Are Scorpio and Capricorn Compatible? Capricorn male and Scorpio female compatibility in love and friendship. In family life

Good afternoon ... I am writing for the third time ((

I really need your advice and help. How can I build a relationship with my husband, if we have only 2 compatibility in the lower chakras, the rest is all dissonance .. And I already got married, but I stumbled upon your site, now doubts gnaw, I don’t know what to do.

The second marriage, the child is 10 years old, got used to her husband in 1.5 years, I can’t say that they are direct friends, but there is a certain warmth in the relationship, so I’m very afraid to disperse. But as I understand it, if there is no compatibility in the higher chakras, then the union is not long-term, but I so wanted to babysit my grandchildren with this man, and live a long happy life together, but it turns out that we have nowhere to move .. ( (Or can this be corrected somehow? What should I pay attention to as a woman?.

And another question, we are 5-5 in character, this is very bad, and how to decipher it in the family? I am 16-01-1983, he is 01-11-1978. I'm asking for advice and help! I am in great confusion.

Julia, let's try to sort out your anxiety. And build a causal relationship.

First, let's admit to ourselves that neither this site nor another can be a reason for divorce. But the fact that, with the seeming well-being of family relations, led you to this kind of calculation - this is the reason. Already the result was your hit on the site and confirmation of some internal contradictions. I don’t know where you immediately get such a panicky desire to disperse, because there are no objective reasons for this. Let's take a closer look.

Overall Compatibility: 44% - below average
Physical level: 77% - a man is interested in you as a girl. Moreover, given his nature of Scorpio, I think that this compatibility should manifest itself very well.
Emotional level: 86% - an excellent continuation in the form of the main "female" compatibility
Intellectual level: 31% - well, not the best interlocutors and business companions. Nothing wrong.
Heart level: 10% is not a disaster. Emotions are almost at their peak.
Creative level: 91% - you inspire your husband to accomplish, literally ignite new ideas in him. Next to you, he will "trample" everything. And he should appreciate it.
The intuitive level of 12% and the Highest 1% - it is too early to talk about their manifestation (1.5 years from your words).

Summarizing the analysis of biorhythms / chakras, I will say that in my subjective opinion, relationships are in this scenario, when there are two or three anchor compatibility and everything else in the background is the most interesting. They rarely end successfully with partners with little experience, but usually last long and positively in people who have learned to feel strong closeness in certain areas with a partner. And who is old enough to understand how different people can be, but if there is at least something really strong between them, then this should certainly be appreciated.

Ideally, a couple with this alignment looks like people who are constantly rejoicing in closeness to each other, having a benevolent and positive emotional atmosphere in their couple, inspiring and embodying. And the rest that is not developed, as it were, does not exist. Strengths are enough to ignore weaknesses.

And, if about the shortcomings, then the dissonance in the higher chakras suggests that at a certain stage of the maturity of the relationship, the partners are likely to make a seemingly balanced and objective decision that their roads go to different goals. And they will part for a long time. However, they have a good chance of meeting again and starting from scratch, without completely forgetting a strong relationship in the past. And not finding a similar connection in other people.

According to the horoscope, I think it’s clear to everyone that the earthly Capricorn and the water Scorpio are an excellent combination. By the way, the water element adds points to the sphere of emotional compatibility.

Pythagoras: characters 5-5, family 3 (you) - 5 (husband), temperaments 2 (you) - 1 (husband). Once again I will warn you about the bad statistics of trips to the left from the side of individual temperaments. Among them, this is the most common case. Especially with the character 5 and under the sign of Scorpio, I think you should pay special attention. As for the characters, then, in principle, there can be many sparks in everyday clashes, given the hard horns of Capricorn and the theatrical nature of Scorpio. However, this can be avoided if you give realization to your strong characters outside: at work, with friends, anywhere. Only in the family last. Please, a couple of Gorbachevs from the examples. Brilliantly realized each of themselves in the political arena.

In general, Julia, the balance of your relationship from the side of calculation greatly outweighs in a positive direction. Maybe try to look at things less subjectively and still see the value of the current relationship. Good luck!

Good afternoon! Thanks for the site, everything is done correctly, I have not seen anything like it. You could create an application for smartphones (of course, for money, I think many would buy it, at least I do). I understand that there are many appeals to you, they say, what is the best thing for us to do, not realizing that they themselves are the creators of their own happiness. I don’t want to seem insidious, but I would like to know more about my girlfriend, what should I pay attention to and whether her temperament is prone to betrayal;) I am a scorpio - 11/07/1993, partner - capricorn 01/18/1993. Thank you very much in advance)

In-contri: GoVegaS, the smartphone app is a good idea. But, alas, in my provincial town, of those programmers whom I know, no one does this. Therefore, the only option is to order. With the mobile version, it’s easier - there is a ready-made script, you just need to make a new “shell” for it that adapts to the mobile device. There are those who can do it, and I really hope that this will be implemented in the near future.

Now about the propensity to change. So, contrary to superficial opinion, the temperament is less prone to betrayal, the stronger it is. A strong temperament is more demanding of a partner and, if it remains satisfied, then it does not look “to the left”. But betrayal can happen not only because of a small difference in temperaments. In your case, I wanted to say right away that the earthly Capricorns are distinguished by confidence in the choice and stability. However, even remembering one of my Capricorn friends, I can say that this rule, as usual in horoscopes, is too general. In fact, even my friend behaved in completely different ways in relationships with different girls. Somewhere he met with two in parallel and cheated, and with someone he stayed for a very long time. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze each pair separately. So in your relationship, judging by the chakras, more "male" compatibility levels dominate - this is 67% intelligence and 74% creative. This suggests that a male partner is more interested in a female partner than she is in him, and, accordingly, a man receives more from these relationships. Alas, GoVegaS, because of this, plus because of the emotional incompatibility and stronger temperament of the girl (she has 5 against 4 for you), we can assume a tendency to cheat on her part. Just as she attracted you with high intellectual compatibility (all men subconsciously identify girls with such compatibility), so someone can hook her with the emotions that she lacks in your couple. Once again, this does not mean that she necessarily changes. But the question was asked “is there a tendency” and the answer to it is: yes, there is a tendency.

Hello! the situation is this, I met a girl - she is 8 years younger than me and to be honest, I myself did not expect such a lively thrust from myself. We just communicate, but I want to look at the situation in the future, maybe somehow prepare myself. I am well aware that in any case, patience is required from me and I am ready to show it, but I would like to see your assessment. I am 11/20/1991, she is 12/26/1999.

In-contri: Peter, according to your chakras, horoscope and Pythagoras, especially considering the age of the couple, everything is quite good. The foundation of the relationship: a pair of Scorpio and Capricorn, where both signs are even, represent a favorable and productive combination of the elements of Water and Earth, the type of relationship is called "Elder brother and younger brother." Therefore, your meeting is potentially very promising. And then we look at the chakras and see that the girl gravitates towards you even more - conditionally female levels of emotions and hearts are almost at the maximum. But, again, age. To build a harmonious and long-term relationship, however, it is not the calculation that plays the main role, but how developed both partners are and what kind of relationship experience they have. All this helps to make fewer mistakes. Therefore, there is no point in even looking at the higher chakras and the future. Spend a couple of years with each other, then live together, then it will be possible to return to this issue. And now Peter wish you just good and interesting communication, gain experience, help your younger girlfriend. You and your girlfriend really suit each other. Just remember Art. 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This is no joke.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Capricorn is good, despite some contradictions in the characters. They quickly find a common language, make joint plans for the future.

Both signs of the zodiac are closed, they communicate little with people. Such a married couple will lead a secluded life, shunning society, letting only selected friends into their home. There are contradictions between the partners, but they are quickly resolved through compromise.

Characters of signs

The union of the signs of Capricorn and Scorpio is largely determined by the nature of the partners. Let's see what features the horoscope gives them.

Scorpio character

Representatives of this sign are mysterious and controversial personalities. They have a highly developed intuition, while they are secretive, hardly trust people, and have problems with communication. Emotions Scorpio tries to hide, putting on a lot of masks in everyday life. He is devoted to close people, ready to sacrifice himself for their good. In return, it requires respect, in the worst manifestations - submission. Here are the main character traits of a Scorpio:

  • Independence and purposefulness
  • Courage and perseverance
  • inner strength
  • Emotionality and sensuality
  • Individualism
  • Closeness and secrecy
  • Straightness
  • Loyalty to loved ones.

Scorpios are possessive and tend to control everyone around them. They are vindictive and vindictive. They never openly attack the enemy, they love to weave intrigues. Very distrustful, hardly let new people into their lives.

Capricorn character

At the first meeting, Capricorn is not very sympathetic to anyone. These people look dry and cold. In fact, Capricorns have a sensitive soul, they are just used to keeping all emotions under control. Thanks to diligence and diligence, representatives of this sign achieve a lot. But their needs are small, they are accustomed to asceticism. Very attached to the family, the past, reliable partners, accustomed to keeping promises. Here are the main character traits of Capricorn:

  • Restraint
  • purposefulness
  • ambition
  • Asceticism
  • industriousness
  • Loyalty to tradition
  • calmness
  • Modesty.

One of the worst traits of Capricorns is pessimism, they are used to noticing mostly negative things around them. Extreme conservatism often closes the door to a successful career for these people. In a bad mood, they can be caustic and caustic, they will not miss the opportunity to make a remark.

General sign compatibility

The horoscope of the signs Capricorn and Scorpio promises good compatibility. Together, they can be themselves, not playing a role and not adjusting to the other. Mutual understanding between them at the subconscious level, they feel the dreams, desires and moods of each other. For hours they are able to discuss their plans for the future, joint projects. Both are prone to pessimism, but this absolutely does not interfere with their interaction. Scorpio is more sociable, in this pair he will act as a communicator. Shy Capricorn loves his Scorpio, completely trusts him with this function. Partners tenderly care for each other, protect in front of the outside world.

Problems in a couple are solved through compromises. Capricorn can be surprised by the internal tension of Scorpio, his temper. The earth sign of the zodiac considers such behavior a waste of energy. Scorpio often yearns that his partner is not too emotional, his feelings are meager. But in the end, the emotions of the water sign are enough for two. A practical Capricorn should take on the issue of money. Scorpios cannot be attributed to spenders, but they do not know how to save finances at all.

The compatibility of Capricorn and Scorpio is influenced not only by the Sun, but also by the Moon. If her ascendant is in a favorable position, for example, in Taurus or Virgo for Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer for Capricorn, the relationship between partners is strengthened. A bad position of the Moon will bring discord to the union. Eastern astrology also contributes. Scorpio, whose year of birth is Rat, Goat or Dog, and Capricorn, according to the Chinese horoscope Rabbit, Snake or Pig, are well combined with each other. The relationship between partners whose year of birth is Dragon, Rooster or Tiger is worse. The leadership potential of these signs is poorly compatible; between Scorpio and Capricorn, the struggle for the leading place in the union is escalating.

Sexual compatibility of signs

Compatibility in love and sex between Capricorn and Scorpio is not bad. Both signs place more importance on the physical aspect of intimate relationships than on romance. Venus endowed Scorpio with enormous sexuality, the greatest in the entire Zodiac. Capricorn is a sensual sign, but skillfully hides his passions, especially in his youth. He does not like long flirting, it is easy to win him over. The main thing is to show what benefit he will get from sex. Scorpio, like no other, knows how to reveal the inner potential of Capricorn in bed. Because the sexual life of partners is rich and interesting, they are perfect for each other.

Scorpio and Capricorn can lose their compatibility in love. The water sign is a skilled lover, for him there are no prohibitions and boundaries in bed. At first, this behavior can shock the conservative Capricorn. If Scorpio dumps all his sexuality on him, the earth sign will close, the relationship will deteriorate. A water sign may not like the stiffness of Capricorn, because he completely dissolves in love joys. If the partner fails to open up, remains a conservative, Scorpio may begin to cheat on him. Whether or not their sex life will be successful depends largely on the trust of Capricorn and the patience of Scorpio.

Scorpio Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

Scorpio man and Capricorn woman are able to create a strong family, this is a successful combination of signs. Relations between them develop gradually, the guy and the girl win each other for a long time. Both signs of the Zodiac are individualists, they subconsciously always remain loners. Even if a girl fell in love with a guy, she will hide it for a long time. The man also feels somewhat constrained next to the chosen one. They do not like to show their feelings in public, so their wedding comes as a surprise to everyone. Scorpio and Capricorn enter into marriage in adulthood, when both are able to appreciate the merits of a partner.

In an ideal pair, the compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman is constantly growing stronger. They have little contact with others, they have few friends. But together they create a strong alliance. The husband in the family takes on the lion's share of the responsibility, but in all important matters he consults with his wife. She, in turn, is engaged in home improvement, financial investments, and the development of tactics in solving certain issues.

CAPRICORN + SCORPIO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Scorpio and Capricorn. Compatibility horoscope Love and sexual horoscope

Compatibility Scorpio Man and Capricorn Woman

It is not uncommon for a couple to work or run a business together. Partners like to spend long evenings alone, at home or on trips.

Problems and ways to solve them

Both partners are active and purposeful, this can negatively affect the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Scorpio man. They begin to compete, compete, try to realize their ambitions at the expense of another. The nervousness and irascibility of Scorpio, his dictatorial habits can disrupt relationships. Capricorn's wife absolutely does not recognize pressure, she is independent. The same applies to the Scorpio husband. Jealousy can kill a relationship, it is characteristic of both signs.

In order for the family not to break up, in any difficult situations, a compromise must be sought. Spouses should moderate their own ambitions, and treat each other with respect. Especially since they both deserve it. If both partners are pronounced leaders, it is better to abandon joint work projects and concentrate on the family. In the house, it is correct to distribute responsibilities and not claim each other's sphere of influence. Working on yourself and relationships will bring good results. The god of war Mars will leave home forever.

Scorpio Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility

The Scorpio woman and the Capricorn man are two strong personalities that can make a great couple. They have a lot in common, they know how to support each other. The Capricorn guy and the Scorpio girl will quickly find a common language, but their relationship will develop for a long time. First, partners will be connected by friendship, common interests, only then they fall in love, passion flares up between them. The older Capricorn is, the easier it is to seduce and fall in love with him. Therefore, there is often a big age difference between partners, which does not affect the distribution of roles in a couple. They are basically equal.

The compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman is good, because their family life flows without any ups and downs. The couple is rather closed, communicates only with a narrow circle of close friends. But left alone, they will always find something to talk about. All decisions in such a family are made by mutual consent. Although in difficult situations a man can support a woman, take full responsibility. The spouses make a career together, very rarely a woman in such a seven is just a housewife. The financial condition of the couple is stable, although they rarely become fabulously rich.

Problems and ways to solve them

The compatibility of a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man can suffer if they start to fight for leadership. Both strong personalities, like to prove their case, rarely make concessions. A woman may be disappointed when she sees the coldness of a man. After all, she hopes that he has the same emotions hidden in his soul as hers. In fact, Capricorns are more reserved than Scorpios. The water sign's turbulent feelings don't get the expected responses in their psyche. A man will eventually get tired of his wife's temper, her emotional outbursts. Jealousy can lead to quarrels, both signs are owners and do not forgive betrayals.

To establish compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn, they need to learn to make concessions, not to compete, who will outguess whom. All problems are solved by compromise. After each quarrel, it is worth speaking frankly from the heart, not leaving omissions and not harboring anger. These zodiac signs are vindictive, ready to take revenge even a few months after the conflict. Such an attitude will destroy the harmony in the couple and lead to a break. Capricorn should get rid of their complexes, become more open and sensual. Scorpio - learn to think pragmatically, not guided by emotions alone. If the union is based on friendship and equality, nothing threatens him.

Scorpio woman and Capricorn man

love compatibility

The compatibility of Scorpio and Capricorn is obvious - the "water" Scorpio and the "earth" Capricorn are in perfect harmony with each other. Capricorn is restrained, prudent, he calms the emotional storms of Scorpio. At the same time, he does not like to show his feelings, and she lives with passions. Astrologers say that differences will not interfere, and the union will not be easy, but happy. The horoscope warns that these two signs can experience true love. The beauty and mystery of Scorpio greatly excites Capricorn. He is ready to support his beloved financially, and she really likes it. He is rather shy, so the girl should take the first steps towards a relationship. Subsequently, Capricorn will lead the union.

Scorpio and Capricorn build a traditional relationship: he is a breadwinner and protector, she is a devoted friend of life. Loyalty is very important for Capricorn, he is even more jealous than his lady of the heart. Of the two, she is more inclined towards freedom and adventure on the side. But Capricorn always controls the beloved, even if she does not give a reason for this.

Marriage is not concluded immediately. They meet and think for a very long time. By getting married, the couple finds what both are looking for: confidence, romance, respect.

Sexual Compatibility

Capricorn man and Scorpio woman go well together in sex. The lady is more temperamental, and the gentleman is not so easy to please her. But Capricorn is a rare type of man whom the suspicious Scorpio trusts. He is ignited by her passion. In addition, this woman does not like sugary relationships, which is to the liking of a serious Capricorn.

In bed, the couple has a serious passion, both partners love experiments in sexual terms, but you always need to have a sense of proportion so as not to accidentally go beyond the norms that will not be acceptable to someone.

At work and at home

Such signs demonstrate excellent compatibility in the business field. She knows how to develop interesting ideas, and he brings them to life. Capricorn boss should give Scorpio independence in decisions. She is not as hardworking as Capricorn, but you should not reprimand her.

In everyday life, this harmonious couple gets along great. Both love comfort and coziness, both are neat, and each knows his own sphere of household duties. Money is brought into the house, mainly by Capricorn.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Capricorn is one of the best in the horoscope. This is a strong and faithful union of people who understand each other.

Which we will consider. These two signs can be together, and completely painless, only if there is a man, and Capricorn, respectively, a woman. An interesting fact is that he is the only one of his kind who can curb the tempers of Capricorn.

In such a union, two completely different hypostases are connected at once. One is a fighter by nature, while the other is famous for his art of fighting back and resisting. From here it immediately becomes clear that it has unthinkable power. Scorpio and Capricorn, whose compatibility is based on significant differences in character traits, together have purposefulness and purposefulness. Remarkably, both of these signs in their union, both marriage and commonwealth, temper their hearts and strengthen their nerves. However, as the horoscope testifies, Scorpio and Capricorn are also united by common qualities, such as mutual respect, diligence, common interests, ambition and high efficiency. In this regard, equality flourishes in this union.

The marriage union of Scorpio and Capricorn is based on self-esteem, which is present in them almost from birth. Both of them bring the work they have begun to its logical conclusion, and all their efforts are directed exclusively towards a positive resolution of the issue. Such a married couple moves towards their material and social well-being with mathematical precision and insight, that is, consistently and gradually, confidently and reliably. In this regard, Scorpio and Capricorn complement each other, because Capricorn lives by long-term strategies, and Scorpio prefers the present, while very skillfully using the experience of the past.

In the horoscope and Capricorn fit almost perfectly. Only the intimate life of these two signs does not allow one hundred percent compatibility. Scorpio is a very passionate and passionate sign, but Capricorns look a little cool against their background.

As a rule, Scorpio and Capricorn, whose compatibility is as clear as daylight, spend most of their free time discussing joint and personal hopes, desires and dreams. Only here the methods of achieving the goals set for these signs differ significantly. And quite often on this basis, disagreements arise between them. However, they won't last too long. Very soon they will come to a common opinion. And this barely flared up conflict will be extinguished.

Both Capricorn and Scorpio, deep down in their hearts, simply crave respect and seek quiet power. However, Capricorn has a negative attitude towards the internal tension of Scorpio, taking it for a senseless waste of vital energy. Scorpio, in turn, is sure that Capricorn is deprived of such qualities as sentimentality and sensuality. But, despite this, both of these signs belong to the category of quite practical people. Together, both of them are able to achieve very high results.

Scorpio and Capricorn, whose compatibility is undeniable, can go with the flow of habits for years. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that many facets in their relationship are erased, novelty and inspiration are lost. They are both friends and lovers at the same time. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are able to hide their inner self from the prying eyes of the people around them. But in their union they remain sincere. Almost always they have a single secret, which unites them for many years and strengthens mutual devotion. Both of these signs in their union are patient with each other. And what, if not patience, makes coexistence the most successful!

Such relationships do not arise spontaneously - Scorpio and Capricorn can look at each other for a long time, as if deciding whether to even take a step towards. You can definitely say that it's worth it.

Most often, Capricorn starts - he is confident in himself and in his choice, and has weighed everything. This can be confusing for the assertive Scorpio, but this union is truly wonderful, even if it does not last long.

Scorpio and Capricorn have incredible compatibility in bed - mutual passion can smooth out any roughness between them. Scorpio and Capricorn have a magical effect on each other, and only circumstances can lure this couple out of the bedroom.

Compatibility secret of Scorpio and Capricorn.

Your temperament is different - the predictable Capricorn will invariably stand his ground only for the reason that he considers it his direct duty to protect Scorpio from rash acts.

Scorpio, on the other hand, will try to free himself from control, and can inflict the hardest offense on Capricorn. How to avoid it?

Scorpion, your Capricorn is restrained, not cold - you need to understand this difference, and stop provoking your loved one. Capricorn simply will not understand the true goals of your provocation, will be extremely surprised and very upset. After all, he wanted the best for you, but it turns out as always. Be patient and learn to ask logical questions - for all its secrecy, Capricorn subconsciously wants to open up to you.

Capricorn, your pressure could be peacefully transferred by a less explosive sign, but not Scorpio. Criticism causes a natural defensive reaction in Scorpio, and if you hurt him, he will not cry in the corner, but will take revenge. Moreover, Scorpio's revenge is blind and merciless - he can sincerely love you, but at the same time it will hurt you very much.

For Scorpio and Capricorn, compatibility lies in the field of the intellectual - this is apart from intimacy. You are not bored with each other, so you should take care of the feelings of your loved one, and he will repay you the same.

Scorpio man and Capricorn woman.

The Scorpio man with his penetration, passion and knowledge of the needs of a woman will win the heart of a Capricorn woman. With him, she may learn to be open, liberated within the limits that she sets for herself. In any case, the Scorpio man will allow her to understand and accept a lot, he will expand her horizon of perception of life and fill her life with joy.

The Capricorn woman will be a reliable partner for the Scorpio man, serious and responsible. She will help him with her business acumen, composure and clarity of action in difficult life situations.

Scorpio woman and Capricorn man.

Compatibility in love of this couple is more complex. The Scorpio woman will have to learn how to bring the Capricorn man to frank conversations, to emotions and explain to him what she wants.

The sensitivity and resentment of nature, which can give rise to anger and quiet or, on the contrary, loud anger will not give anything useful to this couple. You need to direct your energy to creation and in no case use "heavy artillery" at home in the family.

The Capricorn man should pay more attention to the Scorpio woman, take care not only with money, but also with a warm attitude. She needs a little affection and gentle words like air!

Love Compatibility Horoscope for Scorpio and Capricorn.

Compatibility in love of Scorpio and Capricorn resembles the union of business people. Of course, this should not be taken literally.

At the initial stage of the development of relations, everything will be fine: the passion of Scorpio and his inner strength will be met with a bang by Capricorn.

The emotional nature of Scorpio will receive an "answer" from Capricorn and together they will discover each other with great enthusiasm and pleasure.

Capricorn, understanding the possessive inclinations of Scorpio and his willingness to be jealous of Capricorn about and without amuses the vanity of the latter, and gives a sense of security, even a reliable rear. After all, this is what Capricorn is so diligently looking for! He needs a partner who, together with him, will build a fortress house and accumulate reserves.

Let's not forget that after the revelry of passions there always comes a period of calm. Domestic problems and joint affairs come to the fore. And here Scorpio and Capricorn will quickly find a common language.

Both Scorpio and Capricorn, as a rule, are purposeful and ambitious people, decisive and responsible. Having a common goal, and given that everyone will spare no effort for the common cause, we can say with confidence that they will achieve significant success! Especially when it comes to financial matters.

In the compatibility horoscope of Scorpio and Capricorn, there may be one problem - a discrepancy in needs regarding romance and sex. Scorpio, as a more sensitive person, needs more attention, discussing their experiences, and, finally, sex. Capricorn, on the other hand, is more likely to quickly finish with love games in order to move on to more interesting activities - to work.

Despite the endurance of both and the ability to work as much as necessary for the business, Capricorn is ready to work for weeks without rest, while Scorpio needs emotional “feeding” - he cannot work like a robot for a long time without fuel.

If Capricorn, realizing that you need to rest, simply does not allow yourself to relax, then Scorpio such a situation is not acceptable. He wants not only to work hard, but also to fully relax.

So that work does not become a cause of contention, Scorpio will have to explain his position and, together with Capricorn, look for a mode of living together that is suitable for both.