, the surface of the roll can be lubricated with a yolk. Then the finished dish will have a beautiful golden crust. Preparation lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. This time is quite enough for Suluguni melted. The snack roll from the pita is ready.

Puff-dough rolls

A snack roll of puff pastry with filling is one of the popular options for the festive table. Yes, and for every day such a dish is very relevant. A completely any filling is suitable for cooking. For convenience, you can use the finished puff pastry purchased in the store. Having the foundation, the dish is easy to prepare in a day.

We offer to cook rolls with sausage and cheese.


  • puff dough packing,
  • cheese (230 g),
  • sausage (280 g),
  • olives or olives (80 g).

Unlock the dough layer on the table. From above, lay out finely chopped sausage, then crushed olives and grated cheese. Twist the dough into the roll. Next, you can bake it entirely or cut on the circles, lubricate the egg on top and sprinkle with sesame.

Festive roll

As a festive option, a wonderful salmon roll can be prepared on the table.


  • fillet Cambals (370 g),
  • two big salmon fillets,
  • polka dot green (320 g),
  • carrot,
  • white bread without a crust (270 g),
  • milk (120 g),
  • one squirrel,
  • nut nut
  • salt,
  • olive oil,
  • pepper,
  • parsley.

Carrots must be cleaned and boiled in a slightly salted water. After letting it cool and cut into cubes. Petrushka rinse and cut. Fresh white bread purify from a crust, after which the pulp is smeared in water. For the preparation of dishes, we will need fillets of Cambals. He turn him into a puree with the help of a blender. Next, in the resulting mass we put the operated bread, pepper, nutmeg, salt, and protein. Mix the stuffing, add parsley, carrots and polka dots to it, mix everything again. We ship into the refrigerator.

Now that our filling is ready, you can go to the preparation of fish. We take fillet and on the one hand cut off the extra layer of meat. As a result, we should get a reservoir of about one thickness. The second fillet must be divided about the same. As a result, we will have three pieces, two of which are a little more, and one is smaller. On the middle of the largest of them, lay out the stuffing, and on top and on the sides we close the two remaining parts of the fish. In order to cut the roll, you can use toothpicks. Roll from above lubricate oil and wrap in foil. We bake the dish in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After removing the roll and leave it to cool. Before serving foil, we remove and cut our snack into portion pieces.

Chicken stufflet

Discussing the topic how to cook eaterle rolls with meat, it is worth remembering another wonderful recipe. For his preparation we will need chicken minced. The meat roll, stuffed with solid eggs, is an excellent option for a festive table. Preparation of such a dish is real art.


  • seven eggs
  • minced meat (950 g),
  • two bulbs
  • two white bread slice,
  • garlic,
  • carrot,
  • milk (40 g),
  • a mixture of peppers and salt.

Bread must be cut into pieces and put in milk so that they are splashing. Onions and garlic grind, and carrots are rubbed on the grater. In the tank we combine chicken minced, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, bread and add two eggs. Mass must be salted and add a mixture of peppers to it. We wash the mince to homogeneity, after which they beat it. Such a simple procedure will later form a roll.

Five eggs boil twisting, cool and clean. Next we will need a form. On her bottom, put foil and lubricate it with oil. We lay out half of the minced me on top, align its surface and lay the boiled eggs in the middle. We close their second part of the minced. The roll is folded with foil. Bake it in the oven for about 45 minutes. Cut a snack for portion pieces can be completely cool.

Salmon rolls

Something is difficult to present a festive table. Any fish-based dish is obviously success. Salmon can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. Especially it is good as a snack. Salmon rolls with cheese and cucumber are prepared very quickly. And the taste quality dishes will not disappoint you. For preparation, we also need soft cheese and sandwich.


  • solid cheese (four slice),
  • salmon (4 slice),
  • cucumber,
  • sesame,
  • dill,
  • soft cheese (you can use Philadelphia cheese, 4 art. l.).

On a cutting board, lay out pieces of fish fillet. Top put on one layer of solid cheese slices into one layer. Now let's start cooking for rolls. In the container mix any soft cheese (mascarpone or "philadelphia") with a chopped greens. Add salt and pepper.

I spread the filling on the cheese, and on top we place thin plates of cucumbers (you can use both fresh and pickled cucumbers). Next, gently twist the products in the roll. It is convenient to do this if it is originally for the fish to put a food film or foil. The finished roll is sent for an hour to the refrigerator. Before serving on the table it is cut to the portion pieces. From above the dish sprinkled in sesame.

Pogwash roll with chicken

A chicken-based roll is delicious. With Korean carrot juicy. Such a snack can be used even for a festive table.

Ingredients: smoked chicken (or boiled fillet, 180 g), cream cheese (120 g), thin pita (2 pcs.), Korean carrot (120 g).

First, we will deal with the preparation of the filling. Smoked chicken fillet cut by pieces, rod rods on a grater. We will also need Korean carrots. It can be prepared independently or purchase ready-made in the store.

For further preparation, we take two sheets of thin pita. One lubricate mayonnaise. And on top lay out crushed cheese. Cover all this by the second sheet. Press the palms on two layers so that they grieve tightly and turned into a single integer. The surface of the second lava also lubricates mayonnaise and put the Korean carrots on it and pieces of chicken fillet. Next twist the roll. If you plan to immediately serve a snack on the table, then you should cut it into pieces. Otherwise, you can send a roll in the refrigerator, wrapped with a film.

Instead of pre-school

As you can see, there are a lot of options for cooking such a kind of snacks, like rolls. We hope that our recipes are interested. On their basis, you can cook a lot of wonderful dishes that are good for everyday use and for festive feasts.

For cooking you will need:

herring fillet - 4 pcs

beets - 1 pc

carrot - 2 pcs

eggs - 3 pcs

cheese hard - 100 g

mayonnaise - 150 g

gelatin (instant) - 1 tbsp. the spoon

green Luc

Cooking method:

Boil and cool the beets, carrots and eggs. And after cooling to clean.

Gelatin dilute with a small amount of hot water. Give a little cool and connect with mayonnaise.

Carrots, beets, eggs and cheese separately rub on fine grater.

Maisonist with gelatin is divided into 4 parts. Each piece to mix with satellite vegetables, eggs and cheese.

Share fillets on the edible film with a reservoir so that it turned out a rectangle.

On the fillet layers lay out: carrots, cheese, eggs, beets.

With the help of a film, roll the roll and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Chilled roll cutting into portion pieces and decorate with green onions.

Sharp cheese roll

Special acute snack Serety snack roll with original cooking recipe

Acute cheese feet of diner For cheese lovers. Beautifully cooked and spectacularly submitted dish causes a desire to immediately try. Snacking sure roll An unusual snack that comes up to any feast, these are peculiar rolls in Russian. Cooking recipes snacking cheese roll We can attribute to the category of unusual dishes from ordinary products. Taking the basis of the preparation recipe cheese feet of diner You can fantasize when preparing original and tasty snacks. For a roll filling, you can use products to taste or you have. Chicken meat lovers can apply as filling boiled, finely chopped chicken meat, can be used with the addition of champignons, and ham. Options can when you think many depending on your culinary fantasy, and the result will undoubtedly please you, your loved ones and your guests.


  • mayonnaise 300-350 grams
  • eggs 7 pieces
  • solid cheese 350-450 grams
  • ground pepper white
  • head garlic
  • amount garlic
  • greens of dill, parsley, celery
  • green choose to taste


Mayonnaise (approximately 250 grams), beat with eggs. Heat the oven and pour the mass on the baking sheet. Baking does not require a long time. When the egg reservoir is ready, carefully lay out on the food film.

PREPARATION OF Raw Mass for Rutal

Solid cheese rubbed on a large grater, add salt and pepper. Garlic is crushed through the groove and add to grated cheese. The number of garlic add individually, amateurs of sharp dishes can allow more, you can add a little garlic to emphasize the flavor effect. In the container to cheese, add the remaining mayonnaise and mix well. Cheese mass should not be too liquid. The cooked raw mass is laying out on the finished egg layer and the rolling roll. Place in the refrigerator, after cooling, cut into pieces and decorate the greens. In the finished form, peculiar rolls are obtained in Russian.

R. S. An interesting version of the finished egg reservoir is obtained by adding to an egg-mayonse mixture, a finely chopped greens. In baked form, egg layer is very elegant.

Bon Appetit!

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    This delicious and gentle dish will decorate your festive table!
    Equal Salmon Snack Roll

    For cooking take:

    • Cottage cheese - 150 grams;
    • Curd cheese - 150 grams;
    • Horseradish - 2 tbsp.;
    • Lemon juice - 1st.l.;
    • Cream - 150 grams;
    • Smoked salmon - 400 grams;
    • Teaspoon lemon zest;
    • Dill, salt, pepper;
    • Gelatin.


    1. Soak in cold water 10 g gelatin.
    2. Cottage cheese with curd cheese, horseradish, lemon juice, zest.
    3. Speak, salt and mix well.
    4. Gelatin dilute in a saucepan on a slow fire, add 2 spoons of the prepared mass and add to the cottage cheese.
    5. Beat the cream and gradually mix into the ground.
    6. Separate a third of salmon, finely cut and add to the mass of cottage cheese and cheese.
    7. Dill grind and also add to the ground.
    8. The rest of the salmon is applied by thin plates with a sharp knife.
    9. Take a square shape, shutting it with a food film and lay out the shape of salmon slices so that they hide behind the edges of the form.
    10. I will post a filling on the salmon and cover the hanging edges and slices of fish so that the curd mass is completely closed by salmon.
    11. On the night put the roll in the refrigerator. Then turn the roll on the dish and remove the food film.

    Cheese sharp - 500 g
    For filling:
    Pure peeled and boiled shrimps - 200 g
    Green Bow - 1 Bunch
    Mayonnaise - 100 g
    Creamy oil - 100 g
    The root of the horn is grated - 1 tbsp. the spoon
    Cheese is better used with a high fat content. Cheese are drunk as follows.
    Cut it with small pieces or rubbed on a large grater, wrap in the food film.
    The package with cheese is lowered in boiling salted water so that it does not take to the bottom.
    This can be done by putting a colander in the saucepan in the sizes or securing the package with cheese on the shovel's laid across the pan.
    Cook cheese until it becomes soft. Depending on the amount of cheese, it usually takes 15-20 minutes.
    We take out the package from the water, unleash it and without removing the cheese from the film, roll around the rolling pin.
    As a result, we should get a pellet with a thickness of about 4-5 mm.
    Cut the package around the perimeter and remove its upper part.
    For filling mix oil, mayonnaise and horseradish before receiving homogeneous mass and whipping well with a whisk.
    We add finely chopped onions and shrimps, mix thoroughly again.
    We lay out the filling on the edge of warm cheese cakes and turn the roll.
    Watch it in the parchment and give a little bit from above.
    In order for the cheese base is well soaked in stuffing, the roll should be put in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
    Rulet remove, cut thin, with a thickness of about 1-2 cm, circles and serve on the table.
    Bon Appetit!
    Source -\u003d3978.
    -Cad officer is a person who we feed in peacetime, so that in wartime he sent us to the front. (Gabriel Laub)
    Source -

    Gentle chicken roll with cheese
    Based on the different gastronomic addiction of my households, sometimes you have to get to cook the dishes that everyone would eat - that's so much that :). But still there is one product, dishes from which are flying just lightning, have time to cook - this is a chicken. I think you will agree with me that you can make a lot of delicious dishes from it.

    The composition of the ingredients for the chicken rout:

    The foundation:
    . tablespoon of semolina cereals;
    . 3 eggs;
    . 1 melted routine;
    . Approximately 50 g of solid cheese;
    . Approximately 100 g mayonnaise.
    . Paprika - half of the teaspoon;
    . Onions - 1 medium sized head;
    . salt;
    . garlic - 3 slices;
    . vegetable oil for roasting;
    . carrots - 2 pcs.;
    . Pepper ground black;
    . 1 chicken breast - by weight of about 500-600 g.

    Time of making a roll - just over an hour.

    How to cook:

    First you will prepare a filling for our chicken roll - let it be soaked. Cleansing and how can I grind carrots, onions and garlic. We lay out the vegetables in the pan, we pour some vegetable oil and fry up to half-year - five minutes.

    We separate the chicken breast: cut the flesh from the frame, remove the skin (and throw it away).

    We are thoroughly rinsed by fillet and, by scrolling on the meat grinder, we supply chicken minced spices and fried vegetables.

    By the way, if mushrooms were randomly at hand, they can also be fused together with vegetables and introduce into mince - it will be even tastier and referring.Stuffing is ready.

    Now we will make the preparation of the base of the roll. On an average grater, we carry both types of cheese and connect them with the rest of the components (semis, mayonnaise and eggs).

    Ellipped on the contradictory format not more than 28 x 35 cm (it simply does not have enough of the prepared mixture) Parchment and spark it well.

    Very carefully embroidered weight distribution on paper and bake at t \u003d 200 ° C from a quarter of an hour - until shuttering, but do not overpower.

    We form a chicken roll. Baked reservoir immediately turn over a dry towel and separate paper. To facilitate (if it is strongly stuck), I propose a richly moistened napkin on paper, and in a minute it will move easier from the dough.

    Then lay out the entire filling on the basis and, by distributing over the entire surface, we scroll by the layer of mayonnaise.

    Carefully, not in a hurry, we turn into the roll of our design and wrapped in foil, put on the tray.

    We ship baked in the oven (220 ° C) minutes for 45. After baking, we leave the roll on the table, without deploying - if you deploy and start cutting, it will turn it all. And when he passes at least 25 minutes, it will be easier to divide it into portion pieces.


2 big salmon fillet

350 gr. fillet cambala

300 gr. Frozen green peas

1 Carrot

250 gr. White bread without peel

100 ml of milk

1 protein

2 twigs Petrushki

chipping nutmeg

olive oil




1. Clear carrots and boil in boiling salted water. Cut into small cubes.

2. In a separate saucepan, boil green peas in boiling water. Petrushka wash, dry and disassemble on leaves. Finely cut them.

3. Bread to twist in milk. Fille Clabala chopped by a blender in a puree. Add a thrown and slightly pressed bread, protein, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Stir until uniformity. Put carrot, green peas and parsley. Mix once again, put in the refrigerator.

4. Cut from a thickened part of one fillet a longitudinal piece of approximately 3 cm wide so that the back and abdomen get the same thickness.

5. On the second fillet on the thickened part to the right and left deep longitudinal incision, not reaching the edge of 1.5 cm. Reveal this part. As a result, three slices should turn out one large, the second smaller and the third in the form of a thick bar.

6. Lay in the center of a large piece half of the cooked filling, leaving on each side of 5 cm free. Place a salmon bar on filling.

7. Top to distribute the remaining stuffing, cover the smaller piece of fish. Raise free edges of the lower fillet and secure them with wooden toothpicks. Lubricate the roll of oil, wrap in foil and put in the oven preheated to 200 ° C 35 minutes.

8. Give cool to room temperature, then rearrange in the refrigerator. Before serving, remove the foil, remove the toothpicks and cut the roll with portion slices.

Festive roll of chicken meat and minced eggs with eggs and spinach. It looks beautiful in the context.

Bake the roll in the form for cupcake. Depending on the size of the form, the amount of products will be different. I have a big form. But the large form can be filled with 3/4 volumes.

Products for chicken roll:

Chicken fillet - 3 large or 4 smaller (1 - 1.2 kg)

Chicken mince - 1kg

Eggs - 9 pcs.

Bread White or Baton "Yesterday" - 3 Slice

Milk - 100ml

Spinach fresh - 1 beam

Onion - 1 bulbs

Creamy butter - 2 tbsp. Spoons


Pepper black hammer

Seasoning for chicken

I drown steep 8 eggs, cool them and clean them. Let the spinach and break the leaves. Leafs for 1 minute omit in boiling water to crumpled. Since we are then needed smooth leaves, so as not to spend time on their straightening, fold the leaves with a pile into the noise, press the stack of a spoon and so dip in boiling water. As soon as the leaves are limp, remove the noise and rinse with cold water. Put on the plate.

Prepare the usual mince, as for chicken boil. To do this, add to the chicken minced finely chopped onions, operated in warm milk bread without a crust, egg, salt, black ground and chicken seasoning. Good all smear and select. Even if then we will have extra mince, it can be prepared from it a few tasty boiler.

Fillet cut the pieces and very subtle through the film. Sweets and pepper.

For me, this part was the most time consuming. 7 boiled eggs need to wrap spinach with leaves. You can at least in several layers - the leaves stick and hold well.

And now we collect the roll. Lubricated with oil shape laying chicken chops. Several pieces will leave to cover the roll from above.

Let's lay out a piece of minced meat and a damp hand scree it. On the minced meat, put eggs in spinach.

From above, eggs again minced and cover all chops. Lubricate the roll oil. So that it does not bother prematurely, cover the foil from above. We put the shape with a roll in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. I baked your almost 2 kilogram roll 1 hour 45 minutes. 1 hour with foil and 45 minutes without foil. If you have a smaller roll, then the baking time will decrease accordingly.

Let's give a good roll to cool. Decorating with a grated boiled egg: first three protein, then yolk. So that the egg is better to roll to the roll, it can be smeared with melted oil. You can show fantasy and decorate at your discretion.

A cold roll is well cut by thin slices with egg "eye" in the middle.

Bon Appetit!

Herring in the fur coat can be served not just layers on a plate, but in the form of a roll. Traditional and beloved all the dish we will give a new form. Such a roll will be perfectly looking at the New Year's table.

Description of preparation:

How to cook the roll "Herring in the fur coat"?

1. Boil the beets, carrots and potatoes. Beet can buy boiled in the store.

2. Vegetables cool, clean and soda on a large grater.

3. Clean the onions, finely disturb and fry on medium heat on the oil in a frying pan until golden color.

5. Gelatin filled with water, leave 30 minutes before swelling. Then heightened (but do not boil!). Cool down.

6. Enjoyed gelatin mix with mayonnaise.

7. In a separate bowls, mix carrots, potatoes, slices of herring and onions with mayonnaise.

8. Place the layers on the foil, starting below: beets, carrots, potatoes, herring, onions.

9. Carefully roll up in the roll with the edges of the foil.

10. Send the finished roll "Herring in the fur coat" in the refrigerator for three hours or all night.

Cut and serve!

Pleasant appetite and excellent holiday!


Salted herring - 1 piece

Beet boiled - 1 piece

Boiled potatoes - 2 pieces (medium size) Oletny roll with melted cheese



- 2 eggs,

-1 Art. a spoon of mayonnaise

-1 h. Water spoon,


- in taste;


-1 melted cheese,

-1 small clove of garlic,

-1 Art. a spoon of mayonnaise



-Relen to taste.


Eggs beat with mayonnaise and water, salt, pepper. Bake an omelet in a frying pan under the lid, cool a little and put it evenly filling from the grated melted cheese, mayonnaise and garlic with greens. Collapse with a roll, hanging his edges. Hold in the refrigerator for about an hour, cut into slices and serve as a cold snack or put on sandwiches.

The crushing roll is good in all cases: both on the snack, and to breakfast, and it does not hurt on the festive table. It quickly prepares, tasty and economical.

Today I want to offer you a very useful and delicious roll of boiled liver.


Beef liver - 1200 g

milk - 200 g

onion - 2 large heads

carrot - 2 large pieces.

creamy oil - about 150-200 g

red Pepper - 1 small pieces.

salt, pepper, ground bay leaf bay leaf

garlic - 3 teeth


vegetable oil-2 tbsp.

To begin with, cut the liver on medium cubes and soak for about 30-40 minutes in milk to remove the entire bitterness. The time you can put water for boiling.

After the liver moved away, send it to a saucepan with hot and boiled water, add a bay leaf, cook for about 20 minutes, salt at the end of the cooking.

Finely cut and sweat in a small amount of vegetable oil onions, salt and pepper.

Boil carrots. Ready boiled liver twist with a bow on a meat grinder 2 times. First, the mince will be dry, but do not be scared, but after the second time it will become a softer, gentle, wet and plastic.

As you can see, another texture is already. Separately twist carrots, although in principle why, you can, together with minced meat).

Now we start to mine a spoon, adding salt to taste, a pen and a ground bay leaf.

The mass became gentle and wet, you can add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil as desired.

Preparing filling. Room temperature oil by smearing for a fork, add grated on fine grater or squeezed garlic, finely chopped greens and mix everything until uniformity.

Now the most important, assemble the roll in the roll))) Share on the parchment stuffing with a spoon and start spilling with clean hands into a rectangle, good to ravage, align all sterns with a knife.

To put the top of the minced stuffing, align the knife, the layer of cream oil should be as thinner.

Cut the red pen on small cubes and put it on top.

We begin to carefully wrap the roll, helping the parchment paper, if there are cracks, not trouble, then in the refrigerator everything will be fine.

The finished roll is wrapped tightly with parchment and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Cut on the portion, I took the knife, turned on the gas and well warmed it on fire, so the roll will be rovingly cut and not crumble.

Bon Appetit!


● 500 grams of yellow solid cheese

● 100 grams ham

● 3 eggs

● 300 grams champignons

● 3 spoons of chopped green parsley

● 4 packs of mayonnaise

● Pepper, salt, ground red sweet pepper

● 1 spoon oil


1. Wash champignons, clean and cut into pieces. After that, fridge them on the oil.

2. Cook the screwing eggs and cut along with ham with ham. 3. Cooked ingredients Connect each other, add a green parsley, mayonnaise, season and mix well.

4. Full piece of cheese Put for 20 minutes in hot water. Then remove and still warm roll on a thin layer (about 5 mm thick.).

5. This rolled cheese lubricate the cooked minus and roll tightly.

6. Cooked with a cooked roll in aluminum foil and put in a refrigerator for 2 hours.

7. After this time, the roll is removed and cut into the layers, feeding as a snack!

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious meat rolls are obtained on this recipe. Try to cook and you.

Carrot (200 grams) Clean and tight straw.

Two cloves of garlic squabble in a mortar with a pinch of salt.

Pork schnitzels (4 pieces of 150 grams) Deliver mustard mustard (1 spoon) and garlic.

Put on each Schnitzel at the bacon strip (only 4 pieces).

In a bowl, connect the meat minced meat (200 grams) and one raw egg, mix.

Spread the meat filling over bacon slices. Pour everything straw from carrots.

Roll the rolls and secure them with wooden toothpicks.

In the roaster, fry the rolls and cubes of the onion of the onion (300 grams) on the oil with a fuel (2 spoons).

Add white wine to the roar (250 grams) and broth (250 grams). Under the lid, stew meat with a bow for fifty minutes.

Two stems of the onion, root celery (250 grams) and carrots (300 grams) Cut into small bars.

Lower the prepared vegetables into boiling salted water for three minutes.