The first day of the new moon in November. New Moon in November. Lunar calendar of surgical operations

Moon phases in november

  • From 1st to 3rd - growing;
  • 4th - full moon;
  • From the 5th to the 17th - decreasing;
  • 18th - new moon;
  • From the 19th to the 30th - growing.

The exact time of the new and full moons

In order to use the calendar correctly, it is not enough to know what date this or that phase will begin. It is important to know how much. Preferably accurate to the second.
The new moon in November is at fourteen hours, forty minutes, fifty-one seconds.
The full moon in November is at eight o'clock, twenty-one minutes, thirty-one seconds.

datemoon daysunrise timeZodiac signEntrance signMoon phase
1 14 16:15 Aries09:44 Growing
2 15 16:36 Aries Moon
3 16 16:59 Taurus12:47
4 17 17:26 Taurus Full moon
5 18 17:58 Twins13:27 08:24
6 19 18:39 Twins waning
7 20 19:30 Cancer13:48 Moon
8 21 20:32 Cancer
9 22 21:43 a lion15:30
10 23 22:58 a lion 4 quarter
11 23 Virgo19:42 0:38
12 24 00:15 Virgo waning
13 25 01:31 Virgo Moon
14 26 02:45 Scales02:27
15 27 03:59 Scales
16 28 05:10 Scorpion11:20
17 29 06:21 Scorpion
18 30/1 07:39 Sagittarius22:00 New moon
19 2 08:36 Sagittarius 14:43
20 3 09:39 Sagittarius Growing
21 4 10:35 Capricorn10:15 Moon
22 5 11:25 Capricorn
23 6 12:07 Aquarius23:15
24 7 12:42 Aquarius
25 8 13:11 Aquarius
26 9 13:36 Fish11:05 1 quarter
27 10 13:58 Fish 20:04
28 11 14:18 Aries19:31 Growing
29 12 14:39 Aries moon
30 13 15:00 Taurus23:39

Why do we need a lunar calendar

Information about the lunar cycle can be useful in many areas of life:

  • treatment and wellness procedures;
  • conception and planning the desired sex of the child;
  • agricultural activity;
  • the beginning and end of important matters.

Any period has a certain meaning, but the most significant moments of the cycle are the new moon and full moon. They most strongly influence the person and the results of his activity.
What should and should not be done these days in November of this year
The eighteenth of November is ideal for cleansing the body and making plans for the future. But it is better to refrain from starting important matters and transfer them to the first phase of the growth of the moon.
The fourth of November is suitable for a haircut, household or creative affairs of no first importance. You should not travel, conduct any major financial transactions and change jobs. All this is best done when the moon is waning.

Our site offers a lunar calendar for 2020. It is useful in everyday affairs and will help make life easier. Using this knowledge, you can avoid mistakes, wrong decisions, unjustified expenditure of energy and effort. If you need to achieve success in business, you should use the calendar and plan them in accordance with the position of the moon.

The lunar year, like the usual solar year, consists of 12 months. The average lunar year is about 354 days long, 11 days short of the solar year. 2020 is a leap year with 1 extra day.
The lunar month goes from new moon to new moon and lasts 30 days. However, this is not always the case. Approximately half of the months of the year have an unfinished cycle - 29 lunar days. Months of an incomplete cycle create great psychological tension, the events of such months develop more sharply, and critical days are more pronounced.

Moon phases

There are four critical points in the lunar cycle - New Moon, Full Moon, First Quarter, Fourth Quarter. At these moments, the moon moves from one phase to another.
The change of phases is reflected in the person and our life. At such a time, the Moon is in tense aspect to the Sun or unites with it at the new moon.
These periods are considered stressful for many. Most accidents, traffic accidents, exacerbations of diseases occur at this time. Immunity may decrease, mood worsen.

New Moon and 1st Quarter

IN THE NEW MOON the body is most relaxed, the person is irritated, easily ill. Accordingly, things may not go well for him. Alcohol at this time poisons more than usual, the number of quarrels and conflicts between people increases.
This is the phase of active internal action. On the New Moon, it is recommended to make plans, think over ideas, draw a map of desire, dream.

New Moon in 2020
January 25 at 01:42
February 23 at 19:31
March 24 at 13:28
April 23 at 06:25
May 22 at 21:39
June 21 at 10:41
July 20 at 21:34
August 19 at 06:43
September 17 at 15:01
October 16 at 23:32
November 15 at 09:07
December 14 at 20:14

During the exact I QUARTER, a person experiences a crisis of breaking existing stereotypes, when the stereotype and reality diverge very much. At the same time, an interest in the real world arises, and in the situations that occur, new life experience is gained.
This is the phase of active external action. All our ideas, thoughts need to be turned into actions at this time, we need to work actively, there is a lot of energy at this time, what was previously conceived can easily be realized.

Full Moon and 4th Quarter

In the FULL MOON there is a flourishing of emotionality, the ability to concentrate is reduced. The probability of mistakes increases, the person becomes emotional and quick-tempered. There may be nightmares and insomnia.
After the FULL MOON, a person enriched with new experience gradually reduces external activity, he has a need to think about the experience he has gained. At this time, new stereotypes are laid, and a person switches to new automatisms.
The time from the full moon to the 4th quarter is a period of passive external action. You have already started a project in the previous quarter, in this phase, continue to actively do it. New achievements and plans are best reserved for the growing moon.

Full moon in 2020
January 10 at 23:22
February 09 at 05:43
March 09 at 21:49
April 08 at 06:35
May 07 at 14:46
June 05 at 23:26
05 July 08:46
August 03 at 20:00
September 02 at 09:23
October 02 at 01:06
October 31 at 18:49
November 30 at 13:44
December 30 at 07:29

After the exact 4 QUARTER, a person's self-criticism about their stereotypical behavior decreases, at such a time old ideas can easily work. After that, interest in the outside world gradually fades away, immersing a person in his own experiences.
This is the phase of passive internal action. The time when all your steps have already led to some results, formed into some kind of whole picture, and you analyze what you have already done, sum up. At this time, you need to prepare for the construction of a new plan for the next month.

Lunar and solar eclipse in 2020

At the time of the eclipse, all negative energy comes out. This is a very unfavorable and difficult period, which has a powerful effect on people. There is a depressive mood and despondency. These days it is strictly forbidden to start new business, get a job, get married and do other serious things. This applies to the next 2-3 days before and after the event.
It is better at this time to stay at home and light a candle. It will cleanse the energy and protect from negativity. It is also not recommended to sleep and look at the sky at the time of the exact eclipse.
According to the lunar calendar in 2020 there will be eclipses on the following dates:

Following the advice of the lunar calendar, you can learn how to use the influence of the night star for good. Life will become more orderly, harmonious and balanced.

Eclipse in 2020
Lunar eclipse 10.01 at 23:11
Lunar eclipse June 05 at 23:14
Solar eclipse June 21 at 10:42 am
Lunar eclipse July 05 at 08:31
Lunar eclipse November 30 at 13:31

Welcome to the calendar of lunar days for November 2017. We hope that it will be convenient and easy to use. The lunar calendar data is calculated by special astrological scripts, which were written with the help of professional astrologers. The maximum error of a lunar day is 25 minutes. The error in calculating the sign of the zodiac of the moon can be about 40 minutes. We are trying to improve our lunar calendar for November 2017, so with each update of our site, it gets more and more accurate and less calculation error. Living on the moon is great! We sincerely wish you successful implementation of your tasks with the help of our lunar calendar.

Nov 1 2017 16:15 - 14 lunar day

A very powerful lunar day in which passivity is not allowed. Our thoughts and actions are now being rapidly implemented, so we need to direct them in the right direction.

Moon November 1, 2017

Nov 2 2017 16:36 - 15 lunar day

Usually on the 15th lunar day there is a full moon. Avoid conflicts, keep inner peace. The moon today gives a chance to show your talents, but only if you direct your energy to them, and not to base desires.

Moon November 2, 2017

Nov 3 2017 16:59 - 16 lunar day

A well-deserved rest day for those who lived in harmony with the Moon and were not lazy during the period of activity (the first half of the lunar month). Now your affairs are in the direction given from 1 to 15 lunar days. Do something that makes you feel happy.

Moon November 3, 2017

Nov 4 2017 17:26 - 17 lunar day

A day with great energy, which is intended for relaxation, and more active than passive. Go ice skating, go to the swimming pool, sauna, springs... Arrange a holiday, rejoice with your family or friends. Avoid alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

Moon November 4, 2017

Nov 5 2017 17:58 - 18 lunar day

The symbol of the 18 lunar day is a mirror, so it is not difficult to guess what effect this day has. Everything that happens in your life today is a reflection of yourself. If you have been rude, most likely, you yourself tend to abuse it. Look at yourself from the outside and analyze your actions.

Moon November 5, 2017

Nov 6 2017 18:38 - 19 lunar day

An unusual lunar day, on which all your strength must be spent in order to maintain balance. The moon today tests us for strength and loyalty to our ideals. Do not waste energy on conflicts, mind your own business. Do not change the direction of your affairs.

Moon November 6, 2017

Nov 7 2017 19:30 - 20 lunar day

Today you need to complete your business to its logical end. Perhaps this will be just part of one big plan. Look at what is happening to you from the point of view of an observer. The moon can reveal to you the true state of affairs and show you the way forward if you follow this advice.

Moon November 7, 2017

Nov 8 2017 20:32 - 21 lunar days

Great day for creativity. The day is good for any activities related to creativity and art. The energy given today must be spent wisely. Spend the day the way you would like to spend your whole life: - do only what you would do, even if you would not be paid for it.

Moon November 8, 2017

Nov 9 2017 21:42 - 22 lunar day

The symbol of the 22nd lunar day is Ganesha - a deity that brings harmony and prosperity. A great day for the implementation of any complex tasks, including business and financial ones. The main condition is not to be lazy. Improve, get rid of the unnecessary and get closer to the divine!

Moon November 9, 2017

Nov 10 2017 22:58 - 23 lunar day

Today you need to be very careful with your energy. The fact is that the moon today puts a lot of pressure on our shell, and for those who are not used to properly distributing energy, it will seem that everyone around is extremely unfriendly. The main thing is not to let the energy stagnate - then it will be possible to safely avoid all the negative outcomes of the lunar day.

Moon November 10, 2017

Nov 12 2017 0:15 - 24 lunar day

A pleasant lunar day, designed for active business. Keep moving towards the finish line, don't be lazy and get creative! The moon today is very generous with energy, and if you do not spend it, your energy shell will feel uncomfortable. Do what brings you pleasure. Avoid routine, rush.

Moon November 12, 2017

Nov 13 2017 1:31 - 25 lunar day

Very interesting lunar day. Today spiritual revelation, wisdom comes to us. Spend the day however you see fit. Try not to get involved in active events, it is better to focus on the inside. Any spiritual practices and study of holy scriptures today will be of great benefit.

Moon November 13, 2017

Nov 14 2017 2:46 - 26 lunar day

Today, there is a possibility that you will be undeservedly proud of what you have achieved. Try not to let this happen, and remember that you are no better than other people. All people have a different fate and degree of delusion about what to do in life. Treat people with compassion and understanding.

Moon November 14, 2017

Nov 15 2017 3:59 - 27 lunar day

A magnificent day in which reason and intuition are best combined. If you have problems, it will be easy to deal with them and find the source of their occurrence. Any crazy ideas are welcome. Feel like a child and boldly step towards fate!

Moon November 15, 2017

Nov 16 2017 5:11 - 28 lunar day

A pleasant day, which opens a look at the current state of affairs. A deep inner understanding of the situation comes. The moon today gives us back what we deserved during the lunar month.

Moon November 16, 2017

Nov 17 2017 6:21 - 29 lunar day

Today you need to gather all your strength in order to stay in a balanced state. The moon today is very powerful with its energy and for those who are not ready to accept it, it can be somewhat difficult. If you have lived the lunar month in harmony with the rhythms of the moon, do not worry - you will not be affected.

Moon November 17, 2017

Nov 18 2017 7:30 - 30 lunar day

A very bright lunar day, like a flash, penetrating the world with rays of goodness. This day does not always happen, and often lasts only one hour. Despite this, you have a well-deserved chance to enjoy it.

Moon November 18, 2017

Nov 18 2017 14:42 - 1 lunar day

Day of laying the foundation for the whole month. It is not necessary to start work and take active actions. All you need now is to think about what you want and how you can achieve what you want. If you are planning a global goal, try to break it down into stages and highlight the first one - the most important one. Don't worry if there is no such goal on the horizon, you still have time to think.

Moon November 18, 2017

Nov 19 2017 8:37 - 2 lunar day

Pretty passive day. In general, if you already have a goal in mind, you can think about how to start implementing it. For example, if you are going on a trip, think about what things you need to pack for the trip, who to entrust with the care of your pet

Moon November 19, 2017

Nov 20 2017 9:39 - 3 lunar day

On the 3rd lunar day, everything conceived begins to be fully realized. Today, the energy of the moon is powerful, and even somewhat aggressive. If you spend it wisely, focusing all your efforts on creativity, the day will be very productive. Finally adjust the direction of your movement and implement your plan.

Moon November 20, 2017

Nov 21 2017 10:36 - 4 lunar day

4 lunar day is a continuation of the path chosen for movement for the whole lunar month. Follow your intuition and don't be afraid to do what it tells you to do. Today, the moon generously provides information that you will need in the implementation of your plans.

Moon November 21, 2017

Nov 22 2017 11:26 - 5 lunar day

5 lunar day is a day of global internal transformation. Try to channel your energy into becoming a little wiser. Useful meditation and walks in the fresh air, preferably in a calm environment. The main goal of the lunar day is to prevent external stimuli from drowning out your inner voice.

Moon November 22, 2017

Nov 23 2017 12:08 - 6 lunar day

6 lunar day - today we are getting used to the changes that have occurred to us and the world around us on the 5 lunar day. Listen to the silence and hear what was previously inaccessible. In no case do not allow dissatisfaction with your life, otherwise life will answer you the same.

Moon November 23, 2017

Nov 24 2017 12:43 - 7 lunar day

Today, everything said and done is very important and has a huge impact on your future. Your thoughts will be quickly realized. Do not allow discontent and negativity. Speak and think about what you want to attract into your life.

Moon November 24, 2017

Nov 25 2017 13:12 - 8 lunar day

Today is a day of inner work on yourself. It is best to engage in activities today in which you can keep mentally active. Cleaning, tending the garden or just taking a walk are ideal for indoor work.

Moon November 25, 2017

Nov 30 2017 15:00 - 13 lunar day

Internal reserves are activated, a second wind appears. Passivity is not allowed - all efforts must be made to implement current tasks.

Moon November 30, 2017
In this lunar calendar, you can find out which days are favorable in November 2017 and which are not. Please don't be fanatical about data. This is only information that should not predetermine the course of your actions. If you see that some day there may be difficulties, just try to take the difficulties with more enthusiasm. No need to deliberately program yourself for bad results. Believe in yourself and trust the coming, everything will work out!

you are browsing lunar calendar for november 2017. It provides information such as moon phases november 2017 And lunar days november 2017. You can easily open the calendar of lunar days for the next month by clicking the button below on the right.

The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, we constantly observe the lunar snow-white disk. The moon appears and disappears. The Full Moon and New Moon are two phases that people attach special importance to. Now the Moon grows, then it ages, it becomes flawed. And strange things happen on Earth at this time: huge masses of water begin to move, thousands of tons of the earth's surface cannot calm down and landslides occur, earthquakes occur.

People are part of wildlife, we also feel the effects of the lunar phases. Therefore, it is so important to know when the waxing and waning Moon, New Moon and Full moon in november 2017. And also from this article you will get information about some of the recommendations of the lunar calendar for this month.

Lunar cycle

  • November 1 - 3, 2017 - the Moon is in a growing phase;
  • November 4, 2017 - Full Moon;
  • November 5 - 9, 2017 - the transition of the moon to a waning phase;
  • November 10, 2017 - third quarter;
  • November 11 - 17, 2017 - continuation of the waning phase of the moon;
  • November 18, 2017 - New Moon;
  • November 19 - 25, 2017 - transition to the growing phase of the moon;
  • November 26, 2017 - first quarter;
  • November 27 - 30, 2017 - continuation of the growing.

Detailed lunar calendar by day for November 2017

November 1, 2017 (13, 14 lunar day) is a good period for traveling, business trips. The road promises to be unobstructed and calm. for trade, business, business matters.

November 2, 2017 (14, 15 lunar day) - today it is extremely important to overcome the leaning melancholy and apathy. There may be unexpected obstacles in business, but with the support of friends and family, you can easily overcome all problems.

November 3, 2017 (15, 16 lunar day) - this day is intended for doing interesting simple work, favorite hobbies, etc. Reporting, planning and solving important issues today will also be a success. It is important to remain calm in all situations.

November 4, 2017 (16, 17 lunar day) - any road today will not hide any obstacles. A good day to spend with friends and family. All events and holidays will succeed. Shopping will bring satisfaction.

November 5, 2017 (17, 18 lunar day) - rejuvenating and cleansing procedures will be very useful for the body. But with a haircut and hair coloring will have to wait.

November 6, 2017 (18, 19 lunar day) is a great day to achieve inner harmony, unity with nature. It is not the most favorable time for marriages, important negotiations, signing contracts and concluding financial transactions.

November 7, 2017 (19, 20 lunar day) is a great period for doing what you love, interesting work and pleasant chores. Now you need to stock up on strength and vitality for upcoming projects and further work. Cozy sweaters, cardigans and knitted stoles will give you comfort and harmony.

November 8, 2017 (20, 21 lunar days) is a good day for changing jobs, getting married, making important deals, signing contracts. Today, any financial affairs will be decided on a one-two basis. Do not refuse the help of colleagues.

November 9, 2017 (21, 22 lunar day) is a great opportunity to engage in self-development, mastering new skills, self-education. All the experience gained today will help in the future, in addition, you will become much more confident in yourself. The day is unfavorable for financial matters.

November 10, 2017 (22, 23 lunar day) is a good day for household chores, routine daily work, home improvement. It is not worth dealing with global issues that require a lot of energy today.

November 11, 2017 (23 lunar day) - it is better not to plan a wedding for today, and commercial and financial affairs on this day will not be successful, so it is also better to postpone them. Choose loose, comfortable clothing. Breaking in tight shoes today is taboo.

November 12, 2017 (23, 24 lunar day) - throughout the day you need to maintain activity at the highest level. Favorable time to start new projects. Apathy and passivity should be avoided.

November 13, 2017 (24, 25 lunar day) - haste today will not lead to anything good. In all cases, you need to adhere to increased attention and prudence. Yoga and meditation will help you achieve inner harmony.

November 14, 2017 (25, 26 lunar day) - noisy events and loud friendly gatherings today are best avoided. The day is ideal for analyzing the current situation, evaluating your own actions. It is also extremely important to avoid excessive workload today.

November 15, 2017 (26, 27 lunar day) is a favorable day to come to grips with your appearance. Creating a new bright image will only benefit you. The updated appearance will give confidence, make it even more charming and attract success.

November 16, 2017 (27, 28 lunar day) is a great chance to go shopping and find exactly what you need. In addition, work on important issues and new projects will also be fruitful.

November 17, 2017 (28, 29 lunar day) - today it is better not to deal with important problems, but to devote time to simple daily work, ordinary household chores. It is also highly undesirable to make plans, make appointments.

November 18, 2017 (29, 30, 1 lunar day) - the period has come for planning, summing up, compiling reports and completing everything that has been started. November 18, 2017 is the most opportune moment to give up bad habits that have long been interfering with life. For all kinds of tricks with hair is not the best time.

November 19, 2017 (1, 2 lunar day) is a good day for doing commerce, finance, trade. However, you should be careful and prudent, especially when making transactions. Also, the day is favorable for revealing the potential, talents, creative abilities. To achieve high results, set the blue color in clothes.

November 20, 2017 (2, 3 lunar day) - the day should be aimed at maintaining physical fitness at the proper level. Dancing, yoga, martial arts and gym classes will help with this. The day is not suitable for making large purchases and marriages.

November 21, 2017 (3, 4 lunar day) is an unfavorable day for important matters and responsible decisions. It is best to devote time to a good rest, a walk in the fresh air, going on a picnic. It is quite possible that long-standing losses will be found, and answers to long-standing questions will be received.

November 22, 2017 (4, 5 lunar day) - the day will pass under the sign of beauty. A radical change in appearance will lead to success. The freshness and novelty of the image will help in solving many issues. A new haircut will fill your hair with health.

November 23, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) is a good day for meeting and communicating. A favorable period for mental work, self-study, accumulation of experience. Sunny shades in the wardrobe will help maintain good spirits and body.

November 24, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) - today you can make responsible, serious decisions, get married, go on trips, make major acquisitions. Emotions should be tightly clamped in a fist.

November 25, 2017 (7, 8 lunar day) is a wonderful day, conducive to summing up, drawing up plans and reports, preparing for future work. A haircut will come in handy.

November 26, 2017 (8, 9 lunar day) - long trips, travel, resorts and sanatoriums during this period will be very useful. It's also time to take care of your health. Wellness and body-strengthening procedures will help with this.

November 27, 2017 (9, 10 lunar day) is a good period for solving important matters, dealing with commercial and business issues, starting a new job, etc. However, disputes and conflicts should be avoided. Red color in accessories will add individuality.

November 28, 2017 (10, 11 lunar day) - on this day it is desirable to complete all current affairs, work on mistakes and rethink what is happening. Responsible and important matters or tasks should be moved to a more favorable day for this. In addition, relocations, as well as other relocations, will not be successful.

November 29, 2017 (11, 12 lunar day) is a good day for gaining experience and resources. Long-distance travel is now undesirable.

November 30, 2017 (12, 13 lunar day) - a measured calm period for a pleasant pastime with the family. Today we need to pay more attention to relatives and friends. Most importantly, stress must not be allowed. In clothes it is worth adhering to sky-blue shades.

The rise of the moon is an important period, because it connects two special days - the New Moon and the Full Moon. The energy of the moon is on the rise all these days, so people become more impulsive.

In November, the Moon will grow from the 1st to the 3rd, as well as from the 19th to the 30th. It will be possible to attract love and good luck into your life only by hard work and faith in yourself, especially in the first three days of this month. The waxing moon is a time of opportunity.

Growing Moon from November 1 to November 3

All three days will pass under the auspices of Aries. These will be dangerous days, in which it is better not to make any important decisions and beware of lies and hypocrisy. Most conflicts occur on such days, because the combination of Aries and the growing Moon is very negative from any point of view. Energy dissonance will lead you to new problems if you do not take care of the old ones.

During this period, the state of health can be very bad: headaches, constant fatigue, joint pain are possible. If you are a weather sensitive person, then these three days can be dangerous for you.

Try not to go too far, sitting up at work, overloading your body with physical and intellectual stress. Go to bed on time and don't do things you hate. Also try to avoid alcohol and junk food.

Many people may fall into a state of short-term depression from November 1 to 3. She will make you change your principles and fail in love, business and deeds. It is better not to make purchases on such days, because you can be deceived. Everyone is looking for a benefit for themselves. Only those people who can negotiate with each other will get what they want. This suggests that in early November you need to do not what you want, but what is necessary. Take care of your direct responsibilities. This way you can avoid problems.

The period of the growing moon from November 19 to 30

There will be many truly positive days during this period: November 19, 21, 24, 25 and 28. This will be possible thanks to the successful unions of the moon and stars. The whole period as a whole will be stable. Despite the fact that the moon is growing, astrologers advise to spend more time in a calm environment, without work, without nerves. Only occasionally will it be possible to force yourself to go forward, overcoming obstacles. Any victories during the growth of the moon will be very pleasant, especially in the field of love.

During this period, do not waste money. Do not spend finances, but earn them, as well as respect for partners, colleagues and superiors. In a word, increased activity will only benefit you. Life is very simple at such moments when you just need to go forward, but not everyone manages to find the strength for this. That is why it will be necessary to avoid high ambitions, not supported by any skills.

The most positive days are November 24 and 25. The moon will grow in Aquarius, so the days will fly by quickly, but very productively. Even if you do nothing, fate itself will do everything for you. It will create conditions under which you just need to force yourself to move forward.

Try not to plan anything for more than three or four days. It will also be possible to act on inspiration, because in general the period will turn out to be especially creative. The sixth sense will be strongest, again, on the 24th and 25th. Astrologers note that it is better not to avoid new beginnings - it will be possible to experiment on the growing moon at the end of November.

In love, success awaits those who know how to impress with their actions and know how to keep the fire of intrigue alive. Because of this, most likely, women will be easier than men. Make new acquaintances, don't be afraid to invite people on dates and look for your place under the sun of love.

If the month does not start in the best way, then use affirmations to help you tune in only for victories at the end of November. The waxing moon will help you move from planning to decisive action. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not doubt success. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.10.2017 07:38

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