Customs Service Institute. Russian Customs Academy. Lesson mode - three times a week in the evening

Days open doors: Every year, 1-2 times open doors are held for future applicants and their parents in order to familiarize themselves with the educational and material base and conditions of admission to the Academy.

Head of the Academy - Vladimir Badminovich Mantusov, Colonel of the Customs Service, Doctor of Economics, Professor.

The founder and owner of the Academy's property is the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder are exercised by the Federal Customs Service (hereinafter - the Founder).

The Russian Customs Academy is the first state educational institution of higher education of the customs profile in the history of Russia and one of the few specialized higher educational institutions of this profile in the world. She became the main educational, scientific and methodological center vocational education personnel for the customs service of Russia.

The organizational and staff structure of the Russian Customs Academy includes three branches, which are located in three strategically important areas of movement of goods and vehicles in Russia:

in the North-West of the country - St. Petersburg named after V. B. Bobkov branch (1994), location of the branch: Russian Federation, 192241, St. Petersburg, Sofiyskaya street, 52, lit. AND;

in the Far East - Vladivostok branch (1994), location of the branch: Russian Federation, 690034, Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok, st. Rifle, d. 16 v;

in the Southwest of the country - Rostov branch ( 1995 year), location of the branch: Russian Federation, 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Budennovsky prospect, 20;

Head educational institution The Russian Customs Academy is located in Lyubertsy, Moscow Region.

The educational activities of the Academy comply with federal state educational standards for basic educational programs for training students.

Based on the results of performance monitoring educational organizations higher education held in 2012 - 2016. By the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Academy is recognized as effective in all respects.

The training of customs specialists at the Academy is carried out on the basis of fundamental academic education, corresponding to the best traditions of domestic high school, the formation of a special university socio-cultural environment and conditions for the all-round development of the individual. At the same time, a modern competence-based approach is being implemented based on the use of active and interactive educational technologies that develop the professional thinking of a future specialist and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.

Within the training courses meetings are held with representatives of customs authorities, Russian and foreign companies - participants in foreign economic activity, government agencies and public organizations, master classes by experts and specialists.

When preparing for higher education programs, students undergo educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice in customs authorities, in other departments, in the structures of the Eurasian Economic Commission, in companies engaged in foreign economic activity.

In all areas of training, the Academy prepares specialists, primarily for the customs authorities: our graduates? lawyers, economists, managers? receive training to work in the customs authorities.

The training of specialists at the Academy is carried out taking into account the requirements of the Founder and specialized Associations, such as the Association of Leading Universities in Economics and Management, the Association of Russian Lawyers.

Graduate students have the opportunity to continue their studies in the master's or graduate school of the Academy.

Traditionally, every year the Academy opens its doors to participants in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Customs".

In the system of additional professional education, they undergo retraining and improve their qualifications annually more than
14 thousand people, including customs officials who were first recruited, a reserve for filling managerial positions.

Training of customs officials is carried out on the basis of the Institute distance learning, retraining and advanced training, the Institute of Law Enforcement Activities and faculties of advanced training of the branches.

In the system of additional professional education, the main efforts are focused on the development and updating of additional professional programs by directions:

  • customs regulation in the context of the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union;
  • topical issues of customs administration;
  • topical issues of law enforcement activities of customs authorities;
  • anti-corruption in customs authorities;
  • new aspects of combating different kinds smuggling;
  • implementation of customs investigations and inquiries;
  • comprehensive support of law enforcement activities of customs authorities.

The scientific activity of the Academy is carried out in accordance with
with legislation Russian Federation, The Charter and the regulation on the organization scientific activities Academy.

The main objectives of the Academy's scientific activities are to obtain and apply new knowledge mainly in the field of customs through the implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research, creative activity scientific and pedagogical workers and students, increasing the scientific potential of the Academy and the effectiveness of its use in educational activities and in the field of customs.

An integral part of research work is an efficiently working scientific student society: student scientific circles and research laboratories at departments and scientific departments.

The strategic goal of the Academy's development is the formation of a modern educational and scientific center in the field of customs in the Eurasian Economic Union, increasing its competitiveness in the educational space of the Russian Federation, meeting the needs of the FCS of Russia, customs authorities of the CIS countries and far abroad in highly qualified personnel.

The Academy is constantly developing international cooperation with the customs services of the near and far abroad countries and their educational institutions. The Academy fulfills the state order for training both russian specialistsand foreign citizens and compatriots living abroad for customs services under intergovernmental agreements.

In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the World Customs Organization and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2002, the Academy received the status of a Regional Training Center of the World Customs Organization, which promotes the training of personnel for customs services of foreign countries.

The Academy has a modern educational and material base, a complex of equipped buildings and structures:

7 academic buildings: 222 classrooms ( including 4 educational buildings and 74 classrooms directly at the head educational institution of the PTA (Lyubertsy));

50 computer and 25 language laboratories;

Four student residences:

at the head university (Lyubertsy) - 2 hostels (for 780 places);

at the Vladivostok branch - 1 hostel (for 125 places);

in the Rostov branch - 1 hostel (for 116 places);

in St. Petersburg branch hostel is rented (for 282 places);

Four canteens and buffets;

Physical culture and recreation complex: gyms, training classes, sports stadium ( lyubertsy);

Four medical health posts equipped with modern diagnostic equipment;

Four libraries, including the Library and Information Center ( lyubertsy), with a large book fund (more than 460 thousand volumes of educational literature) and a reading room of the electronic library, providing students with the necessary educational, methodological and scientific literature.

All forms of student self-government are developing in the Academy, the Student Council is working, the student newspaper "The Mig of Studentship" is published. Various circles, sports sections, creative groups of student amateur performances are actively functioning.

Specialists with diplomas of the Russian Customs Academy work in the structural divisions of the FCS of Russia, the customs services of the CIS member states and the staff of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Among the graduates of the Academy are the heads and deputy heads of departments of the Federal Customs Service and regional customs departments, heads of customs, customs posts, heads of customs departments.

The specialists trained at the Academy are ready to accept business structures and especially companies - participants in foreign economic activity. They are always expected in consulting firms, logistics companies, wherever competent economists, lawyers, and specialists in foreign trade are required.

In order to increase the efficiency of educational and scientific activities, the priority directions of the development of the Academy have been determined:

increasing the efficiency of educational, scientific and innovative activities;

improvement of a unified information educational environment;

provision of human resources that meet modern requirements;

improving the organizational structure of the Academy and increasing management efficiency;

modernization of the infrastructure and resource base of the Academy.

To achieve the strategic development goal of the Academy, the following tasks are envisaged.

In the context of the globalization of the world economy, there is an increasing need for training specialists in the customs control units before and after the release of goods, in the inspection units involved in taking measures with respect to intellectual property objects.

It is planned to open a faculty of information customs technologies, as well as a demanded new direction for training higher education "Commodity Science" ( bachelor), profile of the direction "Merchandising and examination of goods in customs activities."

The development of the Academy is a priority area for the Federal Customs Service to transform the Academy into one of the best departmental universities in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Customs Academy holds admission for training under the specialty program, bachelor's programs, master's programs and programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.



Directions of training


Form of study / duration of study






1. Mathematics
2. Russian language
3. Social studies



1. Mathematics
2. Russian language
3. Social studies



1. Social studies
2. Russian language
3. History

Master's degree

Directions of training

Form of study / duration of study





6 months

1. Economy of enterprises (organizations)

2. Macroeconomics


6 months

1. Management

2. Economic theory


5 months

1. Theory of state and law

2. Philosophy

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school

Directions of training

Form of study / duration of study




Informatics and computer engineering

1. Special discipline

2. Philosophy

3. Foreign language


1. Special discipline

2. Philosophy

3. Foreign language


1. Special discipline

2. Philosophy

3. Foreign language

Training coursesconduct targeted training of graduate students of schools, lyceums, colleges and others educational institutionsdemobilized from the ranks Russian Army for admission to the academy in accordance with the requirements for entrance examinations, and for the Unified State Examination (USE). Our task is to increase the level of general education of applicants both to the Academy and to other specialized universities.

The recruitment of students is carried out to prepare for admission to the Russian Customs Academy in the following specialties:

  • "Customs business";
  • "Economics and management at the enterprise (customs)";
  • "World Economy" (full-time study);
  • "Jurisprudence".

Students are recruited year-round in the following disciplines:
mathematics, Russian, foreign language (English), social studies, national history, physical culture.

In 2009/2010, the courses will be held from October 05, 2009 to April 24, 2010.

Mode of classes - three times a week in the evening:

(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) from 17.00 to 20.10 or on Saturday from 12.00 to 18.30.

Tuition - paid .

Classes are taught by experienced teachers of the Russian Customs Academy and leading universities in Moscow.

At the final stage, trial testing is carried out.

The applicant must personally submit the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • one photo 3x4.

Reception of documents - daily (except Saturday and Sunday) from 10.00 to 17.00 with a lunch break from 12.00 to 12.30 .

Contact the address: 140009, Lyubertsy, Komsomolsky prospect, 4.

Phone for inquiries: 559-07-63 (local: 22-13)

Course: "Training of specialists in customs clearance"

training period 24 days (130 hours)

Only for persons under 18 years of age with higher education, work experience not less than 2 years.

Tuition fee: 15 500 rubles. (Excluding the cost of accommodation and meals)

Upon completion of training and passing the exam, a qualification certificate of a customs clearance specialist is issued.

Course: "Training

customs clearance specialists "

training period 5 days (40 hours)

For persons at least 18 years old, with a higher education, work experience of at least 2 years, experience in the field of customs clearance of goods and vehicles, a qualification certificate of a customs clearance specialist, sample of 2004.

The course program includes lectures on basic issues of customs legislation and practical exercises on filling out a cargo customs declaration.

Tuition fee: 9 500 rubles. (Excluding the cost of accommodation and meals)

Help & Recording by phone. 559-02-54 (from 9.00 to 17.00).

Student of this university: Russian Customs Academy, Lyubertsy

The university has 3 faculties: economic, law faculties (bachelor's degree) and the faculty of customs (specialty).
It will be about the latter.
Admission: excellent organization of the admissions committee, electronic queue, pleasant and polite employees.
A relatively low passing score (this year it was 245 for Russian, social studies and a foreign language, but every year it is getting higher and higher), a large number budget places (about 240) and relatively low cost of training (170 thousand per year)
Hostel: PTA has 2 luxurious hostels on its territory, however, if you are not a guy, not a beneficiary, not a CIS citizen and you have less than 270 points, no one will settle you there in the first year due to lack of places. So you have to rent an apartment or a room, since the prices in Lyubertsy are lower than in Moscow.
Transport: a sore spot for students living in Moscow. Most of them travel by train "Lyubertsy-metro vykhino", which takes 8 minutes (about 11 rubles one way upon presentation of a student card). However, you will have to buy trips on the metro, because the university is not Moscow and no one will make a Muscovite social card for you.
Let it take about 6-8 minutes from the academy to the station.
If you are by car, there is a private parking on the territory, where there are always free places.
Military department: it is not. Like this. You will have to walk for 5 years in uniform (after the first session, most of the students "score" on it) and then go to the army.
Training: the academy is equipped with everything you need. Laboratories, excellent classrooms with air conditioning, almost every office has computers for every student, a stadium, a sports hall, a ski lodge. As in any university, there are 2 categories of teachers. Some people love their work, they can interest students, make them fall in love with their subject and give them excellent knowledge. And such, if not the majority, then at least half. Others are the complete opposite of the first, but the academy has all the resources and opportunities to acquire knowledge on its own. And I would like to say that if you are a complete 0 in math, you will have a hard time. Every year in the first year, 20-40 people are expelled because of her.
Extracurricular activities: if you want to play in the theater, play football, basketball, volleyball, dance, sing and play chess - please. The Academy welcomes this.
Employment: now experts will fly in, shouting that without "connections" the customs office will not work. Not. Get settled. If you do not kick male dignity for 5 years, gain knowledge and be a good specialist in your field by graduation, and this is more than real within the walls of the academy, you will be calmly taken to a minor position. And then the career is in your hands. After MGIMO, no one will make you deputy foreign minister either.
The attitude of students: those who enter here purposefully love their university and are proud of it. However, there are those who discredit him in every possible way. The reason is the unwillingness to connect your life with customs and this specialty. And they entered the PTA due to the low passing score.

In general, it is not the most prestigious, but a fairly good institution of higher education, which trains the best customs specialists in Russia.

In Moscow, she celebrated the 25th anniversary of its foundation. It would seem that a quarter of a century is not a very long period of time, but over the years, the higher educational institution has trained and graduated a huge number of first-class customs specialists.

The need to create a higher educational institution for employees of customs authorities arose after the collapse of the USSR in connection with the transition of society to market relations. In 1993, the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation signed a decree establishing the Russian Customs Academy in Moscow. Later, branches were created in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Rostov-on-Don.

PTA is located in the city of Lyubertsy at the address: Komsomolsky prospect, building 4. Nearby are educational buildings, a fitness center, a library building, a canteen, a health center, a cinema and concert hall and student dormitories.

The training uses the most modern technologies and development. Students are taken on excursions to train stations and airports in order to visually demonstrate the use of the means and capabilities of customs control.

How to become a student?

Anyone can enroll in Moscow, but it is difficult to enter the budgetary department because of the large competition. In order to enter the Faculty of Customs, in admissions committee it is necessary to provide the results of the exam in the Russian language, social studies and english language... Additional exams are not required upon admission. According to student feedback, in order to become a student of the budget department, you need to pass each exam with a minimum of 70-75 points. You can also get into the PTA by target directionbut it takes a little bit of customs work.

They will help you gain passing points at the Customs Academy in Moscow training courses in the main subjects that are held at the university.

If you are not included in the number of state employees, then you can study at the PTA on a paid basis.

The atmosphere in the academy

PTA students wear a noble green uniform. The university pays great attention to discipline: cameras and motion sensors are everywhere. There are many military men among the leaders of the Russian Customs Academy in Moscow, there are colonels and even generals. Thus, the situation there is as strict as in the army. Hooliganism, absenteeism, lateness, negligence - all this is recorded in the personal file of each student, and then may emerge when applying for a job. Attendance is closely monitored. Truants and violators of discipline are expelled. Appearance students must correspond to the profession they receive: a strict uniform and no frills.

Great attention is paid to sports training and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Students constantly pass standards in physical culture.


You can become a highly qualified customs officer after graduating from the Faculty of Customs. Full-time study needs 5 years, and part-time - 6. The course of study is aimed at the general preparation of the student in all necessary areas and industries.

On faculty of Economics train accountants, specialists in international economic relations.

The Faculty of Law prepares specialists in the field of jurisprudence and law.

A special place in the structure of the RTA is occupied by the Institute of Distance Learning, Retraining and Advanced Training.

The Institute of Law Enforcement Activities trains specialists who, among others, perform the functions of bodies of inquiry and can conduct investigative activities.

Work for PTA graduates

Graduates of the Russian Customs Academy in Moscow will not have to look for work for a long time. Most often, graduates are assigned to customs offices, and excellent students are sent to the RTS head office. Salary for initial stage small, like all civil servants. But after a few years, earnings become much higher.


The Russian Customs Academy in Moscow is the main university in the country that trains highly qualified personnel for the customs authorities. It is very honorable and prestigious to study there. PTA graduates have a quality education and excellent physical fitness. In addition, they are educated and disciplined, because this is exactly what customs officers should be.

In order to enter the PTA for free, you need to score quite a few points on the Unified State Exam, so you need to prepare for exams very carefully and painstakingly. For those who have such an opportunity, the university offers paid preparatory courses in the most important subjects. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region come to classes on weekdays, but there are also courses on weekends.

According to reviews, most of those who managed to enter the PTA do not regret their choice at all! Students note the high professionalism of teachers, excellent conditions for study and living, an interesting training program.

She received different reviews about her activities. A balanced attitude to the university and the education system in the stories of students and graduates demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a departmental educational institution.


The Russian Customs Academy was opened in 1993 to train personnel for the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. is located in the city of Lyubertsy (Komsomolsky prospect, building 4) and is the main training center for qualified personnel for customs organizations in Russia and the CES countries.

The structure of the university consists of three basic faculties - customs, law and economics; the organization also brings together three main institutions - distance learning, research institutes and law enforcement. 24 departments are engaged in the implementation of the educational process.

The education system has three levels of training:

  • Specialty, the duration of training is 5 years. Directions - "Customs".
  • Undergraduate... The preparation lasts 4 years. Directions - "Economics", "Management", "Commodity Science", "Jurisprudence".
  • Master's degree... Duration of training is 2 academic years. Directions - "Economics", "Management", "Jurisprudence"
  • Postgraduate studies... Depending on the direction, the duration of training is from 3 to 4 years. Directions of training - "Economics", "Computing and Informatics", "Jurisprudence".

It is offered to acquire knowledge in full-time, part-time and part-time forms learning. The cost of education on a commercial basis, according to data for 2017, varies from 128 to 170 thousand rubles. for the academic year. An outstanding faculty of 610 specialists, which the Russian Customs Academy is proud of, is assembled at the head university and its branches.

  • Far East (Vladivostok, opened in 1994).
  • Southwest (Rostov, opened in 1995).
  • North-West (St. Petersburg, opened in 1994).

About the Moscow Academy with gratitude

Reviews about the Russian Customs Academy in Lyubertsy say that studying at the university was not easy, but overcoming difficulties was justified. The teaching staff has earned honor and respect from many students for the quantity and quality of knowledge, as well as for the ability to present it to students. Graduates wrote that almost all teachers tried to explain the subject in an accessible way, giving examples from their practice. Some of the seminars were entirely devoted to working in real conditions of customs, where students were shown how everything happens in a continuous mode.

Many good words have been said about the hostel. It was noted that it was new, the rooms created coziness and all the conditions for a comfortable stay, as far as is possible in principle when very different people live together. Students are happy to talk about the technical equipment of the educational process and express confidence that not all eminent universities have such opportunities. It is also mentioned that learning is not very easy, there are some nuances, but those who want to gain knowledge will do it under any conditions.

Negative and neutral feedback

The Russian Customs Academy received negative reviews for the dismissive attitude towards students from some of the administrative staff and teachers. It is noted that there are such cases in all spheres of life and activity, but in a state institution where specialists are trained for a special service, such attacks are regarded as a general trend of the entire customs institute in the state.

Also, the Russian Customs Academy received negative reviews from some graduates who claim that they could not find a job in the profile of their education. They argue that the university diploma has a low rating from the employer. In objections to these reviews, it is mentioned that the academy primarily prepares specialists for the public sector of government and it is worth looking for a job in the customs service, without splashing into private business.

In the general mass of reviews, the Russian Customs Academy received positive marks from those graduates who successfully studied, trying to independently comprehend all the basics of science, found a place of work in accordance with their education, even if this is not the highest position so far. These people see the perspective and are confident in their choice. Those who hardly went through the sessions and could not decide on their work activity spoke negatively.

Training in the branch of Vladivostok

The Far Eastern branch is located in the city of Vladivostok on Strelkovaya street, building 16th century. Specialists are trained in the following areas:

  • "Customs", training level - specialty, duration of training - 5 years.
  • "Economics", training levels - bachelor's degree (4 years), master's degree (2 years).
  • "Management" - master's degree (2 years), bachelor's degree (4 years),
  • "Jurisprudence" - graduates receive a bachelor's degree (4 years).

The acquisition of knowledge is carried out on full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education. The total number of students is over 1 thousand people. Educational programs implemented at the expense of the federal budget ( free education) and on the terms commercial contract... The cost of full-time education, according to the rates of 2017, varies from 105 to 125 thousand rubles. for the academic year.

Branch in Vladivostok: reviews

The Russian Customs Academy received reviews from Vladivostok students in small numbers. The technical equipment was evaluated positively, educational plans and an acceptable cost of training.

Negative reviews tell about the pickiness of teachers, difficulties with employment and the small number of places in the hostel. The overall tone of the stories about studies is more positive. Many argue that knowledge will have to be obtained by one's own labor and not count on indulgences from teachers. Diligent students receive only carte blanche - explanations, explanations, additional information and consultations from teachers.

Branch in St. Petersburg

The branch of the Russian Customs Academy in St. Petersburg bears the name of V. B. Bobkov and is located on Sofiyskaya Street, building 52A. The university receives education at the following levels:

  • Specialization in the direction of "Customs".
  • Bachelor's degree in Jurisprudence, Economics, Management.
  • Master's degree. Directions of study - "Jurisprudence", "Economics", "Management".

Nonresident students are provided with a hostel, the total number of places for living is 282 units. The hostel is rented by the university and is located in the Leningrad region. Education is carried out by state order and on a commercial basis. Tariffs for paid education in 2017 range from 55 to 125 thousand rubles.