How to guess on a full moon at home. Fortune telling on the constricted, using mirrors. Fortune telling using mirrors on the full moon

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Full moon divination has a special power and high truthfulness. Each person wants to know what will happen tomorrow and often tries to find the answer not in his own mind, but with the help of cards, runes, wax, and other ritual attributes. Most often, people are guessing at Christmas, but we recommend doing it on a full moon, and then you will find out why.

Why guessing on a full moon

The full moon is the most magical period for divination. At this time, the Moon has the maximum effect on all living things. Therefore, on such days it should be used in fortune telling and magical rituals. Indeed, on a full moon, all possible types of energies are intensified, giving special strength to any magical actions.

On the full moon, rituals are performed aimed at multiplication, attracting money, increasing the attractiveness of a person. Even during the full moon, it is recommended to charge talismans with positive and protective energy.

The strength of a person, like the entire universe, is increasing, opportunities are growing, and the connection with the invisible is growing stronger, while intuition is also sharpened. As you can see, the full moon is very suitable for fortune telling, but you should also be aware that not all of its days can be used for magical rituals.

Try not to schedule full moon operations, as the risk of complications and infections during these is very high. Also, on full moon days, bleeding is difficult to stop, and treatment is practically ineffective.

The most successful days for fortune telling

The most successful full moon days for fortune telling are the second, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, twelfth, thirteenth. Guessing is recommended only on those evenings or nights when the round moon shines in the sky.

Do not guess on Friday and Saturday! These days, you can get yourself into a lot of trouble, even if they are not announced in the process. The most suitable months for divination are October, November, January and February. They guess for love in January and April.

How to tune in to fortune telling

Any fortune-telling requires special preparation. For a day, or better for three, before the ritual, exclude meat from your diet and eat only bread that can be written down with water. At the same time, your closest relatives on that day or days were full.

Three hours before the ritual, make a vow of silence, which can only be broken the next morning. Nobody should know that you are going to guess, so make sure that no one is in the house at this time or everyone is already sound asleep.

Divination by the betrothed with mirrors

This is an old popular fortune-telling. The ritual was always performed on Christmas Eve or on a full moon. People believe that this is the most terrible fortune-telling, because if the girl does not have time to say "Chur, me!", Then the ghost of her betrothed can leave the mirror and harm her.

The most important thing in this fortune telling is the observance of the time and place of the ritual. First, it should be a full moon. Second, in the process of fortune telling, complete silence must be observed. Third, the action must be carried out in complete solitude, and there should be no people or animals in the house.

If you have a bias about mirrors - find yourself from fortune telling

Before starting the fortune-telling, you need to cook dinner and set the table for two people, and the table setting should be festive and magnificent. Also, two candles are placed and lit on the table. After that, a large mirror is installed on the table, and on the contrary - a smaller mirror, so that they form a mirrored corridor.

After the preparations, you need to put out the light, sit down at the table and say:

“The betrothed-mummer! Come and dine with me "

Now we need to concentrate on the image of the betrothed, trying to present him as clearly as possible, expecting also the manifestation of facial features or silhouette in the mirror maze. Sometimes you have to wait a long time. But as soon as you see the image and are able to clearly see it, immediately say: "Chur me!" So that the image disappears.


This divination is called "Patterns on the Mirror". It is carried out only on the full moon and only in winter, because it is based on winter frost.

For fortune telling, pour water over the mirror and take it out into the cold. When the water freezes, the mirror must be brought into the house and the frosty drawings must be examined on it. This must be done promptly, since in the warmth the patterns will quickly turn back into water and drain to the floor before you realize what fate has in store for you.

The meaning of patterns

  • Circles - the next year promises prosperity and abundance.
  • Spruce Branch - Expect a lot of work.
  • Squares are upcoming problems and difficulties that will have to be constantly solved and overcome with your own strength and mind.
  • Triangles - success, long live success! Moreover, luck will follow you in all directions of your life - from work to family.
  • Ovals - finding love and family happiness.
  • Chaotic patterns - disease, health problems.

The full moon is the perfect time for divination. The full moon has long been considered a symbol of intuition.

We are all under the influence of the moon in one way or another, whether we admit it or not. Many people feel more energetic on a full moon. This is because our body and mind are inextricably linked with the lunar cycles. Our body is about two-thirds water, and the Moon affects water. Think of the ebb and flow on the coasts - this is the action of the moon.

The effect of magical energies in the full moon is enhanced, any fortune-telling becomes more accurate. Therefore, use the time of the full moon, it will help you get the right answers. A good example of full moon divination would be a crystal ball. Lit moonlight, it is filled with special properties and gives correct readings.

Full moon divination on the water

Using water or other reflective surface for divination is not new idea... Fortune telling on water has been tested for centuries. The ancient Romans used to guess so when performing religious rituals, the Egyptian “Book of the Dead” mentions the magic mirror of Hathor, which showed the future. Even the great soothsayer Nostradamus prepared for divination by looking at a bowl of water by candlelight to find inspiration.

Fortune telling on the full moon on the water is one of the simplest, but very reliable. It is best to guess outdoors, if at all possible. If you live near a water body, for example, there is a lake or pond near your house, then you do not need a bowl of water. When the weather permits, guess there by the water. If you do not have this opportunity, guess at home. Pick the spot where it falls on you moonlight.

You can guess on the full moon night, on the previous night and on the night after the exact full moon phase - only three days every month. It's good if the Moon is visible in the sky, but if it is hidden by clouds, this is also acceptable, because in any case, the Moon is in the sky, and its energy acts on fortune-telling. You can guess on the days of lunar eclipses, because they always occur on a full moon.

You can guess on the full moon for love, money, health and anything that interests you. Maybe you want to see the future or something in the past. Full moon fortune telling will show you everything you want.

For fortune telling on the full moon you will need:

Table or other flat work area

Dark bowl

Two white candles

Pure water to fill the bowl

Notebook or notepad and pen for notes

Prepare for fortune telling. There are no definite rules for preparation, just do what sets you up for fortune-telling. Maybe you can draw a magic circle around you or play your favorite meditation music. Sit comfortably at the table and place a bowl filled with water in front of you. Ideally, place it in such a way that the moon is reflected in the water. Light two white candles and place them to the right and left of the bowl. White is the color of the moon, so the candles should be exactly white. It is important that the lighting in the room is turned off, when fortune-telling on a full moon there can be only candlelight. And the light of the moon, of course.

Close your eyes and tune yourself in to perceive the lunar energy around you. Feel the soft ground under your feet. Hear the rustle of the wind in the trees. Breathe in the scent of grass and earth in the air. Raise your arms to the sides, palms up, and feel the moon above you. It will take you some time to collect this energy. It will be a tangible sensation, you just need time to get it. Embrace the silver energy of the Moon dominating the world on this full moon night. Recognize your oneness with the moon.

When you're ready, open your eyes. Pay attention to the night and everything around you. Perhaps you will feel extraordinary clarity of mind and inner strength. Do not be intimidated by special sensations - it is just the energy of the moon that began to act. Lift up left handwhile holding it over the bowl, realize the wisdom of water. Now this water is charged with the energy of the full moon. Ask the moon water to show you all the secrets.

Look at the water. After a while, patterns, symbols or some images will appear on it. You might see moving images, or maybe even words appear on the water. Spontaneous thoughts will begin to come to you, perhaps even those that do not seem to be relevant to your question. Don't drive them away, they all matter now. Take some paper and a pen to write everything down. Spend fortune-telling, looking at the water, as much time as you want. Maybe just a few minutes or even a whole hour. Stop if you start to feel anxious or distracted by something.

When you're done with your full moon fortune-telling, make sure to write down everything you saw, thought, and felt. Messages sometimes come from other worlds, and yet we are often not aware of them. Don't worry if you feel like the information you received is meaningless. Return to the notes in a few days and revise them. Most likely it all makes sense. It may be that you received a message about something important not for you, but for someone else. Think about who it might be among the people you know.

After the end of the fortune-telling, you can leave the water all night until the morning so that it is charged with lunar energy even more. Alternatively, thank the water and pour it on the ground.

You can read about magic rituals of the full moon here: Full moon magic

Positive Factors of Full Moon Divination

The full moon is the night when the moon has a global effect on all living things, so many practicing magicians prefer to carry out rituals for money, love and making wishes, during this period. Now it is best to conduct ceremonies to improve your financial condition or increase your attractiveness and to fulfill your cherished desires. And also the full moon is used to create protective amulets and saturation of strong energy in talismans.

During rituals on the full moon, a person's inner strength increases, the body's capabilities increase and intuitive reflexes are sharpened. The Full Moon helps to get a true result in certain types fortune telling, but remember that not all days are for magical activities.

The most successful for fortune telling are the first six days of the full moon, and the most powerful rituals are performed on the night when the full moon illuminates everything around. On weekends, you can never learn the truth from cards, and it is best to guess for love during the winter months. The autumn months are used for conspiracies for money and the fulfillment of desires.

It is strictly forbidden to read fortunes on the full moon for people with mental disabilities and suffering from high blood pressure, as well as under the influence of stress. If we turn to statistics, it is proved that due to the aggravation of mental imbalance, some people commit unreasonable acts. Try not to get physically injured these days, do not plan complicated operations and remove yourself from stressful situations.

Preparing for fortune telling

If you have a desire to spend a few days in a circle of acquaintances with a magical ritual, first of all, decide for what purpose you will do it. If you just want to have fun, then serious preparation is not required. But if you seriously want to open the door to secret knowledge and attract money, you need to arrange everything correctly. What do we have to do.

  • Only those people who really believe in the process of fortune-telling should be present nearby. Taunts and skepticism are inappropriate during magical activities.
  • Think carefully about your act, because any fortune-telling is one of the varieties of witchcraft and can carry consequences.
  • Any prediction is an invasion of the future. You should not penetrate the secrets of the universe without a good reason.
  • Be prepared that the result of the prediction is not always positive and in case of a bad situation, you should not dwell on it.
  • There is a divination method that is used only once in a lifetime. If you repeat it, you can bring trouble to your family and destroy destiny.
  • Strictly follow the rules that are spelled out in the description of fortune-telling, otherwise a small mistake will become a huge problem.

In ancient times, only young unmarried girls were allowed to divination, but for ladies with a family, any fortune-telling was an unacceptable act. The more a person is connected with the environment and knows how to feel the power of the elements, the more true the result of fortune-telling becomes. Before starting fortune-telling, learn to immerse yourself in the natural world, for this you can meditate in nature and, disconnecting your consciousness from the world around you, listen to the rustle of the wind in the crown of trees.

On the day chosen for fortune telling, turn off all distractions: phones, doorbell rings, TV, radio, computer, and more. In order to cheer yourself up, you should not use recorded music, it is better to sing your favorite songs yourself. A lighted fireplace is great for the necessary setting, but if you do not have such pleasure, you can light candles by placing them on the floor, the number depends on your desire.

Study in advance and prepare all the necessary attributes for carrying out magical actions. As soon as everything is ready, you can safely transcend the fortune-telling.

Varieties of fortune telling during the full moon

The moon in the full moon phase is a good advisor in love affairs... It is to her that a large number of girls turn to find out their betrothed. What are the most truthful and easily accessible methods of fortune telling?

We guess on the water

This type of fortune telling is a simple, but quite truthful way to penetrate the secret world of your future. It is necessary to enchant so that the moonlight is reflected in the water, ideally the ritual should be performed on the shore of the lake, but it can be replaced with a bowl on the windowsill. To carry out divination you will need:

  • small change from the wallet,
  • silk scarf,
  • deep bowl of dark color,
  • two red candles,
  • purified or melted water,
  • sheet of paper and pencil.

To prepare for fortune-telling, cover the window sill, which gives in the moonlight, with a red silk scarf, put a bowl of water in the middle, and put lighted candles on the sides and spread money. Next, turn off the light in the room and, standing near the window, mentally tune in to communicate with the Moon.

Having completely relaxed, you can begin the process of obtaining information. When asking a question, bring your left hand to the water and gaze intently into the water, start writing down all the thoughts that visit you, describe everything that happens to the water during fortune-telling.

At the end of the ritual, fold the sheet and place it under your pillow. After a few days, re-read everything you wrote, you will see some kind of connection between the inscriptions and what is happening these days. Leave the water that you used until the morning, during this time it will be saturated with the energy of the moon, and it can be used to remove negativity, washing your face before bed. And money will become your amulet, carry it constantly with you and in no case waste it.

I want to know my destiny

This fortune-telling is carried out in the winter, since the prediction is read from frosty patterns on the mirror. To hold it, dip the mirror in water and take it outside, so that the moon is reflected in it. Once the mirror is icy, bring it back into the house and take a quick look at the patterns that are there. The future is read from these figures. The meaning of the patterns:

  • rounded shapes portend that money will come to your home next year;
  • coniferous twigs speak of a huge amount of work in the future;
  • objects with right angles promise the accumulation of problems that will haunt you all next year;
  • triangle - predicts that a wish will come true;
  • an oval appeared, wait for a meeting with love;
  • chaos in patterns warns of diseases.

Summarizing the above, we note that The moon is a powerful source of energy that you need to watch out for. She can help you get all the answers you need and direct you to the right life path... However, making serious mistakes while you commit or refer to her for fun, you run the risk of negative consequences. Think carefully, do you need it?

Divination for love and the moon

Both the growing and the full moon are a period of attracting love and health. Therefore, if you turn at such a time to fortune telling by certain lunar days, you can get good results. Many do fortune-telling on the full moon.

For example, you can buy new pearl beads for fortune telling 9 days before the full moon and wear them without removing them. When the right time comes, you should pour the previously prepared water into the container after precipitation.

A paper sheet is placed on the surface of the water, and beads are placed on it. Paper is needed for the base for decoration. Before you put the beads there, they should be held in your hands and rubbed on the table with the words:

"Beads, pearls are my tears, tell me if I love my dear or I'm bored already."

Then they watch how the paper and decoration will behave. If they drown, then there will be no relationship. If they stay on the surface, everything will be fine.

There are popular divinations for love during the full moon.

You can wrap things in a handkerchief: a ring, a key, a pussy willow branch, a flower, a gingerbread with a heart, a crust of bread, several cards: cross 10, heart 9, spades and aces of diamonds. The package is needed in order to put it under the pillow, then they say the following words:

"A month, a month, my friend, is white, and full, and tall, let me see in a dream what fate is preparing for me!"

The essence of this prophetic fortune-telling on the full moon is to see a dream that predicts the future.

  • Bad weather - chores, stormy relationships;
  • Good weather - all is well;
  • A ring or an ace of diamonds in a dream are messengers of happiness in love;
  • Pie - to well-being;
  • Bread - for difficult work, which will be needed for daily survival;
  • Pussy willow - deceitful love relationships and so on.

During the new moon, the Sun and the Moon are located in the same zodiacal constellation, and this opens up great opportunities for performing magical rituals. This is the best period for starting big things and fulfilling desires. There is an opportunity to tell fortunes for the future.

Preparing for fortune telling

For the ritual, you need to prepare. You don't need to do anything special, just think well and decide what is important and what needs to be achieved. When the new moon arrives, a specific question must be identified.

On the new moon everything that has already happened becomes a thing of the past. And at this moment you can send your request to the Universe or decide on a desire.

On the day before the new moon, a candle is placed on the table, and objects symbolizing what was conceived are placed around it: photographs, pictures or something else. They will help find the support of the universe.

Before the appearance of the new moon, you can carry out the rite of getting rid of ailments and love spells. And after its onset, they think of a successful start of new affairs and relationships.

Popular methods of fortune telling

New moon divination methods:

1. Pour water into a glass and put it on the window behind the curtain. He has to stand there until the full moon comes. Then this water is used for washing, reading the conspiracy: "As the month was thin, but it became full, so let me have a lot of good." After that, all things should go smoothly, and desires should be fulfilled.

2. Rite of passage for beauty. The whipped protein is applied to the face as a mask. Then they are washed off with water. The yolk is buried under a rose bush. The beauty of flowers must be transferred to a person.

3. Conspiracy to fulfill a dream. You need to cut the red paper into triangles and write specific wishes on them. The vertices of the triangle are placed upward. A beautiful self-photograph is glued to the sheet. It is desirable that she be with a smile. These triangles are hung on the south wall of the house. Everything must come true.

4. As soon as the new Moon appears, you need to write out a mail order receipt in your name. Complete everything as expected. The amount is high, but real. They put a date and a signature and hide it so that no one can find or see it. It's good if there is a red envelope. The desire should be fulfilled within a week. Moreover, the hidden money can replace good news or gifts. But the amount must be real in the transfer.

5. They light candles and incense and write on a piece of paper or in a notebook: "I will do everything to make my wishes come true." Then they write down all the wishes for the next month. This leaflet is re-read every day.

6. If a man does not dare to propose, on the new moon you need to do something with your own hands and give it to him. In the near future he will propose to marry.

7. On the new moon, you need to clean the house well, bathe and dress in clean clothes. Wealth and prosperity will come to the house.

The rituals performed on the new moon do not harm anyone, and anyone can perform them. The most important thing is belief in the fulfillment of dreams.

Why guessing on a full moon

The full moon is the most magical period for divination. At this time, the Moon has the maximum effect on all living things. Therefore, on such days it should be used in fortune telling and magical rituals. Indeed, on a full moon, all possible types of energies are intensified, giving special strength to any magical actions.

On the full moon, rituals are performed aimed at multiplication, attracting money, increasing the attractiveness of a person. Even during the full moon, it is recommended to charge talismans with positive and protective energy.

The strength of a person, like the entire universe, is increasing, opportunities are growing, and the connection with the invisible is growing stronger, while intuition is also sharpened. As you can see, the full moon is very suitable for fortune telling, but you should also be aware that not all of its days can be used for magical rituals.

Try not to schedule full moon operations, as the risk of complications and infections during these is very high. Also, on full moon days, bleeding is difficult to stop, and treatment is practically ineffective.

The most successful days for fortune telling

The most successful full moon days for fortune telling are the second, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, twelfth, thirteenth. Guessing is recommended only on those evenings or nights when the round moon shines in the sky.

Do not guess on Friday and Saturday! These days, you can get yourself into a lot of trouble, even if they are not announced in the process. The most suitable months for divination are October, November, January and February. They guess for love in January and April.

How to tune in to fortune telling

Any fortune-telling requires special preparation. For a day, or better for three, before the ritual, exclude meat from your diet and eat only bread that can be written down with water. At the same time, your closest relatives on that day or days were full.

Three hours before the ritual, make a vow of silence, which can only be broken the next morning. Nobody should know that you are going to guess, so make sure that no one is in the house at this time or everyone is already sound asleep.

Divination by the betrothed with mirrors

This is an old popular fortune-telling. The ritual was always performed on Christmas Eve or on a full moon. People believe that this is the most terrible fortune-telling, because if the girl does not have time to say "Chur, me!", Then the ghost of her betrothed can leave the mirror and harm her.

The most important thing in this fortune telling is the observance of the time and place of the ritual. First, it should be a full moon. Second, in the process of fortune telling, complete silence must be observed. Third, the action must be carried out in complete solitude, and there should be no people or animals in the house.

If you have a bias about mirrors - find yourself from fortune telling

Before starting the fortune-telling, you need to cook dinner and set the table for two people, and the table setting should be festive and magnificent. Also, two candles are placed and lit on the table. After that, a large mirror is installed on the table, and on the contrary - a smaller mirror, so that they form a mirrored corridor.

There are a huge number of rituals on the full moon. The full moon is a special period of the time of day and year, not only in nature, but also in magic and esotericism in general.

It is believed that on a full moon you need to be benevolent, not to allow any negative thoughts in your head, as well as the manifestation of negativity.

In all legends and fairy tales, the dark forces came out precisely on the full moon, while on the full moon all important magical events took place.

This means that rituals on the full moon have special power.

To raise money

Raising money for the full moon

To start a ritual on the full moon to raise money, you need to prepare emotionally and energetically. To do this, cleanse the body, as well as the head - thoughts. After that, you can proceed to the ceremony itself.

The easiest full moon ritual for money to perform is that you need to stand with your back to the full moon, take a mirror, look into the reflection so that you can see the luminary. Ask Luna to take the lack of money. This ceremony, as it were, reflects and unfolds the monetary energy back to the person.

There is another rite of passage for raising money. For three nights of the full moon, you need to lay out an empty wallet on the window so that it is charged with lunar energy, and then, on the very first nights of the new moon, you need to perform the same ritual, but put money in your wallet.

For love

There are rituals for the full moon and for love. Of course, a simple ritual is to recite a special mantra for love, while reading it in solitude, the first three days of the full moon. You also need to imagine love as you are filled with it down to every cell of the body.

On desire

There is such a ritual on the full moon for desire. Everyone wants their wishes to come true. A special ceremony will help with this. One simple ritual is that you need to look at the moon, present clearly and clearly that the cherished wish has come true, imagine everything to the smallest detail, and then go to bed.

Another rite of passage on the full moon is to use water. You need to speak a glass of water, read your desire, also describing it to the smallest detail. then you can drink this water and wait for the fulfillment of desire.

For luck

You can perform rituals on the full moon for good luck. For example, the full moon itself, at night, you need to go out into the privacy of the street, balcony. Watch the full moon, imagine how the whole body is filled with moonlight. Mentally pour light first upper part body, then the body itself, then your heart. The rite must be repeated three times. Then take a coin of silver, tell her the words of the ceremony, which speak of attracting good luck, kiss her and say thank you.

This full moon ritual is suitable not only to attract good luck, but also money and success in general.

For beauty

Girl preening near the mirror

There are full moon rituals that are associated with beauty and youth. Before the full moon comes, you need to take honey, olive oil, candles white - ten pieces. Then, at the very full moon, perform the ceremony. Knead honey and butter in a glass plate, making circles, while speaking the words of the ritual. Also make circles of imagination around the burning candles. The essence of the conspiracy lies in the beauty of the Moon and Fire, so that they help the fortuneteller in this matter. Then put out the candles, they can be used in other rituals. Use the rest of the honey-oil mass as a body cream-mask.


Weight loss rituals

The rite of passage on the full moon for weight loss should be started even before the full moon begins. You need to mentally imagine what you want the result, then prepare energetically for both the ritual and the result. Next, you need to melt the wax from church candles, then roll up small balls from it. The number of balls should be equal to the number of kilograms that you want to lose, you also need to think about this in advance. Then roll everything into a large ball - this is a symbol of all the weight, which is extra. Put it under your pillow. On the night of the full moon, get a ball, warm it up in your hand, present your result again, then draw a circle in the corner of the room and put this ball there. Then you can go to bed. And in the following days, you need to cut off a small piece from the ball, saying that this is excess weight. Melting it and throwing it away. You need to calculate approximately to make it last for one month, until the next full moon.

To fulfill a wish

Fulfillment of desire

Full moon rites can be performed without necessarily looking at the moon at that moment. For example, to fulfill a desire, you can simply visualize your desire. It is known that all forces - magical and energetic, at the moment of the full moon are activated, become stronger.

Therefore, a person has a lot of energy, he wants to live, to do something. Therefore, you can make a cherished desire and believe in its fulfillment. You need to guess no more than one - this is one of the basic rules for these rituals.

To health

On a full moon, you can carry out a ritual for health
For example, a simple ritual is to stand up at night with your back to the moon, bend over, then speak the words facing the moon. The meaning of the text is for the Moon to take away all ailments and excess from a person, for example, any diseases.

If a person has a specific disease in some part of the body, then the ritual on the full moon is similar to the first one for health. Only when tilting you need to take a little earth, then anoint your sore spot with it. Repeat three times. Then the earth is thrown over the shoulder of the left hand, then spits out as well. In this case, you need to be careful so that no one interferes with the ceremony.

In any case, you can pronounce words that refer to the moon itself. A request and a request that the disease go away with it.

In general, seeing a full moon without clouds is a good luck. Usually, as seen by people, the weather is always unclear these days.

It must be remembered that traditionally all rituals aimed at destroying or delivering something are performed on the full moon. And, for example, on the new moon - on the contrary, in order to acquire something.

The main thing is to believe in the power of the ceremony and ritual and do everything right. And the result will be from the first days.

The full moon is the perfect time for divination. The full moon has long been considered a symbol of intuition.

We are all somehow influenced by the Moon, whether we admit it or not. Many people feel more energetic on a full moon. This is because our body and mind are inextricably linked with the lunar cycles. Our body is about two-thirds water, and the Moon affects water. Think of the ebb and flow on the coasts - this is the action of the moon.

The effect of magical energies in the full moon is enhanced, any fortune-telling becomes more accurate. Therefore, use the time of the full moon, it will help you get the right answers. You can see the dates of the full moons of 2019.

A good example of full moon divination is a crystal ball. Illuminated by moonlight, it is filled with special properties and gives correct readings.

Full moon divination on the water

Using water or other reflective surface for divination is not a new idea. Fortune telling on water has been tested for centuries. The ancient Romans used to guess so when performing religious rituals, the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" mentions the magic mirror of Hathor, which showed the future. Even the great soothsayer Nostradamus prepared for divination by looking at a bowl of water by candlelight to find inspiration.

Fortune telling on the full moon on the water is one of the simplest, but very reliable. It is best to guess outdoors, if at all possible. If you live near a water body, for example, there is a lake or pond near your house, then you do not need a bowl of water. When the weather permits, guess there by the water. If you do not have this opportunity, guess at home. Pick a spot where the moonlight hits you.

You can guess on the full moon night, on the previous night and on the night after the exact full moon phase - only three days every month. It's good if the Moon is visible in the sky, but if it is hidden by clouds, this is also acceptable, because in any case, the Moon is in the sky, and its energy acts on fortune-telling. You can guess on the days of lunar eclipses, because they always occur on a full moon.

You can guess on the full moon for love, money, health and anything that interests you. Maybe you want to see the future or something in the past. Full moon fortune telling will show you everything you want.

For fortune telling on the full moon you will need:

Table or other flat work area

Dark bowl

Two white candles

Pure water to fill the bowl

Notebook or notepad and pen for notes

Prepare for fortune telling. There are no definite rules for preparation, just do what sets you up for fortune-telling. Maybe you can draw a magic circle around you or play your favorite meditation music. Sit comfortably at the table and place a bowl filled with water in front of you. Ideally, place it in such a way that the moon is reflected in the water. Light two white candles and place them to the right and left of the bowl. White is the color of the moon, so the candles should be exactly white. It is important that the lighting in the room is turned off, when fortune-telling on a full moon there can be only candlelight. And the light of the moon, of course.

Close your eyes and tune yourself in to perceive the lunar energy around you. Feel the soft ground under your feet. Hear the rustle of the wind in the trees. Breathe in the scent of grass and earth in the air. Raise your arms to the sides, palms up, and feel the moon above you. It will take you some time to collect this energy. It will be a tangible sensation, you just need time to get it. Embrace the silver energy of the Moon dominating the world on this full moon night. Recognize your oneness with the moon.

When you're ready, open your eyes. Pay attention to the night and everything around you. Perhaps you will feel extraordinary clarity of mind and inner strength. Do not be intimidated by special sensations - it is just the energy of the moon that began to act. Raise your left hand over the bowl, realize the wisdom of water. Now this water is charged with the energy of the full moon. Ask the moon water to show you all the secrets.

Look at the water. After a while, patterns, symbols or some images will appear on it. You might see moving images, or maybe even words appear on the water. Spontaneous thoughts will begin to come to you, perhaps even those that do not seem to be relevant to your question. Don't drive them away, they all matter now. Take some paper and a pen to write everything down. Spend fortune-telling, looking at the water, as much time as you want. Maybe just a few minutes or even a whole hour. Stop if you start to feel anxious or distracted by something.

When you're done with your full moon fortune-telling, make sure to write down everything you saw, thought, and felt. Messages sometimes come from other worlds, and yet we are often not aware of them. Don't worry if you feel like the information you received is meaningless. Return to the notes in a few days and revise them. Most likely it all makes sense. It may be that you received a message about something important not for you, but for someone else. Think about who it might be among the people you know.

After the end of the fortune-telling, you can leave the water all night until the morning so that it is charged with lunar energy even more. Alternatively, thank the water and pour it on the ground.

Online fortune telling

In addition to traditional fortune telling, on the full moon you can do fortune telling online. The advantage is that you can get an answer or advice right away. If you have a simple question that requires a clear answer, read Yes and No. For more complex questions, Tarot divination, love divination in the Tarot and on the Runes is suitable. If your question is more philosophical, then it will suit you

The full moon has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and intuition. We feel its impact every month when it illuminates the night sky with its light. As the moon enters its full phase, many become more agitated and anxious. This is because our bodies and minds are mysteriously linked to the lunar cycles. Like humans, the water element also changes appearance with the change of the lunar phases - ask someone who lives on the coast about the phenomenon of the lunar tide!

Using reflective surfaces as a divination tool is hardly a new idea. The ancient Romans used them in their religious rituals. The Egyptian Book of the Dead also contains references to the magic mirror Hartor, used to predict the future. According to Pliny, pre-Christian Celtic seers believed in the possibility of visions obtained by contemplating dark stones such as beryl and other crystals. Even in 1500 he got inspiration from watching water in a bowl lit by candlelight.

What is needed for fortune telling on the water

This fortune-telling is considered one of the simplest. It is best done outdoors if possible. This is because the light of the moon will illuminate the water for you. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon, but it is also permissible to perform the ritual the day before and the day after.

In addition to clear sky and the full moon, you will need the following items:
- A table or kind of flat surface;
- Dark bowl;
- A jug containing enough water to fill the bowl;
- Notebook, or notebook for drawing up notes, also a pen;
- Optional: Your favorite relaxing music.

What actions need to be performed

Draw a circle around you. Play music if necessary. Position yourself comfortably while sitting or standing in your work area. Close your eyes and tune your consciousness to the energy around you. Feel the soft ground under your feet. Hear the trees swaying in the wind. Breathe in the scent of earth and herbs that fill the air. Raise your hands to waist level, palms up, and feel the energy of the moon around you.

Take some time to get energized. You can experience unexpected feelings just by taking a little time to contemplate. Fill with pure energy, feel it within yourself and realize your union with something divine.

When you feel ready to start divination, open your eyes. Inspect the darkness around you. You may be enveloped in a sense of clarity and understanding - don't worry, lunar energy has this effect. Lift the jug with one hand, holding it over the bowl. When this is done, project wisdom and understanding onto the water. As you fill the bowl from the jug, consider how the water is filled with lunar energy. Realize that this water can open the mysteries of the moon for you.

When the bowl is full, position yourself so that the light of the moon is reflected directly into the water. Look closely into the water, try to find patterns, symbols or pictures. You will be able to see the movements of the paintings, or even the formation of images. You may experience spontaneous flashes of insight in your consciousness that have nothing to do with ordinary reality. Use a notebook to write everything down. Spend as much time as necessary to consider the water - a few minutes, or even hours. Stop when you feel anxious or distracted by pressing problems (“Did I forget to feed the cat?”).

In conclusion

When you are finished looking at the water, make sure everything you see or feel is carefully recorded. Messages can often come from other realities and may not always be immediately understood. If most of the information doesn't make sense, don't worry. Set it aside for a few days, allowing the mind to deal with what it saw. There is a chance that understanding will come later. It is also possible that you managed to receive a message that was intended for someone else. If the message doesn't seem to apply to you, think back to the people around you. Think about who the prediction might have been addressed to.

After the ritual, the water can be left overnight in order to energize it even more. Or it can be poured out in the garden as a sacrifice.

If you live near a pond or lake, fortune telling on the water can be carried out directly with the water in the reservoir.