Name belief meaning origin. The meaning of the name is faith and the complete characteristic of a woman. The hidden secrets of Faith

Many are the result of borrowing foreign words or, more precisely, their literal translation. Such names are pronounced differently, but have the same origin and meaning. To explain it differently, this is a translation of a foreign name that has become independent. So, from the ancient Greek Pistis came the new name Vera. Pthe origin of the name, its characteristics and meaning will be discussed in our article. Here we will tell you when they are celebrated according to the church calendar.

Faith: the origin of the name

It is believed that the name Vera is of Old Slavonic origin and belongs to the oldest Russian dialects. In the Russian nomenclature, it is on the same line with the names Nadezhda and Lyubov and has a history of origin similar to them.An earlier origin of the name Vera is associated with ancient Greek mythology. It comes from the word "pistios", which means "faithful". It was applied as an epithet to the ancient Greek god Zeus.

Until the 18th century, the name Vera did not receive much distribution and was not used for baptism. However, the situation changed as soon as Empress Elizaveta Petrovna ascended the throne. At this time, her active struggle with foreigners and foreign languages \u200b\u200bbegan. Foreign names began to be called less often, and Russians more often. In the next century, girls born in noble and merchant families began to be called Vera. Today Vera is rarely used as an independent name. More and more people in Russia consider him to be the short form of the name Veronica, which is an erroneous statement.

Name days according to the church calendar

Christians especially revered the Roman Faith, which at the age of 12, together with the sisters, was martyred. It happened in 137 during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. The worship of saints began in the 7th century. The Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, as well as their mother Sophia, is celebrated on September 30.

The Orthodox Church recalls the name Vera several times a year in the following months:

  • february - 26th;
  • june - 14th;
  • september - 30;
  • october - 14;
  • december - 15, 31.

These days it celebrates its origin of the name and the meaning has left a firm imprint on the character of its owner. Loyalty is one of the main traits that characterize this woman.

Name Vera: origin and meaning for a child

You can learn about what character a child will have long before he is born, knowing the meaning and characteristics of his name. So, pparents who dream of a calm and obedient daughter who will not scream and cry even if she is offended can choose the name Vera for a newborn girl with a light heart. Its origin and meaning are associated with the word "faithful", which largely determines the behavior and fate of its owner.

Despite her friendly and open nature, Vera will not be bored without friends. This girl has enough favorite doll with which she could play for hours, and mother's outfits for dressing up. Since childhood, Vera has been fond of collecting beautiful things that are mostly small in size.

Vera is a diligent student, a good assistant in household chores and a responsible nanny for younger brothers and sisters. Parents never have any trouble with her: she gets excellent grades at school and maintains order in the house. Growing up, Vera becomes more and more purposeful, but does not ask for the leaders of the company, adhering to neutrality.

Name characteristic

At first glance, it may seem that Vera is a proud and unapproachable girl. In fact this person is always open to others and communication, but has a strong-willed character, which is unusual for most of the fair sex. Faith experiences failure for a long time. However, this further stimulates her to achieve her goal. Long and to prosperity and prosperity awaits a woman named Vera.

The origin of the name and characteristics define her as a woman who is true to her ideal. And we are talking not only about choosing a life partner, but also about goals. The owner of this rare name by today's standards has a surprisingly purposeful character. She is a courageous, adventurous woman with great intuition. Thanks to his assertive nature, he achieves a lot in life.

Positive and negative character traits

Faith has a whole range of poise, independence, purposefulness, openness, independence, courage, kindness, artistry and adventurism. This girl will not have to persuade for a long time to go to. Thanks to intuition, Vera is well versed in people and, as a rule, makes only the right decisions in life.

Touchiness, suspicion, distrust of people, arbitrariness, jealousy - these are negative character traits that Vera possesses. The origin of the name and character of a woman also depends on the time of year in which she was born.

Winter Vera has a serious character, laconic and decisive. The owner of this name, who was born in the summer, will grow up to be a kind and sympathetic person, and the spring will become a romantic, mysterious and vulnerable girl. Autumn Faith has the most rational and judicious character. He is a practical person in all areas of life, in love and in work.

Choice of profession

Faith has a calculating mind and when choosing a profession no longer relies on vocation, but on prestige and level wages... An engineer, a doctor and a teacher are those professions where Vera could fully realize herself, but only if she is offered a decent wage at the workplace.

But there is a second category of women named Vera who prefer to choose creative professions. They make good actresses, singers and directors who give their work completely, often without thinking about the amount of remuneration for their work.

The ability to defend public positions and achieve set goals allows Vera to achieve high results in the career of a lawyer, diplomat or politician. She has a good working capacity and works on an equal basis with men.

Love and marriage

Faith is a romantic nature, in whose life there should be a strong feeling, and tenderness, and experiences. All everyday problems for this woman fade into the background when she is in love. Next to her beloved person, Vera becomes a happy and blooming woman, she is lucky, and tasks are realized. However, mistrust and jealousy can do the Faith a disservice. A woman often arranges a scandal right out of the blue and without apparent reasons... But if Vera leaves her husband, even in a fit of anger, then she never returns. She gets married only once, and prefers loneliness to the second marriage.

Faith chooses a husband older than herself, and often he is put for a woman as a teacher and a reliable support on which she can rely. However, in sexual relations, this woman is cold, one should not expect violent passions from her. Good mothers and grandmothers are obtained from the owners of the name Vera. The origin of the name, associated with the word "faithful", means a stable relationship and loyalty that a woman can provide to her husband and children. By the way, according to statistics, Vera most often has one child.

The origin of the name and fate

Due to her purposeful character and perseverance, Vera easily achieves success in any field. In acting, politics, medicine and education - everywhere you can find successful representatives of the name Vera. The origin of the name and fate directly related to such character traits as loyalty, openness, sociability, will to win. Many of its owners manage to achieve reliable prosperity and financial independence in life.

Despite being busy in the profession, Vera will never offend her husband and children with attention. This woman is able to realize herself equally in family life and in her career.

In the Soviet Union, this name was very popular. But even now, in the age of bizarre, complex, long names, he is not forgotten. Maybe because it is ecclesiastical and carries in itself the concept of one of the most important human virtues - or maybe because it is ours, dear, familiar from childhood. What kind of fate does it guarantee to its mistress?

It is both Greek and Russian. How did it happen? It's simple: Christians have borrowed the names of many saints of Roman origin. Among them - the name of St. Sophia, as well as her daughters - Vera, Hope, Love. And if - this is a typical Greek name, the sound of which has not changed, then the names of the daughters in every Christian country have been translated into local languages.

Less commonly, the name Vera can be a short version of a longer female name (- "bringing victory", Venus - "passion", "charm").

Friends and relatives can also call Vera so: Verochka, Verunchik, Verunya, Veruska, Verushka, Ruska. And when the woman finally gets it, they say: Verka.

The character of typical Faith

Strong sides of character are considered: bold and open disposition, independence, independence, inflexibility on the way to the goal, equanimity, practicality. Vera has a keen sense of people and is often a creative person. If she is sure that her goal is good, she will go to her, despite the obstacles. She does not like to talk about her own plans. Her mature, realistic outlook on life earns the respect of her parents and friends.

Weak sides: self-belief can lead a girl to fanaticism or arbitrariness. If a girl is not instilled in moral traits from childhood, she can become an adventurous, tough person, on the way to what she wants, walking almost over her head. If, on the contrary, to raise a girl in Christian or simply highly moral traditions, she will become a strong and selfless person to be equal to.

The fate of the bearer of this name

  1. Childhood. The girl does not like large companies of her peers. She is very sensible, likes to read or watch TV alone. Parents are pleased with her not capricious disposition. She often collects something (badges, candy wrappers, calendars). Sometimes she is very touchy.
  2. School. The girl is a good student (maybe even considered an excellent student). She has few friends, but those that do exist are the most loyal and are friends with her from grades 1 to 11 (and beyond). She is kind and sympathetic, but the older she gets, the less she trusts people. Verunchik believes that a person can be seen not by words, but by deeds. The baby hates coercion, and if she doesn't want to do something, it is very difficult to persuade her.
  3. Youth. Despite the fact that the girl's affairs seem to be going well (admission to a good university, help from her parents), her soul is tormented by some kind of melancholy. The girl becomes suspicious and secretive, often she is annoyed by complexes or self-doubt.
  4. Mature years. It does not become the center of the working collective, but if someone urgently needs to return from heaven to earth, they go to Vera for advice. She is not scandalous, but she is very selective about people. She is in no hurry to get married. He knows well what he wants from life. If she sets a goal, she achieves it, even if it takes ten years.

All lucky talismans

  • Libra is considered the most successful zodiac sign for Vera. That is, according to astrologers, this name is most suitable for girls born from September 24 to October 23.
  • Patron planet: Saturn.
  • This girl and woman should wear beryl jewelry.
  • Name color: gray.
  • The hardworking ant is considered a totem animal.
  • Lucky plants: heather and maple.

The most popular day Angel (name day): September 30th... On this day, the Orthodox commemorate the Great Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love, as well as their mother Sophia. However, these are not the only church name days Faith.

Other patron saints of the name:

  • Venerable Martyr Vera Morozova (Orthodox Christians commemorate her on February 26).
  • Martyr Vera Samsonova (June 14).
  • Martyr Vera of Rome (September 30; this is exactly the same sister of Hope and Love, about which it is written above).
  • Martyr Vera (October 14).
  • Venerable Vera Grafova (December 15).
  • Martyr Vera Trux (December 31).

This is how Vera appears in ...

  • ... Love. The girl often considers her peers to be too windy, choosing her beloved from among older men. She is very loyal. The girl is serious about choosing a spouse, evaluating both his merits and demerits, so that her marriage from the very beginning is doomed to a long and happy life together.
  • ... Family. She does not have many children, most often she gives birth to only one. Even from the cradle, she begins to think about what dowry her daughter will receive, and also tries to ensure that children have everything that their peers have. As for her husband's relatives, she gets along with them, because it's right (and convenient too). Vera loves to lead her husband, so when calling her to marry, you need to remember this.
  • ... Household. Delicious dinners, a cozy home delight even the fastidious mother-in-law.
  • ... Career. This woman can succeed both in the role of a lawyer and politician, and in the acting field. She is not fond of unloved work, but works hard to earn money. However, if a woman has a creative touch and she chooses a career as an actress, writer, director, then she turns into a real workaholic and just lives by her own business.
  • …Health. The weak organs of the Faith can be called the heart and the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the bearer of this name should be sensitive to her nervous system.

Relationships: compatibility with male names

Happy Vera can become with: Alexander, Vladimir, Eugene, Egor, Mikhail. These men will be able to fully appreciate the character and all the merits of such a serious, decisive and solid woman.

But with these guys, family life may not work out: they will not suit a girl on an energy level. However, if Vera is very strong, being able to “live for two”, that is, pulling herself and “that guy” on herself in the mental plane, a couple can succeed, and successfully.

Famous bearers of the name

  1. Vera Kholodnaya (1893 - 1919) - silent film actress. Born in Poltava, filmed all over Russian Empire... Historians say that during her short life this young girl managed to star in 50 (according to other sources - 80) roles.
  2. Vera Mukhina (1889-1953) - Soviet sculptor, winner of the most prestigious prize in the USSR - the Stalin Prize. It is her who should be thanked for the Worker and Collective Farm Woman monument.
  3. Vera Vasilyeva (1925) - Soviet and Russian actress, known for her roles in films such as "Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro", "While the Fern Blooms."
  4. Vera Alentova (1942) - film and theater actress.
  5. Vera Glagoleva (1956-2017) - theater and film actress, director, screenwriter.
  6. Vera Kamsha (1962) is a fantasy writer, known for her cycles "The Chronicles of Artia" and "Reflections of Eterna".
  7. Vera Brezhneva (1982) is the creative name of a Ukrainian singer in the genre of popular music. The girl is known for her work in the musical group "VIA Gra", as well as her solo project and filming in comedy films.

In the end, we invite you to appreciate the work of one of the most famous actresses of the early 20th century, whose fame thundered on our land exactly 100 years ago. Vera Cold in a silent love drama:

Significance and origin: this Orthodox Russian name hardly needs any further explanation. Whoever believes knows.

Energy and Karma: name Vera possesses an amazing poise and calmness, it does not seem to imply strong emotions at all, and even more so passions. It was not for nothing that the star of silent cinema of the beginning of the century took a pseudonym for herself Vera Cold, if she had remained just Vera, she would hardly have been able to play her passion, and thus emphasizing the alleged coldness with the surname, she intuitively played on the contradictions of human psychology, which seeks to strengthen precisely those qualities, the lack of which is said too openly. However, just Vera insured against this, since her balance is due to the fact that the name does not incline her to either excessive cold or excessive warmth.

Secrets of communication: often men tend to see in Vera's calm good nature a sign of her benevolence towards them. However, there is no need to rush, it is unlikely Vera will decide to associate his fate with someone without careful thought and weighing all the pros and cons.

  • Zodiac sign: Pisces.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: blue, silver.
  • Talisman stone: ruby, carnelian, amber.

The meaning of the name Vera option 2

Vera - "faith" (Russian)

From childhood, she amazes adults with her prudence and commercialism. This is a very calm girl, with a logical mind, a lover of all kinds of piggy banks and collections of small things.

The bead lost by her mother can be found in her toys. She is not noisy and not capricious. She studies diligently, will not refuse to nurse a brother or sister. The elders are always authority for her. Not scandalous, but quarrelsome by nature Vera rarely has close friends. Does not seek to marry early.

She has a well-organized, practical mind. She is smart in concrete matters, sober in her assessment of what is happening.

She is not devoid of creative abilities, she is often musical, but the one who, seeing her at the piano, decides that in front of him a creature living exclusively with a spiritual life is deeply mistaken. He knows perfectly well what he wants from life, and will never miss his own. If she has a desire to buy something, be sure that she will get it, whatever the cost.

Husband Verararely chooses among peers, prefers older men to them. Most often, she has one child, in whom she does not like a soul, and if this child is a girl, then the mother begins to save up a dowry for her ahead of time. Children are brought up in severity, a supporter of puritanical morality. He gets along with his mother-in-law, because he just knows: you have to get along with the mother-in-law. She does this masterfully - without losing her dignity and satisfying any, even the most incredible, claims.

Her delicious dinners, starched napkins, caring attitude towards children, devotion to her husband lead to the fact that even those relatives of her husband who at first objected to marriage with her begin to love her. Vera's marriages are usually successful. Prone to gastrointestinal tract disease. She has a weak heart, an unstable nervous system.

"Winter" Vera serious, thoughtful, laconic, decisive.

"Autumn" is organized, has a practical mind, weighs everything, calculates everything. Can work as a laboratory assistant, chemist, doctor, draftsman, programmer.

The name fits the patronymics: Arkadyevna, Egorovna, Danilovna, Mirolyubovna, Surenovna, Removna, Lazarevna, Igorevna.

"Summer" Vera kind, sympathetic, but vindictive and does not forgive insults. Revenge, however, does not know how.

"Spring" - vulnerable, mysterious, romantic. Can work as a medic, actress, music worker, teacher. The name goes well with patronymics: Pavlovna, Anatolyevna, Izrailevna, Tigranovna, Bogdanovna, Evgenievna, Mironovna.

Verafrom childhood amazes adults with its prudence and commercialism. She is always a balanced girl, with a logical mindset, a lover of all kinds of piggy banks and pennies. A bead lost by a mother can always be found in her toys. This is not a noisy, not capricious girl. She studies diligently, will not refuse to nurse her brother or sister, the elders are always authority for her. Not scandalous, not quarrelsome by nature, Vera however, he rarely has close friends. Does not seek to marry early. Vera has a well-organized practical mind, quick wit in specific matters, sobriety in assessing what is happening. She is not devoid of creative abilities, she is often musical, but the one who, seeing her at the piano, decides that there is a creature in front of him that lives an exclusively spiritual life, is deeply mistaken. She knows perfectly well what she wants from life, and will never miss her. And this quality in her clearly exceeds the emotional perception of the world, reigns over dreams and fantasies.

Verasoberly looks at everything, it would not even occur to her that with a sweetheart there could be heaven in a hut. She believes that very real things are needed for an earthly paradise. If emotions prevent you from subordinating your reason to logic, often consult with your familiar Faith - she will quickly return you to a sinful earth. He rarely chooses a future husband among his peers, he prefers older men. Most often she has one child in whom she does not like a soul, and if this child is a girl, then she begins to save up a dowry for her in advance. Children are brought up in severity, a supporter of puritanical morality. Vera gets along with the mother-in-law, because he knows: you have to get along with the mother-in-law. She does this masterfully - without losing her dignity and satisfying the claims of the most captious mother-in-law. Her delicious dinners and starched napkins, caring attitude to children, devotion to her husband lead to the fact that even those relatives of her husband who at first were against marriage begin to love her.

Vera's marriages are usually successful. Lucky for her with Vadim, Alexander, Mikhail, Zakhar, Yegor, Eugene, but marriage with Oleg, Anatoly, Vyacheslav or Vladislav will most likely be unsuccessful.

The meaning of the name Vera option 4

As a name with a thoroughly transparent etymology and, moreover, does not go beyond the language from which it is borrowed, the name Verahistory has not yet overgrown with the moss, and there are no mysterious back streets in it, the relation of which to the whole plan is comprehended intuitively, but is not deduced by elementary inferences. Although expressing a concept that is completely opposite to rationality, this name further develops the content of its concept in a straightforward and almost rational way. In the limit, one can already speak of it as rationalistic, according to the method of processing the concept of faith that is irrational in its content. Theology of the 17th-19th centuries dealt with the deepest secrets of the spirit in a straightforward and rational way, and it was them that it especially willingly made the subject of its dissection, which is why the secret was not made explicit, but became boring. So, Vera, choosing his own paths in defiance of reason and even overturning intellectual barriers with passion and stubbornness, goes further along the chosen paths with a rational consistency, as if she were riding on rails. In her there is a strange combination of recklessness and consistency, namely, rational consistency, poetic outcomes and virtuous boredom: for she walks along her paths, once they are chosen, not by the power of inspiration, intuition, or at least temperament, but with virtuous consistency and an almost mathematical duty to limit.

Symbolic thinking is alien to it, it is inaccessible to the understanding that the secret is exposed by exposure, and vice versa - it is hidden, devoid of veils.

Vera there is a denunciation of things invisible. Indeed, the name Vera gives strength to come into relationship with what is not given sensibly and that denies the sensible; it is given to her to receive the news of the hopeful and confidence in the sensuously imperceptible. It is placed with one's own eyes in front of something that has not yet been expressed, and perhaps will never be expressed. But this unexpressed Faith is closer and dearer than the expressed surrounding it. It is defined in its initial decisions precisely by this, expressed in spite of all the obvious that surrounds it. And then the motives of her actions, or, more correctly, her behavior, are incomprehensible to others. Individual actions of Vera fit together very logically, but their very ranks as a whole are viewed as offending common sense and causing resistance, and even indignation.

Verain her basic decisions she makes surprise not only to others, but also to herself. She suddenly breaks calculations, traditions, decency. But then she no longer returns to the broken and makes her deed the beginning of a new coherent kind, that is, new calculations, new traditions and new decencies. In other words, it follows a new path in direction, but usual in character. Entering it is tragic and can easily lead to death. But following this path in itself is no longer a leap, but a relatively calm pursuit of a set goal. To follow this path is recognized by Faith as a duty and a virtue. At first, the people around are shocked by this new path, but then, seeing the inner consistency of the Faith, they begin to reckon with the fact. People around see that the path of Faith has diverged from their established path, and then coldness sets in. They have no data to accept the path of Faith and leave their own, because for this it is necessary to believe in it. But the consistency of the Faith and the availability of reason for its path in its whole do not allow them to resolutely condemn it. In his outcome, he is not motivated, in the future he does not represent the strangeness of foolishness and the mysteriousness of symbolism, he simply does not converge with the path of those around him and therefore is able to cause rather minor collisions than a significant struggle against himself.

In her thinking, as in her actions, she is clear and definite. Her nature is distinguished by honesty, and honesty, moreover, is the first commandment of the Faith, which she deliberately sets herself with emphasis and opposition to many other commandments. All this makes the thinking and actions of the Faith dismembered, clear and simplified in their claim to perfection and utmost clarity: there is nothing hidden, nothing said. However, clarity imparts some deliberate elementary character to the image of Faith, without making it, however, really transparent. Vera Vera only thinks that she is. In fact, behind the surface layer of common understanding, there are intuitions, premonitions and unmotivated drives, which are by no means transparent, but at the same time not so deep as to become convincing again as a revelation of another world. Therefore, they seem to be something arbitrary - if not caprice and eccentricity, then all the same willfulness and willfulness. Not transparent logically and at the same time incomplete ontologically, Vera's intuitions are close to dreams, but for the benefit of Vera do not contain the moist warmth inherent in real daydreaming. There is something akin to Barbara in Vera, but Vera drier than it, has a lesser pressure of aspirations, less heat and, so to speak, less large features of its entire organization. Like Barbara, Vera sacrificial, prone to sacrifice and makes herself a duty and passion at the same time. An exaggerated assessment of heroism lives in Vera, which for her is mainly reduced to sacrifice, some kind of taking seriously the pseudo-classical tragedy. Straightforwardness, not guile, tremendous loyalty, as well as the above mentioned honesty and sacrifice of Faith, also make her akin to Barbara; but they are expressed in Faith in a more proportional and subtle way, with a greater sense of proportion and common sense, so that they do not lead Faith to those sharp dissonances with the life of others, as it always happens with Barbara.

The meaning of the name Vera option 5

Vera- Art. glory. faith, belief.


Verka, Veranya, Veraha, Verasha, Verulya, Verunya, Verusya, Rusya, Veruha, Verusha.

Folk omens.

The name day is called the all-world woman's name day.


It has a strange combination of recklessness and logic, poetic outbursts and routine; because it is not the power of inspiration, intuition, or even temperament that drives her in life, but virtue and consistency. But Vera is sometimes unexpected not only for others, but also for herself. She suddenly breaks calculations, traditions, decency. But he will never act dishonestly; honesty is generally the first commandment of Faith. There is nothing hidden, unsaid in her thoughts and actions. However, this clarity makes the face of Vera somewhat elementary. Vera - not a crystal stream and not music by Mozart; Veraonly thinks that she is. Not distinguished by any special eccentricity, she is still headstrong and wayward.

The meaning of the name Vera option 6

FAITH - faith, belief (Old Orthodox)

With Love and Hope, after torture for the faith of Christ, they were beheaded before the eyes of the mother (year 137).

  • Libra.
  • Planet - Saturn.
  • The color is gray.
  • Auspicious tree - maple.
  • The treasured plant is heather.
  • The patron saint of the name is an ant.
  • The talisman stone is beryl.


Vera - a very reasonable, balanced, logical and practical creature. She is very quick-witted, specific: she knows perfectly well what she wants from life and will never miss hers. And this quality in her clearly exceeds the emotional perception of the world, soars above dreams and fantasies.

The meaning of the name Vera option 7

Vera - a balanced person, does not go to extremes. Materialist, not prone to illusion. She looks at everything that happens soberly, and it never even occurs to her that with a sweetheart there can be heaven in a hut. I am firmly convinced that for well-being in my personal life, you need a good and well-paid job, comfortable housing, and a husband in a respectable position. He has the gift of logical thinking, will quickly dispel dreams of eternal love, will prove to anyone that it takes a lot of effort to create a stable environment in a family, because nothing comes by itself.

Vera often doubts the correctness of her decisions, so she always has a fallback. In everything, material calculation prevails in her. Loves to travel. Endowed with musical abilities. She is very attached to animals, there is always a cat or dog in her house.

You can congratulate your family and friends on the holidays, birthday, anniversary and other memorable dates!


Value: The name Vera is of Greek origin, although it has been considered from time immemorial a primordially Russian female name. This is one of the few names that are translated and interpreted in the same way as they sound. That is, the interpretation in this case sounds like "faith", and such names as Hope and Love ...

The female name Vera is popular in Russian Federation, and in many foreign countries, including even the United States. It has good value, is capable of endowing with a huge number of important characteristics, and has excellent compatibility with many male names ...

Popularity: The name Vera is listed in 35-37 positions in the ranking of Russian female names and, according to statistics, accounts for at least 6-9 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Verka, Verochka, Verunchik

Modern English counterparts: Veronica

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Vera is given, it endows the bearers of this name with such character traits as self-love, arrogance, self-sufficiency, disobedience and susceptibility, sensuality and sensitivity, self-confidence and courage, reliability and devotion. Moreover, in each individual Faith, other equally important features may appear, but it is worth noting that in each individual case the energy of this name can affect the bearer in different ways.

The best part is that this is one of the few names that protect their carriers from outside influences. Although, of course, the energy of this female name will affect the carrier and her character ...

Dignity and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of this name is such a trait as adherence to principles, because it is thanks to this feature of the Faith that they always adhere only to their own points of view and act in relation to any issues only according to their conscience.

Faith treats badly people who do bad things to weak people. And the bearers of this name never contact people who, in one way or another, take advantage of someone's weaknesses in order to achieve their own goals.

Interesting about the name Vera: In Christianity, the name Vera refers to the three main benefactors - Faith, Hope, and Love. And by the way, this is one of the most popular names in all of Europe ...

The nature of the name Vera

It is difficult to say exactly what the character of the girl will be, that she received the name Vera, focusing only on the energy of this name. Nevertheless, some factors still allow us to make several assumptions. And the main assumption is the statement that the character of Vera is always the character of a real leader, who will always achieve the goals set, help everyone, advise everyone, and support everyone.

You can also say for sure that Vera is a devoted, loyal, selfless and fundamentally correct person. A girl like that would never let herself be betrayed loved one or just an acquaintance, leave someone without support, or do something that will hurt someone. This is a girl who acts only in accordance with her conscience, and is ready to sacrifice even something important for the happiness of another person.

And the bearers of the name Vera are very active and hardworking, purposeful and effective. Such a girl will never look for an excuse to avoid work or responsibility for the affairs entrusted to her, and will never lie on the couch in front of the TV at a time when there are any, even if not very important things to do.

Early childhood

FROM early years Vera is a baby who wants one thing - to make an impression, so that everyone who only appears in her environment will admire her. And she knows how to achieve this - she behaves approximately and responsibly, develops in speech beyond her years, knows how to talk beautifully, is obedient and not playful, rarely indulges in and spends time with the benefit of others. In general, she does everything to be admired ...

At the same time, an incredibly high opinion of herself lives in her since childhood - she believes that she simply cannot not like people, does not stand up to criticism and is offended even because of the slightest teaching or rudeness addressed to her.

And nevertheless, Vera is a child, which means that she tends to have fun. Sometimes she can forget about the desire to be the best and begins to behave spoiled, which surprises the mother and father.


In adolescence, the bearer of such a beautiful name for girls as Vera will certainly retain the desire to make a good impression on adults and children that she had in childhood. But at the same time, she will already show this weakness for attention more restrained - her behavior will no longer seem so feigned.

As for relationships with peers, there are pitfalls, including the inability to make friends and unwillingness to make contact. She does not suffer from shyness or timidity, but she is afraid of new people in her environment. She is overpowered by fear of betrayal and lies. And she is also afraid of losing leadership, which she achieves with all her might with the help of the ability to set everyone on her wave.

And in general, Vera is a teenager, this is a rather unusual girl. She is dual and on the one hand can show one, and on the other, respectively, completely different ...

Adult woman

Mature Vera easily charms those whom she likes, is in demand with suitors throughout her life, and easily gets the feelings of those whom she looks at. For the bearer of this name, there is nothing easier than taking and conquering a man she liked. What, what, and she certainly knows how.

Vera is well versed in people and easily distinguishes deceitful and hypocritical people from sincere and kind. She will never allow a person who does not meet her requirements, selects friends, sorting through their "bones" from head to toe, does not accept those who do not meet at least her minimum requirements. But noisy companies and nightclubs are not her strong point - rather, she is a lover of serious and boring gatherings, rather than unrestrained fun.

And she also has well-developed organizational skills, she will easily become a leader and achieve quick career advancement, will certainly achieve her goals and will not give up even at the sight of obstacles.

Interaction of the character of Faith with the seasons

Spring is serious, responsible, executive, always achieves what she thinks about, her goals are never unattainable, she finishes any business and accomplishes it with a “plus”. She is self-sufficient and self-confident, never listens to other people's advice and tips, ignores instructions and criticism, trusts only herself, but makes many mistakes. Can't make friends.

Summer - the meaning of Summer gives rise to a capricious and fearful, unable to defend an opinion, suffering from a lack of attention. Her character is mild, but this can be corrected depending on the influence of the zodiac sign. He has a penchant for various objects of art, but is afraid to show off his skills, and therefore often hides his hobbies from the eyes of the environment.

Autumn - an autumn lady by the origin of her soul and nature is simply perfect. She is cheerful and optimistic, knows how to maintain a conversation with any interlocutor, easily copes with controlling emotions and behaves equally with everyone, without showing dislike. She is serious and reasonable, easily makes balanced and responsible decisions, does not trust her intuition, although she has it.

Winter - a winter girl named Vera is well developed and has a broad outlook, an energetic and active person, she does not know how to sit back, always moves forward, invents something and invents new things for herself. Dreamer, adventurer, fickle, not made for family life. But it is conflict-free - she is ready to nullify any quarrel even by admitting her own wrong.

The fate of the name Vera

It is even more difficult to say how the fate of a girl named Vera will develop in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love, personal life and marriage. But we can say for sure that Vera will be popular with men, starting from school. And all because the bearers of this name are always inherent in such traits as charm, eloquence, charm, sociability and charm, which are exactly what most men like.

But Vera will be extremely careful in choosing her partners, especially at an early age, at school or at the institute. And all because, firstly, it will be very important for her that the partner meets her requirements and criteria in everything without exception, and secondly, her authority is important for her, and it is important that everyone around her approves her choice. Although, again, in maturity everything will change, and at least the approval of people from the environment she will definitely not need.

As for betrayal, loyalty, leadership and respect, everything is as it should be. Vera will never allow herself to betray a loved one or hurt him. Until the last breath, she will be a faithful and devoted soul mate. Plus, she will always respect the opinion of her boyfriend, and this is also worth a lot.

Love and marriage

Bearers of the name Vera have different attitudes towards men and relationships with them in youth and maturity. From her youth, Vera can stare at everyone who she liked at least a little outwardly, but at the same time she will carefully sort out the guys and meet only with those who will meet her criteria, and whom her friends will approve. But in maturity, Vera will already spit on the approval of someone, and in her husbands she will choose someone with whom she will be comfortable.

What should be the husband of Vera? At a minimum, he should respect her opinion in everything, without exception, and show respect even when her opinion turns out to be wrong. She will not be next to a man who makes fun of her mistakes and oversights, and who puts his opinion above her personal. Plus, a potential husband should be promising, moreover, it is not only about money and material components, but also prospects in terms of paternity ...

To her beloved husband, who respects her opinion and honors her as a woman and a keeper of the hearth, she will become an exemplary wife who will do everything possible to make him happy. She will clean the house and prepare food, and in general will do everything in her power to make her husband happy with her. But in response, she will also demand a lot: love, care, attention and understanding, communication and spending time together.

Faith as Mother

It is quite difficult to say, focusing on the meaning and energy of the name, what kind of mother this or that woman will become. But in the case of Vera, there are several factors that suggest that Vera will definitely not become a bad mother. Perhaps she will have some weaknesses or shortcomings, but they certainly will not harm the child. And she herself will probably treat the child as a treasure that needs to be protected and cherished.

But the child in the family of the bearer named Vera must be planned. Planning pregnancy and motherhood will allow Vera to come to terms with her future role and the responsibility that will rest on her. Then she will definitely become a really good mother. But again, without the support of her husband, the father of the child, this cannot be done - she will lose heart if she sees that her husband has no time to share with her the concerns related to the child.

Vera will probably pay maximum attention to raising a child. She will protect her child in every possible way, regardless of who it is, a boy or a girl, and will raise a person with the best possible character from a child. She will teach her child only good things, and will never allow anyone to offend him ...

Vera horoscope


Aries is a girl who received the name Vera at birth and was born under the auspices of the zodiac sign Aries, is hardworking and stubborn, stubborn, in a hundred percent of cases achieves its goals and does not succumb to difficulties. There are few friends, but he selects them very carefully, only the faithful.


Taurus - The meaning of Taurus bestows uncompromising and integrity. She is proud and never admits someone else is right, defends her point of view to the last, suffers from lack of attention and hides emotions. She does not know how to make associates, a brawler and a rude person.


Gemini - and this zodiac sign paired with the name Vera endows such character traits as frivolity and inconstancy. She does not trust people, is secretive and sensitive, suffers from loneliness and falls into depression. She needs support, a protective husband who can give her happiness.


Cancer is weak and infantile, straightforward and aggressive, scares away from itself with unreasonable rudeness. She is not able to defend her opinion and is often afraid to make a decision even where it does not require any sacrifices. It is difficult to live with such a person, she is overly fearful and self-critical.

a lion

Leo - a lioness by the origin of the soul is not too delicate and good-natured, but it has organizational skills, the makings of a leader, bright ambitions and a tendency to lust for power. Does not get along with the same as herself, conflicts with many on any occasion, directly into the eyes expresses dissatisfaction with a person.


Virgo - this astrological symbol and the very name Vera together endow simply excellent compatibility with males who have willpower and perseverance, self-confidence and self-sufficiency. She needs an opposite partner, because she herself is too weak in nature.


Libra - and the girl, named Vera and born at the time of Libra's rule, is kind and benevolent, she will never say too much and will not be rude. She wants to seem reasonable and intelligent, talented and serious, and does not understand that she is so perceived as what she wants to be.


Scorpio - an independent, self-confident, dreamy, mistrustful, proud, arrogant and ambitious little man is born here. Suffers from misunderstanding, loneliness and monotony of life. She has regrettably few like-minded people, from which problems arise in her personal life.


Sagittarius is cheerful, cheerful, outgoing, friendly, sociable, good-natured and outgoing. Its only disadvantage is that it evaluates people superficially and often makes mistakes, demanding from them what they cannot give. It is difficult to get along with her, but an ideal wife will come out of her.


Capricorn - this woman, named Vera, is effective, active, restless, with a lot of energy and ideas. She loves her job and strives to develop and improve herself. He often forgets about his personal life and devotes all of himself to purely work, which is why, in the end, remains lonely. An exemplary mother and wife.


Aquarius is not conflicted, not principled, kind and fair, knows how to present oneself in such a way as to please. She is diplomatic and has the gift of persuasion - she easily forces people to do what is beneficial to her. A little selfish, but this does not repel. Doesn't want to quarrel even on serious occasions.


Pisces - as always, this zodiac endows with creativity. A dreamer, with a developed imagination and fantasy, hovering in the clouds and living in her own invented illusory world, in which there is no place for betrayal, lies, and not ideal personalities. Her other half should be a strong and persistent relationship partner.

Male Name Compatibility

The issue of compatibility of the name Vera with male names is quite interesting and fraught with many important parameters. But the main one says about perfect compatibility Faith with names such as August, Adrian, Evdokim, Dmitry, Eduard, Modest, Svyatoslav, Trofim, Ustin, Thaddeus, Ernest, Frol, Valery, Khariton, and Moses. In the case of an alliance with one of them, there are great chances of creating a really strong and happy marriage.

Emelyan, Rodion, Solomon, Sergei, Eric, Arseny, Ignat, Izyaslav, Samuel and Maxim - there is also a connection with these variations, but only in terms of passion and love, but not in marriage. If it comes to him, then he will be one hundred percent short-lived.

And with such as Taras, Julius, Fedor, Akim, Gabriel, Ermolai, Kazimir and Nikita, it is better not to build relationships at all, because nothing will come of them, and the relationship will be filled only with jealousy, scandals and disagreements.

Vera is a reserved, prudent, calculating woman, not prone to frequent mood swings. She is almost always calm and level-headed. Such a girl is an absolute realist, she can cope with difficulties on her own and achieve the desired goals. She does not make plans, the execution of which would be beyond her power.

The origin of the name Vera

Translated from the ancient Slavic Faith means "truth", "belief". This name is closely associated with Hope and Love. In the Orthodox faith, the legend of the sisters-martyrs Vera, Nadya and Lyuba, as well as their mother Sophia, is widely known. They were tortured and executed together for their commitment to Christianity.

The name gained great popularity during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. She was an adherent of Russian traditions and actively fought against dominance foreign language (and foreign names) in the Russian Empire.

Some researchers believe that the word Vera comes from the ancient Greek "pistios", which means "faithful" in translation. In mythology, this epithet was used to describe the power of Zeus. In the Latin language there is also the word "verus", which is similar in meaning to the Old Church Slavonic "faith".

Forms of the name Vera

Abbreviated forms of the name:

  • Verka;
  • Veruha;
  • Veraha;
  • Rusik;
  • Rusya.

Diminutive forms:

  • Verunchik;
  • Veranya;
  • Verasha;
  • Verula;
  • Verunya;
  • I believe;
  • Verochka;
  • Veronka;
  • Verusha.

A related name is Veronica. The abbreviated form "Rus" makes a word related to a name.

When writing poems about a girl named Vera, you can use the following rhymes: premiere, atmosphere, panther, cave, sphere.

Photo gallery: name forms

Vera - the full form of the name Vera - an affectionate version of the appeal to Vera Verka - a simpler form of appeal to Vera, giving off some familiarity

Faith is mentioned in orthodox saints, therefore, newborn girls can be baptized with this name.

Transliteration for a passport - VERA.

Table: name in different languages

Middle names that combine with the name

The following middle names are harmoniously combined with the name Vera:

  • Vasilevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Ivanovna;
  • Petrovna;
  • Stepanovna.

Nickname options for social networks

  • verusik;
  • verusya;
  • verochka;
  • verushka;
  • verrunja.

Patron saints of Faith, name day dates

The patroness of girls with this name is the Holy Martyr Vera of Rome.

Faith, Hope and Love are three sisters-martyrs who, even under the threat of death, did not renounce their faith in Christ. In 137, they were tortured and executed by order of the emperor Hadrian, an adherent of paganism. Vera was the eldest of the sisters, at the time of her execution she was only 12 years old. The girls were killed in front of their mother Sophia. She could not bear the loss of her daughters and died at their grave, three days after the execution.

Martyr Vera of Rome - patron saint of girls with this name

Faiths celebrate name days:

  • February 26;
  • June 14;
  • September 30th;
  • October 14;
  • December, 31st.

On Verin's day (September 30), in the old days, they organized an all-world woman's name day. Women gathered for gatherings, small holidays, a kind of hen parties.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • independence;
  • perseverance;
  • responsiveness;
  • determination;
  • insight.

Negative qualities:

  • excessive courage;
  • fanaticism;
  • waywardness;
  • a tendency to risky actions and adventures.

How the name affects the character of the child

Vera grows up as a sensible and intelligent girl. She is neat, loves order. This is a real hostess and mother's helper. The baby will sweep the floor and wash the dishes without parental guidance. And when adults are at work, he can look after the younger ones.

The girl has nothing superfluous in her room, she neatly puts all her treasures in different boxes and boxes. The baby treats pocket money prudently, does not spend it on unnecessary trinkets and harmful sweets.

Vera is calm, assiduous and obedient. She will not make noise and play pranks, even if she is left alone at home. Parents fully trust their daughter, they know that in their absence Vera will not be naughty, but will find interesting activities for herself.

Little Vera is a real mother's helper

The girl is touchy, very upset when her voice is raised and scolded for minor offenses. But this does not mean at all that the child should be indulged in everything. We need to negotiate with Vera. Education by the method of punishment and moralizing is unlikely to lead to a positive result.

Quiet Vera gets along well with classmates, but few want to be friends with her. Peers consider the girl too correct, they call her imaginary. The baby is very upset about this. She can find like-minded people in a creative circle.

Vera studies well, but without much zeal. With her responsibility and diligence, she wants to earn the respect and love of others. The girl really needs the support of her parents, without her the baby will become secretive and lose self-confidence.

Faith teen

Young Vera is practical and disciplined. She sets high goals for herself, while trying to rely only on herself. Purposeful and persistent girl always gets things done. Emotional outbursts and mood swings are not peculiar to her. She is practically indifferent to the opposite sex, since she believes that romantic relationships are just a pointless waste of time. Vera prefers to spend most of her time studying.

Despite the numerous advantages, the girl also has enough disadvantages. She is very sentimental and touchy. With age, her character traits do not change, and Vera herself does not want to do anything.

Young Vera prefers quiet evenings with a book to noisy companies

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pavel Florensky, Vera tends to commit adventurous actions, but at the same time she is always prudent, confident in the successful completion of the case. The girl carefully plans her actions, even risky ones, and her consistency and accuracy save her from major failures. She is neat and disciplined. He does not like to talk about his plans to others, considering it his own business.

Pierre Rouget claims that Vera is always under control. There is no problem with which she could not cope. A girl should always feel her importance, whether it be helping loved ones or showing kindness and care to an absolutely stranger. She tends to look for her calling in life, the work to which she can devote all her time.

According to Boris Khigir, Vera is endowed with extraordinary thinking and an excellent memory. She is very creative and can show her talent in music. When meeting a girl, one might get the impression that she is only interested in spirituality, but this opinion is in most cases wrong. She is strong-willed, purposeful, always achieves the set goal, no difficulties can lead her astray.

Talents and hobbies

Vera is a very talented girl, she has many different hobbies and hobbies. The owner of this name has a wonderful ear for music, it is quite possible that she owns the skills of playing some musical instrument... Also, she is not alien to other activities, such as knitting, modeling and drawing.

Vera has a knack for needlework, she loves to knit and embroider

Such a girl cooks wonderfully, she has a great talent for the culinary arts. At home, she usually has a furry pet and, perhaps, not even one. Her weakness for pets has been shown since childhood. Vera also has a great desire to travel.

The author of these lines is familiar with Vera, who had from two to 14 cats at home in different years of her life. This woman takes care of them, knows everyone's habits and manners. She brings up animals like children: she gradually teaches them to cleanliness and order, when conflicts arise, she tries to figure out who is to blame and reconcile the warring parties.

Faith in career and business

From childhood, Vera strives to develop her creative abilities. If over time, a girl's interests do not change, in adulthood she can become a wonderful musician or artist. Her success can also be expected in acting. The owner of such a name will be able to show interest in her work if she chooses a creative profession. Otherwise, she will be interested in work only because of material benefits.

Faith has tenacity and endurance. She will not miss the chance to take a prestigious position, but to get it, she will not flatter and hypocrite. Although a girl has leadership qualities, she does not necessarily seek to become a leader.

The owner of such a name can start a business. Her discipline and delicate approach to problem solving will help build good relationships with partners. Vera is serious about her work tasks, she can conduct business on her own, without anyone's help.


Vera has a strong immune system, she rarely gets seriously ill. The girl tries to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor her physical condition. But the owner of such a name may have diseases associated with the intestinal tract.

Vera tries to maintain the good health given to her by nature through regular training and proper nutrition

Vera in love and marriage

Vera's practicality and down-to-earthness affect her choice of a partner. A man can win the heart of such a girl:

  • serious;
  • purposeful;
  • balanced;
  • with extensive life experience under his belt.

The husband must provide the girl with stability and protection. In the family, Vera is happy to pass on the laurels of government to her husband. She will become a sweet, loving wife and caring mother. In family relations, loyalty, stability, respect and mutual understanding are important for the owner of this name. Romance in marriage is far from the main thing for her.

Vera, an acquaintance of the author of this article, has been married to one man for about 40 years. Their relationship can hardly be called romantic. Throughout their life together, the couple never traveled together, they rarely go out. But at the same time, the spouses are satisfied with the established state of affairs, they value the stability of their family.

Vera does not believe in love at first sight; when choosing a life partner, she is guided not only by feelings. The girl is smart and calculating. She tends to work hard and get a good income. When entering into a marriage union, the owner of such a name is not going to give up her positions.

For Vera in marriage, not only feelings are important, but also financial security

Vera is very concerned about the financial situation of the family. In her opinion, a man must be hardworking in order to provide for his relatives. Often, in search of an ideal partner, the owner of such a name is disappointed in men, she can be alone for a long time. She should learn to perceive reality as it is, and not seek to adjust everyone to herself. It is important for a girl to trust her inner feelings.

This is a shy and slightly notorious woman. To feel confident in herself, she will be able to start many relationships with different representatives of the stronger sex. Or she will immediately be lucky to find an experienced man who can liberate the tender and sensual Faith. Trusting her chosen one, she is able to give him passionate love and tenderness.

Vera's family is dominated by her husband, and she does not interfere with this. This is a wonderful hostess, she loves to cook very much, she often indulges relatives and friends with culinary masterpieces. Her house is cozy and clean. The owner of this name loves to independently think over and create a unique home design. In this matter, her abilities for needlework help.

This girl treats her husband with respect, tries to support him in all endeavors. She is smart and agreeable, absolutely not conflicted, in general, such as it is typical to be a happy and wise woman. Vera is a hospitable hostess, often receives guests in her house, gets along well with her husband's relatives, including her mother-in-law.

The owner of such a name is a kind and caring mother. She is considerate of her children. Trying to instill good qualities in the child, Vera occasionally shows severity. But babies appreciate the mother's efforts and love and can come to her with any problem, knowing that she will understand and support in difficult times.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameLove compatibilityMarriage compatibilityFeatures of relationships
Sergey80% 40% Vera is a practical and disciplined woman. She tends to plan everything and set rules. The freedom-loving Sergei does not like such a family charter, he is not used to being accountable for his every step. Because of this, there can be no stability in a couple, often such a marriage is short-lived.
Alexander60% 30% There is no harmony and mutual understanding in this family, quarrels and disagreements often arise due to the fact that Vera seeks to teach her husband to order and discipline. Alexander, enjoying a quiet and measured life before marriage, does not want to come to terms with the onslaught of his wife. Endless outbursts of emotion can lead to divorce.
Evgeniy80% 60% Purposeful, persistent and strong-willed Eugene is able to take care of Vera for a long time, trying to win her heart. If a girl succumbs to feelings and trusts a man, she will find a caring and loving partner for life.
Dmitry80% 90% Dmitry is strong-willed and serious, it is important for him to create a happy, wealthy family. Faith supports the spouse in everything. They have a trusting and warm relationship. None of the partners will put their interests above the desires of the other half. They are used to solving all problems together. Such an alliance will become stronger over time, no adversity is able to break their union.
Andrei70% 60% Harmonious relationship. Spouses love and respect each other. It's easy for them together, Vera and Andrey have many common interests, they enjoy being alone. This couple rarely has disagreements, as they are always able to find a solution that could satisfy both sides. Such a relationship promises a couple many years of life in a happy marriage.
Alexei100% 80% This married couple has a sincere, trusting relationship. Alexey's optimism and good sense of humor are capable of liberating a serious and focused Vera. Spouses do not have a boring routine life, none of their days is like the previous one. And they are also united by their love of travel.
Ivan90% 60% The strong-willed and purposeful Vera finds support in her partner and knows that Ivan will always support her and lend his strong shoulder. The girl will grant the right to become the head of the family to her spouse, and everything in their relationship will turn out as well as possible.
Yuri90% 60% Faith needs the love, attention and care of her spouse. She is even ready to give up high positions and become quiet and domestic. But if Yuri does not appreciate the sacrifice of his partner and pays little attention to her, she may decide on a desperate step that will lead to the breaking of the marriage bond.
Maksim100% 70% In this pair, the spouses are together, but at the same time separately. Everyone has their own interests and preferences. If the partners are satisfied with such a life together, it is quite possible that such a marriage will be durable.
Novel80% 60% Vera believes that one should not express one's dissatisfaction and claims to the strong-willed and purposeful Roman, believing that peace in the family is the most important thing. But grievances tend to accumulate, and eventually the girl's patience may end. This will lead to a break in the relationship.
Vladimir90% 60% Despite all the difficulties, this couple seeks to solve all problems mutually, in fairness. They are capable of reaching great heights by joint efforts. The spouses completely trust each other and try to make their life better together.
Artyom90% 100% Vera is calm, pragmatic and purposeful, and Artyom is energetic, optimistic, capable of insanity. These different partners complement each other. A man gives determination to his wife, and Vera helps her husband to be more circumspect and disciplined. Such a union will be very strong, despite any adversity.
Victor80% 60% Vulnerable and secretive Vera has been looking closely at her chosen one for a long time and does not dare to accept Victor's offer to legalize their relationship. But the wife's desire to discipline her husband and change him casts doubt on their happy family life.

Significant years of life

The most important years of Vera's life:

Songs in which this name is mentioned: "Vera-Vera" by Lyubov Uspenskaya, "Gray" by the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy", "Salute, Vera" by Valery Meladze.

Table: name matches

PlanetSaturnPrudent, sincere, strong-willed. A very delicate and well-mannered girl. Sometimes hot-tempered, can be cruel.
Zodiac signLibraCheerful, unperturbed, afraid of hurting the feelings of others. Very friendly. She always trusts her gut. But sometimes it becomes wayward, selfish and quick-tempered, because of this, it can lose best friends.
ElementWaterA very perceptive and prudent girl. She is friendly, sincere and creative. Occasionally shows aggression and jealousy.
Number1 Possesses extraordinary thinking, courage and endurance. He doesn't like it when they get into the soul. She prefers to choose her friends. Very talented, always looking for inspiration and new ideas.
ColorGreyStubborn and intractable. Always true to her beliefs, her spirit is never broken. He treats people with distrust, because he is afraid of betrayal. He does not forgive insults, he can even take revenge on the ill-wisher. A devoted friend, behind her own stands a mountain.
Totem animalAntHardworking, secretive, proactive and disciplined.
WoodMapleA symbol of peace, success, love and prosperity.
PlantHeatherAn ambiguous symbol that denotes both love and sexual attraction, joy and the ability to sacrifice oneself. Such a girl should remember that an all-consuming passion can lead to adverse consequences.
A rockBerylProtects the wearer from various troubles during long trips. Strengthens the spirit, relieves fatigue.
MetalGoldA symbol of leadership, wealth, greatness. But at the same time, it personifies destruction, debauchery and envy.
Auspicious daySaturday

The meaning of each letter of the name

B - sociability, optimism, reliability and sincerity. A person with his own unique worldview, as a rule, is a monogamous person.

E - loyalty to your principles and beliefs. Very open, sociable people, sometimes they can impose their opinion on others. Honest and unselfish, their sincerity often hides a deep understanding of the essence of things.

P - very strong intuition, it is impossible to hide something from such people. There are skills for needlework. In communication, they are delicate and calm, but only as long as their feelings do not hurt.

A - strive for spiritual and physical development. They have the makings of a leader.

Faith is a four-letter name. This means that these girls are smart and practical. Almost always calm and level-headed, which makes a positive impression. They do not tolerate flashy makeup, defiant clothes. They become excellent housewives, loving wives and caring mothers.

When Vera was born

Winter Vera is independent, brave and wayward. I got used to think ahead and control everything, because of this, difficulties appear in relationships with men. They consider such a girl to be selfish and even immoral. Vera, who was born in winter, rarely makes decisions spontaneously. Loves order, appreciates stability.

Spring Vera is a responsive, honest, sociable and very dreamy woman. Her life is full of mystery and mysteries. Such a girl will never leave in trouble, even if help may damage her reputation. He is sensitive to others, perhaps more than to himself. She is poorly versed in people, so her kindness can be used for selfish purposes. Vera, whose birthday falls on the month of spring, is very upset because of the injustice and greed of others.

Vera, born in spring, is kind and seeks to help people

Summer Vera is energetic, power-hungry and purposeful. She has a lot of friends. With her love of life and optimism, a girl is able to infect everyone around. This is a kind and very sensitive person. However, he never forgives lies and betrayal.

Autumn Vera is practical, stubborn and ambitious. She has a domineering character, intelligent and reasonable. This is a purposeful and independent woman who can achieve great success in a primordially male profession. He devotes most of his time to work and self-improvement. She gets married rather late.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA strong-willed, strong and independent woman with a tough character. I got used to making decisions on my own, taking full responsibility for my actions. Attentive and caring towards people, inclined to show compassion and support. In her work, Vera-Aries is very demanding both to herself and to those around her. Occasionally shows cruelty. Possesses leadership skills, is very active and stress resistant.
calfA vulnerable, gentle and sensitive woman. Differs in kindness and sincerity. Reacts quite adequately to criticism addressed to him. Tolerant and courteous. Her openness and optimism are capable of conquering any person. In the company she is energetic, sociable, benevolent. Vera-Taurus does not like it when they interfere in her plans and try to persuade her to her opinion.
TwinsCheerful, sociable, open-minded woman with analytical thinking. He devotes most of his time to self-development. At work, she is serious and prudent, in emergency situations she is able to think sensibly and quickly make decisions. Friends appreciate Vera-Gemini for her lightness, impartiality, exceptional love of life. But the girl has not so many real close friends, in her close circle there are only reliable people, time-tested, for example, childhood friends.
CancerStubborn, intractable and somewhat selfish woman. She does not tend to be delicate, she is used to expressing everything in a simple and accessible form. Many people can be offended, and after that the girl will not publicly apologize for her wrongdoing. In family relations, it will be difficult with her, since any decision of her is not negotiable. Because of this, quarrels and conflicts can often arise between spouses.
a lionPrudent, proactive and wayward, she stubbornly achieves everything she wants. Has the makings of a leader, always keeps everything under tight control. It is unusual for her to make spontaneous decisions. Vera-Leo carefully plans her future. She is able to overcome any difficulties on her way to the desired goal.
VirgoReasonable, practical and executive. Always follow through with what you started. He loves order in everything, adheres to it not only at home, but also at work. Many colleagues believe that the girl's desire to do everything perfectly speaks of her fanaticism. Vera-Virgo has very few friends, many people envy her, and there are those who simply annoy her position in life.
LibraA mysterious, gentle, friendly woman. Easily finds contact with people, completely non-conflict. She has excellent manners, she wins the hearts of many of the stronger sex. She is able to create strong family relationships with almost any man, since Vera-Libra is very good-natured, prudent and capable of supporting her spouse in any of his endeavors.
ScorpioStubborn and intractable, with a changeable mood. Vera-Scorpio is guided only by feelings, if she gets something in her head, she can ruin everyone's mood, and after a while the girl will again calm down and cheer up. You should not expect repentance from her, she will not regret what happened and apologize for what she did.
SagittariusStrong-willed, purposeful, constantly improving herself. In communication, she is delicate and simple-minded. He is rapidly climbing the career ladder. Wants to be the center of attention. Vera-Sagittarius is charming and graceful, popular with men, but very demanding in relationships. Because of this, not everyone is able to win her heart.
CapricornIntroverted, unsociable, shy and very touchy. He experiences a lot, does not tolerate stress. Afraid of any changes in life. He sets big goals for himself, but often does not cope with difficulties and drops the case halfway. She prefers loneliness, as she does not tend to trust anyone. Looking for a catch in everything.
AquariusReasonable, strong-willed and persistent. He devotes most of his time to official duties and work on himself. She usually has a lot of professional experience, which demonstrates her serious attitude towards her work. Vera-Aquarius has almost no friends, she does not like to meet new people. For such a girl, career comes first.
FishA mysterious, sweet, fragile, very touchy woman. She tends to take everything too close to her heart, any criticism addressed to her is perceived very painfully and can lead to depression. It's not easy to be friends with Vera-Pisces. She either complains how the world is unfair to her, or shifts her problems onto others, theatrically exaggerating their scale.

Famous women with this name

Such famous women with this name have left their mark on history:

  • Vera Kholodnaya - famous silent film actress;
  • Vera Komissarzhevskaya - Russian theater actress;
  • Vera Mukhina - Soviet sculptor, winner of five Stalin prizes, author of the Worker and Collective Farm Woman monument;
  • Vera Glagoleva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Vera Menchik - Russian chess player, the first world chess champion among women;
  • Vera Karalli - Russian ballerina and silent film actress;
  • Vera Glebova - chemist, organizer and first director of the research institute of rare metal industry GIREDMET;
  • Vera Brezhneva - Ukrainian and Russian pop singer;
  • Veruschka, née Countess Vera Gottliebe Anna von Lendorff is a German model and actress.

Poems with this name: "Bukharina" by Mikhail Lermontov, "Autographs" by Sergei Mikhalkov, "Vera Vasilievna" by Rasul Gamzatov.

Photo gallery: famous Vera

Veruschka - German model and actress Vera Brezhneva - Ukrainian and Russian singer Vera Glagoleva - theater and film actress Vera Karalli - Russian ballerina Vera Komissarzhevskaya - Russian theater actress Vera Menchik - the first world chess champion among women Vera Mukhina - Soviet sculptor Vera Kholodnaya - silent film actress

Vera is a purposeful and prudent girl. She harbors no illusions about her future, as she is able to reasonably reason and plan. In case of failure, she never despairs, because she always has a backup plan of action. Thanks to perseverance and hard work, the girl always achieves the desired goals. In dealing with people, she is delicate and friendly. Despite her strong and strong-willed character, the owner of this name needs the support of her loved ones.