Malvinka hairstyle with curls for medium hair. Malvink's hairstyle, we create a romantic styling. Option with a bow of curls

Malvink's hairstyle has been in fashion since the nineties and has become firmly established. Such a beautiful, simple and original styling implies part of the hair gathered from above, and the other part left loose. Today this hairstyle has many variations, and the owner of not only long, medium, but also short hair can do it. Every girl can find a suitable "Malvinka".

Many people wonder how to make Malvink's hairstyle for themselves and what options exist for creating it. In fact, it is not at all difficult and takes a little time, if you cannot create such an image, you can always refer to the instructions and do everything step by step.

The Malvinka hairstyle is perfect for both long and medium hair, and even for short hair it can be done, because only the uppermost hair is involved and, moreover, similar styling options are diverse.

The advantages of laying Malvinka include:

Well suited for hair of almost any length (except very short);
- looks great and is created on both straight and curly curls;
- gives the image expressiveness and tenderness;
- comfortable for both adults and children, because hair does not go into the eyes;
- can be suitable for everyday use, and for a solemn event;
- does not require many additional elements and time consuming.

Malvink's hairstyle with pile, classic version

Initially, the hair around the forehead is tucked away so as not to interfere. After that, one strand is taken on the crown and a fleece is created. Then, according to the same principle, the bouffant is done on a few more strands on the crown, they are fixed with varnish and gently smoothed out. Next, strands are taken that go from the forehead and lie on top of the fleece, so as to slightly hide it.

All side curls are fixed behind with invisible ones. Also, be sure to fix them with varnish.

You can also arrange a bouffant in Malvinke's hairstyle in another way.

Malvink's hairstyle with curls

Curls are always very beautiful and feminine. Malvink's hairstyle also looks beautiful with curls, both with artificially created curls, and with natural curls.

This styling will be a great choice for those with curly hair. You can complement the curls with braiding.

For a casual look, you can create a small volume on the top of the head and just collect the curls at the back and fix them, while for those who are naturally curly, you can not create bouffant.

Evening or wedding styling Malvinka

Evening or wedding Malvinka hairstyle with curls is a little more complicated.

This hairstyle is very often chosen by brides for a wedding celebration.

The hair is distributed in a straight parting and rolled on a curling iron or curlers. Strands of hair are selected from the crown, combed and fixed with varnish. Further, all these strands are gathered at the back and fixed with a beautiful hairpin or other decoration.

For a wedding celebration, a decoration made of flowers, especially live ones, will be an excellent addition, then the image will turn out to be very delicate and romantic.

On short hair, the hairstyle will look no worse.

Even for work, Malvinka can be perfect if, for example, you leave your hair straight and not curl. Such a high stacking will perfectly emphasize the office style.

Hairstyle from plaits

Hairstyles based on Malvinka can be created different ways, one of interesting options is laying using harnesses.

A small fleece is made on the crown and the strands are neatly laid and fixed with varnish. A small strand is taken on the left and a tourniquet is formed from it, which should be shifted to the right side and secured. The same strand is taken on the right, a tourniquet is created and thrown to the left side. The harnesses are fixed to each other. Everything is sprayed with varnish again.

Malvinka with a beam

The bun is one of the favorite and simplest everyday styles of girls. If you combine the bun and styling of the Malvinka type, you get an original youth version of the Malvinka hairstyle.

To do this, first a part of the hair is taken at the crown of the head and lifted up, a bun is formed from them, it may not be a little neat, so the styling will turn out more interesting.

On short hair, the hairstyle looks like this.

The bun can be placed a little lower, the photo will clearly demonstrate this hairstyle.

Oblique fishtail styling

Perfect for long curls.

For a more beautiful result, initially the entire hair can be wound. Then, to the left and right of the temples, small bundles are twisted and gathered together at the back of the head. A fish tail is braided from the tails formed from the bundles.

The weaving technique of such a braid is quite simple, two strands are used, which are alternately shifted to the opposite side. After the pigtail is ready, you need to tie it with an elastic band and straighten it a little so that it becomes more voluminous.

If this weaving technique is difficult for someone, you can weave a regular braid.

Hairstyles like this are popular with girls, especially in summer.

Malvinka for short hair

If the length of the hair is approximately up to the shoulders, then there is also a styling option. To begin with, the hair is combed and divided into a straight parting. Then, on one side, three strands are separated and a braid is woven from them in the opposite direction; during weaving, strands should be selected from both sides. After, on the other side, the same is done, and the two braids are connected together. The braids can be straightened a little.

A similar Malvinka can be done in a slightly different way.

Weaving around the head

You can also make a simple image of Malvinka with a pigtail. For this, the hair is wound. On one side, a small curl is taken and an ordinary braid is woven from it. On the other hand, the same is done. Then the pigtails are thrown in opposite directions and fixed with an invisibility under the hair.

For example, the version of Malvinka with a bow will look great.

The entire hair is combed, after which part of the hair is taken from the crown of the head, this can be done by separating the strands with a thin comb to approximately the level of the ears. All curls are not tied with a tight elastic band. Next, you need to pull the loop out of this tail, by not completely passing it through the elastic band.
After that, the loop must be divided in half; for convenience, the two resulting halves can be fixed with a hairpin on the sides. A tail is passed between them, turns under the elastic band and returns down - this will be the middle of the bow. Then the pins are removed and the loops are straightened.

You can perform this hairstyle option with bangs, it will also turn out beautifully and very cute, while the child will be comfortable, since the curls will not interfere. If you practice a little, then the girl herself will be able to create such an image for herself.

Malvinka's styling with a braid flower will be original. The girl will definitely appreciate it.

If you do not do it over the bouffant, then any version of the Malvink's hairstyle discussed above is also suitable for a girl.

A well-done styling or a well-chosen image can transform a woman, cheer her up. , looks great on hair of any structure and length. This styling is perfect for any situation, such as everyday life, and a solemn exit. This is an extremely versatile hairstyle that suits both little fashionistas and stars from the covers of glossy magazines.

Step by step diagram creating hairstyles with a bow

Types and types of styling 2017 for girls

The main advantage of this styling method is that it is easy to perform, but at the same time looks elegant, and if you use additional accessories, then such a hairstyle can look elegant. In addition, the network is always an opportunity to bring something new into it, modify it, get a completely new image.

Malvinka hairstyle with curls for short, medium and long hair

The standard (for every day) version assumes that part of the side strands is collected in a small bunch, and then fixed at the back of the head. The remaining curls remain loose, you can curl them.

Malvink's hairstyle is one of the most romantic and feminine styles

How to make Malvin's fashionable and beautiful hairstyle step by step: with fleece, with bangs and braiding

Today there are many options for Malvina, let's consider the most popular of them.

  • Hairstyle Malvinka style of the sixties. For this, a light bouffant is performed at the roots. Then the strands are collected in a bun, fixed at the crown level, which gives the hair splendor. For better fixation, you can apply gel to the strands before fixing them.
  • The Malvinka hairstyle with curls looks wonderful, this is, on the one hand, a classic version, and on the other, an ideal hairstyle for a ceremonial exit. The side strands are collected at the back of the head, held together.
Malvinka with curls the perfect hairstyle for a formal exit
  • The remaining hair is curled in small strands. It is better to fix each curl with varnish immediately after curling. Ready curls need to be collected so that they do not break up and do not get tangled. The top strands are loosened and also curled. And then they are fixed again. look appropriate for any occasion. Often malvina with curled curls is made for brides for a wedding. You can style your hair to one side or do a high pile. But in all cases, the curls will look gentle and elegant. The Malvinka hairstyle for a wedding looks good, not only for the bride, but also for her bridesmaid. She emphasizes the girl's innocence. And the curled curls of the remaining hair add romanticism to the hairstyle.
We style hair with a styler, varnish and combs
  • Malvinka hairstyle with the effect of wet hair. Gel is applied to wet curls, the side curls are fixed at the back of the head. You can enhance the effect with accessories (a beautiful hairpin, flower, hairpin with pearls).
  • The styling looks very original with strands decorated with braids, plaits and other weaving options. You can do a light bouffant and then twist the two strands into bundles. Upper part can be raised by pressing down with flagella. An interesting and original look will turn out if you first perform the usual version of Malvina. Then, from the remaining strands, two small pigtails are braided, fixed on the back of the head, wrapping them around the head. Weaving itself can be any manifestation of fantasy. Woven ribbons or flowers will only add tenderness to the image.
Styling with strands decorated with pigtails and plaits
  • A hairstyle is possible in which the hair on the back of the head is stacked in layers and intertwined, forming an elegant styling. In this case, it is better to take small strands so that the hairstyle looks more intricate and elegant.

Malvin's hairstyle with a bow

Malvina can have many options, from the simplest to the most unique. One of such styling is considered to be an elegant and original bow.

Malvina has a lot of options, but the bow is considered the most elegant and original.

Easy to do on long hair at home.

  1. In the temporal part (on each side), separate a small strand.
  2. Connect both strands at the back of the head or at the crown, fasten with an elastic band. But do not pass the end of the hair through the elastic, but make a knot from the strands.
  3. Now divide the resulting knot into two equal parts so that you get loops.
  4. Fluff the loops a little, move them apart and in this form secure them with invisibility so that the resulting bow does not fall apart.
  5. Close the middle of the bow with the rest of the strands and fasten well, it is better to use pins. The extra part under the bow.


Evening hairstyles with hairpins, for a wedding

This trendy version of the hairstyle will look gorgeous even on the most solemn occasions.

It is imperative to pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to fix the styling so that it does not fall apart, especially if it is performed for a gala evening. To create a malvina, no special devices are required, a comb, invisible hairpins or hairpins, elastic bands are enough. For the final design, you can use any accessories (bright hairpins or combs, various headbands, headbands, flowers). The main thing is that they are appropriate in this situation.

The Malvinka hairstyle is suitable not only for young schoolgirls. Older girls and women can go to work with this style. If you make curls, you get a great option for a party. You can decorate "Malvinka" with hairpins, use a bow. Stylists constantly come up with new options for such a hairstyle, even with bangs. For example, it is very fashionable to decorate the head with fleece.

This option is suitable for almost all women. Hair color and density do not matter. Hairstyle "Malvina" is a great option for a wedding celebration, birthday, anniversary.

The main benefits of styling

  • it looks good on long hair and medium-length curls;
  • strands can be curled, but can be left straight;
  • there are many accessories with which the Malvinka hairstyle is combined;
  • perfectly emphasizes the eyes, oval and facial features;
  • there are options both for every day and for a special occasion;
  • styling is simple: just prepare a couple of elastic bands and hairpins, and a stylish look is ready;
  • "Malvina" is easy for a little girl to do. In this case, the strands do not interfere.

To make Malvinka really effective, you don't need to iron the strands too much. It's all about the careless volume or even fleece. It is he who draws attention to the eyes, a beautiful forehead. Lightness and simplicity are the main components of this styling. Therefore, do not try too hard with styling products.

The hairstyle looks great on clean, freshly washed hair. But on the dirty head "Malvina" it is better not to do: the image will turn out to be sloppy.


Now it has become even easier to make Malvina. A variety of unusual options simplified the scheme for creating an unusual image. You can use a bow, do styling with bangs, curls, fleece. Below are the most popular and stylish hairstyles.

Many girls are used to collecting part of their hair with a thin elastic band. This is not entirely correct, since the classic styling uses invisible hairpins. They fix the strands, prevent them from falling apart. The elastic tangles the hair too much. From this, the styling becomes ugly, and the curls fall out.

To make a classic "Malvina", you must:

With this styling, you can go to a wedding. She is solemn and sweet at the same time. You can go in this way to any celebration. If you leave the strands straight and do not pin the bow, you get an ideal option for the office.

"Malvina" and curls

Long hair is a great base for curling. For "Malvina" the version with curls fits perfectly. Many brides choose this particular hairstyle. She looks cute but elegant at the same time. An added benefit is the ability to experiment. For example, you can do, but you can do with lush large curls. A beautiful bow made of bright fabric will be an excellent touch.

So, detailed instructions:

  • wash your hair, comb your hair;
  • it is not necessary to curl the entire head: just roll the hair from the middle of the length. You can just twist the ends. But then the styling will not be effective enough;
  • you can use both a curling iron and curlers. But the first option is not suitable for weak, thin, split ends. It is better to use regular curlers. They do not harm the hair. You can even sleep with soft structures;
  • the resulting curls cannot be combed, otherwise the head will look like a dandelion. It is better to just take it apart with your fingers, gently straightening the curls and pulling them in the right direction;
  • gently take sections of hair from the crown, secure with hairpins. You need to be careful here, as the curls can get tangled. It is better to cover the back of the head with a scarf. Then long curls will not interfere with the creation of "Malvinka".

To do it, just take a comb and carefully work through each strand. If the hair is of medium length, you can comb the entire head, and use long strands. The result will be an unusual and very daring styling. Then you can attach the bow.

How to work with fleece? You cannot comb it, you can only smooth it.

So that the strands do not quickly get tangled, and the structure does not disintegrate, it is enough to apply more varnish on the hair.

For girls with weakened hair after curling or dyeing, it is better to wait with a fleece. It will damage brittle and fragile strands even more. Then the hair will look pathetic.

Hairstyle "Malvina" itself looks impressive and stylish. If you supplement it with strokes (curls, fleece) or use a decorative bow, the styling will be even more beautiful.

The "malvinka" hairstyle will help you quickly create a feminine look.

The very name of the hairstyle speaks of tenderness and beauty, as it evokes associations with a cartoon girl with blue curls.

But do not think that the essence of "malvinka" is an unusual color of curls and perky curls. There are a lot of ways to do hairstyles, which you can be convinced of by looking at the photos and videos in the article.

The general principle of creating a "malvinka" hairstyle is a bouffant in the crown area plus loose strands at the back.

You can do it in several ways - curl your hair with curlers, a curling iron, leave your hair straight, twist it in a braid and much more.

Most often, doing just such a hairstyle, little girls learn to be stylish and beautiful. And this is not accidental, because "Malvinka" is very easy to do, it is comfortable to go to school and kindergarten with it.

Styling with or without bangs will look attractive for those with long, medium hair. Curly or straight strands - it doesn't matter.

The advantage of the "malvinka" is that the hairstyle allows you to open the eye area, to draw attention to them. For this hairstyle is chosen by the fair sex of any age.

This styling creates a romantic look. It will look appropriate in any situation. "Malvinka" is allowed to be made in the office, for special occasions, for a wedding in combination with a veil.

All sorts of accessories can be used to shape this simple hairstyle. To visit work, you can decorate your hairstyle with an elastic band to match the color of the curls, a small hairpin.

If you plan to go to a festive event, hairpins with stones, artificial, fresh flowers are used.

For the wedding, the hairstyle is decorated with a veil, a composition of flowers, stones and tulle.

The "Malvinka" hairstyle in any of its variants is easy to do, as you could see in the video.

Still, there are certain rules for its formation. They must be adhered to so that the styling is perfect and can hold out on the head for a long time.

Do not feel sorry for invisible ones, hairpins, rubber bands. Each stage of hairstyle formation should be fixed with a fixing agent.

It is important to know that if some flaws are found when performing the "malvinka", it is better to start the entire installation anew.

It makes no sense to correct an unsuccessful hairstyle, since after a short time the whole hairstyle will disintegrate.

Variants of the "malvinka"

It is easy to independently perform the classic "malvinka" with fleece. It needs to be done on straight, not curled strands. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple, on one side, you need to take a small lock.

Comb it well with a thick comb and fix it with styling agent. Do the same with a few more curls. Part of the hair should form a slight rise.

The next strand, taken from the forehead, should cover the fleece - it should not be noticeable. Pin the strands at the back with hairpins.

From above, you can decorate your hairstyle with an elegant hairpin. Comb back hair smoothly. The classic version of the "malvinka" is ready.

Malvinka with curly curls

If, to create styling on straight curls, you need to make a hat with a fleece, then it will be much easier for the owners of curls to do their hair (see photo).

A comb on such hair is not required. Strands are taken from the sides and collected in the crown area. Natural curls themselves form a kind of bouffant.

Another advantage of the "malvinka" styling on curls is that there is no need to make it smooth. Curls can be slightly sloppy. This will add some romance to the hairstyle.

Styling is possible with or without bangs. It forms very quickly, you don't even need to look in the mirror while doing it.

It is enough to grab the strands and chop them off with a hair clip or an elastic band. The "Malvinka" hairstyle will turn out by itself, a hat will form.

"Malvinka" with curls will look very romantic at a wedding. But for this it will need to be decorated with a veil.

The accessory, obligatory for the bride, is fixed in the place where the curls are fastened behind the pile. Styling with a veil is ideal for a delicate look.

Styling with a bow

Styling with a bow will look very gentle. But a bow made of additional materials is not needed. It will need to be made from strands.

It will take a little longer to complete the styling than to form a classic hairstyle.

It is worth taking care of the presence of a comfortable mirror, and preferably two, so that the back of the head is clearly visible.

Long hair should be brushed well. From each side in the temporal region above the ears, strands should be taken and secured at the back with an elastic band. You should get a small loop.

It is she who needs to be divided into two equal parts and temporarily secured with hairpins. This must be done so that the eyelet does not join.

Parts of the loop must be fixed to the hair in such a way that a bow is obtained. Take a thin strand from the tail part and wrap it in the middle part of the bow.

You should get a small pillow - the middle of the bow. Fix the hair with hairpins. Treat the entire styling with a fixing agent.

Styling with curls

"Malvinka" with curls resembles the execution of a classic hairstyle. Long hair can be curled after the hairstyle is formed. It is allowed to make curls before styling.

In this case, the curls that will turn out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown will give more volume to the hairstyle. It makes no difference whether the hairstyle is with bangs or with an open forehead.

If you need to leave a bang, then it should be carefully laid and fixed with varnish.

All strands should be divided into top and bottom sections. Collect the upper part in a bundle and secure with a hair clip or "crab". It should not interfere with the formation of the bottom.

Disbanded long hair you need to wind it on curlers or curling iron. Each curl must be varnished.

When the bottom of your hair is ready, you can tie it with a scarf for convenience. So they will not interfere with working with the top.

From the top of the hair, you need to take it in a thin strand and curl it with a curling iron. But it is not worth keeping the curl on the curling iron for a very long time.

The result should not be a spring, but a light wave. When all the curls are rolled up, carefully gather at the back and fasten tightly.

Remove the scarf from the bottom and loosen the curls. If desired, part of the hair in the back can be raised slightly. In this case, you will get a high styling.

This hairstyle can be done for special occasions. It is also suitable for a wedding, if you decorate it with flowers, a veil or a composition of tulle and stones.

Other weaves

"Malvinka" with weaving elements is not difficult.

To do this, you need to take the strands in the temple area. Of these, two pigtails should be braided, which must be brought to the back of the head and secured with a hair clip, an elastic band.

Raise the hat, which will turn out from curls, up and stab with invisible ones. Fix the resulting hairstyle with invisible ones.

You can do the braided hairstyle in a different sequence.

To do this, you need to form a "malvinka" as suggested for a classic hairstyle. Hair can be straight or curled.

After the hairstyle is ready, take small strands from the mass of loose hair and braid them into braids. The resulting braids must be wrapped around the head.

The options for weaving braids in this styling can be varied: ordinary, voluminous, with elongated strands.

Alternatively, the side strands can be rolled up in the form of a flagellum, which should be carefully fastened to the back of the head.

If you need to create an original hairstyle for your little princess, then you will hardly find a better haircut than Malvinka. She got her name from the famous heroine from "Buratino". True, unlike her, now such a hairstyle is performed on any hair with different shades.

There are three main groups for creating such a hairstyle:

  1. For short hair.
  2. Average.
  3. Long.

The main feature of such a haircut is that in it you can not only decrease, but also add additional variations: in the form of hairpins, bows, artificial curls. The second characteristic is the complete lack of smoothness. Such a hairstyle must be accompanied by curled curls and splendor of execution.

Pros of Malvin's hairstyle

What are the additional benefits of using such a haircut?

The following can be noted:

Thus, having decided to turn his daughter into a princess, the most ideal option is Malvinka.

On the video Malvinka hairstyle:

How to do a versatile hairstyle for short hair

Malvinka, performed on short hair, requires the intervention of additional accessories, of which, most often, an artificial hairpiece is used. You can buy it in any salon. However, sometimes the absence of any additional devices other than an elastic band is allowed.

Classic "Malvinka" is performed on short and medium straight hair as follows:

With pigtails

There are several more options for creating Malvinka for short hair:

  1. With the effect of wet hair. It is the application of mousse or gel with the fastening of the strands with beautiful accessories.
  2. Creation of a small ponytail. The hair is combed, and a small tail is made on top.
  3. Small pigtails. Pigtails are created around the entire circumference of the head and fastened at the back with hairpins or bows.

Ideal ideas for medium hair

If you are the owner of medium hair - curly or even - then hairstyles made with various bows will definitely suit you.

The following types of hairstyles can be applied:

How to make a high bouffant with your own hands in the style of the sixties

A high pile is created as follows:

When creating such a hairstyle, the hair located at the back of the head should be arbitrarily pulled down. Moreover, it does not matter whether they are even or straight.

Malvinka bow

Despite its complex name, such a haircut is made out quite quickly and simply:

With the correct execution of such a hairstyle, you should get a beautiful bow with strands twisted inward.

Another original version - this is

Malvinka with covering strands of hair around the head

Another original option:

  1. Wash your hair. Apply a small amount of foam to hair and dry thoroughly.
  2. Select a part of the hair on the crown of the head, comb it lightly and put it in a “wave” or semicircle. Stab horizontally with two invisibles.
  3. Move a small section of hair to the left of the face to the right side so that it overlaps the top section of your choice. Secure vertically invisible.
  4. The exact same actions are performed with the strand on the right side. It should cover the left side and cover the free hair area. Fasten vertically with invisibility.
  5. Repeat the weave 2-3 more times, depending on what type of hair you have and how wide you choose the strands.

This hairstyle is perfect for any occasion - festive, casual or work. Instead of direct laying, you can use others: side, for example.


It is allowed to create a similar hairstyle in conjunction with the classic Malvina. In this case, instead of the usual tail, pigtails are made - voluminous or standard. The first ones are obtained by pulling the strand after braiding. But how to do it right and how to do it right is described in detail in the video in this article.

Malvinka with flagella

It is performed in full accordance with the classics, however, instead of tails or pigtails, flagella are created. A similar hairstyle is performed as follows:

If necessary, such hairstyles can be decorated with bows and other additional attributes.

We create a unique look for September 1

Every girl going to the line on September 1 wants to be truly beautiful and unique. That is why every mother faces difficult task: to create a hairstyle that does not take much time, effort, and also does not cause discomfort to your little owner.

Malvink's hairstyle is the most ideal option for such an event. You can make an option using corrugated braids.

What light curls for medium hair are the most popular among young girls and how simple are such curls for performing at home, indicated in this

It runs like this:

  1. A zigzag parting is done.
  2. Two identical strands are created in front and pigtails are braided.
  3. Pigtails are warmed up by an ironing corrugation. You can perform a similar action both before braiding, and after.
  4. The corrugated braids are gathered in a bun, tied with an elastic band and wrapped in a randomly made strand.

Such a hairstyle can emphasize the girl's unique charm, as well as make her fashionable and more beautiful.

With bangs for girls

Among other things, "Malvinka" with bangs will also look quite original. At the same time, it is allowed to create both straight and short, and oblique. A similar hairstyle is performed in the same way as the classic one. The only difference is the creation of the bangs itself. If you want to create a straight bang, you should use a gel.

On the video do-it-yourself Malvinka hairstyle:

It will also be interesting to see how short female model haircuts on the hair of a young girl will look in the photo. To do this, follow the link to the content of this

It is done like this:

  1. First, each strand of bangs is combed.
  2. Thoroughly filled with varnish with medium hold.

If you want to use oblique bangs, you should tackle this issue in advance - about a week before the upcoming holiday. And on the Day of Knowledge, varnish and proper styling are applied.

Malvina's hairstyle is ideal for women of absolutely any age. It assumes constant modernization and provides rich soil for fulfilling the wildest fantasies of their mistresses.