Return luck conspiracy. When girlfriends *steal* luck. Put protection from negative influences. Why so unlucky

Kradnik rite of passage for good luck, money, health or youth. Each person has his own limit of luck, wealth, moreover, the assessment of the Higher Powers of the correctness of decisions and actions of a person goes just through the channels of money and good luck: noticing total bad luck or lack of money, a person begins to rush about in search of a way out, and sooner or later finds the right solution or an answer. Therefore, depriving a person of his benefits is, as it were, a lever that moves people to act in the right direction. To begin with, I will give a few rituals kradnikov.

If on the way I saw a man walking who is rich and noble, then a conspiracy is read in his back:

“Go, go, good, yes, follow the trail of a dog, Yes, along the edge of a wolf, along the field as a reaper, Through life with a cross, and on him as a merchant Bargaining is fast, but bargaining is black The word is not said, but paid with a dime Yes, I point to him, but I pull everything I want I drag myself, like a wolf I bite With a knife, I cut with a scythe, Yes, I break all the good on myself. We walked one way, but yours was divided. Amen. Say three times. Then they turn around, throw any coin on the ground and say: “Paid. Amen.” Leave without looking back.

The second rite - Peretyag with a stranger, on the street.

You can take almost everything in this way. Beauty, youth, health, wealth, respect-honor. And you can take it from anyone. Do you know this person or not. Bindings and other things are not needed. It was done both out of necessity and for the sake of punishment, and sometimes just like that. To do this, going out into the street, preferably where there are a lot of people, find the person from whom to take you will. If wealth, then a merchant (now it is a businessman or a business woman). If youth and beauty or health, then for a man, of course, a young healthy guy, for a woman - a girl that is suitable in terms of parameters. And follow the object. You need to walk in such a way as to completely copy the gait of the object. That is, step by step, movement by movement. Those. you have to become that person. Look at his back between the shoulder blades.

A woman (or a man) was walking with a bag and an empty pot. The bag is full of good and there is a hole in the bag. Behind her comes the devil, Good falls into the hole, the devil picks it up. , I’m a damn sister) (or brother) (my name) after you, the devil knows your name, I’m going, I’m taking your (what we’re picking up). (our name) (what we take away) a bag, to you, the devil knows your name, an empty pot. To me (your name) (for example: to get prettier and younger; to prosper and grow rich; to be healthy), to you, the devil knows your name, (for example: to wither and wither; go bankrupt and grow poor; get sick). From now on and forevermore. Men was - the devil was a witness to this, but this agreement was fixed. Amen.

Spit in front of you after the person, stamp your left foot. Turn around and go home without talking to anyone or turning around.

This rite seems to me safer, as well as the transfer of diseases and poverty to things - never the one who is not supposed to be punished will pick up a thing or money with a negative program at the crossroads! So in this rite, the choice that the person making this pull will make is intuitive, and in this case, the subconscious or AH will protect the person from dragging on himself from whom he doesn’t need, and whatever.

The third rite, which I want to lay out in this article, is suitable not only for taking money and good luck, but also for punishing your enemy, whose guilt is obvious. This rite is complex, and is not recommended for beginners. Also, before this ceremony, it is necessary to remove all protection from the person from whom you are “pulling”. To take away good luck for 13 years. You need to get a photo of the victim. Go to church, buy 13 large candles. Take the change, but take it to the crossroads and throw it away with the words:

“I took it for thirteen, but didn’t buy too much. Take the demon, yes, I’ll tell you what to take down. Amen"

At home they lay a white tablecloth, three letters are written on it with charcoal: R.A.Zh. From the bottom of the letters they write the name of the victim, even lower their name, even lower the name of the victim, but vice versa. They take a clean saucer, put a photo on it, put a stone on the photo. This plate is placed on the place where the letters are written. Arrange all 13 candles around on the table, and put them upside down, so that the inscription is the other way around, so that the bare wick is at the bottom and not at the top. Read the plot:

“Thirteen secret forces Thirteen virgin virgins Thirteen tearful icons Thirteen angels of God Thirteen legions of demons Yes thirteen secret forces Yes not of God Yes demonic Yes they are called by me now Yes bargaining is beaten by me Even with bargaining here good luck Yes (name) life is nimble Yes you manage your fate How much days, yes nights How many hours are allowed Yes, everything is said by you So days of tearful count Yes, days filled with happiness Yes, those days filled with happiness, at thirteen years old they will capsize and they are called by the name (name) and then his luck, yes, money path one flame was made in one year, yes, the year of my fate, then thirteen candles with a flame, and according to my strong fate, they will burn, then they will all be pulled upside down. Yes, good luck (name) is turned on me Amen.

All the candles are lit, no matter in what order. Then they take vodka, she needs to pour over the saucer where the photo of the victim and the stone are. Set fire to vodka, wait until it burns out, it will damage, scorch some of the victim's photo. When it's done then say:

“Thirteen flames, yes (name) with fire, yes everything is taken away, but it is thrown to me, but my share is harmonious. Amen"

Then they take the stone that pressed down the photo. When the stone is taken, they say:

“Thirteen candles are blazing, but luck is interrupted on me, so for thirteen years luck has been taken from (name), but it’s been cleaned with this stone, but the stone won’t come back, but luck will turn on me for thirteen years. Amen"


Candles burn out completely, a plate with ashes is carried and thrown under any bush. Take the stone and leave it on the grave with the same name as yours with the words:

“I interrupted myself, but took away at thirteen, and the dead man is now a watchman, and a reliable assistant. Amen"

Leave without looking back. In conclusion, I would like to say the following. Benefits and material values ​​are not distributed in this worldly life. The one who was ruined by kradnikov, he will get up and work out a positive for himself again, simply because the Will of the Higher Forces in relation to him is incommensurably higher than low motivations and human ambitions. They will take away luck in business from a person, he will sit for several years, think and find himself in something else. Either he will move to another place, with a warmer climate and a calmer life, or he will master another profession in which he can become more successful and rich. But will the thief who stole his luck be able to use it, and for how long will other people's blessings be enough for him in this life only the future will show. And everyone has their own. Because we make our future ourselves, with our own hands and moral efforts, that is, by working on ourselves.

A source:
Take the fortune from the rich
Kradnik is a rite of passage for pulling luck, money, health or youth. Each person has his own limit of luck, wealth, moreover, the assessment of the Higher Forces of the correctness of decisions and actions of a person

Conspiracies for good luck and money with a broom

A large number of signs and beliefs are associated with a broom among the people. A broom is a symbol of family well-being, health and abundance. But in order for this item to be useful, you need to know how to properly use its magical power.

How to properly handle a broom to attract good luck and money

  • The broom should be stored either in the kitchen or in the hallway. To stand or hang from the panicle up - this attracts money and good luck.
  • You can not step over a broom, you can lose your health and your luck.
  • You can’t take revenge on the same day with two different brooms - lose your financial well-being.
  • Don't let a stranger sweep your house - he will take your luck.
  • You can not sweep the garbage after sunset - you can sweep your bad luck.

With the help of a broom you can pick up luck, for example, from their own more successful and wealthy neighbors. To do this, you need to sweep at someone else's door. Revenge is needed from the threshold, while reading a conspiracy for good luck: "I take your luck, your health, your money for myself."

In the same way, you can get rid of your failures. To do this, you need to sweep at the entrance to your house. Garbage must be swept from your door to someone else's. In this case, you need to read the conspiracy: "Take away my problems, my illnesses, my failure and poverty."

There is another strong conspiracy for good luck and money with a broom. Buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep your entire apartment with it. Revenge is needed from the farthest corner to the threshold. In the process, you need to read the conspiracy: “I sweep out all the failures, illnesses and lack of money. With this broom and garbage, all misfortunes and troubles will leave me.

Garbage must be immediately removed from the house and burned. You need to throw a broom at the crossroads and go home without looking back.

These conspiracies and rituals will help you regain your luck, attract money and prosperity.

Always keep a new broom at home, not for cleaning, but to bring good luck. Keep it in a place of honor, and then it will attract to you what you want. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

A source:
Conspiracies for good luck and money with a broom
A large number of signs and beliefs are associated with a broom among the people. A broom is a symbol of family well-being, health and abundance. But in order for this item to be useful, you need to know how ...


Date of registration: 2010-05-22

On the growing moon. At midnight, take a bottle of water in a spring or stream, river. The next day, take and sweep the rubbish (there is not much dust), preferably in the apartment of a rich and successful person, but if this is not possible, then on the threshold of his apartment or the entrance to the territory of his house (gate, gate). It’s dust to pour, pour into the cracks on your threshold (in the cracks so that this dust doesn’t wash out and swept out especially) and sprinkle your threshold with water prepared from a bottle with a nine-fold slander: “Water the Queen is an ambulance, rinse, rinse, take away wealth and good luck from a slave (name), leave him all his sorrows and sorrows, and with your first drops bring his wealth and good luck and forever settle them in my house, do not return them to him forever and ever. May it be so!". Once a month, sprinkle the threshold with water from a stocked bottle with this slander.

If things don't work out, you're out of luck. Go where there is a rich court, where rich people live. Collect dust, rubbish there and at the same time say:

how I collected all this, took it into my hands

I still take a good share of gold strewn with my life.

how I will measure the path home, but according to my traces of good share.

Date of registration: 2010-05-22

So that the master would decrease, and you would increase.

When the money is in your hands, when the debt is repaired, then as you took his money from your hands, then whisper to yourself do it so that their ear does not smell it.

“It’s not you who give me, but then I take it for myself to kill you for a waste, everything is yours, I took your goodness for myself. Amen".

Thank him, tell him that you took him now, and then you will give back yours. Let your mind do it, the thought is what you said about money. When you leave, don't look back.

Whereas he gave money in debt, then go that night to cross the road. There, at the intersection of those roads, leave your black change. Lay on the ground. Then call on the one who counts, who is in sleep, must turn that circle. Don’t whisper, and don’t speak loudly to the thunderous rivers. The money that the little man gave in his left palm, holding it, hold it, do it:

“I call to nine, who knows the secrets of the commanded

Who misliny chelovechischi secretly knows

Who to all living al dead counts to keep

That nine, the brothers of hell, the underworld

Let them leave their dark mansions

Through the dark meadows, they make haste

Through the forests of the cursed groves you hurry here

Across rivers that are not drivers but full of tears

Hurry let them fix the fast one here

Yes, they will change places, like a month by the sun

Command, change places

That is a rich life, money, gold, silver

(name) led, but change was repairing

How did he give me money?

So let everything come to me

And gold, and silver, and other good

Quick move, from his hut, purse

In my good houses, in my purse

And you, brother of nine, create that contribution

And if the debt has a payment order

That agreement is created, he is his goodness to me

And he dashingly share, sumishu, gave me his own

And I will return the misfortune to Krivditsa to him, the reckless person Taki was created. Amen".

"You gave me, I took

what to give me, and what I myself thought to consume,

Kohl persuasion, it is necessary to give

That I give in exchange for yours, what is due to me from the ninth.

Everyone wants to be successful - in personal life, in work, in business. That is why many not only apply significant physical and mental strength to this, but are also interested in the issue of attracting good luck into their lives with the help of magic.

A conspiracy helps someone, a certain ritual helps someone. There are many ways to return luck, we will talk about them in this article.

Braided Magic Cord

An excellent magical talisman for good luck is a cord, which is very easy to make with your own hands. Take thick threads and weave a braid out of them. In the process of weaving, imagine yourself as a successful and lucky person. In weaving, threads of different colors should be used: yellow, green, blue, red.

The yellow thread symbolizes your health, green - wealth, blue - the achievement of goals, red - love.

The braid can be both colored and plain, it all depends on what exactly you want to achieve. The ends of the finished braid should be connected together to get something like a bracelet. The amulet should be worn on the left leg, on the ankle.

Ritual to attract luck

To attract fortune, perform the following ritual. Heap three tablespoons of salt on a small plate, then add three tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of rice grains.
Take a safety pin, open it and stick it up the hill. Put away the plate with all the contents at night where no one will find or see it. In the morning, pin the pin to your clothes so that it is invisible to prying eyes. Now you can safely send on your own business, which from now on will only be lucky and nothing else!

Spell for good luck with money

The simplest conspiracy for money is done on a coin. To do this, take a new shiny coin in your hand, place it between your palms, which fold as in prayer. Leaning your lips against your thumb, you must say:

“I blow off what hindered happiness, I attract money with good luck.”

The ritual must be done three times, each time taking a different coin. After, the charmed coins are taken to the crossroads, where they are quietly left.

How to return good luck and luck: the most powerful rite

Many famous magicians advise using this particular ritual, because it has great magical power. First you need to prepare - choose an intersection in the shape of the letter "X", where everything will be carried out.

The place should be crowded, but such that after the ceremony you don’t have to return to it on the way to work, study, etc., i.e. You can only visit it once. It is desirable that the road be unpaved, not paved, because the connection with the ground is important here.

When the intersection is selected, you can proceed to the next step - find a personal item, preferably expensive and of good quality. After that, the following steps are performed:

We cover the table with black cloth, put candles on both edges and light them;
We put the chosen personal item on the fabric and speak it with a prayer;

“Depart from me (name) troubles and misfortunes! Get out of me dryness, maeta, failures, monetary bad luck. I take off (name) from myself, shift it to (subject). May all my troubles and failures, dryness, maeta, monetary bad luck go away with this (subject). Whoever (object) takes, will immediately take all of you. Amen".

We wait for the candles to burn out (you can’t extinguish it yourself), then we take them out of the house and bury them in the ground, or throw them into the river;
We go to the crossroads and leave the charmed object in the center of the road. Whoever picks it up will take over all the failures.

How to return luck stolen by another person?

The constant fiasco in love or financial affairs of many suggests that luck has been stolen by someone.

Such cases are not uncommon: for this it is enough to take a thing spoken by a stranger, or simply become an object of envy. To cleanse yourself of failure, you should use this ritual:

We prepare in advance two church candles, an icon of the Virgin and consecrated water;
We put the icon on the table, light candles and read a prayer asking for patronage and blessing for doing business;
Prayer must be sincere, you can choose any words - the main thing is that they be said from the heart;
In conclusion, we thank the Mother of God for her support.

There is another, stronger rite, but for this you will have to visit the cemetery:

We go to the temple, there we get 2 candles;
We go to the cemetery, looking for a quiet place along the fence;
When the place is found, we put the candles on the ground, sprinkle them with holy water and say: “Luck is now with me, and failure is in the mud under our feet”;
We leave the cemetery immediately home. If you meet strangers trying to talk along the way, you should avoid communicating with them. It is best to be silent during the journey.

The cemetery has long been considered the most suitable place to get rid of bad luck, therefore, despite the gloominess, many magicians choose just such a ritual.

candle ritual

If you want to attract luck into your life that you need in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, try using a candle ritual. The color of the candle corresponds to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife:

Yellow or blue - health;
Dark blue - victory over enemies;
Green - money;
Purple - the acquisition of new knowledge and spiritual development;
Brown - professional success;
Red - love and passion;
White - the completion of an important matter, the acquisition of vitality.

A large candle should be taken with two palms. Even out your breathing, it should be deep and slow. Looking at the flame of a candle, you must clearly and clearly imagine what you want. At the same time, the candle will absorb the energy of your dream and give you confidence that it will come true.

Spell for good luck at work

On the day of closing a deal, signing an order, or solving any other important work issues, you should get up early at dawn, look at the rising sun, smile and say:

“The sun, shine from the sky, give warmth to the earth. And give me good luck so that my work succeeds. The sun, you are the source of life, the light of a bright stream.
Give me success to become the luckiest of all!

After the ritual, you can safely solve the most difficult tasks, negotiate, sign contracts, the outcome will be more than favorable for you.

Talisman for good luck

Get an agate crystal, rinse it under running water, light candles, take a stone in your hands and whisper three times:

“Protect and help from evil, bring me good luck”

After that, put out the candle, and carry the charmed pebble with you. When agate cracks or disappears, this does not mean that luck has left you, it is just that this stone has done its job - it has protected you from bad luck or misfortune, sacrificing its own strength. All you have to do is speak the new crystal.

Nowadays, conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck are often not taken seriously by modern people, and very much in vain. Ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves push away with their hands that which can bring them good. What many generations before them counted on are numerous prayers, for example, a prayer for good luck in love, which can be applied at home.

How to become lucky?

Who among us can confidently say that he can do without luck in his life? No matter how good a person is, no matter what abilities and talents he possesses, but in all his undertakings he needs exactly her - Lady Luck!

How to make luck always be on your side?

How to enlist the support of higher powers in any of your affairs? The solution is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract good luck are the most ancient and common types of magical intervention in the fate of a person.

Even our distant ancestors in dark and harsh times resorted to the help of shamans and sorcerers of the tribe. Before each outing of warriors to hunt or fight, they called on spirits to help and conjured good luck. So why don't you provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important business, like conspiracies that attract good luck?

A very great helper in matters of attracting good luck and luck is white magic. Conspiracies for good luck can be used independently by any of us without the obligatory magical preparation. For example, you are going to the government house. And there is constant red tape, shifting your pieces of paper from one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials. In this case, you will save time and nerves by reading the following conspiracy (read to yourself, holding the door handle of the government house):

“Protect me from evil deeds, and help me, and bring good luck”

If you need to negotiate with someone or you sat down at the gaming table and want to win, then you need to do so. Sit at the table at which the case will take place, pull it slightly towards you and whisper softly:

"All mine, all to me"

There are also ways to attract good luck through money. Find three shiny new coins that weren't issued in a leap year. Put them under the threshold so that they are not moved from there and not seen and say:

"Gold to gold, silver to silver, money to money to this threshold to this house"

Chinese ritual for luck

In China, there is a whole art that helps to attract good luck. The people here are very superstitious, and old traditions, magical rites and rituals still exist in the country. Therefore, if you have tried the methods listed above, but they were not the most effective, we recommend this simple Chinese rite. Its strength and power are simply colossal, and its effectiveness allows you to get answers to most of the questions that arise.

To perform the action, we need 3 candles (color does not matter; you can buy candles in Chinese shops or supermarkets), a fragrant lavender stick and a great mood. If you feel tired after a working day, angry, angry or resentful, then you should not experiment with performing the ceremony: you risk only making it worse.

Light the candles, then pick up a lavender stick, go around the table clockwise, here you need to read:

“I call luck to the house, I open the doors. And from now on, I suddenly begin to live differently ... There is wealth and love, luck has come to the house again!

After that, we carefully extinguish the candles, and leave the stick so that it burns out to the end, filling the house with the aromas of gentle French Provence. As soon as the wand goes out, global changes will begin in your life. Your task is to find them, notice them and use them correctly.

Good luck in business and business matters

To make a good deal or effectively resolve work issues, get up in the morning, look at the sunrise, smile and dare to read:

“Sun from the sky you shine, bring me good luck! Sun, you are the source of life, give me a lump of luck!

After that, you can safely go to any meeting (with a new partner, a serious boss, your boss, and so on).

In fact, there are a huge number of talismans that help build relationships with Lady Luck. It remains for you to try some, evaluate the effectiveness and constantly use such rituals that bring the most luck, luck, patience. And we wish you good luck!

Amulet to get your luck back

If earlier someone managed to take away luck, it can be returned using a braided magic cord. It is done as follows:

We take several thick threads of yellow, red, blue, green colors: they symbolize health, love, wealth and the successful achievement of goals;
We weave a braid from threads, presenting ourselves at this time as a successful and rich person, i.e. embodying in memory a picture of his happiness;
When the braid is completed, we connect the ends and tie at the ankle of the left leg. Wear it like a bracelet.

What can I do to bring happiness back?

Another rather strong ritual is performed on the third day of the full moon. It allows you to quickly return happiness, but it is not very easy to perform:

We dry dill, parsley and any other herbs;
We take an equal number of stems of each plant, make one bunch of them and set it on fire so that smoke appears;
If, along with the smoke, a fire appeared on the beam, we knock it down with holy water, without completely flooding the greens;
We consecrate ourselves and our home with smoke, while saying a prayer, without allowing stops;

“From the best herbs, I release smoke, bring luck, bored in vain to me. I call my own, I do not want someone else's. I urge you, I won't let you go anywhere. Be dear, be near. Amen".

When the entire beam burns out, open the windows to ventilate the house.

Such a ceremony can be performed no more than once a month, and then happiness and good luck will never leave. It is also allowed to be carried out at the workplace for the purpose of a successful career and a favorable completion of all affairs.

How to attract good luck in your personal life?

If for inexplicable reasons it is not possible to meet a soul mate, but there is a desire to start a family, you can use this ritual. For it you will need honey, 3 red small candles, a padlock and keys. How everything is done:

We open the lock, put it on the table in the open, leave the keys nearby;
We light all the candles, read a conspiracy to attract love;

“Show me, river, shallow shallows, secret fords, all your approaches, all bridges! So that I (name) do not be afraid of deep water, so that black troubles pass me, so that the road (point the way, for example, to a successful arrangement of my personal life) is kind to me, so that sorrows and anxieties disappear. Plant, river, a dashing share in an iron cage, do not forget to lock it with a faithful key. To me (name) - honey and sweetness, to all villains - fly in the ointment. And it will be so forever and ever. Amen".

We say a prayer until the candles burn out;
At the end, we smear the castle with honey and go to the river, having previously closed it with a key;
Three times we pronounce a conspiracy to love, then we throw the castle into the water;
We hide the keys in a secluded place at home, leaving one of them with us. We carry it with us constantly;
When the pair is found, the hidden keys are also thrown into the river. We continue to carry the remaining one with us, without showing it to other people and without giving it to anyone.

Many have experienced drastic changes in their lives, not for the better. And all attempts to change anything are futile. It seems that work is going on, and money is coming into the house, but I did not have time to take it in my hands, but they, like water, left. Most likely, someone stole your luck in business. How to find out that success was stolen if money started to have problems? White magic can help bring back luck.

To regain happiness, you have to work hard

Powerful Fortune Reversal Rituals

Black magic helps to take away luck and money. They take away success by force, weakening the energy first, and then change the positive energy to the opposite. They do this with the help of pads (spell things). In order to influence the victim, the sorcerer needs personal things or everything happens through close communication.

Impact options:

  • lining of spoken things;
  • through photography;
  • steal what symbolizes success and prosperity for the victim.

So there are several options.

  • You can return money luck using rituals without conspiracies. The power of thought is of great importance in this matter. You will need salt. It absorbs negative energy. By spreading it on all the window sills in your home, you can restore family well-being.
  • With the assistance of sea salt, you can independently return good luck and luck to the house. Put the black or blue container filled with salt in a dry place. Salt should be changed periodically.
  • To attract good luck and money in business, you need to carry its crystals in your wallet, changing every month, as their magical power dries up.

How to get back the luck that was stolen? First you need a little theory in order to figure out how and when this happened, at what stage of your life. It could have happened on purpose or by accident. There are people who take away success only with their evil, envious look. There are enough such people in life.

To regain happiness, you have to work hard. Since, in order to take it away from you, the magician replaced your positive energy with a negative one. Of course, being under the influence of evil intentions, spells, you were angry, frightened, upset, and luck does not dwell in an unfortunate body.

In order to return the stolen luck, it is advised to go to the temple and pray asking for guidance from the Virgin Mary. Be sure to purchase candles and a small image that will help to carry out the ceremony. At the end of each individual rite, candles are burned. The Mother of God for the blessing must be thanked without fail every time.

  1. Go to the necropolis, find a restroom there, having done a small need, say:

    “Luck is behind my back wings, and failure is dirt under my feet.”

    Then leave the churchyard as soon as possible, and not tell a single soul what they did. Then all the troubles will remain under the burial ground and will no longer bring harm to anyone.

  2. You need to get rid of the energy of the defeated ahead of time. To do this, at the evening dawn, collect a bucket of water and put it in the moonlight on a full moon. Bow to the water, so that you practically touch it with your lips and whisper incantatory phrases to it. Then douse yourself with this water from head to toe.
  3. At this stage, you need to return your positive energy. You will need to light 7 candles, set them in the form of a circle, stand in the center and read by the number of years lived:

    “I kindle the holy name and draw to me its power, powerful and pure. I call on the holy fire, I possess its strength and power. By the power of living, bright and native "

    You need to stand in a circle until all the candles go out, meditate, remember good light sensations and enjoy the moment. When the candles go out, you will feel complete harmony and happiness.

For the ceremony, you will need to light 7 candles, set them in the form of a circle

The final stage: a conspiracy how to return good luck. Spend on the third lunar day. At the dawn of a lunar day, light a bunch of herbs:

  • Dill;
  • basil;
  • St. John's wort;
  • tree.

Smoke yourself and the whole room with smoke, saying:

“I burn the herbs and release the smoke spirit from them, I call for help. Fly far, far away and invite my luck that yearns for me. I call for good luck for good deeds for myself, and for trading, as well as workers, those that have long been passed with it and are ready for new ones. I call on my fortune, I don’t want to let go back. She will only be with me. Amen!".

After the return of luck, you need to think about how to protect yourself there. First of all, this is correct behavior. You should never boast of your wealth, never tell anyone about your plans. Use any amulets from damage and the evil eye.

We intoxicate enemies

How to take away luck from the enemy? This method is good because you can punish the offender in this way. Perform a ritual on a photo of a person. An inverted cross is drawn on it with their blood, black icons are placed on black tablecloths, or the icon of the Savior is turned over. Light a candle and read a special rite of summoning unclean spirits 13 times. After the photo with a ransom, burn it, take the ashes to the crossroads, thank the spirits and Satan, and cross yourself with an inverted cross.

Often luck is taken away not only by enemies, but also by best friends. Probably, almost every woman has a friend who comes and laments that everything is bad with her, and the next day the woman herself quarrels with her husband, and everything is fine with the friend and the family, and there is enough money, and everything is going well. And for some reason, a friend is already busy, and is in no hurry to visit. And there comes a feeling that a friend took away luck. Then she will have to be removed from the list of faithful and devoted friends. Good luck will return to you, you can attract it with the help of the rite.

Accordingly, we conclude that contacts with such a pseudo-friend should be limited, and even better, excluded altogether. In no case should she be allowed to vilify her things and not take anything from another. Be careful with gifts from such a person. When communicating, try to block the flow of negative information.

How to return luck to your life if it just turned away from you. This will help a few simple rituals that you can perform on your own.

Attracting good luck in the work of a conspiracy:

  • first scrupulously put things in order in the room;
  • at sunrise they put a candle on the table;
  • they light it only with the first rays of the sun and pronounce the necessary words.

With the help of the presented spell, you can lure luck not only to yourself, but also to another person. Sometimes the ceremony is performed if the wife noticed that her husband is not doing well at work.

During the ceremony, candles are lit only with the first rays of the sun.

Kradniki. How to protect yourself

The simplest method of self-protection against all kinds of influences is the use of amulets and amulets. For believers, icons serve as a talisman. Another method is to limit contact with evil envious people.

  1. The kradnik spell refers to programs sent using black magic. The most powerful thieves do this through some of the victim's belongings.
  2. The next thief of youth, beauty and health is often done by relatives themselves (grandmothers to grandchildren).
  3. Family wealth keeper. It can take the form of a gift, or is done in a family photo.
  4. Runic kradniks are also very dangerous. They are not so effective, but anyone, even a person you do not know, can create them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the theft of good luck, family well-being does not always benefit the performer. And often even vice versa. It must be remembered that if something has gone out of your life, it may not be necessary to return it, everything can be better, and you should not rush to return the luck taken away by witchcraft - soon evil will turn into evil.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, today will talk about how to return luck to yourself at home. Luck is needed in all areas of life. It is hard to sail in the sea of ​​life without this beautiful companion. Although this is not good, we are used to going to extremes. So, it is generally accepted in society that there is either no real witchcraft at all, these are stupid superstitions, and no more, or the second extreme - almost every second walks with damage. So, neither the first nor the second statement is true.

Effective magic, all the processes and results associated with it, is a reality. Whether you like it or not, it has flourished for thousands of years. As for the second statement, it is unlikely that there are so many people with magical damage, but this problem exists. But, there is a magical negative of a different nature. They can close life paths, or they can steal luck. So, our current topic is financial success in a person's life.

How to return good luck and luck in business with your own efforts

If the objective state of your affairs, as well as your intuition, suggest someone else's negative influence, you need to understand what kind of impact this is, and first of all, figure out if magical damage was inflicted for money luck and gets in the way of business. Strong damage to luck and luck in life is detected using diagnostics. Most often they do this with the help of a real magician or on their own on Runes or Tarot cards.

These divination systems are simple enough to be used by beginners in magic, but become more complex as the skill of the person using them increases. Tarot cards and Runes always tell the truth. Another question is how accurately you can interpret their answer. Before trying to return the luck stolen by witchcraft on your own, you need to make sure that there really is damage to money and luck.

Let's turn to the Runam luck diagnostic system.

There is a good method for diagnosing the presence of damage to luck, called "Rune Wax". This is a breakdown to detect spoilage. If in the layout in the first position there are such runes as: Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Laguz, Laguz inverted, then damage to luck and success is definitely present. The runes following these runes will indicate what the negative is affecting. If Eyvaz falls out first, this means that strong professional damage has been done by a sorcerer who is knowledgeable in his field. Another option is possible: it comes from a person pursuing his goals, having a personal interest, most likely through the mediation of a strong magician.

  • If Hagalaz falls first, we can talk about real damage to a person’s luck - an evil eye or a curse.
  • Turisaz in the first position indicates damage for the purpose of revenge.
  • Laguz - love magic, Laguz inverted speaks of cemetery damage - through dead water, earth from the cemetery.
  • The combination of the runes Eyvaz and Laguz also indicates the witchcraft of a love nature. If in the first position of the row there is one of the indicated runes, or a combination of them, this should be understood as an indication that the querent was magically deprived of luck, and care should be taken to return the stolen back.

If there are no indicated runes in the layout, then there is no damage. However, runes can indicate problems of a business, domestic nature, as well as health problems. When Odal is first in a row, followed by bad runes, this can be seen as an old corruption with roots in the past.

If, with the help of magical diagnostics, damage to a person’s luck was revealed, you should think about how to get rid of the negative, and how to return money luck to the house yourself if damage was done to lack of money, ruin, or poverty.

Return stolen luck and luck in money - a rite of attribution of negativity

Corruption, spoilage strife. It is easier to remove a fresh negative than an old one, and it is easier to get rid of amateur damage than one induced by a real magician for good luck and luck in money matters. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to offer you a magical ritual to return stolen luck by the method of attribution, with which you can quickly get rid of easy damage made for money. If the rituals are practiced in a complex way, you can also remove the old powerful damage for good luck in life.

The meaning of witchcraft ritual return of luck stolen by another person- the relation is that damage is shifted to the object, after which this object is taken to the crossroads. The first person who takes the item for himself also takes the damage done for good luck in human affairs. This is the difference between the relation and the translation, where, with the help of a witchcraft rite, damage is reset not to the first one, but to a specific person; thus, with the help of the transfer, you can also return the stolen luck and luck in money.

So, here is a magical ritual to return luck and get rid of bad luck.

Take note of the X-shaped intersection. It is not advisable to make a reference at your working intersection, choose one that you yourself will not go to. A Y-junction that looks like a fork will not work for this case. The intersection must be crowded. And one more condition, the crossroads in order to return the stolen luck to yourself should not be paved, since a connection with the ground is necessary.

For a witchcraft rite to return the luck stolen by witchcraft to yourself, you will need a thing. Some real magicians assure that the thing must certainly be new, and certainly expensive. I don't agree with this.

My opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is this: in order to independently return good luck for money, throw off monetary damage, or induced, you need a personal thing that has been in contact with you for some time, not necessarily expensive, but attractive, such that a person passing by wants take it for yourself. This thing must first be spoken for the return of good luck to your house. You need to do this at home, and then immediately take it to the crossroads. Such a thing should not be left at home.

For a rite to return stolen luck and luck in money, you will need the following materials:

  • piece of black cloth
  • 2 candles
  • object, which, in fact, will be a relation

Lay a cloth on the table (altar), put a thing, put and light candles to the right and right of it. On the subject, read the plot three times to return financial luck and money to the house. If you think that 3 times is not enough, you can read 9 times:

“Depart from me (name) troubles and misfortunes! Get out of me dryness, maeta, failures, monetary bad luck. I take off (name) from myself, shift it to (subject). May all my troubles and failures, dryness, maeta, monetary bad luck go away with this (subject). Whoever (object) takes, will immediately take all of you. Amen".

Do not extinguish candles, they must burn themselves to the end. Cinders, if left, must be taken out and buried, or thrown into running water. In a large city, sewage can act as flowing water. In order to return the luck stolen with the help of witchcraft by ritual, the charmed object must be immediately taken to the crossroads and left there, right in the center. Turn around and walk away. A ransom is not needed, no, the monetary rite works on the personal strength of the magician - the performer. Whoever picks up this item and leaves it for himself, he will pull over your failures and disasters.

Is it possible to return money luck to a person through relation?

Some of my, the magician Sergei Artgrom, clients consider it doubtful that during the witchcraft ritual to return money luck in business to oneself, that someone can pick up a thing lying at the crossroads. Moreover, next to coins or an open bottle of vodka (if the reference is made not on personal strength, but with the call of Dark Spirits, then the payoff is left immediately). Let me tell you, people are different. There are such specimens that even an old bucket will be brought home from the garbage heap, with iron motivation " Everything is good in business". So talk about a valuable thing! And more coins. Yes, almost a full bottle of vodka!

It is for such greedy people that these rituals for the return of financial luck are designed. And it is precisely thanks to them - greedy, stingy, prudent, greedy for gratuitousness, that it is possible, with the help of ritual attribution, to return the monetary luck taken away by witchcraft.

In addition, there are a lot of people who do not believe in real witchcraft at all, who have never been interested in this aspect of life, and who do not know at all about magical relationships for the return of financial luck to a person's life. These people will not have not only negative associations, but even the thought that a thing lying at a crossroads may contain danger. But, even if they heard something on this topic, they will still ignore it.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

And then there are a huge number of just greedy people. They, even if they heard about effective magic for a quick return of money luck, but at the sight of a valuable or simply good thing lying at the crossroads, they immediately become inveterate atheists, or experts on how such gizmos from witchcraft can be prayed for and sprinkled with holy water. Or for complacency they come up with excuses: “ maybe there is nothing on this thing, maybe someone accidentally dropped". And they still take the thing. Very soon result; in general, as I said, by making relationships in the complex, you can quite quickly return money luck if it was lost due to black magic.

The magic of luck and money - how to return luck and success in work

If you work with clients in business or in the service industry, luck is certainly needed. The induced damage to bad luck can be reset by speaking coins and taking them to the crossroads. The rite, which gives the magician-performer a chance to return the stolen luck and luck in money, should be carried out on a waning moon, at dead midnight (in the middle of the night: divide the time from sunset to sunrise in half).

“My poor, light, get off my ridge. Get off me, get off on a trifle. Who picks up a penny, he will take the poor from my backbone. Damn, damn, come get the pennies. As I said, so be it. Amen".

This is also a magical attribution, however, unlike the previous one, a rite of black magic. Before work, you need to call on the Dark Forces, right there, at the crossroads, leave a ransom. Do not forget to let go after the work of the Force.

How to return good luck in your personal life with a strong conspiracy

They steal not only monetary luck. For luck in love, in personal life, there are also many hunters. If personal life does not add up, try to make a ceremony to open the paths in love with a lock. Do a magic ritual on the growing moon. For a witchcraft rite, you need to have:

  • the padlock
  • keys
  • 3 small red candles

Put the lock open on the table, next to it - the keys. Light the candles and read the plot until the candles burn out. Therefore, in order to return good luck to your personal life with a strong conspiracy, take small candles. Then, when the candles are already burned out, smear the castle with honey, close it with a key, and carry it to the river. There, standing on the shore, read the same plot three times, and throw the castle into the water. Carry one key with you, and keep the rest away from your eyes and store. When a noticeable stable result appears, throw the keys (except the one you carry with you) into the water.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend always wearing a strong Talisman that really brings money and good luck. The amulet attracts good luck and cash flows that used to go by. MONEY AMULET is made individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. Life luck will not interfere with every person, and an amulet to attract good luck and wealth will do well with this. LOOK ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE…

This is a good working ritual for the return of good luck in your personal life, one might say, universal. It can be used to open paths in any area of ​​life, be it personal life, career, financial sphere, to shift a stagnant business. But, I note that in any case, money will begin to flow to a person, no matter what specifically the witchcraft rite is done for. This is such a nice bonus.

How to return good luck and luck in business to the cemetery

If you have some experience working in a cemetery, try this method of resetting money damage. On the waning moon on Saturday, go to the cemetery. Find a grave with your name there and put a handful of coins on it, then read a magical plot that will help return financial luck and money to the house:

Return home according to the rules. This way of paying off money spoilage is good, effective. Checked many times. And simple.

Probably in the life of each of us it happened that it seemed that there was money, and the work brought pleasure, and then for no reason, like a black cat ran through. The man began to be pursued by continuous bad luck, and he immediately wondered how to return good luck? There are many methods to return good luck and money to the house. Black and white magic, conspiracies or banal positive thinking can help in this matter.

Man's attitude towards money

There is no person in this world who is not happy with money. And the more of them, the better. But not everyone understands how much negativity the phrases “This amount of money is only enough for survival”, “Money is constantly disappearing”, “Money is never enough” contain. Such thoughts, as it were, program a person for hopelessness. To return money to the house, you need to learn how to enjoy literally every bill, while not forgetting how good it is to be rich. And you must firmly believe that with your power of thought you will be able to attract good luck to your home.
Try to be among successful and enterprising people. They probably know how to attract luck. But in no case do not envy them. Being among such people, think that you are the same. Then the money will return to your home.

Reclaiming Good Luck with Feng Shui

To attract good luck, you can use the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It is a science that helps to make life more harmonious. Follow her simple rules, and luck will return to your home.
The first step is to remove bad energy from the house. An apartment or a house should be sowed with cleanliness. This is the main condition. If you don't do it, then you don't have to continue. Get rid of all unnecessary things in the house, especially damaged dishes and old clothes. Such things hinder the free movement of energy.
The main money symbol of Feng Shui is water. Therefore, it is necessary to tightly close the taps in the dwelling. This is how you keep your money. A fountain or an aquarium in the apartment will attract good luck.
The money tree will attract money to the house. Just do not forget to put a bill or a few coins under it. In addition, the tree needs care. Otherwise, it will be of little use.
Another talisman of Chinese teachings is a frog with three legs. Money will reach for the figurine of the toad.
There are a few things that are not allowed in Feng Shui. They belong to:

  • complete emptying of the wallet;
  • transferring money across the threshold;
  • cleaning bread crumbs with hands;
  • wearing leaky clothes;
  • whistle in the room.

Arrangement of the money zone in the house

According to Feng Shui, each dwelling is a living organism that has a certain relationship with the owner. Each area of ​​the house is responsible for the well-being of a particular area of ​​human life. To return the money to the house, you need to put in order the corresponding sector. Finding this area is quite easy. The money zone is located in the southeast of the housing. Check out this part of the house. If it seems to you that there are extra items or furniture, they should be thrown away, as they prevent the free movement of energy.
This area needs to be kept clean. Remove all unnecessary things and garbage from it. Some things should not be in this area:

  1. Antique items. Each of them has an energy field that changes when touched with different hands. But such things touched many people, respectively, they can interfere with the movement of monetary energy. Therefore, no matter how well antique things fit into the interior, they must be rearranged to another place.
  2. Bucket for garbage. It has a very bad effect on the monetary area, accumulating negative energy.
  3. Breakage. Around them is a field of failure. They broke once.
  4. Dried plants absorb positive energy.
  5. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the Chinese teachings, experts do not recommend keeping it in the monetary area.
  6. Fireplace. Since a fire burns in a fireplace, it is believed that a stream of cash can be burned in it. But you don't have to throw it away. You can simply put a small fountain on top or hang a picture that depicts a river or sea.

To activate the money area, you need to light it well. Then money and luck will be pulled into your home.
In some apartments, money zones fall into the bathroom. Of course, this cannot be changed. But you can fix the situation. Mirrors should be hung on the bathroom and toilet doors. They must be hung so that they do not reflect the front door and do not cut off parts of the head of people living in this apartment. It will not be superfluous to place bells in the bathroom. You can put red rugs in front of the entrance.
Ideal colors that attract luck would be green, blue, gold, lilac or black. And it is not necessary to paint the walls in these shades. You can simply pick up items of these colors and place them in the money zone.

Returning good luck to your home with coins

This ritual can only be performed in the evening, after the appearance of the moon. You need to take 7 coins and squeeze in your right hand. Then stretch out your hand, open your palm, point to the moon and hold for a few minutes. Then the coins must be put under the pillow for at least three days. After this time, you can draw coins and buy a candle for one of them. On Saturday evening, light a candle and place the rest of the coins around it. Wait for the candle to burn out.
Such simple ways will help bring good luck and money back to your home. Of course, there is no guarantee that they will help you. But it's worth a try, you have nothing to lose. And do not forget that the main principle is to respect luck.