How to paint eggs beautifully on Easter. How to paint eggs for Easter: useful tips. Video: Staining Easter eggs by natural dyes

There is nothing complicated to paint eggs at home without applying long dyes, and using only natural foods for the color of the shell. Many women have a whole book of recipes for which you can make paint to the holiday, as well as apply an unusual drawing on them. Below we will look at the basic training of all eggs to the color, as well as we will also describe in more detail about all popular methods of color shell.

Some Product Preparation Rules

There are several basic rules that need to be observed more strictly to get beautiful and well-colored eggs on, also on a properly prepared product drawing will look brighter and clear. According to the first rule, the hostesses are recommended to buy only white eggs on the painting, since it is precisely the light shell that best can absorb the pigments of the color, which will allow to get a rich shade of the shell. And to keep paint better, it is recommended to rinse the eggs with soap before cooking, if there is no soap at home, then the surface is simply wiped with vinegar.

Before starting cooking eggs, it is worth leaving them on the kitchen table for several hours if you cook the product that was only taken out of the refrigerator, then the shell during cooking will be cracking due to a sharp temperature difference. A cracked shell will not give well to paint the surface of the painted, and the eggs themselves will be painted.

When the product is prepared, it is worthwhile to cook the bravery, in which eggs will be painted, the decoctions can prepare for the most diverse recipes, we will write about this in the article below. One of the most popular and traditional is the onion decoction, which is made of husks, the husk is simply washed and then cooked in clean water about twenty minutes, when the solution will be sufficiently concentrated, chicken eggs are sent to it and boils even less than half an hour. It is worth remembering that the solution before cooking eggs is necessarily solid, it will help make a pigment brighter.

There are special methods of cooking and painting eggs that allow you to make a beautiful drawing on the surface of the painten surface, below we will also tell us about the most popular methods of decorating Easter domestic paintings at home. If there is no desire to use the decoration of eggs with the help of submitted means, you can simply purchase special Easter stickers, their cost is not high, but they look very attractive on painted eggs.

Best Natural Coloring Options

Yellow-brown color. Probably this shade can be considered one of the most popular, since to obtain it it is necessary to use a completely affordable onion husk. For one liter of pure water, you need to take about one hundred grams of such a husk, if you want to get a more concentrated composition, then the amount of product is doubled or second. The solution is boiled about thirty minutes, and then it is filtered through the gauze and return to the fire, the prepared boiled eggs are lowered into the resulting composition and paint on fire at least twenty minutes.

Red color. Probably, many are aware of the attachment described in church writings, which says that the chicken egg has acquired a red color when Jesus was revived, it was from the time that it took eggs into a red shade. For such staining, ordinary beet is taken, this vegetable rubbed onto a grater or crushed by a blender, while it is necessary to take the product in a fresh form. From the resulting mass, all juice is pressed and it is already beginning to be in it if this method is not suitable, it is worth applying blueberry juice, it also gives a pleasant red shade.

Orange color. Such a shade is obtained by using a large number of turmeric or ordinary onion staining, but in this case it is already necessary to take a hundred grams of husks on a liter of water, but about fifty grams. After staining, the eggs will get a light orange shade.

Yellow. Such a shade is obtained using conventional seasonings called Turmeric, powder must be divorced in water to such a shade, which would like to get Easter eggs, to the resulting composition sends the product and stain to the required shade. In addition, the yellow shade can give a lemon zest or orange, young birch leaves and a walnut shell for many years is used to obtain a yellow color. In these solutions, eggs are boiled to complete readiness, and if you need to paint the shell of ready-made eggs, it is best to take carrot fresh juice.

Staining Easter eggs in marble

To make such staining, you need to prepare small gauze bags in advance, but it is best to take backward socks, it will be much more convenient to use them. To begin with, all the eggs in the raw form are washed in water with soap, and carefully processed with a brush, then it is necessary to crumple the onion husk and cut the wet egg in it. The resulting egg is placed in a harvested bag and tied tightly, it is very important that the husk fit tightly to the shell. If necessary, you can additionally pour out husks to the bag so that the staining process passes more evenly and brightly. Such bags are moved to cold water container, the saucepan must be put on the middle fire.

While the water will throw, it is worth adding to it about one jar of a brilliant greenery, you will need one bottle into two liters, and two large spoons of large salts are put into the solution. Eggs are boiled with no less than ten minutes in boiling water with a greenfront, after that the water is carefully drained, and the finished dyes are getting out of the bags and move to a dry surface for drying. The resulting eggs are obtained very bright and unusual, it is worth testing such a simple coloring method to surprise their home and guests.

Spotted paint

You can simply get unusual specks on the shell, the usual cereal will help in this hostess, it is best to use rice, but other types of croup are also suitable. For a start, the egg was washed well in water, and then also collapsed in the harvested cruel and moved to the bag, such a bag is placed in a solution with a coloring matter and left for the required period of time. A decoction of onion husks will be perfectly suitable, a decoction of coffee or strong tea is also used. You can adopt juice from carrots or beets, eggs are boiled in it about fifteen minutes to obtain a bright shade.

Since the cereals firmly adjacent to the shell, after staining the eggs have small non-crushed places, for this reason the shell looks like a spotted and very unusual. This method can be applied not only with natural, but also with food artificial dyes, passing in stores before Easter.

Other Interesting Decoration Methods

If you really want to decorate an egg with interesting patterns, the hostesses have come up with other original methods, for this there is a simple thread, a lace or a bandage, an egg is turned off with it, and then it is painted, thus chaotic or even stripes. You can take a special bandage mesh, if you wrap the egg in such a bindik and omit into the coloring composition, you will get a beautiful pattern on the painted surface.

Today, it is also popular to use various sheets, it can even be a simple parsley and dill, the leaves are glued to the shell with water, and then placed in the caprochy stocking and tightly tie. After cooking in the dye on the surface of the egg, a beautiful drawing from the leaves will remain. Some prefer to apply the stationery adhesive tape or ordinary gum, they are well held at cooking on the egg, and leave good smooth traces.

If you want to get more interesting and beautiful patterns on the sharp surface, you should simply tie a lace ribbon on the egg, for example, from stockings, after staining it turns out an unusual lace pattern.

Coloring eggs nettle

If you want to apply more interesting variants of egg staining, you can make it simply using conventional nettle, the recipe is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal cost. To draw staining correctly, it is necessary to take eggs and rinse them in water, it is also worth collecting a young nettle, which is also thoroughly washed, then the leaves are filled with a large saucepan and pour it all with water.

They boil such a decoction at least twenty minutes, then the decoction turns out to the right time and lower the eggs already produced. Cooking shards are necessary from fifteen minutes to half an hour, it all depends on the concentration of the solution and the resulting shade. If you failed to find a fresh nettle at home, you can apply a pack of dried pharmacy grass, the effect will be almost the same.

Unusual coloring methods

I would like to say that all the listed staining options for eggs are far from the last in the list, because today you can find other methods, how to make eggs bright and beautiful to the holiday. You can apply a very strong tea cascade, it will give a lightweight or very rich pink shade, it is no less popular to use brewed coffee, it gives the shell rich brown color. If you want to get more interesting shades, then it is worth adding a pair of cabbage leaves with a red-choke to the brave of a lows. Some hostesses are used by the leaves of the valley and primroses, since these plants have the property of staining.

Coloring brilliant greens

Probably many have already heard about the method of obtaining a green color from any painten, of course, this shade will be better at white eggs, but the green is not poorly painting and brown chicken products. This solution can be easily purchased at the pharmacy, and make the painting composition even easier to make it. For this, it takes a little water to have enough for placing several eggs, and then the required amount of green is poured into this water, it is necessary to pour so much so that a sufficiently saturated solution is turned out, half the bottle is taken to the liter. The resulting solution is lowered boiled eggs and leave for a certain time until the dye takes it on the shell.

Green is considered a completely harmless pharmacy product, but if the hostess wants to use exclusively natural dyes, instead of a green juice can be used from spinach. It is preparing enough simply, it is necessary to take the fresh greenery of this plant and grind it, the juice is pressed from the resulting mass and use it as other types of juices for the painting of boiled eggs in a green shade.

Coloring of red cabbage

To carry out staining, it will be necessary to take a kilogram of such cabbage and well to ignore, also prepare eggs, a couple of spoons of salt, half a liter of pure oxa and six large spoors of vinegar. Since we need to get juice from cabbage, it is worth chopping the product by a blender, in this case the staining process will be much more successful. Next, it is necessary to rinse the eggs well, it will enable the paint to go to the surface of the shell is more evenly, before the painting chicken product is definitely dried to complete readiness in clean water, where several salts spoons are added.

The cabbage in the meantime can be pouring half liters of purified water, and six spoons of vinegar are poured there and everyone is stirred, then put a saucepan on fire and boil at least ten minutes. As soon as the resulting decoction will cool down a little, you can strain it and start the process of staining.

Finished and cooled eggs are sent to a large jar, into which the resulting decoction is poured and left shards in such a state on the current night. The longer the eggs will be in the brave, the more intense will be the resulting shade, it should be understood that the red cabbage does not give a pink, but a dark blue shade to sharpen.

It is worth grateing additional by any vegetable oil so that they are brighter and shiny, and then you can serve painted to the table.

"Christ is risen!" - We hear on the festive spring Sunday and with a smile answer: "Truly risen!". In this bright day, it is customary to be treated with sweet herbs with raisins, cottage cheese Easter, cheerful pastries in the form of rabbits and chickens, and, of course, painted eggs. In order to quickly paint eggs for Easter, quite ordinary onion husk, beet juice and tea welding. And for a rich festive table and souvenirs, friends and loved ones choose decorations made of grains and decapaded napkins, themed thermalclocks and bright food dyes of all possible colors.

Cooking eggs to paint

This attribute of the holiday, like an Easter egg, should be not just original and beautiful, but also neatly welded. Who wants to get a cracked or abnormal treat? And the popular "battle" on the eggs will be impossible if the samples will be untidy shells.

Take advantage of the hosts accumulated wisdom to avoid problems with painting:

  1. Fresh eggs crack less. How to check freshness: Lower the egg into a glass with water. It should drown. Floating on the surface of the egg will be ruined soon.
  2. Before cooking eggs must be warm to room temperature. Remove them in advance from the refrigerator.
  3. Declaring and rinse the shell, otherwise the paint will fall divorce. Use alcohol solution and a sponge with the household soap.
  4. On a saucepan of 2 liters, add 1 tbsp. Salt salt. It will not give protein to pour in case of cracking of the shell.
  5. To make the coloring composition more resistant, use 9% vinegar. On 2 liters of water, 1 tbsp of acid solution is enough.
  6. To give a festive glitter ready to sharpen, lubricate them with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

It is interesting
Paint together with chicken eggs miniature quail! They are prepared in the same way and boil 4-5 minutes.

How to paint eggs using a onion husk

Long husk - cheap and angry, but very beautiful. According to legend, the Holy Equal-Apostles Maria Magdalene brought the Emperor Tiberius Chicken Egg and said: "Christ is risen!" Rome ruler objected that rather, this egg would become red than he would believe in Sunday. And a miracle happened. A rich crimped color is a traditional version of the Easter egg.

To obtain a red shade on 2 glasses of water, it is enough to take 8 medium bulbs. Suit both ordinary brown and red varieties.


For the traditional way, painting will need:

  • long husks with 8 medium bulbs (more than);
  • pans with water 2 l;
  • a dozen eggs;
  • march for filtering;
  • salt, vinegar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking the coloring onion composition and cook eggs:

  1. Clean the bulbs. Add the husk to cold water.
  2. Bring the mixture to boil and boil 30 minutes.
  3. Give the brand gradually cool, without removing the husk. So the composition is imagined and will be saturated.
  4. Strain the husks through the gauze.
  5. Place the prepared eggs in the decoction so that they completely drowned in it. If you put them too tight, the paint will fall unevenly.
  6. Boil on low heat 12-15 minutes so that you work out.
  7. Inspect the shell: if it is not colored enough, hold the eggs a little more in the onion solution.
  8. And so that the eggs are easily cleaned from the shell, put them after cooking in cold water.

Patterns (parsley, dill), leaf imposition, flower

Plant ornament is a simple and beautiful version of the decoration of Easter eggs.

What will take:

  • stencil for drawing: a twig of fresh parsley or dill, leaf, flower, etc;
  • marley or Kapron stocking to secure stencils.

How to make a drawing on the egg:

  1. Attach the stencil to the egg and tightly wrap a caprochy stocking. For consolidation, the piece of gauze is suitable - tie it around the egg.
  2. Paint as in the classic way.
  3. Remove stockings - drawing ready.

Eggs in Krapinka

To make an interesting drawing in Krapinka, you will need:

  • rice grains, millet or other shallow cereals;
  • kapron stocking or march for securing the stencil;
  • standard dial for onion paint.


  1. Water the egg and cut the rice or milf beans. Suitable and crushed peas. Part of the grains sticks out.
  2. Now wrap the whole drop-down stocking.
  3. Cook in the onion brave to complete dyeing.
  4. Remove the mount and remove the grain. There will remain unpainted points on the shell.


What is needed for a striped pattern:

  • gum for bills;
  • infusion of onion husk.

Minimalist striped design, instruction:

  1. Mock the stationery gums on eggs.
  2. Prepare a branch of the onion husk, cool it out.
  3. Cook everything in the onion husk.

Lace drawing

The hostess came up with a very gentle pattern for the shell, it will be needed for him:

  • pieces of lace fabric;
  • march or stocking;
  • strong onion light.

How to do:

  1. Wake up the egg with a piece of lace fabric completely or attach a small piece of material and fix stocking.
  2. Weld in the onion brave to the state "voltage".

Pattern of isol

  • tape (greater tape);
  • infusion of husk.


  1. From sticky tape or painting scotch Cut the figures at will. You can use a plaster, self-adhesive paper.
  2. Stick the figures on the pure egg.
  3. Wellect the eggs in the coloring solution, let them cool and remove the stickers.

Marble Eggs from Low Sheds and Zelenki

Impressive drawing on the shell is obtained from the primary means. Take:

  • 00 ml green bubble;
  • package onion husk;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • kapron stocking (march).

How to make marble eggs:

  1. Remove the husks from the bulbs and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Washed wet eggs are well cut in husks to stick it.
  3. Tie the eggs by a kapron stocking to fix the husk.
  4. Put in boiling water. Add 10 ml of greencraft by 1.5 liters of water.
  5. Boil 12-15 minutes, then cool down in cold water and remove the decor.

Marble eggs without green

Similar effect can be achieved without green:

  1. Grind the husk and cut the wet eggs, secure the decor by the head or gauze.
  2. Swarge eggs "screwed". Let it cool in the water, 40 minutes so that the drawing is better manifested.
  3. Slices of husk painted shell with colored stains similar to marble pattern.

Natural dyes

Collect eggs for Easter can be safe food with coloring properties. Natural dyes work quite slowly, so to obtain saturated shades you have to hold eggs in a solution for several hours. So that the color was more pronounced, buy eggs with a white shell.

How to paint eggs turmeric

For Yellow Pains will need:

  • tutu turmeric 20 g;
  • a dozen eggs;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water;
  • unnecessary saucepan.

We make sunny easter eggs:

  1. For a more saturated yellow color you can take two turmeric bags.
  2. Use the old pan, which is not a pity, since the turmeric will partially fall on its walls.
  3. Mix the water and turmeric, bring to a boil and negotiate for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool the solution and immerse the raw eggs prepared in it.
  5. Weganize 10-15 minutes.
  6. If the shade is weak, leave the eggs in the solution for several hours or all night.

Staining with a carcade (Hibiscus)

With a strong infusion of tea, the eggs for eggs are painted in blue or purple color. It will take:

  • 2 tbsp. carcade petals;
  • glass of water;
  • 1 S.L. vinegar 9%.


  1. Pour tea carcade with water. Bring to a boil and cool down.
  2. Eggs weld separately.
  3. Perfoliate the cooled carcade, add vinegar to fasten the color.
  4. Place the eggs so that the solution is completely hidden.
  5. For two hours, the drink will transmit a gentle blue tint shell. If you hold longer, you can achieve deep blue-violet color.


Ordinary tea brewing will be suitable for simple and economical dyeing. Paint proportions:

  • 4 tbsp. black leaf tea;
  • 1 l of water.

How to make paintings:

  1. Firmly brew black tea.
  2. Boiled eggs immerse yourself in welding and let me lie down a few hours.
  3. If you leave the eggs in tea for the night, you will get a rich and pleasant brown color.


What will take:

  • conventional instant coffee - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • 1 l of water.

Prayer eggs in a coffee color:

  1. Break eggs in advance.
  2. Coffee pour into boiling water and negotiate 10 minutes.
  3. Fill with warm coffee eggs and wait for staining.


Red cabbage gives natural gentle blue shade.

It will take:

  • juicer;
  • fresh red cabbage;
  • cooked eggs;
  • vinegar.


  • Finely cut the red cabbage and squeeze juice in the juicer.
  • Cooked eggs hold in the cabbage juice all night.

If there is no juicer, then use the blender. Turn the Kochan in Cashitz and withstand the eggs in it. To enhance the brightness, add some vinegar. Due to pieces of cabbage on the shell, the marble pattern will be obtained.


Beets - excellent and resistant dye. It knows any hostess who prepared borsch.


  • 2-3 medium beets;
  • grater or juicer;
  • gauze for filtering;
  • ready eggs.

How to make pink eggs:

  1. Clean beets from the peel and squeeze juice.
  2. To remove bubbles, because of which the paint will fall uneven, strain the liquid through the gauze.
  3. Place the already welded eggs into the dye.
  4. The pearl pink shade on the shell appears already in 45-60 minutes after finding in solution.
  5. If you leave eggs in beet juice all night, they will be rich-pink. The main thing is not to wash the paint at once, as extracted from the paint, and give them to dry and secure the dye.


Paprika is sweet dried pepper. Spice will give the white shell gentle orange tint. On brown shells, the effect of staining is unlikely to be noticeable.


  • 4 tbsp. paprika;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • cooked egg.

How to paint paprika:

  1. Mix the spice with water.
  2. Bring to a boil and negotiate 30 minutes.
  3. Cool, then put the eggs into the warm solution and weld them as usual.
  4. For a brighter, leave Easter eggs in the paprika solution for a couple of hours.


Sleeper green shells resembling spring young foliage will turn out thanks to the spinach juice.

It will take:

  • 0.5 kg of spinach leaves (you can take frozen);
  • juicer / blender with gauze.

How to paint:

  1. Press the fresh spinach leaves in the juicer. Or turn the product in mashed potatoes and push it through the gauze.
  2. In juice, place boiled eggs and keep them to the desired degree of staining.


Carrot juice - Natural orange dye.

We take:

  • 2-3 red carrots;
  • 1-2 tbsp. Turmeric at will.


  1. Press vegetable juice.
  2. For a more saturated color, connect it with a pair of turmeric spoons.
  3. Lower the welded eggs into juice and keep at least 5 hours.

Fast and simple ways

Along with the onion husk and vegetable juices, chemical easter dyes, thermal blinds and decorations in decoupage style are popular.

Store dyes

The brightest color of the shell is achieved by special dyes. In anticipation of Easter, they appear in many stores.

Formulations differ in the method of application. Always read the instructions on the package.

How to use ready-made liquid paint:

  1. Equally distribute the paint on the egg using the brush and let dry.
  2. Do not forget to wear protective gloves.

Water soluble dyes, instructions:

  1. In cold water, add a little 9% vinegar.
  2. Divide the dye into the solution.
  3. Place the boiled egg in paint so that it is completely hidden.
  4. Keep to complete staining.

Thermal blinds

Thermal blinds are a way for those who do not like to mess with coloring compositions. Now you can find absolutely any drawings: in the style of Khokhloma and Gzhel, with church images, with funny children's pictures, Easter rabbits and so on.

It will take:

  • a whole thermal block;
  • cooked, you can painted egg;
  • sieve;
  • boiling water.

How to stick the thermalclock gently:

  1. Put the sticker so that it closes the center of the egg.
  2. Place the painted in the siter.
  3. In boiling water, slowly immerse the sieve and hold for a couple of seconds.
  4. When the sticker clings, remove.

Painting with colored napkins

The unique color drawing on the shell is created by ordinary dining napkins. What will take:

  • white cutlery napkins;
  • different food dyes;
  • hand protective gloves;
  • brush.

How to decorate eggs:

  1. Swaw eggs.
  2. Wrap them with conventional white napkins.
  3. In the cups, on the instructions for color food dyes.
  4. Do not forget to protect the skin of the hands with gloves.
  5. Squeeze the brush into the dye and apply over the napkins. Mases make arbitrary. The main thing is that the colors are combined with each other.
  6. Leave the napkins on the eggs all night. Festive in the morning, remove them and admire the curly divorces.

Staining with Moulin

Create an unusual striped pattern with the threads of Moulin.


  • colored threads Moulin, preferably new;
  • raw eggs.

How to make a drawing:

  1. Firmly wrap the shells with threads of Moulin.
  2. Boil everything until readiness.
  3. Remove Moulin, the colorful fantasy ornament will remain.

Collection of cloth and flaps

Try to transfer a beautiful pattern from the tissue on the shell. It will take:

  • natural fabric with bright pattern;
  • capron stocking;
  • water and raw eggs;
  • vinegar to secure color.

How to do:

  1. Wrap the egg with the pattern, fasten it with a caprony stock.
  2. Under the action of boiling water, the dye will switch to the shell. Boil the egg 12-15 minutes after boiling with the addition of vinegar.

Egg-strap: chicken

Such an Easter egg will like children. Attract the child to the process, let him show creative abilities and makes a gift to mom, dad, grandmother, sister or any near man.

It will take:

  • any yellow dye;
  • colored paper of red, orange, blue and black color;
  • overhead toy eyes (sold in stores for hobbies);
  • feathers for creativity;
  • gelatin;
  • brush.

Making chicken:

  1. Under the supervision of an adult baby paints a white egg with a bright yellow dye.
  2. Cut from colored paper eyes, keyboy and scallop. Eye can be bought in the store for needlework. Also look at decorative flocks - make a real tail chicken.
  3. Prepare food glue based on gelatin. To do this, tell the gelatin according to the instructions, warm the granules for dissolution.
  4. At the safe gelatin glue, plan the eyes and another decor. For convenience, use the brush.

Funny face with cocoa and adhesive eyes

Draw Easter eggs paint from cocoa powder.

For merry faces need:

  • cocoa powder - 5 tbsp.;
  • a little cold water;
  • brush;
  • eyes for toys;
  • gelatin.


  1. We work with already welded and cooled eggs.
  2. Cocoa powder Take water to the state of liquid sour cream.
  3. Dry paint brush and draw hair, beard and other elements.
  4. Eyes for crafts glue to gelatin glue or adhesive base (usually it is available on the reverse side).
  5. Cute and good faces are obtained. When the paint from cocoa will freeze, lay eggs to a festive dish.

Staining with wax crayons

What will take:

  • colored wax crayons for children's creativity;
  • stand for eggs;
  • grater and plate;
  • water bath for melting chalk.

We work with just welded, hot eggs:

  1. Secure the egg on the stand. Suitable cover from plastic bottle.
  2. Start drawing shames on a hot shell. The wax from the temperature is falling and forms unusual overflowing drawings.
  3. Another way: Stodit a few colored chalks into a fine crumb and cut your hot egg.
  4. You can melt the whole chalk and to dip the egg in it - too beautiful.

Turn around eggs in multicolored foil

Very elegant eggs are obtained due to color shiny foil. Just, but truly festive!

It will take:

  • color foil from the stationery store;
  • scissors.

How to make a decoration:

  1. Cut foil with rectangular pieces so that they are enough to wrapping eggs.
  2. Boil eggs until readiness.
  3. Tightly wrap the eggs with foil, placing the edges of the edge. Ready!

Gilding and silvering eggs with Pope

Palk is a brilliant thin foil for decorating, imitating precious metals. It can be found in the shops for needlework. Do with such a material gold or silver eggs - one pleasure! It turns out a solemn Easter treat. It will take:

  • ready painten;
  • paltal;
  • tea spoon;
  • gelatin or crude protein;
  • tassel.

How to decorate shards to fill up:

  1. Lubricate the egg protein or gelatin.
  2. Wrap it to take it, applying a lacking side to the shell.
  3. Throw the foil with a spoon, like rubbing gold paint. The stronger the friction, the greater the shiny layer will remain on the shell.
  4. We remove the sheet sweat. Ready! It turned out a golden egg, as in a tale about a chicken row.

Black permanent marker

Minimalistic black drawings permanent marker - what is needed for Easter to modern manner.

It will take:

  • marker black permanent (he should not smear);
  • stencils for small drawings - at will.

How to create a picture on the shell:

  1. Boil eggs.
  2. Place them on the stands for the convenience of drawing.
  3. Black permanent marker draw lines, grid, polka dot, any inscriptions. Release fantasy in the flight! If you are afraid to draw crooked - use stencils.
  4. Give the shell of about an hour to dry out.

Staining with stencil

We will need:

  • standard dyes;
  • tracing;
  • scissors;
  • water;
  • capron stocking;
  • vegetable oil;
  • stencil with thematic pattern: the letters of the Holy, Easter bunny, etc.

Preparation method:

  1. Figure for a stencil transfer to tracing. Cut on the contour.
  2. Moisten the stencil and attach to the shell so that it adhesive.
  3. Lock the stencil stocking.
  4. Now boil eggs with any comfortable dye.
  5. For the food dye, the stencil is glued on the already boiled egg.
  6. Remove stockings and stencils. It remains only to hold Easter eggs in cold water and lubricate with vegetable oil for glitter.

Decor of finished eggs wax, cereal, pastry and confectionery sprinkle

The volume decoration of Easter eggs is a way slightly more time-consuming than just painting. But a couple of such 3D eggs can be prepared for the festive table.

It will take:

  • candle;
  • water bath;
  • brush;
  • cereals;
  • small curly pasta;
  • color confectionery sprinkle.

How to make a cradle:

  1. Raw eggs boiled screwed.
  2. Melt the candle on the water bath and brush apply on the shell drawing.
  3. Prepare decor.
  4. Out egg or apply a drawing with your fingers.

Staining of sugar powder

Ising - crystal sugar icing for ginger cookies. Why not use it for lace clearance of Easter eggs? It turns out very gently and festively.


  • sugar or sugar powder;
  • water;
  • cream injector.

Decorating the eggs with sugar glaze:

  1. Grind sugar into powder with a coffee grinder, or buy a finished product.
  2. In a glass with a powder slowly pour water and stir so that it turns out a white thick mass.
  3. Transfer Ising to the confectionery syringe.
  4. Ready painted egg paint with icing.
  5. Let dry. Sugar mass quickly freezes.

Drapes using a stationery knife and a thick needle

A rare decoration method - scratching pattern with a knife or needle. The advantage of such a decor is a small openwork pattern, which cannot be achieved by stencil.

What will take:

  • broth onion husk;
  • simple pencil;
  • knife, thick and sharp needle or a piece of wire.

How to make drapes:

  1. Circle egg in a solution of onion husk.
  2. To start, apply a simple pencil drawing to not be mistaken when working with a needle or knife.
  3. Scratch the contour with a sharp knife or needle without disturbing the integrity of the shell.


Combine in painting at once a few shades of the same color - such eggs will not definitely be unnoticed.

It will take:

  • three or more small tanks;
  • dye one color;
  • water.

We make a gradient:

  1. Divide several solutions of different color intensity.
  2. The cooked egg is completely lowered into the weakest coloring solution.
  3. Now one half of the eggs immerse in the middle dye.
  4. Immerse an egg by a third in a strong coloring composition.
  5. You can do both three levels and more.

Real specks

Papanka is a monophonic painted eggs with multiple specks. They are applied with melted wax.


  • ready painten;
  • wax candles or crayons;
  • water bath;
  • brush or thick needle;
  • rag.

How to make traditional crap eggs:

  1. Color egg in any color. This is a background for the main drawing.
  2. Prepare wax chalk or candles. Melt them and maintain in the melted state throughout the work.
  3. Cheeloe or brush to dry into the wax and carry the droplets on the shell. One point is one drying brush.
  4. Use the rag to remove the flaws from the shell while the wax is not frozen.

Staining with nail polish

For a bright pearl pattern, you will need:

  • water bowl;
  • several nail polishes;
  • toothpick.

The process of creating a picture:

  1. Pour water in a bowl.
  2. Drip into it several colored varnishes.
  3. Distribute them toothpick, creating patterns, swirls, etc.
  4. Boiled egg gently immerse one part into varnish.
  5. Let it dry, then paint the second half.

Staining from the inside

Painted egg proteins should not be eaten, but such a decoration looks spectacular on the Easter table.

What to take:

  • food dye bright color;
  • a raw egg.

How to do:

  1. Boil the eggs scrabble.
  2. Remember the shell hands so that it cracks well.
  3. Make a food dye solution and dip the cracked egg into it for a few minutes.
  4. Remove the egg and remove the shell. The protein will remain elegant colored stripes.

Terry painten with mankey and dyes

An unusual "terry" egg is a wonderful Easter souvenir. What will be needed to create it:

  • semolina;
  • liquid food dye (can be several);
  • raw chicken squirrel.

How to make a bulk decoration:

  1. Dry semolina groove with liquid food dye. Powder Water-soluble is not suitable - the manka will swell greatly.
  2. Make a few colored mixtures with a semi.
  3. Boil eggs.
  4. Clever for colored groats will serve as an ordinary chicken squirrel. Drain it from a raw egg, pushing a small hole in the shell.
  5. Lubricate the egg with natural glue and make a pretty cut in the colored semi.
  6. Leave the egg overnight for complete drying.

Staining with shaving foam and dyes

Shaving foam helps to create a "cosmic" pattern on the shell.

What will take:

  • shaving foam;
  • multicolored food dyes;
  • deep container;
  • toothpick;
  • towel.


  1. Mix the shaving foam and several different food dyes.
  2. Toothpick stir the composition to make arbitrary transitions.
  3. Immerse the egg into the mixture so that it is painted on all sides.
  4. Then remove the superfluous, place on the towel and let it dry within an hour.

Eggs embroidered by buttons

To dress up an Easter egg, take:

  • colored fabric;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • food glue;
  • small colored buttons of different sizes and shapes.

Decorating shards:

  1. Cover the finished egg with a cloth. You can put it on glue.
  2. On top of it, the sew buttons close to each other.

Easter is one of the most popular holidays in the year. Touch your Orthodox celebration, painting a dozen eggs by any of the proposed methods. Bright shells in the Easter basket for a long time will be remembered by the whole family and guests.

Questions and answers

What better use eggs: white or brown?

It depends on the chosen dye. The red-brown color from the onion husks will perfectly fall on dark shells, but on white eggs the color will turn closer to the red. Other natural dyes are unlikely to take on a brown egg. And the food dyes on such a shell can give an ugly subtock. At the same time, the hostesses are noticed that dark eggs during cooking crack less often than white.

Where to get a husk for staining?

It is not necessary to buy onion kilograms, and then consider the husk. It is sold separately. If this product was not found, try to negotiate with sellers in vegetable stalls so that they pour more husks with a pair of bulbs. Another option: the husk is well stored, draw it in advance. Cleaning the bulbs, fold the husk in a separate fabric bag. Watch out the whole husk, do not store samples with a retained inner layer.

If the dye did not take, what to do?

If the dye is natural, then hold the eggs in it longer. Many prefer to leave them in the solution at night. Food dyes are rarely not captured. Check their shelf life before purchasing, as well as do not keep last year's packages. In order for painting to always be successful, be sure to degrease the shells before cooking in the paint. For this use alcohol or soap.

If the egg burst during staining? What to do?

If natural dye was used - onions, vegetable juices - then hide defects with thermal block. Such eggs can be eaten. If a special chemical dye hit the protein, it is better not to serve such a treat. And do not forget about the preparation of eggs, all measures are described at the beginning of the article.

How many painted eggs are stored?

At room temperature, the shelf life of the boiled egg is two to three days. In the refrigerator, the product breaks up to three weeks, provided that the shell did not crack. Damaged eggs in the refrigerator are stored no more than three days.

If the saucepan is not washed after staining with a onion husk?

Try boiling water, soda and vinegar. The reaction of products will remove raid from the onion husk. In boiling water, add more soda. Give it. After 10 minutes, boil the solution again and pour into it vinegar. After such treatment, drain the solution and go through the walls of the pans with a sponge with detergent. You can not use chlorine-containing cleaning products.

For how many days before Easter it is better to paint eggs?

Believers are painting eggs on Saturday. In Good Friday, nothing is prepared - this is a sin. And on Thursday or even earlier, eggs can be prepared if they are stored until the holiday in the refrigerator. Culinary work is transferred to the middle of the week, when Saturday coincides with another Orthodox holiday - Annunciation.

Is it possible to use onion decoction again?

You can paint another batch of eggs. The solution is not stored for a long time, it can be disposed of or used as a fertilizer for colors.

Variations of painting chicken eggs are a huge set, but that is what remains unchanged, this is the process of preparing for staining. We share advice with you:

1. To make eggs in the cooking process, you need to get them out of the refrigerator in a couple of hours.

2. It is necessary to gently wash all eggs under running water. So the paint will fall much more smooth.

3. Cook eggs in salted water, again, it will prevent the shell of cracks.

4. So that the eggs were well cleaned, immediately after cooking, they need to pour ice water to full cooling.

5. Press the shiny look will help with eggs, vegetable oil will help. It is only necessary to dry the painted eggs and deceive refined oil.

We finished with preparation, now you can safely move to the main painting. We offer to take advantage of our simple ideas.

Classic way

It implies the painting of eggs in the onion husk. This method used our ancestors.

1. Shower (the more, the better) we are rinsed under water, we shift into a deep saucepan.

2. Add water to it, cook about 40 minutes.

3. Turn off the fire and decoction let it breed a couple of hours.

4. Fix through the colander, removing the whole husk.

5. Warm fit-made eggs. The duration of cooking depends on the color you want to get.

This process gives us one-picture eggs, if you want to give them outtreets of colors, then you need to use the caproic cloth and dried leaves.

Or with a tape apply the desired drawing, boil in the husk. Get rid of the isolent (Scotch). Drawing ready.

Decoupage Easter eggs

This method for those who do not want to mess with stickers and get used to do everything himself. We will need napkins with a pattern, boiled eggs and gelatin.

1. We divorce gelatin as indicated on the package.

2. Cut the drawings with thin scissors.

3. To the egg we apply the prepared pattern and with the help of the brush we apply gelatin glue to the surface of the napkin. We start gluing from the center and remove the brush to the edges.

Before serving on the table, eggs must be dried for 2 hours.

Gradient fill

The whole point is that every egg on the tone is darmer than the previous one. Prepare dyes and eggs.

1. Food dyes are divorced according to the instructions.

2. Lower the first egg for 20 seconds.

3. With the rest of the eggs, we carry out the previous method, only the time of staining of each eggs increase by 20 seconds (first 20, second 40, third 60, etc.).

As a result, you should have a whole series of eggs, which smoothly moves from a light shade to saturated.

If you negatively treat purchased dye, then use natural paints.


This unusual method will allow you to draw what you want. Forest with paint eggs, cutter, pencil and patience.

1. Eggs need to dry well after painting.

2. Select the picture of interest, transfer it with a pencil on the shell.

3. Cutter carefully clean the paint from the shell, make sure that the egg does not break.

The process is long and time consuming, but it is worth it.

Space Easter eggs

Love space? Then this way is for sure for you. We will need acrylic paints, brush, sponge for dishes, toothbrush, white paint and water.

1. Cover the eggs of black paint in two layers.

2. With the help of the brush, we apply various divorces of dark blue and black and purple paints on the shell.

3. We take a sponge and dip it into dark colors, we apply to the egg with a sharp movement, then you can paint bright.

4. White paint we get water, we apply to the toothbrush and spray it on the egg, giving the effect of stars.


After each layer, it is necessary to dry the egg well.

Fusion pattern

The easiest way. We choose suitable color silk and white cotton fabric, thread, needle, water, vinegar and white raw eggs.

1. Enople with a color cloth egg, the front side must be from the inside.

2. In order for the drawing to be not blurred, tightly sew it with each other.

3. Wrap a white cloth, stitch again.

4. Mix water and vinegar in the saucepan (3 tbsp.), We put eggs, cook about 10-15 minutes after the water boils.

5. Cool eggs with a natural way without resorting to cold water.

Beautiful and bright drawing are provided to you.


Probably you heard about such Easter eggs? And we will tell you how to do them, only for this will need: Zelenka and leek husks.

1. So, we prepare the onion solution as it is written above.

2. The raw eggs are wrapped in the onion husk, pre-it is crushed. Fix it with the help of kapron tissue.

3. Cook. In the middle of the staple passed, add a spoonful of the greenstone into the water and cook until readiness.

The "marble" egg will acquire a truly beautiful color if it is deceived by vegetable oil.

Painting with rice

In fact, the option is very unusual. Interesting texture and drawing, we will help us: rice, plastic cups and food dyes.

1. 1/3 cups fill rice.

2. Add 25-30 drops of dyes to it (if the paint is dry, then we will be dragging it in a small amount of water).

3. The contents of the cup are thoroughly mixed, evenly painting rice grains.

4. The boiled egg is lowered to the rice, gently shake several times. We leave in this form for five minutes.

In this way, you can paint one egg several times, while changing the color of the paint.

Colorful palette

Such a name this method has received no accident. And why, you will learn in the process of painting. So, we will need: threads for knitting (or Muline) of different colors, vinegar and raw eggs.

1. Each egg is completely wrapped with colored threads.

2. Cook in water with the addition of vinegar.

3. Put in the dishes, we leave so that completely cool.

4. Remove the threads.

Beautiful, isn't it? What bright and original testicles from us turned out.

Decorating with wax pencils

The name - says for itself, we will need: wax pencils or crayons and eggs.

1. Boil eggs.

2. On the uncomfortable shell we apply bright drawings.

3. Cool.

During drawing, the wax will start melting, thereby giving the egg an original design.

Culinary ideas

This option is the cheapest, because there are cereals in every home. And we will use: small grain (millet, egg and so on) and wax candles.

1. On ready-made eggs we apply a hot wax pattern.

2. Quickly sprinkle.

3. Lubricate refined oil.

Eggs can be used both natural colors and painted.

And in conclusion…

You can choose one idea from the proposed options and paint eggs, but you will only think what delight will be the guests if they see on your holiday table, beautifully deserted eggs. Do not regret the time and strength, because Easter is only once a year and make it unforgettable.

We offer to watch a video in which you will learn a lot of useful information on the painting of eggs for Easter.

Good all day! The approaching holiday of Easter, the bright Sunday is one of the most favorite Christian holidays. Solemn, light and joyful, he symbolizes the salvation of peace and soul, the possibility of eternal life. Easter comes on the outcome of winter when nature wakes up. For Orthodox Russians Easter is connected not only with the end of the Great Post and with the Easter festive church service, but also with a special Easter table. For experienced owners, the preparation period is already in full swing. Recipes are going and carefully rewrite, dyes are selected for eggs.

Painted eggs are an unchanged attribute of the approaching Easter. They decorate the table, they are given to each other with the words "Christ Risen!", And we no longer imagine this bright spring holiday without painted eggs.

Tradition to paint eggs appeared in ancient times, for a long time before Christianity, and carries a mythical and short sense. Our distant ancestors believed that the world was hatched from the egg. His sacred properties were given. It served as a faith, helped in the treatment of infertility, guarded the house and family.

Previously, the eggs for Easter painted exclusively in red, as it symbolizes blood spilled on the cross, but then moved away from strict canons. Currently you can paint and decorate eggs with various colors, ways and technicians. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of people.

Have you already decided than and how do you decorate your Easter eggs? Today I want to offer you to consider some options for painting these festive attributes and hope that you will find something new and interesting for yourself.

If you have children, do not forget to attract them to this process. This is the benefits and entertainment and training immediately.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

In anticipation of great Easter celebrations, almost every home traditionally made beautiful and symbolic attributes of this bright spring holiday - Easter eggs. Make them with beautiful do it yourself is not so difficult as many can imagine. For painting eggs, you can buy special food dyes, sets for decorating, paints or markers for painting, stickers, thermalclocks, napkins, or take advantage of our great-grandmothers, gifts of nature mother-in-law, that is, natural dyes.

The most common way painting is with the help of special food dyes. To do this, you just need to buy suitable dyes for you that are sold in any supermarket and following instructions, embody everything into reality.

Using this method, you should remember the following advice and cautions:

  • Be careful during the staining of the eggs, since the dyes are hard with clothing.
  • The longer you keep eggs in a solution with food dyes, the brighter they will turn out. Start with a few minutes, then increase the coloring time. It will be an excellent experiment for the kids!
  • In order for you to conveniently immerse the eggs into dyes, use the kitchen wedge. This simple idea will help you and your children keep hands and clothes cleaner.

There is another interesting way to dye eggs with food dye and wax. The bottom line is that you rub any part of the egg wax, omit it into the dye and it is painted only in the part where there is no wax. Thus, you can create similar patterns.

Those who can draw well, you can make painting with food colors or permanent markers. Moreover, the painting will be perfectly look at both shards and simply boiled eggs.

The most elementary and not time-consuming method for decorating Easter eggs is using conventional or thermal stickers. To do this, you just need to buy stickers, put them on boiled eggs and omit into boiling water for a few seconds.

The most common way, perhaps, remains painting with natural dyes. As a basis you can take yourself the following cheat sheet.

Ways to paint eggs with you in more detail below, and now I would like to give you some advice on their preparation for staining.

  • In order for the eggs not to float during cooking, they must be taken from the refrigerator in an hour so that they take the room temperature.
  • Before painting, the paint must be washed with soap or alcohol, then the paint will fall uniformly.
  • In water or solution where eggs will be boiled, add a spoonful of salt. So even the contents of the caviar the shell will not be poured.
  • If you want sharmaards to have a shiny appearance, soda them with vegetable oil after painting.

After you have prepared the material and chose the most suitable way for yourself, you can start creating a masterpiece.

Step-by-step painting in the onion husk

The most traditional and proven in the way of painting eggs is considered to be a decoction of Lows. The more raw materials get to collect, the brighter will turn out to be ready. For a beautiful saturated red-brown eggs, it is necessary to collect the husks from 6 large bulbs. If you do not like this saturated color, you can collect less husk and then the finished product will be light yellow or light brown. It all depends on the grade and color of the onion husk. I will show you how to achieve a saturated red-brown color.

1. Pour the husk with water and boil 20 minutes, then strain - and the solution is ready for staining.

2. Add to the cooled decoction of 2 tbsp. l. The vinegar, lower the prepared eggs there and boil 7-10 minutes. Please note that the egg must be completely immersed in the liquid and it should not boil.

3. Carefully get the eggs with a spoon and lay out cool onto the paper napkin. Cooled and dry dyes can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

4. If the resulting color seems not enough to you, return the eggs into the decoction and hold them there before getting the color you need.

In the onion husk with patterns

This method for those who want to beat a little over their paintings. We will use all the same decoction from the onion husk, but as stencils we will use flowers and herbs to create beautiful drawings.

For more golden color of the finished product, I recommend using a red and yellow onion husk.

To create drawings, you can use anything: from the leaves of dill, parsley, fern, to flower petals or flowers. Opportunities are endless.

To dye eggs, we will need:

  • Red and yellow leek husks - from 6-7 bulbs
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Herbs and flowers
  • Kapron stocking

Stages of work:

1. Cut the dumping stocking into 15 x 15 cm squares.

2. Wet small twigs of dill, parsley, blades or flowers and attach them to the eggs. Then neatly place each egg in a separate drop-down blank, wrap and tie the ends tightly.

Before starting to boil onion husks, soak it for a few hours or at night in cold water. Due to this, the eggs will turn faster, and the color will be more beautiful and bright.

3. In a tank with a pre-closed onion husk, add vinegar and put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil about 10 minutes.

4. Add the prepared testicles into boiling water and boil for 8-10 minutes. After this time, the eggs can be put on a napkin or you can leave them to cool in the onion brave for the night for more saturated color.

5. As soon as the eggs are cooled, you can cut the headbands, remove all twigs, leaflets, flowers and wipe them with a paper towel. To give gloss, you can graze them with sunflower oil.

Original marble eggs for Easter

It is the opinion that painted eggs in the onion husk do not leave the options - the color is one. But as practice shows, and in the onion husk can be painted with a highlight. Now I want to show you this marble way.

1. For marble design of Easter eggs, it is necessary to take some large onion flashes, wet them with water and wrap each egg.

3. Carefully place our billets in the Kapron Bags, tighten tightly and send cooking.

As a result, the egg will be colored inhomogeneously, and the folds of the lows of husks form a pattern similar to marble.

Marble testicles in the onion husk and green

Marble eggs on this recipe are very beautiful, original in design and brilliant. They are made easily and from the available funds. The most important thing they are harmless, as it uses onion husk and medical green. Such marble handsome men will be a wonderful decoration of the festive Easter table.

In order to paint eggs, we will need:

  • Long husk
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Cold Water Bowl
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Zelenka - 20 ml.
  • Scissors
  • Thicks
  • Kapron stocking or Cut March
  • Sunflower oil

Stages of work:

1. To begin with, we need to cut onion husks into small pieces. It is very convenient to do with scissors.

3. Tightly wrap the eggs into gauze or byproof blanks and fix the thread. Prepared products lay out in a saucepan with cold water so that they are completely covered with water. Add salt and send to boot on fire. From the moment of boiling, cook 5 minutes.

4. 5 minutes after boiling, add green and cook another 10 minutes. We drain the water and rinse every egg with cold running water. With cooled eggs, we remove the gauze and the husk. Dry cooled eggs lubricate with sunflower oil using a cotton disk. This beauty should work out.

How to paint paint with natural dyes?

Each hostess before Easter is necessarily engaged in staining eggs. This existing century tradition is currently becoming all new forms, but more and more often we return to old environmental and safe grandmother's staining methods. Natural dyes surround us and are present in the kitchen of each mistress. The main thing is not to be lazy and prepare the desired paint with nature given to us. What can I use? At the beginning of the article, I gave you a small crib, and now I propose to figure it out in more detail.

In the video, each proportion is designed for 3 eggs. I hope you liked these natural dyes and you can easily recreate them.

Pray the eggs beet at home

Have you tried to paint the Easter eggs with natural products that are in your storeroom or in the kitchen? If you are looking for a safe, lightweight and funny method of staining eggs on a festive table, I suggest you use this way in different interpretations.

1. Clean and cut the beets into small pieces. Fill with water, bring to a boil and boil 15-60 minutes until you get the desired brave color. Cool it to room temperature, strain through the sieve and add vinegar. Vinegar is added at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 cup. Put the egg into a glass with a dye and remove the desired color in the refrigerator until the desired color is reached.

For this method of staining, it is best to use a white egg.

2. Clean the fresh beet, we skip through the juicer or rub on a large grater and pressed through the gauze. After our juice is ready, add 1 tbsp. l. The vinegar and lowered a chicken egg for 4-5 hours. If, after this time, the color was not beautiful enough, you can hold for a few more hours.

3. Chicken egg, brought to room temperature, pour out cool water, add 0.5 tbsp. l. Salts and on top put in a latter on a large grater of beet. To maintain a better color, you can add 1/3 h. L. vinegar. We send our decoction to a small fire and cook 1-2 hours.

4. We rub the purified beet on a large grater, envelop hot boiled eggs in it and wrap in a paper napkin. We remove in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning you will have such beauty.

Decoupage Eggs to Easter Napkins

The decoration of Easter eggs is one of my favorite classes, because the flight of fantasy is not limited. Currently, there are a huge variety of ways to dye, decorate, decorating, painting Easter eggs. Now I want to show you a very simple way of decoration, which takes no more than five minutes. Plus it requires zero artistic training and always turns out!

To decorate Easter eggs, we will need napkins:

  • Chicken boiled egg
  • Paper Napkins with Beautiful Pattern
  • Egg white
  • Brush
  • Scissors

Stages of work:

1. I tried different ways to decoupage with paper napkins and samples and errors, I realized that it is best to cut each picture separately. In this case, you will not form bubbles and folds when you will be glued to the egg.

2. If you have multi-layer napkins, only the top layer is needed to glue. Attach the workpiece to the egg and turn on the protein from above with a brush. In order for the drawing to go smoothly, scream it with your fingers. Do not overdo it not to break the item.

3. After you decorated all the eggs, leave them to push them. Now you have Easter attributes with drawings that look like them painted directly on the egg!

Painted eggs in fabric

Did you know that the eggs can be painted with silk or chiffon cloth with a bright pattern? I bring to your attention another quick and very beautiful way to design Easter eggs. They are so bright and unique that at least put on the exhibition.

The finished product is despicable and more beautiful, when dark blue, purple and red colors are present on the fabric patterns.

Interestingly, you never know how much color and drawing is imprinted on the egg in the process of staining. Sometimes patterns that may seem stunning, on the finished product will look ugly and vice versa.

In order to create such masterpieces we need:

  • 100% silk fabric
  • Scissors
  • Cotton thread or gum
  • White cotton fabric
  • Vinegar

Stages of work:

1. First of all, we need to prepare a fabric in which we will wrap eggs. To do this, measure and cut the silk and cotton fabrics to the flaps of 18 x 18 cm in size. Tightly wrap the raw chicken egg in every flap and bandage. Make sure the facial side of the picture is inside, and not outside!

2. After you have wrapped the eggs into the silk fabric, they must be wrapped in cotton fabric and tied up.

3. Place these little handsome hands in a pan, fill with water, add 1 tbsp. l. Vinegar and boil 20-30 minutes. Vinegar contributes to better staining. The longer you will cook eggs, the brighter the drawings will turn out.

4. After the eggs are welded, they must be obtained from water and cool naturally or under cold flow water. With cooled eggs, you can remove the fabric.

If you chose light and dark drawings for staining, then they are better painted separately. Otherwise, the effect of the "dirty" pattern will be on finished crumbs.

See which beauty can happen thanks to this uncomplicated way!

Original methods from girlfriend

Every year we want to try any new ways of painting Easter eggs to surprise our relatives and friends and please the kids with an interesting process of staining. Let's look at some of the interesting options for decor using breeds.

1. For this method, we will need: boiled eggs, shaving foam, food dyes, wooden sticks and a cardboard box or other capacitance for creating a base. We squeeze the shaving foam into the container, distribute a stick over the surface, we drip the dyes from above, we distribute a wand, creating a certain pattern, dip the egg in a foam, lay out on a napkin and leave for 15 minutes.

Then we wipe the egg with a paper napkin and get the original marble attributes of the Easter feast.

2. This coloring option will enjoy children who love to draw and create crafts. To do this, we will need: boiled eggs, paper towels and colored wax chalk.

3. Older children can offer paint eggs with acrylic paints.

4. For fans of cartoon characters, you can create such fun minions. To do this, you need the appropriate food dyes, a black marker, black thread and eyes that can be bought in the store for needlework.

5. And for fans of ninja turtles, such wonderful crumbs will be an excellent option.

6. This simple and not occupying a lot of time will help you create beautiful lines on the pussy. To do this, you need to prepare food dyes, gum different thicknesses and paper napkins. Wake up an egg with rubber bands, as shown in the picture below and plunge into the dye you need to complete staining. Lay out the egg on the napkin and leave to dry. When the paint completely dry the gum can be removed. You must have such connoisse.

7. Decorating Easter eggs with natural, environmental products, unlike artificial, gives a guarantee that the product will be edible. In addition, the costs for it are needed the most minimal. Pour water in three saucepans, bring to a boil, to lower the tea tea in each of them over the bag of different types of tea and insist for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, pull out tea bags, add 1-2 hours l. The vinegar into each container, lower the one by one weak egg and remove it into the fridge for the night. The next day you can admire the work done.

I have everything today. I tried to pick up for you as many options for staining Easter eggs at home and hope that this article will be useful for you. Having in stock these basic knowledge, you can always supplement them using your fantasy.

And now I want to wish you good health, happiness and congratulate on the upcoming holiday of Light Easter!

Many Easter is associated with eggs painted in different colors. And indeed, they are the main attributes of this bright holiday. The tradition of painting eggs came to us from the distant past. There are several versions of its occurrence.

Why on Easter paint eggs

One of the most common versions explaining why the eggs are painted for the Easter holiday, associated with the legend of Mary Magdalene.

According to her, Maria, having learned about the resurrection of Jesus, decided to report this to the news of Emperor Tiberius.

In those days, visiting the ruler could only be given something in the gift. But there was nothing at the woman, then she decided to take the first thing that she was caught at hand - it was an ordinary chicken egg. Stretching his gift to the emperor she said - "Christ is risen!", To which Tiberius laughed and replied that he could believe it only if the egg would become red. In the same moment, the egg changed its color on bright red. Then the surprised ruler was headed - "Truly Rissed!".

It was since then that people began to paint eggs into red, and then presented them as a gift to each other. Over time, this tradition has changed somewhat, the eggs began not only to paint in different colors, and also

How to paint eggs for easter

If you plan to eat eggs into food, it is necessary to paint them only with natural or food dyes. Before you begin painting, eggs need to be prepared for this:

  • If the eggs were stored in the refrigerator, get them out of there per hour or two before staining so that they heat to room temperature. This will help avoid cracking the shell during cooking.
  • To paint well, smoothly lay down necessarily wash the eggs. To ensure high-quality staining, they can also wipe with alcohol.

How to paint eggs with food dyes

As a rule, on packaging with food dyes sold in retail chains, there is a detailed instruction. If there is no, you can do as follows:

Painting eggs on Easter with natural dyes

Finished dyes, of course, enjoy very convenient, but the safest and "environmentally friendly" eggs, which were painted by natural dyes. To do this, you can use completely different products - juices of berries, walnuts shells, calendula flowers, birch leaves, beet juice, red cabbage, spinach, onion husks and much more. Consider the most affordable methods of staining:

Polka Dot Easter Eggs

Boil the eggs when they are cooled, glue the circle on the shell, so that those as close as possible to the surface. Immerse the egg into a container with a dye one or more of minutes (the longer the egg will run in the paint, the darker there will be its color). After complete dye drying, remove the stickers.

Striped Easter Eggs

They can be labeled around the egg or in any order, to make the same or different thickness. Now immerse the egg for five minutes in the dark paint. When it dries, remove the tape.

Similarly, you can create multi-colored stripes or any other ornaments, for this egg every time you dip in the paint with a darker of the previous one and stick and remove the pieces of painting tape.

The egg turns several times with a rubber band for money, so that it stretches well and fits tightly to the surface. Then the egg immerse the dye for a few minutes.

Easter eggs in spots

Eggs with vegetable pattern

Attach the leaf of any plant to the boiled egg, then wrap it with a bypass sock or tights and tie, securely fixing the sheet. Then immerse the egg for ten minutes in the paint. When the dye dries, remove the chip and leaf from the eggs.

How to paint eggs for Easter using fabric

Pick up the flavors of the fabric (there will be a square with a side of 15 cm.) With an unstable dye, tytem, \u200b\u200bnatural silk, satin or a Muslin possesses such properties. It is desirable that she had a small and quite bright drawing, for example, old silk ties will fit well for staining.