Samara sgau im a queen. Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Queen. Orbital group of Samara University

It also includes the Samara International Aerospace Lyceum, the Samara Aviation Technical School, the Physics and Mathematics School, and the Aviation Transport College. SSAU contains an extensive scientific and technical library and two scientific and educational centers: the scientific and educational center "Mathematical foundations of diffractive optics and image processing" and the Samara innovation and research center for the development and research of magnetic pulse technologies. Among the scientific departments there are 4 student design bureaus, 5, more than two dozen research laboratories, the Aviatekhnokon Science and Technology Park and the Science and Technology Center. In addition, there is the Museum of Aviation and Astronautics, the Center for the History of Aircraft Engines and a training airfield.

At the same time, more than ten thousand students are simultaneously receiving higher education at SSAU, of which more than seven thousand study full-time. Students are taught by more than seven hundred teachers, of which more than three hundred associate professors and more than a hundred professors. The area of \u200b\u200bSSAU is more than a hundred thousand square meters, of which more than thirty thousand are used for training.


Kuibyshevsky aviation institute (KuAI) was formed in accordance with the order of the All-Union Committee for high school under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR to provide the military industry with aircraft designers in 1942 as part of the MAI faculties evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. The tradition to name faculties primarily by numbers came from there. The first classes within the walls of the new institute began in October 1942.

Russia, Kuibyshev, KuAI, 1942

Russia, Samara, SSAU, 2009

Administrative structures

Like many other universities, SSAU is directly controlled by the rector and his assistants in certain areas - vice-rectors, who together make up the supreme governing body - the rectorate. At the same time, all the most important questions related to strategy further development university, is decided by an elected representative body - the Academic Council.

The relations between all employees and students of SSAU are regulated by the Charter of SSAU. According to the charter, the highest governing body of the university is the University Conference. This is a general university meeting, designed to solve only the most important issues that arise before SSAU. In fact, the conference meets rarely and only in cases of extreme necessity. In fact, the administration of the university is carried out by the administration and the academic council.


  • Vice-rector for Academic Affairs - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Fedor Vasilyevich Grechnikov. Authorized to direct the entire educational work of the university and everything that is directly related to it.
  • Vice-rector for educational and international activities - Doctor of Economics, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Bogatyryov. Supervises the organization of the educational process, international activities and extracurricular work of students, including cultural, sports and social and psychological work.
  • Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Andrey Bronislavovich Prokofiev. Manages the scientific activities of employees and students of the university, and also organizes the participation of SSAU in all kinds of scientific competitions and conferences.
  • Vice-rector for the formation and employment of the contingent - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergey Viktorovich Lukachev. She is engaged in attracting funds for the development of the university, helping in the employment of graduates, as well as everything related to the commercialization of education.
  • Vice-rector for general issues - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Grigoriev. In addition to many general responsibilities, it must ensure the proper level of protection of the information and material base of the university.
  • Vice-rector for administrative work - Dmitry Sergeevich Ustinov. Supervises the economic base of SSAU, including repair work, provision of water, heat and electricity, etc.
  • Vice-Rector for Informatization - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Venedikt Stepanovich Kuzmichyov. Responsible for providing SSAU with computers and office equipment, replenishing the scientific and technical library and organizing meetings of the Academic Council.

The Academic Council is an elected representative body that exercises general management of the university. He is elected by the university conference for 3 years. It necessarily includes the entire administration, all other members are elected by secret ballot, but the total composition of the Academic Council should not exceed 84 people. In general, usually, the academic council also includes deans of all faculties and heads of all departments (or at least most of them). The Academic Council of the University is authorized to:

  • Annually listen to the rector's report on the university's activities and make decisions on the further organization of its work
  • Consider the main issues of economic and social development university
  • Solve questions about the creation and abolition of structural divisions of the university
  • Apply with a petition to the founder to create branches of the university
  • To elect heads of departments
  • Consider the issues of submission to the academic titles of professor and associate professor
  • To confer the title of "Honorary Doctor of SSAU", the academic title of senior researcher
  • Approve the procedure for awarding scholarships to students
  • Transfer part of their powers to the academic councils of the faculties
  • Establish a teaching load for various categories of teachers of departments of various profiles
  • Submit amendments and additions to the charter for consideration of the university conference
  • To approve the work plan of the Academic Council for the academic year
  • Recommend candidates for admission to doctoral studies

and some others

Educational structures

The educational part of SSAU is subdivided into faculties, each of which prepares students for a certain set of specialties, and each of which has several departments. Each faculty is managed by its dean's office, headed, in turn, by the dean of the faculty; the departments are headed by the heads of the departments. The peculiarity of the name of faculties is the fact that when designating a faculty, its number according to the chronological order of education is often used, rather than its name.

SSAU provides training in three forms: full-time, part-time and part-time. For the latter, a separate faculty has been created, which is described. Full-time training involves the maximum number of classroom lessons, both lecture and practical. It provides the most complete and quality education. The main feature of this form of education is the fact that the vast majority of students enrolled in it are trained on a budgetary basis, that is, they do not pay any fees for education. Classroom lessons in full-time and part-time education are held in the evening, and there are significantly fewer of them than in full-time. In this case, the student is forced to master most of the material on his own, but, nevertheless, it may be convenient for students working at an enterprise or receiving education at several universities.

For people who have already received higher education, the university has postgraduate and doctoral studies that train scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the person of candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences at the expense of budgetary funds on a full-time basis.

Aircraft Faculty (No. 1)

The first faculty has existed since the formation of the university, therefore it is considered a classic and preserving the traditions of education. It focuses on mathematical and software modeling of various real systems, including aircraft designs. Dean of the Faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Stupid schmuck


  • Aerohydrodynamics
  • Flight dynamics and control systems
  • Aircraft design and design
  • Aircraft manufacturing and quality management in mechanical engineering
  • Aircraft strength

Specialties and directions

  • Mechanics. Applied math
  • Aircraft and helicopter construction
  • Rocketry
  • Spacecraft and Upper Stage
  • Automated product lifecycle management
  • Computer quality management systems for automated production
  • Quality control
  • Modeling and research of operations in organizational and technical systems
  • Dynamics and strength of machines

Aircraft Engines Faculty (No. 2)

The second faculty, like the first, has existed since the foundation of the university and has preserved the traditions of classical education. In general, the main educational work is similar to the first faculty, but the emphasis is placed on computer modeling of complex technical systems, such as rocket and aircraft engines, using modern software for such modeling. Dean of the Faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Member of Dissertation Councils, Scientific Director of the Laboratory "Vibration Strength and Reliability of Vibration Isolators" - Ermakov Alexander Ivanovich.


  • Automatic systems of power plants
  • Engineering graphics
  • Construction and design of aircraft engines
  • Mechanical processing of materials
  • Aircraft engine manufacturing
  • Aircraft engine theory
  • Heat engineering and heat engines

Specialties and directions

  • Economics and Enterprise Management
  • Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumatic automation
  • Aircraft engines and power plants
  • Laser systems in rocketry and astronautics

Faculty of Air Transport Engineers (No. 3)

The third faculty appeared a little later than its predecessors in 1949 and has graduated more than three thousand specialists since then. In general, it produces specialists in the technical operation of aircraft, and not in their design, which, by and large, is no less important. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Tikhonov.


  • Fundamentals of Machine Design
  • Organization of transport management
  • Operation of aviation equipment
  • Physical education

Specialties and directions

  • Technical operation of aircraft and engines
  • Technical operation of aviation electrical systems and flight and navigation complexes
  • Organization of transportation and transport management

Engineering and Technology Faculty (No. 4)

The fourth faculty was opened in 1958 and was originally called the Faculty of Metal Forming. It focuses on studying the behavior of metals and their deformation. The faculty monitors the development of computer technology and teaches students only modern software for modeling. The dean of the faculty is a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Mikhail Viktorovich Hardin.


  • Metal Technology and Aviation Materials Science
  • Publishing and book distribution
  • Technology of printing machines

Specialties and directions

  • Metal forming
  • Machines and technology for metal forming

Radio Engineering Faculty (No. 5)

The fifth faculty was formed in 1962 from a series of courses in radio engineering taught at the first faculty. The faculty has already trained more than five thousand specialists during its existence and is one of the most prestigious faculties of SSAU. A feature of the faculty is the training of students in science-intensive specialties related to mathematical and software modeling. electrical circuits and other complex radio parts, as well as training in direct work with these parts. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Ilya Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev.


  • Design and production of radio electronic equipment
  • Electronic systems and devices
  • Radio engineering and medical diagnostic systems
  • Radio engineering devices
  • Nanoengineering

Specialties and directions

  • 210400.62 Radio engineering (bachelor's degree, 4 years of study)
  • 210400.68 Radio engineering (master's degree, duration of study 2 years.)
  • 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes (specialty training term 5.5 years)
  • 200500.62 Laser technology laser technology (bachelor's degree, 4 years of study)
  • 201000.62 Biotechnical systems and technologies (bachelor's degree course 4y.)
  • 201000.68 Biotechnical systems and technologies (Master's degree course of study 2 years)
  • 211000.62 Design and technology of radio-electronic means (bachelor's degree, 4 years of study)
  • 211000.68 Design and technology of radio-electronic means (Master's degree, duration of study 2 years.)
  • 210100.62 Electronics and nanoelectronics (bachelor's degree, 4 years of study)
  • 220700.62 Automation technological processes and industries (bachelor's degree, training period 4g.)

Faculty of Informatics (No. 6)

The sixth faculty appeared in 1975 from the corresponding department at the fifth faculty and until 1992 was called the Faculty of Systems Engineering. The faculty is rightfully considered the most prestigious in SSAU, which can be noted, for example, based on the general competition, which in 2008 amounted to 2 people per place, or from the total number of total USE scores among applicants. At the sixth faculty, special attention is paid to information technology and students receive in-depth knowledge of programming, mathematics and modeling, which helps them in successful employment. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Eduard Ivanovich Kolomiets.


  • Geoinformatics and information security (GIIIB)
  • Information systems and technologies (head of the department - Doctor of Technical Sciences Prokhorov S.A. - from 1989 to 2005 served as Dean of the Faculty of Informatics]
  • Computer systems
  • Applied math
  • Software systems
  • Technical cybernetics

Specialties and directions

  • Information Technology
  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Applied Mathematics and Physics
  • Comprehensive information security of automated systems
  • Automated information processing and control systems
  • Automated control systems

Faculty of Economics and Management (No. 7)

The seventh faculty received its status in 1995. Prior to that, it has existed since 1993 as a college. The faculty is designed to train qualified economists and managers. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Oleg Valerievich Pavlov.


  • Finance and credit
  • Mathematical Methods in Economics
  • Organization of production
  • Social systems and law
  • Ecology and life safety


  • 080111.65 Marketing (qualification marketer)
  • 080116.65 Mathematical methods in economics (qualification economist-mathematician)
  • 080507.65 Organization management (qualification manager)
  • 080105.65 Finance and credit (qualification economist)


  • 080100.62 Economics (qualification Bachelor of Economics)
  • 080500.62 Management (qualification Bachelor of Management)
  • 080500.68 Management (qualification Master of Management)

Institute of Printing

The Press Institute became part of SSAU in 2005 as a result of the reorganization of the Samara branch of the Moscow state university print. Over the past period, the educational and laboratory base of the institute has expanded, its teaching staff has been replenished. Students of the Institute of Printing master their future profession using the latest publishing technologies and modern printing equipment. The printing institute is unique. This is the only polygraphic university in the Volga region, which offers a full range of specialties for the publishing, advertising business and the printing industry. All specialties have state accreditation... Over the years, the Institute of Printing has trained hundreds of editors, publishing managers, printing technologists and designers for leading publishing houses and printing houses not only in the Volga region, but in Russia as a whole. Partnerships with domestic and foreign printing enterprises and publishing structures are actively developing. Director of the Institute of Printing - Aleksandr Anatolyevich Nechitailo, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Full Member of the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation, Academic Advisor Russian Academy cosmonautics them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, member of the Academic Council of SSAU.


  • Publishing and book distribution
  • Technologies and machines for printing production


  • 030101.65 Publishing and editing
  • 030903.65 Book distribution
  • 261201.65 Technology of printing production
  • 261202.65 Technology of packaging production


  • 035000.62 Publishing
  • 261700 Technology of printing and packaging production

Faculty of Distance Learning

SSAU began to conduct distance learning of specialists in 1999, and already in 2000, due to the increase in the number of students wishing to receive higher education at SSAU by correspondence, a faculty was created for this. It trains specialists in the most popular specialties and areas that already exist at other faculties. The main advantage of the faculty is the absence of classroom studies, which can be very beneficial for students who are already closely engaged in work or study at another university. Sometimes faculty distance learning still called the ninth house, although this is not officially accepted. Dean of the Faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valery Dmitrievich Yelenev.

Faculty of pre-university training

Faculty pre-university training was founded in 1990 to work, first of all, with actual or potential applicants of SSAU. He is conducting preparatory courses, testing and subject Olympiads, which should attract the most prepared Samara youth to SSAU. Dean of the faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Aleksandrovich Izzheurov.

Departments of the general humanitarian profile

Some of the departments of SSAU are not accepted to be attributed to any faculty. These departments provide training in their disciplines to students of all faculties.

  • Military department

Branch in Togliatti

Scientific activity

Scientific research has been carried out at SSAU since its inception, and the status of a university was not unexpected. The scientific subdivisions of SSAU are developed no worse than the educational ones and are functioning in full force. In them, all the same teachers with initiative students are engaged in research and development. Moreover, in almost every specialty a student, in one way or another, has to engage in scientific work, since this is included in the educational program.

Main scientific directions

Main directions scientific activities SSAU were approved at a meeting of the University Academic Council on September 24, 1999:

  • Aerodynamics, flight dynamics, design and manufacturing technology of aviation and space aircraft
  • Aircraft design, on-board systems and equipment.
  • Theoretical and experimental studies of aircraft engines.
  • Modeling and design in engine building.
  • Internal combustion engines.
  • Special materials for engine building.
  • Production technology, systems, components and assemblies of engines.
  • Manufacturing technology of machine parts and assemblies.
  • Laser technology. Electron-ion-plasma technologies.
  • Pressing, sintering and stamping of products from powder materials.
  • Surface treatment by plastic deformation.
  • Mathematical and cybernetic methods in mechanical engineering.
  • Protection against noise, vibration, electric and magnetic fields and radiation.
  • Complex and special sections of mechanics.
  • Nodes, parts and elements of electronic equipment.
  • Inorganic catalysts.
  • Medical devices and measuring systems.
  • Bioelectronic and mechanical systems stimulation of human organs and tissues.
  • Image processing and computer optics.
  • Computer networks, telecommunication systems, information systems.

Scientific departments

At SSAU, there are several types of structural units engaged in research and development.

Student design bureaus

Initiative students can take part in the production of highly demanded science-intensive products, usually related to aerospace technologies or radio electronics, in special design bureaus. There are only 4 of them in SSAU:

  • Aircraft model student design bureau
  • Student Aircraft Design Bureau
  • Student Design Bureau of the Department of Theory of Aircraft Engines
  • Student design bureau of the radio engineering faculty

Scientific research institutes and laboratories

At SSAU, 5 scientific research institutes were organized:

  • Research Institute of Acoustics of Machines
  • Research Institute of Aviation Structures
  • Research Institute of Instrumentation
  • Research Institute of Technologies and Quality Problems
  • Research Institute of System Design

In addition, there are more than two dozen research laboratories, some of which are called industry laboratories, and one has a special status. This is an interdepartmental rapid prototyping laboratory.

Scientific centers

Research centers are, for the most part, highly developed research institutions. Although there are scientific centersspecially organized for this status. SSAU includes the following research centers:

  • Scientific Center for Mathematical Modeling of Oil Production Processes
  • Research Center for Space Energy
  • UNICON Testing Center for certification tests in the declared scope of accreditation
  • SSAU Innovation Center
  • Samara Regional Center for Informatization in Education and Science
  • Regional center of new information technologies
  • Center for targeted contract training and employment of specialists

Science and Technology Park "Aviatekhnokon"

Science and Technology Park Aviatekhnokon is a division founded in 2004 in order to provide as much full use scientific potential of SSAU and interested organizations. He provides the following services:

  • Expertise of innovative projects and scientific and technical developments
  • Search for consumers for scientific and technical development
  • Investor search
  • Information Services
  • Assistance in organizing R&D
  • Assistance in organizing production
  • Assistance in organizing the sale of finished products
  • Project development
  • Representation of interests in negotiations and at the conclusion of contracts

Scientific and technical center "Science"

STC "Science" was founded in May 1987 by order of the Minister of General Machine Building and the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education and is not officially a structural unit of SSAU. He coordinates the efforts of all universities in the Volga region aimed at space research and carries out various research and engineering work. The staff of the Scientific and Technical Center “Science” are developing more and more new models of spacecraft and are making attempts to assemble and launch them.

Basic research

Some researches of STC "Science" are of a very fundamental nature:

  • Study of physical effects at the interface between two media
  • Drivers in nature and technology
  • SETI problem and general theory of evolution
Applied research

However, most of the research activities of the Scientific and Technical Center "Science" are aimed at solving quite applied problems:

  • Engineering and applied research
  • Development of means for testing materials in outer space
  • Technical means for testing materials in ground conditions
  • Experimental and test equipment for ground-based testing of systems and elements of spacecraft
  • Development of advanced on-board devices and elements
  • Sensors and measuring systems
  • Computer-aided design of spacecraft and their systems by means of computer technology

Conferences, competitions and grants

As it develops, SSAU holds more and more conferences, in which both full-time researchers of the university and students who have shown initiative can take part. Most of the conferences are devoted to the problems of aviation and astronautics, although the topic can be any other, for example, development higher education in Russia or high technology in modern science fiction literature. The main goals of the SSAU scientific conferences are to generate interest in scientific research among the younger generation of students and postgraduates, as well as to exchange experience among professional research scientists.

In addition, SSAU holds a lot of competitions, both educational and scientific, according to the results of which grants are usually awarded to the winners. Competitions can be held both among students (for example, "Potanin Competition") and among teachers (for example, "Competition for young teachers and researchers of SSAU"). The competitions are designed to increase the urge to study among students and to scientific activity among university teachers.

Scientific results

The scientific activity of SSAU has very high results. Only in the period from to. 123 candidates of sciences and 34 doctors of sciences were trained. During this period, university students received 97 awards in the All-Russian open competition for the best student scientific work. During these 5 years, the staff of the university received 163 patents, of which 21 patents were obtained jointly with students; 36 scientific conferences were held, among which there were 11 All-Russian and 9 international. The volume of scientific work carried out with the help of the research part of the university in 2004 amounted to 67.1 million rubles.

Public organizations

In SSAU there are the following public organizations: -, - trade union organization of employees, - "Veteran SSAU", - SSAU Board of Trustees.

Leisure and entertainment

SSAU cares not only about the education and scientific training of students, but also about the organization of their leisure. Plans for such an organization are usually developed by university staff, although they are often student initiatives. At SSAU, on the basis of the rector's regulations, various student clubs function, such as the IT-club "ASIS" or the club of intellectual games, which provide students with a lot of alternative ways to spend their free time in accordance with their own preferences.

Several sports teams in various sports train at the university. They regularly successfully participate in various competitions, for example, in interuniversity sports competitions.

The university has an equipped assembly hall, which annually hosts several variety performances and festivals, such as "Student Spring" and "Student Autumn". Student theaters of variety miniatures, as well as independent performers and groups, take part in the performances.

Thanks to the extensive computer network, not the last place in the list of possible leisure activities is occupied by the students' hobby for computer online games, for example, the famous Counter-Strike, which even hosts local championships among students. The hallway of one of the hostels serves as the auditorium and game halls during such championships.

Game club "Beyond the Boundary"

"A person plays only when he is in full meaning words are a man, and he is completely human only when he plays. "That is why in 2010 the Game-Technical Club" Beyond the Boundary "appeared in SSAU. During its existence, the club has developed and successfully organized many games of various genres and directions. In 2011 year the club received a grant from the V. Potanin Foundation to conduct a game-technical camp for students of SSAU.

Yacht club "Aist"

Many students and employees of SSAU are known for their passion for sailing. It began to be expressed soon after the creation of the university - in the 50s of the XX century. The sailing section is one of the oldest in the faculty. It was formed back in 1972, and since then it has been led by its founder - a coach of the highest category, judge of the republican category, Olympic measurer, yacht captain, twice master of sports Mikhail Vasilyevich Koltsov. At present, the sailing section has been renamed into the Aist Yacht Club. During the existence of the section, the university trained 114 athletes of the first category, 69 candidates for master of sports and 10 masters of sports. Members of the yacht club regularly take part in sailing regattas of various levels.

Art song club

A strong influence on the popularity of the author's song at the university is the fact that it was there that the tragically deceased bard Valery Grushin studied there in the 60s of the XX century.

Speleosection SSAU

SSAU Academic Choir

The SSAU Academic Choir was created in the fall of 1961. Since then, Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Oshchepkov has been its permanent leader. Over the years of its existence, the choir has repeatedly become a laureate of various festivals and competitions. The geography of concert performances includes many cities, including Riga, Vienna, Minsk, St. Petersburg ... The choir's repertoire includes both classical works (by composers such as Mozart, Cherubini, Schubert ..) and works by contemporary authors. The choir also performs Russian sacred music and folk songs.

Samara National research university named after academician S.P. Koroleva trains specialists for the rocket and space, aviation, radio-electronic, metallurgical, automotive, infocommunication and other industries.

Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev was founded in 1942 as the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (KuAI) with the aim of training engineers for the aviation industry. In 1967, KuAI was named after academician S.P. Korolev, and in 1992, in the year of its 50th anniversary, the institute was renamed into the Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev.

In 2015, Samara State University was joined to SSAU, and on April 6, 2016 it was renamed into the Federal State Autonomous educational institution Higher Education Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Queen". Samara University is a recognized leader in innovative federal and regional projects.

The University has 57 practice bases at specialized and non-core enterprises of the region and the country, such as JSC Metallist-Samara, GNP RCC TsSKB-PROGRESS, JSC Aviadvigatel, FSUE NII Ekran, FSUE MMPP Salyut, JSC Raid-Service ”, Volga-Dnepr Airlines (Ulyanovsk), NPO Saturn (Rybinsk), Samara Metallurgical Plant OJSC, etc.

Every year over 30 students of Samara University are recipients of industry (target) scholarships of enterprises. The scholarship sponsors of the university are traditionally OJSC Kuznetsov, OJSC Metallist-Samara, OJSC Samara Metallurgical Plant, representative offices and joint ventures of Boeing.

Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, founded in 1942, for 75 years has become the country's leading national research university, which is actively fighting to become one of the best research and educational centers in the world.

The history of the university is inextricably linked with development vocational education, domestic science and technology, with the training of highly qualified personnel for aviation, astronautics and other high-tech sectors of the national economy.

After the Samara State University joined SSAU, the technical profile of the university was diversified due to natural science, humanitarian and socio-economic areas.

Samara University has a unique training system - through science and practice, training is underway for 300 educational programs, international cooperation is developing successfully: more than 700 foreign students from 60 countries of the world; major scientific projects are being implemented.

The anniversary is an opportunity to take stock and outline a strategy for further development, re-read every page of the 75-year history of the university and feel respect for the achievements of our predecessors.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to the veterans, teachers and staff, whose knowledge, skill and selfless dedication made the university a source of personnel for the country; students and graduate students who, with their success in studies, science, social life and sports, contribute to the development of the university and a worthy continuation of the good traditions of the alma mater.

SSAU includes 5 institutes, 9 faculties, more than fifty departments, a branch in the city of Togliatti and a representative office in Novokuibyshevsk. It also includes the Samara International Aerospace Lyceum, the Physics and Mathematics School and the Aviation Transport College. SSAU contains an extensive scientific and technical library and two scientific and educational centers: the scientific and educational center "Mathematical foundations of diffractive optics and image processing" and the Samara innovation and research center for the development and research of magnetic pulse technologies. Among the scientific departments there are 4 student design bureaus, 5, more than two dozen research laboratories, the Aviatekhnokon Science and Technology Park and the Science and Technology Center. In addition, there is the Museum of Aviation and Astronautics, the Center for the History of Aircraft Engines and a training airfield.

At the same time, more than ten thousand students are simultaneously receiving higher education at SSAU, of which more than seven thousand study full-time. Students are taught by more than seven hundred teachers, of which more than three hundred associate professors and more than a hundred professors. The area of \u200b\u200bSSAU is more than a hundred thousand square meters, of which more than thirty thousand are used for training.


Kuibyshev Aviation Institute ( KuAI) was formed in accordance with the order of the All-Union Committee for Higher Education under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR to provide the military industry with aircraft designers in 1942 as part of the MAI faculties evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. The tradition to name faculties primarily by numbers came from there. The first classes within the walls of the new institute began in October 1942. From the moment of its establishment to November 1942, the Institute was headed by Professor A. M. Soifer.

Russia, Kuibyshev, KuAI, 1942

After the departure of Professor V.P. Lukachev in 1988, the future academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Pavlovich Shorin became the new rector of KuAI, but already in 1990 he was replaced by the current rector of SSAU, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Aleksandrovich Soifer. On December 25, 1991, the city of Kuibyshev was renamed Samara, as in its historical name, in connection with which the institute itself was renamed. It received the name Samara Aviation Institute, but already on September 23, 1992, it received the status of a university and since then has its current name.

SSAU graduates are rightfully considered the most versatile and ready for management work, which is confirmed by the fact that the leadership of Samara and the region has more than 80% of the graduates of this university.

Russia, Samara, SSAU, 2009

Administrative structures

Like many other universities, SSAU is directly controlled by the rector and his assistants in certain areas - vice-rectors, who together make up the supreme governing body - the rectorate. At the same time, all the most important issues related to the strategy for the further development of the university are decided by an elected representative body - the Academic Council.

The relations between all employees and students of SSAU are regulated by the Charter of SSAU. According to the charter, the highest governing body of the university is the University Conference. This is a general university meeting, designed to solve only the most important issues that arise before SSAU. In fact, the conference meets rarely and only in cases of extreme necessity. In fact, the administration of the university is carried out by the administration and the academic council.


  • Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Fedor Vasilyevich Grechnikov. Authorized to direct the entire educational work of the university and everything that is directly related to it.
  • Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Gennady Alekseevich Reznichenko. Supervises the organization of any kind of cultural events, as well as the general educational work of the university.
  • Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Vladimirovich Shakhmatov. Manages the scientific activities of employees and students of the university, and also organizes the participation of SSAU in all kinds of scientific competitions and conferences.
  • Vice-rector for the formation and employment of the contingent - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergey Viktorovich Lukachev. Engaged in raising funds for the development of the university, helping in the employment of graduates, as well as everything related to the commercialization of education.
  • Vice-rector for general affairs - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Grigoriev. In addition to many general responsibilities, it must ensure the proper level of protection of the information and material base of the university.
  • Vice-rector for administrative work - Dmitry Sergeevich Ustinov. Supervises the economic base of SSAU, including repair work, provision of water, heat and electricity, etc.
  • Vice-rector for capital construction - Vadim Nikolaevich Kuyukov. Supervises the capital construction of new buildings and other buildings of the university.
  • Vice-Rector for Informatization - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Venedikt Stepanovich Kuzmichyov. Responsible for providing SSAU with computers and office equipment, replenishing the scientific and technical library and organizing meetings of the Academic Council.

The Academic Council is an elected representative body that exercises general management of the university. He is elected by the university conference for 3 years. It necessarily includes the entire administration, all other members are elected by secret ballot, but the total composition of the Academic Council should not exceed 84 people. In general, usually, the academic council also includes deans of all faculties and heads of all departments (or at least most of them). The Academic Council of the University is authorized to:

  • Annually listen to the rector's report on the university's activities and make decisions on the further organization of its work
  • Consider the main issues of the economic and social development of the university
  • Solve questions about the creation and abolition of structural divisions of the university
  • Apply with a petition to the founder to create branches of the university
  • To elect heads of departments
  • Consider the issues of submission to the academic titles of professor and associate professor
  • To confer the title of "Honorary Doctor of SSAU", the academic title of senior researcher
  • Approve the procedure for awarding scholarships to students
  • Transfer part of their powers to academic councils of faculties
  • Establish a teaching load for various categories of teachers of departments of various profiles
  • Submit amendments and additions to the charter for consideration of the university conference
  • To approve the work plan of the Academic Council for the academic year
  • Recommend candidates for admission to doctoral studies

and some others

Educational structures

The educational part of SSAU is subdivided into faculties, each of which prepares students for a certain set of specialties, and each of which has several departments. Each faculty is managed by its dean's office, headed, in turn, by the dean of the faculty; the departments are headed by the heads of the departments. The peculiarity of the name of faculties is the fact that when designating a faculty, its number according to the chronological order of education is often used, rather than its name.

SSAU provides training in three forms: full-time, part-time and part-time. For the latter, a separate faculty has been created, which is described. Full-time training involves the maximum number of classroom lessons, both lecture and practical. It provides the most complete and quality education. The main feature of this form of education is the fact that the vast majority of students enrolled in it are trained on a budgetary basis, that is, they do not pay any fees for education. Classroom lessons in full-time and part-time education are held in the evening, and there are significantly fewer of them than in full-time. In this case, the student is forced to master most of the material on his own, but, nevertheless, it may be convenient for students working at an enterprise or receiving education at several universities.

For people who have already received higher education, the university has postgraduate and doctoral studies that train scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the person of candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences at the expense of budgetary funds on a full-time basis.

Aircraft Faculty (No. 1)

The first faculty has existed since the formation of the university, therefore it is considered a classic and preserving the traditions of education. It focuses on mathematical and software modeling of various real systems, including aircraft designs. Dean of the faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viktor Kuzmich Moiseev (until 1.12.2008).


  • Aerohydrodynamics
  • Flight dynamics and control systems
  • Aircraft design and design
  • Aircraft manufacturing and quality management in mechanical engineering
  • Aircraft strength

Specialties and directions

  • Mechanics. Applied math
  • Aircraft and helicopter construction
  • Rocketry
  • Spacecraft and Upper Stage
  • Automated product lifecycle management
  • Computer quality management systems for automated production
  • Quality control
  • Modeling and research of operations in organizational and technical systems
  • Dynamics and strength of machines

Aircraft Engines Faculty (No. 2)

The second faculty, like the first, has existed since the foundation of the university and has preserved the traditions of classical education. In general, the main educational work is similar to the first faculty, but the emphasis is placed on computer modeling of complex technical systems, such as rocket and aircraft engines, using modern software for such modeling. Dean of the faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Ivanovich Ermakov.


  • Automatic systems of power plants
  • Engineering graphics
  • Construction and design of aircraft engines
  • Mechanical processing of materials
  • Aircraft engine manufacturing
  • Aircraft engine theory
  • Heat engineering and heat engines

Specialties and directions

  • Economics and Enterprise Management
  • Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumatic automation
  • Aircraft engines and power plants
  • Laser systems in rocketry and astronautics

Faculty of Air Transport Engineers (No. 3)

The third faculty appeared a little later than its predecessors in 1949 and has graduated more than three thousand specialists since then. In general, it produces specialists in the technical operation of aircraft, and not in their design, which, by and large, is no less important. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Tikhonov.


  • Fundamentals of Machine Design
  • Organization of transport management
  • Operation of aviation equipment
  • Physical education

Specialties and directions

  • Technical operation of aircraft and engines
  • Technical operation of aviation electrical systems and flight and navigation complexes
  • Organization of transportation and transport management

Engineering and Technology Faculty (No. 4)

The fourth faculty was opened in 1958 and was originally called the Faculty of Metal Forming. It focuses on the study of the behavior of metals and their deformation. The faculty monitors the development of computer technology and teaches students only modern software for modeling. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhail Viktorovich Hardin.


  • Metal Technology and Aviation Materials Science
  • Publishing and book distribution
  • Technology of printing machines

Specialties and directions

  • Metal forming
  • Machines and technology for metal forming

Radio Engineering Faculty (No. 5)

The fifth faculty was formed in 1962 from a series of courses in radio engineering taught at the first faculty. The faculty has already trained more than five thousand specialists during its existence and is one of the most prestigious faculties of SSAU. A feature of the faculty is the training of students in science-intensive specialties related to mathematical and software modeling of electrical circuits and other complex radio components, as well as training in direct work with these details. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Ilya Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev.


  • Design and production of radio electronic equipment
  • Radio engineering and medical diagnostic systems
  • Radio engineering devices

Specialties and directions

  • Biotechnical and medical devices and systems
  • Design and technology of radio electronic means
  • Radio engineering

Faculty of Informatics (No. 6)

The sixth faculty appeared in 1975 from the corresponding department at the fifth faculty and until 1992 was called the Faculty of Systems Engineering. The faculty is rightfully considered the most prestigious in SSAU, which can be noted, for example, based on the general competition, which in 2008 amounted to 2 people per place, or from the total number of total USE scores among applicants. At the sixth faculty, special attention is paid to information technology and students receive extremely deep knowledge of programming, mathematics and modeling, which helps them in successful employment. Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Eduard Ivanovich Kolomiets.


  • Information systems and technologies
  • Computer systems
  • Applied math
  • Software systems
  • Technical cybernetics

Specialties and directions

  • Information Technology
  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Applied Mathematics and Physics
  • Comprehensive information security of automated systems
  • Automated information processing and control systems

Faculty of Economics and Management (No. 7)

The seventh faculty received its status in 1995. Before that, it has existed since 1993 as a college. The faculty is designed to train qualified economists and managers. The dean of the faculty is Doctor of Economics, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Bogatyrev.


  • Finance and credit
  • Mathematical Methods in Economics
  • Organization of production
  • Social systems and law
  • Ecology and life safety


  • 080111.65 Marketing (qualification marketer)
  • 080116.65 Mathematical methods in economics (qualification economist-mathematician)
  • 080507.65 Organization management (qualification manager)
  • 080105.65 Finance and credit (qualification economist)


  • 080100.62 Economics (qualification Bachelor of Economics)
  • 080500.62 Management (qualification Bachelor of Management)
  • 080500.68 Management (qualification Master of Management)

Faculty of Distance Learning

SSAU began to conduct distance learning of specialists in 1999, and already in 2000, due to the increase in the number of students wishing to receive higher education at SSAU by correspondence, a faculty was created for this. It trains specialists in the most demanded specialties and areas that already exist at other faculties. The main advantage of the faculty is the absence of classroom studies, which can be very beneficial for students who are already closely engaged in work or study at another university. Sometimes the faculty of distance learning is still called the eighth faculty, although this is not officially accepted. Dean of the faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valery Dmitrievich Yelenev.

Faculty of pre-university training

The faculty of pre-university training was founded in 1990 to work, first of all, with actual or potential applicants of SSAU. He conducts preparatory courses, tests and subject Olympiads, which should attract the most prepared Samara youth to SSAU. Dean of the faculty - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Aleksandrovich Izzheurov.

General humanities departments

Some of the departments of SSAU are not accepted to be attributed to any faculty. These departments provide training in their disciplines to students of all faculties.

  • Military department

Scientific activity

Scientific research has been carried out at SSAU since its inception, and the status of a university was not unexpected. The scientific subdivisions of SSAU are developed no worse than the educational ones and are functioning in full force. In them, all the same teachers with initiative students are engaged in research and development. Moreover, in almost every specialty a student, in one way or another, has to engage in scientific work, since this is included in the educational program.

Main scientific directions

The main directions of scientific activity of SSAU were approved at a meeting of the University Academic Council on September 24, 1999:

  • Aerodynamics, flight dynamics, design and manufacturing technology of aviation and space aircraft
  • Aircraft design, on-board systems and equipment.
  • Theoretical and experimental studies of aircraft engines.
  • Modeling and design in engine building.
  • Internal combustion engines.
  • Special materials for engine building.
  • Production technology, systems, components and assemblies of engines.
  • Manufacturing technology of machine parts and assemblies.
  • Laser technology. Electron-ion-plasma technologies.
  • Pressing, sintering and stamping of products from powder materials.
  • Surface treatment by plastic deformation.
  • Mathematical and cybernetic methods in mechanical engineering.
  • Protection against noise, vibration, electric and magnetic fields and radiation.
  • Complex and special sections of mechanics.
  • Nodes, parts and elements of electronic equipment.
  • Inorganic catalysts.
  • Medical devices and measuring systems.
  • Bioelectronic and mechanical systems for stimulation of human organs and tissues.
  • Image processing and computer optics.
  • Computer networks, telecommunication systems, information systems.

Scientific departments

At SSAU, there are several types of structural units engaged in research and development.

Student design bureaus

Initiative students can take part in the production of highly demanded science-intensive products, usually related to aerospace technologies or radio electronics, in special design bureaus. There are only 4 of them in SSAU:

  • Aircraft model student design bureau
  • Student Aircraft Design Bureau
  • Student Design Bureau of the Department of Theory of Aircraft Engines
  • Student Design Bureau of the Department of Design and Production of Radioelectronic Means

Scientific research institutes and laboratories

At SSAU, 5 scientific research institutes were organized:

  • Research Institute of Acoustics of Machines
  • Research Institute of Aviation Structures
  • Research Institute of Instrumentation
  • Research Institute of Technologies and Quality Problems
  • Research Institute of System Design

In addition, there are more than two dozen research laboratories, some of which are called industry laboratories, and one has a special status. This is an interdepartmental rapid prototyping laboratory.

Scientific centers

Research centers are, for the most part, highly developed research institutions. Although there are scientific centers specially organized for this status. SSAU includes the following research centers:

  • Scientific Center for Mathematical Modeling of Oil Production Processes
  • Research Center for Space Energy
  • UNICON Testing Center for certification tests in the declared scope of accreditation
  • SSAU Innovation Center
  • Samara Regional Center for Informatization in Education and Science
  • Regional center of new information technologies
  • Center for targeted contract training and employment of specialists

Science and Technology Park "Aviatekhnokon"

Science and Technology Park "Aviatekhnokon" is a unit founded in 2004 in order to ensure the fullest possible use of the scientific potential of SSAU and interested organizations. He provides the following services:

  • Expertise of innovative projects and scientific and technical developments
  • Search for consumers for scientific and technical development
  • Investor search
  • Information Services
  • Assistance in organizing R&D
  • Assistance in organizing production
  • Assistance in organizing the sale of finished products
  • Project development
  • Representation of interests in negotiations and at the conclusion of contracts

Scientific and technical center "Science"

STC "Science" was founded in May 1987 by order of the Minister of General Machine Building and the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education and is not officially a structural unit of SSAU. He coordinates the efforts of all universities in the Volga region aimed at space research and carries out various research and engineering work. The staff of the Scientific and Technical Center “Science” are developing more and more new models of spacecraft and are making attempts to assemble and launch them.

Basic research

Some researches of STC "Science" are of a very fundamental nature:

  • Study of physical effects at the interface between two media
  • Acoustoelectric effect
  • Drivers in nature and technology
  • Problem theory of evolution
Applied research

However, most of the research activities of the Scientific and Technical Center "Science" are aimed at solving quite applied problems:

  • Engineering and applied research
  • Development of means for testing materials in outer space
  • Technical means for testing materials in ground conditions
  • Experimental and test equipment for ground-based testing of systems and elements of spacecraft
  • Development of advanced on-board devices and elements
  • Sensors and measuring systems
  • Computer-aided design of spacecraft and their systems by means of computer technology

Conferences, competitions and grants

As it develops, SSAU holds more and more conferences, in which both full-time researchers of the university and students who have shown initiative can take part. Most of the conferences are devoted to the problems of aviation and astronautics, although the topic can be any other, for example, the development of higher education in Russia or high technologies in modern science fiction literature. The main goals of the SSAU scientific conferences are to generate interest in scientific research among the younger generation of students and postgraduates, as well as to exchange experience among professional research scientists.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev ”was founded in 1942 as the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (KuAI) with the aim of training engineers for the aviation industry. In 1967, KuAI was named after academician S.P. Korolev, and in 1992, in the year of its 50th anniversary, the institute was renamed into the Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev.

Samara University trains specialists for the rocket and space, aviation, radio-electronic, metallurgical, automotive, infocommunication and other industries in full-time, part-time (evening) and extramural forms training in 320 educational programs. Upon graduation from the university, a state diploma is issued with the assignment of qualifications: specialist, bachelor, master.

Students liable for military service enrolled in full-time education are provided with a deferral from military service, as well as the opportunity to take a course on military department according to training programs for officers, sergeants and reserve soldiers.

As part of the university:

  • institutes: aviation technology; engines and power plants; rocket and space technology; economics and Management; computer science, mathematics and electronics; social and humanitarian; natural science; additional education;
  • faculties: electronics and instrumentation; informatics; mathematics; chemical; physical; biological; historical; philology and journalism; sociological; psychological; legal; basic training and basic sciences; pre-university training;
  • 88 departments;
  • library with a book fund of more than 2.3 million copies. and electronic resources;
  • research institutes (SRI): acoustics of machines, aircraft structures; space instrumentation; space engineering; technology and quality problems; production innovative technologies; system design; information systems; modeling and control problems; social technologies; advanced aircraft engines;
  • Samara Aviation College;
  • 64 research laboratories and groups;
  • 56 scientific, educational and research centers;
  • 6 centers for collective use;
  • training aerodrome;
  • botanical Garden;
  • the Center for the History of Aircraft Engines named after N.D. Kuznetsov (TsIAD), which is an educational, scientific and technical center included in the All-Russian Register of Museums. The world's largest collection of domestic aviation gas turbine engines is collected here, and a bank of realized engineering experience in the field of aviation gas turbine engine building has been created.
  • interuniversity media center with supercomputer center;
  • center for receiving and processing space information;
  • CAM center;
  • museum of Aviation and Astronautics;
  • sports and health complexes;
  • student dormitories and hotel.

About 16130 students from Russia, CIS countries, Western Europe study at Samara University, South America, China, Southeast Asia and Africa.

The teaching staff of the university: 5 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 100 academicians and corresponding members of social academies of sciences, 53 laureates of Lenin, State and other prizes, 75 people were awarded state awards, 70 - honorary titles of the Russian Federation, 1455 scientific and pedagogical employees, including 169 professors and 494 associate professors, 266 doctors of science and 817 candidates of science.

The University has 57 bases of practice at the enterprises of the region and the country. Among the constant partners of the university: PJSC Kuznetsov, OJSC Metallist-Samara, JSC RCC Progress, JSC UEC-Aviadvigatel, JSC NII Ekran, JSC NPTs gas turbine building SALUT, JSC Raid- Service ”, Volga-Dnepr Airlines (Ulyanovsk), PJSC NPO Saturn (Rybinsk), JSC“ Samara Metallurgical Plant ”, etc.