Energy practice “Magic whirling. Rotation around its axis when lifting the shoulders. Why can one shoulder be higher than the other and how to fix it? Biceps tendon tendonitis What gives the exercise clockwise rotation

Does the child not want to go to school? Is he only interested in training? He is not only not attracted by school classes, but he simply refuses to attend them? Who is to blame and what to do? We will deal with these issues in our article.

Only training on your mind

School today is an important and indispensable element of growing up any person. But it is difficult to find even one child who would speak extremely flatteringly about his daily visit to this institution.

But sport often becomes a favorite pastime for a child: it is impossible to tear it away from sports news, all ears “buzz” about new equipment, runs to training with pleasure and is even ready to go to another one instead of school. So, the child only wants to go to training and not go to school. What's the matter?

What are the reasons

There can be many reasons for this position. But first of all, it should be said that if everything is fine with your young athlete in training, he is comfortable there in all respects - this is good!

And now about the dislike for school. What are the reasons? The reasons can be very common.

Conflict with teacher or peers

If a child is tormented by a conflict that he cannot resolve for a long time, then it is no wonder why he does not want to visit the place from which this conflict emanates. Whether it's a teacher or classmates, it doesn't matter: the child constantly finds himself in a situation of rejection. And his natural response to prolonged unresolved conflict is avoidance.

Judge for yourself, you will not seek a meeting with an unpleasant colleague who set you up in front of your boss? Unless you decide to practice your signature left hook on it. True, this will not resolve the conflict.

Your child is hopelessly behind the program

And, of course, he is uncomfortable with this situation. Teachers give low marks, scold. Classmates laugh at simple (in their opinion) mistakes and begin to treat them with less respect. The realization that his academic performance will inevitably fall, and so he may not finish school, is also pressing. "Well, it is not necessary!" - the young athlete thinks and goes where he is good - for training.


I must say, this reason is the most common for children who play sports seriously. At some point, the number and duration of workouts increase, they become daily and harder. And the child gets tired. He simply does not have enough strength for all (physical and / or moral). So the child has a logical decision - to reduce the load at the expense of a less priority (interesting) one for him. And the ambition and seriousness of everyone around him to his sports activities only pushes him to a steady reluctance to attend school and spend time and energy on it.

The focus of attention has shifted

The child chose sport as a profession and destiny. Yes. You understood correctly. This usually happens with older children who have been in sports for more than a year. They have their own achievements and ideas about what they want to achieve. These are usually lofty goals that require full commitment. In addition, do not forget that they are taught to concentrate, strive, overcome, exclude everything unnecessary, observe the regime, give up something for the sake of sports.

And here, even if the child generally does not have any problems in communication and academic performance at school, he may express a desire to refuse to attend it. The child simply does not see adequate reasons for doing work that will not lead him to the desired goal. And also work that "distracts" him.

Finding out the reason

As you already understood, there are many reasons. And when your child is an athlete, there are even more of them. First of all, you should find out this very reason in the child. But remember, you should not resort to instructions, scold and intimidate your child.

Your goal is a completely opposite goal - you need a confidential conversation. And this, of course, is the ideal development of events if the child tells about everything himself. This will make it easier to solve the problem. But often children (especially older ones) are in no hurry to confide in their parents. The transitional age, and, perhaps, just the style of communication in the family, give rise to the idea in the child's head: the parents will not understand and will not help.

What to do? In such a situation, it is necessary to contact your child's school environment: with teachers and, if possible, with the parents of classmates. Your task is to find out if there are conflicts. Always try to be in touch with your classmates' teachers and parents. Teachers see children every day for a long time and know what is happening in the school community. And parents of classmates are often aware of what children think and say about your child. And it can serve as a good source of information for you.

If your attempts to find out the reason do not end with success, then do not be afraid to turn to. The specialist will find the "key" to the child's soul and help to achieve the optimal solution to the problem.

We act

Did you find out the source of the problem yourself? We need to act!

  1. If there is a conflict, then the answer is obvious - the conflict must be resolved. And your help is needed here. Do everything to make your child psychologically comfortable at school. Be sure to seek help from teachers and classmates' parents.
  2. If your child's academic performance has dramatically decreased and he feels like a failure, then please be patient, time and finances. First, the child urgently needs tutors. Their task is to find out the true level of knowledge of your athlete and work to catch up with the program. And secondly, your child now more than ever needs your support and understanding. It doesn't matter what caused your child to fall behind. It is important that you provide him with the help that he needed much earlier. And do not deprive him of training, otherwise you will have to catch up even more.
  3. If fatigue is the reason, then this is a clear sign that it is time to rethink your future champion's regime. Special attention should be given to having rest from stress. You can even let him skip going to school a couple of days a month so that the child can independently adjust his workload depending on how he feels.
  4. And the last thing - the child made a choice. Well, it is possible that you have a real future champion in front of you. And take it seriously. After all, this is a real decision, a very serious decision that your child made. In no case try to tell him that he may not become a champion. No no and one more time no. The parents' disbelief kills hope, and, therefore, the share of desire, which just might not be enough. It is better to talk with your child about what will happen after the sport, after all its awards, victories and honors. Discuss biographies of great athletes. After all, we all know that the path of a professional athlete is short-lived. And the whole life is ahead! This means that your child will need school knowledge to continue to live with dignity after the end of a brilliant sports career.

By the way, homeschooling may be a good option in the latter two cases. Today it is becoming a priority for many for various reasons. And this option is no less serious and is perceived by modern universities as the norm. In the case of an athlete child, this will help to save some of the time that is so necessary for his achievements.

However, there are also some specifics to be aware of. The child will have to study the material on his own. On the one hand, it disciplines, but on the other, it can lead to new problems. Parents who decide to take such a step should understand that it will take more time from them to control home schooling, as well as provide timely assistance. In addition, it should be understood that it is likely that you will need to use tutors to successfully master the program.


I think many (if not all) children have a dream - not to go to school. I remember, and the author of this article didn't really want to. True, I was fascinated by drawing, not sports. But it is not important. And the important thing is that you always need to see your child, to see who he is in essence. And believe in its potential. And help. And his stupid actions, failures or short-sighted decisions can always be corrected.

Dear readers, if you see an error in our article, write to us about it in the comments. We will definitely fix it. Thanks!

Types of dizziness

There is, perhaps, a person who would not have experienced dizziness... There are different types of dizziness, only it manifests itself in different people in different ways: some experience, as it were, internal shocks or are thrown in one direction or another, others complain of unsteadiness of gait and the inability to maintain balance.

But most often when dizziness occurs, the illusion of violent rotation occurs: either the surrounding objects "rotate", or the person seems to feel the rotation of his body. Sometimes, during dizziness, it darkens in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, palpitations appear, a person ceases to navigate in space.

Dizziness can suddenly occur in perfectly healthy people on a swing, while climbing great height(while looking down), from the observer of rapidly moving objects.

Some people complain that they get dizzy in a car, plane, or on a boat.
This type of vertigo is called seasickness. It passes quickly as soon as a person enters a different environment, and does not pose a health hazard. Those suffering from such dizziness can get rid of it with proper training. In the onset of seasickness, the state of higher nervous activity is of great importance.

It is characteristic that people who once traveled by sea and suffered from seasickness, symptoms of it appear already at the moment of entering the ship on the ladder or at the mere recollection of the upcoming voyage. Their well-being may deteriorate from nervous tension, the smell of lubricating oils, gasoline vapors. It is also interesting to note that people who suffer from severe seasickness on a boat or on an airplane immediately recover at the signal of danger.

To prevent seasickness people who are predisposed to it are recommended to train on a swing, carousel. Useful systematic exercises that are part of the morning gymnastics complex, and especially those in which you need to tilt your head forward, lean back, turn to the sides. As a result of such training, the phenomena of seasickness gradually disappear.

You should not travel on a steamer, plane or car on an empty stomach, but 1% -2 hours before the start of the trip you need to eat a little and in no case take alcohol in your mouth. Seats in the plane and car should be taken closer to the front, and on the steamer - to its middle part. While traveling, it is not recommended to look out the windows for a long time; useful to distract yourself with something. If possible, lie more. From medication, an hour before the trip / it is recommended to take nautizan, or vazano, or aeron. For nausea, validol acts favorably - 6-8 drops with water or sugar.

But there are people who have persistent, often painful dizziness appears very often and without any apparent reasons... It can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system, ears, anemia, poisoning, overwork, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

Why does the feeling of dizziness arise and how to eliminate it?

Most often, the appearance of dizziness is associated with congenital hypersensitivity (as is observed in seasickness) or with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The vestibular apparatus gets its name from the Latin word "vestibulum" - the vestibule. It is located in the inner ear, which is a complex labyrinth of numerous passages and channels. In it, one can distinguish semicircular canals located at an angle to each other in mutually perpendicular planes. These channels, together with the central part of the inner ear, are collectively referred to as "labyrinth".

There is a thin film inside the bone labyrinth. It seems to float in a liquid that fills the entire space of the inner ear cavity. In the semicircular canals and on the eve of the labyrinth, special nerve cells are located. A nerve fiber fits to each of them. When joined together, these fibers form vestibular nerve associated with many areas of the brain. Therefore, impulses from painfully changed nerve cells of the labyrinth can not only upset the balance, but also cause increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations.

Nerve cells of the vestibule and semicircular canals differ in structure from each other. On the nerve cells of the vestibule there are otoliths - ear stones, in the semicircular canals they are not. At. the movement of the head, the nerve cells of the vestibule are irritated by the action of the moving otoliths, and the nerve cells of the semicircular canals are irritated by the movement of the fluid washing them. These irritations cause nerve impulses that are transmitted along the cranial nerve to the cerebral cortex, and from there to the muscles, internal organs and eyes.

Scientists have found that the nerve cells of the vestibule, which together with ear stones are called the otolith apparatus, control the movements of the body along straight lines: up, down, forward, backward, right, left, and the nerve cells of the semicircular canals come into a state of excitement from the circular movements of the body.

The bony and membranous labyrinth with all the formations included in it, the vestibular nerve and those areas of the brain in which it ends, form the vestibular system.

Dizziness, which is related to a dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, is different from dizziness caused by other causes. With such a form as vestibular dizziness, a person, as a rule, can describe the condition he is experiencing. In some patients with periods, the illusion of rotation of the surrounding objects arises, in others, the feeling of movement of their own body around the vertical axis prevails, in others, the illusion of rotation of the surrounding objects is combined with the feeling of rotation of their own body, and the objects and the body rotate in opposite directions.

At rest, these sensations usually disappear or become less noticeable than with movements of the body and especially the head. Therefore, such patients try to move as little as possible. In addition to complaints of dizziness, they often feel a "push" in one direction or another.
In the clinic, the types of vestibular dizziness are divided into peripheral associated with diseases of the inner ear, and central, due to disorders of the nervous system.
The first is usually caused by various painful changes in the labyrinth and is characterized by severe attacks, often accompanied by hearing impairment.
The causes of disturbances in the labyrinth and the appearance of peripheral dizziness can be inflammation of the inner ear, atherosclerosis, poisoning of the body with alcohol, nicotine, helminthic poisons, endocrine and other diseases.

But sometimes peripheral vertigo appears without any noticeable changes in the ear. Such is, for example, disease Meniere, named after the French physician Prosper Ménière, who first described its symptoms in 1861. People suffering from this disease, before an attack of severe and excruciating dizziness, usually feel tinnitus, hearing gradually deteriorates, unsteadiness of gait appears, balance is disturbed with sharp turns of the head or if they stop looking at some point. The time of appearance of the precursors of an approaching attack is different: from several days to several months.

The onset of an attack of dizziness can last for a few seconds, and sometimes for many hours. In some cases, after an attack, patients feel healthy, in others they feel a breakdown, weakness. The frequency of seizures varies from person to person. Once arisen, attacks sometimes do not recur for 10-15 years. The causes of this disease are not yet clear enough. Most scientists believe that dizziness may be due to an increase in fluid pressure in the labyrinth. In people predisposed to this disease, another attack is possible after drinking alcohol, overeating, and overwork.

Meniere's disease does not pose a danger to life, but those suffering from it should be exempted from work at height or requiring constant balance, or long-term fixation of the gaze (watchmaker, draftsman).

To combat this disease, therapeutic exercises and medications are used. Treatment in each specific case is prescribed strictly individually, therefore, such patients should be under the supervision of a doctor. After prolonged and persistent treatment, attacks become less frequent and gradually stop altogether.

A few words about the so-called central vestibular vertigo... Patients complain of a feeling of a precipitous fall, the rocking of the bed. These sensations can be so "real" that the patients, being frightened, grab the edge of the bed, for the people around them.

Central vestibular vertigo can be caused by vascular brain diseases a, tumors, mental disorders, encephalitis.

The doctor prescribes the method of treating dizziness depending on the causes that caused it. With prolonged, chronic inflammation of the middle ear, surgery is often necessary. In patients with hypertension or atherosclerosis, dizziness may be an indicator of deterioration of the condition: these patients need long-term and persistent treatment of the underlying disease. In cases where dizziness is associated with diseases of the central nervous system, appropriate neurological or neurosurgical treatment is recommended.

Dizziness is a serious symptom that needs immediate attention. Timely persistent treatment in most cases relieves a person from this ailment.

Magic edge

The world of the edge of magic


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This simple exercise, available for performing at any age and with any type of body, will develop your energy in the shortest possible time, strengthen the functioning of all body systems and start the internal process of self-healing. It only takes 5 minutes. But it has a tremendous impact. Performing it only 3 times a day will replace a full physical workout. At the same time, exercise does not lead to fatigue, but only increases the supply of energy.

Its consistent implementation over several weeks will lead to progressive changes in your sense of self. The levels of perception and control over internal energy, which the masters of Indian yoga wrote about in the legends, will become available.

The exercise is not really new. We are not reinventing the wheel. It is part of the ancient Tibetan self-improvement system of the body. Its main secret is that it can be performed completely in isolation and combined with any type of physical activity, or even with its complete absence. It has no contraindications, does not require knowledge of volumes of yoga. All you need to know will be outlined below.
You can go in for fitness or bodybuilding, and by adding it to your schedule, raise your physical strength, unlocking the subtlest levels of energy. Or you can be a busy office worker or housewife, completely unable to take care of yourself - and use it throughout the day to replenish your energy reserve and internally renew yourself. There are no restrictions.

You only need a few square meters and preferably a ventilated area.

Clothes should not be constrained. Ideally, if there is a minimum.
No one should be watching you. Concentration and inner peace are required.

Before doing it, it's good to warm up slightly for a minute or two. Run in place, pull the joints.

Stand up straight, make sure that there are no places nearby that you can accidentally knock.

Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Begin to rotate clockwise around its axis. (If the imaginary dial under your feet is looking at you.) Run 10-12 turns at medium speed. And then 3-5 turns counterclockwise.

Stop. Fold your palms together in front of your chest (as in prayer), and fixing your gaze at some point exactly in front of your eyes, inhale and press your palms hard against each other with exhalation. Take a deep breath and push again as you exhale. And so several times. This will stop dizziness and stabilize the unwinding of the energy spheres. This is the stage of stabilizing the speed of rotation of energy. Then lower your arms and just relaxedly stand straight for one or two minutes, looking in front of you with a defocused gaze.

Such a rotation around itself spins the invisible energy spheres of our body (located at the level of the spine and in the joints), and makes them intensively suck in energy from the surrounding space. The fact is that they constantly rotate and our health and the actual amount of our internal energy depend on how correctly they do it. Rotation can get lost and slow down as a result of experienced mental stresses of a different nature, deposited on the subconscious. And this can progressively affect well-being and health in a negative way.

Performing this exercise every day restarts and stabilizes the rotation of the energy spheres, gradually bringing all systems back to normal. You need to do the exercise consistently and daily. It is very good if you can devote time to it 3 times a day: in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Practicing daily for several weeks will undoubtedly bring results. You will see it yourself, you will feel it internal energy, notice that you stopped getting tired. In the future, you can reduce the number of approaches to two per day: in the morning and in the evening. And then, when you feel that the state has returned to normal ("you are constantly at your peak") - up to once a day. But do not interrupt its execution at all. Do this exercise prophylactically at least once a day, keeping your energy spheres stable.

The specified number of revolutions (10-12 + 3-5) is the minimum level for starting practice. Further, the number of revolutions must be increased, and the speed of rotation around its axis can also be increased. The measure of the amount is the normal state of health: during and after the rotation, the appearance of nausea and dizziness is unacceptable. If, even after the rotation stabilization procedure, you feel nauseous, you need to reduce the number of revolutions and the rotation speed! No need to drive horses. A week or two, and gradually your results will invariably creep up. Gradually increase the number of revolutions to 30 (+ in the opposite direction 7-8). Again, not allowing unpleasant sensations stopping dizziness in time.

Gradually the chakras will unwind, grow, come into a harmonious state, and along with them your state will progressively improve. Just remember the following clearly: when rotating clockwise, the spheres open to the set, and when rotating counterclockwise, they close and encapsulate the accumulated. If you mix up where to turn, you may even lose consciousness. Be careful! First, you open up for energy gain and fill the energy system with particles of energy from the surrounding space; then you close the system and distribute the accumulated, directing it inward into yourself - rotating counterclockwise and then stopping.

This is the whole principle. You need to understand him and competently build your studies on this. Only you can find out how many revolutions you need, and how many will be enough for you. At an advanced level, after a month or so, you will be able to rotate freely 30 or more times without any dizziness or nausea and will completely forget about them. Over time, you can even bring the number of revolutions to 100 or even more, but the trick is that there is no particular need for this. Enough and less effort, the main thing is constant.

The highest level of this exercise that can be achieved is its long-term performance with a sequential change in the direction of rotation. For example: 30 clockwise - 10 counterclockwise, then without stopping, clockwise again, then counterclockwise again. And so several times, back and forth. The chakras are trained in a very hard mode at the same time. If you do this at high speed, while first doing breathing exercises, you can literally feel how the energy is sucked in and begins to vibrate in the body! This is a very high level. And the best part is that you can achieve it yourself! Without a guru and reading volumes of special literature. With this single 5 minute exercise.

The only nuance that will still be useful for you to know: later, having accumulated energy, your body will begin to give you signs that you will need to distribute it to some lagging, blocked areas of the body. You will want to do some stretching, twisting, joint massage, or simply load your muscles with regular exercises. You will want to give excess energy a way out, perhaps through sports, running, or dancing. Don't resist it. Follow your inner guidance and sensations, and your body will guide you towards optimal well-being.

3 comments to " An ancient Tibetan exercise to instantly restore vital energy«

  1. Olga
    2:35 pm on May 15th, 2015

Hello! I did this exercise before and still with a morning warm-up, but only in one direction - 21 times. I will try on your recommendation. The question is, you can practice with varicose veins of the legs, is it not harmful?

Thank you for your good practice.
I started doing it. Slowly it does not work, it bears right away!

I tried it! It really works! Don't cheat! He spun the chakras himself! The most interesting thing is that brains start to work differently! For creation! And the worldview is changing towards positive! Believe me!

Rotation around its axis dizziness

It happens that a person only notes his instability and instability (staggering, trembling) of the space around him, the feeling of throwing the head back, the movement of the legs and body in one direction (more often up), and the head in the other (more often downward in the supine position), feeling falling into the abyss. Dizziness occurs when there is inconsistency in the work of the organs of vision and the central nervous system, which is responsible for the sense of body position in space (kinesthetic) and the sense of balance (vestibular).

Symptoms and course:

There are many reasons for dizziness. It can also occur in absolutely healthy people, for example, when looking down from a great height or when looking at clouds, if you stand at a high-rise building - then there is a feeling that the clouds are not moving, but the building is leaning. Dizziness occurs if you spin around for a long time and then stop.

Dizziness as a manifestation of the disease can be caused by a disease of the inner ear, when the vestibular (equilibrium) apparatus is affected by an inflammatory or tumor process. Such patients usually suffer from inflammation of the inner ear (otitis media) for a long time, at first their hearing decreases, and then dizziness appears. With a tumor lesion, attacks occur against the background of hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and dizziness attacks gradually increase and intensify.

Dizziness is very common with a sharp turn of the head to the side, when getting out of bed in the morning, throwing back their heads (while pasting wallpaper, hanging linen, removing a book from the top shelf), with prolonged tilting of the head to the side or to the front (weeding, car repair, long sleep in a train or bus), sometimes when walking, "throws it aside." Such vertigo is caused by spasm or constriction of the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the regions of the brain responsible for balance.

Dizziness can occur with high or low blood pressure; poisoning, with loss of fluid (vomiting, diarrhea) or blood loss (bleeding). It is accompanied by dizziness and anemia (lack of erythrocytes - red blood cells in the blood), high temperature.

It is not difficult, based on the patient's complaints, characteristic symptoms (drunken gait, the patient's attempts to grab onto surrounding objects, the inability to stand or sit, frequent rhythmic twitching of the eyes (when looking to the side or up).

Treatment and first aid:

In case of dizziness, lay the patient on his back so that his head, neck and shoulders lie on a pillow, because in this position, bending of the vertebral arteries is excluded. You should avoid turning your head to the side, you need to open the windows, ventilate the room, put a cold bandage on your forehead, you can slightly moisten it with vinegar. Having measured the pressure and temperature, take measures to normalize them, with a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute or an irregular heartbeat that appears, and also if nausea and repeated (more than 3 times) vomiting have joined the dizziness, call an ambulance.

The choice of tactics for treating dizziness is based on the cause of the disease and the mechanisms of its development. In any case, therapy should be aimed at relieving the patient of discomfort and associated neurological disorders. Therapy for cerebral circulation disorders involves the control of blood pressure, the appointment of antiplatelet agents, nootropics, venotonics, vasodilators and, if necessary, antiepileptic drugs. Treatment of Meniere's disease involves the appointment of diuretics, limiting the intake of table salt, and in the absence of the desired effect and continuing attacks of dizziness, they decide the issue of surgical intervention. In the treatment of vestibular neuronitis, the use of antiviral drugs... Since in BPPV the use of drugs that inhibit the activity of the vestibular analyzer is considered inappropriate, the main method of treating benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is Epley.

As a symptomatic treatment of dizziness, vestibulolytics are used (betahistine 48 mg / day). The effectiveness of antihistamines (promethazine, meclozine) in the case of a predominant lesion of the vestibular analyzer has been proven. Non-drug therapy is of great importance in the treatment of non-systemic dizziness. With its help, it is possible to restore coordination of movements and improve gait. Therapy for psychogenic dizziness is advisable to be carried out in conjunction with a psychotherapist (psychiatrist), since in some cases it may be necessary to prescribe anxiolytics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

The prognosis depends on the nature of the vertigo.

The information in this section is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals and should not be used for self-medication. The information is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be considered official.

Is it possible to get rid of dizziness

Why is my head spinning

Scientists who have studied this phenomenon have found that the vestibular apparatus is responsible for spatial perception. During revolutions, overturns and other movements of the body in space, it sends signals to the brain. Such measures are necessary to maintain our balance.

The vestibular apparatus is a complex organ located in the inner ear and is a collection of neurons. For its intricate shape, it received the name "labyrinth". In a certain part of the "labyrinth" there is a gel-like liquid with microparticles "floating" in it (otoliths). When we move, the microparticles also move, catching sensitive hairs. The latter instantly send signals to the brain, and we feel any inclinations, turns, accelerations, and the like.

When rotating, the otoliths move quickly, and when the movement of the body stops abruptly, they continue their "dance" inertia. The brain checks the visual and vestibular signals, and the contradiction of the incoming data is diagnosed: the eyes say that you are standing still, and the inner ear - that you are moving! So there is a feeling that the earth is slipping from under your feet.

Is it possible to get rid of dizziness

Someone succeeds in defeating the "seasickness" with multi-day trainings. But not everyone is destined to become a sailor or astronaut. The tendency to dizziness and nausea is sometimes stronger than persistence, and the body takes its toll.

From early childhood, parents can physically develop their child for prevention purposes. The vestibular apparatus is activated if you visit:

  • ice rink,
  • swimming pool,
  • dance circles,
  • various children's entertainment and sports complexes (swings, merry-go-rounds, slides, horizontal bars, trampolines, and more).

Also, regular rotation around its axis and walking "backwards" help to reduce dizziness after rotation. In general, everything that makes you struggle to maintain balance.

How to develop the ability to hypnotize and convince anyone Smith Sven

"Rotation around its own axis"

Despite the fact that this exercise is familiar to everyone from childhood, it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Surely each of you, as a child, loved to spin in place, arms outstretched to the sides. I don’t know about you, but when I did this, the adults all the time scolded me, they said that my head would spin. But the adults did not understand one thing: it is for the sake of this feeling of dizziness that children love to spin around their own axis! When I stopped after spinning the world seemed to me different, I seemed to be in another dimension. I, of course, did not know then what spinning around myself was - a quick way to enter a state of self-hypnotic trance. And in this state, you can perform self-tuning for any actions.

I want to warn you right away: this exercise is allowed to be performed only by those who have a well-developed vestibular apparatus. If you ride a bike well, you do not get seasick on the ship and on carousels - you can safely rotate around your own axis.

Important: This exercise must be done on an empty stomach. Do not under any circumstances perform it in a state of alcoholic intoxication, even the lightest!

Execution technique

Stand in the middle of the room. Raise your hands above your head and stretch up, as if you were tied by a rope. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

At this time, you can say to yourself a short self-hypnotic installation on what you want to do on this day. For example, you need to tune in to a serious conversation. You say to yourself, “I am collected and persuasive. My words have an effect. "

The installation doesn't have to be long, one or two short phrases are enough.

Then lower your arms to shoulder level, spread them to the sides and tilt your head up. Choose yourself a certain point on the ceiling and all the time you spin, look only at this point. Begin rotating very slowly. Men should rotate to the right, women to the left. In the process of rotation, you can accelerate a little, but the speed should not be high. For the first session, 10-15 rotations will be enough, in the future their number can be increased to 50.

The stop must be carried out by gradually reducing the rotation speed. Slow down for the last 2-3 laps. When you come to a complete stop, stretch your arms up again and repeat the self-hypnotic setup.

After that, you can sit on the floor for a while in the "lotus" position. If you feel dizzy, stand leaning against the wall for a few minutes. This text is an introductory fragment.

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Each religion differs from the rest in the perception of a person's social and personal life. This includes the traditions of marriage.

The anticipation of the first wedding night by the newlyweds is an exciting moment of the wedding. Now they can know each other as husband and wife. The postnuptial "ritual" is shrouded in many beliefs and customs, enshrined in the minds of believers.

The first wedding night in the Christian tradition

Christianity has built its own system of sacred dogmas that affect marriage. Although the majority of Christians in Russia have long been loyal to the immorality of some brides, the girl's chastity has always been held in high esteem. This idea is also common in the modern Christian world.

As before, in Christianity there is a tradition to send young people to the house of the groom immediately after the end of the wedding feast. There the next day a young family will receive guests.

The Orthodox faith does not force the observance of outdated customs (wooden flooring with bags instead of a bed with a mattress; seeing off the newlyweds to their home by a noisy crowd; newlyweds eating bread and chicken in the bedroom) associated with the first married night. The Orthodox pay great attention to preparing the place where the newlyweds will spend the first night.

The newlyweds are allowed to make a bed for the matchmaker, sisters or the groom's mother. Bridesmaids are not allowed, as they can envy the happiness of the young. Bed linen should be new, clean and ironed. After the sleeping place of the future spouses is prepared, it should be sprinkled with holy water and baptized. There may be icons in the room of the newlyweds. They do not need to be removed or covered with a cloth, as intimacy in marriage is not considered a sin.

The Orthodox Church recognizes legal and ecclesiastical unions of people. Christian priests say that only after the wedding, the newlyweds will learn the sacrament of marital intimacy. Therefore, it is carried out immediately after the official registration at the registry office or on the next day after the wedding. Intimacy outside of spiritual marriage for deeply religious Christians is considered fornication, therefore the first wedding night should occur after the wedding in the church.

Intimate contact between spouses on the first night is impossible if the bride is having her period on that day. On such days, the girl's body is considered unclean. Brides need to calculate in advance whether the wedding falls on "critical days", since during this period a woman is prohibited from attending church.

Left alone with each other, the wife, as a true Christian, must demonstrate her meekness and humility. To do this, she needs to take off her husband's shoes and ask permission to share the marriage bed with him. On this sacred night, spouses should be especially gentle and affectionate with each other.

The first wedding night in the Muslim tradition

Islam has its own wedding traditions. The last stage of nikah (the so-called marriage union among Muslims) is the first night of the newly-made spouses. For Muslims, it occurs after the bride arrives at her husband's house with her things. The bulk of the bride's dowry is made up of countless pillows and blankets. A wedding night is impossible without a comfortable mattress and good bed linen.

In the room where the husband and wife are, there should be no strangers, including animals. Lighting should be dim or completely absent, so that the newlyweds are less shy of each other. If the holy book of the Koran is kept in the room, it should be wrapped in a cloth or taken out. A man should not be in a hurry and be rude towards a young wife. First, a Muslim should invite his wife to try the dishes - sweets (for example, honey or halva), fruits or nuts, a legal drink () and spices.

Before intercourse, the newlyweds need to fulfill several conditions for a happy and godly family life... The groom should put his hand on the bride's forehead, say basmalah (a sacred common phrase among Muslims) and say a prayer. In it, a Muslim asks for blessings from Allah, who should give them a strong union, where there will be many children. Then it is advisable for the spouses to perform namaz (joint two-raka'at prayer) and again turn to the divine power with the question: “O Allah, bless me in relations with my wife (husband) and her (him) in relations with me. O Allah, establish the good between us and in the event of separation, part us in a good way! " During lovemaking, the husband should be affectionate and gentle with his wife so that she can respond in kind.

In Islam, it is not forbidden to postpone the first marital intimacy to another time, but there must be good reasons for this: the bride has her period, Bad mood or the well-being of the newlyweds, the recent acquaintance of the spouses.

In some families, relatives like to stand at the door of the young, to make sure that the girl is a virgin. Islam requires not to spy on or spy on people, since this is a violation of the instructions of the Koran. In the Islamic faith, there is another custom associated with the maiden honor of the bride: if the young wife was an innocent girl, then the spouse should spend seven nights with her. If the newly-made spouse was already married, then the man should stay with her for only three nights.

The first wedding night in the traditions of other religions

Religious principles about the first wedding night in other religions differ little from those that have already been listed. But there are still small differences.

In Buddhism, there is a custom to decorate the room luxuriously and brightly where the bride and groom spend their first night. Followers of the faith believe that such an environment has a positive effect on the mood of the newlyweds and is a good start to their colorful and prosperous life together. Fresh flowers are used to decorate the interior of the bedroom of the young. On their wedding night, spouses should be frank and relaxed, strive for mutual pleasure from the process.

In Judaism, it is generally accepted that the initiative to enter into sexual intercourse between young spouses should come only from the woman. Sex in this religion is not a simple entertainment and a way to satisfy instincts, but carries the sacred meaning of the union of the bodies and souls of lovers. So that the first wedding night for the newly-made Jewish family was really the first, all meetings of the young before the wedding take place only under the supervision of older relatives.

There is a custom that says that a man must read a prayer before fulfilling his marital duty. In it, he turns to the Lord with a request to grant him physical strength and an heir - a son. This prayer is repeated three times at the matrimonial bed.

Common traditions for all religions

There are certain traditions of the first marriage night, common to all religions. These include:

Ablution after intercourse

In all religions, it is strongly recommended to wash the genitals or rinse completely with water immediately after an intimate act. This is especially true for men. It is customary to perform the action for hygienic reasons, and to protect the body from the evil eye.

Do not overeat before intimacy

The religious principle “do not please your womb,” which is approved in many religions, operates. Newlyweds should be humble in their eating habits and energized for the sacred act of marriage.

Among all the nights preceding and following the wedding celebration, the first wedding night is the most anticipated and memorable. They prepare for it in a special way, and the degree of this feature depends on creativity, relations between the newlyweds, their thoughts about their future life.

On their wedding night, absolutely everything matters: words, fragrances, clothes, colors, sounds, tastes, tenderness of touch, strength of hugs ... This is too important an event in the life of newlyweds to be taken lightly. How to make it so that even after twenty years you will remember your wedding night with a warm and happy smile? Here are some ideas for ideas.


Classics are by no means synonymous with banality, because each couple brings something of their own to the sacrament, and in addition to traditional attributes (rose petals on the bed and in the room, scented candles, romantic music, dim light), there are always intriguing nuances. So, for example, the bride can do an intimate hairstyle or instead of the invariable innocent snow-white underwear, put on something bright and provocative. And not just by choosing a different color, but also, possibly, by ordering a costume for role-playing games or by wearing those things that are of particular importance for lovers, for example, what was on the bride when the young people met.

A special scent can also be the highlight of this event. Aromatic oils from ylang-ylang flowers, for example, have long been used precisely during their wedding night. You can give each other an erotic massage using oil (1-2 drops will be enough). Massage will relieve tension after the wedding day, and the oil will serve as a good aphrodisiac.

Other traditional elements of the classic script - champagne, strawberries, chocolate - are also great ways to create a romantic atmosphere. Also, the couple can exchange unusual gifts. For example, notes with love confessions or elements of an erotic costume.

Let's run away!

For those who like it when adrenaline rush in their blood, a more extreme scenario can be advised. Try not to sit at the party until the last, but to run away even before the tipsy guests say goodbye. Just imagine: strolling through the city at night in wedding dress, walk along the streets, holding hands and kissing every minute, and then spend a passionate night in a car decorated with wedding ribbons and flowers! And in the morning you will have a delicious breakfast in your favorite coffee shop.

It sounds pretty romantic and will certainly be remembered for a long time, but this scenario is not suitable for everyone. Rather, it is designed for newlyweds, whose energy is overwhelming. Still, most often, by the time of the first wedding night, young people are running out of strength, so not everyone will decide to go on a mini-trip along the night streets in search of adventure.

Outside the city

The idea of ​​renting a country cottage with a picturesque view, as well as a home sauna and a swimming pool, may also seem good. In addition, you can enjoy the silence, which is sometimes so lacking in the city, a whole house will be at your service, where you can spend the night romantically, and find yourself entertainment the next day. For example, you can walk in the woods, swim in the river, ride a snowmobile (if the wedding is scheduled for the winter season), drink wine on the terrace, or play billiards. If you don't want to go anywhere, you can just take a steam bath, plunge into the refreshing pool and enjoy each other's company.

By the way, in the same cottage it will be quite possible to celebrate the second wedding day, already in a closer circle of guests. Suburban recreation conditions allow, for example, to play active games in the fresh air or arrange a barbecue in nature.

You can also stay in a country cottage for a honeymoon. This option is in no way inferior to a trip abroad, and it will also save you a lot of money.

Arabian night

The first wedding night can be made truly magical if you create the atmosphere of an Arabian fairy tale. The interior of the bedroom should be decorated in an oriental spirit: spread brocade and velvet pillows around the room, arrange candles, and bring a hookah. All these attributes not only match the theme, but also tune in to a romantic wave.

The bride should wear a belly dance costume instead of classic lace lingerie. Of course, such an outfit also presupposes a seductive dance. It is believed that oriental dances excite the blood of men more than frank striptease. To feel confident in dancing, we advise you to take a few lessons from a professional before the wedding. And you will also need to find a beautiful designer suit for the belly dance - with hand embroidery and chic trimmings. Although it will cost you a little more than a decent set of lace lingerie, believe me, the effect is worth it!


If you want to mark such significant event like the wedding night, on a royal scale - book a luxurious apartment somewhere in the city center, with a gorgeous view, where you will find elite wine, gourmet snacks and a giant jacuzzi. If the celebration is planned for the winter, then you can order a room with a fireplace and sit in front of the blazing fire on a bearskin, luxuriating in each other's arms. In addition, today in many hotels there is a spa center, where you can arrange foreplay, and then go to your personal apartments and enjoy each other until the morning.

If suddenly on your wedding night something does not go as you planned, in no case do not be discouraged. Remember that even though this night is special, everything is just beginning for you - there is a honeymoon ahead, and after it a whole life to love and appreciate each other!

Read on for 10 more tips for a hot wedding night!

The first day of the wedding has already come to an end. The bouquet is thrown, the cake is eaten, and the guests are beginning to disperse ... What awaits the young next? The most pleasant and mysterious is the wedding night. She can give amazing pleasure or ruin your whole life. How tactfully, intelligently, tenderly and lovingly the spouses behave on this night will determine whether happiness settles under their roof or not.

The wedding night. Brides, note to you

Of course, the newlyweds are excited and tense. The beautiful bride is especially nervous. And this is easy to explain, because, as a rule, for her this is really the first night of love. Of course, the girl is afraid of the unknown pain that should appear after the rupture of the hymen.

How is the first wedding night

A young husband should show maximum tact and attention so as not to inflict trauma on his beloved, primarily mental. Therefore, his sobriety is a prerequisite. The most important moment of this night is, of course, sexual intercourse, before which the young are very anxious.

Wedding night: helpful tips

1. Tenderness is a prerequisite. Girl during the first intimacy will be more bashful and shy, so the husband should be especially careful at this moment. Of course, a man should undress, both on the wedding night and on the thousandth. Hands may tremble with excitement, but a young husband is obliged to undress his wife gently, slowly, while caressing her.

2. Hygiene comes first. It is necessary to fulfill several simple requirements so as not to harm the health of your beloved during the first sexual intercourse in her life. We are now talking about the hygiene of the genitals, since when the hymen is ruptured, a wounded surface is formed, into which an infection can very easily be introduced.

3. Haste is good for catching fleas. Try not to rush, do everything slowly and carefully, only then everything will go smoothly.

Wedding night: where to spend it

Remember that this night is yours alone. Therefore, you should be alone in the apartment. Where to hold a significant event? It is possible in a hotel or in the country, if at home it is impossible to be alone. By the way, some hotels offer special rooms for honeymooners. Typically, the rent includes room decoration, breakfast and a bottle of champagne. If you are away from home, bring your essentials with you.

Wedding night: list of important things

  • Candles and incense sticks. These items can turn an ordinary room into a cozy love nest. Arrange beautifully pill candles, light aroma sticks, and your room will be amazingly transformed.
  • Camera. Most likely, you will want to take some intimate photos for yourself.
  • Erotic lingerie. It must be worn on you, even if it seems to you that your young husband does not care. In an erotic thing, you will feel more relaxed and, of course, confident.


We hope that our tips will help you have an unforgettable wedding night.

When all the festivities are over, the guests have fun and go home, the very time comes when the newly made husband and wife can be alone. While no one will know and see how you spend this time, making it memorable is just as important as having a fabulous wedding or choosing a dress. This moment also requires a certain amount of preparation, costs and imagination.

Wedding night after the wedding: where to spend it

Every bride wants to spend the night after the wedding in a beautiful and romantic place. Correctly chosen place - 80% of success. Therefore, approach this issue responsibly. Discuss and examine several options at once, perhaps both of you will come to the same decision.

    • My house... Many newlyweds begin to live together long before the wedding, so they spend their wedding night at their own home. This has its advantages: everything is familiar, dear, familiar, nothing will embarrass or interfere. And it is not at all necessary to deprive yourself of romance. You can decorate the bedroom at home: pick up luxurious bedding, arrange flowers, candles, wine.
    • Parent's house... Not the best, but sometimes a forced option. When funds do not allow you to rent a hotel room, but your apartment is not. In this case, it is recommended, of course, to rent a house, especially since you do not plan to live with your parents. But if there is nowhere to go, you will have to get out, especially if the parents do not go anywhere for this time. But most likely, they will understand the situation and spend the night with friends or relatives. The room allotted to you can also be decorated.
  • Dacha... A good option for the summer, especially if there is a shower or a sauna where you can wash. But even if there are no such amenities, it's okay. You can collect water in advance, make a mini pool or something like that. Finally, you can have a picnic. There is nothing more romantic than clean air, nature and the absence of neighbors. Save some mosquito repellent just in case.

  • Hotel... Not the cheapest, but the most romantic option... Of course, you will not be allowed there to decorate everything, but you can order room decoration, champagne and other luxuries. New furnishings, beautiful decoration and the presence of maids who are responsible for cleaning themselves will delight any bride.

Wedding night: what to do

It seems that the question itself is superfluous, and the answer to it has long been known to everyone. We will talk about what you need to do on your wedding night so that it will be remembered for a long time, and what you should not do.

First, don't forget about preparation. During the celebration, it is highly discouraged to overeat and overdo it with alcohol. This rule has been known for a long time. In Russia, it was specially forbidden for young people to drink during a feast. Only one mug of mead was allowed. And our ancestors knew what they were doing. You can also have a good drink on time, setting aside a special weekend for this.

Secondly, do not overwork yourself on the eve of the wedding. Give some of the authority to friends or parents. If you already come to the wedding itself tired, what can we say about a good mood and a wedding night in general?

Feel free to ask your parents to spend the night with friends if you live together and they themselves have no idea about the awkwardness of the situation. This is possible because in their time they often spent the night after the wedding in the same house with a hundred guests sleeping on the floor. You have the right to be together and hope for understanding of the older generation. Take care in advance of everything that may be useful to you: beautiful linen, for example, a bottle of wine, beautiful glasses.

Any advice on how to behave on their wedding night is inappropriate. Moreover, if people have already lived together. Nobody knows you better than you. You can discuss some nuances in advance or arrange an interesting surprise for your other half. But about the latter, I would like to clarify - it is better to be sure that the other half will appreciate the surprise.

For those who did not follow all of the above recommendations and found themselves after the wedding with red eyes from lack of sleep and a headache from alcohol, there is only one thing to advise - go to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening. It is better to have a romantic night at a different time on the honeymoon than to overdo it after the wedding.

Beautiful wedding night after the wedding: decorating the bedroom

Despite the abundance of worries and lack of time, few brides will agree to entrust the decoration of the bedroom to strangers. This is a very crucial moment, so everything should be exactly in the taste of the bride and groom.

  • The most common decoration is fresh flowers. Pick your favorites, but make sure both of you are not allergic to them. For this reason, don't buy exotic flowers or strong-smelling lilies. Flowers can be arranged in vases or various compositions can be hung on the walls, but so that you do not drop anything or injure yourself. You can traditionally shower your bed with rose petals if you love the smell.

  • Pictures and figurines will also come in handy if they support a love theme. You should not overdo it, it is enough to make the room more unusual and beautiful than always. For this, paintings with the image of flowers, angels, doves are suitable. You can even hang your shared photo from a romantic photo shoot.
  • Balloons will appeal to many. If you are not afraid that the balls will burst unexpectedly and scare you, you can make very beautiful compositions and place them around the bed.
  • Lighting also plays a big role. The light should be subdued, romantic. For this, it is recommended to buy a night light or candles. Choose only thick large candles in special candlesticks. They burn for a long time and do not stain furniture.
  • When choosing bedding, choose soft or white colors. Sheets that are flashy, dark, or too slippery can only get in the way. Bright colors are too annoying, while dark colors create a halo of gloom, especially in candlelight.
  • Romantic music can also decorate the evening. Find the most romantic melodies that will suit both tastes.

  • Fruits and sweets are sometimes very helpful. For example, if you didn't manage to eat at a wedding, you might want to eat.

Wedding night in Russia: customs and traditions

You already know how to spend the first wedding night, but how did our ancestors spend it before?

In ancient times, preparation for the first wedding night was a real ritual, complex and special action. It was believed that it was on this night that the foundation of the future family life was laid, the girl became a woman and a wife.

Usually, after the wedding, the young went to spend the night with the groom's parents. Then not everyone could boast of their own hut. The room must always be cool, and what the young people’s bed looked like is a completely different story. First, sacks of flour and rye were placed on the wooden flooring to keep the family rich. On top they put mattresses, pillows, covered everything with a white sheet, embroidered along the edge with a pattern. A poker, frying pan, or logs could be placed under the bed. All this had a certain meaning and was supposed to bring happiness and healthy children to the young family.

After the end of the celebration, the young people were seen off by the whole crowd. Friends and girlfriends walked ahead. The friend entered the hut first. He paid a ransom to the women who guarded the bed, then beat the marriage bed with a whip and thus drove away evil spirits.

The young people were left alone, the door was locked. At the same time, a man remained at the door who guarded the spouses from intoxicated guests.

Even in private with each other, husband and wife must observe a number of traditions. So, for example, they ate chicken and bread together so that life was rich and with many children. In Russia, it was customary for a wife to obey her husband. This was very important, therefore, as a sign of her obedience, the bride took off her boots from the groom, and then asked him for permission to go to bed.

Wedding night traditions in other countries

It would seem that everyone knows what the wedding night is, how it goes and when it starts. But in some countries there are very interesting customs that can turn your idea of ​​a wedding night in general. We will consider only the most unusual foreign traditions. Some of them you can use if they seem right to you, while others just serve as a great conversation topic at a bachelorette party.

  • Perhaps the most unusual and famous tradition existed in Medieval Europe, when a bride should spend the night not with her legal spouse, but with her overlord. Someone associates this with sacrifice, and someone - with the desire of those in power to leave more of their offspring.
  • In some African tribes, the husband knocked out his wife's two front teeth after the wedding. It is this that is considered a sign of a mature married woman, which distinguished her from single girls.
  • In Scotland, for some time, it was decided by all means to prevent the wedding night of the newlyweds from taking place. The guests made as much noise as they could, interfered, thundered and distracted the bride and groom. They could be alone only when all the guests were tired and asleep.
  • In China, a special role is played by the place of spending the night. Everything should be as beautiful as possible, candles in the form of dragons in red and black are placed near the bed.
  • In other tribes in Africa, the husband and wife fight on the night after the wedding. And so every night for a week. Until dawn, they are supposed to beat each other, which is strength. This is explained by the fact that during this week they must throw out all their anger, and live the rest of their lives in peace and harmony.
  • There is something similar in Macedonia. There, the newlyweds were locked in the basement at night, and a hat and boots were left in the corner. Husband and wife began to fight over these things to prove who was in charge in the house. In the morning they were released, and it became clear who was the boss in this family.
  • There is a wonderful and incredible tradition in Japan. There are many small islands, so young people can retire on one of them. First they feed each other, then give gifts. A wife to a husband is a beautiful sword as a protector and a warrior, and a husband to a wife is a cloth that he cuts with this sword. A dress for the wife is then sewn from a larger piece, and an outfit for the first-born is made from a smaller piece.

Wedding night: signs

To believe in omens or not is a personal matter for everyone. Some do not pay any attention to these signs, while others, thinking about how to prepare for their wedding night, try to study all possible superstitions.

Earlier in Russia, brides, before going to bed, took off all their jewelry, because a sign promises: if you lose an earring, you will lose your husband. The marriage bed must be sprinkled with holy water to protect it from evil spirits. No one should sit on bed so as not to take away the happiness of the young.

In the old days, it was customary to sing indecent ditties, seeing off the young. Now this omen has already become obsolete. The more discreetly and tactfully you leave the wedding, the better.

After the wedding, the bride must change completely in order to take off her clothes, which could have the evil eye or envy of her friends. In Russia, for this purpose, a shirt was sewn on which various amulets were embroidered. Clothes for the night should be included in the list of how to prepare for your wedding night. It is desirable that the shirt was new.

Only the bride's bouquet can be left in the bedroom of the young, if the groom chose it himself, and the bride did not throw it into the crowd. Some girls buy two bouquets, and throw the one that was postponed in advance. They say that the longer the bouquet stands in the bedroom, the longer and happier the life of the family will be.

To keep the offspring healthy and strong, take a piece of chicken off the wedding table and place it under the bed. The pillows on the bed should lie with the slits towards each other. This will bring harmony to family life.

Wedding night - what to do? To begin with, I would like to note that in the classical sense this concept is rare today. Newlyweds most often already have experience in sexual terms, which they acquired even before the wedding. But there are also exceptions. It is worth considering them and giving an answer to the question: "The first wedding night - what to do?"

In a relationship between two lovers, several types of behavior can be distinguished. For example, Romeo + Juliet. This means that both the boy and the girl are virgins. What-what - and this is indeed a rarity. And the fact that this couple has new impressions ahead and the discovery of a world unknown for them is great. So, in this case, to the question "wedding night - what to do?" it is worth giving the following answer: "Relax - and surrender to feelings and emotions." The process will take place only when thoughts recede into the background, and waves of languor and bliss will seize the bodies of the newlyweds. You just need to relax and have fun, and not force events due to the fact that somewhere in the subconscious there is a fear of not being able to do something. A man should remember: no need to be surprised and afraid. After all, the girl at this moment wants to see a confident and strong man next to her, and not a timid and fearful boy. She wants to know that she is trusting herself to the right person. And the girl herself should listen to the call of her body and heart.

Arguing on the topic "Wedding night - what to do?" there is one more fact worth noting. After the first sex, a woman may not lose her virginity due to being very strong or elastic. An inexperienced man cannot break through it at once. In this case, you should not be intimidated. It is worth completing what you started after five days.

Another version of the relationship in a couple - "Petrarch and Laura". This situation is more common. The girl did not have before marriage, and the man is experienced. Many guys are afraid to deprive their chosen one of their virginity. For different reasons. Someone is unpleasant, someone is afraid that she will be hurt.

There are pitfalls in this business, as in any other. For a girl, a newlywed night is not an ordinary sexual experience. Experts have proven that the first sex has a huge impact on the emergence of sensuality. The slightest tactlessness - and the girl will have a negative attitude to sex life. Frigidity may even develop. An experienced man will first prepare his partner for intimacy. Simply put, foreplay will help. Only then will it be possible to start the main process.

It also happens: a girl is already a goddess in sex, and a guy is a virgin. Well ... then the whole initiative is in the hands of the young lady. She has to make sure that her faithful is not nervous and feels confident. After all, it can hurt his feelings - that his chosen one has experience, and he still "sat up too long", so to speak.

Finally, the wedding night is also important for those who already have experience in sex: solemnity does not disappear! A girl always expects something special from the first "official" intimacy. Don't forget about it. To make the first night even more pleasant for the newlyweds, you can drink delicious wine, have a snack before that. And, of course, the atmosphere. A semi-dark room, clean beautiful linen, flowers, music will fill the first wedding night with romance that you will remember all your life.

We continue to consider the Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Rebirth" from the point of view of spinal correction.

As you know, all exercises are performed in the amount of 21 repetitions.

If you are just getting into gymnastics, start doing it with 3 repetitions (and not 5, as some "gurus" say in numerous videos).

Exercise One. Circular rotation.

In the first exercise, we are required to circle around our own axis clockwise (regardless of gender) 21 times.
Whirling, or rotation around its own axis, is present in all cultures without exception - the famous whirling of dervishes, Sufi whirling, Slavic round dances ... In all folk dances, there is a whirling spinning top.

How do I enter an exercise?

Please remember that whirling is an exercise. First practice exercise.

To correctly enter this exercise, stand up straight, in accordance with all the laws of the key yoga pose - .

The heels are joined together, the big toes are also joined together. If you cannot connect your thumbs and heels at the same time, spread your heels slightly so that the big toes still meet each other.
The back is straight. Hands along the body. The neck and head are extended. The tailbone is in a neutral position (buttocks are not exposed back !!!)
The shoulders are lowered, as far as possible from the ears. The shoulder blades are maximally reduced (while watching the deflection in the spine - it should not be!).
Fully align the axis of the spine.

Only after that, spread your arms to the sides and start circling.

What does whirling give?

First of all, this is the training of the vestibular apparatus. How can our spine work harmoniously if the functions of the vestibular apparatus are impaired? Daily coherence training for the whole body is what this exercise is about.

That is why the Tibetans, taking all the other exercises from yoga (after all, it's no secret to anyone that the culture of Tibet took Indian traditions very seriously, and still carefully protects them, unlike the Indians themselves).

Exercise Two. Lying Legs Raise. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana

Immediately after the whirling, the Tibetans envisioned an exercise lying on the floor.
The starting position is on the back. The arms are extended along the body, palms down (traditional yoga implies another option - such as shown in the illustration - arms to the sides at chest level).

The Eye of Rebirth recommends the first option - arms along the body.
Differences from traditional yoga - simultaneous impact on the area thyroid gland(the fifth chakra - vishudhi): during the exercise, the throat lock alternates - Jalandhara bandha and the full opening of the throat.

In the Eye of Renaissance, the throat lock is done on exhalation (full exhalation, while the abdominal wall goes back to the spine, simultaneously training the diaphragm and pancreas (the third "chakra" - manipura).

We are talking about the spine. During the exercise, the shoulders should be on the surface, and not as in some videos and pictures depicting this exercise. "Fly" over the floor. Only the head is raised.

The loin also rests completely on the floor. The raised lower back during exercise does not contribute to the health of the spine. However, you should not be afraid of this: just the head, raised "in Tibetan", puts the lower back on the floor.

For ideal exercise, the shoulders are as far away from the ears as possible. The shoulder blades are brought together and pressed as much as possible to each other and to the floor. The hands are open as much as possible and tightly hold the floor surface.

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, lower back, and lower extremities. It maintains the functional state of the knees and, which is very important for the spine, hip joints. After all, the spine starts from the pelvis, and thanks to this training, the lumbar spine is stretched.

Exercise revitalizes and activates the abdominal and pelvic organs. Improves body cleansing (eliminates constipation and bloating - flatulence). This practice also stretches the popliteal ligaments (the legs must be raised up, the knees must be fully extended).

Of course, you can take a laxative instead of exercise. However, you can do this exercise instead of a laxative.