In Europe he speaks French. Countries that speak French. Countries in America

Where do they speak French? At first glance, this question may even seem strange, since the answer suggests itself, isn't it? You will, of course, say that in France or Belgium. Perhaps someone will remember Switzerland or Canada. Did you know that the majority of the inhabitants of Tunisia or Algeria speak French fluently? Or on the island of Mauritius? If not, then this article is for you! Let's try to figure out where in the world they speak French and why. By the way, countries in which the majority of the population speaks French (even if French does not have official status) are called French-speaking.

So, French has the status of an official language in the following countries and in such territories:

Burkina Faso
Equatorial Guinea
Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cote d'Ivoire
New Caledonia
French polynesia
Central African Republic

As we can see, knowing the French language, you can visit many countries on different continents, as well as usefully relax on exotic islands. What is the reason for the fact that the French language has become so widespread in the world? The fact is that in the era of colonialism, the French took an active position, therefore, under their control there were many territories, where, accordingly, French was the official language. Over time, the situation changed: many countries and territories gained independence. But some remained under French protection. Among them we can name the following (where French is also the official language):

reunion Island
about Martinique
New Caledonia
Isle of Mayotte
Guernsey Island
about. Wallis and Futuna
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
French Southern and Antarctic Territories
island clipperton

All of the territories listed above are French Overseas Departments and Territories (except Jersey and Guernsey, which are under British ownership).
Some countries gained independence with great efforts, so today French does not have official status on their territories, but most of the inhabitants of these countries speak this language well. These countries include:

about mauritius

In total, about 201 million people speak French in the world (as of 2014). French on par with english language used on five continents. And I highly recommend that you take the opportunity to practice your French when planning a vacation or business trip, as you have a wide range of options to choose from!

Surely many dreamed of starting to learn French. Its extremely melodious and gentle sounding leaves almost no one indifferent. But for a huge number of people on the planet, he is native. So which countries speak French?


The history of this language dates back to about two thousand years ago. Julius Caesar burst into Gaul in 52 BC and, along with the customs of the Romans, brought Latin to the occupied lands.

But the Gauls were not at all going to completely change their culture, therefore, after several centuries, folk Latin appeared, which was much simpler and more understandable for the locals than the language that entered their life along with the Romans.

Later, new invaders - the Franks - invaded the territory of modern France. From the name of this Germanic tribe the whole country got its name. Gallo-Romans and Franks lived side by side for many years, it was thanks to this unusual neighborhood that the French language appeared, which was convenient and understandable for both sides. Today it is he who is recognized as the official language of France.

What language do the French speak?

The French Republic accommodates immigrants from dozens of other states on its territory. On the streets of the capital, you can see a huge number of Arabs and Asians. Despite this, the official language in France is one - French. The government is very strict to ensure that everyone who immigrates there has the opportunity to learn and use it in everyday life... There are even holidays dedicated to Francophones. And knowing in which countries French is spoken, one can understand where these dates are celebrated with the greatest scope.

Thus, the inhabitants of France speak both their native language (it can be Arabic, German or Portuguese) and French. But the latter is official not only in France. In which countries French is the state language, we will learn a little later.

In all corners of the planet

Victor Hugo's language can be heard almost anywhere in the world. More than half of those who speak French live in Africa. We are talking, for example, about Cameroon, Niger, Chad, Congo and many other states. In the list of countries where it is considered official, there are 29 states located on all five continents. Among them are Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Monaco, Vietnam, Senegal and many others. That is why it is the sixth most common in the world.

The official language in Canada, oddly enough, is also French. Along with English, it was recognized as the state language for the country, and about 7 million people speak it.

So, we found out in which countries French is spoken. But this does not mean at all that there are no people outside them who perfectly own it. You can learn it perfectly in almost any city in the world. Many choose it even in the school curriculum, and someone seeks to tighten up spoken language before a romantic trip to Paris.

People who speak French are called Francophone. There is even a holiday dedicated to them, it is called the International Day of Francophonie.

French language day

Since 1970, on March 20, Francophonie Day is celebrated around the world. In order to feel your involvement in this event, it is not at all necessary to know the language itself perfectly. Much more appreciated is the desire to study and support the traditions and culture of France. The holiday is celebrated on a huge scale; meetings of politicians are held at the state level to discuss issues related to linguistics.

For citizens who are interested in the official language of France to one degree or another, many different seminars and conferences are held. Seminars are conducted by leading experts who talk about the history and development of this popular way of communication. Even if before you did not feel a great desire to start studying it, then after attending a number of events on Francophonie Day you will definitely have it.

So, dear readers, now you know which countries French is spoken in, you can go there on March 20 and discover a lot of new and interesting things.And of course, chat with native speakers, which is considered the best practice.

French is one of the most widely spoken languages \u200b\u200bin the world. It is spoken by more than 200 million people living not only in Europe, but also in America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. In which countries is French used? Where is it official and why?

Distribution in the world

French belongs to the Indo-European family and, together with Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, is included in It comes from folk Latin, but compared to other languages \u200b\u200bof the group, it has moved much further from it in grammatical and lexical terms.

It is widely used in the world and is ranked 14th most commonly. The number of people for whom it is a mother tongue or a second language is about 100 million. Another 100-150 million people know it and are able to easily express themselves on it.

As a working or diplomatic language, French is used in various international organizations and entities, for example, in the European Union, Holy See, Benelux, UN, ICC, IOC, etc. It is spoken on all continents where there is a permanent population. In addition to France, it has official status in 28 other states. These include:

  • Benin.
  • Guadeloupe.
  • Gabon.
  • Burkina Faso.
  • Tunisia.
  • Monaco.
  • Niger.
  • Mali.
  • Burundi.
  • Vanuatu.
  • Madagascar.
  • Comoros.
  • Guiana and others.

Most of the modern ones are former colonies. Since the 16th century, France has been pursuing an active foreign policy, capturing territories on other continents. In her history there were two colonial periods, during which her possessions included the regions of South and North America, Asia, Africa, islands in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.


The state of France is located in the European part of the world. She did not have colonies in these territories, but there are several states in which her language is spoken. This happened due to numerous wars of conquest and political upheavals. Thus, Monaco came under its control in the 17th century, and today French is the only official language in this country. It had the same status in Belgium from 1830 to 1878.

Today Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland are only partly French-speaking countries. They have several official languages \u200b\u200bat once, each of which has equal status. In Switzerland, French is spoken by about 23% of residents. It is especially widespread in the cantons of Wallis and Freiburg, and in the cantons of Vaud, Geneva, Jura and Neuchâtel it is the only official one. In Andorra, French is not official, but it is spoken by about 8% of the population. It is taught in schools and used as a spoken and administrative language.


The colonization of the American continents by France begins in the 16th century and lasts until about the middle of the 18th century. In North America, its lands were called New France and covered the territory from Quebec and Newfoundland to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Later, these colonies were ceded to Great Britain, and then they were completely independent.

Today French is spoken mainly in Canada, where it is the second official language. It is spoken by a quarter of the country's population, which is approximately 9 million people. Most of them live in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick. The largest French-speaking cities in Canada are Montreal and Quebec. Here about 90% of citizens speak it. French is the fourth most common in the United States. It is spoken by 2-3 million people, mainly residents of Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire.

Some French colonies were located in South America and on the islands. Some of them are still included in the number of its overseas territories and communities. So, it includes the islands of Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy, Guadeloupe, Martinique, as well as the largest overseas region of the country, French Guiana, located on the continent.


The largest number of French-speaking countries are in Africa. The exploration of the continent by Europeans began in the 15th-16th centuries, but it progressed rather slowly. In the 19th century, it reached significant proportions and received the name "Race for Africa".

Many European empires participated in colonization, constantly in conflict with each other. France occupied mainly western and equatorial territories. Ivory, horns, feathers and skins of valuable animals, gold, precious stones, timber and slaves were exported from here.

The former African colonies have experienced different influences and have a very variegated population. Often they have several official languages, and at the local level, their number reaches several dozen. At the administrative level, exclusively French-speaking countries are Benin, Gabon, the Republic of Guinea, DRC, Cote d'Ivoire, Niger, Togo. In Rwanda, along with it, English and Kinyaranda are also used, in Mali and Burkina Faso - Banama, in Equatorial Guinea - Spanish and Portuguese.

In Mauritius, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Tunisia, French is an unofficial language and is often used in business and for international communication. In Morocco, it is regarded as the second national after the Berber. In Algeria, it is spoken and written by about 50% of the population, which is approximately 20 million people. The islands of Mayotte and Reunion are not only French-speaking, but also included in the list of overseas territories of France.

Asia and the Pacific

In Asia, French influence has spread much less than in Africa or America. Here its colonies began to appear only in the 19th century, spreading mainly in the Southeast and Oceania. The country owned a small area in India, the Middle East and Australia.

Officially French-speaking countries today are Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Haiti, French Polynesia, located on the Pacific Islands. As a spoken and working language, this language is used in Lebanon, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and in the Indian region of Pondicherry.

list of countries where French is spoken
and got the best answer

Answer from Ўliya Vdovichenko [guru]
Countries where French is the national language:
Belgium Belgium
Benin Benin
Burkina-Faso Burkina Faso
Burundi Burundi
Cameroon Cameroon
Canada Canada
Central African Republic Central African Republic
Chad Chad
Comoros Comoros
Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
Djibouti Djibouti
France France
Gabon Gabon
Guinea Guinea
Haiti Haiti
Ivory Coast Cote d Ivoire
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Madagascar Madagascar
Mali Mali
Monaco Monaco
Niger Niger
Republic of Congo Republic of the Congo
Rwanda Rwanda
Senegal Senegal
Seychelles Seychelles
Switzerland Switzerland
Togo Togo
Vanuatu Vanuatu
Although French is not an official language in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Lebanon, it is widely used in literature and cinema.
A source:
French in the world: Dark blue: mother tongue;
Blue: administration language;
Blue: the language of culture;
green: francophone minorities
Francophonie refers to the geographical areas where French is widespread, or the totality of people who speak French. Francophonie (fr. La Francophonie) is an international intergovernmental organization of the francophone countries of the world. Unites 56 members representing various states or parts of the states of the world, as well as 14 observers. For a list of the countries of the Francophone Community, as well as information on its history and activities, see page

Answer from Dasha volchkova[newbie]

Answer from Ђatiana Kulikova[newbie]
a very beautiful, melodious and romantic language, for centuries aristocrats and nobles spoke it. All the most beautiful things in this world are from France.

Answer from Eva Svetlova[newbie]
in France, Switzerland and so on

Answer from sergei Yurov[active]
in Belgium

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: List of countries where French is spoken

Along with English. Mainly in the regions: Adamawa, East, West, Far North, Coastal, North, Central and South Valais Neuchâtel. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved November 25, 2015.

Excerpt from Francophone Countries

- My father came, the people came to me and said: great grace has opened, with mother blessed virgin myro from the cheek caplets ...
“All right, all right, you’ll tell me later,” Princess Marya said, blushing.
“Let me ask her,” said Pierre. - You saw it yourself? - he asked.
- Why, father, she herself was honored. Such a radiance on the face is like the light of heaven, and from mother's cheek it drips and drips ...
“But this is a hoax,” said Pierre naively, listening attentively to the wanderer.
- Oh, father, what do you say! - said Pelageyushka with horror, addressing Princess Marya for protection.
“They are deceiving the people,” he repeated.
- Lord Jesus Christ! The wanderer said, crossing herself. “Oh, don’t tell, father. So one anaral did not believe, he said: "the monks are deceiving," but as he said, he became blind. And he dreamed that Mother Pechersk came to him and said: "Believe me, I will heal you." So he began to ask: take me and take me to her. This I tell you the true truth, I saw it myself. They brought him blind right to her, came up, fell, said: “heal! I will give you back, he says, what the king was pleased with. " I saw it myself, father, the star is embedded in it. Well, I have received my sight! It is a sin to say so. God will punish, ”she said instructively to Pierre.
- How did the star end up in the image? - asked Pierre.
- Have you been promoted to generals and mother? - said Prince Andrew smiling.
Pelageyushka suddenly turned pale and threw up her hands.
- Father, father, sin is you, you have a son! She began, suddenly turning from pallor into bright color.
- Father, what did you say that, God forgive you. - She crossed herself. - Lord, forgive him. Mother, what is this? ... - she turned to Princess Marya. She got up and almost crying began to collect her purse. Apparently she was both scared and ashamed that she enjoyed the benefits in the house where they could say this, and it is a pity that now she had to lose the benefits of this house.
- What kind of hunt are you? - said Princess Mary. - Why did you come to me? ...
“No, I'm joking, Pelageyushka,” said Pierre. - Princesse, ma parole, je n "ai pas voulu l" offenser, [Princess, I really didn't mean to offend her,] I just do it. Don't think, I was joking, - he said, smiling timidly and wanting to make amends. - It's me, and he was just joking.
Pelageyushka stopped incredulously, but in Pierre's face there was such sincerity of repentance, and Prince Andrey looked so meekly now at Pelageyushka, now at Pierre that she gradually calmed down.

The wanderer calmed down and, again directed to the conversation, for a long time then talked about Father Amphilochius, who was such a holy life that his hand smelled like his hand, and how the monks she knew gave her the keys to the caves on her last journey to Kiev, and how she, taking with her crackers, spent two days in caves with saints. “I will pray to one, read, go to another. I will pine, I will go again; and such, mother, silence, such grace that one does not even want to go out into the light of God. "
Pierre listened to her attentively and seriously. Prince Andrew left the room. And after him, leaving the people of God to finish their tea, Princess Marya led Pierre into the drawing room.
“You are very kind,” she told him.
- Oh, I really did not think to offend her, as I understand and highly appreciate these feelings!
Princess Marya looked at him in silence and smiled tenderly. “After all, I have known you for a long time and love you as a brother,” she said. - How did you find Andrey? She asked hastily, giving him no time to say anything in response to her kind words. - He worries me very much. His health is better in winter, but last spring the wound opened and the doctor said that he must go to be treated. And morally I am very afraid for him. He is not a character like us women, to suffer and cry out his grief. He carries it inside himself. Today he is cheerful and lively; but it was your visit that had such an effect on him: he rarely happens like that. If you could persuade him to go abroad! He needs activity, and this even, quiet life is ruining him. Others do not notice, but I see.
At 10 o'clock, the waiters rushed to the porch, hearing the bells of the approaching carriage of the old prince. Prince Andrew and Pierre also went out onto the porch.
- Who is this? - asked the old prince, getting out of the carriage and guessing Pierre.
- AI is very happy! kiss, - he said, having learned who the unfamiliar young man was.
The old prince was in good spirits and kindled Pierre.
Before supper, Prince Andrei, returning back to his father's study, found the old prince in a heated argument with Pierre.
Pierre argued that the time will come when there will be no more war... The old prince, teasing but not angry, challenged him.
- Let the blood out of the veins, pour water, then there will be no war. Women's nonsense, women's nonsense, '' he said, but all the same he gently patted Pierre on the shoulder, and went to the table at which Prince Andrey, apparently not wanting to enter into a conversation, was sorting through the papers brought by the prince from the city. The old prince approached him and began to talk about business.
- The leader, Count Rostov, did not deliver half of the people. I came to town, decided to invite him for dinner - I gave him such a dinner ... But look at this one ... Well, brother, - Prince Nikolai Andreevich turned to his son, clapping Pierre on the shoulder, - well done your friend, I fell in love with him! Keeps me going. Another speaks clever speeches, but I don’t want to listen, but he’s lying and kindling me old man. Well, go, go, ”he said,“ maybe I’ll come and sit at your supper. I will argue again. Love my fool, Princess Mary, ”he shouted to Pierre from the door.
Pierre now only, on his arrival in Bald Hills, appreciated all the strength and charm of his friendship with Prince Andrew. This charm was expressed not so much in his relationship with himself, as in relations with all his family and friends. Pierre with the old, stern prince and with the meek and timid Princess Marya, in spite of the fact that he hardly knew them, immediately felt like an old friend. They all loved him already. Not only Princess Marya, bribed by his meek attitude towards the wanderers, looked at him with the most radiant gaze; but the little one-year-old Prince Nikolai, as his grandfather called, smiled at Pierre and went into his arms. Mikhail Ivanovich, m lle Bourienne looked at him with joyful smiles when he was talking to the old prince.
The old prince went out to supper: this was obvious to Pierre. He was with him both days of his stay in Bald Hills extremely affectionate, and ordered him to come to his place.
When Pierre left and all the family members got together, they began to judge him, as is always the case after the departure of a new person, and, as rarely happens, everyone said one good thing about him.

Returning this time from vacation, Rostov for the first time felt and learned to what extent his connection with Denisov and with the whole regiment was strong.
When Rostov drove up to the regiment, he experienced a feeling similar to that which he experienced when driving up to the Cook's House. When he saw the first hussar in the unbuttoned uniform of his regiment, when he recognized the red-haired Dementyev, he saw the hitching posts of red horses, when Lavrushka joyfully shouted to his master: "The count has arrived!" and shaggy Denisov, who was sleeping on the bed, ran out of the dugout, hugged him, and the officers converged on the newcomer, - Rostov felt the same feeling as when his mother, father and sisters hugged him, and tears of joy that came to his throat prevented him from speaking ... The regiment was also a home, and the home was invariably sweet and expensive, like the parent's home.
Appearing to the regimental commander, having been assigned to the old squadron, going on duty and foraging, entering into all the small interests of the regiment and feeling deprived of freedom and shackled into one narrow unchanging frame, Rostov experienced the same calmness, the same support and the same consciousness the fact that he is here at home, in his place, which he felt under his parental roof. There was not this whole mess of free light, in which he could not find a place for himself and made mistakes in the elections; there was no Sonya, with whom it was necessary or not necessary to explain. There was no way to go there or not go there; there was not these 24 hours of the day, which are so many different ways could be consumed; there was not this innumerable multitude of people, of whom no one was closer, no one was further; there was no such vague and uncertain monetary relationship with his father, there was no reminder of the terrible loss to Dolokhov! Everything in the regiment was clear and simple. The whole world was divided into two uneven divisions. One is our Pavlograd regiment, and the other is everything else. And before that, the rest was nothing. In the regiment, everything was known: who was the lieutenant, who was the captain, who was good, who was a bad person, and most importantly, the comrade. The marketer believes in debt, the salary is a third; there is nothing to invent and choose, just do not do anything that is considered bad in the Pavlograd regiment; but they will send, do what is clear and distinct, determined and ordered: and everything will be fine.
Having entered again these definite conditions of the regimental life, Rostov experienced joy and reassurance, similar to those that a tired man feels when lying down for rest. This regimental life was all the more gratifying to Rostov in this campaign, that after losing to Dolokhov (an act that he, despite all the consolations of his relatives, could not forgive himself), he decided to serve not as before, but to make amends, serve well and to be a completely excellent comrade and officer, that is, an excellent person, which seemed so difficult in the world, and in a regiment so possible.