Vitamins for the skin of the body and face. Vitamins for skin elasticity Which vitamin ensures skin elasticity

Beauty starts from within. This is an axiom known to most of those at least somewhat interested in the topics of health and preserving youth. You can nourish the skin from the outside as much as you like, using a variety of fortified creams, but if there is a lack of certain substances in the body as a whole, this will lead to almost nothing and will give, at best, temporary and exclusively visual positive effects. The problem is that any cream can penetrate only the most superficial layers of the skin. To achieve a significant and lasting result, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively.

In addition, we must understand that the vitamins and microelements that we get from food are most often not enough to fully compensate for the body’s needs. And first of all, the substances obtained are not used for “cosmetic” purposes. And in order to make time turn back and bring back youth, special measures will be needed.

What vitamins are needed for firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face and body?

In order for the skin to look elastic and taut, it is necessary to ensure continuous synthesis and renewal of collagen and elastin fibers and timely removal of dying cells. To activate this process, coenzymes are needed.

So, for the normal course of all biochemical processes in the skin, the body needs:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) is one of the key vitamins that provides proper nutrition skin cells. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include the appearance of comedones (blackheads), ptosis and dry skin. Let us note that in the CIS countries, deficiency of vitamins A and C is especially common. This is due to stable eating habits and the quality of food consumed.

  • Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, promotes the absorption of vitamins A and E and counteracts skin aging.

  • Vitamin E - stabilizes and strengthens skin cell membranes, thereby preventing their damage. A powerful antioxidant that supports collagen levels.

  • Vitamin PP - helps blood supply to cells and ensures the delivery of oxygen to them.

  • Vitamin F - promotes skin regeneration, increases its local immunity.

  • Vitamin B2 - improves complexion, promotes normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, improves skin texture.

  • Vitamin B5 - helps remove toxins from cells.

  • Vitamin K - reduces swelling and age spots.

What else should you include in your beauty routine?

A key factor influencing skin elasticity is the normal synthesis of collagen fibers. One of the methods of stimulating collagen production is to eat foods and take dietary supplements containing proteins, amino acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

First of all, these are, of course, high-quality multivitamin complexes. An ideal complement to them would be a course of bovine or fish collagen.

Of course, collagen from a jar will not immediately become your own collagen, able to integrate into your skin. However, it contains all the amino acids needed to form your own collagen fibers. The optimal course of taking collagen is about three months. Ideally, combine collagen with hyaluronic acid.

In addition, it makes sense to alternate taking collagen with taking collagen production stimulants. These are silicon-based drugs. Some of the most effective similar drugs on iherb are Natural Factors, BioSil (also contains choline) and Jarrow Formulas, JarroSil (contains zinc and boron).

There are people for whom the release form is critical precisely because of the taste of collagen. In this situation, you can opt for collagen in capsules or tablets. Alternatively, you can try the same Neocell, Super Collagen + C, type 1 and 3, 6000 mg, 250 tablets.

The collagen generators in the table above are silicon preparations. The already named Natural Factors, BioSil and Jarrow Formulas, JarroSil are ideal.

There is also the most economical option - specialized multivitamins for skin, hair and nails. This “broad specialization” is due to the fact that to maintain the skin in optimal condition, we need the same substances as for the growth of healthy hair and nails. As a rule, such complexes contain vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and certain antioxidants. And the effect of taking them can also be quite noticeable. But we must understand that it is simply physically impossible to put truly optimal dosages of each substance into one tablet, so such multivitamins can be considered as a kind of half-measure. But in most cases, it is enough to take such multivitamins two or three tablets a day, so this option may be suitable for those who are not ready to drink dietary supplements by the handful and are looking for some more or less universal drug.

Some of the best according to reviews on iherb complex vitamins for skin, hair and nails - Nature's Bounty, Optimal Solutions, Hair, Skin & Nails, Extra Strength, 150 instant softgels (contains complex vitamins and minerals, choline, collagen, hyaluronic and alpha lipoic acids) and Solgar, Skin, Nails and hair, improved MSM formula, 120 tablets (contains vitamin C, silicon, minerals and amino acids).

The article was written for the website

Causes of dry skin

A sufficient amount of moisture in the body affects the normal functioning of the skin and its appearance. Lack of hydration leads to sagging, increased sensitivity and dry skin of the body.

Reasons why dry skin appears:

  • Violation of the drinking regime. In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water - 1.5-2 liters per day. The body needs this volume of fluid to replenish fluid losses during life. Lack of water directly affects the skin of the body.
  • Negative effects of the environment. The protective film of the skin suffers from ultraviolet radiation, cold winds in winter, sudden changes in temperature and unhumidified air. Such environmental conditions dry out the skin, causing it to age.
  • Climax. Age-related changes in a woman’s body, associated with the cessation of the production of certain hormones, are reflected in the skin of the face and body. Lack of estrogen causes dry skin.
  • Inadequate skin care. If you have dry skin, some cosmetic procedures are contraindicated. Intensive mesotherapy cannot be performed if dry skin is not sufficiently moisturized. Also, dry skin is caused by the use of alcohol-containing lotions and tonics, even best quality.
  • Poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet and in modern food leads to dry skin, because “we are what we eat.”

Essential vitamins for dry skin

Dry skin is clearly lacking some vitamins if it looks flabby, tense and flaky. In order for the skin to regain freshness, moisture, and slow down the aging process, it is necessary to increase the amount of vitamins that affect the normal functioning of the skin.

What vitamins does the body need if the skin is dry?

  • Vitamin A – affects the integrity and regeneration of the epithelium. Retinol protects skin from negative impacts environment, helps maintain moisture and elasticity. Due to a deficiency of this vitamin, some areas of the skin dry out: a rough, dry crust appears on the elbows, bends of the fingers and hips, and wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes.
  • Vitamin C is an essential beneficial substance for the entire body, including the skin. Ascorbic acid plays the role of a good antihistamine and antioxidant, participates in the formation of collagen fibers and promotes the healing of skin lesions.
  • Vitamin E. This substance is also called the “vitamin of youth”, as it fights skin aging and the formation of malignant tumors. Tocopherol prevents capillary fragility, promotes muscle integrity, neutralizes free radicals and ensures normal skin hydration.
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10). These vitamins take part in skin metabolism and redox processes. Vitamin B3 affects hair pigmentation. A deficiency of these vitamins affects the skin with cracks, pimples, spots, and brittle hair.
  • Vitamin PP - takes part in the redox reactions of the body, ensuring the balance of organic substances in skin cells.

Healthy foods for dry skin

The first thing you need to do to improve very dry skin is to saturate your body with vitamins from the inside. To do this, you should include in your diet foods rich in water, essential minerals and vitamins for dry skin.

What are the best foods to eat for dry skin?

  • Fruits and vegetables are yellow and orange. Such fruits contain a large amount of vitamin A. Eat carrots, pumpkin, melon, mango, papaya, and citrus fruits.
  • Avocado is a storehouse of antioxidants, including vitamins A and E. This fruit contains monounsaturated fats that regulate moisture levels in the skin.
  • Seeds and nuts. Flaxseeds and walnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3 and Omega-6, essential for skin. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which affects the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for skin hydration and elasticity. Any other nuts and seeds will also have a beneficial effect on dry skin.
  • Olive oil rich in vitamin E and healthy fats. It can be used both internally and externally.
  • Herbal teas. Replace coffee and black tea in your diet with calendula decoctions - this will help combat dry skin, as the herbs effectively moisturize the skin.
  • Fatty fish is a source of protein and Omega-3 acids. The meat of salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and herring contains vitamins A, E, D and selenium, which remove harmful substances from the body and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Water. A deficiency of this fluid leads to dehydration, which interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Water is the main nutrient for cells, tissues and organs, of which the skin is the largest. Drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day.

Vitaminized products for dry skin

Taking vitamins for dry skin of the face and body will help solve the problem of tight and flaky skin.

What vitamins should I take for dry skin?

  • Aevit is a complex vitamin preparation in capsules containing vitamins A and E. It has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect on the skin, improves blood circulation and the reproduction of epithelial cells.
  • Vitasharm – vitamins for dry skin in tablets. The drug contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6), A and PP. The vitamin complex has a positive effect on skin microcirculation, the formation of collagen and elastin, and improves the nutrition of hair follicles.
  • Revivona is a complex of vitamins B, A, C, D, PP and H. Contains iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, burdock leaf extract.
  • Revalid is a multivitamin complex for improving the condition of skin and hair. The drug contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, H, iron, zinc, copper, silicon, extract of sprouted grains and millet bran.
  • Perfectil is a vitamin and mineral complex. The drug contains beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, E, C, amino acids, selenium, silicon, chromium, iodine, burdock and echinacea extracts. The drug has an antioxidant, wound-healing and protective effect on the skin of the body.

Before choosing and using medications consult a cosmetologist or therapist

In caring for dry skin, it is useful to use creams, ointments and nourishing masks. Dry body skin quickly absorbs beneficial substances present in cosmetic products.

You can buy ready-made masks with the active composition or make them at home. Use such products only in freshly prepared form. clean skin. And change the composition of the masks every time - this will saturate dry skin with more nutrients.

Also massage your face and body. Such procedures help relax and tone muscles, tighten, smooth and reduce folds and wrinkles on the skin, and also improve blood flow to skin cells. Do a massage with rubbing and grabbing movements of your fingers, stroking and kneading the skin of the body. Facial massage should be done only along massage lines.

Preventing dry skin

  • Avoid prolonged skin exposure to sunlight without first using protective creams.
  • Protect exposed areas of the body (hands, face) from severe frost and wind.
  • Avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol.
  • Wash dishes using special gloves or rinse your hands thoroughly after.
  • Take a shower after swimming in the sea and pool.

Based on the condition of the skin of a person’s face and body, one can assess his health. The skin is the largest organ in terms of volume in humans. And this organ needs special care. And if the skin becomes dry, this indicates a lack of nutrients. Vitamins found in food or medications will help solve this problem.

There are three main causes of dryness:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • improperly selected care;
  • lack of nutrients in the body.

In all cases, the skin may suffer due to a lack of vitamins from food. The main components that should be present in the diet regularly are vitamins A, B, C, E. Let’s talk about each of them in order.

Vitamin A

This component is also called Retinol. Available in two variations:

  1. Ready vitamin.
  2. Provitamin (carotene). A plant source that, when supplied with food, is converted into the desired substance.

The daily requirement of vitamin A in a woman’s diet is 700 mcg, for a pregnant woman – 770 mcg (it must be used with care during pregnancy, since an excess is harmful to the fetus), for a nursing woman – 1300 mcg.

Products containing Retinol:

  • carrot;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • melon;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • grape;
  • melon;
  • beef liver;
  • milk;
  • egg yolks;
  • butter.

Necessary for the high-quality operation of all systems, as well as for the health of skin and hair. It starts the process of growth of new cells, thereby renewing the dermis. It has a beneficial effect on a woman's hormonal levels.

A deficiency of the substance provokes premature aging of the skin, its protective properties are destroyed, and peeling appears.

Vitamin B

Substances of this group have a positive effect on the growth of new cells, including the epidermis.

When food lacks this vitamin, problems with skin, nails, and hair begin.

Some of the group (for example B1) are able to be synthesized in the human intestine.

The B group of vitamins takes part in all metabolic processes of the body, therefore this component vital.


  • apricots;
  • tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • fish;
  • seaweed;
  • beans;
  • nuts.

If there is a one-time absence of a component in food, nothing pathological will happen to the skin, however, if these products are regularly neglected, problems may arise.

Vitamin C

Popularly it has a name ascorbic acid. Participates in cell regeneration, promotes the restoration of damaged tissues, and affects metabolic processes. Registered as food additives E300.

It is an excellent antioxidant of harmful substances in the body. The average daily dose is 100 mcg.

Products that are sources of the component:

  • citrus;
  • kiwi;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • all leafy vegetables;
  • offal (liver, kidneys);
  • potato.

Vitamin C perfectly fights infections, promotes rapid healing of skin wounds, and is beneficial for the skin of the face, hands and body.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful allergen, the use of which is recommended to be discussed with an allergist in order to avoid side effects.

Vitamin E

In medicine it is called Tocopherol. It is the most “feminine” vitamin that the weaker sex needs regularly. It is definitely prescribed by cosmetologists for increased dryness of the dermis.

Widely used in cosmetology, as a remedy. The daily dose for a woman is 500 mcg.

Removes toxins from the body, normalizes water and salt balance, and perfectly moisturizes. It is used as one of the main components in cosmetics for dry skin and is a preventive measure against wrinkles.

What food contains:

  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products.

Video: Important Features


However, a balanced diet will help dry skin maintain its functions without aesthetic damage:

  1. Presence of all in food needed by the skin vitamins will help speed up the metabolic processes of the main external organ.
  2. They will help in the speedy healing of microtraumas associated with dryness.
  3. They will give the dermis elasticity and nourish it.
  4. Improves the aesthetics of the skin.

Attention! To choose the most suitable complex for your type, it would be a good idea to consult with a cosmetologist. He appreciates her condition and will help you choose the most balanced diet and prescribe vitamins for dry skin.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

The condition of the epidermis will primarily indicate the absence or insufficient intake of nutrients.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

  • Loss of elasticity and turgor, peeling, itching, dryness.
  • Inflammation and acne may occur.
  • Formation of age spots.
  • Hair loss, poor growth of nail plates.
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles.

If the above symptoms appear, skin health should be addressed as early as possible. This will help avoid serious aesthetic problems.

How to take vitamins for dry skin

It is imperative to take vitamins for dry skin of the face and body. To do this, it would be a good idea to contact a cosmetologist who will select the most necessary products and diet for a particular case.

The problem should be dealt with comprehensively, dividing forces into three components:

  • diet,
  • vitamin complexes,
  • masks.

Balance your diet

To keep your skin healthy, you need to eat enough foods that contain the necessary vitamins. You should enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits, healthy vegetable fats, cereals, and animal products.

Impacting the problem from the inside will not give quick, but high-quality results. It needs to be maintained throughout your life, and this ensures that your skin will thank you with a healthy and radiant appearance.

Pharmacy complexes

In pharmacies you can find many vitamin supplements that are formulated in the best way to affect skin health. This medicine is best taken in the autumn winter period when natural sources of nutrients are significantly reduced.

Attention! The selection of drugs for treatment must be discussed with a specialist, since an excess of vitamins will harm without bringing any benefit.


For a comprehensive fight, face masks are also recommended. To nourish dry skin, it is enough to do them 1-2 times a week, subject to regular procedures.

With vitamin E

You need to take:

  • vitamin ampoule;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil.

Mix an ampoule of Tocopherol with a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese or sour cream, add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes.

With vitamin C

You need to take:

  • vitamin ampoule;
  • banana;
  • oatmeal.

Brew oatmeal with boiling water. Mix an ampoule of ascorbic acid with the fruit and add to the porridge.

You can also nourish the skin with any vitamin by mixing it with butter, oatmeal, banana or sour cream.

If redness, itching, or allergic reactions occur, stop the procedure and no longer use this mask.

Dermatologists are confident that dry skin needs regular care more than other types. This is explained by its weak protective properties and tendency to premature aging.

To prevent facial wrinkles, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Protect skin from exposure to external irritants. Frost, sun, wind, sea ​​water– are not friends with dry epidermis.
  2. Use moisturizing cosmetics regularly.
  3. Do not overdry your skin with running tap water. It is better to use distilled water for washing.
  4. Don't wash your face too often. Enough in the morning and evening, as well as in the presence of visible dirt.
  5. Use skin care products designed for this skin type.
  6. Visit a cosmetologist regularly.

Dry skin is the most vulnerable and sensitive. Daily care must include gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and nutrition. With proper care of the skin, it is guaranteed to reciprocate, delighting its lucky owner with beauty and health.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin is a reflection of the health of the body. Vitamin deficiency leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and flaking, as well as a gray and dull complexion. It is especially important for girls that their skin shines with beauty and health.

What vitamins are needed for the skin and why?

What vitamins does the skin need? All.

Medicine knows 13 groups that contribute to the normal functioning of the body:

What products contain

A healthy diet not only keeps your skin in good condition, but also cures many diseases.

To fully provide the body useful substances There are a number of foods you need to include in your diet:

  • green vegetables. The main thing is to eat them fresh; heat treatment significantly reduces the concentration of vitamins, since they are broken down at high temperatures;
  • meat products and seafood;
  • legumes to replenish group B;
  • dairy products to replenish vitamin D reserves;
  • eggs, tomatoes, melons, peaches contain a considerable supply of group A.

There is no need to say much about citrus fruits. They are full of ascorbic acid. This antioxidant is also found in black currants, cranberries, sauerkraut And bell pepper. Look for rutin (R) in walnuts, green tea and rose hips.

The best vitamin complexes for skin

Aevit is the simplest and most affordable drug. It is based on two vitamins A and E. The drug is suitable for preventive measures for skin and hair conditions. When using it, you need to carefully monitor your own feelings; if side effects are detected, stop taking it.

The price per package is 100-200 rubles.

Revalid from the manufacturer of the same name is considered a full-fledged complex drug. In addition to vitamins, it contains amino acids, minerals and plant extracts. It helps normalize metabolic processes, speed up healing of wounds and cleanse the dermis. Take the drug before or after meals.

Problems usually disappear within a month.

Before taking, you should consult a doctor, since the complex is potent and may cause allergic reactions.

The cost ranges from 300-450 rubles.

The drug promotes natural cleansing of the skin and its restoration, as well as improving the condition of hair and nails. The processing of fats and the digestion process in general are significantly improved. It is prescribed for poor nutrition, increased stress and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.

You will have to pay 250-500 rubles for packaging, depending on the type chosen.

External use of vitamins

The problem, as they say, needs to be solved on two fronts. It will not pass without active action. And regular care makes itself felt after a short period of time. The body always thanks for your attentive attitude towards itself.

For acne

Cosmetologists fully approve of the external use of vitamins. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and strictly observe the dosage.

Pimples and acne are one of the most common problems.

Vitamins of groups A, B and E help get rid of them. Citrus fruits help compensate for their deficiency.

IN emergency situations you can use a mask. The orange pulp is ground with a small amount of peeled cherries, a few teaspoons of corn or potato starch are added and allowed to swell for about 5 minutes.

The resulting mass is applied to the entire face and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

For rejuvenation

You need to mix a couple of teaspoons of ground oatmeal with kefir or homemade yogurt, add a little honey and 5 drops of vitamin A and E. Gently place the mixture on the face and décolleté, rinse off after 15 minutes warm water and apply daily care.

For oily skin

The shine of an oil lump indicates a B2 deficiency.

To tidy up the skin, grate fresh potatoes and add a teaspoon of lemon pulp and juice.

The mixture is applied to problem areas and removed after 15 minutes with cool water.

Regular use of this mask will regulate sebum production and eliminate unsightly shine.

For dryness

In winter, the dermis needs nutrition and hydration. Vitamins A and E will help fill it with healing moisture. Grate a small apple, add sour cream and 3-5 drops of oil solution. The mask is applied to the entire face and lasts for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

For pigment spots

Vitamin C lightens blemishes and acne well.

A tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream (proportion 2:1), and then a teaspoon lemon juice. The mask is applied to the required areas and kept for 20 minutes.

After waiting the required time, use a cellulose sponge to wipe the mixture and rinse off the residue with cool water.

Solutions and masks should be kept for no more than 20-30 minutes.

Symptoms of lack of vitamins for the skin

The body always gives a signal about a problem and a lack of something. Dryness, peeling and the appearance of new wrinkles indicate a deficiency of nicotinic acid and vitamins A and E. Fat content, on the contrary, indicates a lack of group B. Also, their deficiency makes itself felt as allergic dermatitis and the manifestation of hyperpigmentation. Inflammation and acne appear due to a lack of fatty acids (no matter how surprising it may sound). If your skin turns yellow, then it’s time to add B12-rich foods to your diet.

Dry skin on the body is one of the signs of a lack of a number of vitamins and minerals. There are certain drugs of this type that are designed to compensate for the deficiency of components in the body and deliver the necessary substances inside with maximum digestibility. Wherein characteristic feature Such preparations are labeled “for skin and hair,” that is, they contain to the greatest extent those elements that the body requires to maintain the health and beauty of these areas. But how effective is retinol acetate vitamin A and how to use it is described in detail

What vitamins to take

Modern pharmacology and cosmetology offers many options vitamin preparations. They can be of the external type in the form of special products for external use, as well as in the form of preparations for oral and injection administration. Looking at the most popular units, we can say that the oral and external type has been a constant success among users for many decades. But what vitamins are the most effective for youthful facial skin and what reviews there are about such a product, this will help you understand


Only the lazy don’t know about this drug. It comes in the form of capsules with a gelatin shell and an oil composition inside. The active components are vitamins such as A and E. This drug has an antioxidant, immunostimulating effect on the skin, and also helps improve blood circulation and has a stimulating effect on coli cells and their division.

These vitamins are presented in the form of convenient balls

It is noteworthy that women began to use this remedy not only internally, but also externally. Simply bite the capsule and apply its contents to areas with severe peeling and dryness. As a result, the condition of the skin in the area of ​​application improves, and inflammation and irritation are reduced.

This product often becomes a component of many homemade masks. They can also be used to complement store-bought skin care products.

But what are the most effective vitamins for strengthening hair and nails and how to use them?


This type of product is especially effective for dry hair. It contains components such as B vitamins, as well as PP and A. The composition helps improve blood flow, enhance blood supply to tissues and blood microcirculation.

This product can improve skin color

The same remedy helps accelerate and enhance the formation of collagen fibers, elastin, and also strengthen hair follicles. Produced in tablet form. But how effective Aevit vitamins are against wrinkles and how to use such products is indicated in great detail


Revinona is a vitamin and mineral supplement in tablet form. Contains:

  • Vitamins:
    • Group B;
  • Minerals:
    • Calcium;
    • Selenium;
    • Iron;
    • Zinc;
    • Copper;
    • Magnesium;
  • Burdock extract.

This composition helps to cope with the deficiency of vitamins necessary for the skin. Accordingly, the nutrition of the integument improves, dryness and defects caused by this symptom are eliminated.

But you can find out how effective castor oil and vitamin E are for the face by going to


This drug is a multivitamin composition that is used to improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails. It contains vitamins B, H, copper, iron, silicon, zinc, extracts of bran and sprouted millet grains.

Such vitamins can be used not only for the skin, but also to improve the condition of nails and even hair.

Helps restore the condition of the integument, nourish it and create conditions for tissue restoration and the production of necessary substances. That is, the drug affects tissue metabolism. But you can see how glycerin and vitamin E are used correctly for a face mask


This product is also a vitamin-mineral complex. In addition to B vitamins, the composition also contains D3, C, E, beta-carotene, amino acids, chromium, silicon, selenium, iodine, echinacea and burdock extracts. The drug has an antioxidant effect, helps accelerate wound healing, and also protects the skin. It is also worth paying attention to how effective

Such vitamins can very quickly ensure good skin tone and color.

Aekol and Menadion

The first is an analogue of Aevit, but is distributed in liquid form. Can be used both internally and externally. This is an oil solution that contains retinol with tocopherol, that is, vitamins A and E, as well as vitamin K. With the help of the product, it is possible to eliminate inflammation, wounds, cracks, burns, cuts, as well as any manifestations of dry skin. A notable feature of this product is its antibacterial effect on the skin. But what vitamin is missing when the corners of the lips are cracked and what can be done about such a problem will help you understand

The product can heal small wounds very quickly

Menadinone is a synthetically created vitamin K. It helps normalize blood circulation in the skin. With its help, injured, chapped and dry areas of the skin will come back to life.

Preparations in liquid form are generally intended for internal use, but they can easily be enriched in cosmetic products for the skin.

But what are the best vitamins for dry hair in ampoules?

Woman formula

This drug combines a lot of components necessary for the beauty and health of the female body in general and the skin in particular. In addition to vitamins, it also contains minerals and plant extracts. This product is used quite often in the presence of pathologies of a dermatological nature, which helps improve the condition and maintain nails and hair.

The product is very effective in combating dermatological problems.

Users noted that the composition is also used for general rejuvenation. It helped slow down age-related changes. But how effective a hair mask with dimexide and vitamins is is indicated in great detail

Complivit Radiance

This complex is quite popular in the fight against dry skin. It affects hair, nails, skin of the body, face positive impact and promotes structure alignment. As a result it improves general state, peeling is eliminated. If you believe the reviews, after several courses the skin is filled with beauty and radiance.

The composition is as balanced as possible and includes both vitamins and minerals, plant extracts, and antioxidants. In addition to peeling, this remedy helps to cope with swelling and heal wound surfaces. Distributed in tablet form. But how effective it is is indicated in great detail in the article at the link.

Solgar "Skin, hair, nails"

An interesting drug that received positive feedback from users. The composition contains vitamin C, a number of amino acids, sulfur, and red algae extract. If you believe the reviews, then after using the product the dermis became evenly moisturized and acquired an even and healthy complexion.

This product can restore skin tone in the shortest possible time.

Lady's Formula

Another cocktail of vitamins B, PP, A, D, C, amino acids, minerals and plant extracts. It is called an indispensable assistant in the fight against dryness and skin defects. it helps improve blood microcirculation in tissues, speed up its recovery, and restore a healthy and blooming appearance. It is used in the treatment of dermatological pathologies, as well as for dry, age-related, problematic dermis. But what a serum with vitamin C for the face is and what reviews there are about such a product is indicated in detail

Here is a description of the problem of dry skin: