Preparatory courses in May pre-university training. Clubs, courses and activities for schoolchildren. Preparation for admission

The Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) is a forge of personnel for the military-industrial and aviation industries. For 87 years of its existence, MAI has produced tens of thousands of specialists. The competition for admission to this university is quite high - about 10 people per place. Many applicants want to enter the MAI, but this can only be done with high USE scores on selected subjects. For this purpose, the First Unified State Examination Center offers students in grades 10 and 11 to take preparatory courses. Our qualified teachers will help you prepare for the upcoming unified state exam, providing the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge. Thanks to the preparatory courses, applicants successfully pass exams and receive a diploma at the end of their studies at the university.

USE courses in mathematics: general information

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in mathematics is necessary first of all, since this subject is one of the main ones for most specializations at the MAI. Training courses in mathematics are divided into several levels:

  • base. On the basic course students solve problems studied in the framework of the school curriculum. The basic level course is well suited for students who experience difficulties in mastering mathematics;
  • profile. For the highest mark for the exam, you must choose it. At the USE courses of the full profile level, ways of completing tasks are studied advanced level complexity, and on an advanced profile course - methods for solving problems of a high level of complexity;
  • preparation course for the olympiads. In the classroom, students study tasks that are not included in the scope of the school curriculum.

USE courses in the Russian language: general information

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language includes the preparation of an individual class schedule for each student. This practice helps to identify gaps in the student's knowledge and work on the mistakes. Preparation for the exam consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes a comprehensive repetition of all the grammatical foundations and rules of the Russian language. Practical classes consist of writing essays, summaries, as well as trial tests, during which students are psychologically prepared for the upcoming exam.

USE courses in English: general information

Preparation for the exam in English includes the development of listening skills, reading texts, writing letters (personal and business) and essays. In the classroom, students will be able to develop the skills of competent written and oral English, learn how to perform test tasks, repeat the grammatical and lexical foundations of the English language.

Welcome to the preparation courses for the successful passing of the exam for admission to the MAI!

MAI preparatory courses

Preparatory courses are no longer a novelty for anyone, but a completely traditional option to gain confidence before the entrance examinations to the chosen university. The preparatory courses of the Moscow Aviation Institute with a high degree of probability will predetermine your admission to budgetary forms of education. Often, preparatory courses are taught by university teachers and this is also another way to adapt to student everyday life, having met future mentors in advance.

The MAI Institute is preparing future applicants, starting from the 8th grade of secondary school. The courses also accept 9th, 10th and 11th graders. Accordingly, these are four training programs of varying intensity and duration (calculated for 4, 3, 2 and 1 year of training).

It is better to start attending courses from the 8th grade if you have long decided on your future profession and specialty and the choice fell on aircraft, helicopter engineering, maintenance, spacecraft, or even just want to be an engineer - preparatory courses at MAI will definitely not harm you in the course of preparation to pass the exam. And the MAI preparatory course program is also focused on this.

MAI preparatory courses for schoolchildren

depending on the chosen program (class of the school when you came to the training), preparatory courses include training in various subjects:


To enroll in a course, you must bring with you:

  • passport and a copy of the student's passport;
  • passport and a copy of the passport of one of the parents;
  • 2 photos 4x6 or 3x4;

MAI institute preparatory courses

among other things, based on the results of their passage, each applicant will receive individual recommendations from MAI teachers. Over the years of the MAI preparatory courses, their teaching has developed at a very high level and, among other things, provides:

  • analysis of the results of semester exams and individual recommendations for students and their parents;
  • assessment of rehearsal works according to the same criteria as in the real exam;
  • holding parent-teacher meetings with the participation of the course administration and teachers;
  • prompt and accessible communication of parents and schoolchildren with the administration (the dean's office of the FDP is located in the main educational building - GUK on the same floor as the classrooms where classes are held) and teachers;
  • security teaching aids compiled by experienced methodologists and literature on preparation for the OGE and the USE, recommended Federal Institute pedagogical measurements;
  • vocational guidance work with students, giving them the opportunity to correctly navigate in the choice of a future specialty.

MAI preparatory courses cost

The price of preparatory courses for schoolchildren at MAI may differ from year to year. But you need to consider the following payment information.

Beginning of classes - October, November of the academic year.

Curriculum: 48 academic hours per month, training runs through May of the academic year inclusive, monthly payment.

Registration for courses: weekdays from 12:00 to 17:00 at the dean's office of the Preparatory Department of the FDP - Main Academic Building (GUK), zone "A", 4th floor, room. 414A, 414.

Phones for information:

7 499 158-43-54,

7 499 158-46-91,

7 499 158-44-03.

Call them and you will be guided on the cost of MAI preparatory courses.

MAI faculties

  • Faculty of MAI Aviation Engineering No. 1

First faculty of MAI

It is deservedly called the first faculty, because it is the leading faculty of the MAI and graduates highly qualified engineers (specialists), bachelors and masters for design, design and research departments of experimental design bureaus (OKB) and research institutes (NII) of the country's aviation industry. Here, faculty graduates work on the creation of aircraft for various purposes: airplanes, helicopters, explore the problems of aerodynamics and flight dynamics of aircraft, are engaged in the regulation and verification of the airworthiness of aircraft, analysis of the effectiveness of aviation systems, the choice of promising design solutions.


  • Faculty of MAI Robotic and intelligent systems No. 7

This faculty graduates annually about 200 specialists. Students study disciplines such as theory automatic control, statistical dynamics, decision theory, the efficiency of aircraft systems, pattern recognition systems, computer-aided design systems and other complex problems that are extremely necessary for a good, enthusiastic engineer.

Dean's contacts

Tel.: +7 499 158-58-68

  • Faculty of MAI Information Technology and Applied Mathematics No. 8

For more than 40 years, the faculty has been preparing specialists who successfully work in the field of creating and using mathematical and software computing, information intelligent systems, as well as the application of mathematical methods, mathematical modeling and computers in aviation and astronautics, in economics, physics, ecology and other science-intensive areas.

Dean's contacts

MAI Institutes as faculties

  • MAI Institute Aircraft, rocket engines and power plants No. 2

Specialists in the specialty 24.05.02 "Design of aircraft and rocket engines", the training period is 5.5 years.

Bachelors in the direction of training 24.03.05 "Aircraft Engines", the duration of study is 4 years.

Bachelors in the direction of training 20.03.01 "Technospheric safety", the term of study is 4 years.

Bachelors in the direction of training 27.03.01 "Standardization and Metrology", the term of study is 4 years.


Director of Institute No. 2
Veronika Pavlovna Monakhova
Corp. 2B, room No. 405-1
Tel. +7 499 158-27-31

  • Institute of MAI Control systems, informatics and electric power industry No. 3

The Institute trains bachelors, masters and specialists in development and design various kinds equipment, instruments, complexes and systems for the aerospace and other industries in the following areas of training, specialties and specializations:

Direction: 09.03.01 - "Computer science and computer technology";

Direction: 09.03.02 - "Information systems and technologies";

Direction: 09.03.03 - "Applied Informatics";

Direction: 09.03.04 - "Software Engineering";

Direction: 12.03.04 - "Biotechnical systems and technologies";

Direction: 13.03.02 - "Electric power and electrical engineering";

Specialty: 24.05.05 - Integrated systems of aircraft;

Specialty: 24.05.06 - "Aircraft control systems";

  • MAI Institute Radioelectronics, Infocommunications and Information Security No. 4

Institute "Radioelectronics, Infocommunications and Information Security» MAI has a powerful laboratory and technical base, rich scientific and educational traditions. The strongest school of radio electronics, recognized all over the world, has developed in Russia. It is high-tech industries that should boost the country's economy, and our institute is one of the flagships of the upcoming and ongoing changes.

  • MAI Institute No. 5

The Institute of Engineering Economics and the Humanities of the MAI annually accepts over 500 people for full-time, part-time (evening) and correspondence forms learning. Admission to budgetary and commercial places is carried out in 7 areas of training for bachelors and specialists:

38.03.01 "Economics"

38.03.02 "Management"

38.03.03 "Personnel management"

38.03.04 "State and municipal administration"

09.03.03 "Work with youth"

43.03.01 "Service"

Contact Information

  • MAI Aerospace Institute No. 6

Aerospace Faculty of MAI trains design engineers, designers and systems engineers for enterprises and organizations in the rocket and space industry and other high-tech sectors of the Russian economy. The higher education of a design engineer in the aerospace field, in addition to special subjects, includes a deep study of such disciplines as computer science, ecology, system analysis, monitoring and control, communications and navigation.

The Aerospace Faculty of the MAI is located in the 24 academic building of the MAI

Dean's office:
rooms 418, 416, 414, 412


  • MAI Institute of General Engineering Training No. 9

Students receive special training, which is universal and is applied in the field of:

  • engineering problems of strength, heat transfer, radio engineering, aerodynamics, etc.;
  • use of computers and programming;
  • designing antenna systems and their mechanisms;
  • the latest materials, including nanotechnology and their testing;
  • design of radio engineering intelligent systems.
  • MAI Institute of Foreign Languages ​​No. 10

The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​as a subdivision of the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) was founded in 1998. The Institute was established to meet the needs of aerospace enterprises in highly qualified specialists with knowledge of foreign languages. Throughout its activities, the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​MAI keeps pace with the rapidly developing industry, graduating qualified and in-demand professionals, preparing them to work in modern companies in the aviation, space, defense sectors of the Russian economy.


  • MAI Institute No. 11

The Institute prepares bachelors and masters in the field of metallurgical processes, welding and soldering methods, materials science and technology of polymeric materials, medical materials, technical means of environmental protection and life safety, in the field of quality management and production organization.


  • MAI Institute Aerospace science-intensive technologies and productions No. 12

The Institute trains bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of innovative technologies for the design, testing, operation and repair of aerospace equipment, specialists for the development and implementation of advanced microelectronics technologies, precision instrumentation and high technologies, control systems, on-board electronic equipment, engineers for aviation, rocket - space directions and specialties. Achieving a high level of quality training is built at the institute on the basis of the integration of science, education, high-tech production, the introduction of modern educational technologies, information and telecommunication systems and the creation effective system training of scientific personnel and highly qualified specialists for enterprises and organizations of high-tech industries.


MAI specialties

The MAI Institute at one time switched to a multi-level system of personnel training and now also trains:

  • bachelors;
  • specialists;
  • masters;
  • graduate students.

At the same time, not all faculties of the Moscow Aviation Institute have a specialty. Therefore, if it is important for you to obtain just such a level higher education and you do not want to consistently receive a bachelor's degree, and then a master's degree, then on the above sites or pages of faculties, pay attention to the areas of training.

If by specialty you mean the name of your qualification after graduation, then read complete list you can on the official website of the MAI at the LINK.

MAI passing scores

For an applicant who has passed the final exams of the Unified State Examination in three subjects that coincide with the entrance exams for admission to the MAI, this is the sum of points for three exams, depending on the specialty (in Russian, physics, computer science, mathematics (profile), social science, geography, foreign language, history) required for admission to the MAI Institute.

The passing scores of the AHP are set annually, they minimal and oriented for applicants to paid departments.

For example, the current minimum passing scores MAI 2019, from which you can sum the score you need:

MAI passing points for the budget depend on how year after year graduates of the 11th grade pass the exam. The passing score of the MAI also depends on the specialty for which you are going to enter, as there are more popular MAI training areas for applicants - there, accordingly, the competition among applicants is higher.

How does a passing score appear? It's simple - all applicants who have submitted documents for admission are included in the lists for specialties that are up to last day acceptance of documents are ranked: the first place in the list is occupied by the applicant who scored the maximum number of points for three subjects, and then in descending order; the last place is equal to the number of places in the MAI specialty and the sum of points in this last place becomes a passing score. At the same time, until the last day of receiving documents, an applicant with a large number of points can force you out of the last place on the list. In addition, the ranking takes place depending on whether copies or originals of documents are submitted by you for the specialty (if the number of points is equal, the applicant who submitted the original certificate and certificate of passing the exam will take a higher line).

Thus, upon admission, you can only focus on the passing scores of previous years, but should be aimed at the maximum scores for your USE. High scores for each of the three subjects for admission guarantee a high amount and a high line in the ranking of applicants, from which it will be difficult to remove you in any case.

For information and understanding, we will give the passing scores of the MAI of past years by faculties from the official website of the MAI Institute.

MAI passing score 2018

You can always see the passing scores of past years in the corresponding section of the official website of the MAI at the LINK

Passing score MAI 2017

When applying to the admissions committee, you can choose up to 3 directions for which you want to apply. Up until July 26, inclusive, you can change your choice (an unlimited number of times), if the results of the USE (and other exams) allow.

MAI enrollment

Enrollment in MAI traditionally takes place in early August. The status of students is issued MAI orders on enrollment students for the first year. This whole process is regulated by the Rules for admission to training educational programs higher education - a bachelor's program, specialist's programs, master's programs at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), approved by order No. 935 dated September 28, 2017.

archive orders of MAI and information about all enrolled students is available on the website of the MAI Institute in the section “Applicants”, subsection “ Selection committee" link

Orders for admission to MAI 2019

Each applicant to the MAI is looking forward to the end of his experiences, which comes along with familiarization with the order for admission to the MAI. This moment comes at different times, depending on the so-called “inflow waves” (here the role is played by:

  • time of submission of original documents,
  • passing entrance examinations on the basis of the university,
  • deadline for submitting consent).

In this regard, depending on the conditions of admission ( targeted training in the areas of organizations and enterprises, admission benefits provided to disabled people, orphans, admission advantages provided to medalists, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads) and the training site you have chosen, the following are distinguished orders for admission to MAI:

Dormitory MAI

The issue of providing a hostel for non-resident students is sometimes decisive, and sometimes, even having high scores for the Unified State Examination, and, accordingly, all chances for budget place, yesterday's schoolchildren are forced to give up a prestigious education due to the lack of a hostel or free rooms.

The MAI Institute is a very successful university in this regard - it has not only dormitories, the territory of the MAI is a whole campus - MAI campus.

The campus includes 9 buildings dormitories MAI with a total number of beds - 7020. The total area of ​​the hostels is 79,541 sq.m. Between the students living in the dormitory and the campus, bilateral agreements for the rental of premises and additional services are concluded.

The MAI hostel is provided in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (Article 39). On the basis of orders from the institute, each faculty is assigned a certain number of places for living in campus dormitories for nonresident students, undergraduates, and graduate students. The dormitory is provided on the basis of the order for admission to the institute for students, undergraduates and graduate students who entered with the provision of a dormitory (the number of vacant places is regulated by the faculties).

You can find out the MAI hostel and their cost in the section of the MAI website at the LINK.

MAI campus

The MAI campus includes not only educational buildings, a library and hostels, but also sports facilities, canteens and cafes, their own nursery, which facilitates, relatively speeds up and simplifies student life.

The project "Engineering class in the Moscow school" is a new model of additional engineering education for schoolchildren in the programs of general education and additional subjects. The project promotes professional self-determination of schoolchildren.

In the Trajectory of Takeoff Children's Technopark, middle and high school students study subjects in the field of IT, 3D modeling and industrial design, robotics and digital manufacturing, additive and composite technologies, as well as unmanned aerial systems.

MAI Pre-University is a school for students in grades 8-11, which focuses on applied design tasks and in-depth study of technical disciplines (computer science, mathematics, physics).

TsTPO in the direction of "Unmanned aerial vehicles" on the basis of the Moscow Aviation Institute was created with the aim of attracting young people to modern technological processes on the creation of unmanned vehicles and flight simulators on advanced equipment.

CATU is a circle of sports and technical modeling for schoolchildren of grades 4-11, which makes it possible to gain theoretical and practical knowledge about the designs of aircraft models and the technology of their manufacture.

MAI provides an opportunity for schoolchildren to carry out project activities in the laboratories of the university as part of their studies at school. Themes design work can be selected from 9 mega-destinations.

MAI educational programs are aimed at creating and developing children's motivation to acquire knowledge, develop logical systems thinking, effective teamwork in a group, as well as the application of theoretical skills in solving practical aerospace problems.

MAI is preparing for a pre-professional exam in 3 training programs: Raspberry pi programming in Python, Arduino programming in C, designing in SolidWorks.

In June, the MAI holds an engineering vacation for students who completed their studies in the 10th grade. School students will be able to try themselves as designers, developers and IT specialists, model parts in 3D, take part in real research work.

Events for schoolchildren

The other day open doors schoolchildren will be able to meet with the leadership of the institute, get detailed information about admission, as well as visit the departments and laboratories of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

As part of the "University Saturdays" program, MAI will hold a thematic series of master classes "Aviation and astronautics - yesterday, today, tomorrow", dedicated to the study of the history of aviation and astronautics, the study of the designs of modern aircraft, the prospects for the development of aviation and rocket and space technology in the near future and distant perspective.

School students can visit scientific laboratories and the museum and historical part of the Moscow Aviation Institute. The university also organizes and conducts excursions to the sites of engineering enterprises.

Olympics and competitions

Preparation for admission

The MAI Preparatory Courses Center trains schoolchildren of grades 8-11 in various subjects for the successful passing of the OGE, the Unified State Examination and participation in the Olympiads. Classes are held in the form of seminars, where theoretical material is mastered and practical skills are acquired.

The Physics and Mathematics School prepares students of the 10th and 11th grades for entering the institute for engineering specialties. Admission to the school is made on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations.

School partnerships

The Moscow Aviation Institute, with the support of the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow, organizes advanced training under additional education programs for teachers working in schools in Moscow who have the status of a participant or candidate of the project "Engineering class in a Moscow school" of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

The Children's Technopark offers group training for school students in several formats. The technopark presents training. The total one-time capacity of the technopark is 60 people.