Summer schools of chemical biological profile. Biological department (BiO). Summer school unpk mfti - advantages

Participation in the workshop will allow students to fill in those areas that receive little attention in a regular biology course. The knowledge gained will help you to look at biology differently - to see that it is a whole system of various sciences and methods. After graduating from the Biological Department of the Summer School, students will be able to successfully perform at Olympiads and conferences.


The program will focus on design and research work in various fields of biology, as well as a workshop, including excursions, work with laboratory equipment. Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to get acquainted with biology not through a textbook, but through research and real study of the world around them, as well as through communication with professional or educated biologists and biology teachers (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, University of Cambridge, employees of various laboratories). The topics of lectures and seminars will be related to the topics of research work, some lectures will be held in conjunction with medical department(MedO). We will pay special attention to such an important thing as the methodology of biological research, which students will master in seminars. In addition to the main courses, one-off lectures and seminars will be held by such interesting speakers as Alexander Panchin, Alexey Vodovozov, Mikhail Gelfand.


We are waiting for schoolchildren who have completed at least 8 grades who want to seriously study biology. We are also waiting for students of biological specialties who are ready to participate in the activities of the department as curators. And, of course, we are waiting for teachers who are ready to share their knowledge and experience.

One-year, one-and-a-half or two-year training program
Author's educational programs developed by leading university professors, doctors and candidates of sciences
Own tutorials and methodological literature, developed on the basis of many years of experience in the classrooms of partner schools of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
In-depth study of subjects
Classes of no more than 10-15 students, which allows you to individualize the educational process
Preparation for participation in Moscow, interregional and All-Russian Olympiads schoolchildren. Analysis of Olympiad problems with teachers
Specially invited lecturers in various medical disciplines acquaint students of Chem * Bio * Plus with the future profession
Adaptation to study at a medical university. Semester training system. The format of classes for students Chem * Bio * Plus is lectures, colloquia, computer tests and practical exercises in the laboratories of the university
Constant communication with your teachers through modern instant messengers when you have questions about homework and preparation for classes
At the end of the semester, parents are provided with a student's characteristics with grades and recommendations from teachers
Chem * Bio * Plus issues certificates to students that they are students of courses of additional educational services of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
Final final exams in Chem * Bio * Plus are held in the USE format
For admission outside the budget, Chem * Bio * Plus graduates are provided with discounts on tuition

Academic Supervisor of the School: Negrebetsky Vadim Vitalievich, Head of the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology, Russian National Research Medical University named after V.I. N.I. Pirogova, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the European Academy Prize, State Scientific Fellowship.

The results of our graduates: those who studied at HIM * BIO * PLUS, when they passed the exam, they received an average score of 88 in biology, and 92 in chemistry!

Training procedure

Classes twice a week for 3 hours(weekday, evening time and Saturday) on the territory of the Russian National Research medical university(address and directions).

Study format resembles classes at the university: instead of a couple's lessons, the control ones are replaced by intermediate exams (every semester). Students who fail the midterm exams are subject to expulsion. It is important to complete all tasks and not miss classes! In the opinion of teachers, successful development educational programs Chem * Bio * Plus allows you to win olympiads, successfully pass the exam and enter a university without the involvement of tutors.

Rules and procedure for admission

  • Admission is possible upon successful completion of the 8th (one-year program), 9th (two-year and one-and-a-half-year programs) or 10th (one-year program) class of a comprehensive school
  • The beginning of classes - as the groups are formed (approximately 03 October)
  • Enrollment in the school is carried out according to the results of the passed entrance examinations in the form of a test in the subjects that are included in the chosen program. Test questions do not go outside the school curriculum.
  • Acceptance of applications - until September 20

For enrollment, you must submit the following documents:

  • Copy of the student's passport (birth certificate)
  • A copy of the student's parent (legal representative) passport
  • Certificate from the educational institution in which the applicant is currently studying
  • 4 photos of 3x4 size (for registration of a pass and personal file)
Schools with medical classes in Moscow have been around for quite some time, and this early teaching methodology is bearing fruit. On the basis of ordinary general education schools, specialized classes are arranged, with in-depth study of the subjects necessary for further admission to medical universities. The curriculum in specialized classes is somewhat different from general education. These programs are compiled by university professors themselves and medical practitioners, they also teach some subjects and conduct seminars. The training program is designed in such a way that students are prepared for a specific specialty up to passing the exam and successful admission to a university. The percentage of those who did not enroll is low, since children who consciously choose medicine devote all their energy to studying subjects.

There are several options for the Moscow School Medical Class program, and each school chooses its own. One project involves an in-depth study of chemistry and biology, starting from 8-9 grades, and the second - a specialized study of subjects from 10 to 11 grades.

Profile subjects are studied at least 5 hours a week each and are basic. In addition to classes, students regularly go to practice in the laboratory, to the university clinic, and can independently engage in their own projects. These projects, as well as participation in the Olympiads, are compulsory for students, and they give additional points when entering a university, so children have motivation.

There are many medical schools in Moscow, where specialized training begins after grade 9. To date, more than 120 schools in Moscow are provided with the necessary equipment and have signed agreements with the Ministry of Education and Health. All these schools are partners of the Moscow School Medical Class program, and have the appropriate certificates and permits for this type of activity.

There is a competition for admission to a specialized class, which is not so easy to pass. There are few places, and only those who have chosen the profession of a doctor, and not just want to get a school certificate, will get to these places. According to statistics, 100% of graduates of specialized medical classes apply for admission to a medical university, and 98% of them successfully pass to the budgetary department.

In medical classes in Moscow schools, you can choose specialties that are more to your liking, and prepare for more in-depth training at the university in the departments:

  • medical business;
  • pediatrics;
  • clinical psychology;
  • pharmacy;
  • dentistry;
  • preventive medicine;
  • biotechnology;
  • bioinformatics;
  • microbiology;
  • bioengineering;
  • social work;
  • economics and enterprise management in healthcare.
In total, about 20 directions are offered, and the child can orientate himself during his school years whether he needs it?

Medical classes in schools in Moscow, list of schools

Information about the rating of medical classes in Moscow schools does not change much, and each of the schools is good in its own way. When submitting documents to a specific school, it is necessary to clarify what medical areas are being trained in this school, and the conditions of admission. Some schools start admission in the fall (next year), in other schools in the spring.

Central Administrative District

School number 2030
123100, Moscow, st. Zvenigorodskaya 2nd St., 8.
Metro: Street 1905.

School number 1950
123056, Moscow, st. Krasin, 20.
Metro: Mayakovskaya.

School number 1468
109544 Moscow, st. Novorogozhskaya, 9.
Metro: Roman.

School number 1259
115054 Moscow, 5th Monetchikovsky per., 7
Metro: Paveletskaya.

School number 1253
119021 Moscow, Zubovskiy boulevard, building 5, building 1.
Metro: Park Kultury.

School number 507
115487 Moscow, Sadovniki street, house 13.
Metro: Kolomenskaya.

School number 354
105005 Moscow, Lefortovsky lane, 10.
Metro: Baumanskaya.

Northern Administrative District

School number 2099
125171 Moscow, 3rd Radiatorskaya street, 8A.
Metro: Voikovskaya.

Moscow gymnasium number 1583
Moscow, st. Smolnaya, 25.
Metro Water Stadium.

School number 1570
125040, Moscow, st. Yamskogo field 5th, 28/32.
Metro: Savelovskaya.

School number 1550
125284, Moscow, st. Running, 19.
Metro: Dynamo.

School number 1251
125252, Moscow, st. Salvador Allende, 9.
Metro: Sokol.

Northwest Administrative District

School number 2005
125466, Moscow, st. Rodionovskaya, 6/7.
Metro: Glider.

School number 1874
123098, Moscow, st. Marshal Novikov, 13.
Metro: Shchukinskaya.

Gymnasium number 1517
123103, Moscow, st. Zhivopisnaya, 11, bldg. one.
Metro: Shchukinskaya, October field.

School number 1358
125310 Moscow, Pyatnitskoe highway, 45, building 2.
Metro: Pyatnitskoe highway.

Southwest Administrative District

School number 1953
119607 Moscow, Udaltsova street, house 40.
Metro: Prospect Vernadsky.

School number 1212
117574 Moscow, Vilnius street, house 14.
Metro: Yasenevo.

School number 1206
117593 Moscow, Litovskiy boulevard, building 3, building 3.
Metro: Yasenevo.

School number 1205
117335 Moscow, Architect Vlasov street, 19A.
Metro: Profsoyuznaya.

School number 1065
117624, Moscow, Skobelevskaya st., 28.
Metro: Skobelevskaya.

School number 199
117036, Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 15, building 1.
Metro: Academic.

School number 109
117513, Moscow, st. Academician Bakulev, 20.
Metro: Troparevo.

School number 15
117246, Moscow, st. Kherson, 27A.
Metro: Kaluzhskaya.

Southern Administrative District

School number 1929
115211 Moscow, street Borisovskie Ponds, house 12, building 2.
Metro: Borisovo.

School number 1375
Moscow, Nagatinskaya embankment, 24.
Metro: Kolomenskaya.

School number 1207
115582, Moscow, Domodedovskaya st., 24, bldg. 7.
Metro: Domodedovskaya.

School number 630
117105 Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, house 12.
Metro: Nagatinskaya.

School number 494
115280, Moscow, 1st Avtozavodsky proezd, 2.
Metro: Avtozavodskaya.

As graduates of medical classes say, the program is difficult, but interesting. After entering the university, students do not experience great difficulties, and they are glad that they were trained in a specialized class. If from the first time the child did not pass the competition to the medical class, do not despair. As elsewhere, children who manage to get through may refuse to study in medical class, and go to a regular class, making room for those who need it.

Biology is a science that studies wildlife. Her modern name appeared only two centuries ago. The school curriculum is unthinkable without the study of biology and its subsections - botany, anatomy, zoology. This subject is often chosen by graduates during the OGE and USE, which speaks of its importance and popularity.

A lot of guys want to learn more about this science than it is supposed by curriculum... They have an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with its sections, features both in theory and in practice. In our city there are ecological and biological centers, laboratories, clubs and other institutions in which young naturalists can learn more about the world of plants and animals, learn about environmental protection.

In addition to gaining new knowledge, children will be able to participate in scientific conferences and competitions, prepare for exams and admission to higher education. schools... Contact with wildlife fosters kindness, sensitivity, attentiveness, responsibility in children. Classes will become an excellent base for educational and research activities, preparation of projects of various levels - from school to all-Russian.

What a Young Naturalist Should Know When Experimenting with Plants

Experiments are a great opportunity to get to know in practice what the theory has told you. But before you start them, it is important to remember that without accuracy and care it is better not even to start them. In addition, haste, a desire to speed up the process, can do a disservice. Before the experiment, put on the table only what is required for it: seeds, plants, earth, instruments, materials, etc. There should be nothing superfluous. If you are faced with the task of growing a plant, then you need to carefully look after it: loosen the soil, fertilize and do not forget about weeding. You also need to have the so-called control plants under the same conditions as those used in the experiment. Diary entries and drawings increase the value of the experiment. After completing the experiments, be sure to write a conclusion - a report on the work done.

What are the advantages of practicing with a microscope?

Very often, children ask questions that baffle parents. For example, the seemingly simple question "Why does nettle burn the skin?" can be difficult. Of course, in the internet age it is easy to find the answer, but take your time. Try together with the baby to come to him, as they say, by experience. A microscope will help you with this. After all, how interesting it will be for you and your child to examine the structure of a nettle leaf under a microscope. Then the knowledge that you glean on the Internet or in a book on entertaining biology will be an excellent addition to your experiments and will surely remain in your memory. It is much easier to talk about the structure of a flower, about cells, using a microscope. It will become an excellent stimulus for cognitive activity, expand the child's understanding of the world that surrounds us. Hence the deeper interest in the laws of biology and life on Earth in general. Having mastered the microscope, the child will try to independently find the answers to the questions that arise. The most important thing is that a young researcher-biologist will learn to notice the beauty of nature, and in the future, perhaps, he will choose an interesting profession of a biologist.

Biomedical Lyceum

The center of pre-university profile and vocational training "Sechenov Lyceum" was created by order of the Rector of the University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor P.V. Glybochko No. R-481 dated October 19, 2010 on the basis of the state educational institution Lyceum No. 1535 of the city of Moscow (director - MG Mokrinsky).

Historically, Lyceum No. 1535 (formerly secondary school No. 35) is one of the first secondary educational institutions, with which "First Med" began to cooperate: the first biomedical classes were opened more than 20 years ago, and many of their graduates today have successfully defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations and continue to work at the University. From the very beginning, in Lyceum No. 1535, the teaching of specialized general education disciplines was carried out with the direct participation of the leading teachers of the MMA departments - the I.M. Sechenov, which, in essence, guaranteed admission to the university for the vast majority of its graduates. The experience of vocational guidance work accumulated at the Lyceum is also unique, in particular, teaching students in grades 10-11 of the course under the program "Junior Nurse for Patient Care", which allows not only to comprehend the basics of medical skills, but also to form a clear motivation to choose a profession doctor or pharmacist.

Lyceum No. 1535 has an unparalleled base for studying foreign languages- English, German, French, as well as Chinese and Japanese that are especially relevant and in demand today.

October 19, 2010 - the All-Russian Lyceum's Day and the date of the founding of the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - marked the beginning of a new stage in the partnership of the I.M. Sechenov and Lyceum No. 1535. As part of the implementation of the tasks set by the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor P.V. Glybochko on the development of the system pre-university training On the basis of Lyceum No. 1535, a university center for pre-university profile and vocational training "Sechenov Lyceum" was created.

Mission of the Sechenov Lyceum

The mission of the "Sechenov Lyceum" is high-quality training in specialized general education disciplines, systematic career guidance work, the formation of motivation to enter the University and further work in the health care system Russian Federation, harmonious development of the student's personality with the upbringing of lyceum principles and university corporate thinking.

Advantages of the "Sechenov Lyceum"

Education at the "Sechenov Lyceum" is:

  • high-quality training in chemistry, biology and the Russian language;
  • full-fledged lyceum general education
  • studying English, German, French, as well as Japanese and Chinese;
  • the opportunity to study Latin and medical in English;
  • elective courses in the basics of medical psychology;
  • the opportunity to join the life of the most authoritative medical school our country;
  • high probability of admission to the University.

The information posted is for reference only. For detailed information, please contact the Lyceum directly.