Tanya Grotter and the complete Tibidochs. List of characters in the book series "Tanya Grotter What kind of Tanya studied at the Tibidohs school

Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass

The black sorceress Chuma del Tort, whose name they even dread to pronounce aloud, striving for power, destroys one by one light wizards. Among her victims is the wonderful white magician Leopold Grotter. His daughter Tanya somehow manages to avoid death, but a mysterious birthmark remains on the tip of her nose for life ... Chuma del Tort mysteriously disappears, and Tanya Grotter is thrown into the family of entrepreneur Durnev, her distant relative ... In this extremely unpleasant for her family, she lives up to ten years, and then ends up in the only school of magic in the world, Tibidochs ...

Tanya Grotter and the Vanishing Floor

Tanya Grotter was not lucky. While Sardanapalus, Medusia Gorgonova and other teachers rebuild the destroyed Tibidochs school of magic, the students are sent home. So Tanya is forced to return to Moscow to the Durnev family. Plus, take with you a whole suitcase of quarrelsome ghosts. Well, nothing! During her studies at Tibidokhs, Tanya managed to learn something, so Uncle Herman and Aunt Nineli will have a hard time. And finally it is time to return to Tibidochs. It was rebuilt and even better than the previous one, but Disappearing Floor: something incredible is happening to it. None of those who dared to penetrate there came back. Or did he come back? ...
Tanya Grotter and the Golden Leech

Thunder shakes the magic school of Tibidochs. Lightning strikes at one point - at masonry at the roof of the Big Tower. And in an abandoned hut near the swamp, Tanya Grotter discovers the forgotten prophecy of Drevnir. If the ancient spirit is released, the Golden Leech will crawl into the magic fire and the rope in the double bass neck will burst, time will turn back, the revived pagan idols will go to war against the Turtle of Eternity and the Eerie Gate will collapse! Predictions begin to come true one after another ... And all this during the World Dragonball Championship, in which the Tibidokhs team will have to fight with the invisible team, where the inimitable Guriy Pupper shines !!!
Tanya Grotter and the Ancient Throne

It's been a long time since Tibidohs has had such troubles! The main sources of magic have been stolen: items that once belonged to the Ancient One. True, there is still the throne of the ancient magician, the energy of which will last for millennia. But the trouble is, no one knows where he is. Day by day, the reserves of magic in Tibidokhs dry up, and all the students are sent to the world of moronoids. Tanya Grotter and Bab-Yagun find themselves in the Durny family ... But nothing in the magical world can be more important than dragonball. Everyone is looking forward to the match between the invisible team and the Tibidohs team. The intrigue is heating up the fact that the legendary Guria Pupper is finally in love. Hundreds of cupids with flowers and letters are flying! Who is Pupper sending them to? Obviously, it could not have done without wooing magic ... But Tanya did not want this at all !!!

Tanya Grotter and the staff of the Magi

There is a strict law of balance between the other world and the world of magicians. Nothing can move from world to world without upsetting the fragile balance of power. But here the balance, kept for centuries, has been violated: something extremely valuable has been stolen from the Otherworldly World ... At the same time, through Tanya's negligence, a strong spirit settles in the mirror, which opens the passage between the worlds. Three powerful ancient gods, Perun, Veles and Triglav, and the keeper of the world tree Simorg demand the return of the stolen goods, threatening to destroy the Brawler and with him the entire magical world ... But the stubborn Guriy Pupper still does everything to win the love of Tanya Grotter. He sends hundreds of cupids and even ... moves from the invisible team to the Tibidochs team in dragonball ...
Tanya Grotter and Perun's hammer

Someone night after night violates the Buyan's magical defense, knocking out mysterious symbols on the impenetrable dome. At the same time, Grobynya loses its magic and is forced to return to moronoids, Gunya Glomov loses strength, Katya Lotkova beauty. Something incomprehensible is happening in Tibidokhs ... And life, meanwhile, does not stand still. Pipa Durneva, who discovered intuitive magic, enters the school of magic. Tanya Grotter experiences the effects of voodoo magic and, like a cat, falls in love with Pupper. And the team of Tibidokhs in dragonball will have to fight with the national team of eternity, which includes the most famous players of all times and peoples, including himself ...

"Tibidokhs - a school of magic for difficult young wizards" - this is the name of this magic school. Just do not think that it is intended for some psychologically inadequate persons. No, nothing like that. The guys there are completely normal, they look difficult for Muggles: after all, sometimes all sorts of troubles happen to those who offend young magicians. Moreover, children do not know about their abilities for a long time: Tibidokhs is a Russian school, and many years ago events took place in Russia that had such an unfavorable effect on magic that there were no traditions left, or even the magic families themselves. Many of Tibidokhs's students are first generation magicians.


Tibidochs is located in the most magical place you can imagine: it is nothing more than the famous Buyan Island, picturesque, located far in the ocean and completely unknown to Muggles. The magic potential of the island is high, very high. True, here there are not only positive forces, but also a negative charge: in the vast stone basements of the castle, in which the School building is located, Chaos, defeated in ancient days and imprisoned, languishes. These are ancient creepy gods, spirits of destruction, all sorts of vile entities ... All this variety rages behind the Eerie gates, which sometimes shake well. Around the gate, all sorts of small evil spirits are darting about with concentration: marsh scum, kikimorki, goblin ... Well, of course, no one is afraid of them, except for the greenest freshmen. Everyone knows that the undead are incapable of organized action. Although you need to be able to cope with it, and there is such an item in the schedule.

Education system

Magically gifted children are brought to Tibidochs at the age of 10 and immediately enrolled in one of the departments of the school, Light or Dark. In fact, of course, there are not so many fundamental differences between these branches, except in the attributes: spiders, bats, gothic darkness ... In fact, the light ones are taught to follow the light, and the dark ones - to cope with their dark impulses. It is also possible to move from one department to another, if one side or the other prevails in the student's soul. There are not very many subjects in Tibidochs, but they are taught at a high level, and the requirements are very strict. Here is a list of the disciplines of Tibidochs and the professors teaching them:

Theory of magic - academician Sardanapal Chernomorov, director of Tibidokhs, the kindest soul;
- non-knowledge of life - associate professor Meduzia Zevsovna Gorgonova, a very strict teacher;
- protection from spirits - the head teacher of the school Poklep Poklepych, the subject is taught to senior courses
- practice of the evil eye (removal and imposition) - Zuboderich (nicknamed the Great Zubi), a recent graduate of the Dark Branch;
- Practical magic, potion making and everyday spells - the head of the Dark Branch, Professor Sigmund Klopp;
- story Otherworlds - Eyeless Horror, ghost;
- veterinary magic - Tararach, the immortal pithecanthropus;
- magic aerobatics and dragonball - Solovey Odikhmantievich the Robber.

During their studies, young wizards have enough entertainment and adventures of all kinds. The guys study for five years, then the most talented ones can stay in master's degree.

Life after graduation

With the distribution after school, things are not so good: in Russia, due to certain historical reasons and a huge territory, the magic community is not too developed. Graduates can either go to a few magical settlements in Russia (however, the closest of them, Lysaya Gora, has a distinctly dark shade), or return to the ordinary world. It is not always easy for young magicians to adapt there: they lack the usual miracles. However, it is always difficult for any young man at the beginning of his journey: to live life is not to play solitaire.

Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the magic double bass
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the disappearing floor
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the golden leech
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and the Throne of the Ancient One
Emets D. Tanya Grotter and the staff of the Magi
Yemets D. Tanya Grotter and Perun's hammer

Tanya Grotter

The main character of the series, a sorceress. After the death of his parents, he lives with distant relatives, then enters the magic school of magic Tibidokhs, makes the best friends of Bab-Yagun and Vanka Valyalkin there. Friendship with Vanka subsequently develops into love.

  • Favorite subject: magic aerobatics, veterinary magic.
  • Antagonist: Plague del Tort et al.
  • Appearance: Shoulder-length red wavy hair, green (emerald) eyes. Initially, there was a mole on the nose, but later disappeared.
  • Flying instrument: double bass Theophilus Grotter.
  • Side: light sorceress
  • Height: 1.73m.
  • Was born on January 25, 1988 in the taiga wilderness.
  • Parents: Sophia and Leopold Grotter.
  • She got confused in her love story completely: after graduating from Tibidokhs she lives with Vanka Valyalkin, whom she loves. In the book "Aphrodite's Curl" I felt some kind of affection for the necromage Gleb Beibarsov, but this affection quickly passed away. And also felt feelings for Urgu ("Boots of the Centaur"), and starting from 4-5 books to Guriy Pupper.
  • Possible prototype: Harry Potter.
  • As mentioned in the fifth book, Tatiana has a negative blood type.

Bab Yagun

Bab Yagun - the son of a rogue magician and a sorceress. His mother died in a fight with the Plague del Tort. Little Yagun was taken up by his grandmother Yagge. He grew up in Tibidokhs, and from birth knew about magic. After arriving in Tibidokhs Tanya Grotter became his best friend and he always supported and helped her.

Vanka Valyalkin

Ivan Vladimirovich Valyalkin was born into a family of people devoid of magical abilities (moronoids). He had a difficult childhood. Once in Tibidokhs, he met Tanya Grotter and Bab-Yagun and became their best friend.

  • Her favorite subject is veterinary magic.
  • After the end of Tibidokhs, Vanka decided to retire from the human world and settled in the forest, later Tanya began to live with him.
  • In a parallel world, he has a double - dragon-spirited I-Wan La Kin.
  • Appearance - blond disheveled hair, cornflower blue eyes, yellow T-shirt.
  • Flying instrument - a vacuum cleaner.
  • Side - light
  • Favorite teacher - Pithecanthropus Tararakh.
  • Height: 1 meter 80 cm
  • Loves Tanya Grotter.
  • The antagonist is Gleb Beibarsov.
  • He has the nickname of an unknown author (Possibly Bab-Yaguna) - Maechnik, whom he received for wearing an unchanged yellow T-shirt, took it off only for Tanya to patch it up.
  • Vanya's father trained dogs on the border before he started drinking.

State of Tibidohsa

Sardanapalus Chernomorov

Academician Sardanapalus Chernomorov - the first student of Drevnir, the immortal academician of white magic, the son of uncle Chernomor, is the head of Tibidokhs and the most powerful white magician after Noah and his teacher. Feelings in relation to Medusia are love.

Medusia Gorgonova

Medusia Zevsovna Gorgonova - Associate Professor of the Department of Non-Life Studies and Deputy Director.

  • Mage is a versatile, uses both white and dark magic. Has a bad character.
  • Possible prototypes - Argus Filch.
  • Appearance - piercing eyes, small stature.
  • Side - wagon mage

Sigmund Klopp

Professor Klopp (in the books he is called Sigmund) - a teacher of practical magic in Tibidohs. Born at the time inquisition ... His mother was a witch and she was supposed to be burned at the stake, but with one glance he destroyed the dungeon, after which he ended up in Tibidochs. Later he began to teach practical magic there.

  • Appearance - hooked nose, short stature, rotten hemp teeth, parietal eyes.
  • Side - dark magician
  • Events in the book: Teacher of Practical Magic. He became the head of the dark department, although in his youth he showed great promise in veterinary magic. Was zombified by the Plague del Tort. He took a bite of the rejuvenating apple and became a baby. Invented many spells.
  • Possible prototype - Severus Snape , Argus Filch


Zuboderich (real name - Julia) - a teacher in removing the evil eye from the white and imposing the evil eye in the dark department. Zubi had a brother. A couple of years younger than her. And this brother was afraid of heights. I was very afraid, to the point of nausea. And Zubi constantly teased him. Not only about this, but about this too. We can say that she pestered her brother from morning to evening. And not far from their house were old abandoned mines. The entrance to one mine crumbled, fell through, and there was a crack in the ground. An uneven hole. One and a half meters, no more. But down it went to great depth. And then Zubi ran away, jumped over and from the other side began to tease her brother. She shouted to him that he was a coward and all sorts of other offensive things. And the guy, whom she completely drove, jumped. And although there was absolutely nothing to jump - he broke off ... He did not even scream. Teeth on all fours stood on the edge of the crack and looked down ... looked for a long time ... She still looks there in her nightmares. Can impose a very heavy evil eye. Loves to read poems and classic novels. Due to her wedding to Gottfried of Bouillon, whom she disenchanted from the delayed spell of the Ancient One with a kiss, the ardor for literature cooled. Replaced Professor Klopp as head of Tibidochs' dark division.

  • Appearance - long bangs like a pony, round magnifying glasses.
  • Side - dark magician
  • Nickname - Great Zubi
  • Events in the book - together with Katya Lotkova, she tried to remove the evil eye, woke Gottfried of Bouillonsky with a kiss, conveyed a message from German Durnev that Guriy Pupper was alive, and did not die in a duel with Vanka.
  • Favorite student - Rita Shito-Kryto
  • Possible prototype: (from the image) Sibyl Trelawney.

Gottfried of Bouillon

  • Favorite subject - veterinary magic
  • Appearance - overweight, broad-shouldered. Heavy lower jaw. Long, disheveled, never combed hair.
  • The party is not a magician. Pithecanthropus
  • Biography: in his youth, together with his comrades, he killed and ate a white dragon, and he got a piece at the tail, which allows him to live forever.
  • Possible prototype: Hagrid.

Solovey Odikhmantievich the Robber

Black magician, magic aerobatics trainer. Lost the battle with Ilya Muromets , as a result of which he was captured. Simulated physical death in the courtyard of Prince Vladimir. Bailed by Sardanapal Chernomorov. Favorite student - Tanya Grotter.

  • Favorite subject - magical aerobatics
  • Appearance - Blind in one eye, one knee does not bend, and the nose is flattened
  • Side - dark magician
  • Events in the book - a teacher of magical aerobatics, trainer of the Tibidohs team in dragonball.
  • Prototype - Nightingale the Robber
  • Possible prototypes: Alastor Moody and Roland Trick


Goddess of the ancient disbanded pantheon, Yagun's grandmother. Works in the magpunkt. Yagge has a hut on chicken legs. She hates when she is compared to Baba Yaga.

  • Appearance - a small thin elderly woman in the same shawl.
  • The party is a goddess, a light sorceress.
  • Prototype - Baba Yaga
  • Possible prototype - Poppy Pomfrey
  • Events in the book - in charge of the magpot in Tibidohs.
  • Often worn with a grandson.


Teacher of magical entities at Tibidochs. He used to teach at Magford. Sometimes a spirit takes over Salieri.

  • Side - dark magician
  • Events in the book - It turned out to be the one who wanted to steal the throne of the Ancient One in order to take his magic for himself. But Tanya Grotter , baby Kloppik, Sardanapalus, Great Zubi, Gottfried of Bouillon and Medusia Gorgonova were able to prevent him.
  • Appearance - looks like a ferret.
  • Possible prototype - Quirinus Quirrell.

Usynya, Gorynya and Dubynya

Bogatyrs, bouncers, security, do not disdain to eat moron. Guard the Eerie Gate.

  • The side is not magicians
  • Events in the book - their heads were accidentally caused by Tanya, which they almost ate. They helped to rebuild Tibidokhs after the destruction. They help to separate the water and the goblin, which are fighting for the gatehouse of Drevnir.


  • Was a member of the Tibidochs dragonball team
  • Side is a dark sorceress
  • Flying instrument - guitar with trailer
  • Appearance - dark, sharp-faced
  • He plays the guitar well, although the trailer has to be unhooked. he hits the knees

Zhora Zhikin

Zhora Zhikin - dark magician. I got to Tibidokhs after I was transferred to a television studio by the power of my thoughts. Lovelace. Selfish, self-confident.

  • Appearance - dark-skinned, dark-haired
  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying tool - propeller mop
  • Events in the book: saved the portrait But I from the hmyrs, gave Tanya a piece of Noah's pince-nez.

Liza Zalizina

Tanya Grotter's worst enemy. Hates Tanya for being loved Vanka Valyalkin and Gleb Beibarsov. After leaving school she lived with Gleb Beibarsov in Ivanovo, but after that Gleb left her. Prone to drama. During her stay in Magford, she became friends with Guria Pupper's girlfriend Jane Petushkoff.

  • Appearance - a pretty girl with long hair.
  • The party is a light sorceress, but very often uses dark magic.
  • The flying instrument is a cuckoo clock, the cuckoo bites aimingly.
  • Events in the book: in love with Vanka, sent Tanya a lock Aphrodite , then she was in love with the same curl with Gleb Beibarsov. In the book "Tanya Grotter and the Staff of the Magi" God Triglav by mistake instead of Tanya possessed Lisa. It happened that Lisa even tried to strangle Tanya (Triglav tried). But when Tanya and Guriy found the staff that the gods demanded, Triglav let Lisa go.
  • Antagonist- Tanya Grotter

Kuzya Tuzikov

Known for never parting with his broom. In love with Rita Shito-Kryto. Very forgetful. Father Kuzi - hereditary magician Tuzikov, who caught and revived the dog Mu Mu.

  • The side is a light magician.
  • Flying instrument - jet broom.
  • Often walks with Rita Shito-Kryto.
  • He plays in the Tibidochs dragonball team. Dragon protection.


In the first books he was known for his good dragonball game and love of otters. Later he became known as a huge lover of money. Mercantilene. Many in Tibidokhsa lends money at interest. I got to Tibidochs after very quickly (6 and a half minutes), having solved all the tasks of the city test in mathematics, turned the teacher into an otter. After leaving school he settled in St. Petersburg.

  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying instrument - a vacuum cleaner
  • He often quarrels with Bab Yagun.

Katya Lotkova

Katya Lotkova - highly beautiful girl... Hereditary sorceress. She is benevolent, tolerant of people. An excellent pupil. Played dragonball (dragon defense). After leaving school, she remained in graduate school.

  • Appearance - long blonde hair
  • Party is a light sorceress
  • Flying instrument - vacuum cleaner "Gryazyuks"
  • Events in the book: Together with Zubodericha, she caught a viral evil eye, which made her pupils glow, but soon both were cured, lost their beauty due to the hammer Perun , subsequently returned it.
  • Meets Bab Yagun.
  • Possible prototype - Fleur Delacour

Demyan Goryanov

Disciple of the dark branch of Tibidochs. Food and things turn sour under his gaze. Buddy Seven-Stump-Hole. The main opponent of Bab Yagun. After leaving school, he worked in a magic stable, where pegasus were bred. In love with Carilyn Curlot of the Magford Invisibility Team.

  • Antagonist - Bab Yagun
  • Appearance - noses. From his gaze food and things turn sour
  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying instrument - vacuum cleaner "Buran 100U"

Gunya Glomov

I studied in the first grade for four years. The strongest disciple in Tibidohs. In love with Grobynia, later he married her. After the end of Tibidokhs, he and Grobynia moved to Bald Mountain.

  • Appearance - Strong, sturdy, tall
  • Side - dark magician
  • Possible prototypes - Vincent Crabbe , Gregory Goyle
  • Events in the book: lost power due to the hammer Perun , then returned, but it changed him a lot. In the seventh book, he asked the magic pike that all the girls love him. Thus, distance magic began to act on all of Tibidokhs's students. Also in the seventh book of Gunya was second Roly on his duel with Pupper. In the eighth book, he got into a parallel world, where he has a double - Private Gunnio.


"Botanist". Has problems communicating with people, is shy, prefers books. Indecisive. In love with the necromagine Lena Svekolt. He often quarrels with his beloved about magic. Disputes usually last more than 2 hours. Later he left to study in Magford.

Genka bouillon

A classmate of Pipa Durneva and Tanya Grotter in the lop-up world. Discovered his magical abilities with the help of the Book of Doom. Until the age of 15 he lived with his mother. At the moment, he is in a relationship with Pipa Durneva.

The first awakening of his magical abilities was suppressed by Medusia the Gorgon, because he used it not for good, but for evil.

  • Appearance - tall
  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying instrument - tennis racket
  • Events in the book: the Chuma del Tort possessed him and with his help sought wand Soul Thief. Meets Pipa Durneva.


Gleb Beibarsov

The Dark Witch's Apprentice is an ally of Plague del Tart, who grew up in the wilderness. Received most of the gift after her death. Once in childhood, he turned a dead kitten into a zombie that swallowed a fish hook. Gleb, like the rest of the witch's pupils, does not differ in sentimentality or kindness. He is secretive and practically does not talk to anyone. He really loves to draw and really does not like to show his drawings to anyone, even Jeanne and Lena. As it turned out, he was always drawing the same girl - Tanya, even against his will. His drawing, and even then only one, was seen only by Tanya herself. Fell in love with her, not yet knowing her, spying on her life even from the hut of the old witch, a companion of the Plague del Tort. He walks everywhere with a bamboo cane, which apparently replaces his magic ring. Flies in a mortar. Plays in the Tibidohs dragonball adult team. Gleb is not indifferent to Tanya, helped her in the story with the Well of Poseidon.

  • Appearance: Tall young man. Slightly stooped. Dark hair, black eyes that absorb light.
  • Personality: Gleb is selfish. He even does something for others, not without benefit for himself. Stubborn, does not know how to retreat. Often ironic, but does not tolerate irony to himself. He considers many positive qualities to be "unworthy" and carefully hides them.
  • Side: necromage.
  • Flying instrument: flying stupa.
  • Events in the book: After the death of the witch, it falls into Tibidochs. Through the curl of Aphrodite, he was in love with Liza Zalizina, but coped with it. Zhanna Abatikova, who was brought up with him by the dark witch, is in love with Gleb himself. In the match between Tibidokhs and the national team of eternity, Tantalus moved into Beibarsov, but Gleb defeated him. With the help of the mirror, Tantala became one with Vanka Valyalkin. Gleb had a double in the world of Plague del Tort Guleb. The double was about to break the line between the worlds and win the heart of the Plague, but his plan failed.

Lena Svekolt

  • Admiral Julson - Number two of the Magford Dragonball Team. Fearless, lost many organs.
  • O-Fairy-Li-I - number three of the Magford national team. Plays on defense. Plays the flute, guiding the dragon, thereby hypnotizing him, and playing foul play.
  • Prototype - Malyuta Skuratov
  • A possible prototype is Rufus Scrimgeour.
  • Side - vampire
  • Flying instrument - coffin
  • Appearance - A gray-haired person with a bumpy nose and a narrow mouth.
  • Events in the book - He is afraid of losing this position, which is why he delayed the issuance of regalia to Uncle German, referring to another applicant for the inheritance of Ligul K.A.However, after Ligula's death, he was forced to transfer the regalia to Durnev, albeit with some delay. Together with his bodyguard, Boom stole the staff of the Magi from the gods, hoping to kill them with his help. However, the staff of the vampires stole Freebies. They tried to steal it again, going to the Durnevs, but the gods drove them away. Can't stand German Nikitich because he never became a real vampire. Loves women blood the second group with negative rhesus. I almost killed Tanya in the 5th book. He led the operation to capture Tibidokhs in the 9th book. In the 12th book, he invited Herman and Nineli to send their own person who would make real vampires out of them, vaguely declaring that being dead would soon be more profitable.


The dull bodyguard of Malyuta Skurathoff, loyal to the owner, follows him on his heels. Very strong, used for various "delicate errands". I almost killed Simorg, the guardian of the world tree.


Player of the polar spirits national team. Was 11 national team player. Invisible.

Santa Claus

Captain of the polar spirits team. He flies on a team drawn by three snow mares - Blizzard, Blizzard and Blizzard.

Links Mythology "Tanya Grotter" Wikipedia

List of characters in the book series by Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Tort, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture ... ... Wikipedia

List of characters in the book series by Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Tort, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture ... ... Wikipedia

List of characters in the book series by Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Tort, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture ... ... Wikipedia

List of characters in the book series by Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Tort, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture ... ... Wikipedia

List of characters in the book series by Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Tort, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture ... ... Wikipedia