Classic eclairs. The best recipes for homemade eclairs - sweet cakes and snacks. Secrets and recipe for choux pastry for making eclairs in the oven or slow cooker. Chocolate and white icing for eclairs, cream and filling: recipe, photo Prigo

Good afternoon, today I made an article that will help a BEGINNING housewife make perfect custard eclairs or cakes the first time. I will tell you how to properly make choux pastry according to the recipe.

Choux pastry has a very simple recipe (the simplest of all there can be).

But- despite the simplicity of the recipe - if you don't know 7 important rules you may not succeed. This is exactly what happened to me: I threw my first custard eclairs into the trash (they didn’t rise, didn’t swell, lay on the baking sheet like dead flat cakes - then I actually burst into tears).

And when the wounds on my sensitive culinary soul healed, I, with new strength and faith in success, began to scour forums and articles and eventually found THAT INFORMATION that is not often written in choux pastry recipes. But without which it is impossible to bake proper plump eclairs and profiteroles.

So that everything works out for you FROM THE FIRST EXPERIENCE.

So... let's start in order.

What is choux pastry?

This is a dough that, when baked, gives an airy, tender, crispy bun. with EMPTINITY inside.

Air bubbles inside these buns come from that the dough contains a lot of water. In a hot oven, the water begins to actively evaporate, and the oil included in the dough does not allow air to pass freely through the pores of the dough, and The water vapor pressure from inside the bun inflates it like a balloon.

And this very emptiness in the custard ball-eclair or cake is filled with a variety of fillings: condensed milk, cream, curd paste, fruit jam.

Even the most novice cook can make choux pastry. But for this he will need not just a recipe.

But also some important nuances of baking, without knowledge of which custard buns or profiteroles may not turn out as airy as you want.

Now you will find out all the secrets of choux pastry...

And then you can bake delicious profiteroles with chocolate (first photo) and cheesecakes with raspberries (second photo).

So let's make this choux pastry. And we will reveal all its secrets.

  • First I will give you the recipe (classic step by step choux pastry recipe)
  • And then I will explain in great detail WHAT MISTAKES CANNOT BE MADE in the actual work of preparing this dough.

Choux pastry recipe..

(proportions for 40 small buns)

  • 1 glass water + 100g butter - melt.
  • Without removing from the heat, add the sifted flour ( 1 glass, that is 160 grams)
  • Brew this flour in hot water with butter (stirring with a spoon or mixer)
  • Add eggs 3-4 pieces. And knead again.
  • Spread the dough with a spoon or pastry syringe onto a greased baking sheet and bake.


But only for those. who knows BASIC RULES FOR PREPARING THIS TEST.

Important Rules –

for the choux pastry recipe.

Let's now go through our recipe - step by step - and understand each rule.

At first everything is simple...

Pour water into a saucepan... put oil in it and bring it all to a boil.

RULE ONE – don’t let the water boil for too long...

Sometimes it happens that your water contains oil it's already boiling... and you got distracted and she continues to gurgle b...

Because of this, she may partially evaporate from boiling... and liquid in the pan will become smaller. And the proportions of dry and liquid will be disrupted. The result will be a choux pastry thicker than necessary.

RULE TWO – flour should brew instantly...

While the liquid is heating up, we will prepare the “flour landing”. Precisely “landing” - because an airborne landing is always instant and lightning fast. This is what should happen with our flour.

The first time I made choux pastry, I made the mistake of pouring the flour out of the glass too slowly. Because it really slowly pours out of the glass.

Have to do differently.

  • Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. To have a fold line.
  • Pour our (already sifted) flour onto this sheet.
  • To this flour - add sugar (for sweet dough) ... or salt (for salty dough).
  • And when the mixture of water and oil boils in our pan, reduce the heat... and...
  • We take our sheet - by the edges, so that it bent in the fold line, and all the flour was ready to be instantly poured from the sheet.
  • We bring the sheet with flour to the pan - in the second hand immediately take a spoon(wooden spatula... or mixer)
  • Pour flour into boiling oil water - in one motion - noise and immediately ( at the same second) stir quickly, quickly (throw the sheet aside, grab the handle of the pan with one hand and quickly stir all the flour into the water.

The brewed flour needs to be COOKED thoroughly.

Quickly sprinkled flour should boil down. This takes time. Add flour, mix it with boiling water and without removing the pan from the heat (unless the heat is reduced) – knead it directly in the pan. Then we spread it with a spoon on the bottom of the pan - then we collect it in something - then we spread it again - again in something. To make the dough boiled from all sides. After 2 minutes it will be thoroughly cooked.

And it will become a soft, homogeneous lump.

RULE THREE – the temperature of the choux pastry and the size of the eggs matter.

Now, after the flour has brewed and the pan has been removed from the heat, you need to beat in the eggs. But not at once– the dough should not be very hot (so that the eggs do not bake in it) – it is better to stick your finger into the choux pastry: if the temperature is tolerable for you, then the eggs will not “burn”.

If the dough It's going to get completely cold before adding eggs - this is also bad. Then it turns out slimy. And then we will no longer be able to bring it to a meaty-creamy texture.

It may turn out that the size of the eggs will disturb the proportion of liquid/dryness, and the dough will turn out to be too liquid.

Therefore, we beat the eggs into a separate bowl. And beat it there.

And then we start add the egg mixture little by little into choux pastry.

Added and stirred. Added and stirred and kneaded...

Until the dough becomes we need consistency (that is, sometimes some of the egg mixture is still in the mug... and the dough has already become as it should... which means there is no need to add more egg mixture - that's enough).

And here there is one more point. According to my observations, this is how it turns out. If you stir the choux pastry with a wooden spoon, more eggs are required. And if you use a mixer, then less. The fact is that the mixer stirs the dough too much and intensively, and from mixing it becomes more liquid and fluid, and therefore requires less eggs.

You will see for yourself when you will stop adding eggs to our choux pastry. You will see by consistency.

What does the CORRECT consistency of choux pastry look like?

The desired consistency looks like this: homogeneous shiny paste. which keeps its shape for some time. You yourself will already be able to see by the contents of your pan: here you are stirring the choux pastry with a spoon, and stain patterns in the pan (marks from stirring) how do the frozen ones hold their shape?(photo above).

Or you can check like this: I scoop the dough out of the pan with my finger, and if the scooped liquid piece retains its shape (like toothpaste on a toothbrush), dough tuft sticks out rises to the top and does not fall, which means the dough is as it should be.

Thanks to this property, the choux pastry, when placed on a baking sheet, completely retains its shape and pattern (if the syringe had a patterned nozzle).

And after baking, such an eclair will retain its patterned surface.

What to do if the dough turned out too thick or too runny?

When this happened to me, I naively decided that the thickness of the dough (in one direction or another) could be changed by adding eggs or flour.

But in fact, these innovations in the recipe will only ruin the entire dough. And it will have to be thrown away.

The problem needs to be solved this way.

If the dough is thick, then in a separate saucepan we make a little of the same dough, but more liquid (that is, we put a little more water according to the recipe - we boiled the flour - we added the eggs). And then this batter was mixed with our first too-thick batter.

If the dough is liquid, then we make a little of the same dough in a separate saucepan, but thicker. That is, we pour water and oil according to the recipe, add flour according to the recipe - knead and brew the flour. And we add this dough (which is still without eggs) to our first too liquid dough.

There is one more useful rule when placing dough on a baking sheet...

RULE FOUR - the baking sheet must be wet.

Spread a baking sheet for buns with a VERY THIN LAYER of butter (vegetable or butter) - a thick layer of butter will give a thick crust at the bottom, which will be difficult to tear off from the baking sheet.

Therefore, it is better to bake them on a silicone mat (it does not need to be lubricated with anything).

Be sure to spray the baking sheet generously with water. I just pour water on it and then shake the water off the pan. And small droplets remain clinging to the oil.

These very droplets will give us the necessary humidity inside the oven. And then our buns will rise more together.

How to place the choux pastry on a baking sheet.

Place the dough on a baking sheet

  • or a spoon (dipped in water).
  • or a pastry syringe with a large nozzle.
  • or through a regular plastic bag with a hole cut in it.
  • or roll up a bag of plain paper.

For profiteroles, it is better to use a spoon - you will get a perfect circle (if anything gets smeared, correct it with a wet finger). Or a wide nozzle without a pattern.


Round – no more than a teaspoon.

Long – no more than two teaspoons by volume.

Otherwise, it will not rise - too much dough is difficult to rise.

Distance between laid out portions choux pastry - should be at least 2 centimeters. After baking, eclairs laid out with a spoon will look like round, pot-bellied buns.

If the custard cakes are long, use a syringe. If the nozzle of the syringe is thin, then you can simply squeeze out several sausages next to each other (one on top of the other) and in the end we will get a sausage of the thickness we need.

RULE FIFTH - do not let the choux pastry lie on the baking sheet for a long time.

If the balls of choux pastry pressed onto a baking sheet are not immediately put into the oven, then the moisture will begin to evaporate from the dough, and on top of the dough a crust that we don’t need is formed. And then our eclairs (or profiteroles) will not rise.

RULE SIX – the oven must have hot humidity.

Preheat the oven up to a temperature of 180 degrees.

We put our baking sheet with custard eclairs and cakes.

And now let's create an additional steam for oven. To do this, pour some water into the bottom of the mug and plop it directly onto the hot bottom of the oven. Not on the flame itself, of course, otherwise it will go out, but on the hot walls or bottom of the oven. This way our custard profiteroles will definitely rise.

RULE SEVEN - do not open the oven (until they are baked).

You may ask, how do we know that they are already baked if we don’t open them and look.

Small choux buns or cakes are baked 20 minutes. Until a brown-golden crust appears.

If 20 minutes have passed, you opened the oven, and your profiteroles not finished yet(inflated but pale), that is, there is a possibility that in such a pale form they will fall off - deflate. Then you can do this...

When you look into the oven, Keep a cup ready with a small amount of water at the bottom. In the event that you see that the buns are still damp and you need to let them bake some more... we plop this water on the bottom of the oven (add it to the steamer) and quickly close the oven(without turning it off) - thereby we give the buns time to bake until golden brown and not fall due to our premature invasion of their steam bath.

That is…

While you were poking the buns with a match and assessing their degree of doneness, precious steam escaped from the oven. And we risk getting deflated eclairs along with it..

So we took a look... we decided that we weren’t baked yet... we splashed out some water and closed it...

This way our choux buns are less likely to deflate.

AFTER YOU HAVE DECIDED that the eclairs are already baked. We turn off the oven. We open it slightly, but do not immediately take out our custard buns. And let them rest and get used to the new temperature for 5 minutes.

These are the 7 rules - understanding that you will always MAKE YOUR DOUGH the right consistency and the right conditions for the perfect BLOATING of cakes or eclairs.

Let the choux pastry feel your LOVE, CARE and trust in the hands of a professional.))

Well, in our next article we will do SWAN cakes – made from choux pastry. Recipe for beginners.

Happy baking.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Although the recipe proposed today is quite common, not every housewife prepares homemade eclairs for her family. But this is only because it is difficult to find a suitable, reliable and step-by-step recipe for eclairs so that their preparation becomes simply an art. Today we will try to make those same custard cakes with chocolate icing and custard at home, and believe me, they will taste very different from those you have ever bought in a cafe. Such baking is very beneficial for a children's party. From the specified amount of ingredients you get 15 cakes measuring 10 - 15 centimeters. Which is convenient for drinking tea at school or kindergarten. You will love this recipe for eclairs, written step by step and very precisely. You will cook more than once.

Ingredients for a step-by-step eclair recipe:

For the choux pastry:

  • Water - 1 tbsp. (250 ml);
  • Flour - 1.25 tbsp. (200 g);
  • Eggs - 3 - 4 pcs. (big size);
  • Butter (82% fat) - 100 g;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

For the custard:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 cup (g);
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l. (without slide, approximately 45 g);
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp. (7 g);
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Butter - 20 g.
  • Black chocolate - 1 bar;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

So, a step-by-step recipe for eclairs with custard:

1. You will need a very small saucepan for cooking. But it is desirable that it is not enameled. We chose a 1.2 liter cauldron with a ceramic coating. Pour salted water into the selected container and boil. Add the butter, take a wooden spoon or spatula and stir until it comes to a boil.
2. Add flour at the moment when you notice that the butter has melted.
3. Now reduce the heat to low. You can even put the divider on the stove. Mix the dough thoroughly until it looks like plasticine. There should be no small lumps.
4. Wait until the choux pastry for eclairs has cooled halfway and you can start adding eggs one at a time. After adding each egg, the dough needs to be mixed thoroughly, and it is better to do this with a wooden spatula. If you beat in all the eggs at once, it will be difficult to mix the dough to the desired consistency. Do it correctly, that is, as described in the eclair recipe - step by step and clearly.

5. This is what the choux pastry will look like after adding the second egg. Continue using the spatula and add the third egg.
6. This is what the finished choux pastry looks like, it is not liquid, but on the contrary, elastic and holds its shape perfectly. But at the same time, the dough will not be tight. The consistency is like for Easter cakes. If the dough is very steep, then add a fourth egg. Otherwise, it may not bake and the eclairs will not open.
7. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and remove the nozzle from it. Using a bag we will form eclairs.
8. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. There is no need to lubricate it. Squeeze out so-called “sausages” at least 10 centimeters long from the pastry bag. Preheat the oven very well to 200 degrees.
9. We will bake the eclairs for 30 - 40 minutes in a closed oven. That is, you can’t pull the door! If you placed the custard cakes on a baking sheet, not too densely, and placed it approximately in the center of the oven. So in 30 minutes you will get these delicious eclairs. They will be 2 - 3 times larger than the prepared dough.
10. You can’t imagine a better custard for filling homemade eclairs. Our website already has a step-by-step recipe for custard. prepared one way. And today we will describe a slightly different custard recipe and also very detailed. You can also use this cream for a classic Napoleon cake. and for a no-bake cookie cake. and for many other desserts.
Boil the milk and leave it in the pan for a while.
11. Separate the yolks from the whites. To prepare the cream, we only need this part of the egg.
In one bowl, combine the yolks, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and flour. We begin to mash everything with a spoon or fork. The most important thing is that the flour is evenly distributed and there are no lumps in the custard later.
Begin adding milk gradually while still stirring. Now your task is to ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved. You will end up with a smooth yellowish liquid.
12. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan containing milk and place on fire. You don’t have to turn the heat to minimum at first, but be sure to stir the cream. If you miss the moment, it will immediately form lumps.
13. When you see that the custard begins to thicken, immediately reduce the heat to the very minimum. After a few minutes, add the oil, stir until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat and leave to cool.
14. You can fill eclairs with custard using a special pastry syringe or simply cut the cake and put the filling there.
15. There should be no problems with chocolate. It makes an excellent glaze for homemade cream eclairs. You can melt chocolate in the microwave. Just crumble it into pieces and add butter. Set the heating time to 30 seconds and then stir the chocolate every time. The action must be repeated until you see that it has melted. You can also melt chocolate in a water bath in the same way.
16. Using a pastry brush, carefully coat the top of the eclairs with chocolate glaze.
The glaze should dry out a little, so leave the cakes on the baking sheet.
We hope you enjoy our step-by-step recipe for eclairs at home. Prepare custard cakes for children for kindergarten, school, or tea party without any effort. And don't forget to check back for the sequel! Soon we will have miniature profiteroles with protein cream in our desserts. To avoid missing out, subscribe to updates!

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Ask a hundred people on the street what the most famous French dessert they know is, and the majority of the answers will be eclairs. True, here in Russia this delicacy is often called custard cakes, but the meaning does not change. Tender, melt-in-your-mouth eclairs with airy cream can not only be bought in the store, but also prepared yourself.

How to make eclairs

Making eclairs is a very troublesome and painstaking process, but the final result is worth the effort. During the cooking process, it is very important to pay attention to the consistency of the dough: it should be viscous, moderately liquid and shiny. But when choosing the filling for eclairs, there are no restrictions. You can fill the internal voids with whipped cream, chocolate cream or condensed milk.

Choux pastry

The housewife’s task is to make the correct choux pastry and bake the preparations. However, this may not always work out the first time. The dough for cakes is very capricious, so in your work you need to take into account all the nuances that cookbooks often don’t write about. How to prepare choux pastry:

  • Any step-by-step recipe has one basis - dough, which is prepared in warm water, butter and flour, followed by the introduction of eggs. Please note that the eggs should not be straight from the refrigerator, and the flour should be added all at once.
  • To prevent the flour from sticking to the pan, constantly stir the mixture with a wooden spatula. Never use a mixer, otherwise the dough will turn out runny.
  • Round profiteroles are formed with a spoon, and long ones - with a culinary syringe.
  • Place the baking sheet in a well-heated electric oven. This will allow the dough to rise in time. The baking temperature should be 200 degrees in the first 15 minutes. Then you need to lower it to 170°C and continue baking the cakes for another 15 minutes.
  • Pierce the hot eclair cake with a toothpick.

How to fill eclairs with cream without a syringe

Cooled cakes should be filled with cream through a pastry bag with a thin nozzle or using a regular medical syringe without a needle. Experienced pastry chefs make small holes on top of the eclair, and then mask them with a layer of glaze. What to do if you don’t have a pastry bag at hand? How to fill eclairs without a syringe? To do this, you need to make a small cut in the middle and fill the cavity inside the cake with the filling.

Homemade eclair recipe

In contrast to other dishes, pastries and desserts, the recipe for custard eclairs is always the same. Only the ratio of products, the shape of the eclairs, the filling and decoration of the delicacy can differ. There are many varieties of French cakes: with boiled condensed milk, cream, chocolate fudge, condensed milk and even Italian meringue. The choice of filling depends only on your own preferences: if you like it sweeter, try buttercream; if you prefer a neutral taste, then the curd filling is what you need.

With custard

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 8 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 157.6 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.

This classic recipe will show you how to make homemade eclairs with custard. This is the simplest version of the French dessert, which is popular in our country. If you are starting to bake cakes for the first time, the main thing is to follow the correct proportions. Choux pastry and the same cream are the ideal combination for the most delicious dessert.


  • eggs – 7 pcs.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • butter – ½ pack;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. for dough and 3 tbsp. l. for cream;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the pan, add butter and put the mixture on the stove.
  2. After the butter has dissolved, add flour and mix.
  3. Cool the dough to 60 degrees and add 4 eggs one at a time. From the resulting mixture we form and bake eclairs.
  4. For the custard, heat the milk. Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla.
  5. Add flour to the egg mixture and stir.
  6. As soon as the milk begins to boil, add the egg-flour mixture and cook until thickened.
  7. Fill the cavities of the buns with the cooled cream.

With curd cream

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 140 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.

Curd cream for eclairs is not a traditional recipe for preparing the filling, but it is very successful. Unsweetened dough harmoniously combines with the rich taste of cottage cheese and cream. If you wish, you can even make dietary cottage cheese from low-fat kefir. To do this, put the package of kefir in the freezer overnight, and then squeeze out the contents through cheesecloth.


  • medium fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp.;
  • cream – ½ tbsp.;
  • powdered sugar – 2/3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a mixer at high speed, beat the cream into a stable thick foam.
  2. Add half the granulated sugar and continue beating for about a minute.
  3. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve 2-3 times, mix with the remaining sugar.
  4. At the end, combine the curd and cream mass.

With whipped cream

  • Time: 55 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 10 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 215.1 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.

An easy recipe for eclairs with whipped cream involves using only cream and sugar, but this cream turns out bland and will not appeal to everyone. Try to diversify the filling by adding some fresh raspberries, strawberries or any other fruit that is in season. It will turn out very unusual, tasty and healthy. You can skip the icing and decorate the cakes with powdered sugar.


  • heavy cream – 1 tbsp;
  • raspberries – 1 handful;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the chilled cream until stiff peaks form.
  2. If it is difficult to do this by hand, you can use a mixer.
  3. Just before the end of whipping, add raspberries and powdered sugar to the cream.
  4. Bring the mixture until smooth and place it inside the finished eclairs.

Chocolate eclairs recipe

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 378.6 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

All mothers whose children have an avid sweet tooth know how to make chocolate cream. Try baking delicious eclairs with this filling, and to give your baked goods a finished look, cover the cakes with cocoa glaze or pour melted milk chocolate on them. It will turn out very tasty, although too sweet, so it is recommended to wash down the cakes with unsweetened tea or coffee.


  • butter – 200 g;
  • condensed milk – ½ can;
  • cocoa – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. We take out the oil from the refrigerator in advance so that it thaws a little.
  2. Add condensed milk to the butter and beat the cream.
  3. Add a few tablespoons of cocoa to it and mix well.
  4. If desired, you can add cherry liqueur or any other alcohol to the filling.
  5. Eclairs with chocolate filling can be coated with a layer of chocolate glaze.

With condensed milk

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 9 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 329 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for homemade eclairs with condensed milk was not invented by the French, but by our compatriots. This is because such filling is easily accessible, inexpensive and liked by many. To enhance the taste, experienced chefs recommend buying not only boiled milk, but also regular liquid condensed milk. However, you should know that eclairs are very sweet, so it is better to serve them with tea without sugar.


  • boiled condensed milk – 1 can;
  • cognac – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid condensed milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 1 pack.

Cooking method:

  1. In order for all the filling ingredients to mix without unnecessary problems, the products must be at room temperature.
  2. Using a mixer, mix boiled condensed milk with butter.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, add regular condensed milk and alcohol.
  4. Fill the finished baked goods with aromatic cream.

Simple recipe

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 10-15 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 120 kcal.
  • Purpose: baking.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

Looking for a simple recipe for custard eclairs without using butter? Then you have found what you need. Although, according to correct French chefs, vegetable oil cannot be present in a delicate eclair, it is still worth trying to prepare such dough. Cooled baked goods are just as fluffy, but with a blander taste. Therefore, this dough recipe is more suitable for snack cakes filled with pate, salad or cheese.


  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • flour – 180 g;
  • eggs – 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan, combine water, vegetable oil and salt.
  2. Place the container in a water bath and heat it up.
  3. As soon as the water warms up well, add the entire volume of flour and start beating the dough with a mixer.
  4. If the dough begins to pull away from the walls, remove the pan from the stove.
  5. Cool the dough to 60-70 degrees and mix the eggs into it one by one.
  6. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous and lags well behind the walls of the pan, you can begin to form and bake the profiteroles.
  7. Ready-made eclairs can be filled with any cream.

With butter cream

  • Time: 10-15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 10 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 364 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Each housewife prepares eclairs with butter cream in her own way, and all because there are a lot of recipes for the filling itself. If you're just looking for a new option, try buttercream with soft cheese. The only rule is that the butter must be at room temperature and very fresh, but it is better not to take the curd component out of the refrigerator in advance.


  • butter – 115 g;
  • curd cheese – 350 g;
  • powdered sugar – ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Add curd cheese to the softened butter and stir.
  2. Add powdered sugar and whisk the mixture vigorously for about 4-5 minutes.
  3. If desired, you can add a little vanilla extract to the cream.
  4. Place the finished filling in the refrigerator if you do not plan to fill the eclairs immediately.

No eggs

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 362.5 kcal.
  • Purpose: baking.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If you adhere to the basics of vegetarianism or eggs are prohibited from being eaten by doctors due to worsening allergies, you still shouldn’t give up your favorite confectionery product. How to make eclairs is well described in the following recipe with photos step by step. True, it is not suitable for very strict vegetarians, because it contains butter and milk.


  • milk – 2 tbsp.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast – 10 g;
  • flour – 1 kg;
  • baking powder – 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk on the stove, add butter, sugar and salt to it and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Next, at low mixer speed, add 200 grams of flour into the sweet mixture.
  3. On a separate plate, mix the remaining flour with dry yeast and baking powder.
  4. Add dry ingredients to the dough.
  5. Wrap the finished dough in film and leave it to rest for 20 minutes.
  6. Eclairs without eggs should be baked in the oven at 200°C for 25-30 minutes without opening the door.


  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 5-8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 230.6 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Real French eclairs hold their shape perfectly. Filled with cream, they will not fall apart even after several days of storage in the refrigerator. The whole secret lies in the cream. The pedantic French even came up with a special name for it - patissière. As for the fudge for the eclair, the original recipe uses fondant. However, cooking it at home is problematic; it is better to buy ready-made chocolate glaze.


  • yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • starch – 40 g;
  • milk – 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • vanilla extract – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the yolks and starch with a whisk, adding ¼ of the milk.
  2. Bring the remaining milk, sugar and vanilla extract to a boil.
  3. Pour half of the boiling milk into the egg mixture, constantly stirring vigorously.
  4. Mix the egg mixture with hot milk and cook for 1 minute.
  5. Pour the hot cream onto a plate and press the cling film tightly on top. Cool to room temperature.

With protein cream

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 10-12 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 319.4 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Protein cream for eclairs can be made in several variations: using cream, curd cream or honey. In this recipe, in addition to proteins, sour cream is used as the basis. This filling turns out to be very tender and literally melts in your mouth. You can choose any recipe for the dough you like: make custard with eggs, without them, or based on sunflower oil.


  • squirrels – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • vanilla extract – ½ tsp;
  • fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sour cream with three tablespoons of sugar.
  2. Add vanilla and beat until doubled in volume.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the whites, gradually adding the remaining sugar to them.
  4. Mix stable peaks with cream using a silicone spatula.
  5. Immediately fill the cooled profiteroles with the protein filling.

You can eat the filled eclairs right away, or you can work a little more and give the baked goods a finished look by covering the top of the cake with caramel, powdered sugar, or making glaze for the eclairs, but keep in mind a few tricks:

  • To make a colored glaze, add food coloring to the rest of the ingredients;
  • if the fudge is very thick and lies unevenly, slightly dilute the mixture with warm milk or water;
  • A quick version of ganache is to melt a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath;
  • If the icing remains sticky, you can correct the situation by rolling the cake in nuts, Easter sprinkles, or scattering wafer crumbs on top.


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Homemade eclair recipe with photo

Eclairs are a delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood. They are oblong-shaped cakes filled with cream and topped with icing. The dough for this dessert needs choux, prepared with butter or margarine, eggs, water and flour. But you can experiment with fillings and use different compositions, depending on personal preferences. Let's look at the most common recipes for eclairs with different fillings.

In the classic version, eclairs are made with custard filling.

To prepare the treat you will need:

For the test:

  • 4 eggs;
  • half a stick of fatty oil;
  • 0.25 l of water;
  • 150 g good quality flour;
  • 5 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 g salt.

For filler:

  • a carton of milk;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • a piece of butter 40 grams;
  • a little vanilla.

For the glaze:

  • half a lemon;
  • 20 ml water;
  • 50–70 g of powdered sugar.

Operating procedure:

  1. First you need to prepare the custard for the eclairs. When it's time to fill the cakes, it should have cooled down. The first step is to boil 2/3 of the above volume of milk.
  2. Then combine the remaining milk with the eggs, add flour and vanillin. Mix the whole mass thoroughly.
  3. Pour the boiled milk into the resulting mixture in a thin stream, without stopping stirring. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  4. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove the container from the burner and transfer a piece of fatty oil into it.
  5. While the cream is cooling, prepare the choux pastry for the eclairs. Fill a saucepan with water, add sugar and a little salt. Place butter cut into pieces here (you can also use high-quality margarine) and place on the stove.
  6. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, slowly add flour with a spoon, stir the base with a spatula, and then let cool.
  7. Place eggs one at a time into the base. Each subsequent one can be added only when the dough has completely “eaten” the previous one.
  8. Place the creamy base inside a pastry bag with a star-shaped nozzle and squeeze strips of dough up to 7 cm long into a mold lined with tracing paper. It is important that there is room for them, since the cakes will “grow” significantly during the baking process.
  9. Place the baking sheet in the oven, bake the eclairs and let them cool slightly. Afterwards, fill them with cream using a syringe.
  10. When the portions are ready, make the glaze for the eclairs: squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add water and powdered sugar, stir until smooth and pour over the portions.

Important! In order for the cakes to turn out fluffy, you can put the baking sheet in the oven compartment only after it has warmed up to 180–200 degrees.

Traditional French eclairs

Since France is considered the birthplace of eclairs, one cannot ignore the method of preparing the cream for such a dessert, which is used by the confectioners of this country.

During the work you will need:

  • choux pastry;
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • 100–120 g sugar;
  • vanilla.

Sequence of work:

  1. Bake the cakes and leave them on a tray to cool.
  2. Mix the yolks with starch, then add 100 ml of milk and beat the mixture with a whisk.
  3. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla, and boil.
  4. Carefully pour the boiling milk into the prepared egg-starch mixture, stirring constantly. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, and then remove from heat.
  5. Cool the mixture, transfer it to a bag and fill the pre-baked eclairs.

Cakes made with this filling will not lose their freshness and airiness for 36 hours.

The perfect choux pastry for eclairs

What is the ideal dough for eclairs? Every cook understands this in his own way, but in this section we will look at a recipe for the base, which even an inexperienced housewife can prepare. In addition, this composition does not contain eggs and people who, for one reason or another, are prohibited from consuming this product will be able to enjoy this dessert.

To create the base you will need:

  • 400 ml milk;
  • a pack of butter or margarine;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 3–4 cups flour;
  • 10 g pressed yeast;
  • 5 g baking soda.

Sequence of work:

  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan until the first bubbles appear, and then add butter or margarine and granulated sugar to it. Continue cooking until the ingredients are dissolved.
  2. Cool the mixture and then mix with a glass of flour until smooth.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the compressed yeast with a small amount of milk and wait a quarter of an hour until a light foam appears.
  4. Mix the yeast with the cooled base, add soda, stir and leave to rise for half an hour. The dough should not stick to your hands.

When the base is ready, all that remains is to place the portions on a baking sheet lined with tracing paper and place them in a hot oven to bake.

Eclairs with condensed milk

Another popular filling for eclairs is condensed milk.

  • cake base;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 80–110 g butter;
  • a teaspoon of cognac or liqueur.

Work process:

  1. Prepare the eclairs, carefully transfer to a plate and leave to cool.
  2. Cut the butter into pieces and place in a warm place to melt.
  3. Transfer the condensed milk into a blender bowl, add the fat mixture, cognac or liqueur and beat until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  4. Fill a pastry syringe with cream and insert the filling into the cakes.

If the dessert is being prepared for children, it is better not to use alcohol, but to make the cream only from condensed milk and butter.

Dessert with butter cream

You can prepare buttercream for eclairs in different ways by adding fruit or berry puree, condensed milk, cocoa, cottage cheese or soft cheese to the main ingredient. Consider a dessert recipe with butter and cheese filling.

For cooking you will need:

  • custard base;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g soft cheese;
  • sugar.

Sequence of work:

  1. Bake the eclairs and place them on a plate to cool.
  2. Soften the butter, mix with cheese and granulated sugar, stir until smooth.
  3. When the sugar is completely dissolved, transfer the cream into a syringe or pastry bag and fill the portions.

In a similar way, you can make an oil filler with other additives.

Chocolate eclairs

Not only children, but also adults love chocolate, and therefore cakes with such filling will not leave anyone indifferent.

To create the dessert you will need:

  • choux pastry;
  • boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • a tablespoon of cocoa;
  • vanilla.


  1. Bake the cake base and cool.
  2. Soften the butter, mix with condensed milk and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  3. Add cocoa powder, a pinch of vanilla and mix the cream.
  4. Using a syringe or pastry bag, inject the filling into the cakes.

Attention! If it was not possible to purchase boiled condensed milk and you had to bring the product to readiness yourself, you must ensure that the jar is constantly covered with water, and promptly add liquid to replace the evaporated liquid.

Otherwise, the container will explode, and instead of drinking tea and dessert, the hostess will have to start cleaning the area.

Homemade eclairs with cream

Quite often, cream for eclairs is prepared on the basis of cream and the flavor of the filling is enhanced with fruits or berries.

For this dessert you will need:

  • custard base;
  • 250 ml heavy cream;
  • fruit puree or fresh berries;
  • 50 g powdered sugar.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Bake the eclairs, place on a tray and let cool.
  2. Beat the cream with a mixer until a stable foam appears.
  3. Add fruit puree or berries, add powdered sugar and bring the mixture until smooth.
  4. Transfer the filler into a syringe or bag and fill the finished cakes.

You should only attempt to prepare such a dessert if you have a mixer, since whipping the cream to the desired consistency by hand is quite difficult.

Custard cakes with curd filling

As mentioned above, the filling for eclairs can be different, and these cakes with curd cream are especially delicious.

For dessert you will need:

  • eclair dough;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fat sour cream;
  • sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla.

Operating procedure:

  1. Bake the eclairs, place them on a tray and leave to cool.
  2. Using a mixer, beat cottage cheese and sour cream until smooth. If it is not possible to use special equipment, it is permissible to pass it through a meat grinder or grind it using a sieve.
  3. Mix the curd and sour cream with sugar, add cinnamon and vanilla, place the mixture in a pastry bag and fill the finished cakes with it.

Advice. To make the dessert less high in calories, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese and replace sour cream with kefir.

Cakes with protein cream

Eclairs with protein cream turn out unusually tender, airy and very tasty.

To prepare the dessert you will need:

  • custard base;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 150–180 ml milk;
  • 180 ml cream with a fat content of at least 30%;
  • 120 g granulated sugar;
  • 15–20 gelatin granules;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Bake portions of choux pastry and cool.
  2. Boil milk and water in separate saucepans.
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan with water, add lemon juice and cook over low heat until the sand melts.
  4. Pour the milk into the mixture in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Add butter and gelatin and cook until the latter dissolves.
  5. Whip the cream until fluffy, mix with the cooled caramel, and then fill the cakes with the mixture.

On a note. You can decorate the finished eclairs not only with glaze prepared according to a traditional recipe, but also sprinkle with powdered sugar or simply pour melted chocolate over them.

How to fill eclairs with cream with and without a syringe?

To fill eclairs with cream, it is better to use a syringe. To do this, a small hole is made in the central part at the bottom of each portion, through which the filling is introduced. But some housewives prefer to fill the cakes by making a small cut on top.

But what to do when there is no special device at hand?

In this case, you can fill eclairs in the following ways:

  1. Use a large medical syringe, remove the needle from it and put the cream inside.
  2. Fill the dessert using a pastry bag. If you don’t have it on hand either, you can use any empty packaging with a dispenser spout (for example, mayonnaise or condensed milk). Cut off the bottom and remove any remaining product that was previously there and wash it thoroughly from the inside.
  3. Cut off the top of the cakes, put a teaspoon of cream inside, and then return the “lid” to its place.

To disguise the hole through which the filler was introduced, eclairs are generously sprinkled with powdered sugar or glaze is used.

Hello, my dear friends! There have been no articles from me for more than a week, but I am completely justified by what I brought today choux pastry with a huge addition (by default) of everything that can be prepared from it. Eclairs, shu, profiteroles, they’re just tea leaves... Just brews, imbued with perfectionism and flavored with a generous portion of tears (I’m exaggerating, of course), multiplied by the total amount of waste, flour, butter and eggs, from which most of the copies did not turn out, were given to friends to be eaten, used for salads and a wide variety of dishes, and also partially thrown into the trash bin. So this article is a kind of result of the periodically fading and renewing year-long work on the conscious conquest of eclairs...

For my perception eclairs- the main child of choux pastry. And I am professionally drawn very strongly towards them. For me they are much closer and dearer than, say, macaron. Just as capricious as the latter, yes. But they open up a horizon of culinary possibilities much wider than those previously mentioned. And since eclairs began to actively come into fashion, I completely lost my peace. The result should have been only one: elegant, smooth, evenly browned on the outside, and perfectly hollow on the inside. But an ideal result will never be so ideal if there were not a huge number of failures before it.

It seems to me that over the course of a year I have tried most of what is recommended to be tried in search of those techniques that will suit just for you. I tried it and collected more than 5 gigs of photos))) But that’s not about it. Techniques that are right for you... this phrase here is completely no coincidence, as if the conversation turned to choosing the right face cream. Why is that? Because it's necessary a) get your hand on the texture of the dough; b) calculate the required ingredients; c) choose the necessary and most effective gadgets; d) harness your oven specifically for baking eclairs. So this article will contain exclusively my experience, with not yet such amazing results, but with an emerging positive trend. Try it on, throw out failures when necessary, and observe. Too fancy, right? If so, then bake the tea leaves and don’t worry. And I invite lovers of troubles further.

So here are mine initial data: hands, a stove-dishes-spoons and all the usual rubbish, a regular mixer with more than 10 years of experience in the profession Bosch MFQ 1901, more recently a PHILIPS HR7761/00 combine, two attachments for depositing, an electric oven Zanussi zob483, as well as desire.

Now on to the recipe!

Choux pastry: ingredients

65 g water
35 g milk
50 g butter, cut into cubes
3 grams each of salt and sugar
70 grams of strong flour (I take 63 grams of flour plus 4 grams of gluten - I’ll write about this below)
110-115 g eggs

From this amount I get 8-9 eclairs 14 cm each.

Liquid. Let me say right away that I have tried many different recipes, which are very similar to each other, but differ in the proportions of the liquid base with flour, and, as a result, the number of eggs, which are then added to the dough until the desired consistency is achieved. So, the greater the proportion of eggs, the better volume the choux pastry products will receive. In addition, the liquid part of the dough can be represented either simply by water, or simply by milk, or by a mixture of these two components. You can vary this parameter.

Salt and sugar. They not only affect the taste of products. Sugar helps eclairs become golden brown, and salt has a beneficial effect on the gluten of the dough.

Flour. For eclairs you need strong flour. I do not deny the fact that someone can make beautiful, smooth eclairs even on a regular tower, but this is not my case. Strong flour is flour with a high protein content. This flour is used to make bread and pastry, pasta and other pasta, and eclairs. In my area, there is no such flour in convenient access to me, so I use the TM “Khutorok” tower, in which the protein is 10.3, and the declared percentage of raw gluten (cg) is 26. I have not checked, but for choux pastry products I have seen There are several recommendations regarding this parameter, and I have tried them all. So, there should be more flour for choux pastry - everything is clear here. In order to strengthen the flour, I use dry gluten, gluten. If there is no strong flour on sale, then this is the method that is just right.

One source advised to always add 1-2% dry gluten to the flour for choux pastry, another advised to bring the flour sc. by introducing dry gluten to 30%, the third called the ideal parameter 36% sc. I settled on 40%. 1 gram of dry gluten is equivalent to 2.5-3 grams of raw gluten. And now, knowing the CK indicator of my flour, I brought this percentage with dry gluten to the indicator I needed. By the way, once in a store I came across flour that was positioned as flour for pasta, where the declared level of sc was 28. With the separate addition of gluten, the result will still be better.

Eggs. Eggs for choux pastry are taken by weight, filtered or punched in a blender, and I’ve recently gotten the hang of it shake in a shaker. The number of eggs needed for the dough may vary a little. So, I noticed that when kneading eggs by hand it takes less (about 100 grams), and when kneading mechanically it takes more. More quantity to achieve the same consistency is better. Also, if I cook a large batch at once, I always end up with more egg in the first one than in the subsequent batches. I noticed this when I was making a lot of dough at once and it was then sitting around waiting to be baked. The last batch of the entire volume of dough prepared at once floated. And so I got used to preparing the entire volume of the brewed part of the dough at once, dividing it, and mixing in the eggs before depositing. So, the first one usually includes 115 grams of eggs, the second - 112, the third - 110. These are such tiny little grams. See the difference, as they say.


Pour into a saucepan water and milk, add sugar and salt, as well as butter. Place the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring so that the salt and sugar dissolve and the butter melts evenly.

Sift flour /with gluten/ in advance. Gluten must always be sifted together with flour, otherwise it will be distributed unevenly, and in one part of the dough its concentration will be higher, in the other - less, there will be lumps, the kneading will be uneven, and the whole point in adding it will disappear altogether, since it does not serve its direct functions. will not perform.

When the liquid mixture boils, quickly add flour and stir vigorously. This process is called shocking flour.

Now you need to cook on low heat dry the custard, stirring and rubbing it. The dough will be more uneven at first, but then you will see it begin to come together into a ball. Very important do not remove that natural film from the bottom of the pan, which is formed during drying of flour. This drying makes it possible evaporate moisture, which means that the dough will absorb more eggs and give more volume during baking. I dry the volume of dough prepared from the listed amount of ingredients for 4-5 minutes. The recommended dough temperature during brewing is 75 degrees. I usually have 78-80.

Place the brewed lump of dough into a work bowl. If anyone has a planetary bowl, you can immediately put the dough into the bowl and start mixing the dough with the “K” attachment. I cover the dough in contact with a film, and wait until it will cool down to 50-55 degrees.

I'm preparing the eggs.

Recently I bought a new combine for completely different purposes, but I decided to try one of the ballast (as it seemed to me then) attachments for kneading dough, and it made me happy. This attachment mixes the choux dough, as if cutting it, and as a result it turns out amazingly smooth and shiny.

Correct consistency. There are many different methods that help determine that the consistency of Magnificently is perfect. I look at how the dough falls from the spatula or scraper - it forms a triangular, not torn (!) tongue. The falling part retains its outline on the surface of the entire dough for quite a long time, but does not stand as a stationary piece, it slowly blurs. If you take a little dough and flatten it between your fingers and then pull them apart, the dough will form peaks - smooth but not falling off.

Still, the dough needs the right consistency. fill your hand and adjust your gaze, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If there is not enough egg, you can always mix it in. If a lot of eggs have been added, then you can go in two ways: a) in the correct way, brew more dough and add it to the liquid; b) cheat by putting the dough in the refrigerator, where it will become denser.

Baking tray I first cover it with two sheets of regular A4 paper, and then with a layer of parchment on which I place the eclairs. It is believed that The ideal surface for eclairs is either a perforated silpat or a perforated baking tray. I have neither one nor the other, so my “technology” works for me.

Preheating the oven 1 hour before baking at maximum (250 degrees) along with a baking stone, which recently burst, and therefore was replaced by a large cast-iron cauldron. These “additives” will keep the temperature more stable. A deck oven is considered the ideal option for baking eclairs..

I pipe eclairs with a nozzle French star or closed star(for me it’s 14-15 mm) and 14 cm long. Let’s put it this way... if I see that the dough is a little too liquid, then a French star, if it’s a little thick, it’s a closed star. Everything is simple here: the closed one has larger teeth, and the hollows from them will open up in the oven, minimizing the risk of cracks and tears.

After depositing, I sprinkle the eclairs with powdered sugar.

Baking mode. Here you will need to play with your oven. Selyanina’s recommendation worked in my oven: preheat the oven to maximum (for me it’s 250 degrees), place the eclairs in it, and turn it off for 10-15 minutes until the eclairs grow and the hollows straighten out. Then you should bake the eclairs at 165 degrees. about 30 more minutes. I additionally put a stone/cauldron in the oven, as I wrote above, heat the oven in the “top+bottom” mode, turn it off for 13 minutes, and then at 165 degrees. I bake for 28 minutes in the “low” heating mode, after which I finish drying at 150 degrees. another 5-7 minutes.

Video on how to prepare the dough

As a result, the eclair should be evenly browned, not pale, but not too fried, plump, even, without large cracks, and hollow inside. 2-3 membranes are allowed. The membranes must be dry.

Kraquelin. Shu

Shu - buns made from choux pastry, which can often be found with a crispy crust on top - craquelin. This is essentially chopped dough (sometimes it is also prepared as shortbread, but the chopped method is faster for me), rolled out very thin, and laid on a choux pastry piece. It gives a very interesting visual, as well as taste and texture effect.
Standard for preparing craquelin take butter, flour and sugar in equal proportions, but you can also slightly reduce the amount of butter (by 20 percent).

50 g butter
50 g sugar
50 g flour

Craquelin is beautifully colored with dyes, you can safely add vanilla, zest, or make it chocolate (replacing part of the flour with cocoa powder) - all these varieties work great for the dessert idea!

To prepare craquelin, place all ingredients in a blender bowl and beat, then knead into a homogeneous dough with quick movements. Roll out the finished craquelin between layers of parchment to a thickness of 1.5-2 mm and place it in the freezer, placing it on a board.

To prepare shu, place the choux pastry on a baking sheet using a round attachment, cut out a circle of the appropriate diameter with a cutter, and place it on top of the choux pastry. Bake in your standard setting.

Here is a short hot video - shu baking.

Sorrows and troubles eclairs

In general, shu almost always turns out, but eclairs still get on my nerves. The most common defect is cracks. The configurations of such cracks are endless)))) Usually eclairs crack either because the dough is too tight or because the baking mode is incorrect.

Eclairs can float and be flat (when the dough is too liquid or the flour is weak, or the mode is not right...).

When I tried baking eclairs on a Silpat, they turned out like this:

I called another type of defect “fish heads”. Because it’s the fish’s head that this eclair resembles when you look at it from the end. Those. cracks form at the base, and then the eclair itself seems to open up. It's... like gills, damn it.

And here, my favorite)))) Baguettes. But not French at all. But they look cute.

And, of course, various combinations of all sorts of defects.

As a rule, for each defect you can find a bunch of explanations on the Internet, tables, etc., but in the end it turns out that there are always more than one factors. So practice, practice, and more practice.

And how nice it is when, after all those freaks, you take such night beauty out of the oven!

And if the techniques that work in my situation don't work in yours, here's list of what I experimented with, and maybe some of this will help you achieve a better result:

- different recipes and use of different products;
- manual and different types of mechanical kneading;
- flour of different strengths + percentage of sk;
- different temperatures of the dough during depositing: room temperature, immediately after preparation, depositing the dough from the refrigerator, depositing and freezing of blanks, subsequent baking of directly frozen semi-finished products;
- baking on a baking sheet, greased with oil, on a silicone sealant, just on parchment, on parchment with paper underneath;
- sprinkling eclairs with flour, powdered sugar before baking, brushing with egg, cocoa butter, baking without any coating;
- baking simply in the oven, in the oven with a stone, in the top+bottom, bottom, convection, steam modes;
- a wide variety of baking modes: 250 degrees. + turn off the oven, bake in gradual decreases without turning off 230 degrees. 5 minutes plus 180 degrees. 25 minutes plus drying at an even lower temperature, different baking options at medium temperatures (190 degrees 20 minutes + 150 degrees 15-20 minutes; 180 degrees 12 minutes + 170 degrees 35-45 minutes), baking at constant temperatures (180 degrees 30-40 minutes + 5 minutes in the oven turned off; 160 degrees 90 minutes).

Happy ecleriment!