Homemade marshmallow made from anything. Homemade marshmallow according to ancient recipes How and from what you can make marshmallow

Tasty, healthy, low-calorie - that's all it is, homemade marshmallow. But it’s not cheap in the store, and it’s also unknown what the manufacturer put in there - probably just chemicals so that it doesn’t spoil longer.

Well, we won’t be sad, but we’ll try make it yourself. Pastila can be prepared at home from almost any fruit and berry puree and jam. We'll tell you how. Watch and memorize recipes.

Read also:

So. To prepare marshmallow, you need to take a slightly cooled jam and spread it in a thin layer on baking sheets or wooden boards lined with oiled parchment paper, and then dry it in the oven or in the sun.

Process Features

  • To prevent the finished dish from acquiring foreign odors, it is better suited for impregnating paper. olive or boiled sunflower oil.
  • For more uniform drying, the layers must be turned over during drying.
  • The finished layers should be rolled with a wooden roller (compressed) to give the same thickness, and in addition, after this technique, the marshmallow will acquire a glossy tint.
  • The delicacy is considered ready if the dried layers do not stick to the fingers and have same thickness.
  • For preparing marshmallows, enamel dishes and a wooden spoon for stirring are best suited.
  • Also, this delicacy can be considered ready if, when stirring, the hot mass reaches for the spoon and freely separates from the bottom of the dish.

Homemade marshmallow recipes

Apple marshmallow

To prepare apple marshmallow, you will need 1 kilogram of ripe apples and 100 grams of granulated sugar. And some water to boil the apples.

Before cooking, apples must be thoroughly washed, all existing wormholes removed, divided into parts and the seeds removed along with the seed pod.

Better cut the apples into smaller pieces for faster boiling and add water. Place the container with fruit on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook everything over low heat until completely cooked.

Boiled apples are rubbed through a sieve to remove the skin. Applesauce should be homogeneous and slightly runny. You need to pour it into the pan again, put the required amount of sugar there and mix well, and then put it back on low heat.

The puree should be boiled to the consistency thick sour cream. After this, the boiled puree is laid out on a baking sheet, which has been previously covered with oiled parchment paper and is evenly leveled in a thin layer.

Place the baking tray with applesauce in the preheated oven up to 80 degrees.

When pressed with a finger, it becomes elastic and does not remain on the fingers. You can dry the marshmallow in the sun, but it will take about two days.

Apricot marshmallow

For 1 kg of apricots you will need 800 grams of sugar and about a glass of water.

First of all, prepare the apricot puree. To do this, the apricots are washed well, after all the seeds are removed from them. Then the apricots are filled with water and simmer over low heat until they are boiled. After this, the apricots are rubbed through a sieve to obtain a puree. After adding granulated sugar, the puree is boiled until completely cooked with constant stirring.

To determine the readiness of the marshmallow, take the mixture with a spoon and place it on a chilled plate. When cooled, the finished mass acquires the thickness of jelly.

Then it is laid out on a baking sheet and carefully leveled in a thin layer. The cooled mass should be cut into diamonds or other shapes, sprinkled with powdered sugar and folded together in two pieces. The pastille should be stored in a tightly sealed container in a dry place.

Pear pastille in Slovakian style

To prepare, you need to take 125 grams of granulated sugar for 1 kg of pears.

You can also put this fruit in it, read the link.

Ripe pears are cut into small pieces and boiled until soft with the addition of a small amount of water.

Then this mass is rubbed through a sieve and the required amount of granulated sugar is added to the resulting puree, put on low heat and with constant stirring, it is necessary to boil the mass until it thickens.

Place parchment paper lightly coated with vegetable oil on a baking sheet, onto which the hot mixture is thinly spread. The marshmallow should be dried in a moderately heated oven. Ready-made yummy rolls up. For storage fits into glass jars, which are tightly closed and placed in a cool place.

Blackcurrant marshmallow

  • To prepare you need to take:
  • Black currants in the amount of 1 kg and
  • Sugar in the amount of 600 g
  • It is enough to take ¾ cup of water.

Currant berries should be sort through carefully to remove all debris and wash thoroughly. Then they are placed in an enamel pan and filled with water. Cover the pan with a lid and place on low heat.

Boil black currants until completely softened. After this, the digestion is rubbed through a sieve. The required amount of granulated sugar is added to the resulting mass and everything is thoroughly mixed. The bowl with the berry mass is again placed on the stove and, with constant stirring, is boiled to the consistency of thick sour cream.

The prepared marshmallow is placed in wooden trays and placed to dry in an oven heated to 80 degrees for about 12 hours. The delicacy made in this way should be cover with parchment and store in a dry and cool place that is well ventilated.

Having collected a rich harvest of apples, many housewives do not know how to process it.

In addition to compotes, jam and marmalade, you can prepare an excellent treat at home - apple marshmallow.

Words cannot describe the amazing taste of this product. Delicate apple soufflé is a work of culinary art.

Cooking methods

Previously, this delicious product was prepared exclusively in a Russian oven. The heat in it slowly decreased, therefore, the marshmallow dried out gradually, which was ideal for obtaining a delicate taste. In modern conditions, you can also prepare this apple sweetness in several ways:

To make apple marshmallow at home, you just need to follow the recipe.

Recipe in the oven

It's easy to make homemade apple marshmallow. The oven recipe is simple. You just need to take into account that the process will not be fast and the heating temperature of the oven should not exceed 100 degrees.

Cooking steps:

Readiness can be determined by color and stickiness: it does not stick to your hands and is orange in color. It is better to place the dried product on a cutting board with the parchment facing up and cover with a damp cloth so that the paper comes off easily. The top of the treat can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pastila in a slow cooker

Apple marshmallow recipe in a slow cooker:

If desired, you can add ground kernels of any nuts, dried berries, or pieces of candied fruit to the recipe.

Electric dryer to the rescue

You can prepare apple marshmallow using a fruit and vegetable dehydrator. The recipe for apple marshmallows at home using an electric dryer is as follows:

  • Before cooking, it is better to peel the apples and grate them on a coarse grater;
  • then you need to boil the resulting mass until thick; it is not necessary to add water to juicy apple varieties;
  • for 1.5 kg of apples add one glass of sugar, but the amount of sugar will depend on taste preferences;
  • to obtain a more tender marshmallow, beat the cooled puree with a mixer;
  • Next, place a circle of parchment on the grid of the electric dryer and distribute the resulting mass in an even layer; To ensure that the marshmallow is thin and easily rolled into a tube, the layer thickness should not exceed 5 mm. To obtain six circles of the finished product, you will need 1.5 kg of apples.

An ancient delicacy

Belevskaya marshmallow is a delicacy produced using ancient technology in the city of Belev, Tula region. This protein dessert has received well-deserved leadership among other similar products. To make apple marshmallow according to this recipe, you need take 2 kg of Antonov apples, two egg whites, a glass of sugar and spend some time.

Cooking steps:

Joy for children

There is a recipe for soft apple marshmallow that resembles a soufflé. This recipe is suitable for small children.

To prepare you need:

  • Dilute gelatin or agar-agar (4 grams) in 50 ml of warm water and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes;
  • ripe apples should be cut in half, cored, placed in a cup with a small amount of water and placed in the microwave for 5 minutes;
  • Add a glass of sugar and vanillin to taste to the resulting pulp and mix well;
  • Place agar-agar or gelatin on low heat, add another glass of sugar, and cook for one minute, stirring constantly;
  • Add egg white to the cooled applesauce and beat until the mixture becomes light in color;
  • then add sugar syrup and continue beating for a while;
  • Pour the resulting product into special molds and leave at room temperature for 6-7 hours;
  • Cut the finished marshmallow into cubes and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

For tasty and tender marshmallow, you need to use sour apple varieties, such as Antonovka, Bely Naliv, Bessemyanka and Granny Smith. Non-succulent types are more suitable: with them the process of evaporation of liquid will take less time.

Do not use enamel cookware as the product will burn in it. “Harmful” sugar can be replaced with a more natural component; liquid flower honey is suitable for this. To avoid getting burned by the boiling mass, it must be constantly stirred. To obtain a thin and smooth plate, it is recommended to use a wide wooden spatula.

You can add other fruits to apples: they go best with pears, plums and cherries. When using different products, it is better to cook them separately and mix the already whipped masses. If the marshmallow sticks to the parchment, you need to carefully moisten it with water or cover the finished product, turned upside down with the parchment facing up, with a damp towel.

The finished product should be stored at room temperature in a dark place and in tightly closed glass jars. Loved by both adults and children, homemade marshmallow is rich in vitamins and is an excellent dessert.

If you're hungry and don't have much time, marshmallows are the answer. Pastilles de Leche means "milk tablets" or "milk tablets" in Spanish. This food delicacy is not usually available in other countries.

If you like milk, then you will like marshmallows, since that is the main ingredient. Pastila is a candy made from milk. They can be served with the main course or as an appetizer. Pastilles are easy and quick to prepare, some even use them as a product for sale.

A simple recipe for homemade marshmallows


  • 1 can of condensed milk (or one liter of cow's or goat's milk).
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • Flavor (optional): chocolate, etc.
  • ½ – 1 cup milk powder such as Nido and Anchor.

You can add if necessary:

  • ½ cup white granulated sugar or confectioners' sugar, for coating
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • Melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon lemon peel
  • A few drops of vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch

If you want to make a larger batch, double the recipe.


  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Cellophane paper is cut into squares
  • Mixing bowl
  • Wooden stick
  • Dishes
  • Spoon
  • Sugar container
  • Large cutting board
  • Plate
  • Wax paper
  • Pot
  • Large saucepan

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Mix the condensed milk and sift the milk powder in a bowl until it has the consistency of cookie dough. Add milk powder if the dough is too thin and more milk if it is too thick.

It is advisable to use a rubber or wooden spatula to mix the ingredients and add a small amount of liquid. You can also add flavoring at this stage. The flavor can be chocolate, melon or coffee. For a noticeable flavor, add lemon zest to this mixture.

  1. Add margarine to the mixture. Margarine serves as an additional flavoring for marshmallows.
  1. Set the mixture aside for 10-15 minutes before shaping. The more time you wait, the less it will stick to your hands.
  1. Roll the mixture into small logs or balls using clean hands. The size must be equal. Imagine that you are sculpting clay. You can also form other shapes such as hearts and squares. Make sure the surface is smooth.
  1. Place the balls (hearts, squares, etc.) on a plate and sprinkle them with sugar.
  1. Cut out pieces of paper or use cling paper, colored paper wrapping, or cellophane to package the lozenges. If you don't want to wrap each marshmallow, you can insert a toothpick and stack them on a plate.

1. How to make marshmallow

  1. Mix sugar and fresh milk in a saucepan.
  1. Boil and stir until it becomes pasty in texture.
  1. Add milk powder and butter.
  1. Mix the ingredients evenly.
  1. Remove the pan from the heat source and transfer the mixture to a bowl.
  1. Let it cool until it is no longer hot but still warm.
  1. Drop 20 lozenges into small cylinders.
  2. Wrap each marshmallow in a square of paper, rolling it like a cylinder and then twisting each end.

Preparation. Using the stove

  1. Boil the milk until it reduces by ¼ (only 3/4 remains).
  1. Add condensed milk to boiled milk and stir.
  2. Stir 1/3 cup milk powder into mixture in saucepan. You can use any powdered milk, but the taste will vary.
  1. Add a few drops of vanilla to add flavor and taste the marshmallow. Adding too much vanilla will overpower the flavor of the dessert.
  2. Wait a few minutes. As the milk evaporates, the texture of the mixture will change. This may take up to 10 minutes.
  1. While the mixture is still heating, continue stirring. This is not only to ensure that the ingredients are well mixed, but also to ensure that the mixture does not burn.
  1. You can tell if the mixture is ready by the sweet smell. Do not overdo it. You should not have a black tint as this indicates that you have burnt the marshmallow.
  1. Place ice, salt and water in a bowl. This serves as an ice bath.
  1. Grease a glass bowl with oil to prevent the mixture from sticking.
  1. Transfer heated ingredients to an oiled glass bowl and add ice bath. The mixture will harden.
  1. Instead, you can chill the mixture for 10 minutes to allow the candy to fall out easily.
  1. Once you have taken out the lozenges, prepare your wrappers, such as cellophane or Japanese paper. The design and size of the wrapper depends on your choice.
  2. Roll the mixture into long cylinders (like licorice), then cut.

2. Goat milk marshmallows

The ingredients in making goat's milk marshmallows are the same as if you make them from cocoa or cow's milk, except you must use less sugar.

You will need:

  • goat milk (1 liter)
  • corn starch (1 teaspoon)
  • white sugar (1/2 cup)

You can add ingredients according to your preferences.

The preparation is the same as when making milk lozenges with cow's milk or carabao milk.

Goat's milk is a good alternative for pastel ingredients. Basically, all you have to do is replace cow's milk with goat's milk. The ingredients will remain the same, however, be aware that when you use liquid goat's milk, the shelf life of your lozenges may be shorter than if you use powdered cow's milk. Goat milk is usually sold in liquid form, and it is very rare to find a powder version in supermarkets.

3. Frequently asked questions:

—Can I use cornstarch to thicken the lozenge mixture?

Yes you can, but make sure you balance the milk and sugar mixture correctly. Otherwise, your lozenges will not taste good and they will be hard to chew and paste-like. Cornstarch is often used to thicken recipes - sauces, gravies, etc., so it is a good option for lozenges. The only drawback is that it is not very neat.

What is the weight of one lozenge in this recipe?

- It depends on how big your marshmallow is. However, for this particular example, 8 pieces of the correct shaped lozenge will be about 120 grams (15 grams each).

— Do lozenges need to be refrigerated before molding and coating?

Yes. They are easier to shape after they have been cooled for 30 minutes. If you used the no-stove method, you can form them straight away. It is advisable to lubricate your hands with coconut oil, as this makes the sculpting process easier.

— How long is the shelf life of marshmallows?

The marshmallow will keep for 2 weeks if refrigerated or 1 week if stored in a dark, dry place such as a cupboard. Unless you individually package the lozenges, you will need to store them in an airtight container.

- Why are the lozenges dark in color when a metal ladle is used? When we made the marshmallow, we used a metal ladle and the marshmallow changed color.

If your spoon is aluminum, it will react to the mixture. In addition, stainless steel spoons heat up quickly when stirring and can change the composition of the lozenges and also overheat the milk. Use a wooden spoon.

Cooking knows many methods for preparing marshmallows: recipes passed down from generation to generation, original methods and new dishes adapted to a specific area. A very tasty homemade dessert is based on the same ingredients: apples, egg whites and sugar or its equivalent.

The main components are:

  • Sugar or its substitute.
  • Pectin or agar-agar.
  • Fruit based puree.
  • Drinking water.

The beneficial substances in sweets make it a valuable source of vitamins. The marshmallow is prepared at home at high temperature, which will help the mineral substances not to disintegrate, but to remain in a form convenient for absorption. The product is enriched with calcium and magnesium, which has a positive effect on the condition of bones, hair and skin. There are no fats in marshmallows, it is perfectly processed and absorbed, nourishes the body with useful substances and supplies the brain with glucose, improves memory and increases vitality.

Pectin removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and restores the microclimate in the intestines. Apples are an iron-containing fruit, and marshmallows contain plenty of this substance to increase hemoglobin. There are also contraindications: allergic reactions, obesity and weight gain with uncontrolled consumption; diabetics should not use it if it is made with sugar.

Recipe for classic Belev marshmallow

The birthplace of Belevskaya marshmallow is the Tula region. The recipe was invented 150 years ago. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that only one variety of apples is used in its production - “Antonovka”, with a subtle sourness, delicate taste and amazingly intense aroma.

The recipe is simple and requires few ingredients. However, it takes a lot of time to prepare, but the result is pleasing in appearance and taste. Most of the minutes spent are spent on drying the dish and bringing it to a ready-made state, so the intervention of the cook here is minimal, but do not forget about checking the product in the oven when baking.


Servings: 20

  • Antonovka variety apples 2 kg
  • chicken proteins 2 pcs
  • sugar 200 g

Per serving

Calories: 72 kcal

Proteins: 0.6 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 16.1 g

5 o'clock 30 min. Video recipe Print

    Wash whole apples, remove seeds and stems. Leave the peel - it will come off during the process of rubbing the fruit.

    Place the apple parts in a specially prepared container and bake at 180 °C until they “float”. After this, wipe with a sieve.

    Carefully pour 1⁄2 cup of sugar into the resulting mass and beat the mixture using a whisk or whisk.

    Beat the whites. Add the remaining sugar, spoonful at a time and continue stirring. Readiness can be judged by the elasticity of the resulting mass, the so-called “hard peaks”. The volume will at least double.

    Having set aside 2-3 spoons of the whipped whites, add the applesauce into the main mass with gentle movements.

    Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or use a special silicone (Teflon) mat. Spread the mixture in a thin layer.

    To dry with the door slightly open, keep the composition for 7 hours at a temperature of 100 °C.

    Cut the mixture into 4 parts, brush with the remaining protein mixture and place one underneath the other. Place in the oven for 2 hours.

    Take it out after the time has elapsed and enjoy the taste and aroma of the finished product.

Belevskaya marshmallow without sugar


  • 1 kg of Antonovka apples;
  • To taste - honey.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the fruits and make jam using honey. Pass the fruits through a meat grinder, simmer until soft and beat with a blender.
  2. It will take 2 to 3 hours to simmer. Remove the mixture when the apples are completely soft. If the fruits are dry, add a little water. Cook in a thick saucepan.
  3. After thickening, dry the mass. To do this, place parchment paper on a baking sheet, coat it with refined sunflower oil and pour a thin layer (7-8 mm) of apple jam.
  4. Open the oven door slightly. Dry at 100°C for 4 hours. When the jam stops sticking, it is ready.
  5. After cooling, turn the pastille over with parchment paper, moisten it with water and leave for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the sheet, use a knife to cut the dish into rectangular pieces and roll them into tubes.
  7. The marshmallow can be stored longer without adding sugar.

Video cooking

How to make apple marshmallow in a slow cooker


  • Sweeter apples – 1 kg;
  • Natural honey - one tablespoon;
  • Water – 2-3 tablespoons.


  1. Peel the apples, cut into slices, place in a multicooker bowl, add water.
  2. Simmer for 40 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
  3. At the end of the process, drain the juice and leave the contents to cool along with the bowl.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a blender, add honey, and grind to a puree consistency.
  5. Dry the resulting jam in the oven or on the windowsill until ready.

How to cook marshmallows in the oven

  1. Peel enough apples to fit into a 5 liter saucepan.
  2. Pour in 1 glass of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar or honey.
  4. Boil until the consistency of porridge, then grind with a blender and cook until thick.
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool.
  6. Place the apples on a baking sheet with parchment in a layer no more than 0.5 centimeters thick.
  7. Turn on the upper and lower heating in the oven (ideally, the “Convection” mode), set the temperature to 80 to 90 °C. Attention! Open the oven door slightly.
  8. Dry for 3-4 hours. If you lower the temperature to 50 - 60 °C, the cooking time will increase by 1 - 2 hours, but more nutrients will be retained in the delicacy.
  9. If the cutlery does not stick to the pastille, then the dish is ready.
  10. Cool and cut into several pieces, then roll into a tube.

Homemade marshmallow in the dryer


  • Apples – 2 kg;
  • Beet sugar – 0.2 kg;
  • Cinnamon to taste.


  1. Peel the apples and chop them using any available method (blender, food processor with fine holes). Add sugar and cinnamon, mix ingredients.
  2. Dry the resulting mass in the oven. Grease parchment paper with vegetable oil and spread a thin layer of applesauce.
  3. Set the maximum temperature, move the baking sheet from tier to tier every hour.
  4. Cooking time is from 6 to 9 hours depending on the variety of apples and the technical features of the dryer.
  5. When finished, roll the pastille into a tube or cut into pieces.


Calorie content of marshmallows

People who control weight or are in the process of losing it worry about the caloric content of their diet. Remember, the energy value of homemade marshmallows differs from store-bought ones - homemade ones have more calories.

For those on a diet, an adhesive-type product prepared using agar-agar will be useful:

  • Gelatin substitute has low calorie content.
  • A mixture of polysaccharides agarose and agaropectin increases the body's immune defense against viruses and bacteria.
  • An extract from red and brown algae helps remove waste, harmful substances and toxins.
  • Agar-agar improves peristalsis, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The cost of adhesive-type marshmallows on the market is higher than regular ones, but the low calorie content makes it dietary.

There are several tips that will make marshmallow an unforgettable treat.

  • For cooking, choose fruits that are ripe, sweet and juicy.
  • Add sugar only if the fruits are sour.
  • Please note that coarsely pureed fruit produces a denser marshmallow.
  • To prevent the product from sticking to a sheet of parchment, grease it with vegetable oil.
  • Overripe fruits are great for making thick purees.
  • Spread the mixture in a thicker layer in the center than along the edges.
  • One tray requires half a cup of applesauce.
  • The pastille is ready when it does not stick to your hands or cutlery. However, the rule is not relevant for all fruits.

Like all products, marshmallows have contraindications, but there are many more benefits. If you are moderate in your desires and carefully read the contraindications, consuming the delicacy will be safe and enjoyable.

Pastila is a sweet delicacy that for the last few centuries has traditionally been made mainly from whipped puree of apples, berries, and honey in a Russian oven.

A sweet treat can lift your spirits without adding extra pounds. If your favorite food is marshmallows, you don't have to worry about calories. Even girls who watch their figure are not afraid to pamper themselves with this dessert.

In addition to the pleasant taste, marshmallows prepared at home contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. If you don’t know what to make from apples in order to preserve all the beneficial properties, then marshmallows will be the best solution.

Owners can now prepare marshmallows at home in modern conditions, since this device comes with a special tray designed for preparing marshmallows.

A little history

Pastila, the composition of which has remained virtually unchanged since that time, appeared around the fourteenth century; residents of the Kolomna region began to prepare it. Like other sweets, pastila very quickly gained recognition, first in Russia, and then throughout the world. Belevsky sweets were also known. Thanks to such worldwide popularity, pastille has moved from the rank of dishes prepared exclusively at home to a product produced on an industrial scale.

Pastila was so popular in Rus' that in 2009, in the city of Kolomna, an entire museum dedicated to this sweet was opened. Many tourists come here every year to learn the history of the origin of this delicacy and, of course, to try real pastila prepared according to an old Russian recipe. And if you go to the city of Kolomna, the pastila prepared there according to an ancient recipe will definitely not leave you indifferent to it.

Previously, marshmallows were prepared from sour varieties of apples, with the addition of various wild berries, such as lingonberries, blueberries, garden currants, and raspberries. At a time when apple marshmallow was prepared exclusively at home, with soul, for sweetness and greater benefits for the body, honey was added to it. When they began to produce it industrially, they considered it more profitable to use sugar instead of honey. Factory-made marshmallow gets its white color thanks to the egg white it contains.

The original method of preparing homemade marshmallows in ancient Rus' was as follows: a mixture was prepared consisting of various berries and fruits, chosen to taste; sometimes nuts or sunflower seeds could be added. A mixture of berries and fruits was mixed with honey and placed on a baking sheet. After which, all this was placed in the oven and baked there.
Due to the fact that such sweetness can be stored for quite a long time, it was prepared in fairly large quantities for the winter. It’s so nice to eat a piece of sweet and also very healthy marshmallow on a cold winter day.

Now, the cooking process does not require so much time and effort. Thanks to progress and the invention of ever new kitchen appliances, any housewife can easily prepare any marshmallow without using a stove, as in ancient times, or an oven, cooking in which, although it takes less time, takes all the vitamins from the delicacy.

To quickly prepare a tasty and healthy delicacy at home, simply use a multifunctional fruit and vegetable dehydrator. Many housewives I know use this method. I also keep up with them. I recently bought one for myself, I must say, it makes me very happy with its ease of use and speed of preparation of the preparations I need.

It’s best not to be lazy and prepare this dessert at home. After all, now marshmallow manufacturers add too many various preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, and so on, which are absolutely not beneficial for health and figure. In addition, in the composition of modern marshmallows, unlike the original recipe, flour, eggs and sugar are now added, which can have a detrimental effect on the figure, and the benefits of the marshmallow are lost.

Useful properties of marshmallows

Real homemade marshmallow contains many useful substances, such as fiber and pectin and, of course, vitamins. The content of specific vitamins depends on what exactly you will prepare this delicacy from.
It is best to prepare marshmallows by choosing several types of berries or fruits, seasoning them with honey, and you can add one or more types of nuts. Thanks to this set, you will create a very tasty and incredibly healthy dessert.

Homemade marshmallow made from such products will charge the body with energy due to its fiber content, protect against stress and infections due to a large amount of natural vitamins, and will lift your spirits because it will contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps cope with stress.

It is recommended to eat homemade marshmallow not only as a dessert, but also as a source of vitamins and fiber, due to the fact that during the process of preparing homemade marshmallow, all vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it.

But constant consumption of marshmallows can also have a negative effect on the body, in particular on teeth and blood sugar levels. Therefore, you need to know moderation in everything. The right decision would be to eat a few pieces of homemade marshmallows during breakfast. All the calories received in the morning will easily be burned during the day's efforts.

Cooking marshmallows at home

There are many recipes for preparing this delicacy, from completely different products. You can make it from just one type of berry or fruit, or you can mix several. It all depends on your taste preferences and capabilities. Here are some recipes on how to make marshmallows at home.

Apple Belevskaya marshmallow

This type of marshmallow is prepared in the Tula region from Antonovka. Often the delicacy is made in layers in the form of rolls. This is practically the only type of marshmallow that is made from the pulp of baked apples. Belevskaya marshmallow is also known as Prokhorovskaya, after the name of its inventor Ambrosy Prokhorov. It was he who began to produce it in 1888 on his own dryer. It, of course, was far from the same as the Isidri dryer, but it allowed the merchant to open shops in several cities and write a scientific work.

Nowadays, marshmallows are produced on an industrial scale and are freely sold in stores. But you can feel the taste of a real apple miracle only by preparing it yourself. Pastila at home will come out the same as in ancient times.

To prepare this old recipe, you need to bake apples in the oven.

The fruits must first be washed with hot water, the seeds removed, and cut into slices so that they bake better and faster. When the apples are soft, they can be removed from the oven and allowed to cool.
You can leave the oven on low heat to keep it warm.

As soon as the apples have cooled, beat them with a mixer or blender until you get a puree. Then add egg white and honey there, to taste. Continue beating until fluffy.

We lay baking paper on a sheet and spread our fluffy puree on it. The layer should not be too thick, about a centimeter. Place the rest of the puree in the refrigerator. We will use it to make a layer for the marshmallow.

Place the sheet in the oven, leave on low heat for about five hours. It is better to leave the oven door ajar so that the marshmallow dries better. You can tell if the treat is ready by its stickiness. As a result, it should turn out almost non-sticky.

The finished pastille plate needs to be cooled slightly. After which you can either cut the sheet in half, and having greased one part with a layer from the refrigerator, cover it like a sandwich with the second part of the plate. Or, you can grease the entire sheet and then roll it into a roll.

Then place the sheet of marshmallow back into the oven. This time for two or three hours. When this time has passed, take the sheet out of the oven and leave the marshmallow to cool and dry in the fresh room air, for about ten or twelve hours.

It is clear that the cooking process is quite labor-intensive and takes a lot of time, but after trying your work of culinary art, you will understand that the result exceeds all expectations.

Here is another recipe for making homemade marshmallows:

Fruit and berry

To prepare it, we take fruits of your choice. These can be: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, oranges, tangerines. In general, everything your heart desires. You can make it only from fruits, or you can mix them with berries. The following berries are good for this: raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, currants, gooseberries.

Wash the fruits, remove the seeds. We do the same with berries. They need to be washed and be sure to remove the seeds if they are cherries, and the leaves if they are strawberries.

Honey. Add it to taste. It is imperative to take into account that some fruits and berries themselves are very sweet, and during the drying process, they become even sweeter. Therefore, there is no need to get excited with honey. If you or someone in your household is allergic to honey, you can use sugar, but it does not bring benefits, unlike honey.

Cut the fruits into fairly small cubes and place them in a saucepan or cauldron. The container should be the same as for making jam, that is, it should have a thick bottom and a sufficiently large volume. Add a glass of water to the fruit to prevent it from burning. Close the lid and place on medium heat. When it all boils, you need to add the berries, open the lid slightly and leave to simmer over low heat. Of course, don’t forget to stir so it doesn’t burn. You need to cook until you get a kind of puree. Then we leave it all to cool.

When the fruits have cooled, you need to transfer them to a sheet. It is desirable that it be wooden. Pre-lubricate the sheet with oil so that the finished pastille can then be easily removed from it. Place the fruit on the sheet and distribute it evenly so that the thickness is about a centimeter.

Place the sheet in the sun so that the pastille can dry. The drying process takes about a day, so to prevent debris and dust from sticking to the treat, it is better to cover it with gauze. After a day, when the top layer has dried, you need to carefully turn the sweet plate over and let the other side dry for the same amount of time.

All this can take much less time if you use a special dryer for fruits and vegetables. It is also great for making homemade marshmallows. As I already said, the Ezidri fruit and vegetable dryer helps me with this.

For those who love factory-made marshmallows

If you love the marshmallows sold in the store, but want to make it yourself, knowing exactly what it will contain, then this is the recipe for you.

For it you will need:

Pack of gelatin
.Fruit syrup or jam
.Isidri dryer

Dilute gelatin in half a glass of cold water and leave it to swell for about five minutes. Pour the pre-prepared syrup into the pan and add half a glass of water. Heat it all up over medium heat for about five minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly so it doesn't burn. Then turn off the heat and add gelatin.

Then beat the whites in a separate container. This should be done using a mixer or blender. You won't be able to do anything manually. Add the whipped whites to the rest of the now slightly cooled mass and beat it all well. When the structure is quite fluffy and thick, add vanillin and continue beating.

Grease the sheet with butter and line it with baking paper. Pour the prepared sweet mixture into it and distribute evenly. Leave it in the fresh air for several hours. But again, a fruit dehydrator can be used.

Now sprinkle the finished marshmallow with a mixture of starch and powdered sugar. We cut it into several pieces that are convenient for turning over, turn it over and sprinkle on the other side. Cut the finished yummy into small pieces that will be convenient to eat. At this point the delicacy is ready.


Marshmallow has long been used not only as a delicacy that is immediately eaten, but also as a tasty preparation for the winter.

In order for a tasty and healthy delicacy to be stored for a long time and delight you and your loved ones all winter, it needs to be thoroughly dried. To do this, you need to wrap it in gauze or other well-ventilated fabric and put it in a well-ventilated place. It is better to hang dry.
After a few days, you need to wrap the marshmallow rolls separately in gauze or cloth and put them in the refrigerator. You just need to make sure that the marshmallow is dried well; if this is not done, it may deteriorate during storage.

If there is enough space in the freezer compartment, you can arrange the marshmallows in several layers in a separate compartment. To do this, you need to cut the marshmallow into pieces convenient for eating and place them on a sheet or food paper greased with oil. Place another sheet on top, also greased with oil, put the marshmallow on it, and so on. With this storage, it is very convenient to take out a delicacy at any time and serve it on the table.

Making marshmallows at home, of course, takes a lot of time and effort. But all the time and effort spent is definitely worth what you get in the end. You will always have a ready-made, healthy and delicious treat on hand that you can pamper your beloved family with and will always have something to treat your unexpected guests. And the Isidri marshmallow dryer will help make the process less labor-intensive.

Pastila, prepared in the right way, retains all the beneficial substances contained in the fruits and berries from which it is prepared. Moreover, these properties do not disappear during storage.

In addition, unlike sweets that you can buy in a store, homemade marshmallow contains a maximum of substances and vitamins that are beneficial for the body, and consists only of natural products, carefully selected and prepared at home by you. A homemade delicacy prepared by you, which means with care and love. Therefore, it will give not only health, but also a lot of positive emotions.

I advise everyone to try this delicious and healthy sweet that will become your family’s favorite treat.

Katerina Shevchenko
