Sexy woman through the eyes of a man. Women through the eyes of men

Questions about men are sometimes easier to answer by imagining yourself as a man, which I propose to do now ...

Girls, questions about men are sometimes easier to answer by imagining yourself as a man, which I propose to do now.

We are all interested in what she is - the one that catches, the thief of men's hearts, who beckons to herself with her mere presence ... Now we are not talking about smoothness, softness, goodness and female strength in the sense of the energy that we accumulate in the lower abdomen. We are talking about a woman whose behavior pattern is very different from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"goodness". And in this she is impressively good!

But before drawing conclusions about her, let's look at everything through the eyes of a man.

So imagine yourself as a man. You are accustomed to female attention and unmistakably feel when female sexuality is based on self-confidence, and when - on dependence. And for most of the women you meet in life, the whole line of behavior stems from addiction.

And you already know what to do, to say, to feed her addiction, to strengthen it, so that this woman becomes yours very quickly.

And then she appears, who does not say a word “how to behave or speak with her, etc.”, which is fine even without you.

“Am I so inconspicuous? Am I losing my temper?” you think. Against its background, all the others “fell” even more in your eyes.

And she is self-sufficient, self-willed, does what she wants. And if she looks at you, it is only because she herself so wanted to, and you have absolutely nothing to do with all your efforts in this direction. It is unpredictable, it does not "roll" all your usual chips. Although she is correct, feminine, delicate, she seems to frankly do not care about your feelings, because she is in the first place. How to surprise this? How to draw attention to yourself? How to take possession of it? The brain is still working hard on this task.

She is like the wind: now she is near, then completely spontaneously disappears for several days, does not pick up the phone and does not consider it necessary to report.

She doesn't feel dependent on you, she's not afraid of being abandoned, she just doesn't care! And this is a discovery for you that this is even possible. You have to think with her what you are talking about, because at any moment she can leave forever. And if she leaves, you will understand that she did not leave for someone, but specifically left you.

She considers herself a gift of fate, she seems to be very proud of herself, and she will not “eat” even one disrespectful word, unlike many women who will endure even more that you were with them, who shower you with their attention.

She does not give anything until she gets what she needs and how much she needs (talking about attention, care, respect, etc.). She calculates everything and thinks soberly. She is not afraid to be without a man. Always makes a choice in favor of his own dignity. She does not say how to do and what. She literally shows her indifference, and why should she be indifferent: have you already done something for her?! And you suddenly begin to understand that you didn’t do anything, but you should. She never gives more than she receives. She is not going to eat from your hands until you win her, and you begin to understand this too. She is on her own.

She asks riddles all the time: as soon as she doesn’t like something, she disappears, and you have to look for the reason in yourself - what you did wrong. She doesn't try to please you. She is completely disobedient. She does not talk about feelings and relationships. It’s as if she never gets angry at all, you can’t manage to bring her to a negative attitude towards herself, as if she doesn’t care.

She does not sacrifice anything for the sake of a man, puts the satisfaction of her needs in the first place. She never gives up her own interests. She will not cancel her plans because of you.

She does not compete with other women - she is so confident in herself. She does not hang on to you and does not try to tie you to herself in any way, and she does not demand anything - what a rarity! She speaks to you in the only language that men understand - the language of actions.

She always puts her own dignity above everything else and will not tolerate disrespect for herself.

It doesn't restrict you in any way. There is so much space next to her that, it would seem, you are always free, and you can leave at any moment, but you don’t want something from her ...

Numerous surveys show that men do not like models at all and women who torture themselves with diets or experiment on their appearance in order to be like, as they think, the ideal woman. They are looking for another. And this is just a fashion trend that will disappear very quickly, and it is only of interest to those who are professionally engaged in the beauty industry, as well as plastic surgeons, who, due to low self-esteem in women, become millionaires, and not most men.

Who is she - the ideal woman through the eyes of men

Men like to admire beautiful women. They pay attention to them, they love magazines where famous beauties demonstrate their charms, and beaches where young and not quite beauties bask in the sun in a bikini and even without it. Many women are offended by this, it makes them feel less beautiful, jealous and sort things out, which already plays against them. Because subconsciously it begins to be perceived as doubts about their own attractiveness, and the representatives of the stronger sex even more closely compare their women with those they were looking at.

Women who do not pay attention to this, showing indifference, even if they are a little offended in their hearts, make men think that they are confident in their beauty and they are not at all worried about someone's appearance and figure. And such confidence involuntarily causes respect, and the man is once again convinced that next to him is the most ideal woman in the world. It is only worth remembering that it is necessary to show indifference to such admiration not just without words, but without a frown on the face, it is better with a smile and bliss.

The ideal woman, in their opinion, should always radiate self-confidence, in any clothes, in any situation, even when returning from the store, even going to the evening. In her every movement, this confidence in her own attractiveness, irresistibility slips, regardless of what size of clothes, shoes, hair color, facial features, age she has. She knows she's beautiful because she is.

Her confidence captivates and makes you pay attention to her, the desire to bask next to you, to feel this plume of love that is inside her. After all, only that representative of the fair sex who loves herself is so capable of believing in herself, and it doesn’t matter whether she learned this when she became an adult or knows how from childhood, thanks to the love of her parents.

Without self-love, it is impossible to radiate to the world around you that you are beautiful and good the way you are at any moment of your life. Self-love is easily felt by others, and in its rays one really wants to bask. And men are deeply convinced that only the one that radiates warmth, knows what love is and knows how to love can be ideal.

Photo: the ideal woman through the eyes of men

They need care, reliability and attention, no matter how old they are. It doesn't matter what color her hair, her eyes, what figure or how old she is, they don't look at that at all. Only they know what attracts them to the opposite sex, and why they chose this woman.

Appearance is just a temporary shell that reflects a certain age of a person, so no matter how beautiful a woman is, over time all this will disappear, and nothing can be done about it. Any most beautiful appearance becomes familiar and what qualities a person possesses comes to the fore. And it is not surprising that many beauties remain single or unhappy in relationships when their less beautiful girlfriends are happily married. There is no point in suffering because of appearance, correcting it, trying to look like non-models and mocking yourself, just to please men and become the perfect woman.

Often beautiful women with a cold heart and overly prudent thoughts are left with nothing, even if initially they easily find a gentleman who most often wants to demonstrate her as an exotic item that he could buy. Of course, men will pay attention to her and some will even try to get to know her, but few people will like to communicate with someone who is too indifferent and watches his every word, gesture and carefully considers how to behave.

In addition to external beauty, there are still qualities without which any strongest feeling will disappear sooner or later. It is unpleasant for anyone to be near a person who is cold, stingy with feelings and detached. Indifferent women are alarming, frightening and repulsive. Cold beauty can only freeze, and everyone wants warmth.

The ideal woman according to men

  • For men, the ideal can be one that knows how to make friends and keep secrets. Listen and hear, and not just deal with yourself. She does not ignore their interests, does not think exclusively about herself. She cares what happens to him. She is not fixated on herself and her problems and desires.
  • A woman understands how important it is for him to have his own fortress, in which he can rest, lick his wounds, come to his senses, find solutions to the most difficult problems.
  • The ideal representative of the fair sex will not take advantage of male weaknesses, his sore spots. Doesn't use what she knows about him against him. Will not betray and will not leave if hard times come. She will always be there, not imposing, and not interfering, not panicking, and not tormenting with questions. She can give advice, if asked, support, inspire optimism.
  • Vitality is an important quality in the list of qualities of an ideal woman, which was compiled by men themselves.
  • They want to see wisdom and a desire to listen to others in her. So that she does not make scandals, does not make unreasonable claims, does not forbid communicating with friends and relatives, she understands how important it is for a man to have his own social circle and feel his need and importance.
  • She will not allow herself to express claims to him in front of others, but will say this in private in a calm and respectful manner. Not blaming him for all the sins, but talking about how she feels when he does this. Because he understands that he will hear it only in this way, and not when he is attacked and humiliated.
  • Men do not like those who are obsessed with appearance, career or cleanliness in the house. They don't like being overly focused on something. This frightens and alarms them, makes them feel less significant and unimportant. And for them, this is a sign of insolvency and weakness that they cannot afford.
  • In their opinion, the ideal woman is able to find the golden mean in everything she does. She will not sacrifice her interests for the sake of her husband and children, parents or society, as she will cease to be herself, dissolving in others. Because only victims who want everyone to appreciate their merits behave this way. But when this does not happen (because everyone thinks that they do it because they want to) they are offended and accumulate these grievances for many years, poisoning the lives of both themselves and those around them.
  • The woman they dream of makes them strive to fulfill their goals and desires, because she does not forget about her own. She knows what she wants, what she likes and what she doesn't. Don't be afraid to say it out loud.
  • She knows how to clearly explain what she needs and is important in a relationship, and does not wait for a man to show his telepathic abilities and guess what she dreams or thinks about. Moreover, he doesn’t have them, which means these are new grievances and claims, and whoever likes to feel dumb reproach and guilt, even if he didn’t do anything wrong, is still not very pleasant in guilt.
  • She will not make her man jealous by keeping a reasonable distance when communicating with other men. Will not try to test his feelings by flirting with them. But she herself will not allow herself to check his phone or mail. And if he finds out that he cheated on her, he knows what he will do.
  • The ideal woman will not allow herself to blackmail her husband with communication at night, because this is not a reward for his good behavior or a way to manipulate and get what he wants, but natural communication between people in love.

Photo: the ideal woman through the eyes of men

Love does not depend on appearance or age. They love different people. When the time comes to meet your man, you will be perfect for him. And there is no point in worrying about whether you look like some ideal woman or not. This is all an illusion, especially if you look at photos of recognized beauties of Hollywood or the modeling business without photoshop. They are the same women as everyone else: overweight, with cellulite and not the most ideal features, which does not make them less attractive when they love themselves.

Constantly being in the company of men, a woman is increasingly beginning to notice that her presence, as a representative of the weaker sex, is lost among men's conversations that relate to everything - from fishing to all sorts of gossip and discussions. The male team gets so used to the woman that they consider her their “brother and ally”, the same “man” with whom you can talk about everything, and also, if necessary, ask for advice like a man with a scythe. So you can learn a lot of interesting things for yourself as a woman, since the stronger sex often resorts to discussions about the appearance and character of an employee, waitress, or just a girl passing by.

Women, as you know, preen not only to show off in front of their own kind, but also to attract a man. In order to achieve the art of behaving and dressing "correctly", you can simply listen to men's conversations.

Women through the eyes of men always remain the subject of admiration, but in a cheerful company, different opinions are often put forward. Here a long-legged brunette in high heels and a miniskirt passes by, which often causes a longed-for smile from the whole team, freezing at the sight of a spectacular girl and languidly looking after her without a single word. But a real delight can be caused by a modestly but tastefully dressed girl, with a minimum of makeup and fluently fingering her small legs in ballet shoes.

Despite the huge variety of ideals of female beauty, men always enjoy a rational choice. Women through the eyes of men should be "average option": a face without a kilogram of powder, if heels - then five centimeters, everyday-holiday clothes and a calm character, not devoid of a sense of humor. A lady who winds up her price unreasonably will never be taken seriously - a spectacular appearance along with an inner emptiness for a man will look like a lie. For many, it is not necessary to stand next to a glossy magazine cover model, it is enough that the shell is harmoniously combined with pleasant and interesting conversation, smart thoughts and the ability to keep calm in any circumstances.

A woman should be an understanding and gentle person. who can express his opinion on any occasion and support his beloved, if this support is very necessary for him. It is impossible, of course, to find a good hostess, a beauty and a goddess in bed at the same time, but the strong half of humanity really wants this. Women through the eyes of men are always a mystery, which they have been trying to solve throughout their lives, and not one, the most skillful macho, has succeeded so far.

Men like to compare and gossip among themselves as well as women. First of all, they pay attention to the fact that it is no secret to anyone - charms. Then there are the facial features, the length of the legs and the figure, which is also of no small importance for a man. But, as you know, the opinion of a person can change dramatically in the course of a conversation, therefore, despite the fact that nature has endowed you with large breasts or 45th leg size, women in the eyes of men can take on a very attractive appearance, thanks only to their character and positivity.

How many people, so many opinions. There is no specific ideal to strive for, and 90-60-90 is not the standard of beauty. As they say, the main thing is that a person be a good person.

“How many men, so many opinions,” you say. But let me disagree with you. The main points in the behavior and appearance of a woman are still a priority in the eyes of the representatives of the strong half of humanity. And judging by many surveys, you can get a complete picture of male preferences. So, let's figure out which women are still more attractive to men, which ones they prefer to marry and what annoys them in women.

Girl, I like you!

According to psychologists, a woman who sees what men like becomes not only more self-confident, but also increases her efficiency and creativity. Everyone wants to like someone, and this sometimes becomes an incentive for self-improvement and growth above oneself.

First of all, men pay attention to appearance. Everyone knows this. Their attention is attracted by well-groomed, slender girls. But it is not necessary to interpret harmony as thinness. Not everyone likes very thin girls. The main thing, according to them, is a well-built and toned figure, a well-groomed appearance, healthy skin and the ability to handle cosmetics, and even better, its minimum - just enough to emphasize natural beauty. We also include sexual attractiveness here, since this is not only external beauty, but also a special internal state, which not everyone can possess.

Let's continue. Men like interesting, educated women who can support any conversation and have a sense of humor. Sociability (but not excessive talkativeness of course) and intelligence are qualities that will appeal to anyone. Once the prevailing stereotype is the opinion that the stronger sex likes silly people more. Well, maybe some, and then only at first, and only for sex ... But then you still want to talk to her about something. An intelligent and educated woman is like a magnet for a man. With her, he will always be interested, he will develop and improve himself next to her. After all, they say the truth, good husbands are made by their wives.

Men are not very original, and will pay attention to the one that can pave the way to their heart through the stomach. Yes, it's still relevant! What man does not want to return from work, and a delicious and hot dinner would be waiting for him on the table? Learning to cook is not so difficult, especially for a loved one.

According to polls, such qualities of character as kindness, selflessness and femininity are also in the leading positions.

Girl, pass by!

Let's now look at what annoys men the most.

A person who smokes and likes to drink is unlikely to arouse interest, except for one night.

The opinion that men like bitches has long turned into a myth. Perhaps there are still a few left, but most of the stronger sex prefer "good" girls. Few people want to have their nerves shaken every day and tested for strength, except for some super-extreme.

Rude, unfeminine and stupid also pass by.

Men are also very annoyed by girls who compare them to their exes. It’s better to think a thousand times before you start talking about previous relationships, and even more so comparing them with real relationships.

Undisguised commercialism. It’s not a pleasant feeling for anyone when they try to breed or use you, agree? Men dream of being loved for what they are, and not for the number of bills in their wallet.

Girls showing unjustified, unsubstantiated jealousy are a red light for many. Jealousy can destroy even the strongest relationships. Be wiser and try to build more trust initially.

Commanding tone. He is ready to bring any guy to white heat. Try not to use it in your vocal range.

You can also add friends and shopping to this list. They also sometimes make our men very tense. Yes, and ask him less often: “Darling, do you love me?” or “What are you thinking about right now?”

Honey, marry me!

All women, without exception, want to hear these secret words. Some will hear them sooner, some later, and some will never hear. And here everything is only in your hands! Dear girls, women, ladies, take seriously what psychologists say and what statistics indicate. Many women have gotten themselves into trouble, so learn from their mistakes - it's much smarter.

Be sweet and charming, smart and kind, attentive to your men and their desires, be able not only to listen, but also to hear. Be attractive and sexy, economic and cheerful. And then your man will repay you with the same coin, and there is just around the corner and a limousine with rings and a dress.

Last year, acclaimed American columnist Gabrielle Seyrig pieced together hundreds of scholarly studies related to what men really look for in the opposite sex. The result of the publication is ten signs, which were noted by the majority of respondents.

Light eyes

The Journal des Femmes conducted a survey among 900 men about what eye color attracts them the most. According to the result, 40% of respondents preferred light green or blue eyes to all others.


The same testing revealed another male addiction - the strong half desperately wants to get from a woman ... No, not sex and not borscht! And tenderness! 46% put this quality in the first place, the female mind is in the second place, and the sense of humor is in the third.


It turns out that in order for a man to lose his head from a feminine fragrance, it must suit him in spirit. In other words, the perfume should not only be an organic continuation of the girl, but also be in harmony with his own smell. Having caught this trend, advanced and creative brands release paired fragrances for him and for her, which, like two halves of one whole, bring people together and give birth to “chemistry” between them.


45% of the two thousand men surveyed by the British University frankly admitted that they love when there is something to see and hold on to. The male consciousness is excited by the sexual curves of the body, and they are even ready to turn a blind eye to a few extra pounds. But too thin women seduce only 34% of respondents.

French women

A study by Harris Interactive found that in their sexual fantasies, men are more likely to be around French women than girls of other nationalities.


50% of the male representatives confirmed the long-known truth: women in skirts and high heels are their biggest weakness. And it's not about how short the skirt will be, but about the femininity of the image. For example, less than 10% of respondents noted that they like girls in sportswear.

Dimple on chin

Unbelievable, but true - 42% of men a small depression on the chin is simply crazy. 23% are delighted with freckles, 21% - with moles above the upper lip (hello Cindy Crawford) and less than 6% do not mind that their ideal woman has a piercing on her face.

Loose long hair

In their imagination, men imagine an impeccable girlfriend of life with long and necessarily flowing hair. At least 58% named hair among their preferences. And only 9% voted for hair tied in a tight ponytail or braid.


Do gentlemen prefer blondes? No matter how! According to a study by a Scandinavian psychology journal, 53% of men choose women with dark hair for a stable and happy marriage.


The same experimental men with a Nordic character dispelled another myth about passive and pliable ladies. 60% of men are ready to connect their lives with women who are not afraid to take the initiative. No, no one tolerates impudence! We are talking about strong and self-confident ladies who are not afraid of responsibility.