What is the best self-leveling floor. Which self-leveling floor mixture is better - selection rules, types of mixtures, characteristics and pouring technology. How much mix you need

The content of the article:

Self-leveling floor mixes are gypsum or cement mixed with finely dispersed fillers. To speed up the solidification, plasticizers are added to them, they also help to achieve even and uniform spreading. You can work with such material in any room, no special skills are required, and the floor can be used within 24 hours.

Technical characteristics of self-leveling floor mixes

The installation of any floor covering requires a surface as flat as possible. Equalizers are an economical option for arranging the sub-floor. The mixture composition of a self-leveling floor may vary depending on the purpose that is being pursued.

A coarse leveling agent is used for roughing when it is required to eliminate deep cracks and chips, to level the differences. Such material consists of large particles, which means that it is impossible to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. They can work on a brick, cement or concrete base, and only need plain water to cook.

Finishing mixtures are made of small particles, they are applied to already treated surfaces or directly to the base if it does not have complex defects. The solution is plastic and homogeneous, it fills fine irregularities well. After curing, an absolutely smooth surface is formed, on which the floor covering is then laid.

Of technical characteristics when choosing and buying, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Thickness... For high-quality filling, a layer of 1 to 10 mm is required. These figures can be increased up to 50 mm. However, the coating thickness recommended by the manufacturer must not be exceeded.
  • Wear resistance and strength... The finished surface can withstand heavy loads, while not scratching or cracking, if the technology is followed.
  • Additional thermal insulation... The effectiveness of this parameter depends on the thickness of the poured mixture and on the composition. Gypsum floors retain heat better than cement floors.
  • Additional sound insulation... This parameter also depends on the thickness of the resulting screed and binder. The thicker the layer of the filled mixture, the better the sound will be absorbed. Gypsum absorbs sound better than cement.
Self-leveling self-leveling floors are used in apartments and country houses, in warehouse and industrial facilities, in offices and shopping centers. High quality characteristics and affordable price are their main advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling floor mixes

Among the main advantages of this method of leveling the base are the following:
  1. Ease of preparation and installation... The material must be sealed with water according to the instructions and poured onto a previously cleaned surface.
  2. Profitability... Self-leveling cement and gypsum mixtures are inexpensive and available to everyone.
  3. Versatility... The material is used both as an independent coating for painting, and to create a rough floor, on top of which laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc. are laid.
  4. Rich assortment... Modern manufacturers produce a wide range of self-leveling compounds. When buying, you should not rely solely on the cost of the material and give preference to cheap options. If the price of self-leveling floor mixes is significantly lower than the market average, most likely this is a low-quality fake.
Other advantages of self-leveling mixtures include: incombustibility, water resistance, quick drying and a set of working strength. Such compositions do not require reinforcement or beacons.

Among the shortcomings of the material, it is worth noting:

  1. Cracks... They appear after solidification, but this is possible only in case of violation of the pouring technology.
  2. Difficulty dismantling... If you want to change the type of flooring, you will have to dismantle the base.
  3. Low strength... This minus is possible only with a small thickness of the poured layer.
  4. Inability to make a screed with a slope... This is due to the fact that self-leveling mixtures have a liquid consistency.

The main varieties of self-leveling floor mixes

All dry self-leveling floor mixtures are conventionally divided into two groups - cement and anhydrite. Cement-based compounds are used for any premises, regardless of the degree of humidity. They allow you to make a layer thickness from 2 to 50 mm. This option is expensive, but has high levels of wear resistance and strength.

The anhydrite material contains gypsum, so it dries much faster. The advantage of such mixtures is an affordable price, but use in rooms with high humidity is not allowed. You can make layers up to 100 mm, but the floor will freeze with this thickness much longer.

Manufacturers offer special types of levelers:

  1. Epoxy... They contain resins that give the finished floor high hardness and rigidity. The coating is resistant to chemicals and moisture, tolerates temperature changes well. Most often, the material is used for car washes, pharmaceutical and chemical production, catering.
  2. Polyurethane... Flexible and resilient coatings that do not lose their properties at low temperatures. It is an economical and durable option for offices, retail space, warehouses and other high traffic areas.
  3. Epoxy-polyurethane... They are a combination of the two previous mixtures. Such a self-leveling floor is intended for premises where the flow of people and goods is endless, for example, at train stations or in the subway.
  4. Cement-acrylic... Such mixtures are suitable where it is necessary to ensure increased safety - due to the special composition, such floors will have a rough surface. They are designed for swimming pools, saunas and entrance hallways.
  5. Fast setting or methyl methacrylate... They are used mainly when it is necessary to significantly reduce the hardening time. The advantage is that it is permissible to apply the material in any layer thickness. The finished mixture has a pungent smell, so you need to work with it quickly. With the beginning of the solidification process, the smell disappears.
  6. Underfloor heating solutions... They are made on the basis of plaster. They have the ability to retain heat, resist high humidity well.

Selection criteria for self-leveling floor mixes

When choosing a leveling level, several important factors must be taken into account:
  • Type of premises (residential, office, warehouse, sports). For each, its own type of mixture and method of installation are selected.
  • Features of the room and floor load. For domestic needs, less durable self-leveling mixtures are used, in offices and institutions with low traffic - more durable compounds, in warehouses and sports grounds - the most durable and wear-resistant.
  • Mix quality - coarse-grained or fine-grained. The former are suitable for rough foundations, the latter for finishing or finishing.
  • The presence of deep depressions, strong drops, slope. For small differences in height, mixes are chosen that are laid in a thin layer. If the subfloor is "dotted" with pits and has large differences, choose mixtures laid with a thick (from 5 cm) layer.
With the same characteristics of materials, such as layer thickness, complete hardening time, strength indicators and price, it is better to give preference to those that are intended for organizing a system of underfloor heating. With their help, you can significantly increase the level of thermal insulation in the room.

Manufacturers of self-leveling floor mixes

The best self-leveling floor mixes are field-proven materials with high quality characteristics coupled with an affordable price. Today, dozens of options are presented on the construction market, the most popular among which are the following brands:
  1. "Knauf"... Among all the products, the Boden line stands out for its practicality. The composition includes refined gypsum, quartz sand, special additives and polymers. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to increase the strength and stability of the fill by 50% in comparison with cement analogues. The process of complete hardening is quite fast, after its completion you can immediately start laying any type of coating. Such a screed is perfect for installing a warm floor, since it has a high level of heat retention.
  2. "Vetonit"... It contains special additives that allow the mixture to spread faster over the base and dry without cracking. The manufacturer offers several types of material. So, for example, "Vetonit plus" is chosen by professional builders for the fastest possible solidification, they note the exceptional ease of use. Within 24 hours after application, the layer dries up completely, and you can proceed with the further arrangement of the floor. Self-leveling floor mixes Vetonit cannot be used as a topcoat, they cannot be sanded or painted.
  3. Mixes "Horizon"... Differ high quality and an acceptable price. As a rule, they are used for the final screed and applied in a layer of no more than 10 mm. The result is an absolutely flat surface that allows you to lay laminate, linoleum, parquet, porcelain stoneware and other modern coatings. The floor can be walked on 6 hours after application, and after 24 hours, the next stages of work begin, including “paint and leave as a final version”.
  4. "Ceresit"... Another brand popular in Russia. The manufacturer offers several options for levels designed for all types of bases: concrete, wood, cement. So, with the help of "Ceresit Smooth Floor" it is possible to level out deep drops of up to 80 mm. The mixture contains gypsum and cement, so it can be used in any room. At the same time, the solution is easily smoothed and has a fairly low weight. Cerisite is an economical material. The consumption of a self-leveling mixture for the floor is small, but it is not at all suitable for final finishing. This leveling agent is coarse, which makes it impossible to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. The product line includes a variety of options for specific spaces. So, with "Ceresit CN-83" a practical and abrasion-resistant layer is obtained; such material can be used in rooms with high traffic.
  5. Self-leveling floor of the "Leveling Express" brand... Allows you to qualitatively level the differences up to 10 mm. Suitable for work in any room where constant direct exposure to water is excluded. The manufacturer offers compounds with which both a rough and a topcoat are created.
Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of levelers. When buying, you should not rely solely on the cost of the material and give preference to cheap options. If the price of self-leveling floor mixes is significantly lower than the market average, it is most likely a low-quality fake.

Features of working with a mixture for leveling the floor

Before buying a material, you need to calculate the required amount. The finished composition is not stored, on the other hand, it is impossible to obtain the desired result without sufficient mass. To make a correct calculation, you need to determine the condition of the base and set the required leveling layer thickness.

On the package of the mixture, the consumption is indicated per square meter with a standard thickness of 1 mm. The thickness of the layer and the required volume are calculated as follows: they look for the highest point of the floor, measure the height of the largest recess from it and add the required thickness of the fill. The maximum consumption of the mixture is multiplied by the layer thickness, and then this result is multiplied by the surface area.

The final number is the required amount of the mixture. This calculation is approximate, therefore an increase of 10% is allowed. In order to find out how many bags of the mixture are required, the result is divided by 25 kg.

Before starting to fill the floor, experts advise choosing the optimal work scheme: use only cement mixtures in all rooms or divide rooms into wet and dry ones and use cement / anhydrite levels depending on the conditions in a particular room.

If a decision is made to work according to the second option, you need to think in advance about the issue of careful processing of seams at the joints. Gypsum has a high degree of expansion when exposed to moisture or temperature extremes. Therefore, to handle the gaps, a special damper tape or rubber band is laid.

Both types of leveling agents require preliminary priming of the substrate with an emulsion. It greatly facilitates spreading and increases the degree of adhesion of the material to the rough base.

It would be useful to carefully study the instructions provided by the manufacturer. It describes all the moments of arranging the floor, from diluting the mixture to drying time, depending on the chosen thickness. Strict adherence to the instructions will make it possible to get a flat and durable floor for further arrangement of the coating.

How to choose a mixture for leveling the floor - see the video:

In terms of strength, self-leveling mixtures are several times superior to cement screeds. That is why they have gained such popularity in construction. A wide range of formulations makes it possible to purchase levelers that meet the characteristics of the room.

Self-leveling self-leveling floors are ideal for those who want to lay a completely flat floor with their own hands. This pouring technique can be used both as a topcoat and as a base for the final flooring. The absence of seams makes the self-leveling floor even more attractive. Since there are several types of self-leveling floors, all their features should be taken into account in order to know exactly which one is best suited. They differ in their composition, which includes various fillers, coloring additives and enhancers.

Now there is a huge selection on the construction market:

  • Dedusting compounds. They are only suitable for subfloors, on which the final flooring will be laid in the future. Also used as a primer and hardener. The installation technology with a dedusting compound is the simplest due to the fact that it is installed in a thin layer.
  • , which can be based on polyurethane or methyl methacrylate. This material is very durable and can withstand high stress, shock, vibration and abrasion. It tolerates temperature extremes and high humidity. In addition, such a coating is very elastic and has soundproofing functions. Polymeric self-leveling floor, having an attractive appearance, will serve for many years. The only drawback of such a coating is the rather high price relative to other types of mixtures.
  • This floor spreads very well during pouring. Often used for decorative flooring in low-pass rooms. Epoxy floors have many disadvantages:
  1. Low strength. Does not withstand mechanical damage.
  2. There is a high probability of chips and cracks with strong impacts and falling heavy objects.
  3. Rapid abrasion of the surface.
  4. Increased sliding of the coating in the event that liquid is spilled on the floor.

  • Gypsum floors are gypsum-cement mixtures. They dry quickly, do not require perfect leveling of the sub floor. It dries quickly and has good thermal conductivity. But due to thermal deformations of the coating, there is a need to arrange expansion joints. The substrate must be completely dry.
  • Cement mixtures. Shrinkage of the cement floor is minimal. It is allowed to pour even on a damp base; in any case, the cement coating will harden very quickly. In a few hours it will be possible to walk on it. Although the floor gets its final strength in a month. Possesses increased strength, adhesion, frost resistance. Cracks are excluded during operation. Cement compounds are ideal for floor screed, and fit absolutely on any base. But they absorb moisture, depending on the additives, and have an ugly appearance... If dyes are introduced into these mixtures, the price will be higher. The material consumption is also high, as usually cement mortars significantly raise the floor, the minimum layer thickness is 5 mm.
  • This is a kind of polymer floors. They differ only in the technology of filling: first, the base layer is placed on the base of the floor, then the selected pattern is fixed, and a protective transparent film is applied to it.

How to choose a self-leveling floor

In order to choose a self-leveling floor that is best suited for a particular room, it is recommended to know the specific application of each mixture and its characteristics. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. In which room the repair will be made. For residential, utility or industrial premises, different kinds of compositions are suitable.
  2. Purpose of using the mixture: rough floor leveling or topcoat.
  3. The condition of the sub-floor on which the mixture will be poured.
  4. The intensity of floor loads during operation.
  5. Assessment of the likelihood of liquid and aggressive chemicals spilling onto the floor.
  6. Are there any plans for decorative finishing of the coating?
  7. How important are additional properties of the coating, such as sound insulation, anti-slip, etc.

The most pleasant moment in the repair will be exactly. It's hard to imagine more easy way create a flat surface. Due to the ease of installation, self-leveling floors have become very popular. It does not require beacons to create a complex structure, certain skills and knowledge.

It is necessary to install markings around the entire perimeter of the room. It is fixed to the walls to determine the thickness of the future floor layer.

An important point in the preparatory work is the preparation of a mixture for pouring the floor. In order for the installation process to take place without the occurrence of unforeseen problems and without the appearance of cracks in the future, it is necessary to correctly mix the composition of the self-leveling floor. This happens strictly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations on the packaging of this material. The strength and overall quality of the floor will depend precisely on their observance. At this stage, the advantages and disadvantages of solutions from different manufacturers do not matter. It is very important to mix the ingredients well.

Your task is to achieve the maximum homogeneous consistency of the building mixture.

On average, up to 10 kg of the mixture is consumed per 1 m2 of floor. Of course, this depends on the thickness of the filling surface.

The whole filling procedure looks like this:

  1. First, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris, then it is thoroughly primed;
  2. After that, the solution is poured onto the primed dry surface;
  3. The mixture must be evenly distributed over the entire surface using a squeegee;
  4. In order for the strength of the self-leveling floor to be high, all air bubbles are removed from the mixture by rolling with a needle roller;
  5. The polymerization of the base depends on many conditions: which manufacturer of self-leveling self-leveling floor is chosen, what are the climatic conditions, etc. But usually a period of three weeks is considered the norm for complete hardening;
  6. After that, the floor can be fully exploited and the selected coating can be laid on it.
The technology of pouring self-leveling floors using the example of a gypsum mixture

Despite the simplicity of filling and operation, it is worth listening to the numerous practical recommendations specialists:

  • If a decision was made, then it is imperative to read the installation tips in various sources. But still, the manufacturer's instructions should be the main source of information when pouring a self-leveling floor. Only it takes into account all the features of installation and further operation of a particular coating.
  • If we are talking about installing a self-leveling floor in a residential area, it is better to give preference.
  • For materials, it is worth minimizing all differences in surface heights, filling up all cracks and be sure to apply a primer to the base to eliminate the absorption of the mixture.
  • Do not forget about the possible dismantling of the floor in case of urgent need. If it is necessary to replace such a floor covering, then it will be very difficult to remove the compounds without damaging the base.
  • One should not forget about the temperature at which work on filling the mixture will take place. The length of time for solidification and the acquisition of floor strength directly depends on this.

Despite the seeming complexity of installing self-leveling floors, the pouring process is very simple. Anyone can create a beautiful self-leveling surface with the right tools, materials and minimal knowledge of how to install such a floor. Well, the service life and quality of the floor will depend on what technology is used. Therefore, it is worth putting a little hard work and patience for a good result.and. Share your opinion on the article and experience of pouring self-leveling mixtures in the comments!

The problem of creating a solid and perfectly flat base for further flooring of the final floor covering will certainly become one of the key issues in any construction or repair. Not so long ago, almost the only way was to pour a concrete screed along the lighthouses. But technical progress does not stand still, and now users are offered a wide range of construction families that can significantly simplify the implementation of this task and improve the quality of the result. We are talking about self-leveling compounds.

When choosing materials for work, any consumer tries to choose the best option in terms of quality and price. Therefore, the question "which self-leveling self-leveling floor is better" is completely natural. But, alas, there is no definite answer to it. And in order not to be mistaken with the choice, the owner who is planning a repair is advised to "get a little theoretical knowledge". And then he himself will answer a number of questions regarding the initial conditions and subsequent operating conditions for the future floor. You will have to assess your ability to conduct, weigh the financial side. It is advisable to get acquainted with the opinions of consumers who have already tried these or those formulations in practice. And then the answer will be outlined quite clearly.

We offer the reader a small "mixed" of concise information on this topic - it should help in choosing.

What is a self-leveling mortar?

General principles for creating a self-leveling floor

What makes the picture clearer, let's first recall how the floor is leveled with a conventional cement-sand screed. For this, the base is prepared, the necessary measurements and calculations are made, and then a system of beacons is created - guides that set the required horizontal plane of the floor.

Then, between the beacons, a plastic concrete solution is laid out with a slight excess, which is leveled by moving the rule along the guides. The result is a surface that repeats the plane defined by the beacons.

It seems to be - everything is simple, and there is nothing to "fence the garden". Indeed, this scheme has been tested by time, and still remains the most popular in construction. It is attracted by the clarity, and the availability, and the low cost of raw materials. But she also has certain disadvantages:

  1. Firstly, it is very difficult to achieve optimal smoothness of the concrete surface by such action. It is just right for laying ceramic tiles, but the resulting quality is not enough for many other floor coverings. And you have to, one way or another, refine the surface.
  2. Secondly, a screed less than 20 mm thick (and even 30 mm is considered optimal) will not have the required strength. And in many cases, such a thick layer for leveling becomes absolutely unnecessary, that is, leading to unnecessary weighting of the structure and unjustified costs.
  3. Thirdly, when laying a plastic, but still quite dense solution, if no special tools (vibrator or vibrating screed) are used, small air cavities may remain in the thickness of the screed. And this is a decrease in the strength qualities of the foundation.
  4. And fourthly, it also happens to correctly install the beacon system difficult task... And any mistake in setting the guides or their insufficient fixation will certainly affect the quality of the resulting foundation.

How to install beacons for pouring concrete screed?

There are many different methods for performing such an operation - you can choose the most convenient for a particular case. Some of the methods are described in detail in the article of our portal.

Self-leveling floor prices

self-leveling floor

Now let's remember the properties of an ordinary liquid. Poured into any vessel, regardless of the complexity of its shape (as an option - poured over the floor surface), water under the influence of gravitational forces always “calms down” in such a position that its surface becomes perfectly horizontal. And at the same time it fills the entire volume, that is, it does not leave voids.

It is on this ability of the liquid that the technology of using self-leveling compounds is based.

Technologists have developed special formulations, which are given a liquid consistency in preparation for work. After they are poured onto the base of the floor and distributed over the entire area, the surface of this solution takes on a horizontal plane. Optimally selected components of the mixture ensure its fast curing. And as a result, a hard layer with a perfectly flat surface is obtained, which very often does not require even minimal "finishing". Moreover, some varieties themselves become the topcoat.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling floors

Obviously, this technology for creating a flat and durable floor surface has a number of merits :

  • Self-leveling self-leveling floors allow you to level the base with a thin layer, literally a few millimeters. There is no need for reinforcement, the structure of the floor is not overweight. Some compositions even make it possible to perform the alignment almost "on the sdir", that is, less than a millimeter thick.

However, mixtures are produced that can be applied on very curved substrates, with a layer of up to 50 and even 100 mm.

  • The surface, subject to the technology of preparation and distribution of the composition, acquires an ideally horizontal plane, and with the filling of all possible irregularities and voids.
  • Unlike a concrete screed, the terms of the coating's readiness are significantly reduced - for some reasons, you can move around after a few hours, and after a day or two - and proceed to further finishing operations.

  • Many self-leveling floors become an excellent waterproofing barrier.
  • As a rule, the optimally selected composition of such mixtures is characterized by very little shrinkage upon drying.
  • A wide variety of formulations are available commercially to suit different base substrates and all possible operating conditions.
  • The process of pouring such a floor is not particularly laborious if the operation of preparing the composition is debugged.

  • Some self-leveling ones are already a finishing floor covering, that is, they do not require any subsequent facing. Moreover, special technologies allow turning the floor into a completely exclusive interior decoration.

However, self-leveling floors have their own limitations:

  • It is clear that the smaller the layer, the lower its strength. That is, nevertheless, the well-known "line" must be observed, in any case - do not make the floors thinner than indicated by the manufacturer of the composition.
  • If in the future it is necessary to dismantle the self-leveling floor, then this will be accompanied by certain difficulties.
  • Bulk mixes are of little use if a floor with a certain slope is required.
  • Finally, self-leveling floors are always more expensive than conventional screeds, and some are even more expensive. That is, it is extremely unprofitable to use them for the primary leveling of large differences in elevation. It is better in this case to eliminate significant irregularities with a screed, and only then use the leveling qualities of the self-leveling mixture.

Classification of self-leveling self-leveling floors

First of all, self-leveling mixtures differ in their composition, namely, in the main binder. Two groups can be distinguished here - on a mineral or synthetic basis, and in addition to this, "hybrid" options are presented.

To bulk mixtures on mineral based on the following:

  • Cement-based mixtures. They can be called the most common and universal. The filler is fine quartz sand, less often - stone chips. It is imperative to have special additives that provide high plasticity (fluidity) of the finished solution and its fast setting.

Suitable for any premises, many are also designed for external use. They can be poured both in a thin layer and up to 50 ÷ 80 mm, that is, they can play the role of a full-fledged screed. Shrinkage is low, high adhesion rates, crack resistance. The disadvantage is that they gain operational strength longer than their gypsum counterparts.

  • Self-leveling floors on a gypsum (anhydrite) basis. Perfect for interior work, since gypsum itself is a highly environmentally friendly material. They can be used in the "warm floor" system.

They can be applied in a layer from 5 to 10 mm (some brands - even thicker). They have a good heat and sound insulation effect. Able to maintain an optimal balance of humidity in the room. Any speed of readiness of the coating is characteristic - sometimes after an hour or two you can move on it without the risk of damaging the surface.

The disadvantages include not as high as that of cement ones, strength, that is, a floor finish is definitely required. Not suitable for unheated rooms or rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, showers, baths. A fast, “avalanche” setting requires good skill and confident pouring. The cost is slightly higher than cement compositions.

  • Combined compositions, on a cement-gypsum base, combine the advantages of both of the above types. True, they are still designed only for internal use, but already without limitation on the level of humidity in the room.

The hardening speed of such compositions is quite high, but still gives some "handicap" to the novice master. It is noteworthy that such combined mixtures can be considered a little and not an ideal option for any "warm floor" systems.

Self-leveling self-leveling floors can be synthetic, polymer base... Most often they go on sale in the form of one- or two-component liquid formulations, that is, they do not require mixing with water.

  • Polyurethane compounds are distinguished by high strength, including abrasion load, and a certain elasticity, that is, they are not afraid of impact. As a rule, they themselves become the finishing coating of the floor, which does not require any more finishing and "rework".

They may well be used in some areas of a house or apartment, especially in areas with the most intense traffic or with a pronounced load on the surface (for example, a home gym). There are no restrictions on humidity, temperature, location of premises.

Disadvantages - rather high price, pungent odor before polymerization of the composition.

  • Epoxy-based filling compounds. They create a durable, waterproof, resistant to any chemical reagent coating. They can be made highly filled, preserving transparency, and this property is used when creating decorative floors with fillers or artistic

The obvious advantages include absolute environmental cleanliness after polymerization and almost complete absence of odor during pouring. The disadvantages, in addition to the considerable cost, are the lack of elasticity. Such floors are not afraid of high loads, but shock effects are contraindicated for them - chips may appear. Therefore, they are often covered with a thin protective layer of polyurethane on top.

  • Combined compositions, epoxy-polyurethane - just represent such a "symbiosis" of the advantages of both types.
  • Methyl methacrylate compositions for self-leveling floors are distinguished by a high setting rate, and are often used as additional protection, for example, of a concrete base from the destructive effect of external loads. Scope of application - industrial facilities and areas with a maximum intensity of people and even special vehicles (for example, warehouse complexes, bases, etc.). Due to the considerable complexity of application and the high cost in housing construction, they are unprofitable.

Prices for epoxy-based self-leveling floor

epoxy-based self-leveling floor

  • Acrylic-cement and polyurethane-cement compositions, as the names suggest, are combined compositions that give very strong, wear-resistant, durable waterproof coatings. Pouring requires a highly qualified team, the cost is high. And therefore, although such floors would be perfect for some premises of a private house and outbuildings (including a garage), they did not gain much popularity.

So, if we consider the variety of self-leveling floors from the point of view of an individual developer or apartment owner, then mineral-based compositions usually remain in the field of view, and epoxy and polyurethane from polymer ones.

What to start from when choosing the optimal composition?

When choosing a specific composition, several evaluation criteria must be considered.

  • Where will the floor be poured?

In the living quarters of a house or apartment, any mineral mixtures are suitable, taking into account the level of humidity in the room. Epoxy or polyurethane coatings, "self-sufficient", that is, without further finishing, are quite suitable. If a "warm floor" is planned, then this must be agreed by the manufacturer.

In the bathroom, toilet, if you plan to cover with tiles, then cement-based compositions (it is allowed to use combined - cement-gypsum). Polymer compositions are also perfect - as an independent coating.

In the kitchen, it is better to use mineral-based compounds if you plan to finish flooring made of laminate, linoleum, tiles. Seamless polymer coatings, which can be given the necessary decorative effect, are also well suited.

Bath - the requirements are similar to the bathroom, but it is better to exclude the use of cement-gypsum mixtures.

Porch, balcony, pedestrian area in front of the house, etc .: in the characteristics of the mixture, it must be indicated that it is frost-resistant. Naturally, compositions with a gypsum component are completely excluded. Polymeric or polymer-cement compositions that are resistant to abrasion and have a rough surface are welcome.

Garage - the best choice would be a polyurethane coating. Alternatively, leveling is done with a cement compound, and then pour a thin, up to 5 mm, wear-resistant polyurethane layer.

  • What is the expected fill thickness?

Everything is simple here - the manufacturer always indicates the range of permissible thicknesses. And violating these recommendations means risking the strength and durability of the floor.

In addition, the preconditions and material costs should be considered. It is extremely wasteful to fill in expensive finishing compounds with a layer of more than 5 mm. Therefore, for rough leveling of the surface, it is possible to select “simpler” self-leveling compounds, and then, after solidification of such a base, to carry out the final pouring. And it is better if these mixtures are from the same manufacturer - they are maximally adapted.

  • On what basis will the filling be carried out?

On concrete base (floor slab), after appropriate preparation, any formulations can be poured.

On a wooden base or on insulation (penoplex and the like) - a preliminary pouring of a floating (not connected either with the base or with the walls) cement-sand reinforced screed 40 mm thick is required. After that, a thin-layer finishing compound is applied. True, the manufacturer of the mixtures may stipulate other conditions - this must be clarified in the instructions for using the formulations.

For waterproofing (bitumen), for old tiles - pre-pouring of a reinforced floating screed is also required. For the screed, by the way, a self-leveling mixture can also be used - compositions are produced for such purposes.

  • What kind of exterior floor finish is expected?

Any mineral compositions are suitable for the tile, but with the obligatory consideration of the degree of humidity in the room, as mentioned above.

For other coatings (laminate, parquet, linoleum, carpet, etc.) any, including polymer. The only question is how cost-effective it will be to use expensive polymer bases in such a case.

Laminate prices

  • How quickly will the coating cure?

It should be correctly understood that the terms indicated by the manufacturer usually speak only of the possibility of people moving on the filled surface without the risk of deformation. But this is far from complete maturation of the coating. It will gain final strength and readiness for full operation much later - the period can be from one to four weeks.

Be sure to draw attention to another time indicator - the viability of the prepared solution. That is, the time it takes to distribute the mixture over the surface before it starts to set. If it is supposed to work alone, and even with insufficient experience, it is better to choose compositions with the highest possible indicator - 40 ÷ 60 minutes, otherwise you can simply ruin all the results.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Which self-leveling floor is better to choose for a particular room
  • What self-leveling floors are best used in an apartment
  • What self-leveling floors are suitable for the bathroom
  • What brand of self-leveling floors is better to use
  • Which finishing floors are better
  • What type of self-leveling floor is best to use in a garage

Among the wide selection of floor coverings, self-leveling floors are gaining more and more popularity in Moscow. For this type of surface leveling, various modern materials are used. You can fill such a floor yourself. As a result, you get a flat surface for subsequent finishing or an independent decorative floor covering. Which self-leveling floor is best suited for each type of room, you will learn from this article.

The list of places where the self-leveling floor is used is diverse: from apartments, country houses, offices to specialized premises with extreme surface loads. Such popularity is due to such qualities of this floor covering as strength, durability, environmental friendliness.

There are different types of self-leveling floor coverings.

According to the composition of the coating, self-leveling floors are:

  • Methyl methacrylate. The main component of this floor is methacrylic acid methyl ester. This method of pouring is used in industrial facilities and in places with a high load on the coating. The main features of this type of self-leveling floor are: wear resistance, water resistance, durability, resistance to various chemicals and strength. Forms a polymer concrete coating with a high polymerization rate.

After just a few hours, you can walk on this floor. Exact adherence to technology is required when pouring such floors. During operation, the room should be well ventilated, since the solution has a sharp chemical odor that disappears after polymerization. Leveling the floor in this way requires a lot of money.

  • Cement acrylic. Polymer composition with the addition of cement. It has such characteristics as strength, resistance to low temperatures and water. Provides a flat surface.

Adheres firmly to the base, does not exfoliate, does not crack. Due to its properties, this method of flooring is often used in industrial facilities, swimming pools and car washes. The pouring technology requires a highly qualified specialist. Compared to other self-leveling floors, cement-acrylic mixtures are the most affordable.

  • Epoxy urethane. One of the main advantages of this type of self-leveling floors is their durability. They do not wear out and retain their original appearance for a long time. Such floors have found their application in parking lots, platforms and other places with a heavy load on the coating.

  • Polyurethane. Mixture based on urethane prepolymer with hardener and additives. Such material is non-toxic, extremely resistant to water, chemicals, mechanical stress and other destructive factors. It spreads well over the base, the coating turns out to be elastic, withstands vibrations and temperature changes.

A polyurethane self-leveling floor is used as the last layer, and if acrylic paint is added to the composition, it is possible to get a rather interesting coating. In addition, a patterned substrate is laid under the transparent polyurethane, which also gives an interesting decorative effect. Pouring of such compounds is possible only on a well-prepared base. A similar method of leveling is used in production, warehouse and retail premises, as well as in bathrooms.

  • Epoxy. The two main components are colored epoxy and a hardener. The result is a smooth, glossy surface that is resistant to abrasion, corrosive substances and water. However, it is better not to expose such a self-leveling floor to shock.

In residential premises, epoxy floors are filled with a transparent layer, and floor photographs or 3D compositions are used as a substrate. Such a floor can become a real decoration of an apartment. Also, such a coating is used in medical and educational institutions, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, garages.

  • Polyurethane-cement. A polymer mixture that combines the properties of polyurethane and cement screed floors. The coating is durable, non-slip and abrasion resistant. When applying the mixture on inclined planes, you can not be afraid of the formation of waves.

  • Cement. Mortar based on cement and other additives. This leveling method is used mainly for the subsequent finishing of the floor with tiles and other materials. Such floors are highly durable, abrasion-resistant, moisture-proof, and have a long curing period.

  • Plaster. The plaster-based self-leveling floor is suitable for leveling the surface in dry rooms with further finishing of the coating. Dries quickly, but is subject to rapid abrasion.

Different kinds compositions of self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floor thickness

Layer up to 1 mm (thin layer)

Designed for finishing

Layer 4-5 mm (self-leveling)

Used to create a basic plane

More than 5 mm (highly filled)

Levels the surface and creates a decorative effect

Drying rate of the coating

Here we mean the time after which you can walk on the floor, but do not use finishing materials, if it is supposed. Methyl methacrylate floor dries the fastest. The gypsum floor can be used in the first 2-4 hours. The polyurethane solution reaches the required condition in 16-20 hours. Epoxy self-leveling floors dry in a day or more, cement floors - in 48 hours. Such surfaces dry completely in 1-4 weeks.

What self-leveling floors to choose depending on the room

  • in the apartment (in the house)

First, decide whether it will be an independent coating or will be used as a basis for subsequent cladding. In the first case, we choose a self-leveling floor based on epoxy resins. You can add acrylic dye to the solution or apply a substrate in the form of a canvas with a pattern. In the second case, cement or gypsum compositions are better suited.

  • outside

Cement, polyurethane and acrylic-cement floors are poured. Street coverings must meet such requirements as resistance to high and low temperatures, to its sudden temperature changes, as well as to moisture. When choosing such self-leveling floors, it is better to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers.

  • in bathroom

For subsequent tiling, formulations with mineral binders are required: cement or complex (cement and gypsum). Polyurethane and epoxy compounds (with the addition of acrylic paint or to create a 3D effect) can be used as independent topcoats.

  • in the bath

As well as in the bathroom, the bath has a special microclimate. The most common self-leveling polyurethane floors due to their resistance to various destructive factors. It is better to completely abandon gypsum compositions, since a large amount of moisture destroys such a surface.

  • in the toilet

Polymer self-leveling floors are suitable. They just need to be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, poured and leveled. Within a day you can walk on such a surface. If you have chosen a tile, then it is better to use mixtures based on a mineral binder, such as gypsum or cement, as a base.

  • in the kitchen

Requirements to self-leveling floors in the kitchen are similar to the requirements for bathroom floors. Use polyurethane or epoxy leveling agents as stand-alone coatings, and cement or gypsum based compounds for leveling under laminate, linoleum, etc.

  • on the balcony

Choose from polymer compositions or cement-based; it is advisable to refuse gypsum mixtures. To prevent slippery floors, it is better to prefer the matte finish.

  • in the garage

Use self-leveling epoxy or polyurethane self-leveling floors. Cement-polyurethane compounds are also suitable.

  • in stock

In such areas, it is important to have a durable, durable coating. Self-leveling floors based on methyl methacrylate are best suited. But the base must be pre-leveled, otherwise, due to the rapid hardening, you will not be able to create a flat surface. Cement, polyurethane and epoxy compounds are also suitable.

  • in gym

Almost any polymer solution can be used depending on the initial condition of the gym floor. Alternatively, polyurethane, polyurethane-cement or cementitious coatings can be applied, subject to further finishing.

What self-leveling floors are best for an apartment

For each specific room in the apartment, select the most appropriate type of self-leveling floor in terms of properties and characteristics. For bathroom and kitchen, for example, self-leveling mixtures based on cement are better suited. Gypsum finishes can be used in other rooms.

For finishing at home, single-layer polyurethane mixtures have proven themselves well. They are quite durable and, relative to other similar types of alignment, inexpensive. An important advantage of this type of self-leveling floor is the ability to eliminate any chip.

We choose the decor depending on the purpose of the room. For example, a nautical theme is suitable for a bathroom.

Children will appreciate the drawing with their favorite cartoon characters.

The living room will look spectacular with a floor with polymer mosaic made of granite or marble.

Self-leveling floors are quite an expensive element of room design, but their originality and attractive appearance will delight you for many years.

Features of the base material

Wooden base (floor, boards, old parquet)

In most cases, the optimal solution will be a floating reinforced screed with a thickness of 40 mm and more, based on cement and sand


Warm water floor

Any mineral solutions, polymer are best used as a finishing layer

Concrete screed (for concrete)

It is better to remove old materials, as if they are present, cracks may form in the floor, which means that you will have to do the work again. Alternatively, a floating screed as in the case of wooden bases

Old tiles

Accounting for the type of finish

Under the tiles

For a room with high humidity, a cement-based composition or a complex binder is suitable. In other cases, choose a self-leveling floor on a mineral binder

Under the laminate

Better gypsum or cement mixtures, you can also polymer, but they are more expensive

Under linoleum

Which self-leveling floor is better for the bathroom

The bathroom is usually humid. Therefore, not all materials are suitable for its decoration. The most common bathroom flooring is ceramic tiles. Before laying it, the base of the floor is leveled with a cement-based mixture. This material allows you to create a high-quality, solid foundation in the shortest possible time.

Compositions with a self-leveling effect and polymer additives are more suitable as independent coatings for bathrooms. They are distinguished by good resistance to mechanical stress, moisture resistance and strength. The price of a self-leveling floor is high, but it pays off quickly due to the durability of such a floor covering.

Advantages of self-leveling bathroom floors:

  1. Hygienic coating and ease of cleaning. The seamless, perfectly flat surface of the self-leveling floor is not afraid of moisture falling on it. This floor is easy to clean and disinfect. The absence of microcracks minimizes the risk of spreading germs, bacteria and fungi.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage. The self-leveling floor can withstand a variety of power loads.
  3. Resistant to detergents and cleaning agents that absolutely do not spoil such a floor.
  4. The aesthetics of the coating and the ability to choose a design to your taste.

The color and pattern of the self-leveling floor in the bathroom can be any. The coating will delight you for a long time, so it is better to choose a neutral shade. It all depends on your taste. If you are at a loss to make a choice, contact a professional designer.

Experts recommend a neutral color finish. It is better if the floor is slightly darker than the walls and ceiling - for most people, this combination creates a sense of calm and comfort. Although there are also spectacular design solutions with bright and juicy floors. It is not necessary to use a monochromatic coating, you can choose a self-leveling floor with a pattern or ornament. The floor is the background that allows you to perceive the interior as a whole, so everything should be harmoniously combined.

A very effective solution is 3D floors. As a result of pouring such a floor, a realistic drawing is obtained, which at a certain angle appears to be three-dimensional. Such a self-leveling floor can become an exclusive part of your bathroom interior.

Floor design depends on your imagination and financial capabilities. If you choose the right drawing, then such a coating will help to visually increase the space of a small room. In addition to the aesthetic effect, these floors have very high performance characteristics.

3D floors are poured in the same way as conventional self-leveling ones. The difference is that first the designers create an image on the computer, the sheet with which is laid on the prepared base. After that, the entire surface is poured with a thick layer of polymer, into which, for an additional effect, you can add various elements depending on the theme of the drawing. Approximately 7 days after pouring, the 3D floor dries up and is covered with a protective layer of varnish. A continuous seamless coating is formed.

With proper use, such a floor can last for several decades.

What brand of self-leveling floor is better to use

Before deciding on the brand of self-leveling floor, study all manufacturing companies. Pay attention to positive comments and customer reviews, listen to the recommendations of friends. The choice should be made in favor of the brand that has been on the construction market for a long time, and its products are well known.

The most popular manufacturers of self-leveling floor mixes:

  • Knauf. The construction market in Russia has existed for a quarter of a century. The company produces self-leveling floors different types, including mineral, polymer, epoxy. Which option is better to choose from a wide range of products depends on your taste and goals. Mixtures of this brand are also used as a topcoat. They spread well and set quickly.
  • Ivsil. The company specializes in the production of dry building mixtures. The EXPRESS mixture is more popular in our country. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, fast curing, self-leveling. The “TERMOLITE” line, which is distinguished by its heat and sound insulation qualities, is also a success.
  • Bergauf... The company produces quality products for universal use. One of the advantages of this brand is the long service life of self-leveling floors. They dry quickly and perfectly level the surface, so you can easily cope with the task, even without experience with similar materials.

Mixtures of domestic companies at affordable prices "Bolars" and "Hercules" are also popular among buyers.

By the way, the price is one of the key points when choosing a product. Let's compare manufacturers of self-leveling floors by this criterion. The most expensive are foreign brands such as Knauf, Tserezit.

The middle price segment is occupied by domestic companies - for example, Prospectors. Some foreign firms also target middle-income buyers. For example, some of the Bergauf products can be bought at a low price.

Most of the domestic producers of mixtures, for example, Osnovit, Hercules, Bolars, are cheaper than their foreign counterparts. Less material is consumed.

If we talk about the type of self-leveling floor, then the most expensive option is 3D floors. Its price depends on many factors: the complexity of the drawing, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the manufacturer, as well as the cost of the services of the master pouring the floor.

Finishing self-leveling floors which are better

If you have chosen linoleum, laminate, parquet, carpet or ceramic tiles, then you need to take care of leveling the base under them. The self-leveling finishing floor is ideal for this purpose. Unlike other types of alignment, it is easy and quick to fill, so you can start further installation work as soon as possible.

Let's figure out which finishing floors are better. Having studied the market of dry mixes for bulk coatings, experts advise the following manufacturers: Ceresit, Glims, Vetonit and others. The performance properties of the mixtures of these brands are similar. The coating is durable, durable and aesthetically pleasing.

The only difference is in product modification. For example, in order to improve the living space, choose a self-leveling finishing floor Vetonit 3000 (layer height - up to 5 mm). And the Glims SS3X modification (layer up to 100 mm) is suitable if the coating will be used in harsh conditions.

Two people will quite cope with the installation of a self-leveling finishing floor - one prepares a fresh mixture, and the second fills it.

  1. For a finishing self-leveling floor, good adhesion to the surface is important, therefore it is not poured onto monolithic concrete or a reinforced concrete floor slab. And with a thin application of the solution to such surfaces, chips are guaranteed.
  2. It is obligatory to prime the coating before pouring any self-leveling floor, so that the adhesion of the surfaces is better. We prime the finishing self-leveling floor two times.
  3. We knead the finished floor mixture in a clean container, following the manufacturer's instructions. Pour on the base and level it manually with a special needle roller. You can also use a spatula, but the fill layer in this case is 0.5-2 mm.
  4. The optimal consistency of the mixed solution is similar to a thick cream. The density of the mixture can be adjusted with water. But you have to be careful, the composition should not be too liquid, otherwise the self-leveling floor will crack.
  5. If a rough screed layer was applied before pouring the finished floor, then you must wait until it is completely dry. Equalizers and self-leveling floors of the first layer dry for about 7 days, while the thickness of such a fill should be at least 1 cm. But cement screeds dry out in 3-4 weeks.

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Modern self-leveling (self-leveling) floors are presented on the market by a variety of ready-made self-leveling mixtures. They differ significantly in composition, performance and application. The difficulty of choosing from their types is aggravated by a large number of manufacturers, whose offerings are often absolutely identical, but are positioned as unique products. Under these conditions, it can be quite difficult to determine which self-leveling self-leveling floor is best suited for solving specific problems.

Application features

To find out which self-leveling floor is better to use, first you need to determine the scope of its application.


It is used if the base surface has significant local defects or pronounced differences in plane. It is poured with a thick layer and / or with the installation of a reinforcing mesh. When choosing the best self-leveling floor for rough casting, preference is given to quick-drying mixtures.


This type of self-leveling floors includes decorative thin-layer coatings with high aesthetics. As a rule, their thickness does not exceed 5 mm, they have high strength and abrasion characteristics, enhanced adhesion to the base surface. Often, the concept of finishing compounds means rather expensive polymer-based materials, for example, 3D self-leveling floors.

For warm floors

Popularity has led to the creation special kind self-leveling mixtures. Their main characteristic is a low rate of thermal deformation. As a rule, they have a cement or gypsum base with the addition of a large amount of polymers and modifiers. Which self-leveling floor is better for a warm floor is determined by its place of operation. In the bathroom, it is better to use cement, and in the kitchen, in the hallway or in the bedroom, plaster is fine.

Special purpose

They are used in special workshops, laboratories, as well as in other premises where special conditions for the operation of floors are required. Their coatings can be conductive, antistatic, with a high level of chemical protection, etc.

Varieties of self-leveling self-leveling floors

The main classification, which determines the scope of the self-leveling mixture, is carried out by the type of binder in its composition. There are the following brands of self-leveling floors:

  1. Cement based.
  2. On a plaster base.
  3. Polymeric.

Moreover, the compositions of the first two varieties are similar in structure. They include:

  • astringent - gypsum or cement;
  • filler - fine-grained sand carefully sifted and selected by dispersion;
  • various additives that improve the basic characteristics of the mixture - fluidity, crack resistance, adhesive properties, etc.

IMPORTANT! Attempts to determine which self-leveling floor is better than gypsum or cement are not correct enough, since these varieties have slightly different fields of application.

Self-leveling gypsum mixtures

They have an affordable cost and good thermal insulation characteristics. Filled with a thick layer up to 100 mm. Due to this, it is recommended to use them on substrates with significant slopes or large surface defects. Gypsum self-leveling floors have significant technological limitations. For example, they cannot be installed in rooms with high humidity (over 70%). Also from the list comparative characteristics rating of self-leveling floors, they show the longest complete drying time. Taking this parameter into account is especially important when preparing for laying floor coverings such as laminate or parquet boards.

Self-leveling cement mixtures

In the rating of self-leveling floors, they are among the best in terms of combination of strength and cost. They can be used in any type of premises, including damp or humid ones, as well as for industrial purposes, in which the floor surface is exposed to increased mechanical stress. They have high wear resistance, especially in combination with subsequent topping processing. The recommended layer thickness of the fill coating is 2-50 mm.

IMPORTANT! Self-leveling cement or gypsum floors differ from conventional screeds with a liquid consistency with a similar binder in that they do not lose their mechanical and operational properties after the binder is hydrated. On the contrary, an excess of liquid in a "classic" screed leads to a significant decrease in the strength of the finished coating.

Polymer self-leveling floors

These are one or two-component, seamless floor coverings made by pouring. They can be based on: concrete (reinforced concrete floor panels), cement screeds, leveling compounds, composite wood-based panels, etc. The thickness of the polymer self-leveling floor depends on the degree of intensity of the influence of external factors: load, abrasion, temperature, humidity. It can be up to 7 mm. This floor covering is allowed for use in all types of premises, both residential and industrial. It is especially popular in pharmaceutical and medical institutions, in food production, as well as in other places where it is important to maintain a high sanitary and hygienic level, and cleaning is carried out using aggressive detergents.

Polymer mixtures are one of the best self-leveling self-leveling floors, and their main advantages include:

  1. Good durability and high wear resistance. Depending on the specificity of the composition, such a floor can last up to 40 years. Of course, provided that its installation was carried out in strict accordance with the prescribed technology (special attention should be paid to the initial preparation of the bearing surface).
  2. A small thickness of the working layer, which allows you to maintain the original height of the room.
  3. High aesthetic performance. The finish surface is homogeneous with an attractive gloss. Particularly noteworthy are 3D self-leveling floors.
  4. Relatively short terms of the device (provided that the work is carried out by experienced specialists).
  5. Polymer materials used during installation operations do not generate dust, do not emit carcinogenic or strong smelling substances, are biologically neutral (do not cause allergies), and are resistant to household chemicals, including those with abrasive fillers.

Varieties of polymer self-leveling floors

The classification of polymer mixtures is adopted by their composition.

Methyl methacrylate blends are some of the most practical. After completion of polymerization, they are particularly durable, resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. They can be laid at low temperatures. The cost of methyl methacrylate floor per square meter is one of the highest, however, it is fully compensated by the duration of its operation.

Epoxy self-leveling floor - possesses absolute moisture resistance, resistant to mechanical damage, as well as to chemicals (acids, alkalis, solvents).

Polyurethane floors are endowed with high strength, combined with elasticity, which allows them to withstand sufficiently strong blows from blunt objects. They are the best choice for household premises with high operational load. Installation of a polyurethane mixture can be performed on a base subject to shrinkage or temperature deformation.

The cement-acrylic composition is sold as a dry mix. It is distinguished by high mechanical strength, resistance to negative and sharp temperature changes. A cement-acrylic coating is most advisable to use in technical unheated rooms: garages, workshops, in the country, etc.

Selection features

You can choose the best self-leveling self-leveling floor in accordance with the following recommendations, you should:

  • determine the type of room and the main factors affecting the floor surface: humidity level, temperature range, abrasion rate, compressive loads, etc.
  • determine the desired technological characteristics of the mixture when it is. These include: drying speed, minimum layer thickness, the need for additional materials (reinforcement, topping), special care during the drying phase (ensuring high humidity, no drafts).
  • identify the technological requirements for the base surface: subfloor material, permissible types of defects and damages, restrictions on the bearing capacity or layer thickness, etc.

Factors affecting the cost of self-leveling floor

The price of a self-leveling floor depends on the following factors:

  1. Condition of the working surface of the base. The presence of a large number of cracks and various defects requires additional costs in the preliminary preparation of the base or a large consumption of the mixture for its thicker layer.
  2. Varieties of the working staff. One of the main factors in pricing. For domestic use, polyurethane or epoxy self-leveling floors are considered optimal. Stronger and more expensive methyl methacrylate and cement-acrylic is advisable to use in commercial premises with increased operational load.
  3. Decorative effect. The cost of floors with a 3D effect, various patterns or flocks will be significantly higher than when using leveling compounds for general construction purposes.


  1. Knauf is a reliable manufacturer of dry mortars. A particularly successful version of its products is a plaster-based self-leveling floor with quartz sand filler.
  2. Ceresit - produces a variety of universal and specialized formulations. Among the types of its products, you can choose self-leveling floors with a wide range of characteristics. For example, Ceresit CN-83 has one of the best curing rates. Therefore, it is recommended if repair work must be completed as quickly as possible.
  3. Moment is a good manufacturer of dry building mixes with an optimal combination of the quality of its products, its performance and cost.

Vetonit, Volma, Bolaris, Horizon - the products of these manufacturers are positioned in the budget price segment. Despite the fact that their mixtures are characterized by good quality of the resulting coatings, they are inferior to top brands in ease of pouring and durability.