The biggest books in the world. The longest novel The greatest novels in the world

(estimates: 35 , the average: 4,34 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, which is different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, therefore the best classical Russian works are extraordinary, amaze with sincerity and vitality.

The main character is the soul. For a person, the position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the features of a writer who possesses the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics saw life not flat, but multifaceted. They wrote about life not of random destinies, but of those expressing being in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different fates, but they are united by the fact that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created by the best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because it depends on his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects the writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely different people, had different fates, complex characters and great talents. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature, writing their best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is ridicule of the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs have seen how comical and tragic the characters are at the same time. Such books always grab the soul.

Here you can find the best works of classical literature. You can download free books of Russian classics or read online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention the 100 best books of Russian classics. The complete list of books includes the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature is known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part of the collection of the best works of the great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving for, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure the soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The list of the top 100 includes the best and most famous works of Russian classics. The plot of many of them has been known since school. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age, it requires wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete, it can be continued endlessly. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She not only teaches something, she radically changes lives, helps to realize simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope you enjoy our list of classic Russian literature books. Perhaps you have already read something from it, but some have not. A great reason to make your personal list of books, your top, which you would like to read.

Now it's time to write about the longest book. So far I have the longest book I have read, this is probably “” 🙂

When we ask which book is the longest, we mean primarily the length of the word, not the physical length. Although, for example, in the city of Castello, residents have created the longest book in the world - 1856 meters. It was designed in the form of a huge papyrus scroll, which was carefully wound on a pole. As a result, 11 fairy tales were included in this creation. However, even with all the merits of the authors of the above-mentioned record, they hardly gave this idea their whole life. Because the length of the word itself, and sometimes “depth”, is a more laborious and serious quantity.

It was Jules Romain who became the author of the longest work in the world. Its length, in terms of the number of words printed (even hard to imagine), exceeds 2 million! And the page index itself, 50 sheets in size, causes a very ambiguous reaction. The novel is called "People of Good Will" (Les Hommes de bonne volonte) and is composed of 27 volumes, the book was written for 14 years - from 1932 to 1946.

In the foreword to his long-running creative marathon, the author questioned the writing structure of Balzac's masterpieces such as Proust and Roland. Because he considered unacceptable the "mechanistic" idea of ​​writing multivolume novels, where the whole is revealed through a single person. That is, Jules Romain himself, publishing his first volume back in 1932, was confident in the idea of ​​the confusion and disorder of the plot and the life of all its heroes (there were about 400 of them in People of Goodwill).

The longest book really has it all: criminality and spirituality, wealth and poverty, politics and culture. And, of course, all events are supported by the ideas of the history of that time. In general, the novel told about the events of 1908-1933. The author of this work rather tried to help understand all the vicissitudes of the time of crisis that the French people faced. However, Jules Romain did not shy away from writing articles and essays on various scientific, political and literary topics - he was known as an erudite person.

However, the novel itself was subsequently heavily criticized. The literary world did not accept the work the way the creator wanted it. The prosecution prescribed a distorted statement of facts to this work. Jules Romain has been criticized for misunderstanding history. Therefore, if you are ready to justify a writer, even in the 21st century, then start reading the longest book in the world.

It should not be ruled out that Sokhachi Yamaoka's novel Tokugawa Ieyasu has been published in Japanese daily newspapers since 1951. If published now that the novel is complete, it will be a 40-volume edition.

I think this novel by Sohachi Yamaoka "Tokugawa Ieyasu" also deserves the title of "Longest Book"

Interesting facts about books that differ from the rest in size, dimensions and circulation.

The biggest book... The so-called "Superbook", published in 1976 in the American town of Denver, Colorado, is recognized as the largest book in the world. It has three hundred pages. The book weighs more than 250 kilograms. Its length and width are 3.07 and 2.74 meters, respectively.

The largest edition. The most voluminous multivolume edition is the collection of British Parliamentary Documents in 1,112 volumes. The work was released by the University of Ireland in 1968-1972, weighing 3.3 tons, worth 50 thousand pounds. If you devote ten hours a day to reading it, it would take six years to read it completely. The multivolume edition was published in 500 copies. The cost of one multivolume kit for 1987 was £ 9,500.

The largest dictionary. The Deutsches Warterbuch dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm is the largest of all world dictionaries. Its 33 volumes contain 34519 pages. It was created for about 20 years, from 1854 to 1971. Today its value is estimated at 5,425 German marks. English Dictionary "The Oxford English Dictionary" in 20 volumes and 21728 pages more than all other dictionaries of the English language.
In 1981, McMillan published The Grove New Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Stanley Sadie. Its 20 volumes contain 4,500 illustrated pages and over 22 million words. This gigantic edition presents specialized literature of a vocabulary nature. In 1987, its cost was measured at 1,100 pounds sterling.

The smallest book. The smallest book is a book for children, which measures 1x1 mm. This is the tale "Old King Cole". It is issued on paper with a density of 22 mm per 1 meter / sq. m. The circulation was 85 pieces. You will need a thin needle to turn book pages. The Scottish publishing house "Gleniffer Press" has released a unique edition.

Longest novel. The longest novel is People of Good Will by the French writer Jules Romain. 27 volumes of the novel were published in 1932-1946. The English version was shorter and took only 4959 pages in 14 volumes. The table of contents of the book is 100 pages. In total, the novel contains 2 million 70 thousand words.

Another long novel, Tokugawa Ieyasu by Japanese author Sohachi Yamaoka, was published through daily newspapers and was never published. But if all the chapters of the novel are put together, you get 40 medium-sized book volumes.

The largest circulation. What do you think, what book has been reprinted millions of times in virtually all languages ​​of the world and which everyone knows about, regardless of nationality and religion? Of course, this is the Bible. The first printed book and the book with the largest circulation.

The largest world encyclopedia. Consists of 105 thousand pages and is called "The Universal Illustrated Euro-American Encyclopedia". The edition has been published since 1935 and includes 165 million 200 thousand words. At the time of August 1983, the cost of the encyclopedia was $ 2,325, and the volume was 104 volumes.

Longest pointer. The longest is the index of the magazine "Chemical Abstracts". The weight of his 75 volumes is 172.3 kg. It has 131,445 pages and 23,948,253 articles.

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By Russian classical literature, we mean the works of the classics: writers not only exemplary, but also became symbols of Russian culture. Only the person who knows classical works, appreciates their merits, feels their inner beauty, can be considered truly educated. Today you will find out according to women's magazine Charla.

10 best books of Russian literature: "The Brothers Karamazov"

"The Brothers Karamazov" conceived as the first part of the novel "The Life of the Great Sinner." The first sketches were made in 1878, the novel was completed in 1880. However, Dostoevsky did not have time to complete his plan: the writer died a few months after the publication of the book. Most of The Brothers Karamazov was written in Staraya Russa, the prototype of Skotoprigonievsk, where the main action takes place.

Perhaps this novel can be considered the most complex and controversial work of the great Russian writer. Critics have dubbed him "an intellectual detective", many call him the best work about the mysterious Russian soul. This is the last and one of the most famous novels of Dostoevsky, it was filmed both in our country and in the West, where, by the way, this work is held in high esteem. What is this novel about? Each reader answers this question differently. The author himself defined his great creation as "a novel about blasphemy and its refutation." One thing is certain, this is one of the deepest philosophical works of world literature about sin, mercy, the eternal struggle taking place in the human soul.

10 best books of Russian literature: "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Moron"- Dostoevsky's fifth novel. Published from 1868 to 1869 in the journal "Russian Bulletin". This novel occupies a special place in the writer's work: it is considered one of the most mysterious works of Dostoevsky. The main character of the book is Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, whom the author himself called a "positively beautiful" person, the embodiment of Christian goodness and virtue. Having spent most of his life in isolation, Prince Myshkin decided to go out, but he did not know with what cruelty, hypocrisy, greed he would have to face: for disinterestedness, honesty, philanthropy and kindness the prince was contemptuously nicknamed "idiot" ...

10 best books of Russian literature: "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy

The epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" about the times of the two wars against Napoleon - 1805 and 1812 - one of the most famous works of not only Russian, but also world literature. This book is from the category of an eternal classic, because it reveals with deep skill the main components of human life: war and peace, life and death, love and betrayal, courage and cowardice. The greatest epic work has tremendous success all over the world: the book was filmed several times, performances and an opera were staged based on it. The novel consists of four parts, the first part was published in 1865 in the Russian Bulletin.

The tragic novel about the love of married Anna Karenina for the handsome officer Vronsky is one of the greatest masterpieces of Russian literature, still relevant today. “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” - these lines are familiar to every person.

Anna Karenina- a complex, deep, psychologically sophisticated work that captures the reader from the first lines and does not let go to the end. The novel by the brilliant psychologist Tolstoy conquers with its absolute artistic authenticity and dramatic narrative, forcing the reader to watch closely how the relationship between Anna Karenina and Vronsky, Levin and Kitty will develop. It is not surprising that this book conquered not only Russian readers, but also Europe and America.

10 best books of Russian literature: "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov

Bulgakov wrote this brilliant novel for eleven years, constantly changing and supplementing the text. However, Bulgakov never managed to see it published: a whole thirty years passed before one of the greatest works of Russian prose of the twentieth century was allowed to be published. "The Master and Margarita"- the most mysterious and mystical novel of Russian literature. This book received worldwide recognition: many countries around the world are trying to comprehend its secrets.

10 best books of Russian literature: "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol

The immortal work of Gogol "Dead Souls" about human cunning and weakness must be in the home library. Gogol very brightly and colorfully showed human souls: after all, "dead souls" are not only those that Chichikov bought, but also the souls of living people, buried under their petty interests.

The novel was originally conceived in three volumes. The first volume was published in 1842. However, further events have a mystical connotation: after finishing the second volume, Gogol completely burned it - only a few chapters remained in the drafts. And ten days after that, the writer died….

10 best books of Russian literature: "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak

"Doctor Zhivago"- the pinnacle of Pasternak's creativity as a prose writer. The writer created his novel over ten years from 1945 to 1955. This is a sincere and poignant love story against the backdrop of the chaos of the Civil War, which is accompanied by poems by the protagonist, Yuri Zhivago. These poems, written by Pasternak at different periods of his life, perfectly reveal the unique facets of the author's poetic talent. Boris Pasternak received the Nobel Prize for Doctor Zhivago on October 23, 1958. But in the writer's homeland, unfortunately, the novel caused a huge scandal, and the book was banned for many years. Pasternak was one of the few who defended freedom of speech to the end. Perhaps this is what cost him his life ...

10 best books of Russian literature: collection of short stories "Dark alleys" by Ivan Bunin

Stories "Dark alleys"- frank, sincere, exquisitely sensual love stories. Perhaps these stories can be considered the best example of Russian love prose. The Nobel laureate, the brilliant writer was one of the few authors of his time (stories were written in 1938) who spoke so openly, sincerely and beautifully about the relationship between a man and a woman, about beautiful love that can last a lifetime ... "Dark alleys »Will surely appeal to all women and girls as some of the most poignant love stories.

10 best books of Russian literature: "Quiet Don" by Mikhail Sholokhov

Epic novel "Quiet Don" in four volumes was published in 1940 in "Roman-Gazeta". This is one of the most ambitious works of Russian literature, which brought world fame to Mikhail Sholokhov. Moreover, in 1965 the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a crucial time for Russia." This is a grandiose novel about the fate of the Don Cossacks, a fascinating saga about love, devotion, betrayal and hatred. The book, the controversy about which does not subside to this day: some literary scholars believe that in fact the authorship does not belong to Sholokhov. In any case, this work deserves to be read.

10 best books of Russian literature: "The Gulag Archipelago" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Another Nobel Prize winner, classic of Russian literature, an outstanding writer of the twentieth century - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of the world famous documentary and fiction epic "GULAG Archipelago", which tells about the repressions in the Soviet years. This is more than a book: it is a whole study based on the personal experience of the author (Solzhenitsyn himself was a victim of repression), documents and testimonies of many eyewitnesses. This is a book about suffering, tears, blood. But at the same time it shows that a person can always, under the most difficult circumstances, remain a person.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the outstanding books of Russian literature. Nevertheless, these are books that every person who appreciates and honors Russian culture should know.

Alisa Terentyeva

There are many records set by books. Known for the thickest and longest books, the books with the highest circulation and the largest books in the world. Some of them are originally published with the aim of becoming very-very.

Longest books

Speaking about the longest books, you can mean the length of the book in terms of duration, or you can mean the actual (physical) length of it.

It should be noted that it is difficult to imagine a person who would devote years of his life to the creation of an actually long book. Usually, writers strive to convey the meaning of their work, even the longest of all, through the depth of words and thoughts.

"People of goodwill"

For fourteen years, starting in 1932, Jules Romain wrote a novel called People of Good Will. It contains at least two million words. The novel was published in twenty seven volumes. It is recognized as the longest in the world. A very controversial reaction is caused by the table of contents, which occupies as many as fifty pages.

Spirituality, crime, poverty, wealth, culture and politics can be found in the novel. In twenty-seven volumes, the author described the life of four hundred heroes, touching upon the events from 1908 to 1933. Unfortunately, the literary world did not accept this work quite the way the author wanted it. After the publication of the novel, it was heavily criticized. The idea was expressed that the author distorted the events of that time, misunderstanding the history.


The length of the book with the title “Fantastic” is one kilometer, eight hundred and fifty-six meters. This is the longest (physically) book in the world. It was created by four hundred people from the educational city of Castello. The teachers of the center and even the families of all participants also took part in this "experiment".

The book was made of papyrus and wound on a pole. The record was registered by one of the notaries of the city of Castello. It includes eleven fairy tales, the main idea of ​​which is poverty and wealth.

The thickest books

There are several record-breaking thick books. One of them is "WIKIPEDIA", which is articles from the Internet, collected in one printed edition. There is an assumption that this collection of articles was published only in order for the book of five thousand pages to get into the Guinness Book of Records. It is doubtful that such a thick book can be read - it is completely impractical to use it.

Another record-breaking book is the world's thickest edition about Miss Marple, printed as a complete collection. The works of Agatha Christie, collected in one book, fit on four thousand thirty-two pages. The spine of this edition is three hundred twenty-two millimeters wide and weighs eight kilograms. Despite the fact that such a gigantic book is most likely unsuitable for reading, it was published in the amount of five hundred copies.

Books with the largest circulation

No wonder the Bible is called a book-books. It has been reprinted many times in all countries of our planet. Its popularity not only does not fall, but continues to rise. To date, the number of copies of this book published is approximately six billion.

Another book, the circulation of which can be safely called one of the largest, is the quotation book by Mao Zedong. Its circulation is one billion copies. Usually this book is published with a red cover, for which in Western countries the quotation book is often called the "Red Book".

John Tolkien's fantasy book The Lord of the Rings, which is in third place, lags far behind in terms of circulation. Its circulation is one hundred million copies. Approximately the same circulation for the book with the title "American Spelling Guide" and the "Guinness Book of Records", which are in the fourth and fifth places in the ranking of books with the largest circulation.

Sixth in the ranking is the World Yearbook with a circulation of eighty million copies, and seventh place is the McGuffey Children's Reading Anthology. The circulation of this book is sixty million copies. With a circulation of fifty million copies, the book "The Basics of Child Care" was published. "The Da Vinci Code" took the ninth line of the rating with a circulation of forty-three million, and in the tenth place of honor, the work of Elbert Hubbard with a circulation of forty million. Its name is "Message to Garcia".

The largest book in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world's largest printed book is The Giant Visual Odyssey of the Kingdom of Bhutan. The dimensions of its pages are one hundred fifty-two by two hundred and thirteen centimeters. The total weight of this book, consisting of one hundred and twelve pages, is almost sixty kilograms. Today, only eleven copies have been created.

To print one book, you need to spend a roll of paper, the length of which is comparable to the length of a football field. The printing technology for this book was invented and developed by Michael Hawley, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute. Anyone can order the book for thirty thousand dollars.

It is known about the "Superbook", which was published in 1976 in Denver. Its dimensions are three hundred seven by two hundred seventy-four centimeters and weighs almost two hundred and fifty-three kilograms. In 2004, the publishing house "In" set a new record in Russia, namely, the book "The Biggest Book for Kids" was published. Its dimensions are capable of striking everyone - six by three meters and weighing four hundred and ninety-two kilograms. It is difficult to imagine such a book, because the area of ​​each page is equal, no less than eighteen square meters.

There are other amazing books as well. For example, the most expensive volume of poetry was the publication of Edgar Poe's book "Tamerlane and Other Poems". ...
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