What should be a student c. Student requirements

To update the requirements for the student from the side of correctional activities ("must") based on the previously solved problems, establish a thematic framework and create an indicative basis for corrective actions ("I can").

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Lesson on GEF

"Examples of lessons on the Federal State Educational Standard" - Relations between children in the class. Learning new things. A choice is given. Post a topic with a motivating technique. Problematic interactive learning. Presentation of the results of group creativity. Analysis of the results of the project. Finding an unknown divisor. Activity approach. Project activities. Each group reports to the lesson.

"The structure of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard" - The task for adding fractions. Independent work with self-test against the standard. Types and structure of lessons for the Federal State Educational Standard. The lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge. The structure of the lesson of a general methodological orientation. The structure of the lesson "discovery" of new knowledge. Types of dialogues. Types of GEF lessons. Problem-dialogical technology.

"Lesson on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" - Educational activities. Frontal form of training. FSES requirements. Dentist. Productive tasks. Organizing time. New school... Incorporation of new knowledge. Lesson in generalization and systematization of knowledge. Educational situation. Personal actions. The most important task of the modern system. Cognitive actions.

"Developing a lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard" - Interdisciplinary communications. Cognitive UUD. Differences in lesson structure. It is not the strongest and the smartest who survive. Personal UUD. Regulatory UUD. Communicative UUD. Lesson outline. During the classes. Development of a lesson on the 2nd generation FSES. Three postulates of a modern lesson. Study on the material of the textbook. Lesson is the main form of organizing training sessions in the training system.

"Lesson within the Federal State Educational Standard" - Method. Primary consolidation stage. Management approaches. The structure of the lesson in the discovery of new knowledge. Motivating students. Facilities. Problem solving by the students themselves. The stage of goal-setting. Interiorization of ways of action. Dialogue. Algorithm for constructing a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge. Conditions for the emergence of internal needs.

"Modern lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard" - Lesson types. Personal UUD. A modern lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Individual form of training. Communicative UUD. System of didactic principles. The main stages of the lesson. The purpose of the lesson. The position of the teacher. A modern lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Cognitive UUD. Form of education. Didactic tasks of the lesson.

There are 10 presentations in total

What should be a student in the 21st century

Every teacher, in whatever educational institution he did not work, he knows well that the success of a lesson, lecture, or conversation of any educational event largely depends on the ability to awaken interest in his subject. However, the awakening of cognitive interest is just the initial stage of a large and complex work on fostering a deep interest in knowledge and the need for self-education. We often don’t think about how the students worked in the lesson, what main directions the teacher chose for awakening and developing creative activity, independence of thought, striving for self-education and self-education in their pupils. But this is the main thing!

Awakening and developing interest in a specific topic, a specific subject, each teacher does not just carry out simple transfer experience, teaches their pets something, helps them master specific skills and abilities, but at the same time strengthens faith in their strengths and creative abilities in weak students, does not allow stronger children to stop in their development, teaches everyone to cultivate willpower, strong character and dedication when performing difficult tasks. All this is the education of a creative personality in the broadest and deepest understanding of the word.

What are today's students most interested in? What do they dream of becoming? What influence does the modern life of society have on them? What helps to study better, to show your creative individuality? What role does the school play, and what should it be in the 21st century to prepare a person for a fulfilling life and work?

The educational systems in any country are designed to contribute to the implementation of the main tasks of the socio-economic and cultural development of society, because it is educational institutions that prepare a person for active work in various spheres of the economic, cultural, and political life of society. Therefore, the role of the school as a basic link in education is extremely important. The ability of an educational institution to respond flexibly to the needs of society, while maintaining the accumulated positive experience, is of great importance.

The definition of strategic directions for the development of education systems is of concern to almost everyone global community... In the book “School for the XXI century. Priorities of Education Reform "American educator Phillip S. Schlekhti, referring to a survey of many businessmen, employers, school functionaries, emphasizes that the question:" What do you want from school? " received, as a rule, the same answer: "We need people who can learn on their own." This is understandable, the author argues, if a student knows how to learn, is able to achieve a goal, if he knows how to work with a book, receive knowledge from a teacher, seek and find the necessary information to solve certain problems, use a variety of sources of information to solve of these problems, it will be easier for him to raise his professional level, retrain, acquire any necessary additional knowledge - and this is exactly what is needed in life.

The modern and future employer is interested in an employee who:

· Knows how to think independently and solve various problems;

· Possesses critical and creative thinking;

· Owns a rich vocabulary based on a deep understanding of humanitarian knowledge;

Thus, a graduate of a modern school who will live and work in the coming millennium must possess certain personality traits:

· Flexibly adapt to changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying it in practice to solve various problems in order to be able to find one's place in it throughout life;

· Independently think critically, be able to see the difficulties arising in the real world and look for ways to rationally overcome them using modern technologies; to clearly understand where and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied in the surrounding reality; be able to generate new ideas, think creatively;

Competently work with information (be able to collect the facts necessary for the study of a certain task, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems, make the necessary generalizations, comparisons with similar or alternative options for consideration, establish statistical patterns, formulate reasoned conclusions and, on their basis, identify and solve new problems );

· Be sociable, contact in various social groups, be able to work together in different areas, preventing conflict situations or skillfully getting out of them;

· Work independently on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.

For example. In the large-scale project "World Class Education" (World Class Education. Richmond, 1993), developed by the pedagogical community of the state of Virginia, V. Ya. Pilipovsky singles out the main "life roles", that is, what American students should become in the learning process.

1. Realized personality. A person with a well-developed awareness of his abilities and needs, consistently using this knowledge to choose alternatives. This role encompasses the physical, mental and emotional aspects of life, providing the foundation for personal fulfillment.

2. Personality with a desire to support other people. it vital role a person who knows how to value relationships with other people and develops a variety of fruitful relationships with him. This role embodies the full range of family, personal, microsocial ties at the level of the community, business and international points of contact, without which it is difficult to imagine a person.

3. Life as a constant teaching. This is the role of a person who is constantly acquiring new knowledge along with the ability to respond to the changing conditions of the external world. This role takes into account the fact that new models, ideas, information and opportunities emerge both inside and outside the institution itself, sometimes many years after the completion of formal education.

4. An active participant in cultural development. In this role, a person knows how to value cultural and creative activities, participates in it and understands the most important aspects and aspects of culture that shape the individual and society. This role includes one or another activity and one's own participation in the process of cultural enrichment of the individual and society.

5. Highly skilled worker. He is the person who takes responsibility for consistently producing high quality products and related services. This role encompasses the range of skills, abilities and attitudes required to produce, market and deliver quality products and services.

6. Informed citizen. He is a person who is well aware of the history, political situation and real needs of his community, responding with deep interest to local, national and international problems. This role includes a variety of political, economic and social activities along with civic responsibility within local, national and international communities.

7. Environmentalist. Acting in this role, a person is well aware of the relationship and existing mechanisms of nature, appreciates their importance, and also knows how to efficiently and responsibly use natural resources. This role encompasses all aspects of understanding nature in order to protect, regulate and increase its resources.

Post-industrial society needs independent thinking people capable of self-realization based on objective self-esteem.

The main strategic direction of the development of the school education system in different countries of the world lies on the path of solving the problem of student-centered education - such an education in which the student's personality would be in the center of attention of the teacher, in which the activity of learning, cognitive activity, and not teaching, would be leading in tandem teacher - student.

In the conditions of student-centered learning, the teacher acquires a different role and function in the educational process, no less significant than with the traditional teaching system, but different. If under the traditional education system the teacher together with the textbook were the main and most competent sources of knowledge, and the teacher was also a controlling subject of cognition, then under the new paradigm of education, the teacher acts more as an organizer of independent active cognitive activity of students, a competent consultant and assistant. His professional skills should be aimed not only at controlling the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, but at diagnosing their activities, in order to timely help with qualified actions to eliminate the emerging difficulties in the cognition and application of knowledge. Of course, this requires special skill from the teacher.

Speaking about the need for consistent implementation of a personality-oriented approach in teaching and upbringing of students, it is always necessary to keep in mind the child's integral personality with his emotional, spiritual sphere. In the famous novel "Emile, or On Education" Jean-Jacques Rousseau writes about direct interest as the only engine that leads the student far and right. Addressing teachers with an appeal "not to quench the child's imagination", he advises to study children's interests deeper, to be attentive to the mental world of children. Criticizing those teachers who, out of a false desire to play the role of sages, belittle their students, Rousseau makes a fiery appeal: “Instead of killing young courage in this way, do your best to raise the young spirit; make them equal to yourself, so that they really are equal to you; and if they cannot yet rise to you, then descend to them - without shame, without doubt. Remember that your honor lies not in you, but in your pupil; share his mistakes - in order to correct them; take on his shame to make amends. "

Society information technologies, or, as it is called, post-industrial society, unlike industrial society, is much more interested in its citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, and flexibly adapt to changing living conditions.

What is needed for this, what are the conditions?

· Involvement of each student in an active cognitive process, application of the acquired knowledge in practice and a clear understanding of where, how and for what purposes this knowledge can be applied;

· Joint work in cooperation in solving various problems, when it is required to show the appropriate communication skills;

· Broad communication with peers from other schools in their region, other regions of the country and even other countries of the world;

· Free access to the necessary information in information centers not only of your school, but also in scientific, cultural, information centers around the world in order to form your own independent, but reasoned opinion on a particular problem, the possibility of its comprehensive study;

· Constant testing of their intellectual, physical, moral forces to determine the emerging problems of reality and the ability to solve them by joint efforts, sometimes performing different social roles.

The school must create the conditions for the formation of a personality with these qualities. But for this, first of all, a constant search for ways of fruitful solutions to pedagogical problems is necessary, because, according to D. I. Mendeleev: “Only that teacher will act fruitfully for the whole mass of students who is himself strong in science, possesses it and loves it ".

A teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What should you be?

The word (abbreviation) GEF is gradually entering our life and becomes familiar. Since September 1, 2011, the first grades of schools, including those in the city of Borovichi, have already begun to study in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation.

A teacher working at school today is fluent in the traditional ways of forming and achieving subject results, knowledge, but at the same time he also masters the skills to achieve personal and metasubject results. Unfortunately, at the moment, many teachers have clearly not enough such skills., since such tasks were not previously part of the usual practice of teachers, but of a specialist student who has just graduated pedagogical institute, this was not taught.

In order to better master the methodology of teaching according to the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers have new opportunities to improve their methodological level, to use new pedagogical technologies aimed at developing students' critical and creative thinking. Thus, the adoption of new, I emphasize, fundamentally new educational standards of general education is necessary for all participants in the educational process: teachers, parents, and students. And one of the most important conditions for the modernization of Russian education, in my opinion, should be a system of advanced training and postgraduate education of teachers, aimed at the formation and development of psychological and pedagogical competencies of teachers who implement the Federal State Educational Standard of NEE, and meeting modern requirements for teacher qualifications.

In my opinion, the main competencies of a modern teacher are: the ability to study together with their students, plan and organize independent activities of students, motivate students, take an expert position, evaluate, notice the student's inclinations and, in accordance with them, determine the most suitable educational material or activity. , to reflect on their activities. Mastering these competencies is necessary for the teacher in order to stimulate students during the lesson "... mastering key competencies, methods, ways of thinking and acting based on the development of their abilities", as well as "assessment to enable the student to plan the process of achieving educational results. and improve them in the process of constant self-assessment ”.

Also, I invite teachers to imagine themselves in the role:

a) parents, otherwise, while remaining in a professional role, teachers will traditionally mark as the most important features of an elementary school graduate deep solid knowledge, and not the ability to learn, etc.

b) students, because they strive to search for something new, unknown to them. First, it is the ability to use a pen and pencil, and then an interactive whiteboard.

Primary school teachers must have basic professional education, be capable of innovative professional activities, possess the necessary level of methodological culture and a formed readiness for lifelong learning throughout life. When planning the educational process, the teacher must be able to determine the goal, present the main learning outcomes, select the content of education with a focus on essential knowledge, understand the functions, content and structure of universal educational actions, know the age characteristics of students, be able to organize their activities and develop systems of tasks for diagnosis the formation of universal educational actions, to conduct reflection. After all, it is precisely the knowledge of the foundations of developmental education, the use of methods for the formation of universal educational actions, the development of methods of independent educational activity - the leading criteria for the professional competence of a teacher who implements the federal state educational standard in primary school. The effectiveness of education in this case depends on the extent to which the teacher himself has these competencies, understands the structure of educational activities, is able to create conditions for the formation of theoretical thinking of students.

In the new academic year 2015-2016, federal state educational standards of a new generation are being introduced in middle-level schools. The 5th grade will be attended by children who have already studied in elementary school according to new standards. Are teachers ready to work on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard? How will the modern lesson be structured?

These and many other questions were answered by the winner of the city competition "Teacher of the Year" - the teacher of French at MBOU "Gymnasium No. 16" French ", Deputy Director for teaching and educational work Maxim Sergeevich Lavrenchuk.

Knowledge will need to be obtained

- What is a modern lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard, what is its novelty and difference from the traditional one?

- In short, this is a lesson to which children run with joy, knowing that a discovery awaits them there. In scientific terms, this is a lesson built on the basis of new principles. First of all, on the basis of a new relationship between teacher and student, their cooperation, when the subject-subject relationship comes to the fore. This is a systemic activity approach to learning.

- What does it mean, what is the essence system-activity approach?

- Based on the name, in the system-activity approach, two concepts can be distinguished: this is practical activity and the system that organizes this activity, i.e. directs her to achieve a certain result. We know that in one of the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard there is a requirement for results. Therefore, the system-activity approach just ensures the active educational and cognitive activity of students throughout the lesson and even beyond. Now children receive knowledge not in a finished form, as it was before, but cooperate, interact with the teacher and, in the course of joint activities, look for a path to knowledge. If earlier the teacher was just an informant, now it is clearly not the teacher who wins in the “teacher-computer” competition, so the FSES allows the teacher to become a moderator. This is the spirit of the times.

- It turns out that the teacher will not explain new material at the lesson?

- The teacher will always explain new material, only now the question “how to explain?” Comes to the fore, and for the student the main question is “why does he need this material?”. The teacher should be guided by both. As for foreign languages, here the training should also come from the teacher. If you look at the FSES about primary education, then in mastering the language, initial communication skills with a native speaker are required. Every school should have such a goal of teaching a foreign language. Of course, you rarely meet a foreigner "live" in an educational institution, but now there are many opportunities to communicate with a native speaker on the Internet.

Foreign teachers are also present at international exams. And all international exams are the ideal that we need to strive for, since when we pass the Unified State Exam, we switch to the European manner. Now we are training innovations: when passing the oral part foreign language in the 11th grade, the child speaks without a teacher with a computer. This is one of those steps aimed at improving the USE assessment system, which takes us to the European level.

"Now not only the teacher's eloquence and artistry are assessed, but also the activity of students in the lesson."

- In the 2015-2016 academic year, children who studied in primary school according to new standards will come to grade 5. Are modern teachers ready to teach lessons in the Federal State Educational Standard?

- An educational organization is responsible for training personnel for the ability and mastery of the Federal State Educational Standard in the middle level. Novosibirsk Institute professional development of teachers organized courses, and each school sent its teachers for retraining.

As for our gymnasium, we organized several series of seminars for teachers in the area. It was discussed and actual topic at meetings of the Moscow Region, teachers' councils. The administration of the Gymnasium No. 16 "French" held round tables within the school together with teachers primary grades... This interaction and continuity is important in the development and operation of federal government standards.

This year, a basic secondary education program is being created. Until April, it was discussed by the pedagogical community. The good news is that there is a feedback from teachers with developers. Teachers could write their comments, wishes, objections. As a result, three basic plans were proposed, on the basis of which the school develops its educational programgiven the features educational organization and region.

- How much more difficult will it be for a teacher to work? What are the main points a teacher should consider when preparing for a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard? Have the lesson success criteria changed?

Any innovation has a certain complexity. I agree that it will become a little more difficult for the teacher to work both in terms of preparation for the lesson and tracking activities in the lesson. The main point is to change your attitude towards the lesson and towards the student. The teacher should not only select the material that is interesting and necessary for him, but also find, and also suggest ways to interest the child, captivate him. The student must come to the understanding that he needs this knowledge and will be useful in further life and, in addition, he must take it himself. Every lesson should be meaningful to the child.

We see that at different stages new technologies appear, but these are technologies that have been used before. The teacher is trying to find something of his own, can use elements of some other technology or several technologies in order to make the lesson more effective, to achieve certain results.

As for the criteria and the effectiveness of the lesson, they have changed a little. Now not only the teacher's eloquence and artistry are assessed, but also the activity of students in the lesson. Everything that the gymnasium was able to prepare for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the middle level, she provided to teachers, and then - the human factor. Will the teacher be able to overcome inertia and rebuild on new tracks - time will tell ...

- Did Gymnasium No. 16 "French" take part in testing the Federal State Educational Standard for grades 5-9? Do you personally have experience in teaching lessons according to new standards?

- The gymnasium did not participate in this project, although we gladly took part in the seminars. This is useful because you can see some points that are worth paying close attention to.

At the “Teacher of the Year” competition, participants are not expected to use old lessons according to the old template; on the contrary, they are encouraged to use copyright technologies that are used by a modern teacher in class. Since I teach French in 4 grades, I need to conduct all the lessons on the Federal State Educational Standard, draw up technological maps, view the program. Now my students are graduating primary school and together with me they pass to the 5th grade. In the classroom, I practiced my technologies, interacted with the teachers of the theater studio, some children even took part in staging plays on french... All of this is provided in this standard.

But not all technologies are close to the teacher. If the soul lies with a certain technology, then you can master it, see the effectiveness, and it will become partly author's. For example, based on the case study technology (CASE STUDY), which appeared at Harvard University in the 1920s, I am developing my own technology, which I called the method of "logical-intuitive synthesis of realities", where bit by bit it is necessary to recreate the situation. I kept the basic principle from the original technology, this is the reality principle, where each element is based on a real situation. A real situation is a real event. In theory, this information can be verified and will be confirmed. The students themselves recreate this real situation. She may be unfamiliar to them, but very interesting. Realizing that this is a real situation, they share it with other students.

I select material that is easy for fourth graders to understand. For example, the theme is the interior of the house. Using my technology, I came up with the topic of cooperation with modern designers from France, Japan, Egypt, i.e. we are considering different design styles. Children define the main idea. Here you need to work with reference material too. All this is assembled by elements: we got some information, looked at the designer, determined his author's style, what techniques he owns and tried to recreate the example of the interior with which he likes to work. Then they compared it with the sample and they matched. The bottom line is that they correctly isolated the elements from the author's style and correctly transferred them to the new sample. There are several stages in this technology. First, for example, search for primary information in an entertaining way.

For a teacher, preparing each lesson, even according to his own technology, requires a very serious time investment. But it's interesting, I see the return from the students. Coming to the lesson, they know that something unusual awaits them, so they work with pleasure. For example, when studying complex grammatical constructions, we use French songs.

The main thing is that the teacher is free to choose different methods and technologies. Yes, he must draw up a work program, but the freedom lies in how he will implement specific points of this program.

Cooperation, not submission

- How do children react to the lessons that the teacher conducts in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard? What has fundamentally changed for them? Is there already a feedback from schoolchildren?

Children absorb everything like a sponge. It seems to me that they were ready for a long time to cooperate with the teacher, in the past they had really lacked this. Remember, the innovative teachers of the 1980s also used elements of collaboration. Children realize that they have ceased to be subordinate to the teacher, hence their enthusiastic feedback about the lesson.

There is feedback from schoolchildren. Children express their opinion, and this is also useful for the teacher. They can tell you what to work on. If the students say that something did not work out for them, because they did not quite understand, then the teacher needs to work on this topic so that everyone understands it.

Many master classes were held at the competition, not always related to the topic of the lesson, sometimes it was not even immediately clear what subject the teacher was teaching. For example, time management. Its elements can also be used in the lesson. Modern society dictates that the inability to allocate time in the modern flow of information is a big problem. Or mnemonics, which also do not relate to a specific subject.

- Are your parents ready for new educational standards?

- Today parents complain that, unfortunately, they have to carry out many projects themselves instead of children. This is one of the problems of the modern school. We need to interact with parents. Our main task is to teach children to learn. And the parents are trying to do everything for the children themselves, to give them ready-made, as it was before. Of course, they should help. But elements of moderation should also come to the family today. The parent should be a moderator - not to do the task for the student, but to help him. Even if the child does not pass the project, the teacher will not give a grade, because the project is assessed differently.

Therefore, in addition to students and teachers, parents also need to be rebuilt. You can even develop good system parenting meetings and master classes for parents with an explanation of what we want to get in the end result. This will be a big plus for the school.

"The modern grading system is out of date"

- Maksim Sergeevich, a question as to the head teacher: what are the main tasks and directions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) exist at the level of an educational institution? In your opinion, are you ready educational institutions cities to the implementation of the GEF in terms of material and technical support?

The main task of an educational institution in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is to create necessary conditions: provision with personnel, and finance, and material and technical resources. Our gymnasium strives to keep up with the times. But we still have a problem having a second shift. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, schools should work only in the first shift. Gymnasium No. 16 "French" has 1,200 students, so there is not enough room for all students to study in the first shift. In any case, grades 6-7 will have to study after lunch.

For some reason, when switching to the Federal State Educational Standard, the evaluation system is not taken into account, but it has outlived its term. For example, on the exam, the mark is no longer put on a five-point system, but percent is calculated. In fact, nowadays schools have a four-point system, because they don't give one. The assessment system is currently imperfect. Therefore, it is no coincidence that some schools have developed elements of a mark-free system. And in France, for example, there is a 20-point grading system. Whoever received 18-20 points is considered an excellent student. And it is right. Such a system needs to be developed and improved in Russia.

The extracurricular system is considered one of the problems. It needs to be reviewed at the state level. Agree, in the first half of the day in the second or third lesson, I don't want to do physical education at all. In Europe, for example, sports, visual arts, music are carried out in the afternoon. It is easier for a child to do this after lunch, when objects do not require such energy consumption. Then we might think about canceling the second shift. Full-time schools are needed. When extracurricular activities are skillfully combined with the schedule of lessons, then the federal state general education standard will be fully observed in accordance with these norms.

In terms of material and technical support, now you won't surprise anyone with interactive whiteboards, they are in every office. The problem is that not all teachers know how to work with them. It is necessary that they not only be able to show the presentation, but also possess smart technologies.

- How has your life changed after the "Teacher of the Year" competition?

I am deeply convinced that participation in professional skills competitions inspires each of us to new achievements, achievements and victories.

What should be a modern lesson that meets the requirements of the new generation FSES?

In modern pedagogical literature, a lesson is an integral, logically complete, organizational unit of the educational process, limited by time frames, work plan and composition of participants.

The lesson is:

The main form of organization of educational work;

A dynamic, improving system that reflects all aspects of the educational process;

Social system;

The basis of students' initiative in the educational process;

An action that is determined by the socio-economic needs of society and the level of its development;

An elementary structure-forming unit of the educational process with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

Link in the lesson system;

The aspect of interaction with family and school, which is especially effective in the upbringing and development of the student, if positive processes take place in the family.

Consider the resources of a modern lesson. These are human, methodological and technological resources. Let's dwell on each of the types. Human resources include three interconnected components that work in close cooperation: teacher, student, parents. Methodological resources include forms, technologies, content, techniques, teaching methods.

Technology resources are learning technologies that we all know very well. Some of them are: project activities, ICT, developmental training, modular training, CSR, interactive whiteboard, health-saving technologies.

Modern lesson models: traditional and innovative. Traditional includes the following components:the triune goal of the lesson, the outline, the prevailing frontal form of teaching, teaching methods and techniques, types of lessons. The innovative model, in turn, is divided into activity and developmental. Includes the following components:key and basic competencies, mandatory design of the lesson by the teacher, various forms of education, technological map lesson, practical experience.

The approximate structure of each type of lesson in the Federal State Educational Standard

1. The structure of the lesson assimilation of new knowledge:

1) Organizational stage.

3) Updating knowledge.

6) Primary anchoring.

7) Information about homework, instructing on its implementation

8) Reflection (summing up the results of the lesson)

2 The structure of the lesson in the complex application of knowledge and skills (lesson of consolidation) .

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the basic knowledge of students. Knowledge update.

4) Primary anchoring

in a familiar situation (typical)

in a changed situation (constructive)

5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)

6) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

3. The structure of the lesson updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson)

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for the creative solution of the assigned tasks.

3) Statement of the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of the educational activities of students.

4) Updating knowledge.

in order to prepare for the test lesson

in order to prepare for the study of a new topic

6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

4. The structure of the lesson systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of the educational activities of students.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparing students for generalized activities

Reproducing to the next level (reformulated questions).

5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

6) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

7) Reflection (summing up the results of the lesson)

Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions based on the studied material

5. The structure of the lesson control knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of the educational activities of students.

3) Revealing knowledge, abilities and skills, checking the level of formation of general educational skills among students. (Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty should correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).

Control lessons can be written control lessons, lessons of a combination of oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed

4) Reflection (summing up the results of the lesson)

6. The structure of the lesson for the correction of knowledge, skills and abilities.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of the educational activities of students.

3) Results of diagnostics (control) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Definition typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the results of the diagnosis, the teacher plans collective, group and individual teaching methods.

4) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

5) Reflection (summing up the results of the lesson)

7. The structure of the combined lesson.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of the educational activities of students.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5) Initial check of understanding

6) Primary anchoring

7) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

9) Reflection (summing up the results of the lesson)

How to build a lesson to meet the requirements of the Second Generation Standards?

To build a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, it is important to understand what the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson should be.

1. The objectives of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer function from teacher to student.

2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out a reflexive action (evaluate their readiness, reveal ignorance, find the reasons for difficulties, etc.)

3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of students' activity in the educational process.

4. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to pose and address questions.

5. The teacher effectively (adequate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem forms of education, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.

6. In the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set (there is a special formation of control and assessment activities among students).

7. The teacher achieves the comprehension of the teaching material by all students, using special techniques for this.

8. The teacher strives to assess the real progress of each student, encourages and maintains minimal success.

9. The teacher specifically plans the communication tasks of the lesson.

10. The teacher accepts and encourages, expressed by the student, his own position, a different opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression.

11. The style and tone of the relationship, set in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort.

12. In the lesson, a deep personal influence "teacher - student" is carried out (through relationships, joint activities, etc.)

Consider approximate structure the lesson of the introduction of new knowledge in the framework of the activity approach.

1. Motivation for learning activities. This stage of the learning process involves the student's conscious entry into the space of learning activities in the classroom.

For this purpose, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely

Requirements for it on the part of educational activities ("must") are updated;

Conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities ("I want");

A thematic framework ("can") is established. In the developed version, the processes of adequate self-determination in educational activity and self-determination in it take place, involving the student's comparison of his real "I" with the image "I am an ideal student", conscious submission of oneself to the system of normative requirements of educational activity and the development of internal readiness for their implementation.

2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial educational action. At this stage, preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent performance of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of individual difficulties are organized. Accordingly, this stage involves:

Actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient to build new knowledge, their generalization and sign fixation;

Actualization of relevant mental operations and cognitive processes;

Motivation for a trial educational action ("must" - "I can" - "I want") and its independent implementation;

Fixing individual difficulties in performing a trial educational action or justifying it. 3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty. At this stage, the teacher organizes the students to identify the place and cause of the difficulty.

To do this, students must:

Restore the performed operations and fix (verbally and symbolically) the place - step, operation where the difficulty arose;

Correlate your actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and, on this basis, identify and fix in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are lacking to solve the original problem and problems of this class or type generally.

3. Building a project for overcoming difficulties (goal and theme, method, plan, means). At this stage, students in a communicative form think about the project of future educational actions: set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen), agree on the topic of the lesson, choose a method, build a plan for achieving the goal and determine the means - algorithms, models, etc. This process is guided by the teacher: at first with the help of a leading dialogue, then with a stimulating one, and then with the help of research methods.

4. Realization of the completed project. At this stage, the completed project is being implemented: the various options proposed by the students are discussed, and the optimal option is selected, which is fixed in the language verbally and symbolically. The constructed method of actions is used to solve the original problem that caused the difficulty. In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is specified and the overcoming of the earlier difficulty is fixed.

5. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. At this stage, students in the form of communication (frontally, in groups, in pairs) solve typical tasks for a new way of acting with the speech of the solution algorithm out loud.

6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and carry out their self-examination, step by step comparing with the standard. At the end, a performing reflection of the implementation of the constructed project of educational actions and control procedures is organized. The emotional orientation of the stage consists in organizing, if possible, a situation of success for each student, motivating him to be included in further cognitive activity.

7. Incorporation into the knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge are identified and tasks are performed in which a new way of action is provided as an intermediate step. Organizing this stage, the teacher selects tasks in which they train the use of previously studied material that has methodological value for the introduction of new ways of action in the future. Thus, there is, on the one hand, the automation of mental actions according to the studied norms, and on the other hand, preparation for the introduction of new norms in the future.

8. Reflection of educational activities in the classroom (summary). At this stage, the new content studied in the lesson is fixed, and reflection and self-assessment by students of their own educational activities is organized. In conclusion, its goal and results are correlated, the degree of their correspondence is fixed, and further goals of the activity are outlined.