Orthodox female monastery in Odessa. Holy Archangel-Michael's nunnery in Odessa - Holy places of Russia St. Michael's nunnery

Odessa St. Archangel Michael's Convent was founded back in 1835 as the Church of the Archangel Michael. The monastery was created by the famous figures of Odessa: Prince M. Vorontsov and his wife, Countess R. Edling, philanthropist and writer A. Sturdza and others. In 1835, the Governor-General, Count Mikhail Vorontsov, built on a vacant lot by the sea, on the outskirts of the city, a church in honor of his heavenly patron Archangel Michael. In 1840 the Holy Synod decreed to establish a female co-ordinate monastery at this church. This place really turned out to be great, for there were so many good undertakings here, so much benefit it brought to the city and people that its good trace turned out to be extremely deep. A lot of charitable work was carried out in the monastery: a refectory for the poor, a hospital, a school for orphan girls functioned. The monastery flourished with the vigilant labor of the abbess. Abbess such as Tabitha, Susanna, Myropia, Archelaus and Raphael, led the construction of the spiritual home of the holy family of monastics.

In 1923, the monastery was closed “as a counter-revolutionary one” for supporting Patriarch Tikhon and refusing to follow the renovationist split. In 1931, the Archangel-Mikhailovsky Cathedral and the bell tower were blown up. During the occupation of Odessa in 1941, when obstacles collapsed, this manifested itself with particular force. All churches were opened in the city. On April 27, 1942, an act of transferring the premises of the monastery to the sisters of the monastery was drawn up. On September 3, 1944, the abbess, nun Anatolia, was elevated to the rank of hegumen. More than 70 sisters then lived in the monastery. They worked tirelessly in the monastery hospital, mill, vegetable garden, in the barnyard, baking prosphora, in workshops, in a church. The nuns had the good fortune to communicate with the holy ascetic Elder John (in the world Ivan Petrovich Zhukovsky), a holy fool for Christ's sake, who lived in the post-war years within the walls of the monastery.

In 1961, the monastery was closed by the Soviet and party authorities, and its territory was transferred to the city tuberculosis hospital. The revival of the monastery began in 1992. The monastery at that time was a miserable and wretched sight: the singing building lay in ruins, the buildings were dilapidated, trees and grass grew through gaping holes in the rotten roof. Traces of many years of desolation were visible everywhere. The monastery rose from the ruins under the care of the archpastor of Odessa, Metropolitan Agafangel. He donated the miraculous icon of the Gerbovets Mother of God to the monastery. Knowing how important it is to revive liturgical life, Vladyka presented the monastery with a Eucharistic set for the repose of his parents, nun Macarius and the soldier Michael, a gilded vestment for the Holy See, various utensils, several cars, building materials, etc.

Having such strong spiritual support, the monastery is trying to revive those glorious traditions of the past, with which it earned itself a good name from God and people. Workshops for sewing vestments, making utensils, restoring icons, embroidery with gold and beads were opened. There is a charitable refectory at the monastery to feed the poor and needy, which is received by about 500 people a day, lovingly providing all possible help. The House of Mercy operates on the territory of the monastery, in which 80 disadvantaged people have found shelter.

The monastery has two sketes: Holy Nativity of the Theotokos in the village of Baranovo and Holy Voznesensky in Odessa.

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Holy Archangel Michael's Convent. In 1835, Count Mikhail Vorontsov, on the outskirts of the city, not far from the sea, built a church in honor of the Archangel Michael, his heavenly patron. Five years later, the Holy Synod established a nunnery at this church.

The Holy Archangel Michael's Convent then became a real spiritual and cultural center of Odessa. A hospital and a refectory for the poor functioned here, and a Diocesan School for orphan girls was established. Unfortunately, during the years of the "revolutionary storm" the monastery was declared "counter-revolutionary" and was closed. In 1931, the Archangel-Mikhailovsky Cathedral with a bell tower was blown up. Although in the terrible 40s they tried to revive the monastery life in the remaining buildings, in 1961 everything was closed again.

Only in 1992 did a real revival of the monastery begin: restoration and construction work was carried out, workshops for the creation and sewing of vestments, embroidery with beads and gold, and the restoration of icons were reopened. On the territory of the monastery there is a refectory for feeding the poor and the House of Mercy, which sheltered people without a fixed abode. Metropolitan Agafangel donated the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Gerbovets and church utensils for performing rituals.

At present, the Christian Odessa Museum has been opened, which contains unique collections telling about the formation of the Orthodox religion in the city.

Holy Dormition Monastery

This future center of spiritual culture arose as a result of a tragic accident. Once during a leisure walk, the Moldovan landowner Alexander Teutul made a fire with his friends. A Greek ship sailing to Odessa, mistaking the fire for the light of a lighthouse, strayed from the designated course and ran aground. As a result, several people died. Alexander Teutul, as a believer and greatly experienced what had happened, decided to donate his estate to the Russian Orthodox Church.

So, in 1814, a wooden church in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God and a bishop's courtyard appeared on the donated territory. And in 1827 the lighthouse was completed. Subsequently, the buildings were rebuilt several times and in 1825 the stone church was consecrated. In addition, a refectory, a hotel for visitors, vegetable gardens and vineyards appeared.

In the revolutionary years, the property of the monastery will be confiscated, and the temple itself will be blown up. Most of the priests and monks were sent into exile. The real revival began only in 1944, when the monastery began to be gradually improved. In 1946, this monastery was visited by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy I, and even his summer residence was established. Therefore, the monastery was also called the Patriarch.

Now the Holy Dormition Patriarchal Monastery is the center of the spiritual life of Odessa and a place of pilgrimage.

In 1835, the Governor-General, Count Mikhail Vorontsov, in honor of his heavenly patron Archangel Michael, built a temple on the outskirts of Odessa. And five years later, the Holy Synod decided: to establish a female communal monastery at the temple. A hospital and a refectory for the poor were set up at the monastery, and a Diocesan School for Girls was created for orphan girls.

In the twenties of the last century black days came for the monastery: at first it was closed as a "counter-revolutionary", and then the monastery cathedral and bell tower were blown up. And only in 1942 the authorities of the occupying Odessa again transferred the premises of the monastery to the sisters of the monastery. But less than twenty years later, the monastery was closed again, and a city tuberculosis hospital was set up on its territory.

The revival of the Archangel-Mikhailovsky convent began only in 1991: the charter was registered, and two years later the remaining premises were partially returned, however, their condition was extremely dilapidated. Slowly, step by step, the monastery rose from the ruins: not only new buildings were built - old good traditions were revived. Workshops for sewing vestments, making utensils, restoration with gold and beads were opened at the monastery, a house of mercy, a charitable refectory began to operate, receiving up to 500 poor and indigent a day, and the opening was timed to coincide with the 210th anniversary of Odessa and the 150th anniversary of the Kasperovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Museum "Christian Odessa".

Address: st. Uspenskaya, 46

Transport: from the railway station - trolleybuses 2,3 to Shevchenko park
Schedule of services:
Daily - 7.30, Sundays and holidays liturgy - 8.30

Odessa Arkhangelsk Michael Convent Convent of the Archangel Michael in Odessa (Odessa diocese)

In the city, the Governor-General, Count Mikhail Vorontsov, built a church in honor of his heavenly patron Archangel Michael on a vacant lot by the sea, on the outskirts of the city. In the city of the Holy Synod, it was decided to establish a female communal monastery at this church. A lot of charitable work was carried out in the monastery: a refectory for the poor, a hospital, a school for orphan girls functioned. The monastery flourished with the vigilant labor of the abbess.

In the year, the monastery was closed "as a counter-revolutionary" for support of Patriarch Tikhon and refusal to follow the Renovationist split. In the year, the Archangel Michael Cathedral and the bell tower were blown up.

During the occupation of Odessa, all churches were opened in the city. On April 27, an act of transferring the premises of the monastery to the sisters of the monastery was drawn up. On September 3, the abbess, nun Anatolia, was elevated to the rank of hegumen. More than 70 sisters then lived in the monastery. The sisters worked tirelessly in the monastery hospital, mill, vegetable garden, in the barnyard, baking prosphora, in workshops, in a church.

In the post-war years, Blessed John (Ivan Petrovich Zhukovsky), a holy fool for Christ's sake, lived within the walls of the monastery.

In the city of the Soviet and party authorities the monastery was closed, and its territory was transferred to the city tuberculosis hospital.

The revival of the monastery began in the city of The monastery at that time was a pitiful and wretched sight: the singing building lay in ruins, the buildings were dilapidated, trees and grass grew through gaping holes in the rotten roof. Traces of many years of desolation were visible everywhere.

Since then, the monastery has been actively restored. Workshops for sewing vestments, making utensils, restoring icons, embroidery with gold and beads were opened. There is a charitable refectory at the monastery to feed the poor and needy, which is received by about 500 people a day, lovingly providing all possible help. The House of Mercy operates on the territory of the monastery, in which 80 disadvantaged people have found shelter.

The monastery devotes a lot of effort to working with children, helping preschool and school institutions, a city boarding school for disabled children, etc. Schools of spiritual education have been opened at the monastery: for the disabled, at a children's sanatorium, at a women's prison, a Sunday school for parishioners. In addition to Sunday schools, educational activities are carried out through the library, which has a large number of both pre-revolutionary publications and books published in the modern period. Exhibitions and other cultural events are regularly held in the exhibition hall of the House of Mercy. At the monastery there is a Regent and Gold Embroidery Department of the Odessa Theological Seminary, where students from all over Ukraine study.

In the city of Odessa, a women's monastery has been functioning for over 150 years. In the past century, the institution has been closed several times for a number of reasons. In 1992, the Mikhailovsky Monastery officially opened its doors to all those in need of shelter and a kind word. The abbess of the temple is Abbess Seraphima (Shevchik).


On the territory there is a department of "Mercy", accommodates about 80 people. The nuns take care of the bedridden, help them cope with everyday problems on a daily basis.

They accompany people with disabilities on walks, feed them, provide assistance with hygiene procedures, always listen and support their guests.


Not only those living in the house of "Mercy" can receive quality, but also all the poor and the poor. The public meal sets the tables with hot dishes and is attended by about 50 people every day.


Various workshops are open on the territory. The guests take an active part in sewing church vestments, make various utensils for church rituals, and are engaged in the restoration of icons.

Everyone can visit the spiritual schools that are open at the monastery. The collection contains many books, including works of pre-revolutionary times. The territory of the monastery is fully equipped with pedestrian paths, benches where you can sit and breathe in the fresh air.