By acting on certain points. Points on the human body for weight loss. Acupressure massage for ear pain

East Asia has been distinguished for a long time by its special culture and medicine. Much attention is paid to the mental state of a person, the energy of "qi". The presented side of the world is the birthplace of acupuncture. No less interesting for the study of the direction that was formed there - acupuncture (acupuncture) massage.

Introduction to the theory of Chinese medicine, points on the body for weight loss

Acupressure - a type of massage in which a mechanical effect is made with fingers or a brush on points of the body associated with the systems of human organs, thereby providing a therapeutic or prophylactic effect.

It can be compared to massage, in which the human body is divided into sections (segmental). Both require complex and individualized treatment. Only if in acupuncture massage certain points are affected, then in segmental massage - on whole areas.

The opinion is quite popular among people that acupuncture massage helps with weight loss. Is it really? The short answer is yes, there are points for weight loss on the body.

This statement should be dealt with in more detail. But before proceeding to clarify this issue, you need to master the basic knowledge of acupuncture massage.

The historical essence of the method

The peoples of the East believe that a person's life directly depends on the state internal energy... The name of this matter is “qi” energy. It fills the human body starting from the cellular level. If biological fluids move through the vessels, then this energy moves along the meridians, setting in motion the blood and lymph.

For example, if a disease occurs, it indicates some kind of obstacle that impedes the normal movement of energy.

The method of classical acupuncture or acupressure removes all blocks, and the flow resumes, the disease disappears. Knowing the places worth working on makes it easy to correct human ailments.

There are points in the human body that have the following properties:

  1. Reduced resistance to electric current.
  2. High voltage potential.
  3. Increased skin temperature.
  4. High threshold of pain sensitivity.

The parts of the body that correspond to these parameters are called vital, or, as noted in the scientific literature, biologically active points.

The yin-yang theory is also associated with point effects on the body. According to the theory, the human body is a combination of two oppositely charged principles: yin and yang.

The first beginning is the maternal essence, associated with black, cold, raw, depressive, it corresponds to a negative charge. The second type of energy is a warm, cheerful, light beginning, it corresponds to a positive charge. For the body to be normal, the harmony of the two principles must be achieved. By influencing the points of life, this harmony can be achieved.

At the moment, there are about 360 biologically active points.

Important: the point does not have to be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe organ to be treated. Simply put, if the stomach hurts, this does not mean that you need to put pressure on the epigastric region. Perhaps you should work on the earlobe or the outer part of the foot.

A theoretical explanation of acupuncture massage

The basis for both acupuncture and massage is knowledge of vital points on the surface of the human body. The number of points known in the east is in the thousands, but about two hundred have acquired practical significance.

Sizes range from 0.2-5 mm.

Properties that these points have:

  1. The fibers in the loose connective tissue are arranged in the form of a mesh.
  2. More receptor endings.
  3. Groupings of mast cells that secrete biologically active substances that affect the metabolic processes of the body.

According to the provisions of oriental medicine, the energy "qi" enters the body, through biologically active points together with food, from the environment. It moves sequentially through all organs, makes a full revolution per day. This theory is very similar to the theory of biological rhythms, which is gaining popularity in the modern world.

Scientists of the world do not always fully agree with the arguments of oriental physicians regarding the energy of life, but the effect of acupressure makes us study this issue more deeply.

The dependence of the impact on certain areas of the body and organ systems has been practically revealed:

  1. On the autonomic system of the cervical region - points from the seventh cervical to the first thoracic vertebra.
  2. On the nervous system - points of the mutual spectrum of influence.
  3. Systems internal organs - points of certain segments.
  4. Effect on peripheral nerve endings - points on the paravertebral line.

The human body is divided into so-called meridians. There are six classic points on each of them:

  1. Exciting.
  2. Braking - activates braking activity.
  3. Mediator - enhances arousal or inhibition.
  4. A stabilizer is a point-adapter of energy from systems.
  5. Empathy Point is the same function as 3.
  6. Anxiety point - diseases are diagnosed on it.

Advantages of acupressure

The benefits of acupuncture massage are as follows:

  1. The disease is treated without medication.
  2. Easy to do.
  3. It is selected individually for each disease.
  4. It has a relaxing effect.

Among other things, acupuncture massage helps with weight loss. Interestingly, in addition to direct effects on the body due to points on the body for weight loss, it also has an indirect effect on this process.

It was noted above that acupressure has a relaxing effect. In other words, it relieves stress, and stress is known to be one of the causes of rapid weight gain. It stimulates not to solve the problems that have arisen (due to which the stress hormone increases), but, for example, to seize them (compensate).

This creates a vicious circle: stress - seizing - weight gain - stress about weight gain - seizing, etc.

Acupressure massage helps to calm and relax. In such a state, there are much more chances of making the right decisions: a sober-minded person will judge that it is more logical not to go to the refrigerator for another portion of cakes, but to start solving the problem that caused the stressful state.


Before taking a course of such a massage, you should take into account that it cannot be used if you have the following health features:

  1. Neoplasms in the body.
  2. Diseases of the blood system.
  3. Diseases of an infectious nature.
  4. Cardiac muscle necrosis.
  5. The tendency to form blood clots.
  6. Dramatic weight loss.
  7. Physical overload.
  8. Ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Pregnancy.
  10. Inflammation processes in the musculoskeletal system.
  11. Menstruation.
  12. Drunken state.

Also, during the course of acupressure, it is prohibited to drink coffee, tea, and strong drinks.

Even if a person does not have any of the above contraindications, a specialist consultation is still necessary.

Techniques and types of massage

The main types of acupuncture massage that helps with weight loss:

  1. Cosmetic.
  2. Healing.
  3. Prophylactic.
  4. Recovery.

To do any kind of acupuncture massage of any kind, you need to know the main points on the body that contribute to weight loss and the methods of influencing them.

You can find points using:

  1. Knowledge of basic anatomical lines and landmarks.
  2. Possession of the Tsuni technique. Tsun is a measure. Each person has his own. It calculates the location of certain points.

Basic methods

  1. Classic pressure. The massage therapist applies pressure to one of the points on the body for weight loss for four seconds.
  2. Repeat pressure. The first exposure lasts about five seconds, then the pressure is not completely removed and a second one immediately follows. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Simultaneous action with two thumbs.
  4. Simultaneous pressure with crossed thumbs.
  5. Rotation method.
  6. Reception of vibration-trembling movements.

Classification of massage by pressure

According to the force of pressure exerted by the master on one point or another, the massage is divided into:

  1. Strong. It is an analgesic and relaxing procedure.
  2. Middle. Has a braking effect.
  3. Weak. It has a stimulating effect.

Usually, several techniques are used in one massage session. So it turns out to have a complex effect, acting on the pressure on the acupuncture points on the human body for weight loss.

Session time - no more than ten minutes. In various diseases, the effect on mechanoreceptors can either be reduced or increased.

Often, acupressure is used to relieve fatigue, as well as after exposure to stress factors.

Massage rules

The basic rules for performing massage include:

  1. It is imperative to establish the purpose of the procedure.
  2. The massage is carried out with extremely warm hands.
  3. The pressure should be applied with such force that it is felt, but not painful.
  4. Pressing the vital points should not be long.
  5. Sharp jerks are contraindicated, they can leave hematomas.

It is very important to note again: before undergoing a course of acupressure for weight loss, it is imperative to consult with a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to correctly assess whether it is possible to prescribe an acupuncture massage to a given patient who wants to lose weight.

Algorithm for performing massage

The procedure must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Place the tips of the middle fingers at the desired points for losing weight on the human body, which are usually symmetrical.
  2. After finding the desired point, press it in and gradually increase the pressure.
  3. The duration of exposure is no more than thirty seconds.
  4. An experienced massage therapist should feel when the pressure on the point no longer affects the body, and stop it, moving to another area or ending the procedure.

The sequence of action on points is determined depending on the purpose of the procedure being performed.

Direction of acupressure for weight loss

This method of losing weight has been practiced for quite some time, so a lot of points on the human body for weight loss are known.

By acting pointwise on the human body, you can:

  1. Reduce the desire to eat. During the massage, serotonin is produced, it is a hormone of good mood, which distracts the body from the desire to aimlessly consume food.
  2. Stimulate blood flow to the circulatory system, thereby ensuring rapid absorption and distribution of energy.
  3. Normalize metabolic processes.
  4. Activate fat metabolism.
  5. Reduce the amount of glucose in the blood.
  6. Remove metabolic products from the body.
  7. To activate the liver and urinary system.

The main benefits of acupressure for weight loss

  1. The general condition of the body improves.
  2. There is no age limit.
  3. Not side effects and few contraindications.
  4. No allergic reactions.

Some points on the body for weight loss:

  1. External fossa of the knee. Effective for about fifteen minutes. Perform the procedure while sitting.
  2. 3 mm from the outer edge of the thumbnail.
  3. Between the sixth and seventh cervical vertebra. Produce mass while sitting.
  4. The area below the navel is 7-9 cm. Reduces appetite.

What points on the body are still responsible for losing weight?

  1. Center between upper lip and nose. It is necessary to massage for a couple of minutes if there is a desire to "seize" stress.
  2. The middle of the tragus of the auricle is the point of appetite.
  3. On the arm, bent at the elbow, on the outside on top of the fold there is a point, the massage of which improves bowel function.
  4. The point is 5 cm higher than the inner part of the ankle. Massaging this point helps to get rid of excess weight.

A photo of points on the body for weight loss is presented below. This is one of the possible areas of influence on the body. However, it is worth remembering that these are not the only areas that can be influenced in order to achieve the desired result.

Acupuncture massage and points on the body for weight loss. Reviews

After analyzing the reviews, we can say that the bulk of people using this procedure are satisfied with the effect they have received. However, weight loss is noticeable only in the long term. You should be prepared for this. If you want to achieve a good result, you do not need to stop working on the acupuncture points on the body for weight loss after one or two sessions.

For a long time, many have known that massage of active points is a massage of areas on the body, which, when actively influenced on them, have a healing effect on the internal organs, which, it would seem, have no connection with this point.

However, it is believed that the correct impact must be too deeply studied these most active points and ways of influencing them. By and large, this is so.

Ambulance to the body

However, in order to help yourself and your family, you do not need to know a thousand biologically active points on the body and master the complex technique of acupuncture.

Learn to find and remember several groups of main points, by acting on which by pressing your fingers (or special massage devices) you can relieve pain, improve skin condition, accelerate wound healing, normalize weight and improve the body as a whole.

Acupressure massage is easiest to do in the palm of your hand.

The main points for massage

Force activation points

If you bring the tips of all fingers together, the force activation point will be in the fossa, in the center of the palm. If you feel lethargic, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point for 5-7 minutes.

Heat point

The heat point is located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. The impact on the point helps to warm up, stimulates metabolism, relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting, for example.

Point of the heart

The "heart" point is located on the cushion of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Her massage helps to calm the heartbeat.

Point of sexuality

This is the stoma, located 3 mm up from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. If you have lost interest in the opposite sex or decreased sexuality, you need to unblock the energy flows going through the meridian of the ring finger with a light massage.

Basic rules of acupressure

  • Sit or lie on your back.
  • Watch out for the absence of external irritants (conversations of relatives, phone calls, etc.).
  • Take a break from everything for a while.
  • Place the tip of your index finger on the desired point on the body (acupressure point).
  • Press lightly on the skin and at the same time begin to make circular movements with your finger, making sure that it does not leave this point of the body.
  • The duration of the massage is from thirty seconds to five minutes.


Despite the fact that acupressure is shown to almost everyone, there are a number of contraindications for massage of active points.

Contraindications are:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Diseases of the lymph and blood
  • Active tuberculosis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Acute inflammatory diseases
  • Kidney and heart disease
  • Mental overexcitement
  • Pregnancy
  • Age over 75
  • Children under 2 years old

The effect of such a massage always comes quickly and is felt for a long time. Acupressure massage can be repeated many times during the day. This is a doctor who is always with you.

Foot massage is considered one of the most enjoyable procedures among all physiotherapy practices. How good it is to stretch your feet and disperse stagnant blood after walking in tight shoes for a long time. But few people know that a properly done foot massage not only relaxes, but also helps to improve the functioning of the whole body. You will learn about the benefits of this technique and how to implement it at home from this article.

Like most other physiotherapy techniques, foot massage was invented in the days of ancient China as a healing technique. With the help of massage of the reflex points of the foot, 4 thousand years ago, Chinese doctors treated diseases of the internal organs. Unfortunately, in the vastness of our homeland, foot massage is not popular, because medicine does not attribute these manipulations to the fundamental factors of recovery. It is perceived by most as a common kneading and a proven method of getting rid of fatigue.

In fact, everything is much more complicated. Dozens of reflex zones located on the feet have a biologically active effect on all body systems.

A general foot massage improves blood circulation in the lower body. Tissue nutrition and metabolic processes are stabilized. The tension of the muscle frame is relieved, fatigue goes away.

Positive results of regular foot massage:

  • treatment,
  • recovery,
  • strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the foot,
  • getting rid of flat feet,
  • skin rejuvenation,
  • prevention of calluses, including corns.

Even a simple rubbing of the feet makes all systems work. For example, the swelling of the lower extremities subsides and sleep improves, there is lightness in the body, and an air gait further improves mood. The immune defense is strengthened and the bone apparatus is strengthened.

Who is useful

With the help of reflexology, they get rid of back and joint pain. The nervous breakdown disappears, digestion improves and the headache disappears.

Thematic material:

Chinese healers, studying the reflex zones of the feet and their influence on certain systems of the body, identified a certain pattern, which served as the impetus for the creation of a projection scheme of organs on the feet. To simplify greatly, the right foot determines the state of the right side of the body, and the left, respectively, determines the state of the left.

A point effect on the reflex points of the foot will help solve problems such as:

  • hormonal imbalance
  • allergies,
  • headache,
  • a cold
  • neuralgia,
  • problems with the digestive system,
  • excess weight,
  • arthritis,
  • chronic fatigue
  • depressive state.

Restrictions and prohibitions

Foot massage has few contraindications, most of which are standard for all types of massage.

The procedure will harm if:

  • elevated body temperature
  • purulent diseases,
  • dermatitis,
  • thrombosis,
  • the presence of neoplasms,
  • osteomyelitis.

Massage should be performed with caution when:

  • pregnancy,
  • varicose veins,
  • problems with the vascular system,
  • diabetes.

To be sure that the procedure is right for you, consult your doctor. Especially if the patient is not yourself, but your child.

Reflex zones of the feet

To calculate the location of the biologically active point as accurately as possible, the masseur uses a special scheme.

There are several types of schemes, but we will talk about the three most common:

The first

The location of points in it is determined by two conditional lines:

The second

Zoning according to the location of systems in the body by department:

  1. Toes - head and neck.
  2. From the base of the fingers to the "waist line" - the chest and arms.
  3. The longitudinal arch of the foot is the activity of the internal organs.
  4. Along the sole, closer to the inner side of the leg - the state of the spinal column.

Particular attention is paid to the pads of the fingers. The area of \u200b\u200bthe zones is small, but there are very important points.


The next variant of conditional zoning: the feet are divided into 5 sections, which are formed using lines.

The general and more show detailed map biologically active zones, you can see points that are no less important for well-being, but are rarely indicated on most organ projection diagrams.

Features of foot massage

Point influence is relevant in cases where it is necessary to influence certain systems of the body. For a full-fledged healing effect, a more simplified massage, preferably daily, before bedtime is suitable.

Walk barefoot on the carpet before the procedure.

Do a little warm-up:

  • while standing, rise on toes and again stand on the foot exactly (5 repetitions);
  • shake on the spot;
  • transfer the main body weight to the inner, then to the outer edges of the feet (5 repetitions);
  • do rolls from toe to heel (5 reps);
  • after these exercises, before the massage, it is recommended to take a warm bath or a relaxing foot bath. Such a complex will be especially useful before going to bed, so you will speed up falling asleep.

Pay attention to the temperature of your feet most often in evening time days under optimal temperature conditions in the room and correlate them with the following data:

  1. A healthy person has dry and warm feet.
  2. Wet and cold feet indicate an abnormality in the digestive tract or thyroid function.
  3. Dry and cold soles - cardiovascular insufficiency or pathological processes in the brain.
  4. Hot damp feet indicate an elevated temperature that occurs during inflammation or a lung infection.
  5. Dry, hot feet are the first sign of an overactive thyroid gland or an acidic stomach.
  6. It happens that the left foot is cold and the right one is warm. In this case, you should pay attention to the work of the heart muscle.

In order for the self-massage procedure to produce the maximum effect, you need to choose one of the following comfortable positions:

  1. Sitting with a bent leg. The foot rests on the front of the other thigh.
  2. Sitting with one leg on a support. The foot of your other foot is placed on the seat of your chair in front of you.
  3. Reclining on a chair, when the massaged leg rests slightly on the edge of a nearby piece of furniture, leaving the massage area open.
  4. Lying on your back with a raised leg bent at the knee.

Wellness manipulations are performed with warm hands.

The skin on the feet is very sensitive, so cold hands will make it difficult to relax. If tension builds up in the hands during the procedure, periodically shake and knead them slightly.

Technique types

Choose a massage technique depending on what results you expect from the procedure.


Standard technique. It is performed in general massage complexes, as well as as an independent one. Simple enough to do it yourself at home.

Phased execution:

During the massage, you can influence biologically active points by combining procedures.


Massage only dry, clean skin, without the use of additional substances.

Press on the points with your thumb, forefinger, or middle finger. If you need to create vibration (successive wave-like shocks of small force) to relax muscle stagnation, use your entire palm. In addition, this will help disperse the blood faster.

First, rub your foot, and only after such preparation, proceed to the main procedure.


  • The treatment of the feet begins with three main points on each of the toes. They are located at the base, in the region of the middle joint and at the beginning of nail growth. In this case, the foot is fixed with one hand, and the impact occurs with the other. Press alternately on the reflex zones and move from top to bottom, starting with the thumb.
  • Press successively on the 4 points located at the base of the thumb.
  • On the sides, along the inside and outside of the heel, there are 3 more important points. Act on them one by one.
  • From the area above the heel, along the Achilles tendon, there are 3 more zones. They must be influenced very carefully in order to avoid injury.
  • The upper part of the foot is also rich in dozens of active points. To use them all, you need to slowly move from each finger to the lower leg.
  • You can finish the procedure by massaging the place where the foot articulates with the lower leg. In front, along the surface of the foot, is the place of the fold, and behind is the location of the Achilles tendon.

Before using this method, study the diagram of the reflex zones in detail.


The most famous method of massaging the legs. Came to us from India. The bottom line is to stimulate problem areas that need to be restored. For this, maps of biologically active areas with a projection of organs are used.

Description of the procedure:

  • The patient is in the supine position. The master, being at the client's feet, holds his toes and spreads the feet to the sides. With each approach, the pressure intensity and amplitude increases.
  • Using his body weight, the masseur presses on 6 points that are located on the foot. Legs are massaged in turn.
  • The impact on the points that respond to the state of the spine occurs from the heel to the toes, along the inner side of the foot.
  • The masseur gently pulls the feet back, grasping the pads and fingers. Then he makes a return movement and repeats the manipulations several times.
  • The patient is asked to spread his legs. Then the master makes alternating pressure along the limbs from the feet to the groin. The impact is exclusively on the muscles. The kneecaps are gently stroked.

This massage is an excellent way to relieve stress, improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic drainage systems, and unblock the nerve pathways. Stimulation of the lower leg articulation with the foot improves joint mobility and evens out the energy flow in the lower body.


This technique involves the use of the following techniques: stroking, rubbing and vibration. In the course of such an impact, more than 60 points are affected. Regular treatments will improve energy circulation and organ function.

Specialists who practice this type of massage often use additional devices to increase efficiency and use as many points as possible.

At home, you can also practice this method. It is enough to purchase a special acupuncture mat and, sitting in a chair, put your feet on it, periodically making light movements with your foot, as if pressing on the mat. When the pressure starts to bring noticeable discomfort, change the position of the legs. Do this massage for no more than 30 minutes a day.

Instructions for performing Chinese reflex foot massage:

  • Stretch your toes. Everyone for a minute. Press on the pads, spread your fingers to the sides, squeeze and unclench them.
  • Rub the foot in a circular motion.
  • Grabbing the pads of your toes, try to bend and extend your foot to the maximum position possible without causing pain.

According to the presented scheme, the impact on biologically active points occurs with the help of special devices or simply with fingers.

For daily relaxation, it is better to choose a simple classical technique, and for treatment - a point one.

The cost of the procedure in the salons

Having decided to contact a specialist, you will get the most pleasant sensations from the session and confidence in a positive result. The massage is performed in a comfortable position and a comfortable atmosphere. The effectiveness of these procedures and their relaxing effect will surely win you over.

The price for a session is low - from 800 rubles. The cost depends on the technique you prefer and the qualifications of the massage therapist.

If you practice self-massage of feet at home or have tried out the services of a master, share your impressions in the comments.

Feature articles

Proof of effectiveness, detailed technique, we are working on the point of longevity - in the article.

The main advantage of shiatsu

The possibility of self-massage in any situation and place (at home, at work, in a car).

Having mastered the basic techniques of pressure and having learned to find the necessary acupuncture points, we are able to independently:

  • overcome fatigue,
  • get rid of mental overload,
  • relieve or reduce all pain,
  • reduce unpleasant symptoms of diseases,
  • normalize blood pressure,
  • increase energy,
  • improve health,
  • provide yourself with emergency assistance,
  • improve sleep and overall well-being.

Shiatsu proof of effectiveness

We will refer to the publication of the results of experiments in well-known international publications.

Sleep quality and relaxation

july 2004, survey conducted in England and Germany. In in-depth interviews, 14 practitioners and 15 long-term clients testified to the positive effects of Shiatsu massage on falling asleep, sleep structure and body relaxation.

Journal of Integrative Medicine (Journal of Integrative Medicine):

year 2014. Difficulty falling asleep is a common problem for people suffering from pain. Individuals with musculoskeletal pain and sleep problems were selected to participate in the study (Canada). They were trained in self-massage techniques and were interviewed after 8 weeks.

Participants noted a long-term increase in the time of uninterrupted sleep, more, including during nighttime awakenings. None of the participants reported adverse effects of the intervention.

Thus, shiatsu can be beneficial for use during nighttime awakenings as well as before bedtime.

Reducing pain, chronic fatigue, stress

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (official journal of the Society for Acupuncture Research, USA):

2008, the study covered 948 people from England, Austria, Spain. They received shiatsu therapy for 6 months.

Indications: joint and muscle pain, chronic fatigue, fatigue, stress.

633 subjects provided complete information on the treatment effects.


  • all respondents felt better, pain, stress and fatigue decreased.
  • 80% have made positive changes in their lifestyle after introducing shiatsu techniques into their daily lives.
  • 16-22% have reduced the use of traditional medicine.
  • A third have decreased drug dependence.

Signs of chronic fatigue, causes, risk group, provoking factors, how to avoid an illness.

Increased vitality

International Journal of Palliative Care (International Journal of Palliative Nursing):

september 2013. This qualitative 6-month study was designed to assess the impact of shiatsu on clients attending hospice day services. Three overlapping groups of eleven patients with advanced disease received 5 weeks of shiatsu therapy.

The results of the analysis revealed significant improvements in energy levels, relaxation, confidence, clarity of thought, and mental stability.

The effect lasted several hours in some cases, but in most cases exceeded the 5-week treatment regimen.

Reduced anxiety and stress

World Journal of Plastic Surgery (World Journal of Plastic Surgery):

in 2013 (Tehran) 60 patients with burn injuries (10-45%) and accompanying severe post-traumatic nervous disorders received a 20-minute shiatsu massage (each hand was massaged for 10 minutes).

As a result, the degree of anxiety and pain was significantly reduced, and recovery was faster.

It is explained by the fact that pressure on the points causes the production of hormones serotonin and dopamine, which reduce anxiety, tension also leaves the muscles, the heart rate slows down, blood pressure and metabolism normalize.

Reducing lumbar pain

Holistic care journal (Journal of Holistic Nursing):

year 2001. Sixty-six patients with low back pain received four shiatsu sessions and reported their feelings 2 days after each session. All reported significant reductions in pain and anxiety.

Massage technique

Active participation in shiatsu massage of the hands gives a predictable therapeutic effect: metabolism is also stimulated in the hands, fingers and in those organs with which pressure zones are associated.

In addition, the fingers are directly connected to the brain by numerous nerve endings, and therefore shiatsu perfectly soothes and relieves mental fatigue.

For pressure use:

the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe fingertips

  • large (Tokujiro considered them the most important and powerful tool of influence);
  • three folded together (index, middle and unnamed);
  • two fingers superimposed on one another.


Pressing makes strictly perpendicular to the skin, without displacement and sticking, without "smearing".

"PRESS, not rub or massage!" - so succinctly described the difference between his technique Namikoshi.

Pressing force

Moderate. The reciprocal feeling should not cause discomfort and severe pain.

If you are giving massage to someone, take a position so that, if necessary, you can press with your own weight in a controlled manner.


If the technique is correct, then numbness, aches, warmth, or slight soreness occurs at the place of pressure.

Duration of pressing

depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe body, the state of health and the specific instructions for the procedure. Most often, one-time 3-second pressures are used in the neck area, 5-7 seconds on other parts of the body.

Another option is also used: pressing lasts 1-3 inhalation-exhalation. Repeat the pressure 2-10 times.

How to find the point correctly

Anatomical landmarks are: bony protrusions and grooves, boundaries of hair growth, skin folds, spaces between muscles and tendons, places where the pulse is probed on the arteries, etc. The point can be felt by a tubercle or a fossa.

The response sensations in it differ from other parts of the body.

Aches, numbness, tingling (like a weak electric shock), soreness, stiffness - these feelings are an indicator correct definition biologically active point.

Pain in the BAP may indicate a pathology in the associated organ.

Preparation for massage

Warm up your hands well: rub your palms and fingers together.

If you touch the body with cold hands, distorted reactions occur that can aggravate the condition with illness. Cold is one of the most disease-causing factors.

It is undesirable to massage on an empty stomach (fainting is possible) and immediately after eating.

Longevity Point TsZU-SAN-LI

General strengthening paired point, belongs to the meridian of the stomach.

Synonyms: gui-se, sya-lin.

The miraculous properties of tszu-san-li are mentioned in the most ancient medical treatises. This point is deservedly called the point of longevity, since it immediately affects three levels of the body, which in ancient China were associated with Man, Heaven and Earth.

Through these three energy levels, with the help of very subtle hormonal connections, all systems and organs are influenced, and recovery processes are launched in them.

The list of indications is huge:

Tszu-san-li is an emergency point for fainting, postpartum shocks, cerebral hemorrhages, sunstrokes.

Is at the junction of the tibia and fibula.

How to find: place the center of your palm on the center of the kneecap, press your fingers to the lower leg (under his pad).

To make sure that the point is correctly identified, pull the foot up, a muscle tubercle should form under the ring finger. Lower your foot and a groove appears under the toe. You need to click on it.

How to massage: press the points on both legs simultaneously for 5-7 seconds, release for 2-3 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.

It is advisable to work with tszu-san-li in the first half of the day, preferably before 10 am, when the stomach canal is most active. Massage in the afternoon and especially in the evening can trigger insomnia.

Even experts in oriental medicine advise using the first 8 days of moon growth

Tszu-san-li massage for a long time can increase blood pressure. Therefore, people prone to hypertension may be advised to massage the Yang-ling-chuan point for similar purposes.


Shiatsu acupressure is an amazing technique: very simple, affordable and effective. Having mastered simple techniques, we can help ourselves in time and restore our health.

Watch out for skin reactions, if in some place the skin begins to ache, then there is a problem in the organ corresponding to this area.
Put your hand there and try to find the most painful point. This does not require an atlas of acupuncture, the body itself indicates its location.

It is enough to apply 5-7 seconds of pressure, repeated a couple of times and during the day, so that the pain subsides. And this means that the healing process itself has started.

Finally, a tip from Tokujiro Namikoshi, aged 95:

“To live a long and fulfilling life, avoid prolonged overwork and get enough sleep. While we are young, 8-hour sleep relieves the most severe fatigue.

Be sure to pay attention to - they are sure signs of prolonged fatigue and lack of sleep, which lead to serious health problems. "

Be healthy!


  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,
  • US National Library of Medicine,
  • P.V. Belousov "Acupuncture points of Chinese zhenjiu therapy"

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

Preparing: shiatsu for immunity, youthfulness of the face, for various problems.

Back pain is a sign of the times. Rarely, someone has never had back pain, but this pain does not necessarily mean a serious pathology. In some cases, the appearance of pain is dictated by lifestyle and unhealthy habits, stress and fatigue. And here acupressure helps as well as possible. In case of clinical diseases, this massage technique is almost always included in a conservative medical complex or is one of the stages of postoperative rehabilitation.

The spine, and therefore the back, is one of the foundations of human health. It can be ill for multiple reasons, many of which medicine has yet to study. But today, a close connection between back pain and certain organs has been clearly established.

What is effective massage? This is, first of all, the ability to correctly influence certain areas located around certain points. Only knowing these zones and methods of influence, having an understanding of the anatomy and interconnections of the back with other parts of the body and organs, after mastering the techniques and long-term practice, you can carry out an effective massage that can relieve pain.

General effects of massage

Correctly performed massage has various effects (except for pain relief).

  1. Helps relieve stress.
  2. Relaxes the body.
  3. Leads muscles to tone.
  4. Relieves muscle spasm.
  5. By expanding blood vessels, it improves blood circulation.
  6. Promotes the acceleration of metabolism.

By the way. The impact on certain areas of the back causes certain responses in various parts of the body. They can be calming, relaxing or stimulating, energetic. The reaction depends on the correct points and technique.

As a result of the massage session:

  • the activity of the vegetative-vascular systemic nodes improves;
  • tissue trophism is brought to normal;
  • the activity of the glands and internal organs is normalized;
  • the tense nervous and muscular state is relieved;
  • the degree of pain is reduced.

Effects in diseases

Naturally, to treat the disease with massage (which in any case is only an auxiliary method that accompanies the main therapy) can only be accurately established the cause of the pain, if it arose as a consequence of pathology. First, a diagnosis is needed, and a massage course must be prescribed by a doctor.

Having determined the necessary points on the plane of the back to work directly with them, you can help the patient with the following problems;

  • headaches;
  • heart discomfort;
  • pain associated with migraine;
  • numbness of the hands;
  • tinnitus;
  • pain and numbness in the legs;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • problems with the organs of reproduction.

The list can be continued, it covers the entire body, and there is practically no area that does not correspond to one point or another on the plane of the back.

The essence of point massage

The analysis of the interconnection of organs makes it possible, acting at one point, to receive the response of the effect at a distance, but connected with it. This is the goal that the use of point activities implies.

How does acupressure work?

The technique is based on the principle of acupuncture. On the human body there are about seven hundred points of activity, the impact on which causes one or another reaction. For massage point effects, 150 are used.

Important! The uniqueness of point manipulations, first of all, is that it is possible to cause the desired reaction without acting directly on the site of the lesion, which is often simply impossible to massage due to its inaccessibility. Such places include, for example, intravertebral injuries.

Massaging active points or applying pressure to them is used in various types of massage, and serves to achieve a variety of goals.

Table. Massage points for different types.

A typePurpose of application

During this type of massage, the following problems are solved:
· Heaviness and fatigue in the lumbar region;
· Limited mobility of the shoulder girdle;
• dysfunction of the stomach and intestines;
· Pain in the shoulders, shoulder blades, neck;
Lumbar pain;
· Symptoms of bronchial asthma.

During the procedure, the active points located on the meridians, called energy channels, are massaged.

Point points are also used for diagnostics.

After acupuncture, there is both a solution to local problems (tightness, pain) and positive effect for the integrity of the body.

In Europe, massage is performed on painful dorsal points in order to relax tense muscles and relieve pain from excessive tension.

Most often, the neck, shoulder and scapular segment and the lower back are massaged pointwise.

Here we will consider the traditional European point massage, carried out as an aid for various diseases of the back, internal organs, as well as for relieving tension and fatigue.

Massage can be therapeutic, sports, relaxing, tonic ... There are a lot of massage techniques, the choice is always strictly individual depending on the patient's health status and gender. We recommend reading to find out how a man's back massage is performed.

Finding a leverage point

If you find the right point from which you need to manipulate, the patient at the moment of exposure to it will experience the following sensations:

  • short tingling sensation, like a low voltage electric shock;
  • the appearance of "goose bumps" all over the body;
  • body aches;
  • fatigue;
  • the formation of "goose bumps" in some open areas;
  • pulling feeling at the point.

Important! Among all the sensations when pressing or otherwise influencing a correctly found point, there should be no painful, at least strong ones.

Preparation and technique of acupressure

A professional massage therapist individually chooses which place of the palm or hand to influence the points. The selected methods can be combined and changed. The impact can be made as follows:

  • thumbs;
  • knuckles in a bent state;
  • index fingers;
  • the backs of the palm;
  • middle fingers.

For preparation, a relaxing massage is performed, the techniques of which are mainly rubbing and stroking.

Council. Despite the area of \u200b\u200bthe back, in which the acupressure will be carried out, the preparatory massage is done over its entire surface.

Stroking is done without lifting the open palms from the skin in the direction from the buttocks up. The movements are circular, then fan and zigzag. The order can be changed. The pace is 25 movements per minute.

Stroking - classic massage technique

With subsequent rubbing, the tempo increases to 60 movements. In addition to the knuckles, preparatory rubbing can be performed with the back of the palms or elbow joints.

Now the patient is ready for targeted action, relaxed and calm. It is done in this way.

  1. Find the pain center, the point where the pain is felt the most.
  2. For five seconds, make circular movements in a clockwise direction along it (as if screwing something).
  3. With each approach, increase the time by two seconds, bringing it to twelve.
  4. Between approaches, the masseur's hand is sharply removed from the point.
  5. The intensity and frequency increase from session to session.

Council. You can make an impact with simple pressure for 7-10 seconds. In the first session, you should limit yourself to several approaches, increasing their number and degree of pressure gradually.

Before starting acupressure, the doctor must definitely clarify whether the patient has any contraindications to it.

An obstacle to manipulation can be:

  • hyperemia disease;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • any bleeding;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • any oncology;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • venereal disease;
  • thrombophilia;
  • mental illness.

Points on the back

Each section of the back has its most commonly used points. In addition to them, tissues on the left and right are necessarily worked out directly along the vertebrae.

Important! You can massage the tissues directly near the spine, but in no case should you touch the vertebrae themselves.

Neck area

It has seven vertebrae, each of which is responsible for a specific position.

The massage points are located on either side of the line between the spine and shoulder blades. Also, one of the points is located at the top of the shoulder blades.

Working out these points will allow:

  • relieve headaches;
  • remove nervousness;
  • increase the blood supply to the brain;
  • stimulate the production of thyroid hormones;
  • restore reduced auditory and visual functions;
  • cleanse the skin of the face from acne and other rashes.

Chest area

Of the twelve thoracic vertebrae, the first three are most often exposed to a point effect (not the vertebrae themselves, the tissues around them).

Here are located the sectors that are responsible for the work of the lungs, and most often the points are massaged in patients with bronchial asthma.

Near the fourth thoracic vertebra there is a point associated with possible numbness of the hands.

Going down a little lower, you can correct the work of the heart muscle. Further, downward - the stomach, liver and kidneys.

By the way. It is in this department that intercostal neuralgia occurs, which is also treated with acupressure, finding points of influence along each rib.

Lumbar area

The five vertebrae that form the lumbar zone are responsible for internal processes in the intestine, the functioning of the bladder, and sexual function. It is necessary to work out the areas around all five vertebral segments. And with arthrosis of the hip joints or knee arthritis, points are highlighted along the entire lower back.

Council. In order to detect trigger points, it is necessary, using light pressure with your fingers, to move along the muscle under study, stopping at the most painful areas.

Point massage allows you to relieve pain, relax muscles, and relieve discomfort arising from tension. As in acupuncture, these points do not have a clear localization, and are located in each patient individually. Sometimes several points located nearby can create extensive painful zones, which are massaged, however, pointwise, with the finding of triggers within the zones.

Video - Acupressure massage (acupressure) of the back. Points, meridians, technique and technique of acupressure

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