Finger food with rice technological card. Future chefs at the World Skills Russia competition prepared finger food. Crabcakes with yoghurt sauce

Pepper rolls with tuna and anchovies are a great appetizer that has become my light dinner the other day. Frankly, I have never tried to combine sweet peppers with tuna and initially reacted to this dish with some caution, but nevertheless, like a fish on a hook, I pecked at bright and colorful photos in the recipe

Tuna and Potato Cutlets Italians, especially children, when they hear the words cutlets, instantly have the most pleasant associations. And when they hear tuna and potato cutlets - a holiday comes in the house! 🙂 I don't know why, but Italians grow up from childhood with an ingrained love for this preparation. Disarmingly simple as in

Mozzarella cutlets with carrot tops. If you still have carrot tops from the previous 10 recipes, or are just looking for recipes for preparing interesting dishes using mozzarella, I recommend that you stop at this wonderful dish - mozzarella cutlets with carrot tops. For their preparation, use dense mozzarella, with a small amount of liquid. The best thing

Omelet with brisket and radish leaves. A simple recipe demonstrating once again that in order to cook something tasty and beautiful it is not always necessary to make large purchases; often we already have everything we need at hand and from the simplest ingredients we can prepare unexpectedly tasty, beautiful and healthy dishes. In our recipe today

Homemade cracker with seeds. Call it whatever you want, you can crack it, you can crunch it, but be sure to cook it! I would especially recommend this cracker for seed and seed lovers! 😉 A recipe available to everyone, since 3-4 simple ingredients are used to prepare it: flour (today we have a mixture of wheat and spelled, or rye), a mixture of various seeds and a little water with salt.

Eggplant and mozzarella cutlets Eggplant cutlets stuffed with mozzarella are loved by everyone, both adults and children, even the pickiest. You can serve these patties as a main course or as a stand-alone, or they can be a great snack or finger food. As you can see, their use can be very diverse. There is no cooking method

Risotto with strawberries and beetroot juice Yes, I agree that this recipe may seem like a culinary perversion to many, but in fact, in the 80s, this dish was a real culinary bestseller. Forgotten for many years, it again returned to the pages of Italian recipe books and magazines. Maybe it really makes sense to cook it ?! 😉 Original and colorful, simple

Chickpea Farinata (in Italian Farinata di ceci) is a typical old Ligurian flatbread made from chickpea flour. More than old, we can say that it is ancient, since even in Latin and Greek ancient writings, mentions of mashed legumes baked in the oven were found. Like many other ancient dishes, Chickpea Farinata has a simple and poor

Brisket rolls with prunes are a tasty, original and extraordinary appetizer, in which prunes and brisket perfectly complement each other, creating a harmonious and individual taste. You can also serve them as finger food or as an aperitif with friends and colleagues. Prepare in minutes. How to make brisket rolls with prunes Ingredients for 8 servings Raw-cured brisket

Sardine cutlets with raisins are a traditional Sicilian dish, loved in other regions of the Italian "boot". Original, easy to prepare and delicious. Perfect for finger food, as an appetizer for a festive table, or just as a second fish dish. The fact that blue fish is very useful is no longer a secret for anyone. Delicious, simple in

Want a great idea for a delicious snack or snack? Crostini with sprat and arugula, almonds and nuts pesto! These crostini are a treasure trove of taste! It will take you only 15 minutes to prepare them, and the effect and flavor are such that they can be safely served to guests! In addition, Crostini with sprat and arugula pesto are ideal

Do you know that you can eat clover ?! More precisely, not the clover itself, but its beautiful red flowers! Today, continuing my heading "cooking with flowers", I will share with you two ways of cooking clover in batter: with eggs and without them. In Italy, dishes from clover, as well as from other field and wild herbs were prepared mainly

Cheese balls with almonds - this is an original appetizer for the preparation of which it will take in the full sense of the word only a few minutes! And what do you need to prepare them? To make Cheese Balls with Almonds, you will need a mixer, as well as cheeses and some almonds, which can be replaced with other dry fruits of your choice or even a mixture of seeds. For instance,

Salmon, thyme and sweet pea omelettes are a good main course and will take about 30 minutes to cook. Rich and intense in taste, mouth-watering, enriched with pieces of cheese, thyme leaves, pieces of sweet peas and delicate cubes of salmon - these little omelettes are just a splash of taste! Salmon, thyme and green pea omelettes, thanks to

Balls of chickpea and dandelion leaves Today I want to tell you how you can make balls of dandelion and chickpea leaves. In Italy, it's no secret to anyone how nutrient-dense dandelion and wild chicory are. Dandelion, for example, is able to significantly reduce the "bad" cholesterol (LDL), prevent the formation of kidney stones, improve blood circulation, perfectly cleanse the liver

How and what can be prepared from radish leaves - theory, secrets + 2 recipes. We continue our headings "Cooking with herbs" and "Cooking from leftovers." The other day I remembered how my daughter, when she was still little, cooked her first soup in her life. Once I was called urgently to work and she, staying at home for a couple of hours alone, boldly took up

Mackerel pate with lemon for “crostini” Mackerel has a thousand advantages and zero defects, and cooking it is not only healthy and tasty, but also beneficial. This fish contains a lot of Omega 3, is cheap, it is quite easy to find it on sale, and in addition, delicious and uncomplicated dishes are obtained from it, such as today's Mackerel Pate

Breadcakes are a great way to use leftover bread intelligently and tasty. With a crisp outside and delicate flesh on the inside, these bread patties will delight anyone, from adults to children. They are prepared in just 25-30 minutes; suitable "for every day" or as a snack and a snack for your guests, as well as a finger

Type: Presentation Topic: Technology of making sandwiches, finger food, tapas Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia
State budgetary professional
educational institution
"Baikal College of Tourism and Service"
Completed: 2nd year student
group number 125
Tokarev Vitaly
Checked by: teacher
MDK 06.01

In Spain, tapas is considered to be more than a simple meal, tapas is part of
culture of Spain. The word itself comes from the Spanish word for "cover" or
"cover". One of the opinions that tapas was originally
cuts of meat, vegetables and bread, which was covered with a glass of wine,
so that insects do not get there. According to another version, the king of Castile and Leon
Alfonso X the Wise introduced the law according to which in refectory and taverns
it was impossible to serve alcoholic drinks without snacks, so that visitors would not
drank on an empty stomach and behaved appropriately. In modern
tapas look something like this:

Tapas preparation technology
One of the traditional types of tapas: bread with tomatoes.
Grill slices of bread or dry in the oven.
Grate them hot with a clove of garlic and the pulp of a tomato, cutting
tomato in half. Season with salt and olive oil.

Finger food
Food to be eaten by hand is food that
eat with only hands, without cutlery -
spoons, forks, knives, chopsticks, etc. In some cultures, more
some or all dishes are eaten by hand: for example, in Ethiopian
in the kitchen, all dishes are consumed by wrapping them in a cake called
"Inzhera". In South Asian cuisine, food is often eaten with the hands. IN
European culture eats fast food and street food with their hands.
Eating food not intended to be eaten without utensils by hand
often perceived as a lack of culture.

Finger food, cooking technology
Cucumber and salmon canapes
Peel the cucumber and cut into large slices.
Spread cream cheese at room temperature on each round of cucumber.
On top of each cucumber canapé, place a thin slice of slightly salted
salmon. You can decorate the snack with a small sprig of fresh dill.

A sandwich is an appetizer that is a slice of bread or roll,
on which additional food products are put. There is a huge
number of types of sandwiches - from classic with sausage or cheese to
multi-layered from various types of meat, vegetables, herbs and sauces or pates.
Also, a sandwich can only consist of bread and butter, possibly with
sugar, jam, honey or salt. A sandwich differs from a sandwich in that
contains only one slice of bread (while the sandwich has the filling clamped
between two pieces of bread). Sandwiches are widespread as they
quick to prepare, easy to carry and do not require use
devices. Man is a contradictory and unpredictable creature. Why, one wonders, it was necessary to break so many copies, imposing such an object as a fork on everyone around, and then proclaim the rejection of cutlery? "Be closer to nature and to each other - eat with your hands!" - this is the motto of many progressive chefs of trendy city restaurants.

Finger food (from English finger food - "finger food") - the newest trend promoted by urban establishments cateringwho are predicted a brilliant future.

Eating with your hands is not unusual in many countries. In China, the word "pilaf" is translated as "finger-grabbing rice": in order to enjoy this fragrant and nutritious dish, you need to form a ball out of rice, hook the meat and spices, dip it into the sauce if desired and send it into your mouth. Similarly, pilaf is eaten in Azerbaijan and India. Taking care of his beloved girl, the Hindu will not fail to invite her to pilaf: grabbing rice from her plate with his hands, he thereby communicates his tender feelings.

Mexican fajitos (meat stewed with vegetables), oriental shawarma, doner or Greek gyros, Georgian khinkali dumplings, Ethiopian dishes wrapped in flatbread, Italian pizza, Spanish tapas, Chinese street fast food, finally, our pies, rolls, donuts and pancakes - all this is food, without any hesitation and ulterior motives absorbed by the hands. Big fans of finger food are Americans with their hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, fries and popcorn.

Traditionally, finger food is a lifesaver for house parties where many guests are invited. By the way, guests can be involved in the process of preparing snacks - cutting meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, making sandwiches and sauces. This will help create a relaxed, trusting atmosphere, make friends who are not familiar with each other. The "hand-held format" of the event allows guests to move freely around the room, and not sit tightly sandwiched between two neighbors, which makes them more relaxed and inclined to conversation and new acquaintances. And also eliminates the need to crawl under the table for a dropped fork or knife with a thousand awkward apologies.

IN recent times finger food becomes a highlight and fashion trend world famous restaurants and cafes. According to the assurances of the cooks, even the most inexperienced person in food can awaken a gourmet in himself by giving up the knife and fork.

One of the fiercest defenders of eating habits is the chef of the Danish restaurant Noma, the best restaurant of the world in 2010 (ranked by The S. Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants). In his opinion, human nature has a habit of eating with his hands, and intermediaries between a person and food in the form of cutlery are not needed and even harm the human body, since they make it impossible to touch food with the help of receptors at the fingertips and send the necessary impulses to brain. These pulses contain information about the temperature and consistency of food, preparing the body for its assimilation. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, eat with your hands.

And this is not so ignoble, because we got along with a fork only a couple of centuries ago, and before that all of Europe, including monarchs (even such a connoisseur of gourmet food as the French Sun King Louis XIV), ate with great appetite with her hands.

Building on these traditions, the world's best chefs have proclaimed a return to roots. Asians also supported the trend. Japanese chefs reminded the world that sushi, rolls and sashimi were originally eaten only with hands, and sticks make the meal too serious and pompous.

Food is needed not only to supply the body with energy, it is also one of the most important pleasures in life. Therefore, let everyone rejoice - eyes, hands, mouth, and stomach, and all unnecessary formalities should be eliminated. Moreover, eating with your hands unites, but isn't this what is needed in our disconnected world with its individualistic values \u200b\u200bthat are beginning to get annoying?

Chefs of expensive restaurants in Sharm El Sheikh share the same opinion. For example, the restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton argues that the future belongs to the so-called lounge restaurants, in which almost all food can be eaten with your hands. The modern man is fed up with the agonizing expectation of dishes and their traditional "chain" change, which do not allow him to relax and force him to spend too much time on food.

In order not to lose face, the chefs of many Moscow restaurants are as sophisticated as they can. Some dishes are prepared in two formats, one of which is handmade. Moreover, such dishes include not only simple dishes, but also the most exquisite delicacies from the chef. To defuse the atmosphere and create an atmosphere of relaxed ease, a number of restaurants offer guests to take off their shoes and sit right on the floor on soft carpets and pillows, and food is brought on small tables.

And what kind of finger food connoisseurs children can become! Treat yourself and your children with simple dishes without spoons, forks and a knife, and, perhaps, there will be much less complaints about the kids' poor appetite.


Although finger foods (from english words finger - "fingers" and food - "food") and seem like a newfangled invention, they appeared a long time ago. Moreover, in almost every traditional cuisine you can find a dozen or two dishes that are very convenient to eat with your hands. These are pizza, gyros, shawarma, tapas, chips ... In some cultures, the use of appliances for certain foods is generally considered an insult. For example, if you try to eat khinkali in Georgia with a knife and a fork, you may even be kicked out of the restaurant.

Do you think finger foods are extremely harmful fast food? In fact, this is not the case. We talked with the chefs and collected for you recipes for interesting, tasty and healthy dishes in the "eat by hand" format.

Vegetable chips

Sergey Kondakov, restaurant chefChips:

“Chips are bad for your figure and health. They contain a lot of fats, dyes, flavor enhancers and other not very useful substances, many of which are also carcinogenic. But what about those who like to crunch them in front of a TV or computer monitor? I'll have to cook the chips myself. And not necessarily potatoes. Any root vegetables will do - beets, carrots, even from celery root and parsnips you will get delicious chips. Do you want to save your figure before the summer season? No fats when cooking! "

Ingredients (for 1-2 servings).1 beet, 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, spices and salt to taste.

Instruction.Cut vegetables into thin slices. Rub them with salt or spices to taste. Put parchment paper on a baking sheet, spread only potatoes on top to begin with and bake them at 180 ° C until golden brown. Bake the beets separately at 150 ° C for about 40 minutes, turning the chips occasionally. The carrots are also baked for about 40 minutes at 140 ° C. Serve ready-made chips with any sauce or dip to taste - ketchup, natural yogurt without additives, squash caviar.

Flatbread with pear and cheese

Ivan Sezonov, co-owner of the restaurantExtraVirgin:

“If you are tired of pizza but like the format of the dish, try making flatbread. This is a thin crunchy flatbread (literally flat - "flat", and bread - "bread") with a lot of very different fillings. Flatbread dough is easy to make yourself. It only needs flour, water, olive oil, some yeast and salt. Choose any fillings to taste. It can be meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, cheese, even fruits and salads. It all depends only on your culinary imagination. "

Ingredients (for 1-2 servings).50 g mozzarella cheese, half a conference pear, a pinch cane sugar, a handful of arugula salad, 15 g celery stalks, 5 g of olive oil. For the test: 4 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tsp. olive oil, 3 tbsp. l. water, 2 g yeast, salt to taste.

Instruction.For the dough, combine flour, salt and yeast in a food processor. Combine oil and water separately. Without turning off the processor, pour in the resulting liquid and knead a homogeneous dough. Transfer to a floured table and knead the dough for 2-3 minutes. Transfer the dough to a bowl and brush the outside with olive oil. Cover with cling film and place in a warm place for 40 minutes, until the dough doubles in size. Knead it again for 1-2 minutes. Roll out the dough in the shape of a baking sheet, transfer to a baking sheet. Peel the pear from the skin and seeds, cut into thin slices, put on the dough, alternating with mozzarella slices, sprinkle with cane sugar on top. Bake for 6-7 minutes at 220 ° C. Cut the finished flatbread into 4-6 pieces, top with arugula leaves and slices of a celery stalk.

Crabcakes with yoghurt sauce

Alexander Polishchuk, restaurant chefRedWoody:

“Seafood is very healthy! They contain a lot of easily digestible protein, a record amount of trace elements, especially iodine, calcium, phosphorus and copper. And besides, they are delicious. A great option for finger food with seafood is crabcakes. For their preparation, you can use both frozen and canned crab meat. In the restaurant we take tiger prawns, but at home, small, cocktail ones are quite suitable. We pass all the ingredients for crabcakes through a meat grinder, so it doesn't matter what size the ingredients were originally. If you are on a diet, then you should not fry the crabcakes in oil. In this case, do not roll in the breading, cook them in a double boiler. "

Ingredients (for 4 servings).300 g of peeled shrimp, 100 g of crab meat, 100 g of onions, 1 cup of natural yogurt without additives (125 g), 1 large bunch of cilantro, 5 g of red chili, 5 g of peeled ginger root, 2 tbsp. l. bread crumbs, cooking oil, salt to taste. For yoghurt sauce: 2 cans of natural yoghurt without additives, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cream, 3 drops of lemon or lime juice, 1/2 tsp. hot tabajan paste (can be replaced with a couple of drops of hot Tabasco sauce or not add it at all), 1 tsp. vegetable oil (best of all sesame).

Instruction. Onion peel, cut and fry until golden brown in a couple of drops of vegetable oil. Shrimp, crab meat, fried onions, cilantro leaves, chili and ginger mince, combine the minced meat with yogurt, salt to taste, make cutlets, lightly roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Sauce: Mix all ingredients together.

Four more finger food recipes are on the site tomorrow. Do not miss!

2011 Thinkstock

Man is a contradictory and unpredictable creature. Why, one wonders, it was necessary to break so many copies, imposing such an object as a fork on everyone around, and then proclaim the rejection of cutlery? "Be closer to nature and to each other - eat with your hands!" - this is the motto of many progressive chefs of trendy city restaurants.

Eating with your hands is not unusual in many countries. In China, the word "pilaf" is translated as "finger-grabbing rice": in order to enjoy this fragrant and nutritious dish, you need to form a ball out of rice, hook the meat and spices, dip it into the sauce if desired and send it into your mouth. Similarly, pilaf is eaten in Azerbaijan and India. Taking care of his beloved girl, the Hindu will not fail to invite her to pilaf: grabbing rice from her plate with his hands, he thereby communicates his tender feelings.

Mexican fajitos (meat stewed with vegetables), oriental shawarma, doner or Greek gyros, Georgian khinkali dumplings, Ethiopian dishes wrapped in flatbread, Italian pizza, Spanish tapas, Chinese street fast food, finally, our pies, rolls, donuts and pancakes - all this is food, without any hesitation and ulterior motives absorbed by the hands. Big fans of finger food are Americans with their hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, fries and popcorn.

Traditionally, finger food is a lifesaver for house parties where many guests are invited. By the way, guests can be involved in the process of preparing snacks - cutting meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, making sandwiches and sauces. This will help create a relaxed, trusting atmosphere, make friends who are not familiar with each other. The "hand-held format" of the event allows guests to move freely around the room, and not sit tightly sandwiched between two neighbors, which makes them more relaxed and inclined to conversation and new acquaintances. And also eliminates the need to crawl under the table for a dropped fork or knife with a thousand awkward apologies.

2011 Thinkstock

One of the fiercest advocates of eating habits is the head chef of Danish restaurant Noma, the world's best restaurant in 2010 (ranked by The S. Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants). In his opinion, human nature has a habit of eating with his hands, and intermediaries between a person and food in the form of cutlery are not needed and even harm the human body, since they make it impossible to touch food with the help of receptors at the fingertips and send the necessary impulses to brain. These pulses contain information about the temperature and consistency of food, preparing the body for its assimilation. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, eat with your hands.

And this is not so ignoble, because we got along with a fork only a couple of centuries ago, and before that all of Europe, including monarchs (even such a connoisseur of gourmet food as French