Where to turn if the neighbor is a mentally ill. What if a neighbor suffers from mental disorder and is dangerous to others? What to do in an emergency

The tenants of apartment and private houses sometimes face various troubles from the neighbors. It may be smoking in the stairwell, and much more. But what to do if a mentally unhealthy person lives next to you?

Savory crazy, how to deal?

If you have suspicions that a person harms not just like that, but because unhealthy is mentally, then you can fight it. But this requires evidence. It is much more realized to find a board at him in the case when it interferes not only to you, but also to other neighbors. It is better to submit a collective appeal to a psychological dispensary.

Is it possible to call an ambulance brigade or an outfit if the patient threatens life?

Residents can contact the local prosecutor's office. In addition, they have the right to call an ambulance carriage.

Important! But for this patient's behavior, should pose a threat to life. If an inadequate neighbor is especially dangerous, grabs for the knife or heavy items, throws on people, then you need to call the police before the arrival of the carriage. The main task of police officers is to neutralize the patient waiting for physicians.

Statement of State in the Psychoneurological Dispensary - Sample


(name of the medical institution)

address: ____________________________

from ________________________________

(Applicant phio)


address: _________________________

Statement on psychiatric examination of the person without its consent

"A citizen N. For a long time, signs of mental illness are found."

In this part, it should be described in detail why this is the opinion that a specific person has a mental illness.

You need to list possible signs. It is necessary to indicate what actions are talking about the danger of citizen's behavior to the detriment of their own health or the lives of others. In addition, the reason can be called inability to satisfy the vital needs. It is worth noting that if the patient is not to provide psychiatric care, then it is possible to make serious harm to his health.

Then you should write what reasons prompted the applicant to resort to the help of a psychiatrist. Note what kind of relationships the applicant and the citizen needing in survey are associated. It may be related, service, and in our case neighbor connections.

Based on the above, in accordance with Articles 23-25 \u200b\u200bof the Law of the Russian Federation from "On Psychiatric Assistance and Guarantees of Citizens' Rights," I ask for a compulsory psychiatric examination of the in need of psychiatric examination and take measures to hospitalize it in a psychiatric hospital for treatment. "

Attention! The application must be attached to the documents confirming the commission of the actions that give reason to assume the presence of a mental disorder.

In this case, it represents the immediate danger of this person for others or even himself. In addition, a statement may be indicated by the helplessness of the patient or the inability to satisfy the necessary vitality.

Where to complain if a neighbor in the country's unhealthy schizophrenic? (Where to handle whether it is possible to do, or do you need to sell a cottage?)

If the neighbor in the country is worth accounting in a psychoneurological dispensary, then you need to submit a statement about the restriction of its capacity. The basis for initiating a case recognizing incapacity is a statement from the guardianship, relatives or psychiatric institutions. This application is submitted to the court at the place of residence of the patient, and if it is placed in a medical institution, then at the address of the location of the institution.

Citizens who behave inadequately scare people and often make harm. If a neighbor is a mentally ill person (there must be a certificate for this), it can be hospitalized on the appeal of neighbors. In case there is no reference, its behavior is considered simply deviant, so it is worth calling a precinct or police.

How to protect yourself from mentally unhealthy neighbors

First you need to learn all the information about the health of the neighbor. If the face is mentally unhealthy, he must have a confirmation of this. It is necessary that the confirmation is simultaneously medical and legal.

A citizen must be registered in a psychoneurological dispensary and observed with doctors. In addition, it is worth asked about the presence of a guardian from an individual (if it is, it means that the person is recognized as a court of limited or completely incapable). Assess independently information about the mental state of another person in a psychoneurological dispensary will not work, as the information is confidential. This can only be done with the assistance of law enforcement agencies. It is possible to fix the proof of the inadequacy of a neighbor using cameras (if such installed in the entrance).

In the event that the person consists in accounting in a psychoneurological dispensary and behaves buoyan - boldly cause psychabigid.

It is worth noting that it is better to write down all conversations with a citizen, so there will be evidence of inadequate behavior of the face.


With legal relations that arise in this field, the current regulator will be the law of the Russian Federation of 02.07.1992 (ed. From 03.07.2016) "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision." This law regulates the provisions that the medical examination can occur in cases where the person did not give consent, as well as the guardian.

To do this, there are certain foundations:

  1. The face is dangerous for others and himself;
  2. The person is helpless and satisfying the necessary life needs for it seems impossible;
  3. The face will harm if helping will not be given.

It is this regulatory legal act that law enforcement agencies and doctors will be guided by call.

It is worth noting that Article 25 of this Law enshrines the procedure for submitting an application and deciding on a psychiatric examination of the person without its consent or without the consent of its legal representative, which is a very important point.

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Where to complain if a mentally is not healthy

There are several ways to solve this problem. Among them, the most effective is recognized to appeal to the district or call the duty officer of the police (you can choose one of two). In case the neighbor insults, it hurts health or property - a statement is submitted to the police, where the party turned out to be issued.

This is necessary so that the face can prove, which appealed to the internal affairs bodies, but did not receive help (if this happens).

Another way is to challenge a psychabigade. This method is most relevant. Only thanks to he can neutralize a citizen.

Important! Only psychabigada can be hospitalized a noisy neighbor in the hospital.

An extreme case of solving the problem is a statement that the neighbors must submit to a psychoneurological dispensary. The application should be written in the name of the chief physician of the institution. After receiving a statement, the representative of the Medical Organization is an administrative lawsuit. After that, the court in the presence of legal grounds and sufficient actual data will decide on the hospitalization of the patient of a citizen.

After hospitalizing and passing a full course of treatment in the hospital, a citizen will still release home. Since no one has the right to hold it for a long time without a special judicial act. If there is a relapse, then it is necessary to repeat all the steps that have been taken before. After that, the noisy neighbor is hospitalized again. This is relevant if a person is really dangerous for others.

Most lawyers advise to fix and provide directly legal facts. This will refer to the records of the camcorder and voice recorder. However, the court himself will determine, take into account the records or not. The judge will definitely take them into account only if the person whose behavior was recorded in this way, it was according to it. If you fix cases of the inadequate behavior of the neighbor on the camera - the chances of winning the court session are significantly rising.

For information! The video will be useful for employees at once two instances: law enforcement agencies and medical workers.

If a neighbor disrupts silence after 23.00, then the police need to be caused in any case, since these are noise violations established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. In this case, it will be recalled from it also for this offense, the main thing to fix it through the preparation of the protocol. These legal relations are regulated mainly by regional administrative legislation, which enshrines the provisions that the person living in the MDC may (not exceeding the allowable noise level) to watch TV or, for example, listen to music until from 7 am to 23 pm.

However, this does not apply to citizens who are registered in a psychdisperess, since they are not attracted to administrative responsibility due to their insanity.

Check the video about what to do if your neighbor is a mentally ill

Good afternoon, Roman!

If your neighbor is a mentally unhealthy person, first of all, you need to know whether it is put on accounting in a psychoneurological dispensary. Then - did the doctor observed, whether he was recognized, if he had a guardian.

For different parameters, there are different ways to solve the problem. For example, if a person threatened with you a knife - this refers to criminal liability if a person is noise at night - administrative responsibility.

Find information about the disease of the neighbor

To deal with the problem of legal way, you need to collect as much information about a person. If possible, to discuss the situation with his family, find the guardian (if any), talk to neighbors around the house.

Contact the precinct - perhaps the complaints have already come per person. Submit a request to a psychoneurological dispensary - find out whether your neighbor is registered.

Record all conversations on the voice recorder

You need to collect as much evidence as possible:

The return of threats from the side of the neighbor will be needed in order to help the police, it is better to understand the conflict

If law enforcement officers did not come to a challenge - his recording will serve as evidence that you really called the police

If you decide to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint about the poor-quality work (or inaction) of law enforcement agencies - you will have proofs recorded on the voice recorder

If you call an ambulance - you will have information about the state of human health, which will be needed to appeal to the psychoneurological dispensary

As a rule, the dictator record can serve as evidence, but the court has the right to refuse to attract it to the criminal case:

If you have not warned a person that you are going to record a conversation (in fact, the voice recorder is interference in privacy)

If you did not specify when, by whom and under what conditions the record was carried out (clearly spoke your name, date and time)

If you do not have evidence to affiliate votes to persons participating in a conversation

Important: There is no unambiguous norms on the use of a voice recorder, so the question of its involvement is solved in each case. Be sure to indicate that the conversation was recorded for self-defense purposes.

The record must be provided on the cassette, despite the fact that now many courts use digital techniques for processing audio and video materials. If you used a voice recorder as a device for recording, it will be removed entirely as evidence. Transfer the record and on the digital media and on the cassette (just in case, in order to avoid failure to receive evidence).

Install the camcorder

The more evidence you have in your hands - the better. If you fix the inadequate behavior of the neighbor on the camera - you are more likely to win the court.

It is also useful for law enforcement officers and medical workers. For example, if the neighbor crossed the threshold of your apartment - it is illegal penetration and is prosecuted. If a person struck you - article 116 "beatings", which provides for various punishments, ranging from fine (up to 40,000 rubles) and ending with imprisonment for up to three months.

Talk to neighbor

Try to discuss the current situation with the neighbor - tell me that you are not satisfied, say calmly, without threats and insults. Perhaps a person will immediately go to contact, and you can settle the problem with peaceful way.

Important: Do not start a dialogue with a person if it is in an inadequate condition.

Talk to your parents (if they are)

Parents mentally unhealthy person has a legal right to the ward for compulsory treatment in a special institution. You can contact them if, after a conversation with a neighbor, no change has happened, and it continues to bring you inconvenience. It is not necessary that parents will live together with the child.

Important: If a neighbor does not pose a threat to himself or others, it cannot be put on forced treatment for a special institution without its consent or the consent of its legal representative (parents).

The problem may decide at this stage if parents agree to send the ward for treatment. To do this, they must inform the guardianship and guardianship authority at the place of residence of your neighbor about the country of consent to the premises of a person in a medical organization providing psychiatric assistance in stationary conditions.

Talk to the guardian (if any)

For each person recognized as incapable, the guardian is fixed. It may be a relative or a close person, or a representative appointed by the state. If, after a conversation with a neighbor, the situation has not changed, try to establish contact with its guardian. It is not necessary that he will live in the same apartment with the ward.

Important: If a neighbor does not pose a threat to himself or others, it cannot be put on forced treatment to a special institution without his consent or the consent of its legal representative (guardian).

The problem may decide at this stage if the guardian agrees to put the ward for treatment. To do this, he must inform the guardianship and guardianship body at the place of residence of your neighbor about the country of consent to the premises of a person in a medical organization providing psychiatric assistance in stationary conditions.

Sign up for reception to the district

If a mentally unhealthy neighbor is a danger to others, and the peaceful solution is impossible - you should contact the district.

Sign up for reception - Explain the situation, provide evidence (for example, writing threats and insults or recording from video surveillance cameras). By law, the precinct should come to a neighbor and check the charges you have.

Write a statement to the police

Write the application - set out the essence of the problem, describe the actions of the neighbor, list the threats and insults.

After accepting a statement, you must give a notice to you, in such a way, if the police do not respond to your call, you will have proof of law enforcement treatment.

Call the police

If you feel a real threat from a mentally unhealthy neighbor - for example, he tries to penetrate your apartment or harm you or your loved ones, immediately call the police (type 101 from a home phone or 112 from mobile). Specify the data - who took the challenge, this information will be needed if you decide to write a complaint against law enforcement agencies in the event that they do not arrive.

Important: Policyse will not be able to pick up an unbearable person, as it does not belong to criminal liability, but they will be able to cause psychiatric ambulance, which has the right to hospitalize the patient.

Call an ambulance

If your neighbor has an attack, he screams or threatens injury injury, but does not represent danger to others - call an ambulance (type 103 from the home phone or 112 from mobile). Be sure to fix the challenge, it will be necessary to compile the general picture of the disease.

Psychiatric examination can be made without the consent of the person or its guardian in the following cases:

If a person is dangerous for himself or others

If a person is helpless, that is, unable to satisfy the basic vital needs

If there will be significant damage without psychiatric help

If the district or police do not take any action

You have the right to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint against the actions of law enforcement agencies, if they do not respond to your challenges.

Provide documents proving that you called the police (for example, voice recorders), copies of written appeals to the district, coupons issued to you after accepting applications.

In the complaint, set out the situation with the neighbor, indicate how many times and when you called police or precinct (indicating names and surnames).

Apply to a psychoneurological dispensary

If neither one of the stages described above, you failed to solve the problem, the only way out remains - to receive permission from the court to the involuntary hospitalization of a mentally unhealthy neighbor.

Write a statement addressed to the chief doctor of the psychoneurological dispensary, where the patient was observed or to your district psychoneurological dispensary (in case the patient is not registered). To the application, make evidence of human insaneness. The remaining actions on the transfer of the case in the court takes on the precinct psychiatrist.

Important: It is not necessary that the court will give a decision on hospitalization.

If hospitalization did not help

After passing for forced treatment, a person will return to his apartment, and maybe he can again begin to deliver you inconvenience.

For re-hospitalization, you will need to re-repeat all the procedures - to talk to parents or guardian, sign up for reception to the district, call the police or ambulance or write an application to the name of the chief physician of the psychoneurological dispensary.

What to do Peterburgers, if a mentally unhealthy person lives with them in one entrance, whose behavior inspires concerns? This question "Dr. Peter" asked a psychiatrist with a 50-year experience of Oleg Aranovich. But he could sound differently: how not to become a victim of another Tamara Samsonova, accused of killing a 79-year-old girlfriend

68-year-old Tamaru Samsonov detained on July 27 on suspicion of murder with dismemberment of a woman - 79-year-old Valentina Ulanova, girlfriend and Samsonova neighbor. Her beheaded body was discovered in Kupchina. The investigation suspects Samsonov in committing more than ten murders. Psychiatrists suggest that she suffers from schizophrenia.

One of them - a psychiatrist's psychiatrist urban ambulance station Oleg Aranovich "Dr. Peter" asked what to do with Petersburgers, if a mentally unhealthy person lives in one entrance, whose behavior inspires fears.

Oleg Meerovich, the law "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" in essence protects only the rights of people suffering from mental illness. But it does not protect those who are near. Today it is very difficult to recognize the unhealthy person who has 50 cats in the apartment or 40 dogs throwing garbage under the door of the neighbor's apartment, because he allegedly harms him with the help of other forces. What to do?

Such inadequacy can be expressed in any way: a person in public places smiles unfortunately or angry, talking to himself, knocks at nights on the batteries of central heating, damping the whole house. If his behavior scares or interferes with neighbors, they can collectively contact a district psychiatric dispensary. It is assumed that the task of the district dispensary is concern not only about the health of a mentally unhealthy person, but also about the well-being of others.

The dispensary needs to be contacted in writing with a request to send a psychiatrist doctor to examine a particular person with a specific address. In this appeal, it is necessary to explain why such a need arose.

A collective letter with his signatures of neighbors in the site or house should be attributed to the head of the medical institution.

At the same time, the management of the dispensary independently solves depending on the level of the public threat emanating from the potential patient. If the appeal says that a woman looks at them with an unkind and spark, spits them under her feet or unrestrainedly sprievits, this is not a reason for visiting the doctor. If a person includes gas and forgets to turn it off, pours down the lower apartments, forgetting to close the crane, throws the garbage from the window, can send a doctor, and may not be sent. They say, such hooligan antics should be called the police.

In what cases is the appeal is considered unambiguously reasonable?

Only if the actions of a person are dangerous for himself or for others. For example, he will hit someone or threatens to someone and for these reasons were circulation to the police. Or maybe reports the intention to commit suicide. In these cases, the dispensary is obliged to send a doctor. At the same time, the appointment to the unscrupulous inspection should be signed by the district judge.

Suppose that the court sanctioned by the court is obtained for an unscrupulous inspection, and the doctor goes to our grandmother. Rings in the door, and in response - silence.

Or worse, because of the doors it is sent in an undefined direction. The doctor leaves - he fulfilled his mission. Act on the Council, which in such cases give law enforcement agencies ("catch" the patient when it comes out of the apartment) is ready to perform a rare doctor.

When can I call the police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the mind?

Call a police that would help the doctor to gain access to the patient, or MSH to open the door, a psychdispanceer doctor can only if the patient consists in accounting in a psychoneurological dispensary and its illness is known. But here the reason for interference in a personal life can only be, again, the threat of life and health. Also, the police: if a person meets such a person on the street, it will not be delayed - harmless. And the fact that he needs to be treated, no one bothers anyone, because the legislation allows him to give up treatment.

Neighbors will tolerate violating calm in a person's house until finally, he will not give an occasion to detention or does not happen?

Most often it happens.

In what cases can the "ambulance" may hospitalize the patient?

As I said, only if there is a threat to life or the health of the patient himself and others. "Ambulance" delivers him to the reception room of the hospital, where the patient is examined by collegially and decide on hospitalization. At the same time, the patient must sign agreement on hospital treatment. As a rule, they do not - refuse. Then the next day the judge arrives in the hospital, which, according to the results of a medical conclusion, authorizes hospitalization for 1 month. If during this time it is not possible to stabilize the patient's condition, the judge is called again, and its decision is extended.

Without a court decision, no one has the right to examine and treat a mentally unhealthy person, even if his unhealthy is striking.

© Dr. Peter http://doctorpiter.ru/articles/12319/

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My neighbor is psych: what to do if your neighbor suffers from mental disorder?

Neighbors is an important component of our everyday life, especially if you live in an apartment building. Surely those who have no problems with neighbors will want to challenge this statement. And only people suffering from the behavior of the neighbors will understand what is being in question.

Each resident of the house understands that joint, even if the separated coexistence is best done in the world and peace. However, this is not always possible. With harmful neighbors to solve conflicts and problems are quite possible, but what should I do if your neighbor really suffers from mental disorders?

Mental patients are calm and violent. From this, the type of their behavior depends. The first can deliver discomfort, periodically noise or storage in their apartment badly smelling objects. Of course, it is nervous, but also refer to such people need to be as seriously ill. If we talk about the buoy neighbors, then here we are talking about the security of you and your family members. An inadequate neighbor can spoil your property, attack you and harm health.

Contact relatives or guardians

Starting to defend their rights to a comfortable life with peaceful impact methods. If the unbalanced person lives alone, then try to push the moment when friends and relatives are visited, and talk to them. If guests rarely enter the neighbor, then find out whether he is careful, and refer to the guardian when it is presented. This person is responsible for the swelling.

Go to the cardinal measures

If you failed to negotiate, go to the "heavy artillery". In short, you need to assemble as a larger package of documents to confirm the inadequate and abnormal behavior of the neighbor. Of course, in our country, bureaucratic affairs always turn with difficulty, but the main thing is the result that is worth all the works.

What can be attached as proof of a mental disorder from a neighbor?

  • Photos, audio recordings and video materials, on which inadequate actions of a person are recorded;
  • Testimony of neighbors' witnesses;
  • Statements to the police of other neighbors;
  • Your statements to the authorities on the fact of abnormal behavior and discharge from magazines;
  • Acts of representatives of the house management on the fact of inadequate behavior from the property - the flooding of neighbors, the facts of fire, damage to the property, the contamination of the entrance and the local area, etc.

What to do in an emergency?

If a person makes unacceptable actions dangerous for your property, health or life, you should act quickly and decisively. You have two ways:

  1. To call the police - For the violation of the law enforcement of the female man will be taken to the department for clarifying circumstances. If police officers come to the conclusion that a person is incapacitated, they will pass it into the hands of the relevant authorities, most often these are psychiatric care for a psychoneurological dispensary. In this case, the neighbor will not be punished for his behavior, because in case of serious illness, it is not responsible for illegal actions.
  2. Call an ambulance- The usual ambulance will come to the challenge quite quickly, unlike a specialized career for people with psyche disorders. In addition, the latter can hardly go to the challenge, received not from a relative or guardian. Therefore, call us the usual ambulance, its experts themselves will turn into the appropriate service if necessary.

Do not be afraid to act

If a neighbor pins not only you, it makes sense make a collective complaint. Such a document is compiled by one person, but signed by all residents of the house. The complaint is sent by the district area at the place of residence and register. Also, a collective complaint should be sent to the guardianship authorities in the presence of a guardian's neighbor.

If a neighbor is a real threat to life, it is necessary to fight for its departation for a compulsible mental state and forced hospitalization. To do this, you will also need a collective complaint certified by the PNDA's head physician, evidence of inadequate behavior, certificate from the district psychiatrist about examination.