Types of durum wheat bread. Flour is Italian and Russian. Let's compare? Durum wheat flour what

Subpart M - US Wheat Standards

Defined terms

Steam. 810.2201 Definition of wheat

Grain which, prior to removal of the dockage, contains 50% or more soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), dwarf wheat (T. compactum Host.) And wheat durum (T. durum Desf.) And not more than 10% of other cereals for which established standards under the US Grain Standards Act and which, when removed from the dockage, contains 50% or more whole grains of one or more of these wheat.

Steam. 810.2202 Definition of other terms

(a) Types. There are eight types of wheat: durum wheat, hard red spring, hard red winter, soft red winter, hard white, soft white, atypical and mixed wheat.

Durum wheat (DURUM). All varieties of white (amber) durum wheat. This type is classified into the following three subtypes:

  • (i) Solid amber durum (HAD). Durum wheat containing 75% or more of hard and glassy amber grains.
  • (ii) Amber Durum (AD). Durum wheat containing 60% or more but not more than 75% amber hard and glassy grains.
  • (iii) Durum wheat (DURUM). Durum wheat containing less than 60% hard and glassy amber grains.

Durum red grain spring wheat (HRS). All varieties of hard red-grain spring wheat. This type is classified into the following three subtypes:

  • (i) Dark red northern spring wheat (DNS). Durum red-grain spring wheat containing 75% or more dark, hard and glassy grains.
  • (ii) Northern spring wheat (NS). Durum red-grain spring wheat containing 25% or more, but not whiter than 75% of dark, hard and glassy grains.
  • (iii) Red spring wheat (RS). Durum red-grain spring wheat containing less than 25% dark, hard and glassy grains.

Hard red winter wheat (HRW). All varieties of hard red-grain winter wheat. This type has no subtypes.

Soft red winter wheat (SRW). All varieties of soft red-grain winter wheat. This type has no subtypes.

Durum white wheat (HW). All durum white wheat varieties. This type has no subtypes.

Soft white wheat (SW). All soft-grain white wheat varieties. This type is classified into the following three subtypes:

  • (i) Soft white wheat (SW). Soft white wheat varieties containing no more than 10% white dwarf wheat.
  • (ii) White dwarf wheat (WC). Soft white dwarf wheat varieties containing no more than 10% of other soft white wheat.
  • (iii) Western white wheat (WW). Soft white wheat containing more than 10% white dwarf wheat and more than 10% other soft white wheat.

Atypical wheat. Any variety of wheat that is not classified according to other criteria in the wheat standards. This type has no subtypes. This type includes any wheat other than red or white in color.

Mixed wheat. Any mixture of wheat, consisting of less than 90% of one type and more than 10% of one other type, or combination of types, satisfying the requirements for the definition of wheat.

(b) Contrasting types. The contrast types are:

Durum wheat, hard white-grain, soft white-grain and atypical wheat in the types of hard red-grain spring and hard red-grain winter wheat.

Hard red-grain spring, hard red-grain winter, hard white-grain, soft red-grain winter, soft white-grain and atypical durum wheat.

Durum wheat and atypical wheat in the type of soft red winter wheat.

Durum wheat, hard red-grain spring, hard red-grain winter, soft red-grain winter and atypical wheat in the types of hard white-grain and soft white-grain wheat.

(c) Damaged grains. Damaged grains, parts of wheat and other grains, severely damaged by unfavorable soil and weather conditions, sick, frost-hard, with damaged embryos, damaged by heat, insects, mold, germinated or significantly damaged in another way.

(d) Defects. Damaged grains, trash, shriveled and broken grains. The sum of these three indicators must not exceed the defect indicator limit for each numbering class.

(e) Dockage. All material other than wheat that can be removed from the original sample using an approved device in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Federal Grain Inspectorate. Also underdeveloped, shriveled and small particles of wheat grains, which are removed during the separation of non-wheat impurities, and which do not remain during secondary sieving or cleaning.

(f) Weed admixture. Any material other than wheat remaining in the wheat sample after removing the dockage and any shrunken or broken grains.

(g) Heat damaged grains. Grains, parts of wheat and other grains that are significantly discolored and damaged by heat, which remain in the sample after removing the dockage, as well as shriveled and broken grains.

(h) Other grains. Barley, corn, buckwheat, spelled, spelled two-grain, flaxseed, hewar, bare-grain barley, non-grain sorghum, oats, polonium wheat, popcorn, hurid wheat, rice, rye, soflor, sorghum, soybean, sunflower seeds, spelled wheat , sweet corn, triticale and wild oats.

(i) Punky and broken grains. All material that, after sifting, passes through a 0.064 x 3/8 oblong sieve in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Federal Grain Inspectorate.

(j) Sieve. Sieve with oblong holes 0.064 x 3/8. Metal sieve 0.032 "thick with oblong holes 0.064" by 0.375 (3/8) ".

Principles governing the application of standards

Steam. 810.2203 Basis for determining the characteristic

Each determination of heat damaged kernels, damaged kernels, foreign matter, wheat of other types, contrasting types and subtypes should be made on the basis of grain that does not contain dockage, as well as shrunken and broken kernels, with the exception of a determination of odor, which is made either on the basis of grain in whole, or grain that does not contain dockage. Definitions for other traits not specifically provided for in the general provisions are based on non-dockage grain, with the exception of the definition of odor, which is made either in the original grain or in the non-dockage grain.

In Italy, durum durum wheat flour is of different types, however, I have so far found only two of them on sale:
Semolino di grano duro - Semolina di grano duro

and Semolina di grano duro rimacinata- Semolina rimachinata (i.e., ground).
Semolina remachinata, has a finer grind and lighter in color, without bright yellowness, like Semolino.

These two varieties of durum flour, if you click on the photo, then in an enlarged version you can see the difference. (I'm sorry, but the quality of the photo, unfortunately. Leaves much to be desired ...)

About durum and semolina flour I quote from the article
About real pasta :

Grain quality "durum"

The best (the only one for real pasta) raw material is durum wheat flour (Triticum durum Dest.) (GOST 9353-85 "Wheat. Technical conditions" or GOST 9353-90).

The main advantage of durum wheat as a raw material of pasta production in comparison with its other types in a high content of carotenoid pigments and protein content. Its content in wheat grain is on average: in soft winter wheat - 11.6%, in soft spring wheat - 12.7%; in solid - 12.5% \u200b\u200b/

Durum wheat in morphology is in many respects similar to soft wheat, but has some peculiarities. The ears of durum wheat are long, the grain is tightly enclosed in flowering films, due to which it crumbles less. The ear is dense, spinous. The grain is more elongated, laterally compressed, glassy. Solomina in the upper internode is usually complete. The leaves are not pubescent, rarely covered with hairs. Durum wheat gives a large yield of granular flour, the best semolina. High quality varieties of this wheat are exported.

Durum wheat is represented almost exclusively by spring forms (there are semi-winter forms). In Russia, durum wheat is cultivated in a number of regions on large areas. Most of all it is grown in the southeast (in the Volgograd, Saratov, Orenburg regions); in the east, it is cultivated in Altai, in the Omsk and Kurgan regions; in the Urals - in the forest-steppe part of the Chelyabinsk region; in the south of the European part, durum wheat was widespread in Moldova and in a number of regions of Ukraine; in the Central black earth zone, mainly in the Kursk region. Durum wheat is more valuable in terms of grain quality, is less affected by diseases (rust, powdery mildew, dust smut, etc.) and pests (Gnesse fly, etc.), more resistant to lodging. Their grain hardly crumbles. On fertile soils with high agricultural technology, durum wheat gives higher and more stable yields than soft wheat.

“The beneficial properties of the pasta are not least due to the fact that it is made only from durum wheat. When milled, its grains turn not into ordinary flour, similar to dust, but into small grains. The properties of starches, organized in a grain of durum wheat into a kind of crystal lattice, the quantity and quality of gluten, determine the high consumer properties of pasta made from this raw material.

The raw material for the production of pasta is flour of the highest and I grades (grit and semi-brittle) from hard wheat of special grinding. Types of grinding macaroni flour are established by the "Rules for the organization and conduct of the technological process at mills." According to them, the grinding of durum wheat grains can be two-grade and three-grade. The moisture content of flour should not exceed 15.5%. The gluten content of flour must be at least 28%.

GOST 12307-66: Durum wheat flour (durum) for pasta. Technical conditions

The main differences between soft wheat and durum durum varieties are the difference in carbohydrate structures of durum and soft wheat. In durum wheat grain, starch is in a crystalline form, while in soft wheat it is in amorphous form. With proper grinding, crystalline starch is not destroyed in pasta either - again, with the correct pressing and drying modes, starch crystals stick together with lumps of protein, the content of which is higher in durum wheat.

There are also significant differences in the content of vitamins, microelements, in percentage mineral substances, which are concentrated mainly in the peripheral parts of the endosperm.

Of the substances found in pasta flour, the following are of primary importance:

Starch ... It makes up about 4/5 of the dry matter of flour. Wheat starch is a lenticular grain of various sizes (from 3 to 50 microns). Starch is hygroscopic. When moistened with cold or warm water, starch grains absorb up to 50% of moisture without changing their shape. At temperatures above 60 ° C, the process of starch gelatinization begins, the destruction of starch grains with the absorption of 4 - 5 times the amount of water.

Protein... Proteins are the most important component of pasta flour. In the dry state, they are in the flour in the form of particles and lumps with a size of 2 - 3 microns. In wheat, two types of protein are distinguished: intermediate and the so-called attached, which is tightly bound to the starch grains. In powdery grains, protein substances are found in large quantities in the peripheral parts of the endosperm, and in the vitreous they are distributed throughout the volume of the endosperm, which makes it possible to obtain flour with a coarse structure during grinding. The amount of gluten formed when washing it out of flour, as well as its quality, have a great influence on the physical and mechanical properties of pasta dough and therefore play an important technological role in production.

Fats ... The fat content in wheat flour does not exceed 2% and is less dark than the higher grade of flour. With prolonged and improper storage of flour, the fat of the flour goes rancid. In pasta production, fats in flour play an important role, since cargtinoid pigments are dissolved in them.

Carotenoids. This group includes substances colored yellow or orange. The carotenoids in the flour give the pasta the desired amber yellow color. A significant amount of carotenoids (up to 5 mg / kg and more) is found in durum wheat products, less in soft glassy and almost none of them in soft wheat flour. The composition of carotenoids includes a number of pigments: xanthophyll, xanthophyll esters and carotene, which is biologically active as provitamin A. In free form, carotenoid pigments are unstable substances that decompose into uncolored products under the action of light (this explains the discoloration of flour in the light) and the enzyme lipoxygenase in the presence moisture and oxygen in the air. It has been established that, despite the presence of lipoxygenase enzyme in wheat flour, carotenoid pigments are not destroyed during the production of pasta. This is due to the fact that when kneading, pressing and drying products, carotenoids combine with wheat proteins and form bound and tightly bound complexes, which are not affected by lipoxygenase.

Minerals (ash) ... In wheat grains, the highest ash content is in the shells and aleurone layer, and the lowest in the central parts of the endosperm. Therefore, the ash content of the 1st grade flour is always higher than the ash content of the premium flour.

Vitamins and enzymes are found in flour in small amounts, but, despite this, play an important role in the processes occurring during the storage of flour and in the production of pasta. Enzymes are biological catalysts. The flours are represented mainly by lipoxygenase and tyrosinase (polyphenol oxidase) and belong to the group of oxidative enzymes. As a result of the action of lipoxygenase, unsaturated fatty acids form peroxides and hydroperoxides, which decompose fats and contribute to their rancidity.

Peroxides and hydroperoxides contribute to the whitening of pasta during storage by oxidizing carotenoids. However, due to the formation of bound complexes of carotenoids with proteins, carotenoids are not destroyed during the production of pasta. On the contrary, the latter acquire a more or less intense dark shade, and brown when making products from durum wheat flour. This is due to the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which oxidizes the amino acid tyrosine, which is contained in different amounts in flour of various wheat varieties, with the formation of dark colored products.

Vitamins are concentrated mainly in the shells and germ of the grain, separated during grinding. The flour contains a small amount of water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble ones are absent.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the best and most popular durum wheat for pasta production came to Italy from Russia. Since it was exported through the Taganrog port, it was called “Taganrog”. There was even a special grade Pasta taganrog... And all this stopped in 1917 for a good reason. And what happened next - you already know. "
Now what?
In Russia, an analogue of semolina can only be grains from durum wheat or semolina group T.
About grains:
Wheat flour varieties differ from one another in yield (the amount of flour obtained from 100 kg of grain), color, ash content, varying degrees of grinding (particle size), the content of bran particles, and the amount of gluten.
By the percentage of flour when grinding grains of durum wheat, the varieties of the resulting flour are subdivided into:
grit 10% (it is obtained only 10% of the total amount of grain in a volume of 100 kg.),

premium grade (25-30%),

first grade (72%),

second grade (85%) and

wallpaper (about 93-96%).
The higher the flour yield, the lower the grade.

Krupchatka- consists of homogeneous small grains of light cream color. There is almost no bran in it. It is rich in gluten and has high baking properties. Grit is produced from special varieties of wheat and is distinguished by the larger size of individual particles.

Gluten durum wheat flour has completely different characteristics than soft wheat flour. Starch crystals stick together with lumps of protein, the content of which in durum wheat is higher, but gives a tearing, "short" gluten.

This is due to the difference in carbohydrate and protein structures of durum and soft wheat. In durum wheat grain, starch is in a crystalline form, while in soft wheat it is in amorphous form. In the grain of soft varieties, protein substances are found in large quantities in the peripheral parts of the endosperm, and in the grain of durum wheat, glassy, \u200b\u200bproteins are distributed throughout the volume of the endosperm.

Therefore, be careful when kneading dough from durum flour. With prolonged kneading, gluten can begin to break down and the dough can begin to give up water.

And don't take these silly recommendations seriously:

It is advisable to use durum flour for yeast dough with a high sugar and fat content for such products, like Easter cakes, baked goods, etc. For unsuitable yeast dough, grit is of little use, since the dough from it is poorly suited, and the finished products have poor porosity and quickly stale.

* (What kind of idiot wrote this article? First he recommends semolina for cakes, and then writes that yeast dough from it is bad for it! Darkness and horror 🙂 Everything is exactly the opposite! In Italy, semolina is never used for baking , and lthe best grades of bread baked from semolina!)

About semolina:
Semolina is obtained in mills by separating the semolina during the varietal grinding of wheat into flour. It represents particles of wheat endosperm with a size of 1.0-1.5 mm. Three brands are produced:

M - from soft vitreous and semi-vitreous wheat,

T - solid,

MT - from a mixture of hard and soft wheat.
Grain M has grains of white, opaque, covered with flour; quickly boiled down, gives the greatest increase in volume. Porridge made from it is uniform in consistency and good taste.
Groats of grade T are translucent yellow grains with glassy sharp edges. Porridge is obtained with a coarse structure, but of a smaller volume and with a fuller taste than from M.
Groats of the MT brand are variegated in color and heterogeneous in shape. In terms of chemical composition and nutritional value, semolina is close to premium wheat flour, it has little fiber and other poorly digestible substances, it is widely used for baby and dietary food. "

Hello everybody. Cooking with durum flour was an old dream of mine. But I didn't want to order it in online stores. But now this flour is constantly sold in Attack, and in Auchan, of course.

Price about 45 rubles for 500 grams.

Packaging appearance

This is how it looksthe flour itself.

Flour is very similar to semolina. Her color is yellowish.

Now I will tell you about my experience of using flour in business.

I used flour with caution at first. The first experiment began with adding flour to zucchini pancakes. Here is a photo of the process. By the way, I always add bran.

Here is a photo of the result.

The pancakes turned out with a golden tint. I didn't notice anything special about the taste, and I grew bolder. I decided to add this durum flour to the usual flour and make a pizza.

My pizza is vegetarian, no sausage. Only red onions, tomato sauce and cheese. The dough for pizza with the addition of durum flour turned out to be simply incomparable. Everyone liked it. Now everyone is asking for such a dough. I recommend! The dough is both thin and slightly crunchy. Just awesome!

I baked bread several times with the addition of this flour. The crumb is very airy.

I also baked cottage cheese casserole. Everyone liked it, except me. I liked the tender casserole more. But this is a matter of taste.

For now, everything. We are planning dumplings and similar products. But now summer is in the yard and dumplings are completely out of topic.

All baked goods made from this flour are really not as heavy as from regular flour. There really is no heaviness in the stomach after it.

Wheat, depending on its vitreousness (hardness, consistency), is divided into soft and hard, which is also called durum.

If the grain has a high glassiness index, protein predominates in its composition, then this is durum wheat. It is more suitable for making pasta, since it absorbs water well, products from it do not stale for a long time. But durum bread is difficult to bake, since the dough will not rise well.

If starch predominates in the grains, the vitreous indices are low, then this is soft wheat. It is more suitable for baking purposes. Fine flour is obtained from it, like dust, it does not absorb water so well.

The main benefits of durum wheat flour:

  • rich in B vitamins;
  • it contains more essential amino acids, fiber, minerals in comparison with soft wheat;
  • products from it are not so quickly absorbed due to the crystalline form of starch, which is associated with proteins, which allows you to keep the weight normal;
  • provides a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Durum wheat grain is usually amber in color, which is caused by carotene and lutein - both pigments are important for vision. The content of lutein in durum itself is small compared to vegetables (spinach, pumpkin), but people consume flour and pasta every day.

Durum wheat has a higher gluten content and less starch than soft wheat. Pasta made from them has a lower glycemic index. - Wikipedia

Main characteristics

The quality of flour is determined by many indicators. Its strength, ash content and yield during grinding are of great importance, because a good product cannot be made from poor raw materials both in the factory and at home.

Ash content

Ash is a mineral. Their quantity in the product is the ash content. The main part is made up of two elements: potassium and phosphorus. Minerals, fat and dietary fiber - all this is contained in the shell of the grains and the germ. But all the starch and 65% of the protein are concentrated in the endosperm (central part). This is the main contradiction of flour. The higher its grade, the whiter and better it grows, but the poorer it is in chemical composition. The lower grades have a grayish color, the dough from them turns out to be tight, but there are more useful components. Therefore, there are so many supporters of whole grain flour. Bran is often added to enrich baked goods.


The amount of product obtained from a certain mass of grain is its output. 100% (1 ton out of 1 ton) can only be obtained for whole grain flour. The higher the grade, the lower the yield will be, and therefore the higher the price. Endosperm occupies about 85% in the grain, only it is ground into the whitest powder.

When milling wheat, several types of flour are most often obtained simultaneously, using three-grade grinding. As a result, you will get only 25% of the premium product, about 40% of the first and another 13% of the second, the rest will go into bran.


The flour just received (freshly ground) is not at all suitable for baking; it must ripen under certain conditions from 1 to 2 months. During this time, it will become lighter and its gluten stronger. That is why the date of manufacture and the date of packaging are sometimes put on the bags.


This is not one indicator, it is a combination of properties, suitability for baking. Flour can be light, medium and strong. The stronger it is, the more it absorbs water, the dough rises out of it more slowly, but retains its shape well, retains the gas generated during fermentation, due to this, porous baked goods are obtained. These properties are highly dependent on the proteins contained. Strong flour contains a lot of gluten, and is sometimes mixed with weak flour to improve its quality.

Types of durum wheat flour

Each country that is engaged in the production of flour has its own classification. This often confuses the consumer. To buy the product that you need, you should distinguish between varieties and know what is hidden behind the terms.

Classification in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries

In Russia, durum wheat flour according to GOST is divided into 3 varieties:

  1. The highest grade, also known as grains, is obtained as a result of coarse grinding.
  2. First or semi-fragile.
  3. Second (finest grind).

These varieties also differ in ash content. In the highest grade, the ash content is only 0.9%, in the second one - 1.9%. It is durum that makes it possible to obtain coarse-grained products; soft grain is ground into dust.

By the way, the standard allows adding no more than 15% of soft wheat to it when receiving pasta flour.

Varieties of Italian flour

In fact, soft grain products are found in this country, they have numbers. Flour type 00 - the highest grade, the purest, white, fine grinding. Manitoba is very popular in this category, it is a very strong flour with a lot of gluten. Then there are numbers 0, 1, 2. Closing the row, the product is coarsely ground, almost whole grain, very nutritious, but does not rise well and gives a dough with poor elasticity.

If we talk about durum wheat, then flour from it is divided into:

  • Semola is a fairly coarse product. Semola is obtained from the central part of the grains.
  • Semolato is already a grit; to obtain it, only the outermost shells are removed.
  • Semola integrale di grano duro is what we call it.
  • Farina is a product of the finest grinding, but it is also found among soft wheat.

Semolina is semolina, so you can translate its name as closely as possible. It can also be used to knead dough and bake bread, cook porridge, it is ideal for breading. Remember the recipes - manniki, cheese cakes with semolina, curd casserole.

Semolina contains a lot and due to this, the glycemic index is slightly lower in comparison with other types of flour. It can be obtained from other grains such as corn or rice. Depending on the raw material, semolina will be beige, gray, yellowish.


Despite the fact that pasta from Italy (pasta, spaghetti) is considered the best, wheat itself is most grown in China, India and Russia. Italy does not even make it into the top ten.

How to use durum wheat flour

Durum produces cereals: wheat, arnautka, semolina, bulgur and couscous. The main field of application of hard grain flour is the manufacture of a wide variety of pasta in factories. At home, dough is kneaded from it, intended for:

  • other pasta noodles;
  • waffle cups;
  • pizza;
  • dumplings, dumplings;
  • lasagna;
  • cannelloni.

The proteins (gluten) of durum are very elastic and are of high quality. Due to this, the vermicelli does not boil, and the dumplings do not stick together. No wonder the spaghetti is not cooked a little, so that there are aldente. Also, durum wheat flour is added to regular bakery or used in recipes to get healthier baked goods.

How to choose durum wheat flour

In general, it is better not to make huge stocks of flour, because now there is no shortage of it. For 2 months is the maximum. Here are some tips to help you choose:

  1. It is better to buy in a store, not in a bazaar, especially in rainy weather, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.
  2. Read all the labels on the label. If “bakery” is indicated, then most likely it is from soft wheat varieties.
  3. The package must be whole, tightly sealed. The best option for packaging is paper. In packs of polymeric materials during long-term storage, it “suffocates”.
  4. You should always look at the date of manufacture. If the product has been stored in the store for a long time, it is better not to take it.

The final assessment of the quality of flour is possible only at home after opening the package. It should not be sticky, without lumps and the slightest foreign odors or tastes like musty, sour or too sweet. These are signs that spoiled grain has been used or has been improperly stored in the warehouse.

Storage features

In a nutshell, a grain storage place can be described as dry and cool. The shelf life of a closed bag can be from 6 to 12 months, it is indicated on the package. After opening it, it is better to use the contents within 2 months, otherwise “living creatures” will definitely start in it.

How to store flour:

  • tightly closed in a sealed container so that the product does not absorb moisture from the air and does not clump;
  • away from substances with a strong odor: spices, coffee, household chemicals;
  • with ideally tight packaging, it can be kept in the refrigerator and even freezer;
  • check regularly for bugs.

Whole grain flours have a higher fat content and are prone to rancid quickly. To prevent this from happening, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator, but in an airtight container or jar. If a strange odor appears in the product or larvae, clumps of sticking together, you need to throw it away immediately.

Take note

Freezing for a day or adding a couple of bay leaves to the bag will protect the flour from moths.

You should not be limited in your culinary creations only with the usual bread flour. Durum wheat flour is healthier and helps to cook homemade pasta and delicious pizza.

Durum wheat varies considerably in its properties depending on the variety and growing conditions. However, they are a special kind of wheat (Triticum durum) in contrast to common bread wheat (Triticum vulgare) and have very specific properties that distinguish them from other types of wheat.

The vast majority of durum wheat varieties are amber; there are also red-grain varieties, but they are mainly used for animal feed. As a separate species, durum wheat is characterized by a glassy dense endosperm and is the hardest known wheat species.

It has long been believed that durum wheat as a species has a higher protein content than other wheat. This is obviously the result of the influence of the conditions in which it is usually grown. Experiments in Canada suggest that durum wheat has almost the same protein content as durum red spring soft wheat when grown under the same conditions. Although the gluten quality of durum wheat varies widely, depending on the growing conditions and variety, these wheat are never as strong as durum red spring soft wheat grown under similar conditions. Data were obtained indicating that the proteins of durum wheat may differ somewhat from proteins of soft wheat, and the same differences are also observed for starch. The diastatic activity and gas-forming ability of durum wheat flour is significantly higher than that of other bread wheat; the content of free sugar in durum wheat, according to the unanimous opinion of researchers, is also significantly higher. The physical properties of durum wheat dough range from moderate to very weak; even at high protein levels, they rarely come close to those of strong durum spring and winter wheat. The only property of durum wheat, by which they easily differ from almost all varieties of ordinary wheat, is the high level of pigments. The concentration of these pigments in the endosperm of durum wheat is almost double their content in bakery wheat, and therefore yellow color has long become a distinctive feature of pasta made from durum wheat (when compared with corresponding products from other wheat).

Many years ago it was found that pasta made from wheat from southern Italy and North Africa is much higher in quality than the same products made from soft European wheat.

Wheats of Southern Italy and North Africa are hard, with a relatively high protein content, and the pasta produced from them is yellow-amber, while soft wheat products are white or grayish. In this way, a tradition was established: the yellow color of pasta products testifies to its excellent quality. This tradition has survived to this day. Meanwhile, notions of the relationship between the quality and yellow color of pasta have now lost their significance, since there are a number of other types of wheat in trade circulation, from which pasta is produced, which is superior in quality to pasta from soft European wheat, but this product is yellow has no color.

As a rule, the grain of hard durum wheat is larger in size, and the ratio of length to height and width, respectively, of these grains is higher than that of soft wheat. On average, the weight of 1000 grains in durum wheat is greater than that of soft wheat, and their natural weight is also correspondingly higher. Durum wheat endosperm has a higher ash content than soft wheat. Flour and semolina (semolina) from durum wheat at comparable yields in ash content are 25-50% higher, and this difference does not coincide with the difference in ash content of the corresponding whole (unmilled) grains.

Perhaps the most significant difference between durum wheat when used in pasta is that durum wheat products are significantly more stable when cooked; to the same extent, these products do not disintegrate and do not acquire a pasty character if left in water after cooking or when making canned food from them.

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